path: root/cards
diff options
authorhploetz <hploetz@f711b948-2313-0410-aaa9-d29f33439f0b>2007-06-07 21:04:20 +0000
committerhploetz <hploetz@f711b948-2313-0410-aaa9-d29f33439f0b>2007-06-07 21:04:20 +0000
commit19b862ae2488dd1277d26259c90008b07b79f35a (patch)
tree603a658ecf2d89ca453724437d2311db6fc53c41 /cards
parentf6f29a90a9c8343ff2ec860fe98deb39dc493fce (diff)
Start passport parsing code
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://localhost/home/henryk/svn/cyberflex-shell/trunk@217 f711b948-2313-0410-aaa9-d29f33439f0b
Diffstat (limited to 'cards')
1 files changed, 370 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/cards/passport_application.py b/cards/passport_application.py
index 3a7a515..ec9ceda 100644
--- a/cards/passport_application.py
+++ b/cards/passport_application.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
from generic_application import Application
-import struct, sha, binascii, os, datetime
+import struct, sha, binascii, os, datetime, sys
from utils import hexdump, C_APDU
from tcos_card import SE_Config, TCOS_Security_Environment
from generic_card import Card
@@ -491,6 +491,366 @@ class CBEFF:
return cls(structure=structure, **kwargs)
from_data = classmethod(from_data)
+class PassportParseError(Exception):
+ pass
+_default_empty_mrz_data = ("","")
+class Passport(object):
+ "An ICAO compliant travel document"
+ # Source: http://www.highprogrammer.com/alan/numbers/mrp.html#countrycodes
+ "AFG": ("Afghanistan", ""),
+ "ALB": ("Albania", ""),
+ "DZA": ("Algeria", ""),
+ "ASM": ("American Samoa", ""),
+ "AND": ("Andorra", ""),
+ "AGO": ("Angola", ""),
+ "AIA": ("Anguilla", ""),
+ "ATA": ("Antarctica", ""),
+ "ATG": ("Antigua and Barbuda", ""),
+ "ARG": ("Argentina", ""),
+ "ARM": ("Armenia", ""),
+ "ABW": ("Aruba", ""),
+ "AUS": ("Australia", ""),
+ "AUT": ("Austria", ""),
+ "AZE": ("Azerbaijan", ""),
+ "BHS": ("Bahamas", ""),
+ "BHR": ("Bahrain", ""),
+ "BGD": ("Bangladesh", ""),
+ "BRB": ("Barbados", ""),
+ "BLR": ("Belarus", ""),
+ "BEL": ("Belgium", ""),
+ "BLZ": ("Belize", ""),
+ "BEN": ("Benin", ""),
+ "BMU": ("Bermuda", ""),
+ "BTN": ("Bhutan", ""),
+ "BOL": ("Bolivia", ""),
+ "BIH": ("Bosnia and Herzegovina", ""),
+ "BWA": ("Botswana", ""),
+ "BVT": ("Bouvet Island", ""),
+ "BRA": ("Brazil", ""),
+ "IOT": ("British Indian Ocean Territory", ""),
+ "BRN": ("Brunei Darussalam", ""),
+ "BGR": ("Bulgaria", ""),
+ "BFA": ("Burkina Faso", ""),
+ "BDI": ("Burundi", ""),
+ "KHM": ("Cambodia", ""),
+ "CMR": ("Cameroon", ""),
+ "CAN": ("Canada", ""),
+ "CPV": ("Cape Verde", ""),
+ "CYM": ("Cayman Islands", ""),
+ "CAF": ("Central African Republic", ""),
+ "TCD": ("Chad", ""),
+ "CHL": ("Chile", ""),
+ "CHN": ("China", ""),
+ "CXR": ("Christmas Island", ""),
+ "CCK": ("Cocos (Keeling) Islands", ""),
+ "COL": ("Colombia", ""),
+ "COM": ("Comoros", ""),
+ "COG": ("Congo", ""),
