/* packet-vines.c * Routines for Banyan VINES protocol packet disassembly * * $Id: packet-vines.c,v 1.18 2000/08/25 18:46:10 deniel Exp $ * * Don Lafontaine * * Ethereal - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * Joerg Mayer * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_NETINET_IN_H #include #endif #include #include "etypes.h" #include "ppptypes.h" #include "packet.h" #include "packet-vines.h" #include "packet-ip.h" static int proto_vines = -1; static int hf_vines_protocol = -1; static gint ett_vines = -1; static gint ett_vines_frp = -1; static gint ett_vines_spp = -1; #if 0 static void dissect_vines_arp(const u_char *, int, frame_data *, proto_tree *); static void dissect_vines_icp(const u_char *, int, frame_data *, proto_tree *); static void dissect_vines_ipc(const u_char *, int, frame_data *, proto_tree *); static void dissect_vines_rtp(const u_char *, int, frame_data *, proto_tree *); #endif static void dissect_vines_spp(const u_char *, int, frame_data *, proto_tree *); static void dissect_vines(const u_char *, int, frame_data *, proto_tree *); void capture_vines(const u_char *pd, int offset, packet_counts *ld) { ld->vines++; } /* AFAIK Vines FRP (Fragmentation Protocol) is used on all media except Ethernet * and TR (and probably FDDI) - Fragmentation on these media types is not possible * FIXME: Do we need to use this header with PPP too? */ void dissect_vines_frp(const u_char *pd, int offset, frame_data *fd, proto_tree *tree) { guint8 vines_frp_ctrl, vines_frp_seqno; proto_tree *vines_frp_tree; proto_item *ti; gchar frp_flags_str[32]; /* To do: Check for {cap len,pkt len} < struct len */ vines_frp_ctrl = pd[offset]; vines_frp_seqno = pd[offset+1]; if (check_col(fd, COL_PROTOCOL)) col_add_str(fd, COL_PROTOCOL, "Vines FRP"); /* * 1: first fragment of vines packet * 2: last fragment of vines packet * 4 ... 80: unused */ switch (vines_frp_ctrl) { case 0: strcpy(frp_flags_str, "middle"); break; case 1: strcpy(frp_flags_str, "first"); break; case 2: strcpy(frp_flags_str, "last"); break; case 3: strcpy(frp_flags_str, "only"); break; default: strcpy(frp_flags_str, "please report: unknown"); break; } if (tree) { ti = proto_tree_add_text(tree, NullTVB, offset, 2, "Vines Fragmentation Protocol"); vines_frp_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_vines_frp); proto_tree_add_text(vines_frp_tree, NullTVB, offset, 1, "Control Flags: 0x%02x = %s fragment", vines_frp_ctrl, frp_flags_str); proto_tree_add_text(vines_frp_tree, NullTVB, offset + 1, 1, "Sequence Number: 0x%02x", vines_frp_seqno); } /* Skip over header */ offset += 2; /* Decode the "real" Vines now */ dissect_vines(pd, offset, fd, tree); } gchar * vines_addr_to_str(const guint8 *addrp) { static gchar str[3][214]; static gchar *cur; if (cur == &str[0][0]) { cur = &str[1][0]; } else if (cur == &str[1][0]) { cur = &str[2][0]; } else { cur = &str[0][0]; } sprintf(cur, "%08x.