path: root/channels/xpmr
diff options
authorjdixon <jdixon@f38db490-d61c-443f-a65b-d21fe96a405b>2007-09-14 00:34:13 +0000
committerjdixon <jdixon@f38db490-d61c-443f-a65b-d21fe96a405b>2007-09-14 00:34:13 +0000
commitd2a6abb108dfc6464a7a8d610349b79490bca137 (patch)
tree32c4e4f89b8d3cbf8b42a183197bce1b6d0fd5ff /channels/xpmr
parentcb7cdf96a39392d713753d099e6e1521826dde14 (diff)
Added channel driver for USB Radio device and
support thereof. git-svn-id: http://svn.digium.com/svn/asterisk/branches/1.4@82366 f38db490-d61c-443f-a65b-d21fe96a405b
Diffstat (limited to 'channels/xpmr')
5 files changed, 4423 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/channels/xpmr/LICENSE b/channels/xpmr/LICENSE
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a52b16e40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/channels/xpmr/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) 19yy <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/channels/xpmr/sinetabx.h b/channels/xpmr/sinetabx.h
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1ceb659e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/channels/xpmr/sinetabx.h
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ * sinetabx.h - for Xelatec Private Mobile Radio Processes
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved. Copyright (C)2007, Xelatec, LLC
+ *
+ * 20070808 1235 Steven Henke, W9SH, sph@xelatec.com
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * This version may be optionally licenced under the GNU LGPL licence.
+ *
+ * A license has been granted to Digium (via disclaimer) for the use of
+ * this code.
+ *
+ */
+/*! \file
+ *
+ * \brief Private Land Mobile Radio Channel Voice and Signaling Processor
+ *
+ * \author Steven Henke, W9SH <sph@xelatec.com> Xelatec, LLC
+ */
+#define XPMR_SINETABX_H 1
+#define SAMPLES_PER_SINE 256
+const i16 sinetablex[]={
+0, // 0
+804, // 1
+1608, // 2
+2410, // 3
+3212, // 4
+4011, // 5
+4808, // 6
+5602, // 7
+6393, // 8
+7179, // 9
+7962, // 10
+8739, // 11
+9512, // 12
+10278, // 13
+11039, // 14
+11793, // 15
+12539, // 16
+13279, // 17
+14010, // 18
+14732, // 19
+15446, // 20
+16151, // 21
+16846, // 22
+17530, // 23
+18204, // 24
+18868, // 25
+19519, // 26
+20159, // 27
+20787, // 28
+21403, // 29
+22005, // 30
+22594, // 31
+23170, // 32
+23731, // 33
+24279, // 34
+24811, // 35
+25329, // 36
+25832, // 37
+26319, // 38
+26790, // 39
+27245, // 40
+27683, // 41
+28105, // 42
+28510, // 43
+28898, // 44
+29268, // 45
+29621, // 46
+29956, // 47
+30273, // 48
+30571, // 49
+30852, // 50
+31113, // 51
+31356, // 52
+31580, // 53
+31785, // 54
+31971, // 55
+32137, // 56
+32285, // 57
+32412, // 58
+32521, // 59
+32609, // 60
+32678, // 61
+32728, // 62
+32757, // 63
+32767, // 64
+32757, // 65
+32728, // 66
+32678, // 67
+32609, // 68
+32521, // 69
+32412, // 70
+32285, // 71
+32137, // 72
+31971, // 73
+31785, // 74
+31580, // 75
+31356, // 76
+31113, // 77
+30852, // 78
+30571, // 79
+30273, // 80
+29956, // 81
+29621, // 82
+29268, // 83
+28898, // 84
+28510, // 85
+28105, // 86
+27683, // 87
+27245, // 88
+26790, // 89
+26319, // 90
+25832, // 91
+25329, // 92
+24811, // 93
+24279, // 94
+23731, // 95
+23170, // 96
+22594, // 97
+22005, // 98
+21403, // 99
+20787, // 100
+20159, // 101
+19519, // 102
+18868, // 103
+18204, // 104
+17530, // 105
+16846, // 106
+16151, // 107
+15446, // 108
+14732, // 109
+14010, // 110
+13279, // 111
+12539, // 112
+11793, // 113
+11039, // 114
+10278, // 115
+9512, // 116
+8739, // 117
+7962, // 118
+7179, // 119
+6393, // 120
+5602, // 121
+4808, // 122
+4011, // 123
+3212, // 124
+2410, // 125
+1608, // 126
+804, // 127
+0, // 128
+-804, // 129
+-1608, // 130
+-2410, // 131
+-3212, // 132
+-4011, // 133
+-4808, // 134
+-5602, // 135
+-6393, // 136
+-7179, // 137
+-7962, // 138
+-8739, // 139
+-9512, // 140
+-10278, // 141
+-11039, // 142
+-11793, // 143
+-12539, // 144
+-13279, // 145
+-14010, // 146
+-14732, // 147
+-15446, // 148
+-16151, // 149
+-16846, // 150
+-17530, // 151
+-18204, // 152
+-18868, // 153
+-19519, // 154
+-20159, // 155
+-20787, // 156
+-21403, // 157
+-22005, // 158
+-22594, // 159
+-23170, // 160
+-23731, // 161
+-24279, // 162
+-24811, // 163
+-25329, // 164
+-25832, // 165
+-26319, // 166
+-26790, // 167
+-27245, // 168
+-27683, // 169
+-28105, // 170
+-28510, // 171
+-28898, // 172
+-29268, // 173
+-29621, // 174
+-29956, // 175
+-30273, // 176
+-30571, // 177
+-30852, // 178
+-31113, // 179
+-31356, // 180
+-31580, // 181
+-31785, // 182
+-31971, // 183
+-32137, // 184
+-32285, // 185
+-32412, // 186
+-32521, // 187
+-32609, // 188
+-32678, // 189
+-32728, // 190
+-32757, // 191
+-32767, // 192
+-32757, // 193
+-32728, // 194
+-32678, // 195
+-32609, // 196
+-32521, // 197
+-32412, // 198
+-32285, // 199
+-32137, // 200
+-31971, // 201
+-31785, // 202
+-31580, // 203
+-31356, // 204
+-31113, // 205
+-30852, // 206
+-30571, // 207
+-30273, // 208
+-29956, // 209
+-29621, // 210
+-29268, // 211
+-28898, // 212
+-28510, // 213
+-28105, // 214
+-27683, // 215
+-27245, // 216
+-26790, // 217
+-26319, // 218
+-25832, // 219
+-25329, // 220
+-24811, // 221
+-24279, // 222
+-23731, // 223
+-23170, // 224
+-22594, // 225
+-22005, // 226
+-21403, // 227
+-20787, // 228
+-20159, // 229
+-19519, // 230
+-18868, // 231
+-18204, // 232
+-17530, // 233
+-16846, // 234
+-16151, // 235
+-15446, // 236
+-14732, // 237
+-14010, // 238
+-13279, // 239
+-12539, // 240
+-11793, // 241
+-11039, // 242
+-10278, // 243
+-9512, // 244
+-8739, // 245
+-7962, // 246
+-7179, // 247
+-6393, // 248
+-5602, // 249
+-4808, // 250
+-4011, // 251
+-3212, // 252
+-2410, // 253
+-1608, // 254
+-804, // 255
+#endif /* !XPMR_SINETABX_H */
diff --git a/channels/xpmr/xpmr.c b/channels/xpmr/xpmr.c
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c67e40841
--- /dev/null
+++ b/channels/xpmr/xpmr.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2266 @@
+ * xpmr.c - Xelatec Private Mobile Radio Processes
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved. Copyright (C)2007, Xelatec, LLC
+ *
+ * 20070808 1235 Steven Henke, W9SH, sph@xelatec.com
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * This version may be optionally licenced under the GNU LGPL licence.
+ *
+ * A license has been granted to Digium (via disclaimer) for the use of
+ * this code.
+ *
+ */
+/*! \file
+ *
+ * \brief Private Land Mobile Radio Channel Voice and Signaling Processor
+ *
+ * \author Steven Henke, W9SH <sph@xelatec.com> Xelatec, LLC
+ */
+ FYI = For Your Information
+ PMR = Private Mobile Radio
+ RX = Receive
+ TX = Transmit
+ CTCSS = Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System
+ TONE = Same as above.
+ LSD = Low Speed Data, subaudible signaling. May be tones or codes.
+ VOX = Voice Operated Transmit
+ DSP = Digital Signal Processing
+ LPF = Low Pass Filter
+ FIR = Finite Impulse Response (Filter)
+ IIR = Infinite Impulse Response (Filter)
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include "xpmr.h"
+#include "xpmr_coef.h"
+#include "sinetabx.h"
+static i16 pmrChanIndex=0; // count of created pmr instances
+ Convert a Frequency in Hz to a zero based CTCSS Table index
+i16 CtcssFreqIndex(float freq)
+ i16 i,hit=-1;
+ for(i=0;i<CTCSS_NUM_CODES;i++){
+ if(freq==freq_ctcss[i])hit=i;
+ }
+ return hit;
+ pmr_rx_frontend
+ Takes a block of data and low pass filters it.
+ Determines the amplitude of high frequency noise for carrier detect.
+ Decimates input data to change the rate.
+i16 pmr_rx_frontend(t_pmr_sps *mySps)
+ #define DCgainBpfNoise 65536
+ i16 samples,iOutput, *input, *output, *noutput;
+ i16 *x, *coef, *coef2;
+ i32 i, naccum, outputGain, calcAdjust;
+ i64 y;
+ i16 nx, hyst, setpt, compOut;
+ i16 amax, amin, apeak, discounteru, discounterl, discfactor;
+ i16 decimator, decimate, doNoise;
+ TRACEX(("pmr_rx_frontend()\n"));
+ if(!mySps->enabled)return(1);
+ decimator = mySps->decimator;
+ decimate = mySps->decimate;
+ input = mySps->source;
+ output = mySps->sink;
+ noutput = mySps->parentChan->pRxNoise;
+ nx = mySps->nx;
+ coef = mySps->coef;
+ coef2 = mySps->coef2;
+ calcAdjust = mySps->calcAdjust;
+ outputGain = mySps->outputGain;
+ amax=mySps->amax;
+ amin=mySps->amin;
+ apeak=mySps->apeak;
+ discounteru=mySps->discounteru;
+ discounterl=mySps->discounterl;
+ discfactor=mySps->discfactor;
+ setpt=mySps->setpt;
+ hyst=mySps->hyst;
+ compOut=mySps->compOut;
+ samples=mySps->nSamples*decimate;
+ x=mySps->x;
+ iOutput=0;
+ if(mySps->parentChan->rxCdType!=CD_XPMR_VOX)doNoise=1;
+ else doNoise=0;
+ for(i=0;i<samples;i++)
+ {
+ i16 n;
+ //shift the old samples
+ for(n=nx-1; n>0; n--)
+ x[n] = x[n-1];
+ x[0] = input[i*2];
+ --decimator;
+ if(decimator<=0)
+ {
+ decimator=decimate;
+ y=0;
+ for(n=0; n<nx; n++)
+ y += coef[n] * x[n];
+ y=((y/calcAdjust)*outputGain)/M_Q8;
+ if(y>32767)y=32767;
+ else if(y<-32767)y=-32767;
+ output[iOutput]=y; // Rx Baseband decimated
+ noutput[iOutput++] = apeak; // Rx Noise
+ }
+ if(doNoise)
+ {
+ // calculate noise output
+ naccum=0;
+ for(n=0; n<nx; n++)
+ naccum += coef_fir_bpf_noise_1[n] * x[n];
+ naccum /= DCgainBpfNoise;
+ if(naccum>amax)
+ {
+ amax=naccum;
+ discounteru=discfactor;
+ }
+ else if(--discounteru<=0)
+ {
+ discounteru=discfactor;
+ amax=(i32)((amax*32700)/32768);
+ }
+ if(naccum<amin)
+ {
+ amin=naccum;
+ discounterl=discfactor;
+ }
+ else if(--discounterl<=0)
+ {
+ discounterl=discfactor;
+ amin=(i32)((amin*32700)/32768);
+ }
+ apeak=(amax-amin)/2;
+ } // if doNoise
+ }
+ if(doNoise)
+ {
+ ((t_pmr_chan *)(mySps->parentChan))->rxRssi=apeak;
+ if(apeak>setpt || (compOut&&(apeak>(setpt-hyst)))) compOut=1;
+ else compOut=0;
+ mySps->compOut=compOut;
+ mySps->amax=amax;
+ mySps->amin=amin;
+ mySps->apeak=apeak;
+ mySps->discounteru=discounteru;
+ mySps->discounterl=discounterl;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ pmr general purpose fir
