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+% This file is automatically generated by the "core dump funcdocs" CLI command. Any manual edits will be lost.
+Gets information about an Agent
+The valid items to retrieve are:
+- status (default) The status of the agent
+- password The password of the agent
+- name The name of the agent
+- mohclass MusicOnHold class
+- exten The callback extension for the Agent (AgentCallbackLogin)
+- channel The name of the active channel for the Agent (AgentLogin)
+Allows setting multiple variables at once
+The comma-separated list passed as a value to which the function is set will
+be interpreted as a set of values to which the comma-separated list of
+variable names in the argument should be set.
+Hence, Set(ARRAY(var1|var2)=1\,2) will set var1 to 1 and var2 to 2
+Note: remember to either backslash your commas in extensions.conf or quote the
+entire argument, since Set can take multiple arguments itself.
+Decode a base64 string
+Returns the plain text string
+Encode a string in base64
+Returns the base64 string
+Check if the callerid is on the blacklist
+Uses astdb to check if the Caller*ID is in family 'blacklist'. Returns 1 or 0.
+Gets or sets Caller*ID data on the channel.
+Gets or sets Caller*ID data on the channel. The allowable datatypes
+are "all", "name", "num", "ANI", "DNID", "RDNIS", "pres",
+and "ton".
+Uses channel callerid by default or optional callerid, if specified.
+Gets or sets Caller*ID presentation on the channel.
+Gets or sets Caller*ID presentation on the channel. The following values
+are valid:
+ allowed_not_screened : Presentation Allowed, Not Screened
+ allowed_passed_screen : Presentation Allowed, Passed Screen
+ allowed_failed_screen : Presentation Allowed, Failed Screen
+ allowed : Presentation Allowed, Network Number
+ prohib_not_screened : Presentation Prohibited, Not Screened
+ prohib_passed_screen : Presentation Prohibited, Passed Screen
+ prohib_failed_screen : Presentation Prohibited, Failed Screen
+ prohib : Presentation Prohibited, Network Number
+ unavailable : Number Unavailable
+Gets or sets a CDR variable
+ 'r' searches the entire stack of CDRs on the channel
+ 'u' retrieves the raw, unprocessed value
+ For example, 'start', 'answer', and 'end' will be retrieved as epoch
+ values, when the 'u' option is passed, but formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
+ otherwise. Similarly, disposition and amaflags will return their raw
+ integral values.
+ Here is a list of all the available cdr field names:
+ clid lastdata disposition
+ src start amaflags
+ dst answer accountcode
+ dcontext end uniqueid
+ dstchannel duration userfield
+ lastapp billsec channel
+ All of the above variables are read-only, except for accountcode,
+ userfield, and amaflags. You may, however, supply
+ a name not on the above list, and create your own
+ variable, whose value can be changed with this function,
+ and this variable will be stored on the cdr.
+ raw values for disposition:
+ 2 = BUSY
+ 3 = FAILED
+ raw values for amaflags:
+ 1 = OMIT
+Gets/sets various pieces of information about the channel.
+Gets/set various pieces of information about the channel.
+Standard items (provided by all channel technologies) are:
+R/O audioreadformat format currently being read
+R/O audionativeformat format used natively for audio
+R/O audiowriteformat format currently being written
+R/W callgroup call groups for call pickup
+R/O channeltype technology used for channel
+R/W language language for sounds played
+R/W musicclass class (from musiconhold.conf) for hold music
+R/W rxgain set rxgain level on channel drivers that support it
+R/O state state for channel
+R/W tonezone zone for indications played
+R/W txgain set txgain level on channel drivers that support it
+R/O videonativeformat format used natively for video
+chan_sip provides the following additional options:
+R/O rtpqos Get QOS information about the RTP stream
+ This option takes two additional arguments:
+ Argument 1:
+ audio Get data about the audio stream
+ video Get data about the video stream
+ text Get data about the text stream
+ Argument 2:
+ local_ssrc Local SSRC (stream ID)
+ local_lostpackets Local lost packets
+ local_jitter Local calculated jitter
+ local_count Number of received packets
+ remote_ssrc Remote SSRC (stream ID)
+ remote_lostpackets Remote lost packets
+ remote_jitter Remote reported jitter
+ remote_count Number of transmitted packets
+ rtt Round trip time
+ all All statistics (in a form suited to logging, but not for parsing)
+R/O rtpdest Get remote RTP destination information
+ This option takes one additional argument:
+ Argument 1:
+ audio Get audio destination
+ video Get video destination
+chan_iax2 provides the following additional options:
+R/W osptoken Get or set the OSP token information for a call
+Additional items may be available from the channel driver providing
+the channel; see its documentation for details.
