MAP-Operations DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN EXPORTS -- Location management UpdateLocationArea, UpdateLocation, CancelLocation, DetachIMSI, AttachIMSI, DeregisterMobileSubscriber, -- Subscriber data management InsertSubscriberData, DeleteSubscriberData, SendParameters, -- Supplementary Services Handling RegisterSS, EraseSS, ActivateSS, DeactivateSS, InterrogateSS, InvokeSS, ForwardSsNotification, RegisterPassword, GetPassword, ProcessUnstructuredSsData, -- Call set-up SendInfoForIncomingCall, SendInfoForOutgoingCall, ConnectToFollowingAddress, ProcessCallWaiting, -- Paging Page, SearchForMobileSubscriber, -- Handover PerformHandover, SendEndSignal, SendHandoverReport, ProcessAccessSignalling, ForwardAccessSignalling, -- Charging RegisterChargingInformation, -- Fault recovery -- Tracing ActivateTraceMode, DeactivateTraceMode, TraceSubscriberActivity, NoteInternalHandover, -- Equipment management CheckIMEI, -- Authentication and security Authenticate, ProvideIMSI, ForwardNewTMSI, SetCipheringMode, -- Short messages SendRoutingInfoForSM, ForwardShortMessage, SetMessageWaitingData, NoteMSPresent, AlertServiceCentre, -- Access request ProcessAccessRequest; IMPORTS OPERATION FROM TCAPMessages {ccitt recommendation q 773 moduleA(0)} -- imports data types IMSI, TMSI, SubscriberId, IMEI, LMsId, LocAreaId, GlobalCellId, LocationInfo, HlrList, Category, EquipStatus, BasicServiceList, BasicServiceCode, BearerServiceCode, TeleserviceCode, SubscriberData, SS-Information, SS-DataList, SS-Code, SS-CodeList, SS-Status, SS-Notification, Password, ChannelType, NoReplyConditionTime, UserToUserServiceIndicator, CUG-Index, CUG-Interlock, NumberOfConferees, NumberOfForwarding, ForwardingData, ForwardingFeatureList, ForwardingOptions, ClassmarkInformation, HandoverType, HandoverPriority, CallReference, CallType, CallDateTime, CallStatus, CallDuration, PacketDataVolume, ChargingUnit, Charge, SS-ChargingInfo, AccessConnectionStatus, Rand, Sres, CipheringMode, Kc, CKSN, SS-UserData, RequestParameters, SentParameters, SM-RP-OA, SM-RP-DA, SM-RP-UI, GuidanceInfo FROM MAP-DataTypes -- imports errors types UnknownSubscriber, UnknownBaseStation, UnknownMSC, UnallocatedRoamingNumber, UnknownEquipment, RoamingNotAllowed, IllegalMS, BearerServiceNotProvisioned, TeleserviceNotProvisioned, InsufficientBearerCapabilities, CallBarred, ForwardingViolation, CUG-Reject, IllegalSS-Operation, SS-ErrorStatus, SS-NotAvailable, SS-SubscriptionViolation, SS-Incompatibility, InvalidTargetBaseStation, NoRadioResourceAvailable, NoHandoverNumberAvailable, NoSubscriberReply, RadioCongestion, ImpossibleCallCompletion, SystemFailure, DataMissing, UnexpectedDataValue, PasswordRegistrationFailure, NegativePasswordCheck, NoRoamingNumberAvailable, TracingBufferFull, FacilityNotSupported, SM-DeliveryFailure, MessageWaitingListFull FROM MAP-Errors; -- operation types definitions UpdateLocationArea ::= OPERATION PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ subscriberId SubscriberId, previousLocAreaId CHOICE{ LocAreaId, NULL}, cksn CKSN } RESULT ERRORS {UnknownSubscriber, UnknownLocArea, IllegalMS, SystemFailure, UnexpectedDataValue} -- UpdateLocation ::= OPERATION PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ locationInfo LocationInfo, vlrNumber IsdnAddressString, lmsId [10] IMPLICIT LMsId OPTIONAL} RESULT hlrNumber IsdnAddressString {UnknownSubscriber, RoamingNotAllowed, SystemFailure, UnexpectedDataValue} -- CancelLocation ::= OPERATION imsi IMSI, SEQUENCE{ imsi IMSI, lMsId LMsId}} RESULT {UnidentifiedSubscriber, UnexpectedDataValue} -- DetachIMSI ::= OPERATION PARAMETER subscriberId SubscriberId AttachIMSI ::= OPERATION PARAMETER subscriberId SubscriberId RESULT ERRORS UnidentifiedSubscriber, IllegalMS, RoamingNotAllowed, SystemFailure, UnexpectedDataValue} -- PARAMETER imsi IMSI RESULT ERRORS {AbsentSubscriber, FacilityNotSupported, UnexpectedDataValue} -- Subscriber data management PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ imsi [0] IMPLICIT IMSI OPTIONAL, COMPONENTS OF SubscriberData} RESULT ERRORS DataMissing, UnexpectedDataValue} -- DeleteSubscriberData ::= OPERATION PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ imsi [0] IMPLICIT IMSI, ss-Code [2] IMPLICIT SS-CodeList OPTIONAL} RESULT ERRORS {UnidentifiedSubscriber, DataMissing, -- SendParameters ::= OPERATION PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ subscriberId SubscriberId, requestParameters RequestParameters} RESULT sentParameters SentParameters -- optional (nothing is returned, if the requested -- parameters are not available or do not exist) ERRORS {UnknownSubscriber, UnexpectedDataValue} -- Supplementary services handling -- RegisterSS ::= OPERATION PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ ss-Code SS-Code, forwardedToNumber [4] IMPLICIT IsdnAddressString OPTIONAL, noReplyConditionTime [5] IMPLICIT NoReplyConditionTime OPTIONAL} RESULT ss-Information SS-Information -- optional ERRORS IllegalSS-Operation, SS-ErrorStatus, SS-NotAvailable, BearerServiceNotProvisioned, TeleServiceNotProvisioned, SS-SubscriptionViolation, SS-Incompatibility, UnexpectedDataValue, DataMissing, SystemFailure} -- EraseSS ::= OPERATION ss-Code SS-Code, basicService BasicServiceCode OPTIONAL} RESULT ss-Information SS-Information -- optional ERRORS NegativePasswordCheck, IllegalSS-Operation, SS-ErrorStatus, SS-SubscriptionViolation, UnexpectedDataValue, SystemFailure} -- PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ ss-Code SS-Code, basicService BasicServiceCode OPTIONAL} RESULT ss-Information SS-Information -- optional {UnknownSubscriber, NegativePasswordCheck, IllegalSS-Operation, SS-ErrorStatus, SS-NotAvailable, SS-SubscriptionViolation, SS-Incompatibility, SystemFailure} -- DeactivateSS ::= OPERATION PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ ss-Code SS-Code, basicService BasicServiceCode OPTIONAL} RESULT ss-Information SS-Information -- optional ERRORS {UnknownSubscriber, IllegalSS-Operation, SS-SubscriptionViolation, NegativePasswordCheck, UnexpectedDataValue, SystemFailure} -- PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ ss-Code SS-Code, basicService BasicServiceCode OPTIONAL} RESULT CHOICE{ ss-Status [0] IMPLICIT SS-Status, forwardedToNumber [1] IMPLICIT IsdnAddressString, forwardingFeatureList [3] IMPLICIT ForwardingFeatureList} ERRORS {UnknownSubscriber, NegativePasswordCheck, IllegalSS-Operation, UnexpectedDataValue, SystemFailure} -- InvokeSS ::= OPERATION PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ ss-Code SS-Code, userToUserServiceIndicator [4] IMPLICIT UserToUserServiceIndicator OPTIONAL, cug-Index [5] IMPLICIT CUG-Index OPTIONAL, numberOfConferees [6] IMPLICIT NumberOfConferees OPTIONAL} RESULT cug-Interlock CUG-Interlock -- optional ERRORS {IllegalSS-Operation, SS-ErrorStatus, SS-NotAvailable, SS-SubscriptionViolation, SS-Incompatibility, CUG-Reject, UnexpectedDataValue, SystemFailure} -- ForwardSsNotification ::= OPERATION PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ imsi [0] IMPLICIT IMSI OPTIONAL, ss-Code [1] IMPLICIT SS-Code OPTIONAL, teleservice [2] IMPLICIT TeleserviceCode OPTIONAL, ss-Status [4] IMPLICIT SS-Status OPTIONAL, ss-Notification [5] IMPLICIT SS-Notification OPTIONAL} -- RegisterPassword ::= OPERATION PARAMETER RESULT newPassword Password ERRORS {NegativePasswordCheck, PasswordRegistrationFailure, UnexpectedDataValue, SystemFailure} LINKED {GetPassword} -- PARAMETER guidanceInfo GuidanceInfo RESULT currentPassword Password -- PARAMETER ss-UserData SS-UserData RESULT ss-UserData SS-UserData -- optional ERRORS SystemFailure} -- UnexpectedDataValue is used when data from MS does not correspond -- to any service implemented in HLR -- Call set-up -- PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ incomingId CHOICE{ roamingNumber [0] IMPLICIT IsdnAddressString, imsi [1] IMPLICIT IMSI}, bearerService [2] IMPLICIT BearerServiceCode OPTIONAL, teleservice [3] IMPLICIT TeleserviceCode OPTIONAL, lMsId [4] IMPLICIT LMsId OPTIONAL, cug-Interlock [6] IMPLICIT CUG-Interlock OPTIONAL, numberOfForwarding [7] IMPLICIT NumberOfForwarding OPTIONAL} ERRORS UnallocatedRoamingNumber, UnknownSubscriber, UnidentifiedSubscriber, ImpossibleCallCompletion, ForwardingViolation, UnexpectedDataValue, DataMissing, SystemFailure} LINKED ProcessCallWaiting, ConnectToFollowingAddress} -- SendInfoForOutgoingCall ::= OPERATION PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ calledNumber [0] IMPLICIT IsdnAddressString, teleService [3] IMPLICIT TeleserviceCode OPTIONAL} ERRORS UnknownSubscriber, BearerServiceNotProvisioned, TeleserviceNotProvisioned, CallBarred, DataMissing, UnexpectedDataValue, SystemFailure} LINKED {CompleteCall} SendRoutingInformation ::= OPERATION msIsdn [0] IMPLICIT IsdnAddressString, cug-Interlock [1] IMPLICIT CUG-Interlock OPTIONAL, numberOfForwarding [2] IMPLICIT NumberOfForwarding OPTIONAL, networkSignalInfo [10] IMPLICIT ExternalSignalInfo OPTIONAL} -- If available from the network the ISDN Bearer Capabilities and the ISDN High Layer -- Compatibility and Low Layer Compatibility information elements are included in -- The information is passed according to the rules specified in GSM 09.07. RESULT SEQUENCE{ imsi IMSI, routingInfo CHOICE{ roamingNumber IsdnAddressString, forwardingData ForwardingData}} ERRORS UnknownSubscriber, CallBarred, CUG-Reject, BearerServiceNotProvisioned, TeleServiceNotProvisioned, FacilityNotSupported, ForwardingViolation, SystemFailure, DataMissing, UnexpectedDataValue} ProvideRoamingNumber ::= OPERATION PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ imsi [0] IMPLICIT IMSI, mscNumber [1] IMPLICIT IsdnAddressString OPTIONAL, msIsdn [2] IMPLICIT IsdnAddressString OPTIONAL, previousRoamingNumber [3] IMPLICIT IsdnAddressString OPTIONAL, lMsId [4] IMPLICIT LMsId OPTIONAL, gSM-BearerCapability [5] IMPLICIT ExternalSignalInfo OPTIONAL, -- If available from the network the ISDN High Layer Compatibility information element is -- carried in the networkSignalInfo parameter as shown in section -- The information is passed according to the rules specified in GSM 09.07. RESULT roamingNumber IsdnAddressString ERRORS {AbsentSubscriber, NoRoamingNumberAvailable, FacilityNotSupported, SystemFailure, DataMissing, UnexpectedDataValue} CompleteCall ::= OPERATION PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ msIsdn [0] IMPLICIT IsdnAddressString, category [1] IMPLICIT Category OPTIONAL, cug-Index [2] IMPLICIT CUG-Index OPTIONAL, gSM-BearerCapability [3] IMPLICIT ExternalSignalInfo OPTIONAL, noReplyConditionTime [4] IMPLICIT NoReplyConditionTime OPTIONAL, ERRORS {NoSubscriberReply, RadioCongestion, BusySubscriber, DataMissing, UnexpectedDataValue} ConnectToFollowingAddress ::= OPERATION PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ forwardingData ForwardingData, msIsdn IsdnAddressString OPTIONAL} -- ProcessCallWaiting ::= OPERATION -- Paging Page ::= OPERATION PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ imsi [0] IMPLICIT IMSI, tmsi [1] IMPLICIT TMSI OPTIONAL, locAreaId [2] IMPLICIT LocAreaId} {AbsentSubscriber, UnknownLocArea, BusySubscriber, SystemFailure, UnexpectedDataValue} SearchForMobileSubscriber ::= OPERATION PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ imsi IMSI, storedLocationArea CHOICE { LocAreaId, NULL}} currentLocAreaId LocAreaId ERRORS {AbsentSubscriber, BusySubscriber, SystemFailure, -- -- Handover PerformHandover ::= OPERATION PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ targetCellId GlobalCellId, channelType ChannelType, classmarkInformation ClassmarkInformation, handoverPriority [11] IMPLICIT HandoverPriority OPTIONAL, kc [12] IMPLICIT Kc OPTIONAL} RESULT SEQUENCE{ handoverNumber IsdnAddressString, -- protocolId for ExternalSignalInfo -- should indicate "gsm-04.08-version1" ERRORS {UnknownBaseStation, InvalidTargetBaseStation, NoRadioResourceAvailable, SystemFailure, UnexpectedDataValue} -- SendEndSignal ::= OPERATION -- PerformSubsequentHandover ::= OPERATION PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ targetCellId GlobalCellId, servingCellId GlobalCellId, classmarkInformation [10] IMPLICIT ClassmarkInformation OPTIONAL} RESULT accessSignalInfo ExternalSignalInfo -- protocolId should indicate "gsm-04.08-version1"} {UnknownBaseStation, InvalidTargetBaseStation, UnknownMSC, SubsequentHandoverFailure, UnexpectedDataValue} -- ERRORS {NoHandoverNumberAvailable} LINKED {SendHandoverReport} -- SendHandoverReport ::= OPERATION PARAMETER handoverNumber IsdnAddressString RESULT -- ProcessAccessSignalling ::= OPERATION PARAMETER bss-APDU ExternalSignalInfo -- protocolId should indicate "gsm-0806-version1" -- ForwardAccessSignalling ::= OPERATION PARAMETER bss-APDU ExternalSignalInfo -- protocolId should indicate "gsm-0806-version1" -- Charging -- RegisterChargingInformation ::= OPERATION PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ msIsdn IsdnAddressString, mscNumber IsdnAddressString, imsi IMSI, callType CallType, callStatus CallStatus, callDateTime CallDateTime, callDuration CallDuration, bearerServiceCode [10] IMPLICIT BearerServiceCode OPTIONAL, teleserviceCode [11] IMPLICIT TeleserviceCode OPTIONAL, calledNumber [12] IMPLICIT IsdnAddressString OPTIONAL, packetDataVolume [14] IMPLICIT PacketDataVolume OPTIONAL, chargingUnit [15] IMPLICIT ChargingUnit OPTIONAL, charge [16] IMPLICIT Charge OPTIONAL, ss-ChargingInfo [17] IMPLICIT SS-ChargingInfo OPTIONAL} RESULT {UnknownSubscriber, DataMissing, UnexpectedDataValue} -- Fault recovery Reset ::= OPERATION PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ networkResource NetworkResource, originatingEntityNumber IsdnAddressString, hlrId HlrList OPTIONAL} ForwardCheckSsIndication ::= OPERATION -- Tracing -- PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ imsi [0] IMPLICIT IMSI OPTIONAL, traceReference [1] IMPLICIT TraceReference , traceType [2] IMPLICIT TraceType, omcId [3] IMPLICIT AddressString OPTIONAL} RESULT ERRORS {UnidentifiedSubscriber, FacilityNotSupported, TracingBufferFull, SystemFailure, DataMissing, -- DeactivateTraceMode ::= OPERATION PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ imsi [0] IMPLICIT IMSI OPTIONAL, traceReference [1] IMPLICIT TraceReference} ERRORS {UnidentifiedSubscriber, FacilityNotSupported, SystemFailure, DataMissing, UnexpectedDataValue} -- TraceSubscriberActivity ::= OPERATION PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ imsi [0] IMPLICIT IMSI OPTIONAL, traceReference [1] IMPLICIT TraceReference, traceType [2] IMPLICIT TraceType, callReference [4] IMPLICIT CallReference OPTIONAL} -- NoteInternalHandover ::= OPERATION PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ handoverType HandoverType, channelId [2] IMPLICIT ExternalSignalInfo OPTIONAL} -- Equipment management -- CheckIMEI ::= OPERATION PARAMETER imei IMEI RESULT equipStatus EquipStatus ERRORS {UnknownEquipment, SystemFailure, UnexpectedDataValue} -- Authentication and security -- Authenticate ::= OPERATION PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ rand Rand, cksn CKSN} RESULT sres Sres -- ProvideIMSI ::= OPERATION RESULT imsi IMSI ERRORS {AbsentSubscriber} ForwardNewTMSI ::= OPERATION PARAMETER tmsi TMSI RESULT -- PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ cipheringMode CipheringMode, kc Kc OPTIONAL} -- Kc should be included when cipheringMode indicates -- that ciphering must be performed -- Short messages SendRoutingInfoForSM ::= OPERATION PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ msIsdn [0] IMPLICIT IsdnAddressString, sm-RP-PRI [1] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN, serviceCentreAddress [2] IMPLICIT AddressString, cug-Interlock [3] IMPLICIT CUG-Interlock OPTIONAL, teleserviceCode [5] IMPLICIT TeleserviceCode OPTIONAL} RESULT SEQUENCE{ imsi IMSI, CHOICE{ [0] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE{ locationInfo LocationInfo, lMsId LMsId OPTIONAL}, forwardingData [1] IMPLICIT ForwardingData}, ERRORS {UnknownSubscriber, CallBarred, CUG-Reject, TeleServiceNotProvisioned, AbsentSubscriber, SystemFailure, DataMissing, UnexpectedDataValue} -- ForwardShortMessage ::= OPERATION sm-RP-DA SM-RP-DA, sm-RP-OA SM-RP-OA, sm-RP-UI SM-RP-UI} RESULT ERRORS AbsentSubscriber, FacilityNotSupported, IllegalMS, SystemFailure, UnexpectedDataValue, SM-DeliveryFailure} SetMessageWaitingData ::= OPERATION PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ msIsdn IsdnAddressString, serviceCentreAddress AddressString} RESULT ERRORS {UnknownSubscriber, MessageWaitingListFull, UnexpectedDataValue} -- PARAMETER imsi IMSI -- AlertServiceCentre ::= OPERATION msIsdn IsdnAddressString, serviceCentreAddress AddressString} -- Access request ProcessAccessRequest ::= OPERATION PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ subscriberId SubscriberId, cmServiceType CmServiceType, accessConnectionStatus AccessConnectionStatus, cksn CKSN} imsi IMSI, msIsdn IsdnAddressString OPTIONAL} ERRORS {IllegalMS, UnknownSubscriber, UnidentifiedSubscriber, UnexpectedDataValue } -- BeginSubscriberActivity ::= OPERATION PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ originatingEntityNumber IsdnAddressString} END -- End of operation types definitions -- MAP-Errors DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN EXPORTS UnknownSubscriber, UnknownBaseStation,UnknownMSC, UnknownLocArea, UnidentifiedSubscriber, UnallocatedRoamingNumber, UnknownEquipment, RoamingNotAllowed, IllegalMS, BearerServiceNotProvisioned, TeleserviceNotProvisioned, InsufficientBearerCapabilities, IllegalSS-Operation, SS-ErrorStatus, SS-NotAvailable, SS-SubscriptionViolation, SS-Incompatibility, FacilityNotSupported, InvalidTargetBaseStation, NoRadioResourceAvailable, NoHandoverNumberAvailable, SubsequentHandoverFailure, AbsentSubscriber, BusySubscriber, NoSubscriberReply, RadioCongestion, ImpossibleCallCompletion, SM-DeliveryFailure, MessageWaitingListFull, SystemFailure, DataMissing, NegativePasswordCheck, NoRoamingNumberAvailable, TracingBufferFull; IMPORTS ERROR FROM TCAPMessages {ccitt recommendation q 773 moduleA(0)} SS-Code, SS-CodeList, SS-Status, SS-SubscriptionOption, BasicServiceCode, -- error types definitions UnknownSubscriber ::= ERROR UnknownBaseStation ::= ERROR UnknownMSC ::= ERROR UnknownLocArea ::= ERROR UnidentifiedSubscriber ::= ERROR UnknownEquipment ::= ERROR RoamingNotAllowed ::= ERROR IllegalMS ::= ERROR TeleServiceNotProvisioned ::= ERROR InsufficientBearerCapabilities ::= ERROR CallBarred ::= ERROR PARAMETER barringServiceActive (0), operatorBarring (1)} -- optional -- ForwardingViolation ::= ERROR -- PARAMETER cause ENUMERATED { incomingCallBarred(0), nonCUGmember (1)} -- optional -- IllegalSS-Operation ::= ERROR -- SS-ErrorStatus ::= ERROR PARAMETER ss-Status SS-Status -- optional -- SS-NotAvailable ::= ERROR SS-SubscriptionViolation ::= ERROR PARAMETER ss-SubscriptionOption SS-SubscriptionOption -- optional -- PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ ss-Code [1] IMPLICIT SS-Code OPTIONAL, basicService BasicServiceCode OPTIONAL, ss-Status [4] IMPLICIT SS-Status OPTIONAL} -- optional -- FacilityNotSupported ::= ERROR -- InvalidTargetBaseStation ::= ERROR NoRadioResourceAvailable ::= ERROR NoHandoverNumberAvailable ::= ERROR SubsequentHandoverFailure ::= ERROR AbsentSubscriber ::= ERROR PARAMETER mwd-Set BOOLEAN -- optional NoSubscriberReply ::= ERROR RadioCongestion ::= ERROR ImpossibleCallCompletion ::= ERROR PARAMETER SM-DeliveryFailure ::= ERROR PARAMETER cause ENUMERATED {memoryCapacityExceeded (0), msProtocolError (1), msNotEquiped (2), unknownServiceCentre (3), invalidSmeAddress (5), msNotScSubscriber (6)} MessageWaitingListFull ::= ERROR -- PARAMETER NetworkResource -- optional DataMissing ::= ERROR UnexpectedDataValue ::= ERROR PasswordRegistrationFailure ::= ERROR diagnostic ENUMERATED{undetermined (0), invalidFormat (1), newPasswordsMismatch (2)} NegativePasswordCheck ::= ERROR TracingBufferFull ::= ERROR END -- End of error types definitions MAP-Constants DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN maxSignalInfoLength, maxNumberOfTeleServices, maxNumberOfBearerServices, maxNumberOfSupplServices, maxNumberOfCUG, maxNumberOfForwardingFeatures, maxNumberOfCallBarringFeatures, maxNumberOfHlrId, maxPacketDataVolume, maxNumberOfChargingUnit, maxCallDuration, maxAddressLength, -- value assignment maxSignalInfoLength INTEGER ::= 200 -- this NamedValue represent the theoretical maximum number -- of octets which available to carry a single data type, without -- requiring segmentation to cope with the network layer service. -- may be lower, especially when other information elements have -- to be included in the same component -- value assignment continuation maxNumberOfTeleservices INTEGER ::= 20 maxNumberOfBearerServices INTEGER ::= 50 maxNumberOfSupplServices INTEGER ::= 30 maxNumberOfCUG INTEGER ::= 10 maxNumberOfBasicServices INTEGER ::= 70 maxNumberOfForwardingFeatures INTEGER ::= 13 maxNumberOfCallBarringFeatures INTEGER ::= 13 maxPacketDataVolume INTEGER ::= 100 maxNumberOfChargingUnit INTEGER ::= 16777215 maxCallDuration INTEGER ::= 16777215 maxAddressLength INTEGER ::= 20 maxNumberOfSentParameters INTEGER ::= 10 -- this named value should correspond to the maximum of -- set which may be returned by a HLR plus 1. END protocolId ProtocolId, signalInfo SignalInfo} maxExternalInfoLength INTEGER ::= 200 SignalInfo ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..maxExternalInfoLength)) gsm-0408 (1), gsm-0806 (2), gsm-0808-bssmap (3), ets300102-1 (4)} MAP-DataTypes DEFINITIONS ::= -- exports all data types defined in this module IMPORTS -- imports upper boundaries for data types maxSignalInfoLength, maxNumberOfTeleServices, maxNumberOfCUG, maxNumberOfBasicServices, maxNumberOfForwardingFeatures, maxNumberOfCallBarringFeatures, maxNumberOfHlrId, maxPacketDataVolume, maxNumberOfChargingUnit, maxCallDuration, FROM