/* packet-ipv6.h * Definitions for IPv6 packet disassembly * * $Id: packet-ipv6.h,v 1.30 2003/02/04 20:16:57 guy Exp $ * * Ethereal - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * MobileIPv6 support added by Tomislav Borosa * * HMIPv6 support added by Martti Kuparinen * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef __PACKET_IPV6_H_DEFINED__ #define __PACKET_IPV6_H_DEFINED__ #include #define INET6_ADDRSTRLEN 46 /* * Definition for internet protocol version 6. * RFC 1883 */ struct ip6_hdr { union { struct ip6_hdrctl { guint32 ip6_un1_flow; /* 20 bits of flow-ID */ guint16 ip6_un1_plen; /* payload length */ guint8 ip6_un1_nxt; /* next header */ guint8 ip6_un1_hlim; /* hop limit */ } ip6_un1; guint8 ip6_un2_vfc; /* 4 bits version, 4 bits class */ } ip6_ctlun; struct e_in6_addr ip6_src; /* source address */ struct e_in6_addr ip6_dst; /* destination address */ }; #define ip6_vfc ip6_ctlun.ip6_un2_vfc #define ip6_flow ip6_ctlun.ip6_un1.ip6_un1_flow #define ip6_plen ip6_ctlun.ip6_un1.ip6_un1_plen #define ip6_nxt ip6_ctlun.ip6_un1.ip6_un1_nxt #define ip6_hlim ip6_ctlun.ip6_un1.ip6_un1_hlim #define ip6_hops ip6_ctlun.ip6_un1.ip6_un1_hlim /* Offsets of fields within an IPv6 header. */ #define IP6H_CTL 0 #define IP6H_CTL_FLOW 0 #define IP6H_CTL_PLEN 4 #define IP6H_CTL_NXT 6 #define IP6H_CTL_HLIM 7 #define IP6H_CTL_VFC 0 #define IP6H_SRC 8 #define IP6H_DST 24 #define IPV6_FLOWINFO_MASK 0x0fffffff /* flow info (28 bits) */ #define IPV6_FLOWLABEL_MASK 0x000fffff /* flow label (20 bits) */ /* * Extension Headers */ struct ip6_ext { guchar ip6e_nxt; guchar ip6e_len; }; /* Hop-by-Hop options header */ /* XXX should we pad it to force alignment on an 8-byte boundary? */ struct ip6_hbh { guint8 ip6h_nxt; /* next header */ guint8 ip6h_len; /* length in units of 8 octets */ /* followed by options */ }; /* Destination options header */ /* XXX should we pad it to force alignment on an 8-byte boundary? */ struct ip6_dest { guint8 ip6d_nxt; /* next header */ guint8 ip6d_len; /* length in units of 8 octets */ /* followed by options */ }; /* Option types and related macros */ #define IP6OPT_PAD1 0x00 /* 00 0 00000 */ #define IP6OPT_PADN 0x01 /* 00 0 00001 */ #define IP6OPT_JUMBO 0xC2 /* 11 0 00010 = 194 */ #define IP6OPT_JUMBO_LEN 6 #define IP6OPT_RTALERT 0x05 /* 00 0 00101 */ #define IP6OPT_RTALERT_LEN 4 #define IP6OPT_RTALERT_MLD 0 /* Datagram contains MLD message */ #define IP6OPT_RTALERT_RSVP 1 /* Datagram contains RSVP message */ #define IP6OPT_RTALERT_ACTNET 2 /* contains an Active Networks msg */ #define IP6OPT_MINLEN 2 #define IP6OPT_HOME_ADDRESS 0xC9 /* 11 0 01001 */ #define IP6OPT_TYPE(o) ((o) & 0xC0) #define IP6OPT_TYPE_SKIP 0x00 #define IP6OPT_TYPE_DISCARD 0x40 #define IP6OPT_TYPE_FORCEICMP 0x80 #define IP6OPT_TYPE_ICMP 0xC0 #define IP6OPT_MUTABLE 0x20 /* Routing header */ struct ip6_rthdr { guint8 ip6r_nxt; /* next header */ guint8 ip6r_len; /* length in units of 8 octets */ guint8 ip6r_type; /* routing type */ guint8 ip6r_segleft; /* segments left */ /* followed by routing type specific data */ }; /* Type 0 Routing header */ struct ip6_rthdr0 { guint8 ip6r0_nxt; /* next header */ guint8 ip6r0_len; /* length in units of 8 octets */ guint8 ip6r0_type; /* always zero */ guint8 ip6r0_segleft; /* segments left */ guint8 ip6r0_reserved; /* reserved field */ guint8 ip6r0_slmap[3]; /* strict/loose bit map */ struct e_in6_addr ip6r0_addr[1]; /* up to 23 addresses */ }; /* Fragment header */ struct ip6_frag { guint8 ip6f_nxt; /* next header */ guint8 ip6f_reserved; /* reserved field */ guint16 ip6f_offlg; /* offset, reserved, and flag */ guint32 ip6f_ident; /* identification */ }; #define IP6F_OFF_MASK 0xfff8 /* mask out offset from _offlg */ #define IP6F_RESERVED_MASK 0x0006 /* reserved bits in ip6f_offlg */ #define IP6F_MORE_FRAG 0x0001 /* more-fragments flag */ /* * Definition for ICMPv6. * RFC 1885 */ #define ICMPV6_PLD_MAXLEN 1232 /* IPV6_MMTU - sizeof(struct ip6_hdr) - sizeof(struct icmp6_hdr) */ struct icmp6_hdr { guint8 icmp6_type; /* type field */ guint8 icmp6_code; /* code field */ guint16 icmp6_cksum; /* checksum field */ union { guint32 icmp6_un_data32[1]; /* type-specific field */ guint16 icmp6_un_data16[2]; /* type-specific field */ guint8 icmp6_un_data8[4]; /* type-specific field */ } icmp6_dataun; }; #define icmp6_data32 icmp6_dataun.icmp6_un_data32 #define icmp6_data16 icmp6_dataun.icmp6_un_data16 #define icmp6_data8 icmp6_dataun.icmp6_un_data8 #define icmp6_pptr icmp6_data32[0] /* parameter prob */ #define icmp6_mtu icmp6_data32[0] /* packet too big */ #define icmp6_id icmp6_data16[0] /* echo request/reply */ #define icmp6_seq icmp6_data16[1] /* echo request/reply */ #define icmp6_maxdelay icmp6_data16[0] /* mcast group membership */ #define ICMP6_DST_UNREACH 1 /* dest unreachable, codes: */ #define ICMP6_PACKET_TOO_BIG 2 /* packet too big */ #define ICMP6_TIME_EXCEEDED 3 /* time exceeded, code: */ #define ICMP6_PARAM_PROB 4 /* ip6 header bad */ #define ICMP6_ECHO_REQUEST 128 /* echo service */ #define ICMP6_ECHO_REPLY 129 /* echo reply */ #define ICMP6_MEMBERSHIP_QUERY 130 /* group membership query */ #define MLD6_LISTENER_QUERY 130 /* multicast listener query */ #define ICMP6_MEMBERSHIP_REPORT 131 /* group membership report */ #define MLD6_LISTENER_REPORT 131 /* multicast listener report */ #define ICMP6_MEMBERSHIP_REDUCTION 132 /* group membership termination */ #define MLD6_LISTENER_DONE 132 /* multicast listener done */ #define ND_ROUTER_SOLICIT 133 /* router solicitation */ #define ND_ROUTER_ADVERT 134 /* router advertisment */ #define ND_NEIGHBOR_SOLICIT 135 /* neighbor solicitation */ #define ND_NEIGHBOR_ADVERT 136 /* neighbor advertisment */ #define ND_REDIRECT 137 /* redirect */ #define ICMP6_ROUTER_RENUMBERING 138 /* router renumbering */ #define ICMP6_WRUREQUEST 139 /* who are you request */ #define ICMP6_WRUREPLY 140 /* who are you reply */ #define ICMP6_FQDN_QUERY 139 /* FQDN query */ #define ICMP6_FQDN_REPLY 140 /* FQDN reply */ #define ICMP6_NI_QUERY 139 /* node information request */ #define ICMP6_NI_REPLY 140 /* node information reply */ /* The definitions below are experimental. TBA */ #define MLD6_MTRACE_RESP 141 /* mtrace response(to sender) */ #define MLD6_MTRACE 142 /* mtrace messages */ #define ICMP6_MIP6_DHAAD_REQUEST 150 /* Mobile IPv6 DHAAD */ #define ICMP6_MIP6_DHAAD_REPLY 151 /* Mobile IPv6 DHAAD */ #define ICMP6_MIP6_MPS 152 /* Mobile IPv6 MPS */ #define ICMP6_MIP6_MPA 153 /* Mobile IPv6 MPA */ #define ICMP6_MAXTYPE 153 #define ICMP6_DST_UNREACH_NOROUTE 0 /* no route to destination */ #define ICMP6_DST_UNREACH_ADMIN 1 /* administratively prohibited */ #define ICMP6_DST_UNREACH_NOTNEIGHBOR 2 /* not a neighbor(obsolete) */ #define ICMP6_DST_UNREACH_BEYONDSCOPE 2 /* beyond scope of source address */ #define ICMP6_DST_UNREACH_ADDR 3 /* address unreachable */ #define ICMP6_DST_UNREACH_NOPORT 4 /* port unreachable */ #define ICMP6_TIME_EXCEED_TRANSIT 0 /* ttl==0 in transit */ #define ICMP6_TIME_EXCEED_REASSEMBLY 1 /* ttl==0 in reass */ #define ICMP6_PARAMPROB_HEADER 0 /* erroneous header field */ #define ICMP6_PARAMPROB_NEXTHEADER 1 /* unrecognized next header */ #define ICMP6_PARAMPROB_OPTION 2 /* unrecognized option */ #define ICMP6_INFOMSG_MASK 0x80 /* all informational messages */ #define ICMP6_NI_SUBJ_IPV6 0 /* Query Subject is an IPv6 address */ #define ICMP6_NI_SUBJ_FQDN 1 /* Query Subject is a Domain name */ #define ICMP6_NI_SUBJ_IPV4 2 /* Query Subject is an IPv4 address */ #define ICMP6_NI_SUCCESS 0 /* node information successful reply */ #define ICMP6_NI_REFUSED 1 /* node information request is refused */ #define ICMP6_NI_UNKNOWN 2 /* unknown Qtype */ #define ICMP6_ROUTER_RENUMBERING_COMMAND 0 /* rr command */ #define ICMP6_ROUTER_RENUMBERING_RESULT 1 /* rr result */ #define ICMP6_ROUTER_RENUMBERING_SEQNUM_RESET 255 /* rr seq num reset */ /* * Multicast Listener Discovery */ struct mld6_hdr { struct icmp6_hdr mld6_hdr; struct e_in6_addr mld6_addr; /* multicast address */ }; #define mld6_type mld6_hdr.icmp6_type #define mld6_code mld6_hdr.icmp6_code #define mld6_cksum mld6_hdr.icmp6_cksum #define mld6_maxdelay mld6_hdr.icmp6_data16[0] #define mld6_reserved mld6_hdr.icmp6_data16[1] /* * Neighbor Discovery */ struct nd_router_solicit { /* router solicitation */ struct icmp6_hdr nd_rs_hdr; /* could be followed by options */ }; #define nd_rs_type nd_rs_hdr.icmp6_type #define nd_rs_code nd_rs_hdr.icmp6_code #define nd_rs_cksum nd_rs_hdr.icmp6_cksum #define nd_rs_reserved nd_rs_hdr.icmp6_data32[0] struct nd_router_advert { /* router advertisement */ struct icmp6_hdr nd_ra_hdr; guint32 nd_ra_reachable; /* reachable time */ guint32 nd_ra_retransmit; /* retransmit timer */ /* could be followed by options */ }; #define nd_ra_type nd_ra_hdr.icmp6_type #define nd_ra_code nd_ra_hdr.icmp6_code #define nd_ra_cksum nd_ra_hdr.icmp6_cksum #define nd_ra_curhoplimit nd_ra_hdr.icmp6_data8[0] #define nd_ra_flags_reserved nd_ra_hdr.icmp6_data8[1] #define ND_RA_FLAG_MANAGED 0x80 #define ND_RA_FLAG_OTHER 0x40 #define ND_RA_FLAG_HOME_AGENT 0x20 /* * Router preference values based on draft-draves-ipngwg-router-selection-01. * These are non-standard definitions. */ #define ND_RA_FLAG_RTPREF_MASK 0x18 /* 00011000 */ #define ND_RA_FLAG_RTPREF_HIGH 0x08 /* 00001000 */ #define ND_RA_FLAG_RTPREF_MEDIUM 0x00 /* 00000000 */ #define ND_RA_FLAG_RTPREF_LOW 0x18 /* 00011000 */ #define ND_RA_FLAG_RTPREF_RSV 0x10 /* 00010000 */ #define nd_ra_router_lifetime nd_ra_hdr.icmp6_data16[1] struct nd_neighbor_solicit { /* neighbor solicitation */ struct icmp6_hdr nd_ns_hdr; struct e_in6_addr nd_ns_target; /*target address */ /* could be followed by options */ }; #define nd_ns_type nd_ns_hdr.icmp6_type #define nd_ns_code nd_ns_hdr.icmp6_code #define nd_ns_cksum nd_ns_hdr.icmp6_cksum #define nd_ns_reserved nd_ns_hdr.icmp6_data32[0] struct nd_neighbor_advert { /* neighbor advertisement */ struct icmp6_hdr nd_na_hdr; struct e_in6_addr nd_na_target; /* target address */ /* could be followed by options */ }; #define nd_na_type nd_na_hdr.icmp6_type #define nd_na_code nd_na_hdr.icmp6_code #define nd_na_cksum nd_na_hdr.icmp6_cksum #define nd_na_flags_reserved nd_na_hdr.icmp6_data32[0] #define ND_NA_FLAG_ROUTER 0x80000000 #define ND_NA_FLAG_SOLICITED 0x40000000 #define ND_NA_FLAG_OVERRIDE 0x20000000 struct nd_redirect { /* redirect */ struct icmp6_hdr nd_rd_hdr; struct e_in6_addr nd_rd_target; /* target address */ struct e_in6_addr nd_rd_dst; /* destination address */ /* could be followed by options */ }; #define nd_rd_type nd_rd_hdr.icmp6_type #define nd_rd_code nd_rd_hdr.icmp6_code #define nd_rd_cksum nd_rd_hdr.icmp6_cksum #define nd_rd_reserved nd_rd_hdr.icmp6_data32[0] struct nd_opt_hdr { /* Neighbor discovery option header */ guint8 nd_opt_type; guint8 nd_opt_len; /* followed by option specific data*/ }; #define ND_OPT_SOURCE_LINKADDR 1 #define ND_OPT_TARGET_LINKADDR 2 #define ND_OPT_PREFIX_INFORMATION 3 #define ND_OPT_REDIRECTED_HEADER 4 #define ND_OPT_MTU 5 #define ND_OPT_ADVINTERVAL 7 #define ND_OPT_HOMEAGENT_INFO 8 #define ND_OPT_SOURCE_ADDRLIST 9 #define ND_OPT_TARGET_ADDRLIST 10 /* draft-ietf-ipngwg-router-preference, not officially assigned yet */ #define ND_OPT_ROUTE_INFO 200 /* draft-ietf-mobileip-hmipv6, not officially assigned yet */ #define ND_OPT_MAP 201 struct nd_opt_prefix_info { /* prefix information */ guint8 nd_opt_pi_type; guint8 nd_opt_pi_len; guint8 nd_opt_pi_prefix_len; guint8 nd_opt_pi_flags_reserved; guint32 nd_opt_pi_valid_time; guint32 nd_opt_pi_preferred_time; guint32 nd_opt_pi_reserved2; struct e_in6_addr nd_opt_pi_prefix; }; #define ND_OPT_PI_FLAG_ONLINK 0x80 #define ND_OPT_PI_FLAG_AUTO 0x40 #define ND_OPT_PI_FLAG_ROUTER 0x20 #define ND_OPT_PI_FLAG_SITEPREF 0x10 struct nd_opt_rd_hdr { /* redirected header */ guint8 nd_opt_rh_type; guint8 nd_opt_rh_len; guint16 nd_opt_rh_reserved1; guint32 nd_opt_rh_reserved2; /* followed by IP header and data */ }; struct nd_opt_mtu { /* MTU option */ guint8 nd_opt_mtu_type; guint8 nd_opt_mtu_len; guint16 nd_opt_mtu_reserved; guint32 nd_opt_mtu_mtu; }; struct nd_opt_adv_int { /* Advertisement Interval option */ guint8 nd_opt_adv_int_type; guint8 nd_opt_adv_int_len; guint16 nd_opt_adv_int_reserved; guint32 nd_opt_adv_int_advint; }; struct nd_opt_ha_info { /* Home Agent Information option */ guint8 nd_opt_ha_info_type; guint8 nd_opt_ha_info_len; guint16 nd_opt_ha_info_reserved; guint16 nd_opt_ha_info_ha_pref; guint16 nd_opt_ha_info_ha_life; }; struct nd_opt_route_info { /* route info */ guint8 nd_opt_rti_type; guint8 nd_opt_rti_len; guint8 nd_opt_rti_prefixlen; guint8 