%{ #include #include #include #include #include #include "asn1parser.h" #define YYPARSE_PARAM param #define YYPARSE_PARAM_TYPE void ** #define YYERROR_VERBOSE int yylex(void); int yyerror(const char *msg); #ifdef YYBYACC int yyparse(void **param); /* byacc does not produce a prototype */ #endif void asn1p_lexer_hack_push_opaque_state(void); void asn1p_lexer_hack_enable_with_syntax(void); void asn1p_lexer_hack_push_encoding_control(void); #define yylineno asn1p_lineno extern int asn1p_lineno; /* * Process modifiers as */ extern int asn1p_as_pointer; static asn1p_expr_t *asn1p_last_type; static void apply_nonstd_mods(void); /* * This temporary variable is used to solve the shortcomings of 1-lookahead * parser. */ static struct AssignedIdentifier *saved_aid; static asn1p_value_t *_convert_bitstring2binary(char *str, int base); static void _fixup_anonymous_identifier(asn1p_expr_t *expr); #define checkmem(ptr) do { \ if(!(ptr)) \ return yyerror("Memory failure"); \ } while(0) #define CONSTRAINT_INSERT(root, constr_type, arg1, arg2) do { \ if(arg1->type != constr_type) { \ int __ret; \ root = asn1p_constraint_new(yylineno); \ checkmem(root); \ root->type = constr_type; \ __ret = asn1p_constraint_insert(root, \ arg1); \ checkmem(__ret == 0); \ } else { \ root = arg1; \ } \ if(arg2) { \ int __ret \ = asn1p_constraint_insert(root, arg2); \ checkmem(__ret == 0); \ } \ } while(0) %} /* * Token value definition. * a_*: ASN-specific types. * tv_*: Locally meaningful types. */ %union { asn1p_t *a_grammar; asn1p_module_flags_e a_module_flags; asn1p_module_t *a_module; asn1p_expr_type_e a_type; /* ASN.1 Type */ asn1p_expr_t *a_expr; /* Constructed collection */ asn1p_constraint_t *a_constr; /* Constraint */ enum asn1p_constraint_type_e a_ctype;/* Constraint type */ asn1p_xports_t *a_xports; /* IMports/EXports */ struct AssignedIdentifier a_aid; /* Assigned Identifier */ asn1p_oid_t *a_oid; /* Object Identifier */ asn1p_oid_arc_t a_oid_arc; /* Single OID's arc */ struct asn1p_type_tag_s a_tag; /* A tag */ asn1p_ref_t *a_ref; /* Reference to custom type */ asn1p_wsyntx_t *a_wsynt; /* WITH SYNTAX contents */ asn1p_wsyntx_chunk_t *a_wchunk; /* WITH SYNTAX chunk */ struct asn1p_ref_component_s a_refcomp; /* Component of a reference */ asn1p_value_t *a_value; /* Number, DefinedValue, etc */ struct asn1p_param_s a_parg; /* A parameter argument */ asn1p_paramlist_t *a_plist; /* A pargs list */ struct asn1p_expr_marker_s a_marker; /* OPTIONAL/DEFAULT */ enum asn1p_constr_pres_e a_pres; /* PRESENT/ABSENT/OPTIONAL */ asn1c_integer_t a_int; char *tv_str; struct { char *buf; int len; } tv_opaque; struct { char *name; struct asn1p_type_tag_s tag; } tv_nametag; }; /* * Token types returned by scanner. */ %token TOK_PPEQ /* "::=", Pseudo Pascal EQuality */ %token TOK_opaque /* opaque data (driven from .y) */ %token TOK_bstring %token TOK_cstring %token TOK_hstring %token TOK_identifier %token TOK_number %token TOK_tuple %token TOK_quadruple %token TOK_number_negative %token TOK_typereference %token TOK_capitalreference /* "CLASS1" */ %token TOK_typefieldreference /* "&Pork" */ %token TOK_valuefieldreference /* "&id" */ /* * Token types representing ASN.1 standard keywords. */ %token TOK_ABSENT %token TOK_ABSTRACT_SYNTAX %token TOK_ALL %token TOK_ANY %token TOK_APPLICATION %token TOK_AUTOMATIC %token TOK_BEGIN %token TOK_BIT %token TOK_BMPString %token TOK_BOOLEAN %token TOK_BY %token TOK_CHARACTER %token TOK_CHOICE %token TOK_CLASS %token TOK_COMPONENT %token TOK_COMPONENTS %token TOK_CONSTRAINED %token TOK_CONTAINING %token TOK_DEFAULT %token TOK_DEFINITIONS %token TOK_DEFINED %token TOK_EMBEDDED %token TOK_ENCODED %token TOK_ENCODING_CONTROL %token TOK_END %token TOK_ENUMERATED %token TOK_EXPLICIT %token TOK_EXPORTS %token TOK_EXTENSIBILITY %token TOK_EXTERNAL %token TOK_FALSE %token TOK_FROM %token TOK_GeneralizedTime %token TOK_GeneralString %token TOK_GraphicString %token TOK_IA5String %token TOK_IDENTIFIER %token TOK_IMPLICIT %token TOK_IMPLIED %token TOK_IMPORTS %token TOK_INCLUDES %token TOK_INSTANCE %token TOK_INSTRUCTIONS %token TOK_INTEGER %token TOK_ISO646String %token TOK_MAX %token TOK_MIN %token TOK_MINUS_INFINITY %token TOK_NULL %token TOK_NumericString %token TOK_OBJECT %token TOK_ObjectDescriptor %token TOK_OCTET %token TOK_OF %token TOK_OPTIONAL %token TOK_PATTERN %token TOK_PDV %token TOK_PLUS_INFINITY %token TOK_PRESENT %token TOK_PrintableString %token TOK_PRIVATE %token TOK_REAL %token TOK_RELATIVE_OID %token TOK_SEQUENCE %token TOK_SET %token TOK_SIZE %token TOK_STRING %token TOK_SYNTAX %token TOK_T61String %token TOK_TAGS %token TOK_TeletexString %token TOK_TRUE %token TOK_TYPE_IDENTIFIER %token TOK_UNIQUE %token TOK_UNIVERSAL %token TOK_UniversalString %token TOK_UTCTime %token TOK_UTF8String %token TOK_VideotexString %token TOK_VisibleString %token TOK_WITH %left TOK_EXCEPT %left '^' TOK_INTERSECTION %left '|' TOK_UNION /* Misc tags */ %token TOK_TwoDots /* .. */ %token TOK_ThreeDots /* ... */ /* * Types defined herein. */ %type ModuleList %type ModuleSpecification %type ModuleSpecificationBody %type ModuleSpecificationElement %type optModuleSpecificationBody /* Optional */ %type optModuleSpecificationFlags %type ModuleSpecificationFlags /* Set of FL */ %type ModuleSpecificationFlag /* Single FL */ %type ImportsDefinition %type ImportsBundleSet %type ImportsBundle %type ImportsList %type ExportsDefinition %type ExportsBody %type ImportsElement %type ExportsElement %type ExtensionAndException %type TypeDeclaration %type TypeDeclarationSet %type ComplexTypeReference %type ComplexTypeReferenceAmpList %type ComplexTypeReferenceElement %type ClassFieldIdentifier %type ClassFieldName %type ClassFieldList %type ClassField %type ClassDeclaration %type Type %type DataTypeReference /* Type1 ::= Type2 */ %type DefinedTypeRef %type ValueSetDefinition /* Val INTEGER ::= {1|2} */ %type ValueDefinition /* val INTEGER ::= 1*/ %type Value %type DefinedValue %type SignedNumber %type optComponentTypeLists %type ComponentTypeLists %type ComponentType %type AlternativeTypeLists %type AlternativeType //%type optUniverationDefinition %type UniverationDefinition %type UniverationList %type UniverationElement %type TypeRefName %type ObjectClassReference %type Identifier %type optIdentifier %type ParameterArgumentName %type ParameterArgumentList %type ActualParameter %type ActualParameterList %type AssignedIdentifier /* OID/DefinedValue */ %type ObjectIdentifier /* OID */ %type optObjectIdentifier /* Optional OID */ %type ObjectIdentifierBody %type ObjectIdentifierElement %type BasicType %type BasicTypeId %type BasicTypeId_UniverationCompatible %type BasicString %type Opaque //%type StringValue %type Tag /* [UNIVERSAL 0] IMPLICIT */ %type TagClass TagTypeValue TagPlicit %type optTag /* [UNIVERSAL 0] IMPLICIT */ %type optConstraints %type Constraints %type SetOfConstraints %type ElementSetSpecs /* 1..2,...,3 */ %type ElementSetSpec /* 1..2,...,3 */ %type ConstraintSubtypeElement /* 1..2 */ %type SimpleTableConstraint %type TableConstraint %type InnerTypeConstraint %type WithComponentsList %type WithComponentsElement %type ComponentRelationConstraint %type AtNotationList %type AtNotationElement %type SingleValue %type ContainedSubtype %type ConstraintSpec %type ConstraintRangeSpec %type RestrictedCharacterStringValue %type optWithSyntax %type WithSyntax %type WithSyntaxFormat %type WithSyntaxFormatToken %type optMarker Marker %type optUnique %type optPresenceConstraint PresenceConstraint %type ComponentIdList %% ParsedGrammar: ModuleList { *(void **)param = $1; } ; ModuleList: ModuleSpecification { $$ = asn1p_new(); checkmem($$); TQ_ADD(&($$->modules), $1, mod_next); } | ModuleList ModuleSpecification { $$ = $1; TQ_ADD(&($$->modules), $2, mod_next); } ; /* * ASN module definition. * === EXAMPLE === * MySyntax DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= * BEGIN * ... * END * === EOF === */ ModuleSpecification: TypeRefName optObjectIdentifier TOK_DEFINITIONS optModuleSpecificationFlags TOK_PPEQ TOK_BEGIN optModuleSpecificationBody TOK_END { if($7) { $$ = $7; } else { /* There's a chance that a module is just plain empty */ $$ = asn1p_module_new(); } checkmem($$); $$->ModuleName = $1; $$->module_oid = $2; $$->module_flags = $4; } ; /* * Object Identifier Definition * { iso member-body(2) 3 } */ optObjectIdentifier: { $$ = 0; } | ObjectIdentifier { $$ = $1; } ; ObjectIdentifier: '{' ObjectIdentifierBody '}' { $$ = $2; } | '{' '}' { $$ = 0; } ; ObjectIdentifierBody: ObjectIdentifierElement { $$ = asn1p_oid_new(); asn1p_oid_add_arc($$, &$1); if($1.name) free($1.name); } | ObjectIdentifierBody ObjectIdentifierElement { $$ = $1; asn1p_oid_add_arc($$, &$2); if($2.name) free($2.name); } ; ObjectIdentifierElement: Identifier { /* iso */ $$.name = $1; $$.number = -1; } | Identifier '(' TOK_number ')' { /* iso(1) */ $$.name = $1; $$.number = $3; } | TOK_number { /* 1 */ $$.name = 0; $$.number = $1; } ; /* * Optional module flags. */ optModuleSpecificationFlags: { $$ = MSF_NOFLAGS; } | ModuleSpecificationFlags { $$ = $1; } ; /* * Module flags. */ ModuleSpecificationFlags: ModuleSpecificationFlag { $$ = $1; } | ModuleSpecificationFlags ModuleSpecificationFlag { $$ = $1 | $2; } ; /* * Single module flag. */ ModuleSpecificationFlag: TOK_EXPLICIT TOK_TAGS { $$ = MSF_EXPLICIT_TAGS; } | TOK_IMPLICIT TOK_TAGS { $$ = MSF_IMPLICIT_TAGS; } | TOK_AUTOMATIC TOK_TAGS { $$ = MSF_AUTOMATIC_TAGS; } | TOK_EXTENSIBILITY TOK_IMPLIED { $$ = MSF_EXTENSIBILITY_IMPLIED; } /* EncodingReferenceDefault */ | TOK_capitalreference TOK_INSTRUCTIONS { /* X.680Amd1 specifies TAG and XER */ if(strcmp($1, "TAG") == 0) { $$ = MSF_TAG_INSTRUCTIONS; } else if(strcmp($1, "XER") == 0) { $$ = MSF_XER_INSTRUCTIONS; } else { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: %s INSTRUCTIONS at line %d: " "Unrecognized encoding reference\n", $1, yylineno); $$ = MSF_unk_INSTRUCTIONS; } free($1); } ; /* * Optional module body. */ optModuleSpecificationBody: { $$ = 0; } | ModuleSpecificationBody { $$ = $1; } ; /* * ASN.1 Module body. */ ModuleSpecificationBody: ModuleSpecificationElement { $$ = $1; } | ModuleSpecificationBody ModuleSpecificationElement { $$ = $1; /* Behave well when one of them is skipped. */ if(!($1)) { if($2) $$ = $2; break; } #ifdef MY_IMPORT #error MY_IMPORT DEFINED ELSEWHERE! #endif #define MY_IMPORT(foo,field) do { \ while(TQ_FIRST(&($2->foo))) { \ TQ_ADD(&($$->foo), \ TQ_REMOVE(&($2->foo), field), \ field); \ } \ assert(TQ_FIRST(&($2->foo)) == 0); \ } while(0) MY_IMPORT(imports, xp_next); MY_IMPORT(exports, xp_next); MY_IMPORT(members, next); #undef MY_IMPORT } ; /* * One of the elements of ASN.1 module specification. */ ModuleSpecificationElement: ImportsDefinition { $$ = $1; } | ExportsDefinition { $$ = asn1p_module_new(); checkmem($$); if($1) { TQ_ADD(&($$->exports), $1, xp_next); } else { /* "EXPORTS ALL;" ? */ } } | DataTypeReference { $$ = asn1p_module_new(); checkmem($$); assert($1->expr_type != A1TC_INVALID); assert($1->meta_type != AMT_INVALID); TQ_ADD(&($$->members), $1, next); } | ValueDefinition { $$ = asn1p_module_new(); checkmem($$); assert($1->expr_type != A1TC_INVALID); assert($1->meta_type != AMT_INVALID); TQ_ADD(&($$->members), $1, next); } /* * Value set definition * === EXAMPLE === * EvenNumbers INTEGER ::= { 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 } * === EOF === */ | ValueSetDefinition { $$ = asn1p_module_new(); checkmem($$); assert($1->expr_type != A1TC_INVALID); assert($1->meta_type != AMT_INVALID); TQ_ADD(&($$->members), $1, next); } | TOK_ENCODING_CONTROL TOK_capitalreference { asn1p_lexer_hack_push_encoding_control(); } { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: ENCODING-CONTROL %s " "specification at line %d ignored\n", $2, yylineno); free($2); $$ = 0; } /* * Erroneous attemps */ | BasicString { return yyerror( "Attempt to redefine a standard basic type, " "use -ftypesXY to switch back " "to older version of ASN.1 standard"); } ; /* * === EXAMPLE === * IMPORTS Type1, value FROM Module { iso standard(0) } ; * === EOF === */ ImportsDefinition: TOK_IMPORTS ImportsBundleSet ';' { if(!saved_aid && 0) return yyerror("Unterminated IMPORTS FROM, " "expected semicolon ';'"); saved_aid = 0; $$ = $2; } /* * Some error cases. */ | TOK_IMPORTS TOK_FROM /* ... */ { return yyerror("Empty IMPORTS list"); } ; ImportsBundleSet: ImportsBundle { $$ = asn1p_module_new(); checkmem($$); TQ_ADD(&($$->imports), $1, xp_next); } | ImportsBundleSet ImportsBundle { $$ = $1; TQ_ADD(&($$->imports), $2, xp_next); } ; AssignedIdentifier: { memset(&$$, 0, sizeof($$)); } | ObjectIdentifier { $$.oid = $1; }; /* | DefinedValue { $$.value = $1; }; // Handled through saved_aid */ ImportsBundle: ImportsList TOK_FROM TypeRefName AssignedIdentifier { $$ = $1; $$->fromModuleName = $3; $$->identifier = $4; /* This stupid thing is used for look-back hack. */ saved_aid = $$->identifier.oid ? 0 : &($$->identifier); checkmem($$); } ; ImportsList: ImportsElement { $$ = asn1p_xports_new(); checkmem($$); TQ_ADD(&($$->members), $1, next); } | ImportsList ',' ImportsElement { $$ = $1; TQ_ADD(&($$->members), $3, next); } ; ImportsElement: TypeRefName { $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->Identifier = $1; $$->expr_type = A1TC_REFERENCE; } | TypeRefName '{' '}' { /* Completely equivalent to above */ $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->Identifier = $1; $$->expr_type = A1TC_REFERENCE; } | Identifier { $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->Identifier = $1; $$->expr_type = A1TC_REFERENCE; } ; ExportsDefinition: TOK_EXPORTS ExportsBody ';' { $$ = $2; } | TOK_EXPORTS TOK_ALL ';' { $$ = 0; } | TOK_EXPORTS ';' { /* Empty EXPORTS clause effectively prohibits export. */ $$ = asn1p_xports_new(); checkmem($$); } ; ExportsBody: ExportsElement { $$ = asn1p_xports_new(); assert($$); TQ_ADD(&($$->members), $1, next); } | ExportsBody ',' ExportsElement { $$ = $1; TQ_ADD(&($$->members), $3, next); } ; ExportsElement: TypeRefName { $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->Identifier = $1; $$->expr_type = A1TC_EXPORTVAR; } | TypeRefName '{' '}' { $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->Identifier = $1; $$->expr_type = A1TC_EXPORTVAR; } | Identifier { $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->Identifier = $1; $$->expr_type = A1TC_EXPORTVAR; } ; ValueSetDefinition: TypeRefName DefinedTypeRef TOK_PPEQ '{' { asn1p_lexer_hack_push_opaque_state(); } Opaque /* '}' */ { $$ = $2; assert($$->Identifier == 0); $$->Identifier = $1; $$->meta_type = AMT_VALUESET; // take care of ValueSet body } ; DefinedTypeRef: ComplexTypeReference { $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->reference = $1; $$->expr_type = A1TC_REFERENCE; $$->meta_type = AMT_TYPEREF; } | BasicTypeId { $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->expr_type = $1; $$->meta_type = AMT_TYPE; } ; /* * Data Type Reference. * === EXAMPLE === * Type3 ::= CHOICE { a Type1, b Type 2 } * === EOF === */ DataTypeReference: /* * Optionally tagged type definition. */ TypeRefName TOK_PPEQ optTag TOK_TYPE_IDENTIFIER { $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->Identifier = $1; $$->tag = $3; $$->expr_type = A1TC_TYPEID; $$->meta_type = AMT_TYPE; } | TypeRefName TOK_PPEQ Type { $$ = $3; $$->Identifier = $1; assert($$->expr_type); assert($$->meta_type); } | TypeRefName TOK_PPEQ ClassDeclaration { $$ = $3; $$->Identifier = $1; assert($$->expr_type == A1TC_CLASSDEF); assert($$->meta_type == AMT_OBJECT); } /* * Parametrized declaration: * === EXAMPLE === * SIGNED { ToBeSigned } ::= SEQUENCE { * toBeSigned ToBeSigned, * algorithm AlgorithmIdentifier, * signature BIT STRING * } * === EOF === */ | TypeRefName '{' ParameterArgumentList '}' TOK_PPEQ Type { $$ = $6; assert($$->Identifier == 0); $$->Identifier = $1; $$->params = $3; $$->meta_type = AMT_PARAMTYPE; } ; ParameterArgumentList: ParameterArgumentName { int ret; $$ = asn1p_paramlist_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); ret = asn1p_paramlist_add_param($$, $1.governor, $1.argument); checkmem(ret == 0); if($1.governor) asn1p_ref_free($1.governor); if($1.argument) free($1.argument); } | ParameterArgumentList ',' ParameterArgumentName { int ret; $$ = $1; ret = asn1p_paramlist_add_param($$, $3.governor, $3.argument); checkmem(ret == 0); if($3.governor) asn1p_ref_free($3.governor); if($3.argument) free($3.argument); } ; ParameterArgumentName: TypeRefName { $$.governor = NULL; $$.argument = $1; } | TypeRefName ':' Identifier { int ret; $$.governor = asn1p_ref_new(yylineno); ret = asn1p_ref_add_component($$.governor, $1, 0); checkmem(ret == 0); $$.argument = $3; } | TypeRefName ':' TypeRefName { int ret; $$.governor = asn1p_ref_new(yylineno); ret = asn1p_ref_add_component($$.governor, $1, 0); checkmem(ret == 0); $$.argument = $3; } | BasicTypeId ':' Identifier { int ret; $$.governor = asn1p_ref_new(yylineno); ret = asn1p_ref_add_component($$.governor, ASN_EXPR_TYPE2STR($1), 1); checkmem(ret == 0); $$.argument = $3; } ; ActualParameterList: ActualParameter { $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); asn1p_expr_add($$, $1); } | ActualParameterList ',' ActualParameter { $$ = $1; asn1p_expr_add($$, $3); } ; ActualParameter: Type { $$ = $1; } | Identifier { $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->Identifier = $1; $$->expr_type = A1TC_REFERENCE; $$->meta_type = AMT_VALUE; } ; /* | '{' ActualParameter '}' { $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); asn1p_expr_add($$, $2); $$->expr_type = A1TC_PARAMETRIZED; $$->meta_type = AMT_TYPE; } ; */ /* * A collection of constructed data type members. */ optComponentTypeLists: { $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); } | ComponentTypeLists { $$ = $1; }; ComponentTypeLists: ComponentType { $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); asn1p_expr_add($$, $1); } | ComponentTypeLists ',' ComponentType { $$ = $1; asn1p_expr_add($$, $3); } ; ComponentType: Identifier Type optMarker { $$ = $2; assert($$->Identifier == 0); $$->Identifier = $1; $$->marker = $3; } | TOK_COMPONENTS TOK_OF Type { $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->meta_type = $3->meta_type; $$->expr_type = A1TC_COMPONENTS_OF; asn1p_expr_add($$, $3); } | ExtensionAndException { $$ = $1; } | Type optMarker { $$ = $1; $$->marker = $2; _fixup_anonymous_identifier($$); } ; AlternativeTypeLists: AlternativeType { $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); asn1p_expr_add($$, $1); } | AlternativeTypeLists ',' AlternativeType { $$ = $1; asn1p_expr_add($$, $3); } ; AlternativeType: Identifier Type { $$ = $2; assert($$->Identifier == 0); $$->Identifier = $1; } | ExtensionAndException { $$ = $1; } | Type { $$ = $1; _fixup_anonymous_identifier($$); } ; ClassDeclaration: TOK_CLASS '{' ClassFieldList '}' optWithSyntax { $$ = $3; checkmem($$); $$->with_syntax = $5; assert($$->expr_type == A1TC_CLASSDEF); assert($$->meta_type == AMT_OBJECT); } ; optUnique: { $$ = 0; } | TOK_UNIQUE { $$ = 1; } ; ClassFieldList: ClassField { $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->expr_type = A1TC_CLASSDEF; $$->meta_type = AMT_OBJECT; asn1p_expr_add($$, $1); } | ClassFieldList ',' ClassField { $$ = $1; asn1p_expr_add($$, $3); } ; ClassField: ClassFieldIdentifier optMarker { $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->Identifier = $1.name; $$->expr_type = A1TC_CLASSFIELD; $$->meta_type = AMT_OBJECTFIELD; $$->marker = $2; } | ClassFieldIdentifier Type optUnique optMarker { $$ = $2; $$->Identifier = $1.name; $$->marker = $4; $$->unique = $3; } | ClassFieldIdentifier ClassFieldIdentifier optUnique optMarker { int ret; $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->Identifier = $1.name; $$->reference = asn1p_ref_new(yylineno); checkmem($$->reference); ret = asn1p_ref_add_component($$->reference, $2.name, $2.lex_type); checkmem(ret == 0); $$->expr_type = A1TC_CLASSFIELD; $$->meta_type = AMT_OBJECTFIELD; $$->marker = $4; $$->unique = $3; } ; optWithSyntax: { $$ = 0; } | WithSyntax { $$ = $1; } ; WithSyntax: TOK_WITH TOK_SYNTAX '{' { asn1p_lexer_hack_enable_with_syntax(); } WithSyntaxFormat '}' { $$ = $5; } ; WithSyntaxFormat: WithSyntaxFormatToken { $$ = asn1p_wsyntx_new(); TQ_ADD(&($$->chunks), $1, next); } | WithSyntaxFormat WithSyntaxFormatToken { $$ = $1; TQ_ADD(&($$->chunks), $2, next); } ; WithSyntaxFormatToken: TOK_opaque { $$ = asn1p_wsyntx_chunk_frombuf($1.buf, $1.len, 0); } | ClassFieldIdentifier { asn1p_ref_t *ref; int ret; ref = asn1p_ref_new(yylineno); checkmem(ref); ret = asn1p_ref_add_component(ref, $1.name, $1.lex_type); checkmem(ret == 0); $$ = asn1p_wsyntx_chunk_fromref(ref, 0); } ; ExtensionAndException: TOK_ThreeDots { $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->Identifier = strdup("..."); checkmem($$->Identifier); $$->expr_type = A1TC_EXTENSIBLE; $$->meta_type = AMT_TYPE; } | TOK_ThreeDots '!' DefinedValue { $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->Identifier = strdup("..."); checkmem($$->Identifier); $$->value = $3; $$->expr_type = A1TC_EXTENSIBLE; $$->meta_type = AMT_TYPE; } | TOK_ThreeDots '!' SignedNumber { $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->Identifier = strdup("..."); $$->value = $3; checkmem($$->Identifier); $$->expr_type = A1TC_EXTENSIBLE; $$->meta_type = AMT_TYPE; } ; Type: optTag TypeDeclaration optConstraints { $$ = $2; $$->tag = $1; /* * Outer constraint for SEQUENCE OF and SET OF applies * to the inner type. */ if($$->expr_type == ASN_CONSTR_SEQUENCE_OF || $$->expr_type == ASN_CONSTR_SET_OF) { assert(!TQ_FIRST(&($$->members))->constraints); TQ_FIRST(&($$->members))->constraints = $3; } else { if($$->constraints) { assert(!$2); } else { $$->constraints = $3; } } asn1p_last_type = $$; } ; TypeDeclaration: {apply_nonstd_mods();} TypeDeclarationSet { $$ = $2; } TypeDeclarationSet: BasicType { $$ = $1; } | TOK_CHOICE '{' AlternativeTypeLists {apply_nonstd_mods();} '}' { $$ = $3; assert($$->expr_type == A1TC_INVALID); $$->expr_type = ASN_CONSTR_CHOICE; $$->meta_type = AMT_TYPE; } | TOK_SEQUENCE '{' optComponentTypeLists {apply_nonstd_mods();} '}' { $$ = $3; assert($$->expr_type == A1TC_INVALID); $$->expr_type = ASN_CONSTR_SEQUENCE; $$->meta_type = AMT_TYPE; } | TOK_SET '{' optComponentTypeLists {apply_nonstd_mods();} '}' { $$ = $3; assert($$->expr_type == A1TC_INVALID); $$->expr_type = ASN_CONSTR_SET; $$->meta_type = AMT_TYPE; } | TOK_SEQUENCE optConstraints TOK_OF optIdentifier optTag TypeDeclaration { $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->constraints = $2; $$->expr_type = ASN_CONSTR_SEQUENCE_OF; $$->meta_type = AMT_TYPE; $6->Identifier = $4; $6->tag = $5; asn1p_expr_add($$, $6); } | TOK_SET optConstraints TOK_OF optIdentifier optTag TypeDeclaration { $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->constraints = $2; $$->expr_type = ASN_CONSTR_SET_OF; $$->meta_type = AMT_TYPE; $6->Identifier = $4; $6->tag = $5; asn1p_expr_add($$, $6); } | TOK_ANY { $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->expr_type = ASN_TYPE_ANY; $$->meta_type = AMT_TYPE; } | TOK_ANY TOK_DEFINED TOK_BY Identifier { int ret; $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->reference = asn1p_ref_new(yylineno); ret = asn1p_ref_add_component($$->reference, $4, RLT_lowercase); checkmem(ret == 0); $$->expr_type = ASN_TYPE_ANY; $$->meta_type = AMT_TYPE; } /* * A parametrized assignment. */ | TypeRefName '{' ActualParameterList '}' { int ret; $$ = $3; assert($$->expr_type == 0); assert($$->meta_type == 0); assert($$->reference == 0); $$->reference = asn1p_ref_new(yylineno); checkmem($$->reference); ret = asn1p_ref_add_component($$->reference, $1, RLT_UNKNOWN); checkmem(ret == 0); free($1); $$->expr_type = A1TC_PARAMETRIZED; $$->meta_type = AMT_TYPE; } /* * A DefinedType reference. * "CLASS1.