+ works on a block of samples
+i16 pmr_gp_fir(t_pmr_sps *mySps)
+ i32 nsamples,inputGain,outputGain,calcAdjust;
+ i16 *input, *output;
+ i16 *x, *coef;
+ i32 i, ii;
+ i16 nx, hyst, setpt, compOut;
+ i16 amax, amin, apeak=0, discounteru=0, discounterl=0, discfactor;
+ i16 decimator, decimate, interpolate;
+ i16 numChanOut, selChanOut, mixOut, monoOut;
+ TRACEX(("pmr_gp_fir() %i\n",mySps->enabled));
+ if(!mySps->enabled)return(1);
+ inputGain = mySps->inputGain;
+ calcAdjust = mySps->calcAdjust;
+ outputGain = mySps->outputGain;
+ input = mySps->source;
+ output = mySps->sink;
+ x = mySps->x;
+ nx = mySps->nx;
+ coef = mySps->coef;
+ decimator = mySps->decimator;
+ decimate = mySps->decimate;
+ interpolate = mySps->interpolate;
+ setpt = mySps->setpt;
+ compOut = mySps->compOut;
+ inputGain = mySps->inputGain;
+ outputGain = mySps->outputGain;
+ numChanOut = mySps->numChanOut;
+ selChanOut = mySps->selChanOut;
+ mixOut = mySps->mixOut;
+ monoOut = mySps->monoOut;
+ amax=mySps->amax;
+ amin=mySps->amin;
+ discfactor=mySps->discfactor;
+ hyst=mySps->hyst;
+ setpt=mySps->setpt;
+ nsamples=mySps->nSamples;
+ if(mySps->option==3)
+ {
+ mySps->option=0;
+ mySps->enabled=0;
+ for(i=0;i<nsamples;i++)
+ {
+ if(monoOut)
+ output[(i*2)]=output[(i*2)+1]=0;
+ else
+ output[(i*numChanOut)+selChanOut]=0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ ii=0;
+ for(i=0;i<nsamples;i++)
+ {
+ int ix;
+ int64_t y=0;
+ if(decimate<0)
+ {
+ decimator=decimate;
+ }
+ for(ix=0;ix<interpolate;ix++)
+ {
+ i16 n;
+ y=0;
+ for(n=nx-1; n>0; n--)
+ x[n] = x[n-1];
+ x[0] = (input[i]*inputGain)/M_Q8;
+ #if 0
+ --decimator;
+ if(decimator<=0)
+ {
+ decimator=decimate;
+ for(n=0; n<nx; n++)
+ y += coef[n] * x[n];
+ y /= (outputGain*3);
+ output[ii++]=y;
+ }
+ #else
+ for(n=0; n<nx; n++)
+ y += coef[n] * x[n];
+ y=((y/calcAdjust)*outputGain)/M_Q8;
+ if(mixOut){
+ if(monoOut){
+ output[(ii*2)]=output[(ii*2)+1]+=y;
+ }
+ else{
+ output[(ii*numChanOut)+selChanOut]+=y;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ if(monoOut){
+ output[(ii*2)]=output[(ii*2)+1]=y;
+ }
+ else{
+ output[(ii*numChanOut)+selChanOut]=y;
+ }
+ }
+ ii++;
+ #endif
+ }
+ // amplitude detector
+ if(setpt)
+ {
+ i16 accum=y;
+ if(accum>amax)
+ {
+ amax=accum;
+ discounteru=discfactor;
+ }
+ else if(--discounteru<=0)
+ {
+ discounteru=discfactor;
+ amax=(i32)((amax*32700)/32768);
+ }
+ if(accum<amin)
+ {
+ amin=accum;
+ discounterl=discfactor;
+ }
+ else if(--discounterl<=0)
+ {
+ discounterl=discfactor;
+ amin=(i32)((amin*32700)/32768);
+ }
+ apeak = (i32)(amax-amin)/2;
+ if(apeak>setpt)compOut=1;
+ else if(compOut&&(apeak<(setpt-hyst)))compOut=0;
+ }
+ }
+ mySps->decimator = decimator;
+ mySps->amax=amax;
+ mySps->amin=amin;
+ mySps->apeak=apeak;
+ mySps->discounteru=discounteru;
+ mySps->discounterl=discounterl;
+ mySps->compOut=compOut;
+ return 0;
+ general purpose integrator lpf
+i16 gp_inte_00(t_pmr_sps *mySps)
+ i16 npoints;
+ i16 *input, *output;
+ i32 inputGain, outputGain,calcAdjust;
+ i32 i;
+ i32 accum;
+ i32 state00;
+ i16 coeff00, coeff01;
+ TRACEX(("gp_inte_00() %i\n",mySps->enabled));
+ if(!mySps->enabled)return(1);
+ input = mySps->source;
+ output = mySps->sink;
+ npoints=mySps->nSamples;
+ inputGain=mySps->inputGain;
+ outputGain=mySps->outputGain;
+ calcAdjust=mySps->calcAdjust;
+ coeff00=((i16*)mySps->coef)[0];
+ coeff01=((i16*)mySps->coef)[1];
+ state00=((i32*)mySps->x)[0];
+ // note fixed gain of 2 to compensate for attenuation
+ // in passband
+ for(i=0;i<npoints;i++)
+ {
+ accum=input[i];
+ state00 = accum + (state00*coeff01)/M_Q15;
+ accum = (state00*coeff00)/(M_Q15/4);
+ output[i]=(accum*outputGain)/M_Q8;
+ }
+ ((i32*)(mySps->x))[0]=state00;
+ return 0;
+ general purpose differentiator hpf
+i16 gp_diff(t_pmr_sps *mySps)
+ i16 *input, *output;
+ i16 npoints;
+ i32 inputGain, outputGain, calcAdjust;
+ i32 i;
+ i32 temp0,temp1;
+ i16 x0;
+ i32 y0;
+ i16 a0,a1;
+ i16 b0;
+ i16 *coef;
+ i16 *x;
+ input = mySps->source;
+ output = mySps->sink;
+ npoints=mySps->nSamples;
+ inputGain=mySps->inputGain;
+ outputGain=mySps->outputGain;
+ calcAdjust=mySps->calcAdjust;
+ coef=(i16*)(mySps->coef);
+ x=(i16*)(mySps->x);
+ a0=coef[0];
+ a1=coef[1];
+ b0=coef[2];
+ x0=x[0];
+ TRACEX(("gp_diff()\n"));
+ for (i=0;i<npoints;i++)
+ {
+ temp0 = x0 * a1;
+ x0 = input[i];
+ temp1 = input[i] * a0;
+ y0 = (temp0 + temp1)/calcAdjust;
+ output[i]=(y0*outputGain)/M_Q8;
+ }
+ x[0]=x0;
+ return 0;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CenterSlicer
+i16 CenterSlicer(t_pmr_sps *mySps)
+ i16 npoints,lhit,uhit;
+ i16 *input, *output, *buff;
+ i32 inputGain, outputGain, inputGainB;
+ i32 i;
+ i32 accum;
+ i32 amax; // buffer amplitude maximum
+ i32 amin; // buffer amplitude minimum
+ i32 apeak; // buffer amplitude peak
+ i32 center;
+ i32 setpt; // amplitude set point for peak tracking
+ i32 discounteru; // amplitude detector integrator discharge counter upper
+ i32 discounterl; // amplitude detector integrator discharge counter lower
+ i32 discfactor; // amplitude detector integrator discharge factor
+ TRACEX(("CenterSlicer() %i\n",mySps->enabled));
+ input = mySps->source;
+ output = mySps->sink;
+ buff = mySps->buff;
+ npoints=mySps->nSamples;
+ inputGain=mySps->inputGain;
+ outputGain=mySps->outputGain;
+ inputGainB=mySps->inputGainB;
+ amax=mySps->amax;
+ amin=mySps->amin;
+ setpt=mySps->setpt;
+ apeak=mySps->apeak;
+ discounteru=mySps->discounteru;
+ discounterl=mySps->discounterl;
+ discfactor=mySps->discfactor;
+ npoints=mySps->nSamples;
+ for(i=0;i<npoints;i++)
+ {
+ accum=input[i];
+ lhit=uhit=0;
+ if(accum>amax)
+ {
+ amax=accum;
+ uhit=1;
+ if(amin<(amax-setpt))
+ {
+ amin=(amax-setpt);
+ lhit=1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(accum<amin)
+ {
+ amin=accum;
+ lhit=1;
+ if(amax>(amin+setpt))
+ {
+ amax=(amin+setpt);
+ uhit=1;
+ }
+ }
+ if(--discounteru<=0 && amax>0)
+ {
+ amax--;
+ uhit=1;
+ }
+ if(--discounterl<=0 && amin<0)
+ {
+ amin++;
+ lhit=1;
+ }
+ if(uhit)discounteru=discfactor;
+ if(lhit)discounterl=discfactor;
+ apeak = (amax-amin)/2;
+ center = (amax+amin)/2;
+ accum = accum - center;
+ output[i]=accum;
+ // do limiter function
+ if(accum>inputGainB)accum=inputGainB;
+ else if(accum<-inputGainB)accum=-inputGainB;
+ buff[i]=accum;
+ #if XPMR_DEBUG0 == 1
+ #if 0
+ mySps->debugBuff0[i]=center;
+ #endif
+ #if 0
+ if(mySps->parentChan->frameCountRx&0x01) mySps->parentChan->prxDebug1[i]=amax;
+ else mySps->parentChan->prxDebug1[i]=amin;
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ }
+ mySps->amax=amax;
+ mySps->amin=amin;
+ mySps->apeak=apeak;
+ mySps->discounteru=discounteru;
+ mySps->discounterl=discounterl;
+ return 0;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ MeasureBlock
+ determine peak amplitude
+i16 MeasureBlock(t_pmr_sps *mySps)
+ i16 npoints;
+ i16 *input, *output;
+ i32 inputGain, outputGain;
+ i32 i;
+ i32 accum;
+ i16 amax; // buffer amplitude maximum
+ i16 amin; // buffer amplitude minimum
+ i16 apeak=0; // buffer amplitude peak (peak to peak)/2
+ i16 setpt; // amplitude set point for amplitude comparator
+ i32 discounteru; // amplitude detector integrator discharge counter upper
+ i32 discounterl; // amplitude detector integrator discharge counter lower
+ i32 discfactor; // amplitude detector integrator discharge factor
+ TRACEX(("MeasureBlock() %i\n",mySps->enabled));
+ if(!mySps->enabled)return 1;
+ if(mySps->option==3)
+ {
+ mySps->amax = mySps->amin = mySps->apeak = \
+ mySps->discounteru = mySps->discounterl = \
+ mySps->enabled = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ input = mySps->source;
+ output = mySps->sink;
+ npoints=mySps->nSamples;
+ inputGain=mySps->inputGain;
+ outputGain=mySps->outputGain;
+ amax=mySps->amax;
+ amin=mySps->amin;
+ setpt=mySps->setpt;
+ discounteru=mySps->discounteru;
+ discounterl=mySps->discounterl;
+ discfactor=mySps->discfactor;
+ npoints=mySps->nSamples;
+ for(i=0;i<npoints;i++)
+ {
+ accum=input[i];
+ if(accum>amax)
+ {
+ amax=accum;
+ discounteru=discfactor;
+ }
+ else if(--discounteru<=0)
+ {
+ discounteru=discfactor;
+ amax=(i32)((amax*32700)/32768);
+ }
+ if(accum<amin)
+ {
+ amin=accum;
+ discounterl=discfactor;
+ }
+ else if(--discounterl<=0)
+ {
+ discounterl=discfactor;
+ amin=(i32)((amin*32700)/32768);
+ }
+ apeak = (i32)(amax-amin)/2;
+ if(output)output[i]=apeak;
+ }
+ mySps->amax=amax;
+ mySps->amin=amin;
+ mySps->apeak=apeak;
+ mySps->discounteru=discounteru;
+ mySps->discounterl=discounterl;
+ if(apeak>=setpt) mySps->compOut=1;
+ else mySps->compOut=0;
+ //TRACEX((" -MeasureBlock()=%i\n",mySps->apeak));
+ return 0;
+ SoftLimiter
+i16 SoftLimiter(t_pmr_sps *mySps)
+ i16 npoints;
+ //i16 samples, lhit,uhit;
+ i16 *input, *output;
+ i32 inputGain, outputGain;
+ i32 i;
+ i32 accum;
+ i32 tmp;
+ i32 amax; // buffer amplitude maximum
+ i32 amin; // buffer amplitude minimum
+ //i32 apeak; // buffer amplitude peak
+ i32 setpt; // amplitude set point for amplitude comparator
+ i16 compOut; // amplitude comparator output
+ input = mySps->source;
+ output = mySps->sink;
+ inputGain=mySps->inputGain;
+ outputGain=mySps->outputGain;
+ npoints=mySps->nSamples;
+ setpt=mySps->setpt;
+ amax=(setpt*124)/128;
+ amin=-amax;
+ TRACEX(("SoftLimiter() %i %i %i) \n",amin, amax,setpt));
+ for(i=0;i<npoints;i++)
+ {
+ accum=input[i];
+ //accum=input[i]*mySps->inputGain/256;
+ if(accum>setpt)
+ {
+ tmp=((accum-setpt)*4)/128;
+ accum=setpt+tmp;
+ if(accum>amax)accum=amax;
+ compOut=1;
+ accum=setpt;
+ }
+ else if(accum<-setpt)
+ {
+ tmp=((accum+setpt)*4)/128;
+ accum=(-setpt)-tmp;
+ if(accum<amin)accum=amin;
+ compOut=1;
+ accum=-setpt;
+ }
+ output[i]=(accum*outputGain)/M_Q8;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ SigGen() - sine, square function generator
+ sps overloaded values
+ discfactor = phase factor
+ discfactoru = phase index
+ if source is not NULL then mix it in!
