path: root/1.2-netsec/doc/manager.txt
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-The Asterisk Manager TCP/IP API - AMI
-The manager is a client/server model over TCP. With the manager interface,
-you'll be able to control the PBX, originate calls, check mailbox status,
-monitor channels and queues as well as execute Asterisk commands.
-AMI is the standard management interface into your Asterisk server.
-You configure AMI in manager.conf. By default, AMI is available on
-TCP port 5038 if you enable it in manager.conf.
-AMI receive commands, called "actions". These generate a "response"
-from Asterisk. Asterisk will also send "Events" containing various
-information messages about changes within Asterisk. Some actions
-generate an initial response and data in the form list of events.
-This format is created to make sure that extensive reports do not
-block the manager interface fully.
-Management users are configured in the configuration file manager.conf and are
-given permissions for read and write, where write represents their ability
-to perform this class of "action", and read represents their ability to
-receive this class of "event".
-The Asterisk manager interface in version 1.0.x of Asterisk is
-not very well standardized. Work is under way to change this
-to Asterisk 1.2. If you develop AMI applications, treat the headers
-in Actions, Events and Responses as local to that particular
-message. There is no cross-message standardization of headers.
-If you develop applications, please try to reuse existing manager
-headers and their interpretation. If you are unsure, discuss on
-the asterisk-dev mailing list.
-Command Syntax
-Management communication consists of tags of the form "header: value",
-terminated with an empty newline (\r\n) in the style of SMTP, HTTP, and
-other headers.
-The first tag MUST be one of the following:
- * Action: An action requested by the CLIENT to the Asterisk SERVER. Only one "Action" may be outstanding at any time.
- * Response: A response to an action from the Asterisk SERVER to the CLIENT.
- * Event: An event reported by the Asterisk SERVER to the CLIENT
-Manager commands
-Output from the CLI command 'show manager' command:
- * Ping: Ping
- * Logoff: Logoff Manager
- * Hangup: Hangup Channel
- * Status: Status
- * Redirect: Redirect
- * Originate: Originate Call
- * MailboxStatus: Check Mailbox
- * Command: Execute Command
- * ExtensionState: Check Extension Status
- * AbsoluteTimeout: Set Absolute Timeout
- * MailboxCount: Check Mailbox Message Count
- * Monitor: Monitor a channel
- * StopMonitor: Stop monitoring a channel
- * ChangeMonitor: Change monitoring filename of a channel
- * IAXpeers: List IAX Peers (Defaults to IAX2)
- * SIPpeers: List SIP peers
- * SIPshowpeer: Show data about one SIP peer
- * Queues: Queues
- * QueueStatus: Queue Status
-This list depends on the version of Asterisk you are using, as
-well as which modules that are loaded.
-Command Summary
-Command: Command
-Parameters: Command
-Command: ExtensionState
-Parameters: Exten, Context, ActionID
-Command: Hangup
-Parameters: Channel
-Command: Logoff
-Parameters: None
-Command: MailboxCount
-Parameters: Mailbox, ActionID
-Command: MailboxStatus
-Parameters: Mailbox, ActionID
-Command: Originate
-Parameters: Channel, Exten, Context, Priority, Timeout,
- CallerID, Variable, Account, Application, Data, Async
-Command: Ping
-Parameters: None
-Command: Redirect
-Parameters: Channel, ExtraChannel, Exten, Context, Priority
-Command: Timeout
-Parameters: Channel, Timeout
-You can always get more information about a manager command
-with the "show manager command <command>" CLI command in Asterisk.
-Login - Log a user into the manager interface.
- Action: Login
- Username: testuser
- Secret: testsecret
-Originate - Originate a call from a channel to an extension.
- Action: Originate
- Channel: sip/12345
- Exten: 1234
- Context: default
-Originate - Originate a call from a channel to an extension without waiting
-for call to complete.