MAP-Constants; -- common data types TBCD-STRING ::= OCTET STRING -- digits 0 through 9, two digits per octet, -- each digit encoded 0000 to 1001, AddressString ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..maxAddressLength)) -- see internal description in section 6.4.1 IsdnAddressString ::= AddressString (SIZE (1..10)) protocolId ProtocolId, signalInfo SignalInfo} SignalInfo ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..maxSignalInfoLength)) ProtocolId ::= ENUMERATED{ gsm-0408 (1), gsm-0808-bssmap (3), ets300102-1 (4)} -- data types for numbering and identification IMSI ::= TBCD-STRING (SIZE (2..8)) -- MCC, MNC, MSIN concatenated in this order SubscriberId ::= CHOICE { imsi [0] IMPLICIT IMSI, tmsi [1] IMPLICIT TMSI} -- -- Internal Structure -- Type Approval Code : 6 digits -- manufacturer place : 2 digits -- individual serial number : 6 digits -- unassigned : 1 digit LocAreaId ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (2..5)) -- Recommendation GSM 04.08 -- Internal structure -- Mobile Country Code : 3 digits according to Rec E.212 -- : 1 filler (1111) -- Mobile Network Code : 2 digits according to Rec E.212 -- Location Area Code : 2 octets according to GSM 04.08 roamingNumber [0] IMPLICIT IsdnAddressString, mscNumber [1] IMPLICIT IsdnAddressString} HlrId ::= IMSI -- leading digits of IMSI HlrList ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1.. maxNumberOfHlrId) OF HlrId LMsId ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (4)) GlobalCellId ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (5..7)) -- Octets coded according to -- Recommendation GSM 04.08 -- Mobile Country Code : 3 digits according to Rec E.212 -- : 1 filler (1111) -- Mobile Network Code : 2 digits according to Rec E.212 -- Location Area Code : 2 octets (LAC) according -- to GSM 04.08 -- Cell identity : 2 octets (CI) according to GSM 04.08 -- data types for subscriber management -- Category ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) -- internal structure defined in CCITT Rec Q.763 EquipStatus ::= ENUMERATED { white-listed (0), black-listed (1), BearerServiceCode ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) -- Internal structure according to table 6.4/1 -- BIT 8 Transparency indicator (if applicable) -- 0 transparent -- 1 non transparent -- BIT 7654 Bearer service group -- 0001 3.1 kHz ex PLMN -- 0010 Circuit data asynchronous -- 0011 Circuit data synchronous -- 0100 PAD access c.d.a -- 0101 Packet data synchrounous -- 0110 Alternate speech/c.d.a -- 1000 Speech followed by data c.d.a -- 1001 Speech followed by data c.d.s -- 1111 12.6 kb/s unrestricted digital -- BIT 321 Rate (when applicable) -- 000 Any -- 001 300-300 b/s -- 011 1200-75 b/s -- 100 2400-2400 b/s -- 101 4800-4800 b/s -- 110 9600-9600 b/s -- Bits 321 = 000 can be used to refer to all -- Value "00000000" can be used to refer to all the defined -- bearer services. -- For the codes referring to a group or all bearer services -- the Transparency Indicator is not applicable and has to be set to "0" BearerServiceList ::= SEQUENCE OF BearerServiceCode -- BearerServiceCode -- 7564321 Meaning -- TeleServiceCode -- 00000000 All teleservices -- 00010000 Speech transmission -- 00010001 Telephony -- 00010010 Emergency calls -- 00100000 Short messages services -- 00100001 Short message MT/PP -- 00100010 Short message MO/PP -- 00110000 Data MHS -- 00110001 Advanced MHS access -- 01000000 Videotex access services -- 01000001 Videotex access profile 1 -- 01000010 Videotex access profile 2 -- 01000011 Videotex access profile 3 -- 01010000 Teletex service -- 01010001 Teletex CS -- 01010010 Teletex PS -- 01100000 Facsimile -- 01100001 Facsimile Group 3 and alternate speech -- 01100010 Automatic Facsimile Group 3 TeleserviceCode ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) -- Internal structure according to table 6.4/2 -- Bit 8-5 encode the teleservice group -- Bit 4-1 = 0000 can be used to refer to all the -- teleservices of the corresponding group. -- Value "00000000" can be used to refer to all the defined TeleserviceList ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1 .. maxNumberOfTeleservices) OF TeleserviceCode BasicServiceCode ::= CHOICE { teleservice [3] IMPLICIT TeleserviceCode} BasicServiceList ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1 .. maxNumberOfBasicServices) OF BasicServiceCode -- serviceGranted (0), operatorOGCallBarring (1)} -- SS-Code -- 00010001 Calling number identification presentation -- 00010010 Calling number identification restriction -- 00010011 Called number identification presentation -- 00010100 Called number identification restriction -- 00010101 Malicious call identification -- 00100001 Call forwarding unconditional -- 00101000 All conditional forwarding services -- 00101001 Call forwarding on mobile subscriber busy -- 00101010 Call forwarding on no reply -- 00101011 Call forwarding on subscriber not reachable -- 00110001 Call transfer -- 00110010 Mobile access hunting -- 01000001 Call waiting -- 01000010 Call hold -- 01000011 Completion of calls to busy subscribers -- 01010001 Three party service -- 01010010 Conference calling -- 01100001 Closed user group -- 01110001 Advice of charge -- 01110010 Freephone service -- 01110011 Reverse charging -- 10000001 User to user signalling -- 10010001 Barring of outgoing calls -- 10010010 Barring of all outgoing calls -- 10010011 Barring of all outgoing