+ sign table and output gain are in Q15 format (32767=.999)
+i16 SigGen(t_pmr_sps *mySps)
+ #define PH_FRACT_FACT 128
+ i32 ph;
+ i16 i,outputgain,waveform,numChanOut,selChanOut;
+ i32 accum;
+ TRACEX(("SigGen(%i) \n",mySps->option));
+ if(!mySps->freq ||!mySps->enabled)return 0;
+ outputgain=mySps->outputGain;
+ waveform=0;
+ numChanOut=mySps->numChanOut;
+ selChanOut=mySps->selChanOut;
+ if(mySps->option==1)
+ {
+ mySps->option=0;
+ mySps->state=1;
+ mySps->discfactor=
+ (SAMPLES_PER_SINE*mySps->freq*PH_FRACT_FACT)/mySps->sampleRate/10;
+ TRACEX((" SigGen() discfactor = %i\n",mySps->discfactor));
+ if(mySps->discounterl)mySps->state=2;
+ }
+ else if(mySps->option==2)
+ {
+ i16 shiftfactor=CTCSS_TURN_OFF_SHIFT;
+ // phase shift request
+ mySps->option=0;
+ mySps->state=2;
+ mySps->discounterl=CTCSS_TURN_OFF_TIME-(2*MS_PER_FRAME); //
+ mySps->discounteru = \
+ (mySps->discounteru + (((SAMPLES_PER_SINE*shiftfactor)/360)*PH_FRACT_FACT)) % (SAMPLES_PER_SINE*PH_FRACT_FACT);
+ //printf("shiftfactor = %i\n",shiftfactor);
+ //shiftfactor+=10;
+ }
+ else if(mySps->option==3)
+ {
+ // stop it and clear the output buffer
+ mySps->option=0;
+ mySps->state=0;
+ mySps->enabled=0;
+ for(i=0;i<mySps->nSamples;i++)
+ mySps->sink[(i*numChanOut)+selChanOut]=0;
+ return(0);
+ }
+ else if(mySps->state==2)
+ {
+ // doing turn off
+ mySps->discounterl-=MS_PER_FRAME;
+ if(mySps->discounterl<=0)
+ {
+ mySps->option=3;
+ mySps->state=2;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(mySps->state==0)
+ {
+ return(0);
+ }
+ ph=mySps->discounteru;
+ for(i=0;i<mySps->nSamples;i++)
+ {
+ if(!waveform)
+ {
+ // sine
+ //tmp=(sinetablex[ph/PH_FRACT_FACT]*amplitude)/M_Q16;
+ accum=sinetablex[ph/PH_FRACT_FACT];
+ accum=(accum*outputgain)/M_Q8;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // square
+ accum=outputgain/M_Q8;
+ else
+ accum=-outputgain/M_Q8;
+ }
+ if(mySps->source)accum+=mySps->source[i];
+ mySps->sink[(i*numChanOut)+selChanOut]=accum;
+ ph=(ph+mySps->discfactor)%(SAMPLES_PER_SINE*PH_FRACT_FACT);
+ }
+ mySps->discounteru=ph;
+ return 0;
+ adder/mixer
+ takes existing buffer and adds source buffer to destination buffer
+ sink buffer = (sink buffer * gain) + source buffer
+i16 pmrMixer(t_pmr_sps *mySps)
+ i32 accum;
+ i16 i, *input, *inputB, *output;
+ i16 inputGain, inputGainB; // apply to input data in Q7.8 format
+ i16 outputGain; // apply to output data in Q7.8 format
+ i16 discounteru,discounterl,amax,amin,setpt,discfactor;
+ i16 npoints,uhit,lhit,apeak,measPeak;
+ TRACEX(("pmrMixer()\n"));
+ input = mySps->source;
+ inputB = mySps->sourceB;
+ output = mySps->sink;
+ inputGain=mySps->inputGain;
+ inputGainB=mySps->inputGainB;
+ outputGain=mySps->outputGain;
+ amax=mySps->amax;
+ amin=mySps->amin;
+ setpt=mySps->setpt;
+ discounteru=mySps->discounteru;
+ discounterl=mySps->discounteru;
+ discfactor=mySps->discfactor;
+ npoints=mySps->nSamples;
+ measPeak=mySps->measPeak;
+ for(i=0;i<npoints;i++)
+ {
+ accum = ((input[i]*inputGain)/M_Q8) +
+ ((inputB[i]*inputGainB)/M_Q8);
+ accum=(accum*outputGain)/M_Q8;
+ output[i]=accum;
+ if(measPeak){
+ lhit=uhit=0;
+ if(accum>amax){
+ amax=accum;
+ uhit=1;
+ if(amin<(amax-setpt)){
+ amin=(amax-setpt);
+ lhit=1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(accum<amin){
+ amin=accum;
+ lhit=1;
+ if(amax>(amin+setpt)){
+ amax=(amin+setpt);
+ uhit=1;
+ }
+ }
+ if(--discounteru<=0 && amax>0){
+ amax--;
+ uhit=1;
+ }
+ if(--discounterl<=0 && amin<0){
+ amin++;
+ lhit=1;
+ }
+ if(uhit)discounteru=discfactor;
+ if(lhit)discounterl=discfactor;
+ }
+ }
+ if(measPeak){
+ apeak = (amax-amin)/2;
+ mySps->apeak=apeak;
+ mySps->amax=amax;
+ mySps->amin=amin;
+ mySps->discounteru=discounteru;
+ mySps->discounterl=discounterl;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ DelayLine
+i16 DelayLine(t_pmr_sps *mySps)
+ i16 *input, *output, *buff;
+ i16 i, npoints,buffsize,inindex,outindex;
+ TRACEX((" DelayLine() %i\n",mySps->enabled));
+ input = mySps->source;
+ output = mySps->sink;
+ buff = (i16*)(mySps->buff);
+ buffsize = mySps->buffSize;
+ npoints = mySps->nSamples;
+ outindex = mySps->buffOutIndex;
+ inindex = outindex + mySps->buffLead;
+ for(i=0;i<npoints;i++)
+ {
+ inindex %= buffsize;
+ outindex %= buffsize;
+ buff[inindex]=input[i];
+ output[i]=buff[outindex];
+ inindex++;
+ outindex++;
+ }
+ mySps->buffOutIndex=outindex;
+ return 0;
+ Continuous Tone Coded Squelch (CTCSS) Detector
+i16 ctcss_detect(t_pmr_chan *pmrChan)
+ i16 i,points2do, points=0, *pInput, hit, thit,relax;
+ i16 tnum, tmp, indexWas=0, indexNow, gain, peakwas=0, diffpeak;
+ i16 difftrig;
+ i16 lasttv0=0, lasttv1=0, lasttv2=0, tv0, tv1, tv2, indexDebug;
+ TRACEX(("ctcss_detect(%p) %i %i %i %i\n",pmrChan,
+ pmrChan->rxCtcss->enabled,
+ pmrChan->rxCtcssIndex,
+ pmrChan->rxCtcss->testIndex,
+ pmrChan->rxCtcss->decode));
+ if(!pmrChan->rxCtcss->enabled)return(1);
+ relax = pmrChan->rxCtcss->relax;
+ pInput = pmrChan->rxCtcss->input;
+ gain = pmrChan->rxCtcss->gain;
+ if(relax) difftrig=(-0.1*M_Q15);
+ else difftrig=(-0.05*M_Q15);
+ thit=hit=-1;
+ //TRACEX((" ctcss_detect() %i %i %i %i\n", CTCSS_NUM_CODES,0,0,0));
+ for(tnum=0;tnum<CTCSS_NUM_CODES;tnum++)
+ {
+ i32 accum, peak;
+ t_tdet *ptdet;
+ i16 fudgeFactor;
+ i16 binFactor;
+ //TRACEX((" ctcss_detect() tnum=%i %i\n",tnum,pmrChan->rxCtcssMap[tnum]));
+ if( (pmrChan->rxCtcssMap[tnum] < 0) ||
+ (pmrChan->rxCtcss->decode>=0 && (tnum!= pmrChan->rxCtcss->decode)) ||
+ (!pmrChan->rxCtcss->multiFreq && (tnum!= pmrChan->rxCtcssIndex))
+ )
+ continue;
+ //TRACEX((" ctcss_detect() tnum=%i\n",tnum));
+ ptdet=&(pmrChan->rxCtcss->tdet[tnum]);
+ indexDebug=0;
+ points=points2do=pmrChan->nSamplesRx;
+ fudgeFactor=ptdet->fudgeFactor;
+ binFactor=ptdet->binFactor;
+ while(ptdet->counter < (points2do*CTCSS_SCOUNT_MUL))
+ {
+ //TRACEX((" ctcss_detect() - inner loop\n"));
+ tmp=(ptdet->counter/CTCSS_SCOUNT_MUL)+1;
+ ptdet->counter-=(tmp*CTCSS_SCOUNT_MUL);
+ points2do-=tmp;
+ indexNow=points-points2do;
+ ptdet->counter += ptdet->counterFactor;
+ accum = pInput[indexNow-1]; // dude's major bug fix!
+ peakwas=ptdet->peak;
+ ptdet->z[ptdet->zIndex]+=
+ (((accum - ptdet->z[ptdet->zIndex])*binFactor)/M_Q15);
+ peak = abs(ptdet->z[0]-ptdet->z[2]) + abs(ptdet->z[1]-ptdet->z[3]);
+ if (ptdet->peak < peak)
+ ptdet->peak += ( ((peak-ptdet->peak)*binFactor)/M_Q15);
+ else
+ ptdet->peak=peak;
+ {
+ static const i16 a0=13723;
+ static const i16 a1=-13723;
+ i32 temp0,temp1;
+ i16 x0;
+ //differentiate
+ x0=ptdet->zd;
+ temp0 = x0 * a1;
+ ptdet->zd = ptdet->peak;
+ temp1 = ptdet->peak * a0;
+ diffpeak = (temp0 + temp1)/1024;
+ }
+ if(diffpeak<(-0.03*M_Q15))ptdet->dvd-=4;
+ else if(ptdet->dvd<0)ptdet->dvd++;
+ if((ptdet->dvd < -12) && diffpeak > (-0.02*M_Q15))ptdet->dvu+=2;
+ else if(ptdet->dvu)ptdet->dvu--;
+ tmp=ptdet->setpt;
+ if(pmrChan->rxCtcss->decode==tnum)
+ {
+ if(relax)tmp=(tmp*55)/100;
+ else tmp=(tmp*80)/100;
+ }
+ if(ptdet->peak > tmp)
+ {
+ if(ptdet->decode<(fudgeFactor*32))ptdet->decode++;
+ }
+ else if(pmrChan->rxCtcss->decode==tnum)
+ {
+ if(ptdet->peak > ptdet->hyst)ptdet->decode--;
+ else if(relax) ptdet->decode--;
+ else ptdet->decode-=4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ptdet->decode=0;
+ }
+ if((pmrChan->rxCtcss->decode==tnum) && !relax && (ptdet->dvu > (0.00075*M_Q15)))
+ {
+ ptdet->decode=0;
+ ptdet->z[0]=ptdet->z[1]=ptdet->z[2]=ptdet->z[3]=ptdet->dvu=0;
+ //printf("ctcss_detect() turnoff code!\n");
+ }
+ if(ptdet->decode<0 || !pmrChan->rxCarrierDetect)ptdet->decode=0;
+ if(ptdet->decode>=fudgeFactor)thit=tnum;
+ #if XPMR_DEBUG0 == 1
+ //if(thit>=0 && thit==tnum)
+ // printf(" ctcss_detect() %i %i %i %i \n",tnum,ptdet->peak,ptdet->setpt,ptdet->hyst);
+ // tv0=accum;
+ tv0=ptdet->peak;
+ tv1=diffpeak;
+ tv2=ptdet->dvu;
+ //tv1=ptdet->zi*100;
+ while(indexDebug<indexNow)
+ {
+ if(indexDebug==0)lasttv0=ptdet->pDebug0[points-1];
+ if(ptdet->pDebug0)ptdet->pDebug0[indexDebug]=lasttv0;
+ if(indexDebug==0)lasttv1=ptdet->pDebug1[points-1];
+ if(ptdet->pDebug1)ptdet->pDebug1[indexDebug]=lasttv1;
+ if(indexDebug==0)lasttv2=ptdet->pDebug2[points-1];
+ if(ptdet->pDebug2)ptdet->pDebug2[indexDebug]=lasttv2;
+ indexDebug++;
+ }
+ lasttv0=tv0;
+ lasttv1=tv1;
+ lasttv2=tv2*100;
+ #endif
+ indexWas=indexNow;
+ ptdet->zIndex=(++ptdet->zIndex)%4;
+ }
+ ptdet->counter-=(points2do*CTCSS_SCOUNT_MUL);
+ #if XPMR_DEBUG0 == 1
+ for(i=indexWas;i<points;i++)
+ {
+ if(ptdet->pDebug0)ptdet->pDebug0[i]=lasttv0;
+ if(ptdet->pDebug1)ptdet->pDebug1[i]=lasttv1;
+ if(ptdet->pDebug2)ptdet->pDebug2[i]=lasttv2;
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ //TRACEX((" ctcss_detect() thit %i\n",thit));
+ if(pmrChan->rxCtcss->BlankingTimer>0)pmrChan->rxCtcss->BlankingTimer-=points;
+ if(pmrChan->rxCtcss->BlankingTimer<0)pmrChan->rxCtcss->BlankingTimer=0;
+ if(thit>=0 && pmrChan->rxCtcss->decode<0 && !pmrChan->rxCtcss->BlankingTimer)
+ {
+ pmrChan->rxCtcss->decode=thit;
+ }
+ else if(thit<0 && pmrChan->rxCtcss->decode>=0)
+ {
+ pmrChan->rxCtcss->BlankingTimer=SAMPLE_RATE_NETWORK/5;
+ pmrChan->rxCtcss->decode=-1;
+ for(tnum=0;tnum<CTCSS_NUM_CODES;tnum++)
+ {
+ t_tdet *ptdet=NULL;
+ ptdet=&(pmrChan->rxCtcss->tdet[tnum]);
+ ptdet->decode=0;
+ ptdet->z[0]=ptdet->z[1]=ptdet->z[2]=ptdet->z[3]=0;
+ }
+ }
+ //TRACEX((" ctcss_detect() thit %i %i\n",thit,pmrChan->rxCtcss->decode));
+ return(0);
+ TxTestTone
+static i16 TxTestTone(t_pmr_chan *pChan, i16 function)
+ if(function==1)
+ {
+ pChan->spsSigGen1->enabled=1;
+ pChan->spsSigGen1->option=1;
+ pChan->spsTx->source=pChan->spsSigGen1->sink;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pChan->spsSigGen1->option=3;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ assumes:
+ sampling rate is 48KS/s
+ samples are all 16 bits
+ samples are filtered and decimated by 1/6th
+t_pmr_chan *createPmrChannel(t_pmr_chan *tChan, i16 numSamples)
+ i16 i, *inputTmp;
+ t_pmr_chan *pChan;
+ t_pmr_sps *pSps;
+ t_dec_ctcss *pDecCtcss;
+ t_tdet *ptdet;
+ TRACEX(("createPmrChannel(%p,%i)\n",tChan,numSamples));
+ pChan = (t_pmr_chan *)calloc(sizeof(t_pmr_chan),1);
+ if(pChan==NULL)
+ {
+ printf("createPmrChannel() failed\n");
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ pChan->nSamplesRx=numSamples;
+ pChan->nSamplesTx=numSamples;
+ pChan->index=pmrChanIndex++;
+ for(i=0;i<CTCSS_NUM_CODES;i++)
+ {
+ pChan->rxCtcssMap[i]=-1;
+ }
+ pChan->rxCtcssIndex=-1;
+ if(tChan==NULL)
+ {
+ pChan->rxNoiseSquelchEnable=0;
+ pChan->rxHpfEnable=0;
+ pChan->rxDeEmpEnable=0;
+ pChan->rxCenterSlicerEnable=0;
+ pChan->rxCtcssDecodeEnable=0;
+ pChan->rxDcsDecodeEnable=0;
+ pChan->rxCarrierPoint = 17000;
+ pChan->rxCarrierHyst = 2500;
+ pChan->rxCtcssFreq=103.5;
+ pChan->txHpfEnable=0;
+ pChan->txLimiterEnable=0;
+ pChan->txPreEmpEnable=0;
+ pChan->txLpfEnable=1;
+ pChan->txCtcssFreq=103.5;
+ pChan->txMixA=TX_OUT_VOICE;
+ pChan->txMixB=TX_OUT_LSD;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pChan->rxDemod=tChan->rxDemod;
+ pChan->rxCdType=tChan->rxCdType;
