Overview: ========= The dissectors provided by this plugin allow the dissection of DOCSIS 1.1 Frames. Captures of DOCSIS 1.1 frames can be facilitated using Cisco's Cable Monitor Features found on Cicso UBR7200 and UBR10000 Series Cable Modem Termination Systems. Features: ========= + Decode the DOCSIS header + Extended Header. For Data PDU's it will automatically decode as far up the stack that it can. + Decode Mac Management Header. The following Mac Messages are decoded at present: REG-REQ REG-RSP REG-ACK RNG-REQ RNG-RSP UCC-REQ UCC-RSP UCD Messages MAP Messages DSA-REQ DSA-RSP DSA-ACK DSC-REQ DSC-RSP DSC-ACK DSD-REQ DSD-RSP BPKM-REQ BPKM-RSP BPKM Attributes + Decode All Appendix C TLV's + Decode Concatenated Frames via a recursive call to dissect_docsis() References: =========== DOCSIS 1.1 Specifications can be found at: http://www.cablemodem.com/specifications.html Information on Cisco's Cable Monitor Feature can be found at: http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/cable/cab_rout/cmtsfg/ufg_cmon.htm