#!/bin/bash # Compare ABIs of two Wireshark working copies # $Id: $ function acc () { LIBNAME=$1 DIR=$2 # compare only dumped ABI descriptions first, then fall back to full comparison # if no difference is found if abi-compliance-checker -separately -l $LIBNAME \ -d1 $V1_PATH/$DIR/.libs/$LIBNAME.abi.tar.gz \ -d2 $V2_PATH/$DIR/.libs/$LIBNAME.abi.tar.gz ; then abi-compliance-checker -separately -l $LIBNAME \ -d1 $V1_PATH/$DIR/abi-descriptor.xml -relpath1 $V1_PATH/$DIR \ -v1 `ls $V1_PATH/$DIR/.libs/$LIBNAME.so.?.?.?|sed 's/.*\.so\.//'` \ -d2 $V2_PATH/$DIR/abi-descriptor.xml -relpath2 $V2_PATH/$DIR \ -v2 `ls $V2_PATH/$DIR/.libs/$LIBNAME.so.?.?.?|sed 's/.*\.so\.//'` \ -check-implementation fi } V1_PATH=$1 V2_PATH=$2 # both working copies has to be build first #make -C $V1_PATH all dumpabi #make -C $V2_PATH all dumpabi acc libwiretap wiretap $V1_PATH $V2_PATH RET=$? acc libwsutil wsutil $V1_PATH $V2_PATH RET=$(($RET + $?)) acc libwireshark epan $V1_PATH $V2_PATH exit $(($RET + $?))