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2 files changed, 839 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/codecs/gsm/src/k6opt.h b/codecs/gsm/src/k6opt.h
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..16ea2ac8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/codecs/gsm/src/k6opt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+/* k6opt.h vector functions optimized for MMX extensions to x86
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1999 by Stanley J. Brooks <stabro@megsinet.net>
+ *
+ * Any use of this software is permitted provided that this notice is not
+ * removed and that neither the authors nor the Technische Universitaet Berlin
+ * are deemed to have made any representations as to the suitability of this
+ * software for any purpose nor are held responsible for any defects of
+ * not even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+ *
+ * Chicago, 03.12.1999
+ * Stanley J. Brooks
+ */
+extern void Weighting_filter P2((e, x),
+ const word * e, /* signal [-5..0.39.44] IN */
+ word * x /* signal [0..39] OUT */
+extern longword k6maxcc P3((wt,dp,Nc_out),
+ const word *wt,
+ const word *dp,
+ word * Nc_out /* OUT */
+ * k6maxmin(p,n,out[])
+ * input p[n] is array of shorts (require n>0)
+ * returns (long) maximum absolute value..
+ * if out!=NULL, also returns out[0] the maximum and out[1] the minimum
+ */
+extern longword k6maxmin P3((p,n,out),
+ const word *p,
+ int n,
+ word *out /* out[0] is max, out[1] is min */
+extern longword k6iprod P3((p,q,n),
+ const word *p,
+ const word *q,
+ int n
+ * k6vsraw(p,n,bits)
+ * input p[n] is array of shorts (require n>0)
+ * shift/round each to the right by bits>=0 bits.
+ */
+extern void k6vsraw P3((p,n,bits),
+ const word *p,
+ int n,
+ int bits
+ * k6vsllw(p,n,bits)
+ * input p[n] is array of shorts (require n>0)
+ * shift each to the left by bits>=0 bits.
+ */
+extern void k6vsllw P3((p,n,bits),
+ const word *p,
+ int n,
+ int bits
+#if 1 /* there isn't any significant speed gain from mmx here: */
+extern void Short_term_analysis_filteringx P4((u0,rp0,k_n,s),
+ register word * u0,
+ register word * rp0, /* [0..7] IN */
+ register int k_n, /* k_end - k_start */
+ register word * s /* [0..n-1] IN/OUT */
+#define Short_term_analysis_filtering Short_term_analysis_filteringx
diff --git a/codecs/gsm/src/k6opt.s b/codecs/gsm/src/k6opt.s
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..3be5c1853
--- /dev/null
+++ b/codecs/gsm/src/k6opt.s