+ pChan->rxSquelchPoint = tChan->rxSquelchPoint;
+ pChan->rxCarrierHyst = 3000;
+ pChan->rxCtcssFreq=tChan->rxCtcssFreq;
+ for(i=0;i<CTCSS_NUM_CODES;i++)
+ pChan->rxCtcssMap[i]=tChan->rxCtcssMap[i];
+ pChan->txMod=tChan->txMod;
+ pChan->txHpfEnable=1;
+ pChan->txLpfEnable=1;
+ pChan->txCtcssFreq=tChan->txCtcssFreq;
+ pChan->txMixA=tChan->txMixA;
+ pChan->txMixB=tChan->txMixB;
+ pChan->radioDuplex=tChan->radioDuplex;
+ }
+ TRACEX(("misc settings \n"));
+ if(pChan->rxCdType==CD_XPMR_NOISE){
+ pChan->rxNoiseSquelchEnable=1;
+ }
+ if(pChan->rxDemod==RX_AUDIO_FLAT){
+ pChan->rxHpfEnable=1;
+ pChan->rxDeEmpEnable=1;
+ }
+ pChan->rxCarrierPoint=(pChan->rxSquelchPoint*32767)/100;
+ pChan->rxCarrierHyst = 3000; //pChan->rxCarrierPoint/15;
+ pChan->rxDcsDecodeEnable=0;
+ if(pChan->rxCtcssFreq!=0){
+ pChan->rxHpfEnable=1;
+ pChan->rxCenterSlicerEnable=1;
+ pChan->rxCtcssDecodeEnable=1;
+ pChan->rxCtcssIndex=CtcssFreqIndex(pChan->rxCtcssFreq);
+ }
+ if(pChan->txMod){
+ pChan->txPreEmpEnable=1;
+ pChan->txLimiterEnable=1;
+ }
+ TRACEX(("calloc buffers \n"));
+ pChan->pRxDemod = calloc(numSamples,2);
+ pChan->pRxNoise = calloc(numSamples,2);
+ pChan->pRxBase = calloc(numSamples,2);
+ pChan->pRxHpf = calloc(numSamples,2);
+ pChan->pRxLsd = calloc(numSamples,2);
+ pChan->pRxSpeaker = calloc(numSamples,2);
+ pChan->pRxCtcss = calloc(numSamples,2);
+ pChan->pRxDcTrack = calloc(numSamples,2);
+ pChan->pRxLsdLimit = calloc(numSamples,2);
+ pChan->pTxBase = calloc(numSamples,2);
+ pChan->pTxHpf = calloc(numSamples,2);
+ pChan->pTxPreEmp = calloc(numSamples,2);
+ pChan->pTxLimiter = calloc(numSamples,2);
+ pChan->pTxLsd = calloc(numSamples,2);
+ pChan->pTxLsdLpf = calloc(numSamples,2);
+ pChan->pTxComposite = calloc(numSamples,2);
+ pChan->pSigGen0 = calloc(numSamples,2);
+ pChan->pSigGen1 = calloc(numSamples,2);
+ pChan->pTxCode = calloc(numSamples,2);
+ pChan->pTxOut = calloc(numSamples,2*2*6); // output buffer
+ #if XPMR_DEBUG0 == 1
+ pChan->pTxPttIn = calloc(numSamples,2);
+ pChan->pTxPttOut = calloc(numSamples,2);
+ pChan->prxDebug0 = calloc(numSamples,2);
+ pChan->prxDebug1 = calloc(numSamples,2);
+ pChan->prxDebug2 = calloc(numSamples,2);
+ pChan->prxDebug3 = calloc(numSamples,2);
+ pChan->ptxDebug0 = calloc(numSamples,2);
+ pChan->ptxDebug1 = calloc(numSamples,2);
+ pChan->ptxDebug2 = calloc(numSamples,2);
+ pChan->ptxDebug3 = calloc(numSamples,2);
+ pChan->pNull = calloc(numSamples,2);
+ for(i=0;i<numSamples;i++)pChan->pNull[i]=((i%(numSamples/2))*8000)-4000;
+ #endif
+ TRACEX(("create ctcss\n"));
+ pDecCtcss = (t_dec_ctcss *)calloc(sizeof(t_dec_ctcss),1);
+ pChan->rxCtcss=pDecCtcss;
+ pDecCtcss->enabled=1;
+ pDecCtcss->gain=1*M_Q8;
+ pDecCtcss->limit=8192;
+ pDecCtcss->input=pChan->pRxLsdLimit;
+ pDecCtcss->testIndex=pChan->rxCtcssIndex;
+ if(!pDecCtcss->testIndex)pDecCtcss->testIndex=1;
+ pChan->rxCtcssMap[pChan->rxCtcssIndex]=pChan->rxCtcssIndex;
+ pDecCtcss->decode=-1;
+ for(i=0;i<CTCSS_NUM_CODES;i++)
+ {
+ ptdet=&(pChan->rxCtcss->tdet[i]);
+ ptdet->state=1;
+ ptdet->setpt=(M_Q15*0.067); // 0.069
+ ptdet->hyst =(M_Q15*0.020);
+ ptdet->counterFactor=coef_ctcss_div[i];
+ ptdet->binFactor=(M_Q15*0.135); // was 0.140
+ ptdet->fudgeFactor=8;
+ }
+ // General Purpose Function Generator
+ pSps=pChan->spsSigGen1=createPmrSps();
+ pSps->parentChan=pChan;
+ pSps->sink=pChan->pSigGen1;
+ pSps->numChanOut=1;
+ pSps->selChanOut=0;
+ pSps->sigProc=SigGen;
+ pSps->nSamples=pChan->nSamplesTx;
+ pSps->sampleRate=SAMPLE_RATE_NETWORK;
+ pSps->freq=10000; // in increments of 0.1 Hz
+ pSps->outputGain=(.25*M_Q8);
+ pSps->option=0;
+ pSps->interpolate=1;
+ pSps->decimate=1;
+ pSps->enabled=0;
+ pSps = pChan->spsSigGen0 = createPmrSps();
+ pSps->parentChan=pChan;
+ pSps->sink=pChan->pTxLsd;
+ pSps->sigProc=SigGen;
+ pSps->numChanOut=1;
+ pSps->selChanOut=0;
+ pSps->nSamples=pChan->nSamplesTx;
+ pSps->sampleRate=SAMPLE_RATE_NETWORK;
+ pSps->freq=pChan->txCtcssFreq*10; // in increments of 0.1 Hz
+ pSps->outputGain=(0.5*M_Q8);
+ pSps->option=0;
+ pSps->interpolate=1;
+ pSps->decimate=1;
+ pSps->enabled=0;
+ // Tx LSD Low Pass Filter
+ pSps=pChan->spsTxLsdLpf=pSps->nextSps=createPmrSps();
+ pSps->source=pChan->pTxLsd;
+ pSps->sink=pChan->pTxLsdLpf;
+ pSps->sigProc=pmr_gp_fir;
+ pSps->enabled=0;
+ pSps->numChanOut=1;
+ pSps->selChanOut=0;
+ pSps->nSamples=pChan->nSamplesTx;
+ pSps->decimator=pSps->decimate=1;
+ pSps->interpolate=1;
+ pSps->inputGain=(1*M_Q8);
+ pSps->outputGain=(1*M_Q8);
+ if(pChan->txCtcssFreq>203.0)
+ {
+ pSps->ncoef=taps_fir_lpf_250_9_66;
+ pSps->size_coef=2;
+ pSps->coef=(void*)coef_fir_lpf_250_9_66;
+ pSps->nx=taps_fir_lpf_250_9_66;
+ pSps->size_x=2;
+ pSps->x=(void*)(calloc(pSps->nx,pSps->size_x));
+ pSps->calcAdjust=gain_fir_lpf_250_9_66;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pSps->ncoef=taps_fir_lpf_215_9_88;
+ pSps->size_coef=2;
+ pSps->coef=(void*)coef_fir_lpf_215_9_88;
+ pSps->nx=taps_fir_lpf_215_9_88;
+ pSps->size_x=2;
+ pSps->x=(void*)(calloc(pSps->nx,pSps->size_x));
+ pSps->calcAdjust=gain_fir_lpf_215_9_88;
+ }
+ pSps->inputGain=(1*M_Q8);
+ pSps->outputGain=(1*M_Q8);
+ if(pSps==NULL)printf("Error: calloc(), createPmrChannel()\n");
+ // RX Process
+ TRACEX(("create rx\n"));
+ pSps = NULL;
+ // allocate space for first sps and set pointers
+ pSps=pChan->spsRx=createPmrSps();
+ pSps->parentChan=pChan;
+ pSps->source=NULL; //set when called
+ pSps->sink=pChan->pRxBase;
+ pSps->sigProc=pmr_rx_frontend;
+ pSps->enabled=1;
+ pSps->decimator=pSps->decimate=6;
+ pSps->interpolate=pSps->interpolate=1;
+ pSps->nSamples=pChan->nSamplesRx;
+ pSps->ncoef=taps_fir_bpf_noise_1;
+ pSps->size_coef=2;
+ pSps->coef=(void*)coef_fir_lpf_3K_1;
+ pSps->coef2=(void*)coef_fir_bpf_noise_1;
+ pSps->nx=taps_fir_bpf_noise_1;
+ pSps->size_x=2;
+ pSps->x=(void*)(calloc(pSps->nx,pSps->size_coef));
+ pSps->calcAdjust=(gain_fir_lpf_3K_1*256)/0x0100;
+ pSps->outputGain=(1.0*M_Q8);
+ pSps->discfactor=2;
+ pSps->hyst=pChan->rxCarrierHyst;
+ pSps->setpt=pChan->rxCarrierPoint;
+ pChan->prxSquelchAdjust=&pSps->setpt;
+ #if XPMR_DEBUG0 == 1
+ pSps->debugBuff0=pChan->pRxDemod;
+ pSps->debugBuff1=pChan->pRxNoise;
+ pSps->debugBuff2=pChan->prxDebug0;
+ #endif
+ // allocate space for next sps and set pointers
+ // Rx SubAudible Decoder Low Pass Filter
+ pSps=pSps->nextSps=createPmrSps();
+ pSps->parentChan=pChan;
+ pSps->source=pChan->pRxBase;
+ pSps->sink=pChan->pRxLsd;
+ pSps->sigProc=pmr_gp_fir;
+ pSps->enabled=1;
+ pSps->numChanOut=1;
+ pSps->selChanOut=0;
+ pSps->nSamples=pChan->nSamplesRx;
+ pSps->decimator=pSps->decimate=1;
+ pSps->interpolate=1;
+ if(pChan->rxCtcssFreq>203.5)
+ {
+ pSps->ncoef=taps_fir_lpf_250_9_66;
+ pSps->size_coef=2;
+ pSps->coef=(void*)coef_fir_lpf_250_9_66;
+ pSps->nx=taps_fir_lpf_250_9_66;
+ pSps->size_x=2;
+ pSps->x=(void*)(calloc(pSps->nx,pSps->size_x));
+ pSps->calcAdjust=gain_fir_lpf_250_9_66;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pSps->ncoef=taps_fir_lpf_215_9_88;
+ pSps->size_coef=2;
+ pSps->coef=(void*)coef_fir_lpf_215_9_88;
+ pSps->nx=taps_fir_lpf_215_9_88;
+ pSps->size_x=2;
+ pSps->x=(void*)(calloc(pSps->nx,pSps->size_x));
+ pSps->calcAdjust=gain_fir_lpf_215_9_88;
+ }
+ pSps->inputGain=(1*M_Q8);
+ pSps->outputGain=(1*M_Q8);
+ pChan->prxCtcssMeasure=pSps->sink;
+ pChan->prxCtcssAdjust=&(pSps->outputGain);
+ // allocate space for next sps and set pointers
+ // CenterSlicer
+ if(pChan->rxCenterSlicerEnable)
+ {
+ pSps=pSps->nextSps=createPmrSps();
+ pSps->parentChan=pChan;
+ pSps->source=pChan->pRxLsd;
+ pSps->sink=pChan->pRxDcTrack;
+ pSps->buff=pChan->pRxLsdLimit;
+ pSps->sigProc=CenterSlicer;
+ pSps->enabled=1;
+ pSps->nSamples=pChan->nSamplesRx;
+ pSps->discfactor=800;
+ pSps->inputGain=(1*M_Q8);
+ pSps->outputGain=(1*M_Q8);
+ pSps->setpt=3000;
+ pSps->inputGainB=1000; // limiter set point
+ }
+ // allocate space for next sps and set pointers
+ // Rx HPF
+ pSps=pSps->nextSps=createPmrSps();
+ pSps->parentChan=pChan;
+ pChan->spsRxHpf=pSps;
+ pSps->source=pChan->pRxBase;
+ pSps->sink=pChan->pRxHpf;
+ pSps->sigProc=pmr_gp_fir;
+ pSps->enabled=1;
+ pSps->numChanOut=1;
+ pSps->selChanOut=0;
+ pSps->nSamples=pChan->nSamplesRx;
+ pSps->decimator=pSps->decimate=1;
+ pSps->interpolate=1;
+ pSps->ncoef=taps_fir_hpf_300_9_66;
+ pSps->size_coef=2;
+ pSps->coef=(void*)coef_fir_hpf_300_9_66;
+ pSps->nx=taps_fir_hpf_300_9_66;
+ pSps->size_x=2;
+ pSps->x=(void*)(calloc(pSps->nx,pSps->size_x));
+ if(pSps==NULL)printf("Error: calloc(), createPmrChannel()\n");
+ pSps->calcAdjust=gain_fir_hpf_300_9_66;
+ pSps->inputGain=(1*M_Q8);
+ pSps->outputGain=(1*M_Q8);
+ pChan->spsRxOut=pSps;
+ // allocate space for next sps and set pointers
+ // Rx DeEmp
+ if(pChan->rxDeEmpEnable){
+ pSps=pSps->nextSps=createPmrSps();
+ pSps->parentChan=pChan;
+ pChan->spsRxDeEmp=pSps;
+ pSps->source=pChan->pRxHpf;
+ pSps->sink=pChan->pRxSpeaker;
+ pChan->spsRxOut=pSps; // OUTPUT STRUCTURE! maw
+ pSps->sigProc=gp_inte_00;
+ pSps->enabled=1;
+ pSps->nSamples=pChan->nSamplesRx;
+ pSps->ncoef=taps_int_lpf_300_1_2;
+ pSps->size_coef=2;
+ pSps->coef=(void*)coef_int_lpf_300_1_2;
+ pSps->nx=taps_int_lpf_300_1_2;
+ pSps->size_x=4;
+ pSps->x=(void*)(calloc(pSps->nx,pSps->size_x));
+ if(pSps==NULL)printf("Error: calloc(), createPmrChannel()\n");
+ pSps->calcAdjust=gain_int_lpf_300_1_2/2;
+ pSps->inputGain=(1.0*M_Q8);
+ pSps->outputGain=(1.0*M_Q8);
+ pChan->prxVoiceMeasure=pSps->sink;
+ pChan->prxVoiceAdjust=&(pSps->outputGain);
+ }
+ if(pChan->rxDelayLineEnable)
+ {
+ TRACEX(("create delayline\n"));
+ pSps=pChan->spsDelayLine=pSps->nextSps=createPmrSps();
+ pSps->sigProc=DelayLine;
+ pSps->source=pChan->pRxSpeaker;
+ pSps->sink=pChan->pRxSpeaker;
+ pSps->enabled=0;
+ pSps->inputGain=1*M_Q8;
+ pSps->outputGain=1*M_Q8;
+ pSps->nSamples=pChan->nSamplesRx;
+ pSps->buffSize=4096;
+ pSps->buff=calloc(4096,2); // one second maximum
+ pSps->buffLead = (SAMPLE_RATE_NETWORK*0.100);
+ pSps->buffOutIndex=0;
+ }
+ if(pChan->rxCdType==CD_XPMR_VOX)
+ {
+ TRACEX(("create vox measureblock\n"));
+ pSps=pChan->spsRxVox=pSps->nextSps=createPmrSps();
+ pSps->sigProc=MeasureBlock;
+ pSps->parentChan=pChan;
+ pSps->source=pChan->pRxBase;
+ pSps->sink=pChan->prxDebug1;
+ pSps->inputGain=1*M_Q8;
+ pSps->outputGain=1*M_Q8;
+ pSps->nSamples=pChan->nSamplesRx;
+ pSps->discfactor=3;
+ pSps->setpt=(0.01*M_Q15);
+ pSps->hyst=(pSps->setpt/10);
+ pSps->enabled=1;
+ }
+ // tuning measure block
+ pSps=pChan->spsMeasure=pSps->nextSps=createPmrSps();
+ pSps->parentChan=pChan;
+ pSps->source=pChan->spsRx->sink;
+ pSps->sink=pChan->prxDebug2;
+ pSps->sigProc=MeasureBlock;
+ pSps->enabled=0;
+ pSps->nSamples=pChan->nSamplesRx;
+ pSps->discfactor=10;
+ pSps->nextSps=NULL; // last sps in chain RX
+ TRACEX((" create tx\n"));
+ inputTmp=NULL;
+ pSps = NULL;
+ // allocate space for first sps and set pointers
+ // Tx HPF SubAudible
+ if(pChan->txHpfEnable)
+ {
+ pSps=createPmrSps();
+ pChan->spsTx=pSps;
+ pSps->source=pChan->pTxBase;
+ pSps->sink=pChan->pTxHpf;
+ pSps->sigProc=pmr_gp_fir;
+ pSps->enabled=1;
+ pSps->numChanOut=1;