- Action: Originate
- Channel: sip/12345
- Exten: 1234
- Context: default
- Async: yes
-Redirect with ExtraChannel:
- Attempted goal:
- Have a 'robot' program Redirect both ends of an already-connected call
- to a meetme room using the ExtraChannel feature through the management interface.
- Action: Redirect
- Channel: Zap/1-1
- ExtraChannel: SIP/3064-7e00 (varies)
- Exten: 680
- Priority: 1
-Where 680 is an extension that sends you to a MeetMe room.
-There are a number of GUI tools that use the manager interface, please search
-the mailing list archives and the documentation page on the
-http://www.asterisk.org web site for more information.
-Some standard AMI headers:
- Account: -- Account Code (Status)
- AccountCode: -- Account Code (cdr_manager)
- ACL: <Y | N> -- Does ACL exist for object ?
- Action: <action> -- request or notification of a particular action
- Address-IP: -- IPaddress
- Address-Port: -- IP port number
- Agent: <string> -- Agent name
- AMAflags: -- AMA flag (cdr_manager, sippeers)
- AnswerTime: -- Time of answer (cdr_manager)
- Append: <bool> -- CDR userfield Append flag
- Application: -- Application to use
- Async: -- Whether or not to use fast setup
- AuthType: -- Authentication type (for login or challenge)
- "md5"
- BillableSeconds: -- Billable seconds for call (cdr_manager)
- CallerID: -- Caller id (name and number in Originate & cdr_manager)
- CallerID: -- CallerID number
- Number or "<unknown>" or "unknown"
- (should change to "<unknown>" in app_queue)
- CallerID1: -- Channel 1 CallerID (Link event)
- CallerID2: -- Channel 2 CallerID (Link event)
- CallerIDName: -- CallerID name
- Name or "<unknown>" or "unknown"
- (should change to "<unknown>" in app_queue)
- Callgroup: -- Call group for peer/user
- CallsTaken: <num> -- Queue status variable
- Cause: <value> -- Event change cause - "Expired"
- Cause: <value> -- Hangupcause (channel.c)
- CID-CallingPres: -- Caller ID calling presentation
- Channel: <channel> -- Channel specifier
- Channel: <dialstring> -- Dialstring in Originate
- Channel: <tech/[peer/username]> -- Channel in Registry events (SIP, IAX2)
- Channel: <tech> -- Technology (SIP/IAX2 etc) in Registry events
- ChannelType: -- Tech: SIP, IAX2, ZAP, MGCP etc
- Channel1: -- Link channel 1
- Channel2: -- Link channel 2
- ChanObjectType: -- "peer", "user"
- Codecs: -- Codec list
- CodecOrder: -- Codec order, separated with comma ","
- Command: -- Cli command to run
- Context: -- Context
- Count: <num> -- Number of callers in queue
- Data: -- Application data
- Default-addr-IP: -- IP address to use before registration
- Default-Username: -- Username part of URI to use before registration
- Destination: -- Destination for call (Dialstring ) (dial, cdr_manager)
- DestinationContext: -- Destination context (cdr_manager)
- DestinationChannel: -- Destination channel (cdr_manager)
- DestUniqueID: -- UniqueID of destination (dial event)
- Disposition: -- Call disposition (CDR manager)
- Domain: <domain> -- DNS domain
- Duration: <secs> -- Duration of call (cdr_manager)
- Dynamic: <Y | N> -- Device registration supported?
