This is the source of the CGI-based Web wrapper around asn1c compiler. To install, execute the following steps in this directory CGIDIR=/path/where/webserver/CGIs/are/stored make # Ensure the binary files are built cp asn1c.cgi asn1c-suid-helper $CGIDIR chgrp www $CGIDIR/asn1c-suid-helper # Or whatever Web server has chown root $CGIDIR/asn1c-suid-helper chmod 4550 $CGIDIR/asn1c-suid-helper # Make it setuid # edit the $CGIDIR/asn1c.cgi to set up a few preferences # in the beginning of that Perl script. The chmod command makes the asn1c-suid-helper program setuid. The asn1c-suid-helper is a tiny wrapper (look in the asn1c-suid-helper.c), which has the single purpose of running the asn1c compiler under extremely strict environment. The root uid and 4555 mode actually _raise_ security of the whole ASN.1 CGI system, so don't worry. If you're still uncertain, just go read the source code, it's only a page long.