#!/usr/bin/perl -w my $debug = 0; # 0: off # 1: specific debug # 2: full debug # # find unbalanced hf_ variables: Compare hf_ variable usage with the hf_ variables # declared in the hf_register_info array. # # Usage: checkhf.pl # $Id$ # # Copyright 2005 Joerg Mayer (see AUTHORS file) # # Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer # By Gerald Combs # Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # Example: # ~/work/ethereal/trunk/epan/dissectors> ../../tools/checkhf.pl packet-afs.c # Unused entry: packet-afs.c, hf_afs_ubik_voteend # Unused entry: packet-afs.c, hf_afs_ubik_errcode # Unused entry: packet-afs.c, hf_afs_ubik_votetype # NO ARRAY: packet-afs.c, hf_afs_fs_ipaddr # # or checkhf.pl packet-*.c, which will check all the dissector files. # # NOTE: This tool currently generates false positives! # # The "NO ARRAY" messages - if accurate - point to an error that will # cause (t)ethereal to terminate with an assertion when a packet containing # this particular element is being dissected. # # The "Unused entry" message indicates the opposite: use strict; my $D; my %elements; my $element; my %skip; my $state; my $newstate; # "s_unknown", # "s_declared", # "s_used", # "s_array", # "s_usedarray", # "s_error" my $type; # "t_declaration"; # "t_usage"; # "t_array"; my $restofline; my $currfile = ""; my $comment = 0; my $brace = 0; sub printprevfile { my $state; foreach $element (keys %elements) { $state = $elements{$element}; $debug>=2 && print "$currfile, $element: PRINT $state\n"; if ($state eq "s_usedarray") { # Everything is fine } elsif ($state eq "s_used") { print "NO ARRAY: $currfile, $element\n" } elsif ($state eq "s_array") { print "Unused entry: $currfile, $element\n" } elsif ($state eq "s_declared") { print "Declared only entry: $currfile, $element\n" } elsif ($state eq "s_unknown") { print "UNKNOWN: $currfile, $element\n" } else { die "Impossible: State $state for $currfile, $element\n"; } } } while (<>) { if ($currfile !~ /$ARGV/) { &printprevfile(); # New file - reset array and state $currfile = $ARGV; %elements = ( ); %skip = ( "hf_register_info" => 1 ); $state = "s_unknown"; } # opening then closing comment if (/(.*?)\/\*.*\*\/(.*)/) { $comment = 0; $_ = "$1$2"; # closing then opening comment } elsif (/.*?\*\/(.*?)\/\*/) { $comment = 1; $_ = "$1"; # opening comment } elsif (/(.*?)\/\*/) { $comment = 1; $_ = "$1"; # closing comment } elsif (/\*\/(.*?)/) { $comment = 0; $_ = "$1"; } elsif ($comment == 1) { next; } # unhandled: more than one complete comment per line chomp; if ($debug) { $D = " ($_)"; } else { $D = ""; } # Read input if (/static\s+.*int\s+(hf_\w*)\s*=\s*-1\s*;/) { $element = $1; $type = "t_declaration"; # ignore: declarations without any use are detected by the compiler next; # Skip function parameter declarations with hf_ names } elsif (/(int\s+?|int\s*?\*\s*?|header_field_info\s+?|header_field_info\s*?\*\s*?|hf_register_info\s+?|hf_register_info\s*?\*\s*?|->\s*?)(hf_\w*)\W(.*)/) { $element = $2; $restofline = $3; $debug && print "Setting skip for $element$D\n"; $skip{$element} = 1; # Handle functions with multiple hf_ parameters while ($restofline =~ /(int\s+?|int\s*?\*\s*?|header_field_info\s+?|header_field_info\s*?\*\s*?|hf_register_info\s+?|hf_register_info\s*?\*\s*?|->\s*?)(hf_\w*)\W(.*)/) { $element = $2; $restofline = $3; $debug && print "Setting skip for $element$D\n"; $skip{$element} = 1; } next; } elsif ($brace == 1 && /^\s*?&\s*?(hf_\w*)\W+/) { $element = $1; $type = "t_array"; } elsif (/^\s*\{\s*?&\s*?(hf_\w*)\W+/) { $element = $1; $type = "t_array"; # Order matters: catch all remaining hf_ lines } elsif (/\W(hf_\w*)\W/) { $element = $1; next if ($skip{$element}); $type = "t_usage"; } else { # current line is not relevant next; } # Line with only a { if (/^\s+\{\s*$/) { $brace = 1; next; } else { $brace = 0; } # Get current state if (!defined($elements{$element})) { $state = "s_unknown"; } else { $state = $elements{$element}; } # current state + input ==> new state # we currently ignore t_declaration if ($state eq "s_error") { $newstate = $state; } elsif ($state eq "s_unknown" && $type eq "t_usage") { $newstate = "s_used"; } elsif ($state eq "s_unknown" && $type eq "t_array") { $newstate = "s_array"; } elsif ($state eq "s_used" && $type eq "t_array") { $newstate = "s_usedarray"; } elsif ($state eq "s_array" && $type eq "t_usage") { $newstate = "s_usedarray"; } else { $newstate = $state; } $elements{$element} = $newstate; $debug>=2 && print "$currfile, $element: SET $state + $type => $newstate$D\n"; } &printprevfile(); exit 0; __END__