# # Copyright (c) 2011 Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. # # \asf_license_start # # \page License # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # 3. The name of Atmel may not be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # 4. This software may only be redistributed and used in connection with an # Atmel microcontroller product. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ATMEL "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT ARE # EXPRESSLY AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ATMEL BE LIABLE FOR # ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # \asf_license_stop # # Path to top level ASF directory relative to this project directory. PRJ_PATH = ../../../../../../.. # Target CPU architecture: cortex-m3, cortex-m4 ARCH = cortex-m0plus # Target part: none, sam3n4 or sam4l4aa PART = samd20j18 # Application target name. Given with suffix .a for library and .elf for a # standalone application. TARGET_FLASH = ssd1306_example_flash.elf TARGET_SRAM = ssd1306_example_sram.elf # List of C source files. CSRCS = \ common/utils/interrupt/interrupt_sam_nvic.c \ common2/components/display/ssd1306/example/ssd1306_example.c \ common2/components/display/ssd1306/ssd1306.c \ common2/services/delay/sam0/systick_counter.c \ sam0/boards/samd20_xplained_pro/board_init.c \ sam0/drivers/port/port.c \ sam0/drivers/sercom/sercom.c \ sam0/drivers/sercom/sercom_interrupt.c \ sam0/drivers/sercom/spi/spi.c \ sam0/drivers/sercom/spi/spi_interrupt.c \ sam0/drivers/system/clock/clock_samd20/clock.c \ sam0/drivers/system/clock/clock_samd20/gclk.c \ sam0/drivers/system/interrupt/system_interrupt.c \ sam0/drivers/system/pinmux/pinmux.c \ sam0/drivers/system/system.c \ sam0/utils/cmsis/samd20/source/gcc/startup_samd20.c \ sam0/utils/cmsis/samd20/source/system_samd20.c \ sam0/utils/syscalls/gcc/syscalls.c # List of assembler source files. ASSRCS = # List of include paths. INC_PATH = \ common/boards \ common/utils \ common2/components/display/ssd1306 \ common2/components/display/ssd1306/example/samd20_xplained_pro \ common2/services/delay \ common2/services/delay/sam0 \ sam0/boards \ sam0/boards/samd20_xplained_pro \ sam0/drivers/port \ sam0/drivers/sercom \ sam0/drivers/sercom/spi \ sam0/drivers/system \ sam0/drivers/system/clock \ sam0/drivers/system/clock/clock_samd20 \ sam0/drivers/system/interrupt \ sam0/drivers/system/interrupt/system_interrupt_samd20 \ sam0/drivers/system/pinmux \ sam0/drivers/system/power \ sam0/drivers/system/power/power_sam_d_r_h \ sam0/drivers/system/reset \ sam0/drivers/system/reset/reset_sam_d_r_h \ sam0/utils \ sam0/utils/cmsis/samd20/include \ sam0/utils/cmsis/samd20/source \ sam0/utils/header_files \ sam0/utils/preprocessor \ thirdparty/CMSIS/Include \ thirdparty/CMSIS/Lib/GCC \ common2/components/display/ssd1306/example/samd20_xplained_pro/gcc # Additional search paths for libraries. LIB_PATH = \ thirdparty/CMSIS/Lib/GCC # List of libraries to use during linking. LIBS = \ arm_cortexM0l_math # Path relative to top level directory pointing to a linker script. LINKER_SCRIPT_FLASH = sam0/utils/linker_scripts/samd20/gcc/samd20j18_flash.ld LINKER_SCRIPT_SRAM = sam0/utils/linker_scripts/samd20/gcc/samd20j18_sram.ld # Path relative to top level directory pointing to a linker script. DEBUG_SCRIPT_FLASH = sam0/boards/samd20_xplained_pro/debug_scripts/gcc/samd20_xplained_pro_flash.gdb DEBUG_SCRIPT_SRAM = sam0/boards/samd20_xplained_pro/debug_scripts/gcc/samd20_xplained_pro_sram.gdb # Project type parameter: all, sram or flash PROJECT_TYPE = flash # Additional options for debugging. By default the common Makefile.in will # add -g3. DBGFLAGS = # Application optimization used during compilation and linking: # -O0, -O1, -O2, -O3 or -Os OPTIMIZATION = -O1 # Extra flags to use when archiving. ARFLAGS = # Extra flags to use when assembling. ASFLAGS = # Extra flags to use when compiling. CFLAGS = # Extra flags to use when preprocessing. # # Preprocessor symbol definitions # To add a definition use the format "-D name[=definition]". # To cancel a definition use the format "-U name". # # The most relevant symbols to define for the preprocessor are: # BOARD Target board in use, see boards/board.h for a list. # EXT_BOARD Optional extension board in use, see boards/board.h for a list. CPPFLAGS = \ -D ARM_MATH_CM0PLUS=true \ -D BOARD=SAMD20_XPLAINED_PRO \ -D SPI_CALLBACK_MODE=true \ -D SYSTICK_MODE \ -D __SAMD20J18__ # Extra flags to use when linking LDFLAGS = \ # Pre- and post-build commands PREBUILD_CMD = POSTBUILD_CMD =