%04x", pntohl(&addrp[0]), pntohs(&addrp[4])); return cur; } static void dissect_vines(const u_char *pd, int offset, frame_data *fd, proto_tree *tree) { e_vip viph; proto_tree *vip_tree; proto_item *ti; /* gchar tos_str[32]; */ int is_broadcast = 0; int hops = 0; OLD_CHECK_DISPLAY_AS_DATA(proto_vines, pd, offset, fd, tree); /* To do: check for runts, errs, etc. */ /* Avoids alignment problems on many architectures. */ memcpy(&viph, &pd[offset], sizeof(e_vip)); viph.vip_chksum = pntohs(&pd[offset]); viph.vip_pktlen = pntohs(&pd[offset+2]); viph.vip_dnet = pntohl(&pd[offset+6]); viph.vip_dsub = pntohs(&pd[offset+10]); viph.vip_snet = pntohl(&pd[offset+12]); viph.vip_ssub = pntohs(&pd[offset+16]); switch (viph.vip_proto) { case VIP_PROTO_IPC: if (check_col(fd, COL_PROTOCOL)) col_add_str(fd, COL_PROTOCOL, "Vines IPC"); if (check_col(fd, COL_INFO)) col_add_fstr(fd, COL_INFO, "IPC (%02x)", viph.vip_proto); break; case VIP_PROTO_SPP: if (check_col(fd, COL_PROTOCOL)) col_add_str(fd, COL_PROTOCOL, "Vines SPP"); if (check_col(fd, COL_INFO)) col_add_fstr(fd, COL_INFO, "SPP (%02x)", viph.vip_proto); break; case VIP_PROTO_ARP: if (check_col(fd, COL_PROTOCOL)) col_add_str(fd, COL_PROTOCOL, "Vines ARP"); if (check_col(fd, COL_INFO)) col_add_fstr(fd, COL_INFO, "ARP (%02x)", viph.vip_proto); break; case VIP_PROTO_RTP: if (check_col(fd, COL_PROTOCOL)) col_add_str(fd, COL_PROTOCOL, "Vines RTP"); if (check_col(fd, COL_INFO)) col_add_fstr(fd, COL_INFO, "RTP (%02x)", viph.vip_proto); break; case VIP_PROTO_ICP: if (check_col(fd, COL_PROTOCOL)) col_add_str(fd, COL_PROTOCOL, "Vines ICP"); if (check_col(fd, COL_INFO)) col_add_fstr(fd, COL_INFO, "ICP (%02x)", viph.vip_proto); break; default: if (check_col(fd, COL_PROTOCOL)) col_add_str(fd, COL_PROTOCOL, "Vines IP"); if (check_col(fd, COL_INFO)) col_add_fstr(fd, COL_INFO, "Unknown VIP protocol (%02x)", viph.vip_proto); } SET_ADDRESS(&pi.net_src, AT_VINES, VINES_ADDR_LEN, &pd[offset+12]); SET_ADDRESS(&pi.src, AT_VINES, VINES_ADDR_LEN, &pd[offset+12]); SET_ADDRESS(&pi.net_dst, AT_VINES, VINES_ADDR_LEN, &pd[offset+6]); SET_ADDRESS(&pi.dst, AT_VINES, VINES_ADDR_LEN, &pd[offset+6]); /* helpers to decode flags */ /* FIXME: Not used yet */ if ((viph.vip_dnet == 0xffffffff) && (viph.vip_dsub == 0xffff)) { is_broadcast = 1; } hops = viph.vip_tctl & 0xf; /* viph.ip_tos = IPTOS_TOS(viph.ip_tos); switch (viph.ip_tos) { case IPTOS_NONE: strcpy(tos_str, "None"); break; case IPTOS_LOWDELAY: strcpy(tos_str, "Minimize delay"); break; case IPTOS_THROUGHPUT: strcpy(tos_str, "Maximize throughput"); break; case IPTOS_RELIABILITY: strcpy(tos_str, "Maximize reliability"); break; case IPTOS_LOWCOST: strcpy(tos_str, "Minimize cost"); break; default: strcpy(tos_str, "Unknon. Malformed?"); break; } */ if (tree) { ti = proto_tree_add_protocol_format(tree, proto_vines, NullTVB, offset, (viph.vip_pktlen), "Vines IP"); vip_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_vines); proto_tree_add_text(vip_tree, NullTVB, offset, 2, "Packet checksum: 0x%04x", viph.vip_chksum); proto_tree_add_text(vip_tree, NullTVB, offset + 2, 2, "Packet length: 0x%04x (%d)", viph.vip_pktlen, viph.vip_pktlen); proto_tree_add_text(vip_tree, NullTVB, offset + 4, 1, "Transport control: 0x%02x", viph.vip_tctl); proto_tree_add_uint(vip_tree, hf_vines_protocol, NullTVB, offset + 5, 1, viph.vip_proto); proto_tree_add_text(vip_tree, NullTVB, offset + 6, VINES_ADDR_LEN, "Destination: %s", vines_addr_to_str(&pd[offset + 6])); proto_tree_add_text(vip_tree, NullTVB, offset + 12, VINES_ADDR_LEN, "Source: %s", vines_addr_to_str(&pd[offset + 12])); } offset += 18; switch (viph.vip_proto) { case VIP_PROTO_SPP: dissect_vines_spp(pd, offset, fd, tree); break; default: old_dissect_data(pd, offset, fd, tree); break; } } void dissect_vines_spp(const u_char *pd, int offset, frame_data *fd, proto_tree *tree) { e_vspp