+ "COK": ("Cook Islands", ""),
+ "CRI": ("Costa Rica", ""),
+ "CIV": ("Ct d'Ivoire", ""),
+ "HRV": ("Croatia", ""),
+ "CUB": ("Cuba", ""),
+ "CYP": ("Cyprus", ""),
+ "CZE": ("Czech Republic", ""),
+ "PRK": ("Democratic People's Republic of Korea", ""),
+ "COD": ("Democratic Republic of the Congo", ""),
+ "DNK": ("Denmark", ""),
+ "DJI": ("Djibouti", ""),
+ "DMA": ("Dominica", ""),
+ "DOM": ("Dominican Republic", ""),
+ "TMP": ("East Timor", ""),
+ "ECU": ("Ecuador", ""),
+ "EGY": ("Egypt", ""),
+ "SLV": ("El Salvador", ""),
+ "GNQ": ("Equatorial Guinea", ""),
+ "ERI": ("Eritrea", ""),
+ "EST": ("Estonia", ""),
+ "ETH": ("Ethiopia", ""),
+ "FLK": ("Falkland Islands (Malvinas)", ""),
+ "FRO": ("Faeroe Islands", ""),
+ "FJI": ("Fiji", ""),
+ "FIN": ("Finland", ""),
+ "FRA": ("France", ""),
+ "FXX": ("France, Metropolitan", ""),
+ "GUF": ("French Guiana", ""),
+ "PYF": ("French Polynesia", ""),
+ "GAB": ("Gabon", ""),
+ "GMB": ("Gambia", ""),
+ "GEO": ("Georgia", ""),
+ "D": ("Germany", ""),
+ "GHA": ("Ghana", ""),
+ "GIB": ("Gibraltar", ""),
+ "GRC": ("Greece", ""),
+ "GRL": ("Greenland", ""),
+ "GRD": ("Grenada", ""),
+ "GLP": ("Guadeloupe", ""),
+ "GUM": ("Guam", ""),
+ "GTM": ("Guatemala", ""),
+ "GIN": ("Guinea", ""),
+ "GNB": ("Guinea-Bissau", ""),
+ "GUY": ("Guyana", ""),
+ "HTI": ("Haiti", ""),
+ "HMD": ("Heard and McDonald Islands", ""),
+ "VAT": ("Holy See (Vatican City State)", ""),
+ "HND": ("Honduras", ""),
+ "HKG": ("Hong Kong", ""),
+ "HUN": ("Hungary", ""),
+ "ISL": ("Iceland", ""),
+ "IND": ("India", ""),
+ "IDN": ("Indonesia", ""),
+ "IRN": ("Iran, Islamic Republic of", ""),
+ "IRQ": ("Iraq", ""),
+ "IRL": ("Ireland", ""),
+ "ISR": ("Israel", ""),
+ "ITA": ("Italy", ""),
+ "JAM": ("Jamaica", ""),
+ "JPN": ("Japan", ""),
+ "JOR": ("Jordan", ""),
+ "KAZ": ("Kazakhstan", ""),
+ "KEN": ("Kenya", ""),
+ "KIR": ("Kiribati", ""),
+ "KWT": ("Kuwait", ""),
+ "KGZ": ("Kyrgyzstan", ""),
+ "LAO": ("Lao People's Democratic Republic", ""),
+ "LVA": ("Latvia", ""),
+ "LBN": ("Lebanon", ""),
+ "LSO": ("Lesotho", ""),
+ "LBR": ("Liberia", ""),
+ "LBY": ("Libyan Arab Jamahiriya", ""),
+ "LIE": ("Liechtenstein", ""),
+ "LTU": ("Lithuania", ""),
+ "LUX": ("Luxembourg", ""),
+ "MDG": ("Madagascar", ""),
+ "MWI": ("Malawi", ""),
+ "MYS": ("Malaysia", ""),
+ "MDV": ("Maldives", ""),
+ "MLI": ("Mali", ""),
+ "MLT": ("Malta", ""),
+ "MHL": ("Marshall Islands", ""),
+ "MTQ": ("Martinique", ""),
+ "MRT": ("Mauritania", ""),
+ "MUS": ("Mauritius", ""),
+ "MYT": ("Mayotte", ""),
+ "MEX": ("Mexico", ""),
+ "FSM": ("Micronesia, Federated States of", ""),
+ "MCO": ("Monaco", ""),
+ "MNG": ("Mongolia", ""),
+ "MSR": ("Montserrat", ""),
+ "MAR": ("Morocco", ""),
+ "MOZ": ("Mozambique", ""),
+ "MMR": ("Myanmar", ""),
+ "NAM": ("Namibia", ""),
+ "NRU": ("Nauru", ""),
+ "NPL": ("Nepal", ""),
+ "NLD": ("Netherlands, Kingdom of the", ""),
+ "ANT": ("Netherlands Antilles", ""),