&id.&id2" * or * "Module.Type" * or * "Module.identifier" * or * "Type" */ | ComplexTypeReference { $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->reference = $1; $$->expr_type = A1TC_REFERENCE; $$->meta_type = AMT_TYPEREF; } | TOK_INSTANCE TOK_OF ComplexTypeReference { $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->reference = $3; $$->expr_type = A1TC_INSTANCE; $$->meta_type = AMT_TYPE; } ; /* * A type name consisting of several components. * === EXAMPLE === * === EOF === */ ComplexTypeReference: TOK_typereference { int ret; $$ = asn1p_ref_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); ret = asn1p_ref_add_component($$, $1, RLT_UNKNOWN); checkmem(ret == 0); free($1); } | TOK_typereference '.' TypeRefName { int ret; $$ = asn1p_ref_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); ret = asn1p_ref_add_component($$, $1, RLT_UNKNOWN); checkmem(ret == 0); ret = asn1p_ref_add_component($$, $3, RLT_UNKNOWN); checkmem(ret == 0); free($1); } | ObjectClassReference '.' TypeRefName { int ret; $$ = asn1p_ref_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); ret = asn1p_ref_add_component($$, $1, RLT_UNKNOWN); checkmem(ret == 0); ret = asn1p_ref_add_component($$, $3, RLT_UNKNOWN); checkmem(ret == 0); free($1); } | TOK_typereference '.' Identifier { int ret; $$ = asn1p_ref_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); ret = asn1p_ref_add_component($$, $1, RLT_UNKNOWN); checkmem(ret == 0); ret = asn1p_ref_add_component($$, $3, RLT_lowercase); checkmem(ret == 0); free($1); } | ObjectClassReference { int ret; $$ = asn1p_ref_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); ret = asn1p_ref_add_component($$, $1, RLT_CAPITALS); free($1); checkmem(ret == 0); } | ObjectClassReference '.' ComplexTypeReferenceAmpList { int ret; $$ = $3; ret = asn1p_ref_add_component($$, $1, RLT_CAPITALS); free($1); checkmem(ret == 0); /* * Move the last element infront. */ { struct asn1p_ref_component_s tmp_comp; tmp_comp = $$->components[$$->comp_count-1]; memmove(&$$->components[1], &$$->components[0], sizeof($$->components[0]) * ($$->comp_count - 1)); $$->components[0] = tmp_comp; } } ; ComplexTypeReferenceAmpList: ComplexTypeReferenceElement { int ret; $$ = asn1p_ref_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); ret = asn1p_ref_add_component($$, $1.name, $1.lex_type); free($1.name); checkmem(ret == 0); } | ComplexTypeReferenceAmpList '.' ComplexTypeReferenceElement { int ret; $$ = $1; ret = asn1p_ref_add_component($$, $3.name, $3.lex_type); free($3.name); checkmem(ret == 0); } ; ComplexTypeReferenceElement: ClassFieldName; ClassFieldIdentifier: ClassFieldName; ClassFieldName: /* "&Type1" */ TOK_typefieldreference { $$.lex_type = RLT_AmpUppercase; $$.name = $1; } /* "&id" */ | TOK_valuefieldreference { $$.lex_type = RLT_Amplowercase; $$.name = $1; } ; /* * === EXAMPLE === * value INTEGER ::= 1 * === EOF === */ ValueDefinition: Identifier DefinedTypeRef TOK_PPEQ Value { $$ = $2; assert($$->Identifier == NULL); $$->Identifier = $1; $$->meta_type = AMT_VALUE; $$->value = $4; } ; Value: Identifier ':' Value { $$ = asn1p_value_fromint(0); checkmem($$); $$->type = ATV_CHOICE_IDENTIFIER; $$->value.choice_identifier.identifier = $1; $$->value.choice_identifier.value = $3; } | '{' { asn1p_lexer_hack_push_opaque_state(); } Opaque /* '}' */ { $$ = asn1p_value_frombuf($3.buf, $3.len, 0); checkmem($$); $$->type = ATV_UNPARSED; } | TOK_NULL { $$ = asn1p_value_fromint(0); checkmem($$); $$->type = ATV_NULL; } | TOK_FALSE { $$ = asn1p_value_fromint(0); checkmem($$); $$->type = ATV_FALSE; } | TOK_TRUE { $$ = asn1p_value_fromint(0); checkmem($$); $$->type = ATV_TRUE; } | TOK_bstring { $$ = _convert_bitstring2binary($1, 'B'); checkmem($$); } | TOK_hstring { $$ = _convert_bitstring2binary($1, 'H'); checkmem($$); } | RestrictedCharacterStringValue { $$ = $$; } | SignedNumber { $$ = $1; } | DefinedValue { $$ = $1; } ; DefinedValue: Identifier { asn1p_ref_t *ref; int ret; ref = asn1p_ref_new(yylineno); checkmem(ref); ret = asn1p_ref_add_component(ref, $1, RLT_lowercase); checkmem(ret == 0); $$ = asn1p_value_fromref(ref, 0); checkmem($$); free($1); } | TypeRefName '.' Identifier { asn1p_ref_t *ref; int ret; ref = asn1p_ref_new(yylineno); checkmem(ref); ret = asn1p_ref_add_component(ref, $1, RLT_UNKNOWN); checkmem(ret == 0); ret = asn1p_ref_add_component(ref, $3, RLT_lowercase); checkmem(ret == 0); $$ = asn1p_value_fromref(ref, 0); checkmem($$); free($1); free($3); } ; RestrictedCharacterStringValue: TOK_cstring { $$ = asn1p_value_frombuf($1.buf, $1.len, 0); checkmem($$); } | TOK_tuple { $$ = asn1p_value_fromint($1); checkmem($$); $$->type = ATV_TUPLE; } | TOK_quadruple { $$ = asn1p_value_fromint($1); checkmem($$); $$->type = ATV_QUADRUPLE; } /* | '{' TOK_number ',' TOK_number '}' { asn1c_integer_t v = ($2 << 4) + $4; if($2 > 7) return yyerror("X.680:2003, #37.14 " "mandates 0..7 range for Tuple's TableColumn"); if($4 > 15) return