nd_opt_rti_flags; guint32 nd_opt_rti_lifetime; /* prefix follows */ }; struct nd_opt_map_info { /* HMIPv6 MAP option */ guint8 nd_opt_map_type; guint8 nd_opt_map_len; guint8 nd_opt_map_dist_and_pref; guint8 nd_opt_map_flags; guint32 nd_opt_map_lifetime; struct e_in6_addr nd_opt_map_address; }; #define ND_OPT_MAP_FLAG_R 0x80 #define ND_OPT_MAP_FLAG_M 0x40 #define ND_OPT_MAP_FLAG_I 0x20 #define ND_OPT_MAP_FLAG_T 0x10 #define ND_OPT_MAP_FLAG_P 0x08 #define ND_OPT_MAP_FLAG_V 0x04 /* * icmp6 node information */ struct icmp6_nodeinfo { struct icmp6_hdr icmp6_ni_hdr; guint8 icmp6_ni_nonce[8]; /* could be followed by reply data */ }; #define ni_type icmp6_ni_hdr.icmp6_type #define ni_code icmp6_ni_hdr.icmp6_code #define ni_cksum icmp6_ni_hdr.icmp6_cksum #define ni_qtype icmp6_ni_hdr.icmp6_data16[0] #define ni_flags icmp6_ni_hdr.icmp6_data16[1] #define NI_QTYPE_NOOP 0 /* NOOP */ #define NI_QTYPE_SUPTYPES 1 /* Supported Qtypes */ #define NI_QTYPE_FQDN 2 /* FQDN (draft 04) */ #define NI_QTYPE_DNSNAME 2 /* DNS Name */ #define NI_QTYPE_NODEADDR 3 /* Node Addresses */ #define NI_QTYPE_IPV4ADDR 4 /* IPv4 Addresses */ #define NI_SUPTYPE_FLAG_COMPRESS 0x1 #define NI_FQDN_FLAG_VALIDTTL 0x1 #define NI_NODEADDR_FLAG_TRUNCATE 0x1 #define NI_NODEADDR_FLAG_ALL 0x2 #define NI_NODEADDR_FLAG_COMPAT 0x4 #define NI_NODEADDR_FLAG_LINKLOCAL 0x8 #define NI_NODEADDR_FLAG_SITELOCAL 0x10 #define NI_NODEADDR_FLAG_GLOBAL 0x20 #define NI_NODEADDR_FLAG_ANYCAST 0x40 /* just experimental. not in spec */ struct ni_reply_fqdn { guint32 ni_fqdn_ttl; /* TTL */ guint8 ni_fqdn_namelen; /* length in octets of the FQDN */ guint8 ni_fqdn_name[3]; /* XXX: alignment */ }; /* * Router Renumbering. as router-renum-05.txt */ struct icmp6_router_renum { /* router renumbering header */ struct icmp6_hdr rr_hdr; guint8 rr_segnum; guint8 rr_flags; guint16 rr_maxdelay; guint32 rr_reserved; }; #define rr_type rr_hdr.icmp6_type #define rr_code rr_hdr.icmp6_code #define rr_cksum rr_hdr.icmp6_cksum #define rr_seqnum rr_hdr.icmp6_data32[0] struct rr_pco_match { /* match prefix part */ guint8 rpm_code; guint8 rpm_len; guint8 rpm_ordinal; guint8 rpm_matchlen; guint8 rpm_minlen; guint8 rpm_maxlen; guint16 rpm_reserved; struct e_in6_addr rpm_prefix; }; #define RPM_PCO_ADD 1 #define RPM_PCO_CHANGE 2 #define RPM_PCO_SETGLOBAL 3 #define RPM_PCO_MAX 4 struct rr_pco_use { /* use prefix part */ guint8 rpu_uselen; guint8 rpu_keeplen; guint8 rpu_ramask; guint8 rpu_raflags; guint32 rpu_vltime; guint32 rpu_pltime; guint32 rpu_flags; struct e_in6_addr rpu_prefix; }; #define ICMP6_RR_PCOUSE_RAFLAGS_ONLINK 0x80 #define ICMP6_RR_PCOUSE_RAFLAGS_AUTO 0x40 /* network endian */ #define ICMP6_RR_PCOUSE_FLAGS_DECRVLTIME 0x80000000 #define ICMP6_RR_PCOUSE_FLAGS_DECRPLTIME 0x40000000 struct rr_result { /* router renumbering result message */ guint16 rrr_flags; guint8 rrr_ordinal; guint8 rrr_matchedlen; guint32 rrr_ifid; struct e_in6_addr rrr_prefix; }; /* network endian */ #define ICMP6_RR_RESULT_FLAGS_OOB 0x0002 #define ICMP6_RR_RESULT_FLAGS_FORBIDDEN 0x0001 void capture_ipv6(const guchar *, int, int, packet_counts *); #endif /* __PACKET_IPV6_H_DEFINED__ */