+ "NTZ": ("Neutral Zone", ""),
+ "NCL": ("New Caledonia", ""),
+ "NZL": ("New Zealand", ""),
+ "NIC": ("Nicaragua", ""),
+ "NER": ("Niger", ""),
+ "NGA": ("Nigeria", ""),
+ "NIU": ("Niue", ""),
+ "NFK": ("Norfolk Island", ""),
+ "MNP": ("Northern Mariana Islands", ""),
+ "NOR": ("Norway", ""),
+ "OMN": ("Oman", ""),
+ "PAK": ("Pakistan", ""),
+ "PLW": ("Palau", ""),
+ "PAN": ("Panama", ""),
+ "PNG": ("Papua New Guinea", ""),
+ "PRY": ("Paraguay", ""),
+ "PER": ("Peru", ""),
+ "PHL": ("Philippines", ""),
+ "PCN": ("Pitcairn", ""),
+ "POL": ("Poland", ""),
+ "PRT": ("Portugal", ""),
+ "PRI": ("Puerto Rico", ""),
+ "QAT": ("Qatar", ""),
+ "KOR": ("Republic of Korea", ""),
+ "MDA": ("Republic of Moldova", ""),
+ "REU": ("Ruion", ""),
+ "ROM": ("Romania", ""),
+ "RUS": ("Russian Federation", ""),
+ "RWA": ("Rwanda", ""),
+ "SHN": ("Saint Helena", ""),
+ "KNA": ("Saint Kitts and Nevis", ""),
+ "LCA": ("Saint Lucia", ""),
+ "SPM": ("Saint Pierre and Miquelon", ""),
+ "VCT": ("Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", ""),
+ "WSM": ("Samoa", ""),
+ "SMR": ("San Marino", ""),
+ "STP": ("Sao Tome and Principe", ""),
+ "SAU": ("Saudi Arabia", ""),
+ "SEN": ("Senegal", ""),
+ "SYC": ("Seychelles", ""),
+ "SLE": ("Sierra Leone", ""),
+ "SGP": ("Singapore", ""),
+ "SVK": ("Slovakia", ""),
+ "SVN": ("Slovenia", ""),
+ "SLB": ("Solomon Islands", ""),
+ "SOM": ("Somalia", ""),
+ "ZAF": ("South Africa", ""),
+ "SGS": ("South Georgia and the South Sandwich Island", ""),
+ "ESP": ("Spain", ""),
+ "LKA": ("Sri Lanka", ""),
+ "SDN": ("Sudan", ""),
+ "SUR": ("Suriname", ""),
+ "SJM": ("Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands", ""),
+ "SWZ": ("Swaziland", ""),
+ "SWE": ("Sweden", ""),
+ "CHE": ("Switzerland", ""),
+ "SYR": ("Syrian Arab Republic", ""),
+ "TWN": ("Taiwan Province of China", ""),
+ "TJK": ("Tajikistan", ""),
+ "THA": ("Thailand", ""),
+ "MKD": ("The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia", ""),
+ "TGO": ("Togo", ""),
+ "TKL": ("Tokelau", ""),
+ "TON": ("Tonga", ""),
+ "TTO": ("Trinidad and Tobago", ""),
+ "TUN": ("Tunisia", ""),
+ "TUR": ("Turkey", ""),
+ "TKM": ("Turkmenistan", ""),
+ "TCA": ("Turks and Caicos Islands", ""),
+ "TUV": ("Tuvalu", ""),
+ "UGA": ("Uganda", ""),
+ "UKR": ("Ukraine", ""),
+ "ARE": ("United Arab Emirates", ""),
+ "GBR": ("United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", "Citizen"),
+ "GBD": ("United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", "Dependent territories citizen"),
+ "GBN": ("United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", "National (overseas)"),
+ "GBO": ("United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", "Overseas citizen"),
+ "GBP": ("United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", "Protected Person"),
+ "GBS": ("United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", "Subject"),