international calls -- 10010100 Barring of all OG international non-HPLMN directed calls -- 10011001 Barring of incoming calls -- 10011010 Barring of all incoming calls -- 10011011 Barring of all IC calls when outside HPLMN SS-Code ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) -- Internal structure according to -- table 6.4/3 -- Bit 8-5 -- 0001 Number Identification services -- 0010 Forwarding services -- 0100 Call completion services -- 0101 Multi-party services -- 0110 Community of interest services -- 0111 Charging services -- 1000 Additional information transfer services -- 1001 Call restriction services -- Bit 4-1 = 0000 can be use to refer to -- eg, "00100000" can be used to refer to all -- forwarding services -- "00101000" can be used to refer to all -- conditional forwarding services -- "00000000" can be used to refer to all -- supplementary services SIZE(1 .. maxNumberOfSupplServices) OF SS-Code SS-Status ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) -- Bit 8-4 Unused -- Bit 3 Provision indicator -- 1 : Provisioned -- Bit 2 Registration indicator (if applicable) -- 0 : Not Registered -- 1 : Registered -- Bit 1 Activation indicator (If applicable) -- 0 : Not Active -- 1 : Active SS-Information ::= CHOICE{ forwardingInfo [0] IMPLICIT ForwardingInfo, callBarringInfo [1] IMPLICIT CallBarringInfo, cug-Information [2] IMPLICIT CUG-Information, ss-Data [3] IMPLICIT SS-Data} SS-InfoList ::= SEQUENCE OF SS-Information -- SS-Data ::= SEQUENCE{ ss-Code SS-Code, ss-Status [4] IMPLICIT SS-Status OPTIONAL, ss-SubscriptionOption SS-SubscriptionOption OPTIONAL} SS-DataList ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1 .. maxNumberOfSupplServices) OF SS-Data SS-Request ::= ENUMERATED{ erasure (1), activation (2), deactivation(3), interrogation (4), invoke (5)} perCallBasis [5] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN, notificationToHeldRetrievedParty [6] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN, userToUserServiceIndicator [7] IMPLICIT UserToUserServiceIndicator, maximumConfereesNumber [8] IMPLICIT MaximumConfereesNumber, huntGroupAccessSelectionOrder [9] IMPLICIT HuntGroupAccessSelectionOrder} ForwardingOptions ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) -- Bit 8-7 Notification to forwarding party -- 00 No notification -- 01 notification with calling number identity -- 10 notification without calling number identity -- Bit 6-5 Notification to calling party -- 00 No notification -- 10 Notification without forwarded-to number UserToUserServiceIndicator ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) -- Bit 8 : service 1 -- Bit 7 : service 2 -- Bit 6 : service 3 -- Bit 8 to 6 coded "1" if the service -- is available to the subscriber MaximumConfereesNumber ::= INTEGER (1..10) HuntGroupAccessSelectionOrder ::= ENUMERATED{ sequential (1)} NoReplyConditionTime ::= INTEGER (5..30) CUG-Facilities ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) -- Bit 8-3 000000 (Unused) -- Bit 2-1 -- 00 CUG only facilities -- 01 CUG with outgoing access -- 11 CUG with both outgoing and incoming access CUG-Interlock ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (4)) -- Internal structure defined in Rec CCITT Q.763 CUG-Index ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) -- Internal structure defined in Rec CCITT Q.763 CUG-Options ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) -- BIT 8-4 00000 (Unused) -- BIT 3 preferential CUG indicator -- 0 no preferential -- 1 preferential CUG -- BIT 2 barring of incoming calls within the CUG -- 0 no barring -- BIT 1 barring of outgoing calls within the CUG -- 0 no barring -- 1 barring CUG-Feature ::= SEQUENCE { cug-interlock CUG-Interlock, cug-Index CUG-Index, ss-Status SS-Status} CUG-FeatureList ::= SEQUENCE SIZE ( 1..maxNumberOfCUG) OF CUG-Feature CUG-Information ::= SEQUENCE{ CHOICE{ cug-Feature [0] IMPLICIT CUG-Feature, cug-FeatureList [1] IMPLICIT CUG-FeatureList}} -- the first alternative of the choice should be used -- for the preferred CUG. -- ss-Code SS-Code OPTIONAL, forwardingFeatureList ForwardingFeatureList} ForwardingData ::= SEQUENCE{ forwardedToNumber [5] IMPLICIT IsdnAddressString, forwardingOptions [6] IMPLICIT ForwardingOptions OPTIONAL} ForwardingFeature ::= SEQUENCE { basicService BasicServiceCode OPTIONAL, ss-Status [4] IMPLICIT SS-Status, forwardedToNumber [5] IMPLICIT IsdnAddressString OPTIONAL, forwardingOptions [6] IMPLICIT ForwardingOptions OPTIONAL, noReplyConditionTime [7] IMPLICIT NoReplyConditionTime OPTIONAL} ForwardingFeatureList ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1.. maxNumberOfForwardingFeatures) OF ForwardingFeature CallBarringInfo ::= SEQUENCE { ss-Code SS-Code, callBarringFeatureList CallBarringFeatureList} basicServiceCode BasicServiceCode OPTIONAL, ss-Status [4] IMPLICIT SS-Status } CallBarringFeatureList ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1.. maxNumberOfCallBarringFeatures) OF CallBarringFeature SubscriberData ::= SEQUENCE{ msIsdn [1] IMPLICIT IsdnAddressString OPTIONAL, category [2] IMPLICIT Category OPTIONAL, subscriberStatus [3] IMPLICIT SubscriberStatus OPTIONAL, bearerServiceList [4] IMPLICIT BearerServiceList OPTIONAL, teleserviceList [6] IMPLICIT TeleserviceList OPTIONAL, SS-Notification ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) -- 1 bit per defined indication Password ::= CHOICE { PrintableString (SIZE(4..8)), NumericString (FROM ( "5"|"6"|"7"|"8"|"9")| SIZE(4))} -- only