""" Baseclass for reading PDML produced from TShark. Copyright (c) 2003 by Gilbert Ramirez This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. """ import sys from xml.sax import saxlib from xml.sax import saxexts from xml.sax import saxutils class CaptureFile: pass class FoundItException(Exception): pass class PacketList: """Holds Packet objects, and has methods for finding items within it.""" def __init__(self, children=None): if children == None: self.children = [] else: self.children = children def __getitem__(self, index): """We act like a list.""" return self.children[index] def item_exists(self, name): """Does an item with name 'name' exist in this PacketList?""" for child in self.children: if child.name == name: return 1 try: for child in self.children: child._item_exists(name) except FoundItException: return 1 return 0 def _item_exists(self, name): for child in self.children: if child.name == name: raise FoundItException child._item_exists(name) def get_items(self, name, items=None): """Return all items that match the name 'name'. They are returned in order of a depth-first-search.""" if items == None: top_level = 1 items = [] else: top_level = 0 for child in self.children: if child.name == name: items.append(child) child.get_items(name, items) if top_level: return PacketList(items) def get_items_before(self, name, before_item, items=None): """Return all items that match the name 'name' that exist before the before_item. The before_item is an object. They results are returned in order of a depth-first-search. This function allows you to find fields from protocols that occur before other protocols. For example, if you have an HTTP protocol, you can find all tcp.dstport fields *before* that HTTP protocol. This helps analyze in the presence of tunneled protocols.""" if items == None: top_level = 1 items = [] else: top_level = 0 for child in self.children: if top_level == 1 and child == before_item: break if child.name == name: items.append(child) # Call get_items because the 'before_item' applies # only to the top level search. child.get_items(name, items) if top_level: return PacketList(items) class ProtoTreeItem(PacketList): def __init__(self, xmlattrs): PacketList.__init__(self) self.name = xmlattrs.get("name", "") self.showname = xmlattrs.get("showname", "") self.pos = xmlattrs.get("pos", "") self.size = xmlattrs.get("size", "") self.value = xmlattrs.get("value", "") self.show = xmlattrs.get("show", "") self.hide = xmlattrs.get("hide", "") def add_child(self, child): self.children.append(child) def get_name(self): return self.name def get_showname(self): return self.showname def get_pos(self): return self.pos def get_size(self): return self.size def get_value(self): return self.value def get_show(self): return self.show def get_hide(self): return self.hide def dump(self, fh): if self.name: print >> fh, " name=%s" % (saxutils.quoteattr(self.name),), if self.showname: print >> fh, "showname=%s" % (saxutils.quoteattr(self.showname),), if self.pos: print >> fh, "pos=%s" % (saxutils.quoteattr(self.pos),), if self.size: print >> fh, "size=%s" % (saxutils.quoteattr(self.size),), if self.value: print >> fh, "value=%s" % (saxutils.quoteattr(self.value),), if self.show: print >> fh, "show=%s" % (saxutils.quoteattr(self.show),), if self.hide: print >> fh, "hide=%s" % (saxutils.quoteattr(self.hide),), class Packet(ProtoTreeItem, PacketList): def dump(self, fh, indent=0): print >> fh, " " * indent, "" indent += 1 for child in self.children: child.dump(fh, indent) print >> fh, " " * indent, "" class Protocol(ProtoTreeItem): def dump(self, fh, indent=0): print >> fh, "%s> fh, '>' indent += 1 for child in self.children: child.dump(fh, indent) print >> fh, " " * indent, "" class Field(ProtoTreeItem): def dump(self, fh, indent=0): print >> fh, "%s> fh, "label=%s" % (saxutils.quoteattr(self.label),), if self.children: print >> fh, ">" indent += 1 for child in self.children: child.dump(fh, indent) print >> fh, " " * indent, "" else: print >> fh, "/>" class ParseXML(saxlib.HandlerBase): ELEMENT_FILE = "pdml" ELEMENT_FRAME = "packet" ELEMENT_PROTOCOL = "proto" ELEMENT_FIELD = "field" def __init__(self, cb): self.cb = cb self.chars = "" self.element_stack = [] def startElement(self, name, xmlattrs): self.chars = "" if name == self.ELEMENT_FILE: # Eventually, we should check version number of pdml here elem = CaptureFile() elif name == self.ELEMENT_FRAME: elem = Packet(xmlattrs) elif name == self.ELEMENT_PROTOCOL: elem = Protocol(xmlattrs) elif name == self.ELEMENT_FIELD: elem = Field(xmlattrs) else: sys.exit("Unknown element: %s" % (name,)) self.element_stack.append(elem) def endElement(self, name): elem = self.element_stack.pop() # if isinstance(elem, Field): # if elem.get_name() == "frame.number": # print >> sys.stderr, "Packet:", elem.get_show() # Add element as child to previous element as long # as there is more than 1 element in the stack. Only # one element in the stack means that the the element in # the stack is the single CaptureFile element, and we don't # want to add this element to that, as we only want one # Packet element in memory at a time. if len(self.element_stack) > 1: parent_elem = self.element_stack[-1] parent_elem.add_child(elem) self.chars = "" # If we just finished a Packet element, hand it to the # user's callback. if isinstance(elem, Packet): self.cb(elem) def characters(self, chars, start, length): self.chars = self.chars + chars[start:start+length] def parse_fh(fh, cb): # Create a parser parser = saxexts.make_parser() # Create the handler ch = ParseXML(cb) # Tell the parser to use our handler parser.setDocumentHandler(ch) # Parse the file parser.parseFile(fh) # Close the parser parser.close() def _test(): import sys def test_cb(obj): pass filename = sys.argv[1] fh = open(filename, "r") parse_fh(fh, test_cb) if __name__ == '__main__': _test()