@@ -0,0 +1,755 @@
+/* k6opt.s vector functions optimized for MMX extensions to x86
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1999 by Stanley J. Brooks <stabro@megsinet.net>
+ *
+ * Any use of this software is permitted provided that this notice is not
+ * removed and that neither the authors nor the Technische Universitaet Berlin
+ * are deemed to have made any representations as to the suitability of this
+ * software for any purpose nor are held responsible for any defects of
+ * not even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+ *
+ * Chicago, 03.12.1999
+ * Stanley J. Brooks
+ */
+ .file "k6opt.s"
+ .version "01.01"
+/* gcc2_compiled.: */
+.section .rodata
+ .align 4
+ .type coefs,@object
+ .size coefs,24
+ .value -134
+ .value -374
+ .value 0
+ .value 2054
+ .value 5741
+ .value 8192
+ .value 5741
+ .value 2054
+ .value 0
+ .value -374
+ .value -134
+ .value 0
+ .align 4
+/* void Weighting_filter (const short *e, short *x) */
+.globl Weighting_filter
+ .type Weighting_filter,@function
+ pushl %ebp
+ movl %esp,%ebp
+ pushl %edi
+ pushl %esi
+ pushl %ebx
+ movl 12(%ebp),%edi
+ movl 8(%ebp),%ebx
+ addl $-10,%ebx
+ emms
+ movl $0x1000,%eax; movd %eax,%mm5 /* for rounding */
+ movq coefs,%mm1
+ movq coefs+8,%mm2
+ movq coefs+16,%mm3
+ xorl %esi,%esi
+ .p2align 2
+ movq (%ebx,%esi,2),%mm0
+ pmaddwd %mm1,%mm0
+ movq 8(%ebx,%esi,2),%mm4
+ pmaddwd %mm2,%mm4
+ paddd %mm4,%mm0
+ movq 16(%ebx,%esi,2),%mm4
+ pmaddwd %mm3,%mm4
+ paddd %mm4,%mm0
+ movq %mm0,%mm4
+ punpckhdq %mm0,%mm4 /* mm4 has high int32 of mm0 dup'd */
+ paddd %mm4,%mm0;
+ paddd %mm5,%mm0 /* add for roundoff */
+ psrad $13,%mm0
+ packssdw %mm0,%mm0
+ movd %mm0,%eax /* ax has result */
+ movw %ax,(%edi,%esi,2)
+ incl %esi
+ cmpl $39,%esi
+ jle .L21
+ emms
+ popl %ebx
+ popl %esi
+ popl %edi
+ leave
+ ret
+ .size Weighting_filter,.Lfe1-Weighting_filter
+.macro ccstep n
+.if \n
+ movq \n(%edi),%mm1
+ movq \n(%esi),%mm2
+ movq (%edi),%mm1
+ movq (%esi),%mm2
+ pmaddwd %mm2,%mm1
+ paddd %mm1,%mm0
+ .align 4
+/* long k6maxcc(const short *wt, const short *dp, short *Nc_out) */
+.globl k6maxcc
+ .type k6maxcc,@function
+ pushl %ebp
+ movl %esp,%ebp
+ pushl %edi
+ pushl %esi
+ pushl %ebx
+ emms
+ movl 8(%ebp),%edi
+ movl 12(%ebp),%esi
+ movl $0,%edx /* will be maximum inner-product */
+ movl $40,%ebx
+ movl %ebx,%ecx /* will be index of max inner-product */
+ subl $80,%esi
+ .p2align 2
+ movq (%edi),%mm0
+ movq (%esi),%mm2
+ pmaddwd %mm2,%mm0
+ ccstep 8
+ ccstep 16