+Any item requested that is not available on the current channel will
+return an empty string.
+Checks if domain is a local domain
+This function checks if the domain in the argument is configured
+as a local SIP domain that this Asterisk server is configured to handle.
+Returns the domain name if it is locally handled, otherwise an empty string.
+Check the domain= configuration in sip.conf
+Retrieves the contents of a URL
+ url - URL to retrieve
+ post-data - Optional data to send as a POST (GET is default action)
+Slices and dices strings, based upon a named delimiter.
+ varname - variable you want cut
+ char-delim - defaults to '-'
+ range-spec - number of the field you want (1-based offset)
+ may also be specified as a range (with -)
+ or group of ranges and fields (with &)
+Read from or write to the Asterisk database
+This function will read from or write a value to the Asterisk database. On a
+read, this function returns the corresponding value from the database, or blank
+if it does not exist. Reading a database value will also set the variable
+DB_RESULT. If you wish to find out if an entry exists, use the DB_EXISTS
+Return a value from the database and delete it
+This function will retrieve a value from the Asterisk database
+ and then remove that key from the database. DB_RESULT
+will be set to the key's value if it exists.
+Check to see if a key exists in the Asterisk database
+This function will check to see if a key exists in the Asterisk
+database. If it exists, the function will return "1". If not,
+it will return "0". Checking for existence of a database key will
+also set the variable DB_RESULT to the key's value if it exists.
+Get or Set a device state
+ The DEVSTATE function can be used to retrieve the device state from any
+device state provider. For example:
+ NoOp(SIP/mypeer has state ${DEVSTATE(SIP/mypeer)})
+ NoOp(Conference number 1234 has state ${DEVSTATE(MeetMe:1234)})
+ The DEVSTATE function can also be used to set custom device state from
+the dialplan. The "Custom:" prefix must be used. For example:
+ Set(DEVSTATE(Custom:lamp1)=BUSY)
+ Set(DEVSTATE(Custom:lamp2)=NOT_INUSE)
+You can subscribe to the status of a custom device state using a hint in
+the dialplan:
+ exten => 1234,hint,Custom:lamp1
+ The possible values for both uses of this function are:
+Do a DUNDi lookup of a phone number.
+This will do a DUNDi lookup of the given phone number.
+If no context is given, the default will be e164. The result of
+this function will return the Technology/Resource found in the first result
+in the DUNDi lookup. If no results were found, the result will be blank.
+If the 'b' option is specified, the internal DUNDi cache will
+be bypassed.
+Initiate a DUNDi query.
+This will do a DUNDi lookup of the given phone number.
+If no context is given, the default will be e164. The result of
+this function will be a numeric ID that can be used to retrieve
+the results with the DUNDIRESULT function. If the 'b' option is
+is specified, the internal DUNDi cache will be bypassed.
+Retrieve results from a DUNDIQUERY
+This function will retrieve results from a previous use
+of the DUNDIQUERY function.
+ id - This argument is the identifier returned by the DUNDIQUERY function.
+ resultnum - This is the number of the result that you want to retrieve.
+ Results start at 1. If this argument is specified as "getnum",
+ then it will return the total number of results that are available.
+General or specific querying of NAPTR records for ENUM or ENUM-like DNS pointers
+Option 'c' returns an integer count of the number of NAPTRs of a certain RR type.
+Combination of 'c' and Method-type of 'ALL' will return a count of all NAPTRs for the record.
+Defaults are: Method-type=sip, no options, record=1, zone-suffix=e164.arpa
+For more information, see doc/asterisk.pdf
+Initiate an ENUM query
+This will do a ENUM lookup of the given phone number.
+If no method-tpye is given, the default will be sip. If no
+zone-suffix is given, the default will be "e164.arpa".