yyerror("X.680:2003, #37.14 " "mandates 0..15 range for Tuple's TableRow"); $$ = asn1p_value_fromint(v); checkmem($$); $$->type = ATV_TUPLE; } | '{' TOK_number ',' TOK_number ',' TOK_number ',' TOK_number '}' { asn1c_integer_t v = ($2 << 24) | ($4 << 16) | ($6 << 8) | $8; if($2 > 127) return yyerror("X.680:2003, #37.12 " "mandates 0..127 range for Quadruple's Group"); if($4 > 255) return yyerror("X.680:2003, #37.12 " "mandates 0..255 range for Quadruple's Plane"); if($6 > 255) return yyerror("X.680:2003, #37.12 " "mandates 0..255 range for Quadruple's Row"); if($8 > 255) return yyerror("X.680:2003, #37.12 " "mandates 0..255 range for Quadruple's Cell"); $$ = asn1p_value_fromint(v); checkmem($$); $$->type = ATV_QUADRUPLE; } */ ; Opaque: TOK_opaque { $$.len = $1.len + 1; $$.buf = malloc($$.len + 1); checkmem($$.buf); $$.buf[0] = '{'; memcpy($$.buf + 1, $1.buf, $1.len); $$.buf[$$.len] = '\0'; free($1.buf); } | Opaque TOK_opaque { int newsize = $1.len + $2.len; char *p = malloc(newsize + 1); checkmem(p); memcpy(p , $1.buf, $1.len); memcpy(p + $1.len, $2.buf, $2.len); p[newsize] = '\0'; free($1.buf); free($2.buf); $$.buf = p; $$.len = newsize; } ; BasicTypeId: TOK_BOOLEAN { $$ = ASN_BASIC_BOOLEAN; } | TOK_NULL { $$ = ASN_BASIC_NULL; } | TOK_REAL { $$ = ASN_BASIC_REAL; } | BasicTypeId_UniverationCompatible { $$ = $1; } | TOK_OCTET TOK_STRING { $$ = ASN_BASIC_OCTET_STRING; } | TOK_OBJECT TOK_IDENTIFIER { $$ = ASN_BASIC_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER; } | TOK_RELATIVE_OID { $$ = ASN_BASIC_RELATIVE_OID; } | TOK_EXTERNAL { $$ = ASN_BASIC_EXTERNAL; } | TOK_EMBEDDED TOK_PDV { $$ = ASN_BASIC_EMBEDDED_PDV; } | TOK_CHARACTER TOK_STRING { $$ = ASN_BASIC_CHARACTER_STRING; } | TOK_UTCTime { $$ = ASN_BASIC_UTCTime; } | TOK_GeneralizedTime { $$ = ASN_BASIC_GeneralizedTime; } | BasicString { $$ = $1; } ; /* * A type identifier which may be used with "{ a(1), b(2) }" clause. */ BasicTypeId_UniverationCompatible: TOK_INTEGER { $$ = ASN_BASIC_INTEGER; } | TOK_ENUMERATED { $$ = ASN_BASIC_ENUMERATED; } | TOK_BIT TOK_STRING { $$ = ASN_BASIC_BIT_STRING; } ; BasicType: BasicTypeId { $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->expr_type = $1; $$->meta_type = AMT_TYPE; } | BasicTypeId_UniverationCompatible UniverationDefinition { if($2) { $$ = $2; } else { $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); } $$->expr_type = $1; $$->meta_type = AMT_TYPE; } ; BasicString: TOK_BMPString { $$ = ASN_STRING_BMPString; } | TOK_GeneralString { $$ = ASN_STRING_GeneralString; fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: GeneralString is not fully supported\n"); } | TOK_GraphicString { $$ = ASN_STRING_GraphicString; fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: GraphicString is not fully supported\n"); } | TOK_IA5String { $$ = ASN_STRING_IA5String; } | TOK_ISO646String { $$ = ASN_STRING_ISO646String; } | TOK_NumericString { $$ = ASN_STRING_NumericString; } | TOK_PrintableString { $$ = ASN_STRING_PrintableString; } | TOK_T61String { $$ = ASN_STRING_T61String; fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: T61String is not fully supported\n"); } | TOK_TeletexString { $$ = ASN_STRING_TeletexString; } | TOK_UniversalString { $$ = ASN_STRING_UniversalString; } | TOK_UTF8String { $$ = ASN_STRING_UTF8String; } | TOK_VideotexString { $$ = ASN_STRING_VideotexString; fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: VideotexString is not fully supported\n"); } | TOK_VisibleString { $$ = ASN_STRING_VisibleString; } | TOK_ObjectDescriptor { $$ = ASN_STRING_ObjectDescriptor; } ; /* * Data type constraints. */ Union: '|' | TOK_UNION; Intersection: '^' | TOK_INTERSECTION; Except: TOK_EXCEPT; optConstraints: { $$ = 0; } | Constraints { $$ = $1; } ; Constraints: SetOfConstraints { CONSTRAINT_INSERT($$, ACT_CA_SET, $1, 0); } | TOK_SIZE '(' ElementSetSpecs ')' { /* * This is a special case, for compatibility purposes. * It goes without parentheses. */ CONSTRAINT_INSERT($$, ACT_CT_SIZE, $3, 0); } ; SetOfConstraints: '(' ElementSetSpecs ')' { $$ = $2; } | SetOfConstraints '(' ElementSetSpecs ')' { CONSTRAINT_INSERT($$, ACT_CA_SET, $1, $3); } ; ElementSetSpecs: ElementSetSpec { $$ = $1; } | ElementSetSpec ',' TOK_ThreeDots { asn1p_constraint_t *ct; ct = asn1p_constraint_new(yylineno); ct->type = ACT_EL_EXT; CONSTRAINT_INSERT($$, ACT_CA_CSV, $1, ct); } | ElementSetSpec ',' TOK_ThreeDots ',' ElementSetSpec { asn1p_constraint_t *ct; ct = asn1p_constraint_new(yylineno); ct->type = ACT_EL_EXT; CONSTRAINT_INSERT($$, ACT_CA_CSV, $1, ct); ct = $$; CONSTRAINT_INSERT($$, ACT_CA_CSV, ct, $5); } ; ElementSetSpec: ConstraintSubtypeElement { $$ = $1; } | TOK_ALL TOK_EXCEPT ConstraintSubtypeElement { CONSTRAINT_INSERT($$, ACT_CA_AEX, $3, 0); } | ElementSetSpec Union ConstraintSubtypeElement { CONSTRAINT_INSERT($$, ACT_CA_UNI, $1, $3); } | ElementSetSpec Intersection ConstraintSubtypeElement { CONSTRAINT_INSERT($$, ACT_CA_INT, $1, $3); } | ConstraintSubtypeElement Except ConstraintSubtypeElement { CONSTRAINT_INSERT($$, ACT_CA_EXC, $1, $3); } ; ConstraintSubtypeElement: ConstraintSpec '(' ElementSetSpecs ')' { int ret; $$ = asn1p_constraint_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->type = $1; ret = asn1p_constraint_insert($$, $3); checkmem(ret == 0); } | '(' ElementSetSpecs ')' { int ret; $$ = asn1p_constraint_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->type = ACT_CA_SET; ret = asn1p_constraint_insert($$, $2); checkmem(ret == 0); } | SingleValue { $$ = asn1p_constraint_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->type = ACT_EL_VALUE; $$->value = $1; } | ContainedSubtype { $$ = asn1p_constraint_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->type = ACT_EL_TYPE; $$->containedSubtype = $1; } | SingleValue