+ pSps->selChanOut=0;
+ pSps->nSamples=pChan->nSamplesTx;
+ pSps->decimator=pSps->decimate=1;
+ pSps->interpolate=1;
+ pSps->ncoef=taps_fir_hpf_300_9_66;
+ pSps->size_coef=2;
+ pSps->coef=(void*)coef_fir_hpf_300_9_66;
+ pSps->nx=taps_fir_hpf_300_9_66;
+ pSps->size_x=2;
+ pSps->x=(void*)(calloc(pSps->nx,pSps->size_x));
+ if(pSps==NULL)printf("Error: calloc(), createPmrChannel()\n");
+ pSps->calcAdjust=gain_fir_hpf_300_9_66;
+ pSps->inputGain=(1*M_Q8);
+ pSps->outputGain=(1*M_Q8);
+ inputTmp=pChan->pTxHpf;
+ }
+ // Tx PreEmphasis
+ if(pChan->txPreEmpEnable)
+ {
+ if(pSps==NULL) pSps=pChan->spsTx=createPmrSps();
+ else pSps=pSps->nextSps=createPmrSps();
+ pSps->parentChan=pChan;
+ pSps->source=inputTmp;
+ pSps->sink=pChan->pTxPreEmp;
+ pSps->sigProc=gp_diff;
+ pSps->enabled=1;
+ pSps->nSamples=pChan->nSamplesTx;
+ pSps->ncoef=taps_int_hpf_4000_1_2;
+ pSps->size_coef=2;
+ pSps->coef=(void*)coef_int_hpf_4000_1_2;
+ pSps->nx=taps_int_hpf_4000_1_2;
+ pSps->size_x=2;
+ pSps->x=(void*)(calloc(pSps->nx,pSps->size_x));
+ if(pSps==NULL)printf("Error: calloc(), createPmrChannel()\n");
+ pSps->outputGain=(1*M_Q8);
+ pSps->calcAdjust=gain_int_hpf_4000_1_2;
+ pSps->inputGain=(1*M_Q8);
+ pSps->outputGain=(1*M_Q8);
+ inputTmp=pSps->sink;
+ }
+ // Tx Limiter
+ if(pChan->txLimiterEnable)
+ {
+ if(pSps==NULL) pSps=pChan->spsTx=createPmrSps();
+ else pSps=pSps->nextSps=createPmrSps();
+ pSps->source=inputTmp;
+ pSps->sink=pChan->pTxLimiter;
+ pSps->sigProc=SoftLimiter;
+ pSps->enabled=1;
+ pSps->nSamples=pChan->nSamplesTx;
+ pSps->inputGain=(1*M_Q8);
+ pSps->outputGain=(1*M_Q8);
+ pSps->setpt=12000;
+ inputTmp=pSps->sink;
+ }
+ // Composite Mix of Voice and LSD
+ if((pChan->txMixA==TX_OUT_COMPOSITE)||(pChan->txMixB==TX_OUT_COMPOSITE))
+ {
+ if(pSps==NULL)
+ pSps=pChan->spsTx=createPmrSps();
+ else
+ pSps=pSps->nextSps=createPmrSps();
+ pSps->source=inputTmp;
+ pSps->sourceB=pChan->pTxLsdLpf; //asdf ??? !!! maw pTxLsdLpf
+ pSps->sink=pChan->pTxComposite;
+ pSps->sigProc=pmrMixer;
+ pSps->enabled=1;
+ pSps->nSamples=pChan->nSamplesTx;
+ pSps->inputGain=2*M_Q8;
+ pSps->inputGainB=1*M_Q8/8;
+ pSps->outputGain=1*M_Q8;
+ pSps->setpt=0;
+ inputTmp=pSps->sink;
+ pChan->ptxCtcssAdjust=&pSps->inputGainB;
+ }
+ // Chan A Upsampler and Filter
+ if(pSps==NULL) pSps=pChan->spsTx=createPmrSps();
+ else pSps=pSps->nextSps=createPmrSps();
+ pChan->spsTxOutA=pSps;
+ if(!pChan->spsTx)pChan->spsTx=pSps;
+ pSps->parentChan=pChan;
+ if(pChan->txMixA==TX_OUT_COMPOSITE)
+ {
+ pSps->source=pChan->pTxComposite;
+ }
+ else if(pChan->txMixA==TX_OUT_LSD)
+ {
+ pSps->source=pChan->pTxLsdLpf;
+ }
+ else if(pChan->txMixA==TX_OUT_VOICE)
+ {
+ pSps->source=pChan->pTxHpf;
+ }
+ else if (pChan->txMixA==TX_OUT_AUX)
+ {
+ pSps->source=inputTmp;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pSps->source=NULL;
+ }
+ pSps->sink=pChan->pTxOut;
+ pSps->sigProc=pmr_gp_fir;
+ pSps->enabled=1;
+ pSps->numChanOut=2;
+ pSps->selChanOut=0;
+ pSps->nSamples=pChan->nSamplesTx;
+ pSps->interpolate=6;
+ pSps->ncoef=taps_fir_lpf_3K_1;
+ pSps->size_coef=2;
+ pSps->coef=(void*)coef_fir_lpf_3K_1;
+ pSps->nx=taps_fir_lpf_3K_1;
+ pSps->size_x=2;
+ pSps->x=(void*)(calloc(pSps->nx,pSps->size_x));
+ if(pSps==NULL)printf("Error: calloc(), createPmrChannel()\n");
+ pSps->calcAdjust=gain_fir_lpf_3K_1;
+ pSps->inputGain=(1*M_Q8);
+ pSps->outputGain=(1*M_Q8);
+ if(pChan->txMixA==pChan->txMixB)pSps->monoOut=1;
+ else pSps->monoOut=0;
+ // Chan B Upsampler and Filter
+ if((pChan->txMixA!=pChan->txMixB)&&(pChan->txMixB!=TX_OUT_OFF))
+ {
+ if(pSps==NULL) pSps=pChan->spsTx=createPmrSps();
+ else pSps=pSps->nextSps=createPmrSps();
+ pChan->spsTxOutB=pSps;
+ pSps->parentChan=pChan;
+ if(pChan->txMixB==TX_OUT_COMPOSITE)
+ {
+ pSps->source=pChan->pTxComposite;
+ }
+ else if(pChan->txMixB==TX_OUT_LSD)
+ {
+ pSps->source=pChan->pTxLsdLpf;
+ // pChan->ptxCtcssAdjust=&pSps->inputGain;
+ }
+ else if(pChan->txMixB==TX_OUT_VOICE)
+ {
+ pSps->source=inputTmp;
+ }
+ else if(pChan->txMixB==TX_OUT_AUX)
+ {
+ pSps->source=pChan->pTxHpf;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pSps->source=NULL;
+ }
+ pSps->sink=pChan->pTxOut;
+ pSps->sigProc=pmr_gp_fir;
+ pSps->enabled=1;
+ pSps->numChanOut=2;
+ pSps->selChanOut=1;
+ pSps->mixOut=0;
+ pSps->nSamples=pChan->nSamplesTx;
+ pSps->interpolate=6;
+ pSps->ncoef=taps_fir_lpf_3K_1;
+ pSps->size_coef=2;
+ pSps->coef=(void*)coef_fir_lpf_3K_1;
+ pSps->nx=taps_fir_lpf_3K_1;
+ pSps->size_x=2;
+ pSps->x=(void*)(calloc(pSps->nx,pSps->size_x));
+ if(pSps==NULL)printf("Error: calloc(), createPmrChannel()\n");
+ pSps->calcAdjust=(gain_fir_lpf_3K_1);
+ pSps->inputGain=(1*M_Q8);
+ pSps->outputGain=(1*M_Q8);
+ }
+ pSps->nextSps=NULL;
+ #if XPMR_DEBUG0 == 1
+ {
+ TRACEX((" configure tracing\n"));
+ t_tdet *ptdet;
+ pChan->rxCtcss->pDebug0=calloc(numSamples,2);
+ pChan->rxCtcss->pDebug1=calloc(numSamples,2);
+ pChan->rxCtcss->pDebug2=calloc(numSamples,2);
+ for(i=0;i<CTCSS_NUM_CODES;i++){
+ ptdet=&(pChan->rxCtcss->tdet[i]);
+ ptdet->pDebug0=calloc(numSamples,2);
+ ptdet->pDebug1=calloc(numSamples,2);
+ ptdet->pDebug2=calloc(numSamples,2);
+ }
+ // buffer, 2 bytes per sample, and 16 channels
+ pChan->prxDebug=calloc(numSamples*16,2);
+ pChan->ptxDebug=calloc(numSamples*16,2);
+ }
+ #endif
+ TRACEX((" createPmrChannel() end\n"));
+ return pChan;
+i16 destroyPmrChannel(t_pmr_chan *pChan)
+ t_pmr_sps *pmr_sps, *tmp_sps;
+ TRACEX(("destroyPmrChannel()\n"));
+ free(pChan->pRxDemod);
+ free(pChan->pRxNoise);
+ free(pChan->pRxBase);
+ free(pChan->pRxHpf);
+ free(pChan->pRxLsd);
+ free(pChan->pRxSpeaker);
+ free(pChan->pRxDcTrack);
+ if(pChan->pRxLsdLimit)free(pChan->pRxLsdLimit);
+ free(pChan->pTxBase);
+ free(pChan->pTxHpf);
+ free(pChan->pTxPreEmp);
+ free(pChan->pTxLimiter);
+ free(pChan->pTxLsd);
+ free(pChan->pTxLsdLpf);
+ if(pChan->pTxComposite)free(pChan->pTxComposite);
+ free(pChan->pTxCode);
+ free(pChan->pTxOut);
+ if(pChan->pSigGen0)free(pChan->pSigGen0);
+ if(pChan->pSigGen1)free(pChan->pSigGen1);
+ #if XPMR_DEBUG0 == 1
+ free(pChan->pTxPttIn);
+ free(pChan->pTxPttOut);
+ if(pChan->prxDebug)free(pChan->prxDebug);
+ if(pChan->ptxDebug)free(pChan->ptxDebug);
+ free(pChan->rxCtcss->pDebug0);
+ free(pChan->rxCtcss->pDebug1);
+ free(pChan->prxDebug0);
+ free(pChan->prxDebug1);
+ free(pChan->prxDebug2);
+ free(pChan->prxDebug3);
+ free(pChan->ptxDebug0);
+ free(pChan->ptxDebug1);
+ free(pChan->ptxDebug2);
+ free(pChan->ptxDebug3);
+ i16 i;
+ for(i=0;i<CTCSS_NUM_CODES;i++)
+ {
+ free(pChan->rxCtcss->tdet[i].pDebug0);
+ free(pChan->rxCtcss->tdet[i].pDebug1);
+ free(pChan->rxCtcss->tdet[i].pDebug2);
+ }
+ #endif
+ free(pChan->pRxCtcss);
+ pmr_sps=pChan->spsRx;
+ while(pmr_sps)
+ {
+ tmp_sps = pmr_sps;
+ pmr_sps = tmp_sps->nextSps;
+ destroyPmrSps(tmp_sps);
+ }
+ free(pChan);
+ return 0;
+t_pmr_sps *createPmrSps(void)
+ t_pmr_sps *pSps;
+ TRACEX(("createPmrSps()\n"));
+ pSps = (t_pmr_sps *)calloc(sizeof(t_pmr_sps),1);
+ if(!pSps)printf("Error: createPmrSps()\n");
+ // pSps->x=calloc(pSps->nx,pSps->size_x);
+ return pSps;
+i16 destroyPmrSps(t_pmr_sps *pSps)
+ TRACEX(("destroyPmrSps(%i)\n",pSps->index));
+ if(pSps->x!=NULL)free(pSps->x);
+ free(pSps);
+ return 0;
+ PmrRx does the whole buffer
+i16 PmrRx(t_pmr_chan *pChan, i16 *input, i16 *output)
+ int i,ii;
+ t_pmr_sps *pmr_sps;
+ TRACEX(("PmrRx() %i\n",pChan->frameCountRx));
+ if(pChan==NULL){
+ printf("PmrRx() pChan == NULL\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ pChan->frameCountRx++;
+ pmr_sps=pChan->spsRx; // first sps
+ pmr_sps->source=input;
+ if(output!=NULL)pChan->spsRxOut->sink=output; //last sps
+ #if 0
+ if(pChan->inputBlanking>0)
+ {
+ pChan->inputBlanking-=pChan->nSamplesRx;
+ if(pChan->inputBlanking<0)pChan->inputBlanking=0;
+ for(i=0;i<pChan->nSamplesRx*6;i++)
+ input[i]=0;
+ }
+ #endif
+ // || (pChan->radioDuplex && (pChan->pttIn || pChan->pttOut)))
+ if(pChan->rxCpuSaver && !pChan->rxCarrierDetect)
+ {
+ if(pChan->spsRxHpf)pChan->spsRxHpf->enabled=0;
+ if(pChan->spsRxDeEmp)pChan->spsRxDeEmp->enabled=0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(pChan->spsRxHpf)pChan->spsRxHpf->enabled=1;
+ if(pChan->spsRxDeEmp)pChan->spsRxDeEmp->enabled=1;
+ }
+ i=0;
+ while(pmr_sps!=NULL && pmr_sps!=0)
+ {
+ TRACEX(("PmrRx() sps %i\n",i++));
+ pmr_sps->sigProc(pmr_sps);
+ pmr_sps = (t_pmr_sps *)(pmr_sps->nextSps);
+ //pmr_sps=NULL; // sph maw
+ }
+ #define XPMR_VOX_HANGTIME 2000
+ if(pChan->rxCdType==CD_XPMR_VOX)
+ {
+ if(pChan->spsRxVox->compOut)
+ {
+ pChan->rxVoxTimer=XPMR_VOX_HANGTIME; //VOX HangTime in ms
+ }
+ if(pChan->rxVoxTimer>0)
+ {
+ pChan->rxVoxTimer-=MS_PER_FRAME;
+ pChan->rxCarrierDetect=1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pChan->rxVoxTimer=0;
+ pChan->rxCarrierDetect=0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pChan->rxCarrierDetect=!pChan->spsRx->compOut;
+ }
+ if( !pChan->rxCpuSaver || pChan->rxCarrierDetect
+ || pChan->rxCtcss->decode!=-1) ctcss_detect(pChan);
+ #if XPMR_DEBUG0 == 1
+ // TRACEX(("Write file.\n"));
+ ii=0;
+ if(pChan->b.rxCapture)
+ {
+ for(i=0;i<pChan->nSamplesRx;i++)
+ {
+ pChan->prxDebug[ii++]=input[i*2*6]; // input data
+ pChan->prxDebug[ii++]=output[i]; // output data
+ pChan->prxDebug[ii++]=pChan->rxCarrierDetect*M_Q14; // carrier detect
+ if(pChan->rxCtcss)
+ pChan->prxDebug[ii++]=pChan->rxCtcss->decode*M_Q15/CTCSS_NUM_CODES; // decoded ctcss
+ else
+ pChan->prxDebug[ii++]=0;
+ pChan->prxDebug[ii++]=pChan->pRxNoise[i]; // rssi
+ pChan->prxDebug[ii++]=pChan->pRxBase[i]; // decimated, low pass filtered
+ pChan->prxDebug[ii++]=pChan->pRxHpf[i]; // output to network
+ pChan->prxDebug[ii++]=pChan->pRxSpeaker[i];
+ pChan->prxDebug[ii++]=pChan->pRxLsd[i]; // CTCSS Filtered
+ pChan->prxDebug[ii++]=pChan->pRxDcTrack[i]; // DC Restoration
+ pChan->prxDebug[ii++]=pChan->pRxLsdLimit[i]; // Amplitude Limited
+ //pChan->prxDebug[ii++]=pChan->rxCtcss->tdet[pChan->rxCtcss->testIndex+1].pDebug0[i]; // Upper Adjacent CTCSS Code
+ pChan->prxDebug[ii++]=pChan->rxCtcss->tdet[pChan->rxCtcss->testIndex].pDebug0[i]; // Primary CTCSS Code
+ pChan->prxDebug[ii++]=pChan->rxCtcss->tdet[pChan->rxCtcss->testIndex].pDebug1[i]; // dv/dt of decoder output
+ pChan->prxDebug[ii++]=pChan->rxCtcss->tdet[pChan->rxCtcss->testIndex].pDebug2[i];
+ //pChan->prxDebug[ii++]=pChan->rxCtcss->tdet[pChan->rxCtcss->testIndex-1].pDebug0[i]; // Lower Adjacent CTCSS Code
+ pChan->prxDebug[ii++]=pChan->prxDebug1[i]; // Measure Output for VOX
+ pChan->prxDebug[ii++]=pChan->prxDebug2[i]; // Measure Output for Tuning
+ }
+ }
+ #endif
+ return 0;
+ PmrTx does the whole buffer
+i16 PmrTx(t_pmr_chan *pChan, i16 *input, i16 *output)
+ int i, hit=0;
+ t_pmr_sps *pmr_sps;
+ pChan->frameCountTx++;
+ TRACEX(("PmrTx() %i\n",pChan->frameCountTx));
+ if(pChan==NULL){
+ printf("PmrTx() pChan == NULL\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if(pChan->b.startSpecialTone)
+ {
+ pChan->b.startSpecialTone=0;
+ pChan->spsSigGen1->option=1;
+ pChan->spsSigGen1->enabled=1;
+ pChan->b.doingSpecialTone=1;