+ "TZA": ("United Republic of Tanzania", ""),
+ "USA": ("United States of America", ""),
+ "UMI": ("United States of America Minor Outlying Islands", ""),
+ "URY": ("Uruguay", ""),
+ "UZB": ("Uzbekistan", ""),
+ "VUT": ("Vanuatu", ""),
+ "VEN": ("Venezuela", ""),
+ "VNM": ("Viet Nam", ""),
+ "VGB": ("Virgin Islands (Great Britian)", ""),
+ "VIR": ("Virgin Islands (United States)", ""),
+ "WLF": ("Wallis and Futuna Islands", ""),
+ "ESH": ("Western Sahara", ""),
+ "YEM": ("Yemen", ""),
+ "ZAR": ("Zaire", ""),
+ "ZMB": ("Zambia", ""),
+ "ZWE": ("Zimbabwe", ""),
+ # Other
+ "UTO": ("Utopia", ""),
+ }
+ def __init__(self, mrz_data = _default_empty_mrz_data):
+ """Initialize an instance.
+ Optional argument mrz_data must be a sequence of strings representing the individual lines (at least
+ two) from the machine readable zone."""
+ self.given_mrz = mrz_data
+ try:
+ if mrz_data is not _default_empty_mrz_data:
+ self._parse_mrz(mrz_data)
+ except PassportParseError:
+ self.parse_failed = True
+ self.parse_error = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ else:
+ self.parse_failed = False
+ self.parse_error = ""
+ print self.parse_error
+ def from_card(cls, card, mrz_data = _default_empty_mrz_data):
+ """Initialize an instance and populate it from a card.
+ Mandatory argument card must be a Passport_Application object or at least an ISO_7816_4_Card object
+ (to which a select_application() call will be issued). This card object will then be used to fetch
+ all data before returning from the constructor. Note that for a BAC protected passport you will need
+ to specify at least the second element in mrz_data."""
+ from_card = classmethod(from_card)
+ def from_file(cls, filename):
+ """Initialize an instance and populate it from a savefile.
+ Mandatory argument filename must be the name of a file that was previously generated with
+ the to_file() method (or be in the same format)."""
+ from_file = classmethod(from_file)
+ def from_files(cls, basename = None, filemap = None):
+ """Initialize an instance and populate it from a number of files.
+ basename must be the base name of a set of files that were generated with the to_files() method. The
+ format is the same one that is being used by the Golden Reader Tool. Alternatively you may give
+ the filemap argument which must be a mapping to filenames with the keys "COM", "SOD", "DG1", "DG2", etc.
+ (Only COM, SOD and DG1 are mandatory.)
+ One of basename or filemap _must_ be specified."""
+ from_files = classmethod(from_files)
+ def calculate_check_digit(data, digit=None, field=None):
+ """Calculate a check digit. If digit is not None then it will be compared to the calculated
+ check digit and a PassportParseError will be raised on a mismatch. Optional argument field
+ will be used for the description in the exception (and is ignored otherwise)."""