the second form is used for GSM systems. GuidanceInfo ::= ENUMERATED{ guidance0 (0), guidance2 (2), guidance3 (3), guidance4 (4)} -- the identifiers used in this description represent -- the information which has to be delivered to the subscriber -- according to table 6.4/4. -- (display, announcement, ...) is not part of this specification. SS-UserData ::= IA5String (SIZE (1.. maxSignalInfoLength)) -- number Information to be provided -- guidance0 enter password -- guidance1 enter new password -- guidance2 enter new password again -- guidance3 bad password try again -- guidance4 bad password format try again -- Data types for call parameters CallReference ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..3)) CallType ::= ENUMERATED{ incomingCall (0), forwardedCallPortion (1), outgoingCall (3), ss-Request (4)} SS-ChargingData ::= SEQUENCE { ss-Code [1] IMPLICIT SS-Code, ss-Request [2] IMPLICIT SS-Request, charge [3] IMPLICIT Charge OPTIONAL} SS-ChargingInfo ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..maxNumberOfSupplServices) OF SS-ChargingData CallDuration ::= INTEGER (0..maxCallDuration) CallDateTime ::= GeneralizedTime (SIZE (14 .. 24)) -- to UTC time PacketDataVolume ::= INTEGER (1..maxPacketDataVolume) Charge ::= INTEGER (1.. maxNumberOfChargingUnit) ChargingUnit ::= ENUMERATED { CallStatus ::= ENUMERATED {undetermined (0), successfulNormalTermination (1), successfulAbnormalTermination (2), forwarded (4), forwardedWithAbnormalTermination (5), reroutedWithAbnormalTermination (7), unsuccessfulNoRadioContact (8), unsuccessfulNoResponse (9), unsuccessfulBusySubscriber (10), unsuccessfulSystemFailed (11), unsuccessfulSusbcriptionViolation (12), unsuccessfulUnsupportedFacility (13)} NumberOfForwarding ::= INTEGER (1..5) -- Data types for radio parameters ChannelType ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..10)) -- Concatenation of -- Speech data indicator -- Speech encoding algorithm/data rate -- + transparency indicator -- as defined in Recommendation GSM 08.08 ClassmarkInformation ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..2)) -- classmark information element type 1 or 2 HandoverPriority ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) -- internal structure defined in Recommendation GSM 08.08 HandoverType ::= ENUMERATED {interBSS (0), intraBSS (1)} -- Data types for security procedures rand Rand, sres Sres, kc Kc} Rand ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (16)) Kc ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (8)) Ki ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (16)) CKSN ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) -- bits 8-4 unused CipheringMode ::= ENUMERATED{ noEncryption (1), version1-GSM (2)} -- Data types for short message services SM-RP-DA ::= CHOICE{ imsi [0] IMPLICIT IMSI, lMsId [1] IMPLICIT LMsId, roamingNumber [3] IMPLICIT IsdnAddressString, serviceCentreAddress [4] IMPLICIT AddressString} msIsdn [2] IMPLICIT IsdnAddressString, serviceCentreAddress [4] IMPLICIT AddressString} SM-RP-UI ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..maxSignalInfoLength)) -- fault recovery, call tracing TraceReference ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..2)) TraceType ::= INTEGER{ allEvents (0), eventSet1 (2), eventSet254 (255)} (0..255) -- Identifiers eventSet1 to eventSet254 corresponds to -- sets of events pre-defined by each operator. NetworkResource ::= ENUMERATED hLR (1), vLR (2), previous-VLR (3), controlling-MSC (4), vMSC (5), eIR (6), -- other data types RequestParameter ::= ENUMERATED{ request-IMSI (0), request-AuthenticationSet (1), request-SubscriberData (2), request-CUG-Information (3), RequestParameters ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..2) OF RequestParameter SentParameter ::= CHOICE{ imsi [0] IMPLICIT IMSI, authenticationSet [1] IMPLICIT AuthenticationSet, susbcriberData [2] IMPLICIT SubscriberData, ki [4] IMPLICIT Ki} SentParameters ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..maxNumberOfSentParameters) OF SentParameter CmServiceType ::= ENUMERATED{ mobileOriginatingCall (1), emergencyCallEstablishment (2), shortMessageService (4), ss-request (8), mobileOriginatingCallRe-establishment (9), mobileTerminatingCall (10)} -- AccessConnectionStatus ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) -- Bit 8-4 Reserved -- Bit 3 -- 0 No RR- connection -- 1 RR-connection established -- Bit 2 -- 1 Ciphering mode on -- Bit 1 -- 0 MM-connection existing and authenticated -- 1 MM-connection existing and not authenticated END -- End of data types specifications -- Undetermined -- Successful with normal termination -- Successful with abnormal termination -- Spare -- Forwarded -- Forwarded with abnormal termination -- Rerouted with abnormal termination -- Unsuccessful due to no radio contact -- Unsuccessful due to no response -- Unsuccessful due to busy subscriber -- Unsuccessful due to system failure -- Unsuccessful due to subscription violation -- Unsuccessful due to not supported facility MAP-AbortInformation DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS maxSignalInfoLength FROM MAP-Constants; MAPAbortInformation ::= SEQUENCE{ abortCause ENUMERATED{ unspecifiedReason (0), versionNotSupported (1), userResourceLimitation (2), resourceUnavailableLongTermProblem (3), resourceUnavailableTemporaryProblem (4), networkPathRelease (6), callRelease (7), associatedProcedureFailed (8), remoteOperationFailure (9)}, additionalInformation