#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # $Id: make-manuf,v 1.5 2002/05/02 11:07:47 guy Exp $ # # Make-manuf - Creates a file containing ethernet OUIs and their # company IDs. It merges the databases at # http://standards.ieee.org/regauth/oui/index.shtml and # http://www.cavebear.com/CaveBear/Ethernet/ # with entries in our template file. # # The script reads the comments at the top of "manuf.tmpl" and writes # them to "manuf". It then joins the manufacturer listing in "manuf.tmpl" # with the listing in "oui.txt", with the entries in "manuf.tmpl" taking # precedence. # LWP is part of the standard Perl module libwww eval "require LWP::UserAgent;"; if( $@ ) { die "LWP isn't installed. It is part of the standard Perl\n" . " module libwww. Bailing.\n"; } $template = "manuf.tmpl"; $outfile = "manuf"; $inheader = 1; $ieee_url = "http://standards.ieee.org/regauth/oui/oui.txt"; $cb_url = "http://www.cavebear.com/CaveBear/Ethernet/Ethernet.txt"; %oui_list = (); $hp = "[0-9a-fA-F]{2}"; $oui_re = "$hp:$hp:$hp"; $cb_re = "$hp$hp$hp"; $ieee_re = "$hp-$hp-$hp"; $tmpl_added = 0; $cb_added = 0; $cb_skipped = 0; $ieee_added = 0; $ieee_skipped = 0; $agent = LWP::UserAgent->new; print "Fetching $cb_url.\n"; $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $cb_url); $result = $agent->request($request); if (!$result->is_success) { die ("Error fetching $cb_url: " . $result->status_line . "\n"); } $cb_list = $result->content; print "Fetching $ieee_url.\n"; $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $ieee_url); $result = $agent->request($request); if (!$result->is_success) { die ("Error fetching $ieee_url: " . $result->status_line . "\n"); } $ieee_list = $result->content; open (TMPL, "< $template") || die "Couldn't open template file for reading ($template)\n"; open (OUT, "> $outfile") || die "Couldn't open output file for writing ($outfile)\n"; # Write out the header and populate the OUI list with our entries. while ($line = ) { chomp($line); if ($line !~ /^$oui_re\s+\S/ && $inheader) { print(OUT "$line\n"); } elsif (($oui, $manuf) = ($line =~ /^($oui_re)\s+(\S.*)$/)) { $inheader = 0; # Ensure OUI is all upper-case $oui =~ tr/a-f/A-F/; $oui_list{$oui} = $manuf; $tmpl_added++; } } # Add IEEE entries for OUIs not yet known. foreach $line (split(/\n/, $ieee_list)) { if (($oui, $manuf) = ($line =~ /^($ieee_re)\s+\(hex\)\s+(\S.*)$/)) { $oui =~ tr /-/:/; # The IEEE bytes are separated by dashes. # Ensure OUI is all upper-case $oui =~ tr/a-f/A-F/; if (exists $oui_list{$oui}) { printf "$oui - Skipping IEEE \"$manuf\" in favor of \"$oui_list{$oui}\"\n"; $ieee_skipped++; } else { $oui_list{$oui} = $manuf; $ieee_added++; } } } # Add CaveBear entries for OUIs not yet known. foreach $line (split(/\n/, $cb_list)) { if (($oui, $manuf) = ($line =~ /^($cb_re)\s+(\S.*)$/)) { ($h1, $h2, $h3) = ($oui =~ /($hp)($hp)($hp)/); # The CaveBear bytes have no separators $oui = "$h1:$h2:$h3"; # Ensure OUI is all upper-case $oui =~ tr/a-f/A-F/; if (exists $oui_list{$oui}) { printf "$oui - Skipping CaveBear \"$manuf\" in favor of \"$oui_list{$oui}\"\n"; $cb_skipped++; } else { $oui_list{$oui} = $manuf; $cb_added++; } } } foreach $oui (sort(keys %oui_list)) { print(OUT "$oui\t$oui_list{$oui}\n"); } $total_added = $tmpl_added + $cb_added + $ieee_added; print <<"Fin" Original entries : $tmpl_added IEEE added : $ieee_added CaveBear added : $cb_added Total : $total_added IEEE skipped : $ieee_skipped CaveBear skipped : $cb_skipped Fin