+ numbers = [
+ (e.isdigit() and (int(e),) or (e=="<" and (0,) or (e.isalpha() and (ord(e)-55,) or (0,) ) ) )[0]
+ for e in data
+ ]
+ checksum = sum([ e * [7,3,1][i%3] for i,e in enumerate(numbers) ]) % 10
+ print "checksum(%s)=%s =?= %s" % (data, checksum, digit)
+ if not digit is None and not (digit.isdigit() and checksum == int(digit)):
+ raise PassportParseError, "Incorrect check digit%s. Is %s, should be %s." % ((field is not None and " in field '%s'" % field or ""), checksum, digit)
+ return checksum
+ calculate_check_digit = staticmethod(calculate_check_digit)
+ def _parse_mrz(self, mrz_data):
+ self.type, self.issuer, self.name = "", "", ("", "")
+ self.document_no, self.nationality, self.date_of_birth, self.sex, self.expiration_date, self.optional = "", "", "", "", "", ""
+ if mrz_data[0].strip() != "":
+ mrz1 = mrz_data[0].replace("<", " ")
+ self.type = mrz1[0:2].strip()
+ self.issuer = mrz1[2:5].strip()
+ n = mrz1[5:].strip().split(" ", 1)
+ self.name = [n[0]]
+ self.name = self.name + n[1].split(" ")
+ if mrz_data[1].strip() != "":
+ mrz2 = mrz_data[1]
+ self.document_no = mrz2[:9].strip("<")
+ if mrz2[9] == "<": # document number check digit, or filler character to indicate document number longer than 9 characters
+ expanded_document_no = True
+ else:
+ expanded_document_no = False
+ self.calculate_check_digit(mrz2[:9], mrz2[9], "Document number")
+ self.nationality = mrz2[10:13]
+ self.date_of_birth = mrz2[13:19]
+ self.calculate_check_digit(mrz2[13:19], mrz2[19], "Date of birth")
+ self.sex = mrz2[20]
+ self.expiration_date = mrz2[21:27]
+ self.calculate_check_digit(mrz2[21:27], mrz2[27], "Date of expiration")
+ opt_field = mrz2[28:-2]
+ if not expanded_document_no:
+ self.optional = opt_field.strip("<")
+ if mrz2[-2] != "<":
+ self.calculate_check_digit(opt_field, mrz2[-2], "Optional data")
+ else:
+ splitted_opt_field = opt_field.split("<", 1)
+ self.document_no = self.document_no + splitted_opt_field[0][:-1]
+ self.calculate_check_digit(self.document_no, splitted_opt_field[0][-1], "Expanded document number")
+ if len(splitted_opt_field) > 1:
+ self.optional = splitted_opt_field[1].strip("<")
+ if mrz2[-2] != "<":
+ self.calculate_check_digit(splitted_opt_field[1], mrz2[-2], "Optional data")
+ self.calculate_check_digit(mrz2[:-1], mrz2[-1], "Second line of machine readable zone")
+ print self.type, self.issuer, self.name
+ print self.document_no, self.nationality, self.date_of_birth, self.sex, self.expiration_date, self.optional
if __name__ == "__main__":
mrz1 = "P<UTOERIKSSON<<ANNA<MARIA<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"
mrz2 = "L898902C<3UTO6908061F9406236ZE184226B<<<<<14"
@@ -511,7 +871,12 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
print hexdump(Passport_Application._mac(k, sniffed_Eifd))
print hexdump(sniffed_Mifd)
- dg2 = file("testdg2","r").read()
- cbeff = CBEFF.from_data(dg2)
- for index, biometric in enumerate(cbeff.biometrics):
- biometric.store(basename= "biometric_testdg2_%02i" % index)
+## dg2 = file("testdg2","r").read()
+## cbeff = CBEFF.from_data(dg2)
+## for index, biometric in enumerate(cbeff.biometrics):
+## biometric.store(basename= "biometric_testdg2_%02i" % index)
+ p = Passport([mrz1, mrz2])