+ ccstep 24
+ ccstep 32
+ ccstep 40
+ ccstep 48
+ ccstep 56
+ ccstep 64
+ ccstep 72
+ movq %mm0,%mm1
+ punpckhdq %mm0,%mm1 /* mm1 has high int32 of mm0 dup'd */
+ paddd %mm1,%mm0;
+ movd %mm0,%eax /* eax has result */
+ cmpl %edx,%eax
+ jle .L40
+ movl %eax,%edx
+ movl %ebx,%ecx
+ .p2align 2
+ subl $2,%esi
+ incl %ebx
+ cmpl $120,%ebx
+ jle .L41
+ movl 16(%ebp),%eax
+ movw %cx,(%eax)
+ movl %edx,%eax
+ emms
+ popl %ebx
+ popl %esi
+ popl %edi
+ leave
+ ret
+ .size k6maxcc,.Lfe2-k6maxcc
+ .align 4
+/* long k6iprod (const short *p, const short *q, int n) */
+.globl k6iprod
+ .type k6iprod,@function
+ pushl %ebp
+ movl %esp,%ebp
+ pushl %edi
+ pushl %esi
+ emms
+ pxor %mm0,%mm0
+ movl 8(%ebp),%esi
+ movl 12(%ebp),%edi
+ movl 16(%ebp),%eax
+ leal -32(%esi,%eax,2),%edx /* edx = top - 32 */
+ cmpl %edx,%esi; ja .L202
+ .p2align 2
+ ccstep 0
+ ccstep 8
+ ccstep 16
+ ccstep 24
+ addl $32,%esi
+ addl $32,%edi
+ cmpl %edx,%esi; jbe .L201
+ .p2align 2
+ addl $24,%edx /* now edx = top-8 */
+ cmpl %edx,%esi; ja .L205
+ .p2align 2
+ ccstep 0
+ addl $8,%esi
+ addl $8,%edi
+ cmpl %edx,%esi; jbe .L203
+ .p2align 2
+ addl $4,%edx /* now edx = top-4 */
+ cmpl %edx,%esi; ja .L207
+ movd (%edi),%mm1
+ movd (%esi),%mm2
+ pmaddwd %mm2,%mm1
+ paddd %mm1,%mm0
+ addl $4,%esi
+ addl $4,%edi
+ .p2align 2
+ addl $2,%edx /* now edx = top-2 */
+ cmpl %edx,%esi; ja .L209
+ movswl (%edi),%eax
+ movd %eax,%mm1
+ movswl (%esi),%eax
+ movd %eax,%mm2
+ pmaddwd %mm2,%mm1
+ paddd %mm1,%mm0
+ .p2align 2
+ movq %mm0,%mm1
+ punpckhdq %mm0,%mm1 /* mm1 has high int32 of mm0 dup'd */
+ paddd %mm1,%mm0;
+ movd %mm0,%eax /* eax has result */
+ emms
+ popl %esi
+ popl %edi
+ leave
+ ret
+ .size k6iprod,.Lfe3-k6iprod
+ .align 4
+/* void k6vsraw P3((short *p, int n, int bits) */
+.globl k6vsraw
+ .type k6vsraw,@function
+ pushl %ebp
+ movl %esp,%ebp
+ pushl %esi
+ movl 8(%ebp),%esi
+ movl 16(%ebp),%ecx
+ andl %ecx,%ecx; jle .L399
+ movl 12(%ebp),%eax
+ leal -16(%esi,%eax,2),%edx /* edx = top - 16 */
+ emms
+ movd %ecx,%mm3
+ movq ones,%mm2
+ psllw %mm3,%mm2; psrlw $1,%mm2
+ cmpl %edx,%esi; ja .L306
+ .p2align 2
+.L302: /* 8 words per iteration */
+ movq (%esi),%mm0
+ movq 8(%esi),%mm1
+ paddsw %mm2,%mm0
+ psraw %mm3,%mm0;
+ paddsw %mm2,%mm1
+ psraw %mm3,%mm1;
+ movq %mm0,(%esi)
+ movq %mm1,8(%esi)
+ addl $16,%esi
+ cmpl %edx,%esi
+ jbe .L302
+ .p2align 2
+ addl $12,%edx /* now edx = top-4 */
+ cmpl %edx,%esi; ja .L310
+ .p2align 2
+.L308: /* do up to 6 words, two at a time */
+ movd (%esi),%mm0