viph; proto_tree *vspp_tree; proto_item *ti; /* To do: check for runts, errs, etc. */ /* Avoids alignment problems on many architectures. */ memcpy(&viph, &pd[offset], sizeof(e_vspp)); viph.vspp_sport = ntohs(viph.vspp_sport); viph.vspp_dport = ntohs(viph.vspp_dport); viph.vspp_lclid = ntohs(viph.vspp_lclid); viph.vspp_rmtid = ntohs(viph.vspp_rmtid); switch (viph.vspp_pkttype) { case VSPP_PKTTYPE_DATA: if (check_col(fd, COL_PROTOCOL)) col_add_str(fd, COL_PROTOCOL, "VSPP Data"); break; case VSPP_PKTTYPE_DISC: if (check_col(fd, COL_PROTOCOL)) col_add_str(fd, COL_PROTOCOL, "VSPP Disconnect"); break; case VSPP_PKTTYPE_PROBE: if (check_col(fd, COL_PROTOCOL)) col_add_str(fd, COL_PROTOCOL, "VSPP Probe"); break; case VSPP_PKTTYPE_ACK: if (check_col(fd, COL_PROTOCOL)) col_add_str(fd, COL_PROTOCOL, "VSPP Ack"); break; default: if (check_col(fd, COL_PROTOCOL)) col_add_str(fd, COL_PROTOCOL, "VSPP Unknown"); } if (check_col(fd, COL_INFO)) col_add_fstr(fd, COL_INFO, "NS=%04x NR=%04x Window=%04x RID=%04x LID=%04x D=%04x S=%04x", viph.vspp_seqno, viph.vspp_ack, viph.vspp_win, viph.vspp_rmtid, viph.vspp_lclid, viph.vspp_dport, viph.vspp_sport); /* iph.ip_tos = IPTOS_TOS(iph.ip_tos); switch (iph.ip_tos) { case IPTOS_NONE: strcpy(tos_str, "None"); break; case IPTOS_LOWDELAY: strcpy(tos_str, "Minimize delay"); break; case IPTOS_THROUGHPUT: strcpy(tos_str, "Maximize throughput"); break; case IPTOS_RELIABILITY: strcpy(tos_str, "Maximize reliability"); break; case IPTOS_LOWCOST: strcpy(tos_str, "Minimize cost"); break; default: strcpy(tos_str, "Unknon. Malformed?"); break; } */ if (tree) { ti = proto_tree_add_text(tree, NullTVB, offset, sizeof(viph), "Vines SPP"); vspp_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_vines_spp); proto_tree_add_text(vspp_tree, NullTVB, offset, 2, "Source port: 0x%04x", viph.vspp_sport); proto_tree_add_text(vspp_tree, NullTVB, offset+2, 2, "Destination port: 0x%04x", viph.vspp_dport); proto_tree_add_text(vspp_tree, NullTVB, offset+4, 1, "Packet type: 0x%02x", viph.vspp_pkttype); proto_tree_add_text(vspp_tree, NullTVB, offset+5, 1, "Control: 0x%02x", viph.vspp_control); proto_tree_add_text(vspp_tree, NullTVB, offset+6, 2, "Local Connection ID: 0x%04x", viph.vspp_lclid); proto_tree_add_text(vspp_tree, NullTVB, offset+8, 2, "Remote Connection ID: 0x%04x", viph.vspp_rmtid); proto_tree_add_text(vspp_tree, NullTVB, offset+10, 2, "Sequence number: 0x%04x", viph.vspp_seqno); proto_tree_add_text(vspp_tree, NullTVB, offset+12, 2, "Ack number: 0x%04x", viph.vspp_ack); proto_tree_add_text(vspp_tree, NullTVB, offset+14, 2, "Window: 0x%04x", viph.vspp_win); } offset += 16; /* sizeof SPP */ old_dissect_data(pd, offset, fd, tree); } void proto_register_vines(void) { static gint *ett[] = { &ett_vines, &ett_vines_frp, &ett_vines_spp, }; static hf_register_info hf[] = { { &hf_vines_protocol, { "Protocol", "vines.protocol", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0, "Vines protocol" }} }; proto_vines = proto_register_protocol("Banyan Vines", "vines"); proto_register_field_array(proto_vines, hf, array_length(hf)); proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett)); } void proto_reg_handoff_vines(void) { old_dissector_add("ethertype", ETHERTYPE_VINES, dissect_vines); old_dissector_add("ppp.protocol", PPP_VINES, dissect_vines); old_dissector_add("ip.proto", IP_PROTO_VINES, dissect_vines_frp); }