+ } else if(pChan->b.stopSpecialTone)
+ {
+ pChan->b.stopSpecialTone=0;
+ pChan->spsSigGen1->option=0;
+ pChan->b.doingSpecialTone=0;
+ pChan->spsSigGen1->enabled=0;
+ } else if(pChan->b.doingSpecialTone)
+ {
+ pChan->spsSigGen1->sink=output;
+ pChan->spsSigGen1->sigProc(pChan->spsSigGen1);
+ for(i=0;i<(pChan->nSamplesTx*2*6);i+=2)output[i+1]=output[i];
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // handle transmitter ptt input
+ hit=0;
+ if( pChan->txPttIn && pChan->txState==0)
+ {
+ pChan->txState = 2;
+ pChan->txPttOut=1;
+ pChan->spsSigGen0->freq=pChan->txCtcssFreq*10;
+ pChan->spsSigGen0->option=1;
+ pChan->spsSigGen0->enabled=1;
+ if(pChan->spsTxOutA)pChan->spsTxOutA->enabled=1;
+ if(pChan->spsTxOutB)pChan->spsTxOutB->enabled=1;
+ if(pChan->spsTxLsdLpf)pChan->spsTxLsdLpf->enabled=1;
+ TRACEX((" TxOn\n"));
+ }
+ else if(!pChan->txPttIn && pChan->txState==2)
+ {
+ if( pChan->txTocType==TOC_NONE || !pChan->txCtcssFreq )
+ {
+ hit=1;
+ TRACEX((" Tx Off Immediate.\n"));
+ }
+ else if(pChan->txCtcssFreq && pChan->txTocType==TOC_NOTONE)
+ {
+ pChan->txState=3;
+ pChan->spsSigGen0->option=3;
+ TRACEX((" Tx Turn Off No Tone Start.\n"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pChan->txState=3;
+ pChan->txHangTime=0;
+ pChan->spsSigGen0->option=2;
+ TRACEX((" Tx Turn Off Phase Shift Start.\n"));
+ }
+ }
+ else if(pChan->txState==3)
+ {
+ if(pChan->txHangTime)
+ {
+ if(--pChan->txHangTime==0)hit=1;
+ }
+ else if(pChan->txHangTime<=0 && pChan->spsSigGen0->state==0)
+ {
+ hit=1;
+ TRACEX((" Tx Off TOC.\n"));
+ }
+ if(pChan->txPttIn)
+ {
+ TRACEX((" Tx Key During HangTime\n"));
+ if((pChan->txTocType==TOC_PHASE)||(pChan->txTocType==TOC_NONE))
+ {
+ pChan->txState = 2;
+ hit=0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( pChan->txCpuSaver && !hit && !pChan->txPttIn && !pChan->txPttOut && pChan->txState==0 ) return (1);
+ if(hit)
+ {
+ pChan->txPttOut=0;
+ pChan->txState=0;
+ if(pChan->spsTxLsdLpf)pChan->spsTxLsdLpf->option=3;
+ if(pChan->spsTxOutA)pChan->spsTxOutA->option=3;
+ if(pChan->spsTxOutB)pChan->spsTxOutB->option=3;
+ TRACEX((" Tx Off hit.\n"));
+ }
+ if(pChan->spsSigGen0)
+ {
+ pChan->spsSigGen0->sigProc(pChan->spsSigGen0);
+ pmr_sps=pChan->spsSigGen0->nextSps;
+ i=0;
+ while(pmr_sps!=NULL && pmr_sps!=0)
+ {
+ TRACEX((" PmrTx() subaudible sps %i\n",i++));
+ //printf(" CTCSS ENCODE %i %i\n",pChan->spsSigGen0->freq,pChan->spsSigGen0->outputGain);
+ pmr_sps->sigProc(pmr_sps);
+ pmr_sps = (t_pmr_sps *)(pmr_sps->nextSps);
+ }
+ }
+ if(pChan->spsSigGen1 && pChan->spsSigGen1->enabled)
+ {
+ pChan->spsSigGen1->sigProc(pChan->spsSigGen1);
+ }
+ // Do Voice
+ pmr_sps=pChan->spsTx;
+ if(!pChan->spsSigGen1->enabled)pmr_sps->source=input;
+ else input=pmr_sps->source;
+ if(output!=NULL)
+ {
+ if(pChan->spsTxOutA)pChan->spsTxOutA->sink=output;
+ if(pChan->spsTxOutB)pChan->spsTxOutB->sink=output;
+ }
+ i=0;
+ while(pmr_sps!=NULL && pmr_sps!=0)
+ {
+ TRACEX((" PmrTx() sps %i\n",i++));
+ pmr_sps->sigProc(pmr_sps);
+ pmr_sps = (t_pmr_sps *)(pmr_sps->nextSps);
+ }
+ if(pChan->txMixA==TX_OUT_OFF || !pChan->txPttOut){
+ for(i=0;i<pChan->nSamplesTx*2*6;i+=2)output[i]=0;
+ }
+ if(pChan->txMixB==TX_OUT_OFF || !pChan->txPttOut ){
+ for(i=0;i<pChan->nSamplesTx*2*6;i+=2)output[i+1]=0;
+ }
+ #if XPMR_DEBUG0 == 1
+ if(pChan->b.txCapture)
+ {
+ i16 ii=0;
+ for(i=0;i<pChan->nSamplesTx;i++)
+ {
+ pChan->ptxDebug[ii++]=input[i];
+ pChan->ptxDebug[ii++]=output[i*2*6];
+ pChan->ptxDebug[ii++]=output[(i*2*6)+1];
+ pChan->ptxDebug[ii++]=pChan->txPttIn*8192;
+ pChan->ptxDebug[ii++]=pChan->txPttOut*8192;
+ if(pChan->txHpfEnable)pChan->ptxDebug[ii++]=pChan->pTxHpf[i];
+ else pChan->ptxDebug[ii++]=0;
+ if(pChan->txPreEmpEnable)pChan->ptxDebug[ii++]=pChan->pTxPreEmp[i];
+ else pChan->ptxDebug[ii++]=0;
+ if(pChan->txLimiterEnable)pChan->ptxDebug[ii++]=pChan->pTxLimiter[i];
+ else pChan->ptxDebug[ii++]=0;
+ pChan->ptxDebug[ii++]=pChan->pTxLsd[i];
+ pChan->ptxDebug[ii++]=pChan->pTxLsdLpf[i];
+ pChan->ptxDebug[ii++]=pChan->pTxComposite[i];
+ pChan->ptxDebug[ii++]=pChan->pSigGen1[i];
+ #if 1
+ pChan->ptxDebug[ii++]=pChan->ptxDebug0[i];
+ pChan->ptxDebug[ii++]=pChan->ptxDebug1[i];
+ pChan->ptxDebug[ii++]=pChan->ptxDebug2[i];
+ pChan->ptxDebug[ii++]=pChan->ptxDebug3[i];
+ #else
+ pChan->ptxDebug[ii++]=0;
+ pChan->ptxDebug[ii++]=0;
+ pChan->ptxDebug[ii++]=0;
+ pChan->ptxDebug[ii++]=0;
+ #endif
+ }
+ }
+ #endif
+ return 0;
+/* end of file */
diff --git a/channels/xpmr/xpmr.h b/channels/xpmr/xpmr.h
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d51aa6dca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/channels/xpmr/xpmr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+ * xpmr.h - for Xelatec Private Mobile Radio Processes
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved. Copyright (C)2007, Xelatec, LLC
+ *
+ * 20070808 1235 Steven Henke, W9SH, sph@xelatec.com
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * This version may be optionally licenced under the GNU LGPL licence.
+ *
+ * A license has been granted to Digium (via disclaimer) for the use of
+ * this code.
+ *
+ */
+/*! \file
+ *
+ * \brief Private Land Mobile Radio Channel Voice and Signaling Processor
+ *
+ * \author Steven Henke, W9SH <sph@xelatec.com> Xelatec, LLC
+ */
+#ifndef XPMR_H
+#define XPMR_H 1
+#define XPMR_DEBUG0 1
+#define XPMR_TRACE 0
+#define XPMR_DEBUG0 1
+#define XPMR_TRACE 1
+#if(XPMR_TRACE == 1)
+#define TRACEX(a) {printf a;}
+#define TRACEXL(a) {printf("%s @ %u : ",__FILE__ ,__LINE__); printf a; }
+#define TRACEXT(a) { struct timeval hack; gettimeofday(&hack,NULL); printf("%ld.",hack.tv_sec%100000); printf("%i : ",(int)hack.tv_usec); printf a; }
+#define TRACEX(a)
+#define TRACEXL(a)
+#define TRACEXT(a)
+#define i8 int8_t
+#define u8 u_int8_t
+#define i16 int16_t
+#define u16 u_int16_t
+#define i32 int32_t
+#define u32 u_int32_t
+#define i64 int64_t
+#define u64 u_int64_t
+#define M_Q24 0x01000000 //
+#define M_Q23 0x00800000 //
+#define M_Q22 0x00400000 //
+#define M_Q21 0x00200000 //
+#define M_Q20 0x00100000 // 1048576
+#define M_Q19 0x00080000 // 524288
+#define M_Q18 0x00040000 // 262144
+#define M_Q17 0x00020000 // 131072
+#define M_Q16 0x00010000 // 65536
+#define M_Q15 0x00008000 // 32768
+#define M_Q14 0x00004000 // 16384
+#define M_Q13 0x00002000 // 8182
+#define M_Q12 0x00001000 // 4096
+#define M_Q11 0x00000800 // 2048
+#define M_Q10 0x00000400 // 1024
+#define M_Q9 0x00000200 // 512
+#define M_Q8 0x00000100 // 256
+#define M_Q7 0x00000080 // 128
+#define M_Q6 0x00000040 // 64
+#define M_Q5 0x00000020 // 32
+#define M_Q4 0x00000010 // 16
+#define M_Q3 0x00000008 // 16
+#define M_Q2 0x00000004 // 16
+#define M_Q1 0x00000002 // 16
+#define M_Q0 0x00000001 // 16
+#define SAMPLE_RATE_INPUT 48000
+#define SAMPLES_PER_BLOCK 160
+#define MS_PER_FRAME 20
+#define CTCSS_NUM_CODES 38
+#define CTCSS_SCOUNT_MUL 100
+#define CTCSS_INTEGRATE 3932 // 32767*.120 // 120/1000 // 0.120
+#define CTCSS_INPUT_LIMIT 1000
+#define CTCSS_DETECT_POINT 1989
+#define CTCSS_HYSTERSIS 200
+#define CTCSS_TURN_OFF_TIME 160 // ms
+#define CTCSS_TURN_OFF_SHIFT 240 // degrees
+#define TOC_NOTONE_TIME 600 // ms
+enum {SD_IGNORE,SD_HID,SD_HID_INVERT,SD_XPMR}; // no,external,externalinvert,software
+ one structure for each ctcss tone to decode
+typedef struct
+ i16 counter; // counter to next sample
+ i16 counterFactor; // full divisor used to increment counter
+ i16 binFactor;
+ i16 fudgeFactor;
+ i16 peak; // peak amplitude now maw sph now
+ i16 enabled;
+ i16 state; // dead, running, error
+ i16 zIndex; // z bucket index
+ i16 z[4]; // maw sph today
+ i16 zi;
+ i16 dvu;
+ i16 dvd;
+ i16 zd;
+ i16 setpt;
+ i16 hyst;
+ i16 decode;
+ i16 diffpeak;
+ i16 debug; // value held from last pass
+ i16 *pDebug0; // pointer to debug output
+ i16 *pDebug1; // pointer to debug output
+ i16 *pDebug2; // pointer to debug output
+} t_tdet;
+typedef struct
+ i16 enabled; // if 0 none, 0xFFFF all tones, or single tone
+ i16 *input;
+ i16 clamplitude;
+ i16 center;
+ i16 decode; // current ctcss decode index
+ i32 BlankingTimer;
+ u32 TurnOffTimer;
+ t_tdet tdet[CTCSS_NUM_CODES];
+ i16 gain;
+ i16 limit;
+ i16 *pDebug0;
+ i16 *pDebug1;
+ i16 *pDebug2;
+ i16 testIndex;
+ i16 multiFreq;
+ i8 relax;
+} t_dec_ctcss;
+typedef struct
+ i16 enabled; // if 0 none, 0xFFFF all tones, or single tone
+ i16 clamplitude;
+ i16 center;
+ i16 decode; // current ctcss decode value
+ i32 BlankingTimer;
+ u32 TurnOffTimer;
+ i16 gain;
+ i16 limit;
+ i16 *pDebug0;
+ i16 *pDebug1;
+ i16 rxPolarity;
+} t_dec_dcs;
+ Low Speed Data decoding both polarities
+typedef struct
+ i16 counter; // counter to next sample
+ i16 synced;
+ u32 syncCorr[2];
+ u32 data[2];
+ i16 state; // disabled, enabled,
+ i16 decode;
+ i16 debug;
+ i16 polarity;
+ u32 frameNum;
+ u16 area;
+ u16 chan;
+ u16 home;
+ u16 id;
+ u16 free;
+ u16 crc;
+ i16 rssi;
+} t_decLsd;
+/* general purpose pmr signal processing element */
+struct t_pmr_chan;
+typedef struct t_pmr_sps
+ i16 index; // unique to each instance
+ i16 enabled; // enabled/disabled
+ struct t_pmr_chan *parentChan;
+ i16 *source; // source buffer
+ i16 *sourceB; // source buffer B
+ i16 *sink; // sink buffer
+ i16 numChanOut; // allows output direct to interleaved buffer
+ i16 selChanOut;
+ u32 ticks;
+ void *buff; // this structure's internal buffer
+ i16 *debugBuff0; // debug buffer
+ i16 *debugBuff1; // debug buffer
+ i16 *debugBuff2; // debug buffer
+ i16 *debugBuff3; // debug buffer
+ i16 nSamples; // number of samples in the buffer
+ u32 buffSize; // buffer maximum index
+ u32 buffInIndex; // index to current input point
+ u32 buffOutIndex; // index to current output point
+ u32 buffLead; // lead of input over output through cb
+ i16 decimate; // decimation or interpolation factor (could be put in coef's)
+ i16 interpolate;
+ i16 decimator; // like the state this must be saved between calls (could be put in x's)
+ u32 sampleRate; // in Hz for elements in this structure
+ u32 freq; // in 0.1 Hz
+ i16 measPeak; // do measure Peak
+ i16 amax; // buffer amplitude maximum
+ i16 amin; // buffer amplitude minimum
+ i16 apeak; // buffer amplitude peak value (peak to peak)/2
+ i16 setpt; // amplitude set point for amplitude comparator
+ i16 hyst; // hysterysis for amplitude comparator
+ i16 compOut; // amplitude comparator output
+ i32 discounteru; // amplitude detector integrator discharge counter upper
+ i32 discounterl; // amplitude detector integrator discharge counter lower
+ i32 discfactor; // amplitude detector integrator discharge factor
+ i16 err; // error condition
+ i16 option; // option / request zero
+ i16 state; // stopped, start, stopped assumes zero'd
+ i16 cleared; // output buffer cleared
+ i16 delay;
+ i16 decode;
+ i32 inputGain; // apply to input data ? in Q7.8 format
+ i32 inputGainB; // apply to input data ? in Q7.8 format
+ i32 outputGain; // apply to output data ? in Q7.8 format
+ i16 mixOut;
+ i16 monoOut;
+ i16 filterType; // iir, fir, 1, 2, 3, 4 ...