- Endtime: -- End time stamp of call (cdr_manager)
- EventList: <flag> -- Flag being "Start", "End", "Cancelled" or "ListObject"
- Events: <eventmask> -- Eventmask filter ("on", "off", "system", "call", "log")
- Exten: -- Extension (Redirect command)
- Extension: -- Extension (Status)
- Family: <string> -- ASTdb key family
- File: <filename> -- Filename (monitor)
- Format: <format> -- Format of sound file (monitor)
- From: <time> -- Parking time (ParkedCall event)
- Hint: -- Extension hint
- Incominglimit: -- SIP Peer incoming limit
- Key:
- Key: -- ASTdb Database key
- LastApplication: -- Last application executed (cdr_manager)
- LastCall: <num> -- Last call in queue
- LastData: -- Data for last application (cdr_manager)
- Link: -- (Status)
- ListItems: <number> -- Number of items in Eventlist (Optionally sent in "end" packet)
- Location: -- Interface (whatever that is -maybe tech/name in app_queue )
- Loginchan: -- Login channel for agent
- Logintime: <number> -- Login time for agent
- Mailbox: -- VM Mailbox (id@vmcontext) (mailboxstatus, mailboxcount)
- MD5SecretExist: <Y | N> -- Whether secret exists in MD5 format
- Membership: <string> -- "Dynamic" or "static" member in queue
- Message: <text> -- Text message in ACKs, errors (explanation)
- Mix: <bool> -- Boolean parameter (monitor)
- NewMessages: <count> -- Count of new Mailbox messages (mailboxcount)
- Newname:
- ObjectName: -- Name of object in list
- OldName: -- Something in Rename (channel.c)
- OldMessages: <count> -- Count of old mailbox messages (mailboxcount)
- Outgoinglimit: -- SIP Peer outgoing limit
- Paused: <num> -- Queue member paused status
- Peer: <tech/name> -- "channel" specifier :-)
- PeerStatus: <tech/name> -- Peer status code
- "Unregistred", "Registred", "Lagged", "Reachable"
- Penalty: <num> -- Queue penalty
- Priority: -- Extension priority
- Privilege: <privilege> -- AMI authorization class (system, call, log, verbose, command, agent, user)
- Pickupgroup: -- Pickup group for peer
- Position: <num> -- Position in Queue
- Queue: -- Queue name
- Reason: -- "Autologoff"
- Response: <response> -- response code, like "200 OK"
- "Success", "Error", "Follows"
- Restart: -- "True", "False"
- RegExpire: -- SIP registry expire
- RegExpiry: -- SIP registry expiry
- Reason: -- Originate reason code
- Seconds: -- Seconds (Status)
- Secret: <password> -- Authentication secret (for login)
- SecretExist: <Y | N> -- Whether secret exists
- Shutdown: -- "Uncleanly", "Cleanly"
- SIP-AuthInsecure:
- SIP-FromDomain: -- Peer FromDomain
- SIP-FromUser: -- Peer FromUser
- SIP-NatSupport:
- SIPLastMsg:
- Source: -- Source of call (dial event, cdr_manager)
- SrcUniqueID: -- UniqueID of source (dial event)
- StartTime: -- Start time of call (cdr_manager)
- State: -- Channel state
- Status: -- Registration status (Registry events SIP)
- Status: -- Extension status (Extensionstate)
- Status: -- Peer status (if monitored) ** Will change name **
- "unknown", "lagged", "ok"
- Status: <num> -- Queue Status
- Status: -- DND status (DNDState)
- Time: <sec> -- Roundtrip time (latency)
- Timeout: -- Parking timeout time
- Timeout: -- Timeout for call setup (Originate)
- Timeout: <seconds> -- Timout for call
- Uniqueid: -- Channel Unique ID
- Uniqueid1: -- Channel 1 Unique ID (Link event)
- Uniqueid2: -- Channel 2 Unique ID (Link event)
- User: -- Username (SIP registry)
- UserField: -- CDR userfield (cdr_manager)
- Val: -- Value to set/read in ASTdb
- Variable: -- Variable AND value to set (multiple separated with | in Originate)
- Variable: <name> -- For channel variables
- Value: <value> -- Value to set
- VoiceMailbox: -- VM Mailbox in SIPpeers
- Waiting: -- Count of mailbox messages (mailboxstatus)
- ** Please try to re-use existing headers to simplify manager message parsing in clients.