+The result of this function will be a numeric ID that can
+be used to retrieve the results using the ENUMRESULT function.
+Retrieve results from a ENUMQUERY
+This function will retrieve results from a previous use
+of the ENUMQUERY function.
+ id - This argument is the identifier returned by the ENUMQUERY function.
+ resultnum - This is the number of the result that you want to retrieve.
+ Results start at 1. If this argument is specified as "getnum",
+ then it will return the total number of results that are available.
+Gets or sets the environment variable specified
+Evaluate stored variables.
+Using EVAL basically causes a string to be evaluated twice.
+When a variable or expression is in the dialplan, it will be
+evaluated at runtime. However, if the result of the evaluation
+is in fact a variable or expression, using EVAL will have it
+evaluated a second time. For example, if the variable ${MYVAR}
+contains "${OTHERVAR}", then the result of putting ${EVAL(${MYVAR})}
+in the dialplan will be the contents of the variable, OTHERVAR.
+Normally, by just putting ${MYVAR} in the dialplan, you would be
+left with "${OTHERVAR}".
+Existence Test: Returns 1 if exists, 0 otherwise
+Count the fields, with an arbitrary delimiter
+Filter the string to include only the allowed characters
+Gets or sets the global variable specified
+Gets or sets the channel group.
+Gets or sets the channel group.
+Counts the number of channels in the specified group
+Calculates the group count for the specified group, or uses the
+channel's current group if not specifed (and non-empty).
+Gets a list of the groups set on a channel.
+Gets a list of the groups set on a channel.
+Counts the number of channels in the groups matching the specified pattern
+Calculates the group count for all groups that match the specified pattern.
+Uses standard regular expression matching (see regex(7)).
+Implementation of a dialplan associative array
+In two argument mode, gets and sets values to corresponding keys within a named
+associative array. The single-argument mode will only work when assigned to from
+a function defined by func_odbc.so.
+Retrieve the keys of a HASH()
+Returns a comma-delimited list of the current keys of an associative array
+defined by the HASH() function. Note that if you iterate over the keys of
+the result, adding keys during iteration will cause the result of the HASHKEYS
+function to change.
+Gets IAX peer information
+If peername specified, valid items are:
+- ip (default) The IP address.
+- status The peer's status (if qualify=yes)
+- mailbox The configured mailbox.
+- context The configured context.
+- expire The epoch time of the next expire.
+- dynamic Is it dynamic? (yes/no).
+- callerid_name The configured Caller ID name.
+- callerid_num The configured Caller ID number.
+- codecs The configured codecs.
+- codec[x] Preferred codec index number 'x' (beginning with zero).
+If CURRENTCHANNEL specified, returns IP address of current channel
+Sets or retrieves a remote variable
+Converts charsets of strings.
+Converts string from in-charset into out-charset. For available charsets,
+use 'iconv -l' on your shell command line.
+Note: due to limitations within the API, ICONV will not currently work with
+charsets with embedded NULLs. If found, the string will terminate.
+Conditional: Returns the data following '?' if true else the data following ':'
+Checks if an Asterisk module is loaded in memory
+Checks if a module is loaded. Use the full module name
+as shown by the list in "module list".
+Returns "1" if module exists in memory, otherwise "0".
+Temporal Conditional: Returns the data following '?' if true else the data following ':'
+NULL Test: Returns 1 if NULL or 0 otherwise
+Hash the letters in the string into the equivalent keypad numbers.
+Example: ${KEYPADHASH(Les)} returns "537"
+Returns the length of the argument given
+Variables local to the gosub stack frame
+Tell if a mailbox is configured
+Returns a boolean of whether the corresponding mailbox exists. If context
+is not specified, defaults to the "default" context.
+Performs Mathematical Functions
+Perform calculation on number1 to number2. Valid ops are:
+ +,-,/,*,%,<<,>>,^,AND,OR,XOR,<,>,>=,<=,==
+and behave as their C equivalents.