+ paddsw %mm2,%mm0
+ psraw %mm3,%mm0;
+ movd %mm0,(%esi)
+ addl $4,%esi
+ cmpl %edx,%esi
+ jbe .L308
+ .p2align 2
+ addl $2,%edx /* now edx = top-2 */
+ cmpl %edx,%esi; ja .L315
+ movzwl (%esi),%eax
+ movd %eax,%mm0
+ paddsw %mm2,%mm0
+ psraw %mm3,%mm0;
+ movd %mm0,%eax
+ movw %ax,(%esi)
+ .p2align 2
+ emms
+ popl %esi
+ leave
+ ret
+ .size k6vsraw,.Lfe4-k6vsraw
+ .align 4
+/* void k6vsllw P3((short *p, int n, int bits) */
+.globl k6vsllw
+ .type k6vsllw,@function
+ pushl %ebp
+ movl %esp,%ebp
+ pushl %esi
+ movl 8(%ebp),%esi
+ movl 16(%ebp),%ecx
+ andl %ecx,%ecx; jle .L499
+ movl 12(%ebp),%eax
+ leal -16(%esi,%eax,2),%edx /* edx = top - 16 */
+ emms
+ movd %ecx,%mm3
+ cmpl %edx,%esi; ja .L406
+ .p2align 2
+.L402: /* 8 words per iteration */
+ movq (%esi),%mm0
+ movq 8(%esi),%mm1
+ psllw %mm3,%mm0;
+ psllw %mm3,%mm1;
+ movq %mm0,(%esi)
+ movq %mm1,8(%esi)
+ addl $16,%esi
+ cmpl %edx,%esi
+ jbe .L402
+ .p2align 2
+ addl $12,%edx /* now edx = top-4 */
+ cmpl %edx,%esi; ja .L410
+ .p2align 2
+.L408: /* do up to 6 words, two at a time */
+ movd (%esi),%mm0
+ psllw %mm3,%mm0;
+ movd %mm0,(%esi)
+ addl $4,%esi
+ cmpl %edx,%esi
+ jbe .L408
+ .p2align 2
+ addl $2,%edx /* now edx = top-2 */
+ cmpl %edx,%esi; ja .L415
+ movzwl (%esi),%eax
+ movd %eax,%mm0
+ psllw %mm3,%mm0;
+ movd %mm0,%eax
+ movw %ax,(%esi)
+ .p2align 2
+ emms
+ popl %esi
+ leave
+ ret
+ .size k6vsllw,.Lfe5-k6vsllw
+.section .rodata
+ .align 4
+ .type extremes,@object
+ .size extremes,8
+ .long 0x80008000
+ .long 0x7fff7fff
+ .type ones,@object
+ .size ones,8
+ .long 0x00010001
+ .long 0x00010001
+ .align 4
+/* long k6maxmin (const short *p, int n, short *out) */
+.globl k6maxmin
+ .type k6maxmin,@function
+ pushl %ebp
+ movl %esp,%ebp
+ pushl %esi
+ emms
+ movl 8(%ebp),%esi
+ movl 12(%ebp),%eax
+ leal -8(%esi,%eax,2),%edx
+ cmpl %edx,%esi
+ jbe .L52
+ movd extremes,%mm0
+ movd extremes+4,%mm1
+ jmp .L58
+ .p2align 2
+ movq (%esi),%mm0 /* mm0 will be max's */
+ movq %mm0,%mm1 /* mm1 will be min's */
+ addl $8,%esi
+ cmpl %edx,%esi
+ ja .L56
+ .p2align 2
+ movq (%esi),%mm2
+ movq %mm2,%mm3
+ pcmpgtw %mm0,%mm3 /* mm3 is bitmask for words where mm2 > mm0 */
+ movq %mm3,%mm4
+ pand %mm2,%mm3 /* mm3 is mm2 masked to new max's */
+ pandn %mm0,%mm4 /* mm4 is mm0 masked to its max's */
+ por %mm3,%mm4
+ movq %mm4,%mm0 /* now mm0 is updated max's */
+ movq %mm1,%mm3
+ pcmpgtw %mm2,%mm3 /* mm3 is bitmask for words where mm2 < mm1 */
+ pand %mm3,%mm2 /* mm2 is mm2 masked to new min's */
