RtpStreamDialog 0 0 600 460 Dialog QAbstractItemView::MultiSelection Qt::ElideMiddle false true false true false 50 Source Address Source Port Destination Address Destination Port SSRC Start Time Duration Payload Packets Lost Min Delta (ms) Mean Delta (ms) Max Delta (ms) Min Jitter Mean Jitter Max Jitter Status <small><i>A hint.</i></small> true <html><head/><body><p>Only show conversations matching the current display filter</p></body></html> Limit to display filter Time of Day Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Close|QDialogButtonBox::Help Find &Reverse All forward/reverse stream actions Find &Reverse Find the reverse stream matching the selected forward stream. R Find All &Pairs Select all streams which are paired in forward/reverse relation Shift+R Find Only &Singles Find all streams which don't have paired reverse stream Ctrl+R Find &Reverse true Mark Packets Mark the packets of the selected stream(s). M Select true All Select all Ctrl+A None Clear selection Ctrl+Shift+A Invert Invert selection Ctrl+I Go To Setup Go to the setup packet for this stream. G Prepare &Filter Prepare a filter matching the selected stream(s). P &Export Export the stream payload as rtpdump E &Analyze Open the analysis window for the selected stream(s) and add it to it A Cop&y Open copy menu Copy as CSV Copy stream list as CSV. Copy as YAML Copy stream list as YAML. buttonBox accepted() RtpStreamDialog accept() 248 254 157 274 buttonBox rejected() RtpStreamDialog reject() 316 260 286 274