+ i16 (*sigProc)(struct t_pmr_sps *sps); // function to call
+ i32 calcAdjust; // final adjustment
+ i16 nx; // number of x history elements
+ i16 ncoef; // number of coefficients
+ i16 size_x; // size of each x history element
+ i16 size_coef; // size of each coefficient
+ void *x; // history registers
+ void *x2; // history registers, 2nd bank
+ void *coef; // coefficients
+ void *coef2; // coefficients 2
+ void *nextSps; // next Sps function
+} t_pmr_sps;
+ pmr channel
+typedef struct t_pmr_chan
+ i16 index; // which one
+ i16 enabled; // enabled/disabled
+ i16 status; // ok, error, busy, idle, initializing
+ i16 nSamplesRx; // max frame size
+ i16 nSamplesTx;
+ i32 inputSampleRate; // in S/s 48000
+ i32 baseSampleRate; // in S/s 8000
+ i16 inputGain;
+ i16 inputOffset;
+ u32 frameCountRx; // number processed
+ u32 frameCountTx;
+ i32 txHangTime;
+ i32 txTurnOff;
+ i16 rxDC; // average DC value of input
+ i16 rxSqSet; // carrier squelch threshold
+ i16 rxSqHyst; // carrier squelch hysterysis
+ i16 rxRssi; // current Rssi level
+ i16 rxQuality; // signal quality metric
+ i16 rxCarrierDetect; // carrier detect
+ i16 rxCdType;
+ i16 rxExtCarrierDetect;
+ i32 inputBlanking; // Tx pulse eliminator
+ i16 rxDemod; // see enum
+ i16 txMod; //
+ i16 rxNoiseSquelchEnable;
+ i16 rxHpfEnable;
+ i16 rxDeEmpEnable;
+ i16 rxCenterSlicerEnable;
+ i16 rxCtcssDecodeEnable;
+ i16 rxDcsDecodeEnable;
+ i16 rxDelayLineEnable;
+ i16 txHpfEnable;
+ i16 txLimiterEnable;
+ i16 txPreEmpEnable;
+ i16 txLpfEnable;
+ char radioDuplex;
+ struct {
+ unsigned pmrNoiseSquelch:1;
+ unsigned rxHpf:1;
+ unsigned txHpf:1;
+ unsigned txLpf:1;
+ unsigned rxDeEmphasis:1;
+ unsigned txPreEmphasis:1;
+ unsigned startSpecialTone:1;
+ unsigned stopSpecialTone:1;
+ unsigned doingSpecialTone:1;
+ unsigned extCarrierDetect:1;
+ unsigned txCapture:1;
+ unsigned rxCapture:1;
+ }b;
+ i16 dummy;
+ i32 txScramFreq;
+ i32 rxScramFreq;
+ i16 gainVoice;
+ i16 gainSubAudible;
+ i16 txMixA; // Off, Ctcss, Voice, Composite
+ i16 txMixB; // Off, Ctcss, Voice, Composite
+ i16 rxMuting;
+ i16 rxCpuSaver;
+ i16 txCpuSaver;
+ i8 rxSqMode; // 0 open, 1 carrier, 2 coded
+ i8 cdMethod;
+ i16 rxSquelchPoint;
+ i16 rxCarrierPoint;
+ i16 rxCarrierHyst;
+ i16 rxCtcssMap[CTCSS_NUM_CODES];
+ i16 txCtcssTocShift;
+ i16 txCtcssTocTime;
+ i8 txTocType;
+ float txCtcssFreq;
+ float rxCtcssFreq;
+ float rxInputGain;
+ i16 rxCtcssIndex;
+ i16 txPttIn; // from external request
+ i16 txPttOut; // to radio hardware
+ i16 bandwidth; // wide/narrow
+ i16 txCompand; // type
+ i16 rxCompand; //
+ i16 txEqRight; // muted, flat, pre-emp limited filtered
+ i16 txEqLeft;
+ i16 txPotRight; //
+ i16 txPotLeft; //
+ i16 rxPotRight; //
+ i16 rxPotLeft; //
+ i16 function;
+ i16 txState; // off,settling,on,hangtime,turnoff
+ t_pmr_sps *spsMeasure; // measurement block
+ t_pmr_sps *spsRx; // 1st signal processing struct
+ t_pmr_sps *spsRxLsd;
+ t_pmr_sps *spsRxDeEmp;
+ t_pmr_sps *spsRxHpf;
+ t_pmr_sps *spsRxVox;
+ t_pmr_sps *spsDelayLine; // Last signal processing struct
+ t_pmr_sps *spsRxOut; // Last signal processing struct
+ t_pmr_sps *spsTx; // 1st signal processing struct
+ t_pmr_sps *spsTxLsdLpf;
+ t_pmr_sps *spsTxOutA; // Last signal processing struct
+ t_pmr_sps *spsTxOutB; // Last signal processing struct
+ t_pmr_sps *spsSigGen0; // ctcss
+ t_pmr_sps *spsSigGen1; // test and other tones
+ // tune tweaks
+ i32 rxVoxTimer; // Vox Hang Timer
+ i16 *prxSquelchAdjust;
+ // i16 *prxNoiseMeasure; // for autotune
+ // i32 *prxNoiseAdjust;
+ i16 *prxVoiceMeasure;
+ i32 *prxVoiceAdjust;
+ i16 *prxCtcssMeasure;
+ i32 *prxCtcssAdjust;
+ i16 *ptxVoiceAdjust; // from calling application
+ i32 *ptxCtcssAdjust; // from calling application
+ i32 *ptxLimiterAdjust; // from calling application
+ i16 *pRxDemod; // buffers
+ i16 *pRxBase; // decimated lpf input
+ i16 *pRxNoise;
+ i16 *pRxLsd; // subaudible only
+ i16 *pRxHpf; // subaudible removed
+ i16 *pRxDeEmp; // EIA Audio
+ i16 *pRxSpeaker; // EIA Audio
+ i16 *pRxDcTrack; // DC Restored LSD
+ i16 *pRxLsdLimit; // LSD Limited
+ i16 *pRxCtcss; //
+ i16 *pRxSquelch;
+ i16 *pTxBase; // input data
+ i16 *pTxHpf;
+ i16 *pTxPreEmp;
+ i16 *pTxLimiter;
+ i16 *pTxLsd;
+ i16 *pTxLsdLpf;
+ i16 *pTxComposite;
+ i16 *pTxMod; // upsampled, low pass filtered
+ i16 *pTxOut; //
+ i16 *pTxPttIn;
+ i16 *pTxPttOut;
+ i16 *pTxHang;
+ i16 *pTxCode;
+ i16 *pSigGen0;
+ i16 *pSigGen1;
+ i16 *pAlt0;
+ i16 *pAlt1;
+ i16 *pNull;
+ i16 *prxDebug; // consolidated debug buffer
+ i16 *ptxDebug; // consolidated debug buffer
+ i16 *prxDebug0;
+ i16 *prxDebug1;
+ i16 *prxDebug2;
+ i16 *prxDebug3;
+ i16 *ptxDebug0;
+ i16 *ptxDebug1;
+ i16 *ptxDebug2;
+ i16 *ptxDebug3;
+ t_dec_ctcss *rxCtcss;
+ i16 clamplitudeDcs;
+ i16 centerDcs;
+ u32 dcsBlankingTimer;
+ i16 dcsDecode; // current dcs decode value
+ i16 clamplitudeLsd;
+ i16 centerLsd;
+ t_decLsd decLsd[2]; // for both polarities
+} t_pmr_chan;
+static i16 TxTestTone(t_pmr_chan *pChan, i16 function);
+t_pmr_chan *createPmrChannel(t_pmr_chan *tChan, i16 numSamples);
+t_pmr_sps *createPmrSps(void);
+i16 destroyPmrChannel(t_pmr_chan *pChan);
+i16 destroyPmrSps(t_pmr_sps *pSps);
+i16 pmr_rx_frontend(t_pmr_sps *mySps);
+i16 pmr_gp_fir(t_pmr_sps *mySps);
+i16 pmr_gp_iir(t_pmr_sps *mySps);
+i16 gp_inte_00(t_pmr_sps *mySps);
+i16 gp_diff(t_pmr_sps *mySps);
+i16 CenterSlicer(t_pmr_sps *mySps);
+i16 ctcss_detect(t_pmr_chan *pmrChan);
+i16 SoftLimiter(t_pmr_sps *mySps);
+i16 SigGen(t_pmr_sps *mySps);
+i16 pmrMixer(t_pmr_sps *mySps);
+i16 DelayLine(t_pmr_sps *mySps);
+i16 PmrRx(t_pmr_chan *PmrChan, i16 *input, i16 *output);
+i16 PmrTx(t_pmr_chan *PmrChan, i16 *input, i16 *output);
+i16 CtcssFreqIndex(float freq);
+i16 MeasureBlock(t_pmr_sps *mySps);
+#endif /* ! XPMR_H */
+/* end of file */
diff --git a/channels/xpmr/xpmr_coef.h b/channels/xpmr/xpmr_coef.h
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4b7274e5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/channels/xpmr/xpmr_coef.h
@@ -0,0 +1,963 @@
+ * xpmr_coef.h - for Xelatec Private Mobile Radio Processes
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved. Copyright (C)2007, Xelatec, LLC
+ *
+ * 20070808 1235 Steven Henke, W9SH, sph@xelatec.com
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * This version may be optionally licenced under the GNU LGPL licence.
+ *
+ * A license has been granted to Digium (via disclaimer) for the use of
+ * this code.
+ *
+ * Some filter coeficients via 'WinFilter' http://www.winfilter.20m.com.