+ pandn %mm1,%mm3 /* mm3 is mm1 masked to its min's */
+ por %mm3,%mm2
+ movq %mm2,%mm1 /* now mm1 is updated min's */
+ addl $8,%esi
+ cmpl %edx,%esi
+ jbe .L54
+ .p2align 2
+.L56: /* merge down the 4-word max/mins to lower 2 words */
+ movq %mm0,%mm2
+ psrlq $32,%mm2
+ movq %mm2,%mm3
+ pcmpgtw %mm0,%mm3 /* mm3 is bitmask for words where mm2 > mm0 */
+ pand %mm3,%mm2 /* mm2 is mm2 masked to new max's */
+ pandn %mm0,%mm3 /* mm3 is mm0 masked to its max's */
+ por %mm3,%mm2
+ movq %mm2,%mm0 /* now mm0 is updated max's */
+ movq %mm1,%mm2
+ psrlq $32,%mm2
+ movq %mm1,%mm3
+ pcmpgtw %mm2,%mm3 /* mm3 is bitmask for words where mm2 < mm1 */
+ pand %mm3,%mm2 /* mm2 is mm2 masked to new min's */
+ pandn %mm1,%mm3 /* mm3 is mm1 masked to its min's */
+ por %mm3,%mm2
+ movq %mm2,%mm1 /* now mm1 is updated min's */
+ .p2align 2
+ addl $4,%edx /* now dx = top-4 */
+ cmpl %edx,%esi
+ ja .L62
+ /* here, there are >= 2 words of input remaining */
+ movd (%esi),%mm2
+ movq %mm2,%mm3
+ pcmpgtw %mm0,%mm3 /* mm3 is bitmask for words where mm2 > mm0 */
+ movq %mm3,%mm4
+ pand %mm2,%mm3 /* mm3 is mm2 masked to new max's */
+ pandn %mm0,%mm4 /* mm4 is mm0 masked to its max's */
+ por %mm3,%mm4
+ movq %mm4,%mm0 /* now mm0 is updated max's */
+ movq %mm1,%mm3
+ pcmpgtw %mm2,%mm3 /* mm3 is bitmask for words where mm2 < mm1 */
+ pand %mm3,%mm2 /* mm2 is mm2 masked to new min's */
+ pandn %mm1,%mm3 /* mm3 is mm1 masked to its min's */
+ por %mm3,%mm2
+ movq %mm2,%mm1 /* now mm1 is updated min's */
+ addl $4,%esi
+ .p2align 2
+ /* merge down the 2-word max/mins to 1 word */
+ movq %mm0,%mm2
+ psrlq $16,%mm2
+ movq %mm2,%mm3
+ pcmpgtw %mm0,%mm3 /* mm3 is bitmask for words where mm2 > mm0 */
+ pand %mm3,%mm2 /* mm2 is mm2 masked to new max's */
+ pandn %mm0,%mm3 /* mm3 is mm0 masked to its max's */
+ por %mm3,%mm2
+ movd %mm2,%ecx /* cx is max so far */
+ movq %mm1,%mm2
+ psrlq $16,%mm2
+ movq %mm1,%mm3
+ pcmpgtw %mm2,%mm3 /* mm3 is bitmask for words where mm2 < mm1 */
+ pand %mm3,%mm2 /* mm2 is mm2 masked to new min's */
+ pandn %mm1,%mm3 /* mm3 is mm1 masked to its min's */
+ por %mm3,%mm2
+ movd %mm2,%eax /* ax is min so far */
+ addl $2,%edx /* now dx = top-2 */
+ cmpl %edx,%esi
+ ja .L65
+ /* here, there is one word of input left */
+ cmpw (%esi),%cx
+ jge .L64
+ movw (%esi),%cx
+ .p2align 2
+ cmpw (%esi),%ax
+ jle .L65
+ movw (%esi),%ax
+ .p2align 2
+.L65: /* (finally!) cx is the max, ax the min */
+ movswl %cx,%ecx
+ movswl %ax,%eax
+ movl 16(%ebp),%edx /* ptr to output max,min vals */