OCTET STRING (SIZE( 1..MaxSignalInfoLength))} -- -- is up to the operator END MAP-Protocol DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS -- Location management UpdateLocationArea, UpdateLocation, CancelLocation, DetachIMSI, AttachIMSI, DeregisterMobileSubscriber, -- Data management SendParameters, InsertSubscriberData, DeleteSubscriberData, -- Supplementary Services Handling RegisterSS, EraseSS, ActivateSS, DeactivateSS, InterrogateSS, InvokeSS, ForwardSsNotification, RegisterPassword, GetPassword, ProcessUnstructuredSsData, -- Call set-up SendInfoForIncomingCall, SendInfoForOutgoingCall, SendRoutingInformation, ProvideRoamingNumber, -- Paging Page, SearchForMobileSubscriber, -- Handover PerformHandover, SendEndSignal, PerformSubsequentHandover, AllocateHandoverNumber, SendHandoverReport, -- Charging RegisterChargingInformation, -- Restoration Reset, ForwardCheckSsIndication, -- Authentication and security ForwardNewTMSI, SetCipheringMode, -- Equipment management CheckIMEI, -- Short messages NoteMSPresent, AlertServiceCentre, -- Tracing ActivateTraceMode, DeactivateTraceMode, TraceSubscriberActivity, -- Others ProcessAccessRequest FROM MAP-Operations -- imports error types UnknownSubscriber, UnknownBaseStation,UnknownMSC, UnknownLocArea, UnidentifiedSubscriber, UnallocatedRoamingNumber, UnknownEquipment, RoamingNotAllowed, TeleserviceNotProvisioned, InsufficientBearerCapabilities, CallBarred, ForwardingViolation, CUG-Reject, IllegalSS-Operation, SS-ErrorStatus, SS-NotAvailable, SS-SubscriptionViolation, SS-Incompatibility, FacilityNotSupported, InvalidTargetBaseStation, NoRadioResourceAvailable, NoHandoverNumberAvailable, SubsequentHandoverFailure, AbsentSubscriber, BusySubscriber, NoSubscriberReply, RadioCongestion, UnexpectedDataValue, PasswordRegistrationFailure, NegativePasswordCheck, NoRoamingNumberAvailable, TracingBufferFull FROM MAP-Errors; -- allocation of local value to operations updateLocationArea UpdateLocationArea ::= 1 updateLocation UpdateLocation ::= 2 cancelLocation CancelLocation ::= 3 provideRoamingNumber ProvideRoamingNumber ::= 4 detachIMSI DetachIMSI ::= 5 attachIMSI AttachIMSI ::= 6 insertSubscriberData InsertSubscriberData ::= 7 deleteSubscriberData DeleteSubscriberData ::= 8 sendParameters SendParameters ::= 9 registerSS RegisterSS ::= 10 eraseSS EraseSS ::= 11 activateSS ActivateSS ::= 12 deactivateSS DeactivateSS ::= 13 interrogateSS InterrogateSS ::= 14 invokeSS InvokeSS ::= 15 forwardSsNotification ForwardSsNotification ::= 16 registerPassword RegisterPassword ::= 17 getPassword GetPassword ::= 18 processUnstructuredSsData ::= 19 sendInfoForIncomingCall SendInfoForIncomingCall ::= 20 sendInfoForOutgoingCall SendInfoForOutgoingCall ::= 21 sendRoutingInformation SendRoutingInformation ::= 22 completeCall CompleteCall ::= 23 connectToFollowingAddress ConnectToFollowingAddress ::= 24 processCallWaiting ProcessCallWaiting ::= 25 page Page ::= 26 searchForMobileSubscriber SearchForMobileSubscriber ::= 27 performHandover PerformHandover ::= 28 sendEndSignal SendEndSignal ::= 29 performSubsequentHandover PerformSubsequentHandover ::= 30 allocateHandoverNumber AllocateHandoverNumber ::= 31 sendHandoverReport SendHandoverReport ::= 32 processAccessSignalling ProcessAccessSignalling ::= 33 forwardAccessSignalling ForwardAccessSignalling ::= 34 noteInternalHandover NoteInternalHandover ::= 35 registerChargingInformation RegisterChargingInformation ::= 36 reset Reset ::= 37 forwardCheckSsIndication ForwardCheckSsIndication ::= 38 authenticate Authenticate ::= 39 provideIMSi ProvideIMSI ::= 40 forwardNewTMSI ForwardNewTMSI ::= 41 setCipheringMode SetCipheringMode ::= 42 checkIMEI CheckIMEI ::= 43 sendRoutingInfoForSM SendRoutingInfoForSM ::= 45 forwardShortMessage ForwardShortMessage ::= 46 setMessageWaitingData SetMessageWaitingData ::= 47 noteMSPresent NoteMsPresent ::= 48 alertServiceCentre AlertServiceCentre ::= 49 activateTraceMode ActivateTraceMode ::= 50 deactivateTraceMode DeactivateTraceMode ::= 51 traceSubscriberActivity TraceSubscriberActivity ::= 52 processAccessRequest ProcessAccessRequest ::= 53 beginSubscriberActivity BeginSubscriberActivity ::= 54 -- -- allocation of local value to errors unknownSubscriber UnknownSubscriber ::= 1 unknownMSC UnknownMSC ::= 3 unknownLocArea UnknownLocArea ::= 4 unidentifiedSubscriber UnidentifiedSubscriber ::= 5 unknownEquipment UnknownEquipment ::= 7 roamingNotAllowed RoamingNotAllowed ::= 8 illegalMS IllegalMS ::= 9 teleServiceNotProvisioned TeleServiceNotProvisioned ::= 11 insufficientBearerCapabilities InsufficientBearerCapabilities ::= 12 callBarred CallBarred ::= 13 cug-Reject CUG-Reject ::= 15 illegalSS-Operation IllegalSS-Operation ::= 16 ss-ErrorStatus SS-ErrorStatus ::= 17 ss-SubscriptionViolation SS-SubscriptionViolation ::= 19 ss-Incompatibility SS-Incompatibility ::= 20 facilityNotSupported FacilityNotSupported ::= 21 noHandoverNumberAvailable NoHandoverNumberAvailable ::= 25 subsequentHandoverFailure SubsequentHandoverFailure ::= 26 absentSubscriber AbsentSubscriber ::= 27 noSubscriberReply NoSubscriberReply ::= 29 radioCongestion RadioCongestion ::= 30 impossibleCallCompletion ImpossibleCallCompletion ::= 31 MessageWaitingListFull ::= 33 systemFailure SystemFailure ::= 34 dataMissing DataMissing ::= 35 passwordRegistrationFailure PasswordRegistrationFailure ::= 37 negativePasswordCheck NegativePasswordCheck ::= 38 noRoamingNumberAvailable NoRoamingNumberAvailable ::= 39 END