#!/usr/bin/perl # # $Id$ # $Author$ # # Simple tool that extracts known ASN.1 modules from the stream of LyX data. # if($#ARGV == -1) { print STDERR "Extract known modules from LyX data\n"; print STDERR "Usage: cat *.lyx | $0 ...\n"; exit 64; } # Convert arguments into a hash for quicker search. for(my $i; $i <= $#ARGV; $i++) { $modules{$ARGV[$i]} = $ARGV[$i].".asn1"; } # Process incoming stream in search for ASN.1 modules. while() { chop; if($inmodule) { next if(/^$/); if(/^\\layout /) { print O "\n"; next; } if(/^\\begin_inset Quotes/) { print O '"'; next; } next if(/^\\/); print O; if(/^END$/) { $inmodule = 0; print O "\n"; } } else { next unless $modules{$_}; open(O, '> '.$modules{$_}); print O; $inmodule = 1; delete $modules{$_}; } } # Make sure noone's missing. die "Modules not found: " . join(", ", keys %modules) . "\n" if keys %modules;