+<type_of_result> - wanted type of result:
+ f, float - float(default)
+ i, int - integer,
+ h, hex - hex,
+ c, char - char
+Example: Set(i=${MATH(123%16,int)}) - sets var i=11
+Computes an MD5 digest
+Gets MiniVoicemail account information
+Valid items are:
+- path Path to account mailbox (if account exists, otherwise temporary mailbox)
+- hasaccount 1 if static Minivm account exists, 0 otherwise
+- fullname Full name of account owner
+- email Email address used for account
+- etemplate E-mail template for account (default template if none is configured)
+- ptemplate Pager template for account (default template if none is configured)
+- accountcode Account code for voicemail account
+- pincode Pin code for voicemail account
+- timezone Time zone for voicemail account
+- language Language for voicemail account
+- <channel variable name> Channel variable value (set in configuration for account)
+Reads or sets counters for MiniVoicemail message
+Valid operands for changing the value of a counter when assigning a value are:
+- i Increment by value
+- d Decrement by value
+- s Set to value
+The counters never goes below zero.
+- The name of the counter is a string, up to 10 characters
+- If account is given and it exists, the counter is specific for the account
+- If account is a domain and the domain directory exists, counters are specific for a domain
+The operation is atomic and the counter is locked while changing the value
+The counters are stored as text files in the minivm account directories. It might be better to use
+realtime functions if you are using a database to operate your Asterisk
+Runs the referenced query with the specified arguments
+Runs the following query, as defined in func_odbc.conf, performing
+substitution of the arguments into the query as specified by ${ARG1},
+${ARG2}, ... ${ARGn}. This function may only be read, not set.
+SELECT COUNT(*) FROM exgirlfriends WHERE callerid='${SQL_ESC(${ARG1})}'
+Fetch a row from a multirow query
+For queries which are marked as mode=multirow, the original query returns a
+result-id from which results may be fetched. This function implements the
+actual fetch of the results.
+Runs the referenced query with the specified arguments
+Runs the following query, as defined in func_odbc.conf, performing
+substitution of the arguments into the query as specified by ${ARG1},
+${ARG2}, ... ${ARGn}. When setting the function, the values are provided
+either in whole as ${VALUE} or parsed as ${VAL1}, ${VAL2}, ... ${VALn}.
+SELECT location FROM presence WHERE id='${SQL_ESC(${ARG1})}'
+UPDATE presence SET location='${SQL_ESC(${VAL1})}' WHERE id='${SQL_ESC(${ARG1})}'
+Runs the referenced query with the specified arguments
+Runs the following query, as defined in func_odbc.conf, performing
+substitution of the arguments into the query as specified by ${ARG1},
+${ARG2}, ... ${ARGn}. This function may only be read, not set.
+Count number of members answering a queue
+Returns the number of members currently associated with the specified queue.
+Returns a list of interfaces on a queue
+Returns a comma-separated list of members associated with the specified queue.
+Return Queue information in variables
+Makes the following queue variables available.
+QUEUEMAX maxmimum number of calls allowed
+QUEUESTRATEGY the strategy of the queue
+QUEUECALLS number of calls currently in the queue
+QUEUEHOLDTIME current average hold time
+QUEUECOMPLETED number of completed calls for the queue
+QUEUEABANDONED number of abandoned calls
+QUEUESRVLEVEL queue service level
+QUEUESRVLEVELPERF current service level performance
+Returns 0 if queue is found and setqueuevar is defined, -1 otherwise
+Count number of calls currently waiting in a queue
+Returns the number of callers currently waiting in the specified queue.
+Quotes a given string, escaping embedded quotes as necessary
+Choose a random number in a range
+Choose a random number between min and max. Min defaults to 0, if not
+specified, while max defaults to RAND_MAX (2147483647 on many systems).
+ Example: Set(junky=${RAND(1|8)});
+ Sets junky to a random number between 1 and 8, inclusive.
+REALTIME(family|fieldmatch[|value[|delim1[|delim2]]]) on read
+REALTIME(family|fieldmatch|value|field) on write
+RealTime Read/Write Functions
+This function will read or write values from/to a RealTime repository.
+REALTIME(....) will read names/values from the repository, and
+REALTIME(....)= will write a new value/field to the repository. On a
+read, this function returns a delimited text string. The name/value
+pairs are delimited by delim1, and the name and value are delimited
+between each other with delim2. The default for delim1 is '|' and
+the default for delim2 is '='. If there is no match, NULL will be
+returned by the function. On a write, this function will always
+return NULL.