ConstraintRangeSpec SingleValue { $$ = asn1p_constraint_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->type = $2; $$->range_start = $1; $$->range_stop = $3; } | TOK_MIN ConstraintRangeSpec SingleValue { $$ = asn1p_constraint_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->type = $2; $$->range_start = asn1p_value_fromint(-123); $$->range_stop = $3; $$->range_start->type = ATV_MIN; } | SingleValue ConstraintRangeSpec TOK_MAX { $$ = asn1p_constraint_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->type = $2; $$->range_start = $1; $$->range_stop = asn1p_value_fromint(321); $$->range_stop->type = ATV_MAX; } | TOK_MIN ConstraintRangeSpec TOK_MAX { $$ = asn1p_constraint_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->type = $2; $$->range_start = asn1p_value_fromint(-123); $$->range_stop = asn1p_value_fromint(321); $$->range_start->type = ATV_MIN; $$->range_stop->type = ATV_MAX; } | TableConstraint { $$ = $1; } | InnerTypeConstraint { $$ = $1; } | TOK_CONSTRAINED TOK_BY '{' { asn1p_lexer_hack_push_opaque_state(); } Opaque /* '}' */ { $$ = asn1p_constraint_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->type = ACT_CT_CTDBY; $$->value = asn1p_value_frombuf($5.buf, $5.len, 0); checkmem($$->value); $$->value->type = ATV_UNPARSED; } ; ConstraintRangeSpec: TOK_TwoDots { $$ = ACT_EL_RANGE; } | TOK_TwoDots '<' { $$ = ACT_EL_RLRANGE; } | '<' TOK_TwoDots { $$ = ACT_EL_LLRANGE; } | '<' TOK_TwoDots '<' { $$ = ACT_EL_ULRANGE; } ; ConstraintSpec: TOK_SIZE { $$ = ACT_CT_SIZE; } | TOK_FROM { $$ = ACT_CT_FROM; } ; SingleValue: TOK_FALSE { $$ = asn1p_value_fromint(0); checkmem($$); $$->type = ATV_FALSE; } | TOK_TRUE { $$ = asn1p_value_fromint(1); checkmem($$); $$->type = ATV_TRUE; } | SignedNumber { $$ = $1; } | RestrictedCharacterStringValue { $$ = $1; } | Identifier { asn1p_ref_t *ref; int ret; ref = asn1p_ref_new(yylineno); checkmem(ref); ret = asn1p_ref_add_component(ref, $1, RLT_lowercase); checkmem(ret == 0); $$ = asn1p_value_fromref(ref, 0); checkmem($$); free($1); } ; ContainedSubtype: TypeRefName { asn1p_ref_t *ref; int ret; ref = asn1p_ref_new(yylineno); checkmem(ref); ret = asn1p_ref_add_component(ref, $1, RLT_UNKNOWN); checkmem(ret == 0); $$ = asn1p_value_fromref(ref, 0); checkmem($$); free($1); } ; InnerTypeConstraint: TOK_WITH TOK_COMPONENT SetOfConstraints { CONSTRAINT_INSERT($$, ACT_CT_WCOMP, $3, 0); } | TOK_WITH TOK_COMPONENTS '{' WithComponentsList '}' { CONSTRAINT_INSERT($$, ACT_CT_WCOMPS, $4, 0); } ; WithComponentsList: WithComponentsElement { $$ = $1; } | WithComponentsList ',' WithComponentsElement { CONSTRAINT_INSERT($$, ACT_CT_WCOMPS, $1, $3); } ; WithComponentsElement: TOK_ThreeDots { $$ = asn1p_constraint_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->type = ACT_EL_EXT; $$->value = asn1p_value_frombuf("...", 3, 0); } | Identifier optConstraints optPresenceConstraint { $$ = asn1p_constraint_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->type = ACT_EL_VALUE; $$->value = asn1p_value_frombuf($1, strlen($1), 0); $$->presence = $3; if($2) asn1p_constraint_insert($$, $2); } ; /* * presence constraint for WithComponents */ optPresenceConstraint: { $$ = ACPRES_DEFAULT; } | PresenceConstraint { $$ = $1; } ; PresenceConstraint: TOK_PRESENT { $$ = ACPRES_PRESENT; } | TOK_ABSENT { $$ = ACPRES_ABSENT; } | TOK_OPTIONAL { $$ = ACPRES_OPTIONAL; } ; TableConstraint: SimpleTableConstraint { $$ = $1; } | ComponentRelationConstraint { $$ = $1; } ; /* * "{ExtensionSet}" */ SimpleTableConstraint: '{' TypeRefName '}' { asn1p_ref_t *ref = asn1p_ref_new(yylineno); asn1p_constraint_t *ct; int ret; ret = asn1p_ref_add_component(ref, $2, 0); checkmem(ret == 0); ct = asn1p_constraint_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); ct->type = ACT_EL_VALUE; ct->value = asn1p_value_fromref(ref, 0); CONSTRAINT_INSERT($$, ACT_CA_CRC, ct, 0); } ; ComponentRelationConstraint: SimpleTableConstraint '{' AtNotationList '}' { CONSTRAINT_INSERT($$, ACT_CA_CRC, $1, $3); } ; AtNotationList: AtNotationElement { $$ = asn1p_constraint_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->type = ACT_EL_VALUE; $$->value = asn1p_value_fromref($1, 0); } | AtNotationList ',' AtNotationElement { asn1p_constraint_t *ct; ct = asn1p_constraint_new(yylineno); checkmem(ct); ct->type = ACT_EL_VALUE; ct->value = asn1p_value_fromref($3, 0); CONSTRAINT_INSERT($$, ACT_CA_CSV, $1, ct); } ; /* * @blah */ AtNotationElement: '@' ComponentIdList { char *p = malloc(strlen($2) + 2); int ret; *p = '@'; strcpy(p + 1, $2); $$ = asn1p_ref_new(yylineno); ret = asn1p_ref_add_component($$, p, 0); checkmem(ret == 0); free(p); free($2); } | '@' '.' ComponentIdList { char *p = malloc(strlen($3) + 3); int ret; p[0] = '@'; p[1] = '.'; strcpy(p + 2, $3); $$ = asn1p_ref_new(yylineno); ret = asn1p_ref_add_component($$, p, 0); checkmem(ret == 0); free(p); free($3); } ; /* identifier "." ... */ ComponentIdList: Identifier { $$ = $1; } | ComponentIdList '.' Identifier { int l1 = strlen($1); int l3 = strlen($3); $$ = malloc(l1 + 1 + l3 + 1); memcpy($$, $1, l1); $$[l1] = '.'; memcpy($$ + l1 + 1, $3, l3); $$[l1 + 1 + l3] = '\0'; } ; /* * MARKERS */ optMarker: { $$.flags = EM_NOMARK; $$.default_value = 0; } | Marker { $$ = $1; } ; Marker: TOK_OPTIONAL { $$.flags = EM_OPTIONAL; $$.default_value = 0; } | TOK_DEFAULT Value { $$.flags = EM_DEFAULT; $$.default_value = $2; } ; /* * Universal enumeration definition to use in INTEGER and ENUMERATED. * === EXAMPLE === * Gender ::= ENUMERATED { unknown(0), male(1), female(2) } * Temperature ::= INTEGER { absolute-zero(-273), freezing(0), boiling(100) } * === EOF === */ /* optUniverationDefinition: { $$ = 0; } | UniverationDefinition { $$ = $1; } ; */ UniverationDefinition: '{' '}' { $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); } | '{' UniverationList '}' { $$ = $2; } ; UniverationList: UniverationElement { $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); asn1p_expr_add($$, $1); } | UniverationList ',' UniverationElement { $$ = $1; asn1p_expr_add($$, $3); } ; UniverationElement: Identifier { $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->expr_type = A1TC_UNIVERVAL; $$->meta_type = AMT_VALUE; $$->Identifier = $1; } | Identifier '(' SignedNumber ')' { $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->expr_type = A1TC_UNIVERVAL; $$->meta_type = AMT_VALUE; $$->Identifier = $1; $$->value = $3; } | Identifier '(' DefinedValue ')' { $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->expr_type = A1TC_UNIVERVAL; $$->meta_type = AMT_VALUE; $$->Identifier = $1; $$->value = $3; } | SignedNumber { $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->expr_type = A1TC_UNIVERVAL; $$->meta_type = AMT_VALUE; $$->value = $1; } | TOK_ThreeDots { $$ = asn1p_expr_new(yylineno); checkmem($$); $$->Identifier = strdup("..."); checkmem($$->Identifier); $$->expr_type = A1TC_EXTENSIBLE; $$->meta_type = AMT_VALUE; } ; SignedNumber: TOK_number { $$ = asn1p_value_fromint($1); checkmem($$); } | TOK_number_negative { $$ = asn1p_value_fromint($1); checkmem($$); } ; /* * SEQUENCE definition. * === EXAMPLE === * Struct1 ::= SEQUENCE { * memb1 Struct2, * memb2 SEQUENCE OF { * memb2-1 Struct 3 * } * } * === EOF === */ /* * SET definition. * === EXAMPLE === * Person ::= SET { * name [0] PrintableString (SIZE(1..20)), * country [1] PrintableString (SIZE(1..20)) DEFAULT default-country, * } * === EOF === */ optTag: { memset(&$$, 0, sizeof($$)); } | Tag { $$ = $1; } ; Tag: TagTypeValue TagPlicit { $$ = $1; $$.tag_mode = $2.tag_mode; } ; TagTypeValue: '[' TagClass TOK_number ']' { $$ = $2; $$.tag_value = $3; }; TagClass: { $$.tag_class = TC_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC; } | TOK_UNIVERSAL { $$.tag_class = TC_UNIVERSAL; } | TOK_APPLICATION { $$.tag_class = TC_APPLICATION; } | TOK_PRIVATE { $$.tag_class = TC_PRIVATE; } ; TagPlicit: { $$.tag_mode = TM_DEFAULT; } | TOK_IMPLICIT { $$.tag_mode = TM_IMPLICIT; } | TOK_EXPLICIT { $$.tag_mode = TM_EXPLICIT; } ; TypeRefName: TOK_typereference { checkmem($1); $$ = $1; } | TOK_capitalreference { checkmem($1); $$ = $1; } ; ObjectClassReference: TOK_capitalreference { checkmem($1); $$ = $1; } ; optIdentifier: { $$ = 0; } | Identifier { $$ = $1; } ; Identifier: TOK_identifier { checkmem($1); $$ = $1; } ; %% /* * Convert Xstring ('0101'B or '5'H) to the binary vector. */ static asn1p_value_t * _convert_bitstring2binary(char *str, int base) { asn1p_value_t *val; int slen; int memlen; int baselen; int bits; uint8_t *binary_vector; uint8_t *bv_ptr; uint8_t cur_val; assert(str); assert(str[0] == '\''); switch(base) { case 'B': baselen = 1; break; case 'H': baselen = 4; break; default: assert(base == 'B' || base == 'H'); errno = EINVAL; return NULL; } slen = strlen(str); assert(str[slen - 1] == base); assert(str[slen - 2] == '\''); memlen = slen / (8 / baselen); /* Conservative estimate */ bv_ptr = binary_vector = malloc(memlen + 1); if(bv_ptr == NULL) /* ENOMEM */ return NULL; cur_val = 0; bits = 0; while(*(++str) != '\'') { switch(baselen) { case 1: switch(*str) { case '1': cur_val |= 1 << (7 - (bits % 8)); case '0': break; default: assert(!"_y UNREACH1"); case ' ': case '\r': case '\n': continue; } break; case 4: switch(*str) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': cur_val |= (*str - '0') << (4 - (bits % 8)); break; case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F': cur_val |= ((*str - 'A') + 10) << (4 - (bits % 8)); break; default: assert(!"_y UNREACH2"); case ' ': case '\r': case '\n': continue; } break; } bits += baselen; if((bits % 8) == 0) { *bv_ptr++ = cur_val; cur_val = 0; } } *bv_ptr = cur_val; assert((bv_ptr - binary_vector) <= memlen); val = asn1p_value_frombits(binary_vector, bits, 0); if(val == NULL) { free(binary_vector); } return val; } /* * For unnamed types (used in old X.208 compliant modules) * generate some sort of interim names, to not to force human being to fix * the specification's compliance to modern ASN.1 standards. */ static void _fixup_anonymous_identifier(asn1p_expr_t *expr) { char *p; assert(expr->Identifier == 0); /* * Try to figure out the type name * without going too much into details */ expr->Identifier = ASN_EXPR_TYPE2STR(expr->expr_type); if(expr->reference && expr->reference->comp_count > 0) expr->Identifier = expr->reference->components[0].name; fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Line %d: expected lower-case member identifier, " "found an unnamed %s.\n" "WARNING: Obsolete X.208 syntax detected, " "please give the member a name.\n", yylineno, expr->Identifier ? expr->Identifier : "type"); if(!expr->Identifier) expr->Identifier = "unnamed"; expr->Identifier = strdup(expr->Identifier); assert(expr->Identifier); /* Make a lowercase identifier from the type name */ for(p = expr->Identifier; *p; p++) { switch(*p) { case 'A' ... 'Z': *p += 32; break; case ' ': *p = '_'; break; case '-': *p = '_'; break; } } fprintf(stderr, "NOTE: Assigning temporary identifier \"%s\". " "Name clash may occur later.\n", expr->Identifier); } static void apply_nonstd_mods() { if(!asn1p_as_pointer) return; asn1p_as_pointer = 0; if(asn1p_last_type) { asn1p_last_type->marker.flags |= EM_INDIRECT; fprintf(stderr, "INFO: Modifier " "applied to \"%s\" at line %d\n", asn1p_last_type->Identifier ? asn1p_last_type->Identifier : "", asn1p_last_type->_lineno); asn1p_last_type = 0; } } extern char *asn1p_text; int yyerror(const char *msg) { fprintf(stderr, "ASN.1 grammar parse error " "near line %d (token \"%s\"): %s\n", yylineno, asn1p_text, msg); return -1; }