path: root/1.2-netsec/contrib/scripts/loadtest.tcl
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Diffstat (limited to '1.2-netsec/contrib/scripts/loadtest.tcl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 148 deletions
diff --git a/1.2-netsec/contrib/scripts/loadtest.tcl b/1.2-netsec/contrib/scripts/loadtest.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c50be338..000000000
--- a/1.2-netsec/contrib/scripts/loadtest.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-# Usage (as root):
-# $ tclsh loadtest.tcl
-# Copyleft 2005 by Chris Maj <cmaj_at_freedomcorpse_dot_com>
-# Create a (huge) bunch of call files to dial via pbx_spool.
-# Defaults are selected with 'Enter' and, if all defaults
-# are selected, you'll dial Zap/1/s into default|s|1
-# where Asterisk's pbx/pbx_spool.c will be looking for work
-set SPOOLDIR /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing
-# pbx_spool is fairly aggresive, so make files here first
-set TEMPDIR /tmp
-if { ![file writable $SPOOLDIR] } {
- puts "Do you need to be root to write to $SPOOLDIR ?"
- exit
-if { ![file readable $TEMPDIR] } {
- puts "Do you need to be root to read from $TEMPDIR ?"
- exit
-if { ![file writable $TEMPDIR] } {
- puts "Do you need to be root to write to $TEMPDIR ?"
- exit
-# gets some input from the user
-proc get {var_ default_ prompt_} {
- global $var_
- puts $prompt_
- if { $default_ != "" } {
- puts -nonewline "(default: $default_) ? "
- } else {
- puts -nonewline "? "
- }
- flush stdout
- gets stdin $var_
- if { [set $var_] == "" && $default_ != "" } {
- set $var_ $default_
- }
-# puts the user requested channels into a neat, ordered list
-proc splitchans {inch_} {
- global changroup
- set outch [list]
- foreach range [split $inch_ {, }] {
- set start [lindex [split $range -] 0]
- set stop [lindex [split $range -] end]
- if { [string is digit $start] && [string is digit $stop] } {
- set ::changroup "channel"
- for {set ch $start} {$ch <= $stop} {incr ch} {
- if { [lsearch $outch $ch] == -1 } {
- lappend outch $ch
- }
- }
- } else {
- set ::changroup "group"
- foreach ch [split $range -] {
- lappend outch $ch
- }
- }
- }
- return [lsort -dictionary $outch]
-# writes out a file in the temporary directory,
-# then changes the mtime of the file before
-# sticking it into the outgoing spool directory
-# (where pbx_spool will be looking)
-proc spool {channel_ callcnt_ when_} {
- set callstr "
-Channel: $::technology/$channel_/$::destination
-Context: $::context
-Extension: $::extension
-Priority: $::priority
-WaitTime: $::timeout
-RetryTime: $::retrytime
-MaxRetries: $::maxretries
-Callerid: $::clid
-SetVar: $::astvar
-Account: $::account
- set fn "loadtest.call$callcnt_.ch$channel_"
- set fd [open $::TEMPDIR/$fn w]
- puts $fd $callstr
- close $fd
- file mtime $::TEMPDIR/$fn $when_
- file rename -force $::TEMPDIR/$fn $::SPOOLDIR/$fn
-# prompt the user for some info
-get technology "Zap" "\nEnter technology type
-Zap, IAX, SIP, etc."
-get chans "1" "\nEnter channel(s) or group to test in formats like
-2\n1-4\n3 5 7 9\n1-23,25-47,49-71,73-95\ng4\ng2,g1"
-set channels [splitchans $chans]
-get destination "s" "\nEnter destination number"
-get context "default" "\nEnter context"
-get extension "s" "\nEnter extension"
-get priority "1" "\nEnter priority"
-get timeout "45" "\nEnter timeout for call to be answered in seconds"
-get maxretries "0" "\nEnter maximum number of retries"
-if { $maxretries > 0 } {
- get retrytime "300" "\nEnter time between retries in seconds"
-} else {
- set retrytime 300
-get clid "" "\nEnter callerid"
-get astvar "" "\nEnter some extra variables"
-get account "loadtest" "\nEnter account code"
-get calls "1" "\nEnter number of test calls per $changroup"
-get period "60" "\nEnter period between placing calls on a particular $changroup in seconds"
-if { [llength $channels] > 1 } {
- get rate "0" "\nEnter period between placing each call in seconds
-0 will send a call on each $changroup every $period seconds
-1 will send a call on $changroup [lindex $channels 0] at [expr {$period + 0}]s, [lindex $channels 1] at [expr {$period + 1 }]s, etc.
-5 will send a call on $changroup [lindex $channels 0] at [expr {$period + 0}]s, [lindex $channels 1] at [expr {$period + 5 }]s, etc."
-} else {
- set rate 0
-puts -nonewline "\nCreating spooled call files... "
-set now [clock seconds]
-set spoolcnt 0
-set spinner [list / - \\ |]
-for {set i 0} {$i < $calls} {incr i} {
- foreach ch $channels {
- set chidx [lsearch $channels $ch]
- spool $ch [incr spoolcnt] [expr {$now + ($i * $period) + ($rate * $chidx)}]
- puts -nonewline "\b"
- puts -nonewline [lindex $spinner [expr {$spoolcnt % 4}]]
- flush stdout
- }
-puts "\b$spoolcnt calls placed into $SPOOLDIR !"