+ andl %edx,%edx; jz .L77
+ movw %cx,(%edx) /* max */
+ movw %ax,2(%edx) /* min */
+ .p2align 2
+ /* now calculate max absolute val */
+ negl %eax
+ cmpl %ecx,%eax
+ jge .L81
+ movl %ecx,%eax
+ .p2align 2
+ emms
+ popl %esi
+ leave
+ ret
+ .size k6maxmin,.Lfe6-k6maxmin
+/* void Short_term_analysis_filtering (short *u0, const short *rp0, int kn, short *s) */
+ .equiv pm_u0,8
+ .equiv pm_rp0,12
+ .equiv pm_kn,16
+ .equiv pm_s,20
+ .equiv lv_u_top,-4
+ .equiv lv_s_top,-8
+ .equiv lv_rp,-40 /* local version of rp0 with each word twice */
+ .align 4
+.globl Short_term_analysis_filteringx
+ .type Short_term_analysis_filteringx,@function
+ pushl %ebp
+ movl %esp,%ebp
+ subl $40,%esp
+ pushl %edi
+ pushl %esi
+ movl pm_rp0(%ebp),%esi;
+ leal lv_rp(%ebp),%edi;
+ cld
+ lodsw; stosw; stosw
+ lodsw; stosw; stosw
+ lodsw; stosw; stosw
+ lodsw; stosw; stosw
+ lodsw; stosw; stosw
+ lodsw; stosw; stosw
+ lodsw; stosw; stosw
+ lodsw; stosw; stosw
+ emms
+ movl $0x4000,%eax;
+ movd %eax,%mm4;
+ punpckldq %mm4,%mm4 /* (0x00004000,0x00004000) for rounding dword product pairs */
+ movl pm_u0(%ebp),%eax
+ addl $16,%eax
+ movl %eax,lv_u_top(%ebp) /* UTOP */
+ movl pm_s(%ebp),%edx /* edx is local s ptr throughout below */
+ movl pm_kn(%ebp),%eax
+ leal (%edx,%eax,2),%eax
+ movl %eax,lv_s_top(%ebp)
+ cmpl %eax,%edx
+ jae .L179
+ .p2align 2
+ leal lv_rp(%ebp),%esi /* RP */
+ movl pm_u0(%ebp),%edi /* U */
+ movw (%edx),%ax /* (0,DI) */
+ roll $16,%eax
+ movw (%edx),%ax /* (DI,DI) */
+ .p2align 2
+.L185: /* RP is %esi */
+ movl %eax,%ecx
+ movw (%edi),%ax /* (DI,U) */
+ movd (%esi),%mm3 /* mm3 is (0,0,RP,RP) */
+ movw %cx,(%edi)
+ movd %eax,%mm2 /* mm2 is (0,0,DI,U) */
+ rorl $16,%eax
+ movd %eax,%mm1 /* mm1 is (0,0,U,DI) */
+ movq %mm1,%mm0
+ pmullw %mm3,%mm0
+ pmulhw %mm3,%mm1
+ punpcklwd %mm1,%mm0 /* mm0 is (RP*U,RP*DI) */
+ paddd %mm4,%mm0 /* mm4 is 0x00004000,0x00004000 */
+ psrad $15,%mm0 /* (RP*U,RP*DI) adjusted */
+ packssdw %mm0,%mm0 /* (*,*,RP*U,RP*DI) adjusted and saturated to word */
+ paddsw %mm2,%mm0 /* mm0 is (?,?, DI', U') */
+ movd %mm0,%eax /* (DI,U') */
+ addl $2,%edi
+ addl $4,%esi
+ cmpl lv_u_top(%ebp),%edi
+ jb .L185
+ rorl $16,%eax
+ movw %ax,(%edx) /* last DI goes to *s */
+ addl $2,%edx /* next s */
+ cmpl lv_s_top(%ebp),%edx
+ jb .L181
+ .p2align 2
+ emms
+ popl %esi
+ popl %edi
+ leave
+ ret
+ .size Short_term_analysis_filteringx,.Lfe7-Short_term_analysis_filteringx
+/* 'as' macro's seem to be case-insensitive */
+.macro STEP n
+.if \n
+ movd \n(%esi),%mm3 /* mm3 is (0,0,RP,RP) */
+ movd (%esi),%mm3 /* mm3 is (0,0,RP,RP) */
+ movq %mm5,%mm1;
+ movd %mm4,%ecx; movw %cx,%ax /* (DI,U) */
+ psllq $48,%mm1; psrlq $16,%mm4; por %mm1,%mm4
+ psllq $48,%mm0; psrlq $16,%mm5; por %mm0,%mm5
+ movd %eax,%mm2 /* mm2 is (0,0,DI,U) */
+ rorl $16,%eax
+ movd %eax,%mm1 /* mm1 is (0,0,U,DI) */
+ movq %mm1,%mm0
+ pmullw %mm3,%mm0
+ pmulhw %mm3,%mm1
+ punpcklwd %mm1,%mm0 /* mm0 is (RP*U,RP*DI) */
+ paddd %mm6,%mm0 /* mm6 is 0x00004000,0x00004000 */
+ psrad $15,%mm0 /* (RP*U,RP*DI) adjusted */
+ packssdw %mm0,%mm0 /* (*,*,RP*U,RP*DI) adjusted and saturated to word */
+ paddsw %mm2,%mm0 /* mm0 is (?,?, DI', U') */
+ movd %mm0,%eax /* (DI,U') */
+/* void Short_term_analysis_filtering (short *u0, const short *rp0, int kn, short *s) */
+ .equiv pm_u0,8
+ .equiv pm_rp0,12
+ .equiv pm_kn,16
+ .equiv pm_s,20
+ .equiv lv_rp_top,-4
+ .equiv lv_s_top,-8
+ .equiv lv_rp,-40 /* local version of rp0 with each word twice */
+ .align 4
+.globl Short_term_analysis_filteringx
+ .type Short_term_analysis_filteringx,@function
+ pushl %ebp
+ movl %esp,%ebp
+ subl $56,%esp
+ pushl %edi
+ pushl %esi
+ pushl %ebx
+ movl pm_rp0(%ebp),%esi;
+ leal lv_rp(%ebp),%edi;
+ cld
+ lodsw; stosw; stosw
+ lodsw; stosw; stosw
+ lodsw; stosw; stosw
+ lodsw; stosw; stosw
+ lodsw; stosw; stosw
+ lodsw; stosw; stosw
+ lodsw; stosw; stosw
+ lodsw; stosw; stosw
+ movl %edi,lv_rp_top(%ebp)
+ emms
+ movl $0x4000,%eax;
+ movd %eax,%mm6;
+ punpckldq %mm6,%mm6 /* (0x00004000,0x00004000) for rounding dword product pairs */
+ movl pm_u0(%ebp),%ebx
+ movq (%ebx),%mm4; movq 8(%ebx),%mm5 /* the 8 u's */
+ movl pm_s(%ebp),%edx /* edx is local s ptr throughout below */
+ movl pm_kn(%ebp),%eax
+ leal (%edx,%eax,2),%eax
+ movl %eax,lv_s_top(%ebp)
+ cmpl %eax,%edx
+ jae .L179
+ .p2align 2
+ leal lv_rp(%ebp),%esi /* RP */
+ movw (%edx),%ax /* (0,DI) */
+ roll $16,%eax
+ movw (%edx),%ax /* (DI,DI) */
+ movd %eax,%mm0
+ .p2align 2
+.L185: /* RP is %esi */
+ step 0
+ step 4
+ step 8
+ step 12
+ step 16
+ step 20
+ step 24
+ step 28
+ addl $16,%esi
+ cmpl lv_rp_top(%ebp),%esi
+ jb .L185
+ rorl $16,%eax
+ movw %ax,(%edx) /* last DI goes to *s */
+ addl $2,%edx /* next s */
+ cmpl lv_s_top(%ebp),%edx
+ jb .L181
+ movq %mm4,(%ebx); movq %mm5,8(%ebx) /* the 8 u's */
+ emms
+ popl %ebx
+ popl %esi
+ popl %edi
+ leave
+ ret
+ .size Short_term_analysis_filteringx,.Lfe7-Short_term_analysis_filteringx
+ .ident "GCC: (GNU) 2.95.2 19991109 (Debian GNU/Linux)"