+REGEX("<regular expression>" <data>)
+Regular Expression
+Returns 1 if data matches regular expression, or 0 otherwise.
+Please note that the space following the double quotes separating the regex from the data
+is optional and if present, is skipped. If a space is desired at the beginning of the data,
+then put two spaces there; the second will not be skipped.
+SET assigns a value to a channel variable
+Computes a SHA1 digest
+Generate a SHA1 digest via the SHA1 algorythm.
+ Example: Set(sha1hash=${SHA1(junky)})
+ Sets the asterisk variable sha1hash to the string '60fa5675b9303eb62f99a9cd47f9f5837d18f9a0'
+ which is known as his hash
+Executes a command as if you were at a shell.
+Returns the value from a system command
+ Example: Set(foo=${SHELL(echo "bar")})
+ Note: When using the SHELL() dialplan function, your "SHELL" is /bin/sh,
+ which may differ as to the underlying shell, depending upon your production
+ platform. Also keep in mind that if you are using a common path, you should
+ be mindful of race conditions that could result from two calls running
+ SHELL() simultaneously.
+Gets the specified SIP header
+Since there are several headers (such as Via) which can occur multiple
+times, SIP_HEADER takes an optional second argument to specify which header with
+that name to retrieve. Headers start at offset 1.
+Gets the specified SIP parameter from the current channel
+Valid items are:
+- peerip The IP address of the peer.
+- recvip The source IP address of the peer.
+- from The URI from the From: header.
+- uri The URI from the Contact: header.
+- useragent The useragent.
+- peername The name of the peer.
+- t38passthrough 1 if T38 is offered or enabled in this channel, otherwise 0
+Gets SIP peer information
+Valid items are:
+- ip (default) The IP address.
+- port The port number
+- mailbox The configured mailbox.
+- context The configured context.
+- expire The epoch time of the next expire.
+- dynamic Is it dynamic? (yes/no).
+- callerid_name The configured Caller ID name.
+- callerid_num The configured Caller ID number.
+- callgroup The configured Callgroup.
+- pickupgroup The configured Pickupgroup.
+- codecs The configured codecs.
+- status Status (if qualify=yes).
+- regexten Registration extension
+- limit Call limit (call-limit)
+- curcalls Current amount of calls
+ Only available if call-limit is set
+- language Default language for peer
+- accountcode Account code for this peer
+- useragent Current user agent id for peer
+- codec[x] Preferred codec index number 'x' (beginning with zero).
+Sorts a list of key/vals into a list of keys, based upon the vals
+Takes a comma-separated list of keys and values, each separated by a colon, and returns a
+comma-separated list of the keys, sorted by their values. Values will be evaluated as
+floating-point numbers.
+Gets information about speech recognition results.
+Gets information about speech recognition results.
+status: Returns 1 upon speech object existing, or 0 if not
+spoke: Returns 1 if spoker spoke, or 0 if not
+results: Returns number of results that were recognized
+Change a speech engine specific attribute.
+Changes a speech engine specific attribute.
+SPEECH_GRAMMAR([nbest number/]result number)
+Gets the matched grammar of a result if available.
+Gets the matched grammar of a result if available.
+SPEECH_RESULTS_TYPE()=results type
+Sets the type of results that will be returned.
+Sets the type of results that will be returned. Valid options are normal or nbest.
+SPEECH_SCORE([nbest number/]result number)
+Gets the confidence score of a result.
+Gets the confidence score of a result.
+SPEECH_TEXT([nbest number/]result number)
+Gets the recognized text of a result.
+Gets the recognized text of a result.
+Format a variable according to a format string
+Parses the format string specified and returns a string matching that format.
+Supports most options supported by sprintf(3). Returns a shortened string if
+a format specifier is not recognized.