+ *
+ */
+/*! \file
+ *
+ * \brief Private Land Mobile Radio Channel Voice and Signaling Processor
+ *
+ * \author Steven Henke, W9SH <sph@xelatec.com> Xelatec, LLC
+ */
+#ifndef XPMR_COEF_H
+#define XMPR_COEF_H 1
+// frequencies in 0.1 Hz
+const u32 dtmf_row[] =
+ 6970, 7700, 8520, 9410
+const u32 dtmf_col[] =
+ 12090, 13360, 14770, 16330
+const i16 coef_dcs_rx = 1488; // dcs rx data divisor for oversampling 8000/134.4
+const i16 coef_dcs_tx = 5952; // dcs tx data divisor
+const i16 coef_lsd_div = 672; // low speed data divisor
+const u32 coef_lsd_sync = 0x158; // 000101011000
+const u32 coef_lsd_sync_pattern[] = {0x0000000F, 0x0F0FF000};
+#define CTCSS_COEF_INT 120
+#define CTCSS_SAMPLE_RATE 8000
+#define TDIV(x) ((CTCSS_SAMPLE_RATE*1000/x)+5)/10
+i32 coef_ctcss[4][5]=
+ // freq, divisor, integrator, filter
+ {770,TDIV(770),CTCSS_COEF_INT,0,0},
+ {1000,TDIV(1000),CTCSS_COEF_INT,0,0},
+ {1035,TDIV(1035),CTCSS_COEF_INT,0,0},
+ {0,0,0,0}
+i16 coef_ctcss_div[]=
+2985, // 00 067.0
+2782, // 01 071.9
+2688, // 02 074.4
+2597, // 03 077.0
+2509, // 04 079.7
+2424, // 05 082.5
+2342, // 06 085.4
+2260, // 07 088.5
+2186, // 08 091.5
+2110, // 09 094.8
+2053, // 10 097.4
+2000, // 11 100.0
+1932, // 12 103.5
+1866, // 13 107.2
+1803, // 14 110.9
+1742, // 15 114.8
+1684, // 16 118.8
+1626, // 17 123.0
+1571, // 18 127.3
+1517, // 19 131.8
+1465, // 20 136.5
+1415, // 21 141.3
+1368, // 22 146.2
+1321, // 23 151.4
+1276, // 24 156.7
+1233, // 25 162.2
+1191, // 26 167.9
+1151, // 27 173.8
+1112, // 28 179.9
+1074, // 29 186.2
+1037, // 30 192.8
+983, // 31 203.5
+949, // 32 210.7
+917, // 33 218.1
+886, // 34 225.7
+856, // 35 233.6
+827, // 36 241.8
+799 // 37 250.3
+float freq_ctcss[]=
+067.0, // 00
+071.9, // 01
+074.4, // 02
+077.0, // 03
+079.7, // 04
+082.5, // 05
+085.4, // 06
+088.5, // 07
+091.5, // 08
+094.8, // 09
+097.4, // 10
+100.0, // 11
+103.5, // 12
+107.2, // 13
+110.9, // 14
+114.8, // 15
+118.8, // 16
+123.0, // 17
+127.3, // 18
+131.8, // 19
+136.5, // 20
+141.3, // 21
+146.2, // 22
+151.4, // 23
+156.7, // 24
+162.2, // 25
+167.9, // 26
+173.8, // 27
+179.9, // 28
+186.2, // 29
+192.8, // 30
+203.5, // 31
+210.7 , // 32
+218.1 , // 33
+225.7 , // 34
+233.6 , // 35
+241.8 , // 36
+250.3 // 37
+ noise squelch carrier detect filter
+static const int16_t taps_fir_bpf_noise_1 = 66;
+static const int32_t gain_fir_bpf_noise_1 = 65536;
+static const int16_t coef_fir_bpf_noise_1[] = {
+ 139,
+ -182,
+ -269,
+ -66,
+ 56,
+ 59,
+ 250,
+ 395,
+ -80,
+ -775,
+ -557,
+ 437,
+ 779,
+ 210,
+ -17,
+ 123,
+ -692,
+ -1664,
+ -256,
+ 2495,
+ 2237,
+ -1018,
+ -2133,
+ -478,
+ -1134,
+ -2711,
+ 2642,
+ 10453,
+ 4010,
+ -14385,
+ -16488,
+ 6954,
+ 23030,
+ 6954,
+ -16488,
+ -14385,
+ 4010,
+ 10453,
+ 2642,
+ -2711,
+ -1134,
+ -478,
+ -2133,
+ -1018,
+ 2237,
+ 2495,
+ -256,
+ -1664,
+ -692,
+ 123,
+ -17,
+ 210,
+ 779,
+ 437,
+ -557,
+ -775,
+ -80,
+ 395,
+ 250,
+ 59,
+ 56,
+ -66,
+ -269,
+ -182,
+ 139,
+ 257
+ tbd
+static const int16_t taps_fir_lpf_3K_1 = 66;
+static const int32_t gain_fir_lpf_3K_1 = 131072;
+static const int16_t coef_fir_lpf_3K_1[] = {
+ 259,
+ 58,
+ -185,
+ -437,
+ -654,
+ -793,
+ -815,
+ -696,
+ -434,
+ -48,
+ 414,
+ 886,
+ 1284,
+ 1523,
+ 1529,
+ 1254,
+ 691,
+ -117,
+ -1078,
+ -2049,
+ -2854,
+ -3303,
+ -3220,
+ -2472,
+ -995,
+ 1187,
+ 3952,
+ 7086,
+ 10300,
+ 13270,
+ 15672,
+ 17236,
+ 17778,
+ 17236,
+ 15672,
+ 13270,
+ 10300,
+ 7086,
+ 3952,
+ 1187,
+ -995,
+ -2472,
+ -3220,
+ -3303,
+ -2854,
+ -2049,
+ -1078,
+ -117,
+ 691,
+ 1254,
+ 1529,
+ 1523,
+ 1284,
+ 886,
+ 414,
+ -48,
+ -434,
+ -696,
+ -815,
+ -793,
+ -654,
+ -437,
+ -185,
+ 58,
+ 259,
+ 393
+Filter type: Low Pass
+Filter model: Butterworth
+Filter order: 9
+Sampling Frequency: 8 KHz
+Cut Frequency: 0.250000 KHz
+Coefficents Quantization: 16-bit
+static const int16_t taps_fir_lpf_250_11_64 = 64;
+static const int32_t gain_fir_lpf_250_11_64 = 262144;
+static const int16_t coef_fir_lpf_250_11_64[] =
+ 366,
+ -3,
+ -418,
+ -865,
+ -1328,
+ -1788,
+ -2223,
+ -2609,
+ -2922,
+ -3138,
+ -3232,
+ -3181,
+ -2967,
+ -2573,
+ -1988,
+ -1206,
+ -228,
+ 937,
+ 2277,
+ 3767,
+ 5379,
+ 7077,
+ 8821,
+ 10564,
+ 12259,
+ 13855,
+ 15305,
+ 16563,
+ 17588,
+ 18346,
+ 18812,
+ 18968,
+ 18812,
+ 18346,
+ 17588,
+ 16563,
+ 15305,
+ 13855,
+ 12259,
+ 10564,
+ 8821,
+ 7077,
+ 5379,
+ 3767,
+ 2277,
+ 937,
+ -228,
+ -1206,
+ -1988,
+ -2573,
+ -2967,
+ -3181,
+ -3232,
+ -3138,
+ -2922,
+ -2609,
+ -2223,
+ -1788,
+ -1328,
+ -865,
+ -418,
+ -3,
+ 366,
+ 680
+// de-emphasis integrator 300 Hz with 8KS/s
+// a0, b1
+static const int16_t taps_int_lpf_300_1_2 = 2;
+static const int32_t gain_int_lpf_300_1_2 = 8182;
+static const int16_t coef_int_lpf_300_1_2[]={
+// pre-emphasis differentiator 4000 Hz with 8KS/s
+// a0,a1,b0,
+static const int16_t taps_int_hpf_4000_1_2 = 2;
+static const int32_t gain_int_hpf_4000_1_2 = 16384;
+static const int16_t coef_int_hpf_4000_1_2[]={
+ ltr crc table
+ from http://www.radioreference.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24126
+static const u8 ltr_table[]=
+0x38, // 00 Area 0111000
+0x1c, // 01 Channel 4 0011100
+0x0e, // 02 Channel 3 0001110
+0x46, // 03 Channel 2 1000110
+0x23, // 04 Channel 1 0100011
+0x51, // 05 Channel 0 1010001
+0x68, // 06 Home 4 1101000
+0x75, // 07 Home 3 1110101
+0x7a, // 08 Home 2 1111010
+0x3d, // 09 Home 1 0111101
+0x1f, // 10 Home 0 0011111
+0x4f, // 11 Group 7 1001111
+0x26, // 12 Group 6 0100110
+0x52, // 13 Group 5 1010010
+0x29, // 14 Group 4 0101001
+0x15, // 15 Group 3 0010101
+0x0d, // 16 Group 2 0001101
+0x45, // 17 Group 1 1000101
+0x62, // 18 Group 0 1100010
+0x31, // 19 Free 4 0110001
+0x19, // 20 Free 3 0011001
+0x0d, // 21 Free 2 0001101
+0x07, // 22 Free 1 0000111
+0x43 // 23 Free 0 1000011
+static const i16 bitWeight[]=
+0, // 0
+1, // 1
+1, // 2
+2, // 3
+1, // 4
+2, // 5
+2, // 6
+3, // 7
+1, // 8
+2, // 9
+2, // 10
+3, // 11
+2, // 12
+3, // 13
+3, // 14
+4, // 15
+1, // 16
+2, // 17
+2, // 18
+3, // 19
+2, // 20
+3, // 21
+3, // 22
+4, // 23
+2, // 24
+3, // 25
+3, // 26
+4, // 27
+3, // 28
+4, // 29
+4, // 30
+5, // 31
+1, // 32
+2, // 33
+2, // 34
+3, // 35
+2, // 36
+3, // 37
+3, // 38
+4, // 39
+2, // 40
+3, // 41
+3, // 42
+4, // 43
+3, // 44
+4, // 45
+4, // 46
+5, // 47
+2, // 48
+3, // 49
+3, // 50
+4, // 51
+3, // 52
+4, // 53
+4, // 54
+5, // 55
+3, // 56
+4, // 57
+4, // 58
+5, // 59
+4, // 60
+5, // 61
+5, // 62
+6, // 63
+1, // 64
+2, // 65
+2, // 66
+3, // 67
+2, // 68
+3, // 69
+3, // 70
+4, // 71
+2, // 72
+3, // 73
+3, // 74
+4, // 75
+3, // 76
+4, // 77
+4, // 78
+5, // 79
+2, // 80
+3, // 81
+3, // 82
+4, // 83
+3, // 84
+4, // 85
+4, // 86
+5, // 87
+3, // 88
+4, // 89
+4, // 90
+5, // 91
+4, // 92
+5, // 93
+5, // 94
+6, // 95
+2, // 96
+3, // 97
+3, // 98
+4, // 99
+3, // 100
+4, // 101
+4, // 102
+5, // 103
+3, // 104
+4, // 105
+4, // 106
+5, // 107
+4, // 108
+5, // 109
+5, // 110
+6, // 111
+3, // 112
+4, // 113
+4, // 114
+5, // 115
+4, // 116
+5, // 117
+5, // 118
+6, // 119
+4, // 120
+5, // 121
+5, // 122
+6, // 123
+5, // 124
+6, // 125
+6, // 126
+7, // 127
+1, // 128
+2, // 129
+2, // 130
+3, // 131
+2, // 132
+3, // 133
+3, // 134
+4, // 135
+2, // 136
+3, // 137
+3, // 138
+4, // 139
+3, // 140
+4, // 141
+4, // 142
+5, // 143
+2, // 144
+3, // 145
+3, // 146
+4, // 147
+3, // 148
+4, // 149
+4, // 150
+5, // 151
+3, // 152
+4, // 153
+4, // 154
+5, // 155
+4, // 156
+5, // 157
+5, // 158
+6, // 159
+2, // 160
+3, // 161
+3, // 162
+4, // 163
+3, // 164
+4, // 165
+4, // 166
+5, // 167
+3, // 168
+4, // 169
+4, // 170
+5, // 171
+4, // 172
+5, // 173
+5, // 174
+6, // 175
+3, // 176
+4, // 177
+4, // 178
+5, // 179
+4, // 180
+5, // 181
+5, // 182
+6, // 183
+4, // 184
+5, // 185
+5, // 186
+6, // 187
+5, // 188
+6, // 189
+6, // 190
+7, // 191
+2, // 192
+3, // 193
+3, // 194
+4, // 195
+3, // 196
+4, // 197
+4, // 198
+5, // 199
+3, // 200
+4, // 201
+4, // 202
+5, // 203
+4, // 204
+5, // 205
+5, // 206
+6, // 207
+3, // 208
+4, // 209
+4, // 210
+5, // 211
+4, // 212
+5, // 213
+5, // 214
+6, // 215
+4, // 216
+5, // 217
+5, // 218
+6, // 219
+5, // 220
+6, // 221
+6, // 222
+7, // 223
+3, // 224
+4, // 225
+4, // 226
+5, // 227
+4, // 228
+5, // 229
+5, // 230
+6, // 231
+4, // 232
+5, // 233
+5, // 234
+6, // 235
+5, // 236
+6, // 237
+6, // 238
+7, // 239
+4, // 240
+5, // 241
+5, // 242
+6, // 243
+5, // 244
+6, // 245
+6, // 246
+7, // 247
+5, // 248
+6, // 249
+6, // 250
+7, // 251
+6, // 252
+7, // 253
+7, // 254
+8 // 255
+ ctcss decode filter
+Filter type: Low Pass
+Filter model: Butterworth
+Filter order: 9
+Sampling Frequency: 8 KHz
+Cut Frequency: 0.250000 KHz
+Coefficents Quantization: 16-bit
+static const int16_t taps_fir_lpf_250_9_66 = 66;
+static const int32_t gain_fir_lpf_250_9_66 = 262144;
+static const int16_t coef_fir_lpf_250_9_66[] =
+ 676,
+ 364,
+ -3,
+ -415,
+ -860,
+ -226,
+ 932,
+ 2263,
+ 3744,
+ 5346,
+ 7034,
+ 8767,
+ 8767,
+ 7034,
+ 5346,
+ 3744,
+ 2263,
+ 932,
+ -226,
+ -860,
+ -415,
+ -3,
+ 364,
+ 676,
+ 927
+/* *************************************************************
+Filter type: Low Pass
+Filter model: Butterworth
+Filter order: 9
+Sampling Frequency: 8 KHz
+Cut Frequency: 0.215 KHz
+Coefficents Quantization: 16-bit
+static const int16_t taps_fir_lpf_215_9_88 = 88;
+static const int32_t gain_fir_lpf_215_9_88 = 524288;
+static const int16_t coef_fir_lpf_215_9_88[] = {
+ 2038,
+ 2049,
+ 1991,
+ 1859,
+ 1650,
+ 1363,
+ 999,
+ 562,
+ 58,
+ -502,
+ 310,
+ 2021,
+ 3937,
+ 6035,
+ 8284,
+ 8284,
+ 6035,
+ 3937,
+ 2021,
+ 310,
+ -502,
+ 58,
+ 562,
+ 999,
+ 1363,
+ 1650,
+ 1859,
+ 1991,
+ 2049,
+ 2038,
+ 1966
+// end coef fir_lpf_215_9_88
+Filter type: High Pass
+Filter model: Butterworth
+Filter order: 9
+Sampling Frequency: 8 KHz
+Cut Frequency: 0.300000 KHz
+Coefficents Quantization: 16-bit
+static const int16_t taps_fir_hpf_300_9_66 = 66;
+static const int32_t gain_fir_hpf_300_9_66 = 32768;
+static const int16_t coef_fir_hpf_300_9_66[] =
+ -141,
+ -114,
+ -77,
+ -30,
+ 23,
+ 83,
+ 147,
+ 210,
+ 271,
+ 324,
+ 367,
+ 396,
+ 407,
+ 396,
+ 362,
+ 302,
+ 216,
+ 102,
+ -36,
+ -199,
+ -383,
+ -585,
+ -798,
+ -798,
+ -585,
+ -383,
+ -199,
+ -36,
+ 102,
+ 216,
+ 302,
+ 362,
+ 396,
+ 407,
+ 396,
+ 367,
+ 324,
+ 271,
+ 210,
+ 147,
+ 83,
+ 23,
+ -30,
+ -77,
+ -114,
+ -141,
+ -158
+ };
+#endif /* !XPMR_COEF_H */
+/* end of file */