+Escapes single ticks for use in SQL statements
+Used in SQL templates to escape data which may contain single ticks (') which
+are otherwise used to delimit data. For example:
+SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE baz='${SQL_ESC(${ARG1})}'
+Does a check on the specified file
+flag may be one of the following:
+ d - Checks if the file is a directory
+ e - Checks if the file exists
+ f - Checks if the file is a regular file
+ m - Returns the file mode (in octal)
+ s - Returns the size (in bytes) of the file
+ A - Returns the epoch at which the file was last accessed
+ C - Returns the epoch at which the inode was last changed
+ M - Returns the epoch at which the file was last modified
+Returns the current date/time in a specified format.
+Returns the epoch of the arbitrary date/time string structured as described in the format.
+This is useful for converting a date into an EPOCH time, possibly to pass to
+an application like SayUnixTime or to calculate the difference between two
+date strings.
+ ${STRPTIME(2006-03-01 07:30:35|America/Chicago|%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)} returns 1141219835
+Gets or sets timeouts on the channel. Timeout values are in seconds.
+Gets or sets various channel timeouts. The timeouts that can be
+manipulated are:
+absolute: The absolute maximum amount of time permitted for a call. A
+ setting of 0 disables the timeout.
+digit: The maximum amount of time permitted between digits when the
+ user is typing in an extension. When this timeout expires,
+ after the user has started to type in an extension, the
+ extension will be considered complete, and will be
+ interpreted. Note that if an extension typed in is valid,
+ it will not have to timeout to be tested, so typically at
+ the expiry of this timeout, the extension will be considered
+ invalid (and thus control would be passed to the 'i'
+ extension, or if it doesn't exist the call would be
+ terminated). The default timeout is 5 seconds.
+response: The maximum amount of time permitted after falling through a
+ series of priorities for a channel in which the user may
+ begin typing an extension. If the user does not type an
+ extension in this amount of time, control will pass to the
+ 't' extension if it exists, and if not the call would be
+ terminated. The default timeout is 10 seconds.
+TXTCIDNAME looks up a caller name via DNS
+This function looks up the given phone number in DNS to retrieve
+the caller id name. The result will either be blank or be the value
+found in the TXT record in DNS.
+Decodes a URI-encoded string according to RFC 2396.
+Encodes a string to URI-safe encoding according to RFC 2396.
+Return the Version info for this Asterisk
+If there are no arguments, return the version of Asterisk in this format: SVN-branch-1.4-r44830M
+If the argument is 'ASTERISK_VERSION_NUM', a string of digits is returned (right now fixed at 999999).
+If the argument is 'BUILD_USER', the string representing the user's name whose account was used to configure Asterisk, is returned.
+If the argument is 'BUILD_HOSTNAME', the string representing the name of the host on which Asterisk was configured, is returned.
+If the argument is 'BUILD_MACHINE', the string representing the type of machine on which Asterisk was configured, is returned.
+If the argument is 'BUILD_OS', the string representing the OS of the machine on which Asterisk was configured, is returned.
+If the argument is 'BUILD_DATE', the string representing the date on which Asterisk was configured, is returned.
+If the argument is 'BUILD_KERNEL', the string representing the kernel version of the machine on which Asterisk was configured, is returned .
+ Example: Set(junky=${VERSION()};
+ Sets junky to the string 'SVN-branch-1.6-r74830M', or possibly, 'SVN-trunk-r45126M'.
+Counts the voicemail in a specified mailbox
+ context - defaults to "default"
+ folder - defaults to "INBOX"
diff --git a/doc/asterisk.tex b/doc/asterisk.tex
index 27b063ff7..bc216ad67 100644
--- a/doc/asterisk.tex
+++ b/doc/asterisk.tex
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
\author{Asterisk Development Team \\ Asterisk.org}
-\title{Asterisk Reference Information \\ Version ASTERISKVERSION}
+\title{Asterisk Reference Information \\ Version SVN-trunk-r72921M}
@@ -108,11 +108,16 @@ reference purposes.
\section{Queue Logs}
-% Generate this using the "core dumpappdocs" CLI command that is present
+% Generate this using the "core dump appdocs" CLI command that is present
% when Asterisk is built with dev-mode enabled.
-\chapter{Application Reference}
+\chapter{Dialplan Application Reference}
+% Generate this using the "core dump funcdocs" CLI command that is present
+% when Asterisk is built with dev-mode enabled.
+\chapter{Dialplan Function Reference}
% This is a list of files not yet integrated into this document: