/* firewall_rules_dlg.c * * $Id$ * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* * Generate firewall ACL rules based on packet addresses and ports. * For directional rules, an outside interface is assumed. * * There may be better ways to present the information, e.g. all rules * in one huge text window, or some sort of tree view. */ /* * To add a new product, add syntax functions modify the products[] array. * * To add a new syntax function, add its prototype above the products[] * array, and add the function below with all the others. */ /* Copied from ssl-dlg.c */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include #include #ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include <../alert_box.h> #include <../simple_dialog.h> #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gtk/firewall_dlg.h" #define MAX_RULE_LEN 200 /* Rule types */ typedef enum { RT_NONE, RT_MAC_SRC, RT_MAC_DST, RT_IPv4_SRC, RT_IPv4_DST, RT_PORT_SRC, RT_PORT_DST, RT_IPv4_PORT_SRC, RT_IPv4_PORT_DST, NUM_RULE_TYPES } rule_type_t; /* Copied from packet_info struct */ typedef struct _rule_info_t { gint product; address dl_src; address dl_dst; address net_src; address net_dst; port_type ptype; guint32 srcport; guint32 destport; GtkWidget *text; GtkWidget *filter_combo_box; GtkWidget *deny_cb; GtkWidget *inbound_cb; GtkWidget *firewall_save_as_w; gboolean inbound; gboolean deny; rule_type_t rule_type; } rule_info_t; /* Syntax function prototypes */ typedef void (*syntax_func)(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port, port_type ptype, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny); static void sf_dummy(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port, port_type ptype, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny); static void sf_ipfw_mac(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port, port_type ptype, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny); static void sf_netfilter_mac(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port, port_type ptype, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny); static void sf_ios_std_ipv4(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port, port_type ptype, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny); static void sf_ios_ext_ipv4(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port, port_type ptype, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny); static void sf_ipfilter_ipv4(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port, port_type ptype, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny); static void sf_ipfw_ipv4(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port, port_type ptype, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny); static void sf_netfilter_ipv4(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port, port_type ptype, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny); static void sf_pf_ipv4(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port, port_type ptype, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny); /* XXX - Can you addresses-only filters using WFW/netsh? */ static void sf_ios_ext_port(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port, port_type ptype, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny); static void sf_ipfilter_port(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port, port_type ptype, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny); static void sf_ipfw_port(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port, port_type ptype, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny); static void sf_netfilter_port(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port, port_type ptype, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny); static void sf_pf_port(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port, port_type ptype, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny); static void sf_netsh_port(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port, port_type ptype, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny); static void sf_ios_ext_ipv4_port(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port, port_type ptype, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny); static void sf_ipfilter_ipv4_port(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port, port_type ptype, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny); static void sf_ipfw_ipv4_port(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port, port_type ptype, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny); static void sf_netfilter_ipv4_port(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port, port_type ptype, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny); static void sf_pf_ipv4_port(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port, port_type ptype, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny); static void sf_netsh_ipv4_port(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port, port_type ptype, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny); typedef struct _fw_product_t { gchar *name; gchar *comment_pfx; syntax_func mac_func; syntax_func ipv4_func; syntax_func port_func; syntax_func ipv4_port_func; gboolean does_inbound; } fw_product; fw_product products[] = { { "Cisco IOS (standard)", "!", NULL, sf_ios_std_ipv4, NULL, NULL, FALSE }, { "Cisco IOS (extended)", "!", NULL, sf_ios_ext_ipv4, sf_ios_ext_port, sf_ios_ext_ipv4_port, TRUE }, { "IP Filter (ipfilter)", "#", NULL, sf_ipfilter_ipv4, sf_ipfilter_port, sf_ipfilter_ipv4_port, TRUE }, { "IPFirewall (ipfw)", "#", sf_ipfw_mac, sf_ipfw_ipv4, sf_ipfw_port, sf_ipfw_ipv4_port, TRUE }, { "Netfilter (iptables)", "#", sf_netfilter_mac, sf_netfilter_ipv4, sf_netfilter_port, sf_netfilter_ipv4_port, TRUE }, { "Packet Filter (pf)", "#", NULL, sf_pf_ipv4, sf_pf_port, sf_pf_ipv4_port, TRUE }, { "Windows Firewall (netsh)", "#", NULL, NULL, sf_netsh_port, sf_netsh_ipv4_port, FALSE } }; #define NUM_PRODS (sizeof(products) / sizeof(fw_product)) static void select_product(GtkWidget * win, gpointer data); static void select_filter(GtkWidget * win, gpointer data); static void toggle_inbound(GtkToggleButton *t, gpointer data); static void toggle_deny(GtkToggleButton *t, gpointer data); static void set_rule_text(rule_info_t *rule_info); static void firewall_destroy_cb(GtkWidget * win, gpointer data); static void firewall_copy_cmd_cb(GtkWidget * w, gpointer data); static void firewall_save_as_cmd_cb(GtkWidget * w, gpointer data); static gboolean firewall_save_as_ok_cb(GtkWidget * w, gpointer fs); static void firewall_save_as_destroy_cb(GtkWidget * win, gpointer user_data); #define WS_RULE_INFO_KEY "rule_info_key" #if 0 /* List of "rule_info_t" structures for all rule windows. */ static GList *rule_infos; /* Remove a "rule_info_t" structure from the list. */ static void forget_rule_info(rule_info_t *rule_info) { rule_infos = g_list_remove(rule_infos, rule_info); } #endif void firewall_rule_cb(GtkWidget *w _U_, gpointer data _U_) { GtkWidget *rule_w, *vbox, *txt_scrollw, *text; GtkWidget *label, *product_combo_box; GtkWidget *hbox, *button_hbox, *button; GtkTooltips *tooltips; rule_info_t *rule_info; packet_info *pinfo = &cfile.edt->pi; guint i; rule_info = g_new0(rule_info_t, 1); COPY_ADDRESS(&(rule_info->dl_src), &(pinfo->dl_src)); COPY_ADDRESS(&(rule_info->dl_dst), &(pinfo->dl_dst)); COPY_ADDRESS(&(rule_info->net_src), &(pinfo->net_src)); COPY_ADDRESS(&(rule_info->net_dst), &(pinfo->net_dst)); rule_info->ptype = pinfo->ptype; rule_info->srcport = pinfo->srcport; rule_info->destport = pinfo->destport; rule_info->inbound = TRUE; rule_info->deny = TRUE; rule_info->product = 0; rule_w = dlg_window_new("Firewall ACL Rules"); gtk_widget_set_name(rule_w, "Firewall ACL rule window"); gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(rule_w), 6); /* setup the container */ tooltips = gtk_tooltips_new (); vbox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 6); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(rule_w), vbox); /* rule type selectors hbox */ hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 1); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0); /* product selector */ label = gtk_label_new("Product"); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), label, FALSE, FALSE, 0); product_combo_box = gtk_combo_box_new_text(); for (i = 0; i < NUM_PRODS; i++) { gtk_combo_box_append_text(GTK_COMBO_BOX(product_combo_box), products[i].name); } g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(product_combo_box), WS_RULE_INFO_KEY, rule_info); g_signal_connect(product_combo_box, "changed", G_CALLBACK(select_product), NULL); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), product_combo_box, FALSE, FALSE, 5); /* type selector */ label = gtk_label_new("Filter"); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), label, FALSE, FALSE, 10); rule_info->filter_combo_box = ws_combo_box_new_text_and_pointer(); g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(rule_info->filter_combo_box), WS_RULE_INFO_KEY, rule_info); \ g_signal_connect(rule_info->filter_combo_box, "changed", G_CALLBACK(select_filter), NULL); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), rule_info->filter_combo_box, FALSE, FALSE, 5); /* inbound selector */ rule_info->inbound_cb = gtk_check_button_new_with_label("Inbound"); gtk_toggle_button_set_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(rule_info->inbound_cb), rule_info->inbound); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), rule_info->inbound_cb, FALSE, FALSE, 10); g_signal_connect(rule_info->inbound_cb, "toggled", G_CALLBACK(toggle_inbound), rule_info); /* deny selector */ rule_info->deny_cb = gtk_check_button_new_with_label("Deny"); gtk_toggle_button_set_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(rule_info->deny_cb), rule_info->deny); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), rule_info->deny_cb, FALSE, FALSE, 10); g_signal_connect(rule_info->deny_cb, "toggled", G_CALLBACK(toggle_deny), rule_info); /* create a scrolled window for the text */ txt_scrollw = scrolled_window_new(NULL, NULL); gtk_scrolled_window_set_shadow_type(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(txt_scrollw), GTK_SHADOW_IN); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), txt_scrollw, TRUE, TRUE, 0); /* create a text box */ text = gtk_text_view_new(); gtk_text_view_set_editable(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(text), FALSE); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(txt_scrollw), text); rule_info->text = text; /* Button row */ button_hbox = dlg_button_row_new(GTK_STOCK_HELP, GTK_STOCK_COPY, GTK_STOCK_SAVE, GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, NULL); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), button_hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0); /* Create Copy Button */ button = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(button_hbox), GTK_STOCK_COPY); g_signal_connect(button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK(firewall_copy_cmd_cb), rule_info); gtk_tooltips_set_tip (tooltips, button, "Copy rule to clipboard ", NULL); /* Create Save Button */ button = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(button_hbox), GTK_STOCK_SAVE); g_signal_connect(button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK(firewall_save_as_cmd_cb), rule_info); gtk_tooltips_set_tip (tooltips, button, "Save the rule as currently displayed ", NULL); button = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(button_hbox), GTK_STOCK_CANCEL); gtk_tooltips_set_tip (tooltips, button, "Cancel the dialog", NULL); window_set_cancel_button(rule_w, button, window_cancel_button_cb); button = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(button_hbox), GTK_STOCK_HELP); g_signal_connect(button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK(topic_cb), (gpointer)HELP_FIREWALL_DIALOG); /* Tuck away the rule_info object into the window */ g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(rule_w), WS_RULE_INFO_KEY, rule_info); g_signal_connect(rule_w, "delete_event", G_CALLBACK(window_delete_event_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect(rule_w, "destroy", G_CALLBACK(firewall_destroy_cb), NULL); /* Make sure this widget gets destroyed if we quit the main loop, so that if we exit, we clean up any temporary files we have for "Follow SSL Stream" windows. */ gtk_quit_add_destroy(gtk_main_level(), GTK_OBJECT(rule_w)); gtk_combo_box_set_active(GTK_COMBO_BOX(product_combo_box), 0); /* invokes select_product callback */ gtk_widget_show_all(rule_w); window_present(rule_w); } /* Set the current product. */ #define ADD_TO_FILTER_MENU(rt) \ ws_combo_box_append_text_and_pointer(GTK_COMBO_BOX(rule_info->filter_combo_box), name, GUINT_TO_POINTER(rt)); \ if (rule_type == RT_NONE) { \ rule_type = rt; \ } #define NAME_TCP_UDP (rule_info->ptype == PT_TCP ? "TCP" : "UDP") static void select_product(GtkWidget *w, gpointer data _U_) { guint prod = gtk_combo_box_get_active(GTK_COMBO_BOX(w)); rule_info_t *rule_info; gchar name[MAX_RULE_LEN], addr_str[MAX_RULE_LEN]; address *addr; rule_type_t rule_type = RT_NONE; gboolean sensitive = FALSE; rule_info = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(w), WS_RULE_INFO_KEY); if (prod >= NUM_PRODS || !rule_info) return; rule_info->product = prod; /* Clear the list store (ie: the como_box list items) */ ws_combo_box_clear_text_and_pointer(GTK_COMBO_BOX(rule_info->filter_combo_box)); /* Fill in valid combo_box list items (in the list store). */ if (products[prod].mac_func && rule_info->dl_src.type == AT_ETHER) { addr = &(rule_info->dl_src); address_to_str_buf(addr, name, MAX_RULE_LEN); ADD_TO_FILTER_MENU(RT_MAC_SRC); addr = &(rule_info->dl_dst); address_to_str_buf(addr, name, MAX_RULE_LEN); ADD_TO_FILTER_MENU(RT_MAC_DST); } if (products[prod].ipv4_func && rule_info->net_src.type == AT_IPv4) { addr = &(rule_info->net_src); address_to_str_buf(addr, name, MAX_RULE_LEN); ADD_TO_FILTER_MENU(RT_IPv4_SRC); addr = &(rule_info->net_dst); address_to_str_buf(addr, name, MAX_RULE_LEN); ADD_TO_FILTER_MENU(RT_IPv4_DST); } if (products[prod].port_func && (rule_info->ptype == PT_TCP || rule_info->ptype == PT_UDP)) { g_snprintf(name, MAX_RULE_LEN, "%s port %u", NAME_TCP_UDP, rule_info->srcport); ADD_TO_FILTER_MENU(RT_PORT_SRC); if (rule_info->srcport != rule_info->destport) { g_snprintf(name, MAX_RULE_LEN, "%s port %u", NAME_TCP_UDP, rule_info->destport); ADD_TO_FILTER_MENU(RT_PORT_DST); } } if (products[prod].ipv4_port_func && rule_info->net_src.type == AT_IPv4 && (rule_info->ptype == PT_TCP || rule_info->ptype == PT_UDP)) { addr = &(rule_info->net_src); address_to_str_buf(addr, addr_str, MAX_RULE_LEN); g_snprintf(name, MAX_RULE_LEN, "%s + %s port %u", addr_str, NAME_TCP_UDP, rule_info->srcport); ADD_TO_FILTER_MENU(RT_IPv4_PORT_SRC); addr = &(rule_info->net_dst); address_to_str_buf(addr, addr_str, MAX_RULE_LEN); g_snprintf(name, MAX_RULE_LEN, "%s + %s port %u", addr_str, NAME_TCP_UDP, rule_info->destport); ADD_TO_FILTER_MENU(RT_IPv4_PORT_DST); } if (rule_type != RT_NONE) { gtk_combo_box_set_active(GTK_COMBO_BOX(rule_info->filter_combo_box), 0); /* invokes select_filter callback */ sensitive = TRUE; } else { select_filter(rule_info->filter_combo_box, NULL); /* Call if RT_NONE [with nothing selected] */ } gtk_widget_set_sensitive(rule_info->filter_combo_box, sensitive); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(rule_info->inbound_cb, products[prod].does_inbound && sensitive); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(rule_info->deny_cb, sensitive); } /* Set the rule text based upon the current product and current filter. */ static void select_filter(GtkWidget *w, gpointer data _U_) { rule_type_t cur_type; rule_info_t *rule_info; gpointer ptr; rule_info = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(w), WS_RULE_INFO_KEY); if (!rule_info) return; if (ws_combo_box_get_active_pointer(GTK_COMBO_BOX(w), &ptr)) cur_type = GPOINTER_TO_UINT(ptr); else cur_type = RT_NONE; /* If nothing selected (eg: nothing in filter list) */ if (cur_type >= NUM_RULE_TYPES) return; rule_info->rule_type = cur_type; set_rule_text(rule_info); } /* Set inbound/outbound */ static void toggle_inbound(GtkToggleButton *t, gpointer data) { rule_info_t *rule_info = (rule_info_t *) data; rule_info->inbound = gtk_toggle_button_get_active(t); set_rule_text(rule_info); } /* Set deny/allow. */ static void toggle_deny(GtkToggleButton *t, gpointer data) { rule_info_t *rule_info = (rule_info_t *) data; rule_info->deny = gtk_toggle_button_get_active(t); set_rule_text(rule_info); } /* Set the rule text */ #define DL_ADDR (rt == RT_MAC_SRC ? &(rule_info->dl_src) : &(rule_info->dl_dst)) #define NET_ADDR (rt == RT_IPv4_SRC ? &(rule_info->net_src) : &(rule_info->net_dst)) #define NET_PORT (rt == RT_PORT_SRC ? rule_info->srcport : rule_info->destport) static void set_rule_text(rule_info_t *rule_info) { GString *rtxt = g_string_new(""); gchar addr_str[MAX_RULE_LEN]; rule_type_t rt = rule_info->rule_type; guint prod = rule_info->product; address *addr = NULL; guint32 port = 0; syntax_func rt_func = NULL; GtkTextBuffer *buf = gtk_text_view_get_buffer(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(rule_info->text)); if (prod < NUM_PRODS) { g_string_printf(rtxt, "%s %s\n", products[prod].comment_pfx, products[prod].name); switch(rt) { case RT_NONE: g_string_append_printf(rtxt, "%s Not supported", products[prod].comment_pfx); rt_func = sf_dummy; break; case RT_MAC_SRC: case RT_MAC_DST: addr = DL_ADDR; address_to_str_buf(addr, addr_str, MAX_RULE_LEN); rt_func = products[prod].mac_func; break; case RT_IPv4_SRC: case RT_IPv4_DST: addr = NET_ADDR; address_to_str_buf(addr, addr_str, MAX_RULE_LEN); rt_func = products[prod].ipv4_func; break; case RT_PORT_SRC: case RT_PORT_DST: port = NET_PORT; rt_func = products[prod].port_func; break; case RT_IPv4_PORT_SRC: case RT_IPv4_PORT_DST: addr = NET_ADDR; address_to_str_buf(addr, addr_str, MAX_RULE_LEN); port = NET_PORT; rt_func = products[prod].ipv4_port_func; break; default: break; } } if (rt_func) { rt_func(rtxt, addr_str, port, rule_info->ptype, rule_info->inbound, rule_info->deny); } else { g_string_append_printf(rtxt, "ERROR: Unable to create rule"); } gtk_text_buffer_set_text(buf, rtxt->str, (gint) rtxt->len); g_string_free(rtxt, TRUE); } /* Rule text functions */ /* Dummy */ static void sf_dummy(GString *rtxt _U_, gchar *addr _U_, guint32 port _U_, port_type ptype _U_, gboolean inbound _U_, gboolean deny _U_) { } /* MAC */ #define IPFW_DENY (deny ? "deny" : "allow") #define IPFW_IN (inbound ? "in" : "out") static void sf_ipfw_mac(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port _U_, port_type ptype _U_, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny) { g_string_append_printf(rtxt, "add %s MAC %s any %s", IPFW_DENY, addr, IPFW_IN); } #define NF_DROP (deny ? "DROP" : "ACCEPT") #define NF_INPUT (inbound ? "INPUT" : "OUTPUT") static void sf_netfilter_mac(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port _U_, port_type ptype _U_, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny) { g_string_append_printf(rtxt, "iptables -A %s --mac-source %s -j %s", NF_INPUT, addr, NF_DROP); } /* IPv4 */ #define IOS_DENY (deny ? "deny" : "permit") static void sf_ios_std_ipv4(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port _U_, port_type ptype _U_, gboolean inbound _U_, gboolean deny) { g_string_append_printf(rtxt, "access-list NUMBER %s host %s", IOS_DENY, addr); } static void sf_ios_ext_ipv4(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port _U_, port_type ptype _U_, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny) { if (inbound) g_string_append_printf(rtxt, "access-list NUMBER %s ip host %s any", IOS_DENY, addr); else g_string_append_printf(rtxt, "access-list NUMBER %s ip any host %s", IOS_DENY, addr); } #define IPFILTER_DENY (deny ? "block" : "pass") #define IPFILTER_IN (inbound ? "in" : "out") static void sf_ipfilter_ipv4(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port _U_, port_type ptype _U_, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny) { g_string_append_printf(rtxt, "%s %s on le0 from %s to any", IPFILTER_DENY, IPFILTER_IN, addr); } static void sf_ipfw_ipv4(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port _U_, port_type ptype _U_, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny) { g_string_append_printf(rtxt, "add %s ip from %s to any %s", IPFW_DENY, addr, IPFW_IN); } static void sf_netfilter_ipv4(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port _U_, port_type ptype _U_, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny) { g_string_append_printf(rtxt, "iptables -A %s -i eth0 -d %s/32 -j %s", NF_INPUT, addr, NF_DROP); } #define PF_DENY (deny ? "block" : "pass") #define PF_IN (inbound ? "in" : "out") static void sf_pf_ipv4(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port _U_, port_type ptype _U_, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny) { g_string_append_printf(rtxt, "%s %s quick on $ext_if from %s to any", PF_DENY, PF_IN, addr); } /* Port */ #define RT_TCP_UDP (ptype == PT_TCP ? "tcp" : "udp") static void sf_ios_ext_port(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr _U_, guint32 port, port_type ptype, gboolean inbound _U_, gboolean deny) { g_string_append_printf(rtxt, "access-list NUMBER %s %s any any eq %u", IOS_DENY, RT_TCP_UDP, port); } static void sf_ipfilter_port(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr _U_, guint32 port, port_type ptype _U_, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny) { g_string_append_printf(rtxt, "%s %s on le0 proto %s from any to any port = %u", IPFILTER_DENY, IPFILTER_IN, RT_TCP_UDP, port); } static void sf_ipfw_port(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr _U_, guint32 port, port_type ptype, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny) { g_string_append_printf(rtxt, "add %s %s from any to any %u %s", IPFW_DENY, RT_TCP_UDP, port, IPFW_IN); } static void sf_netfilter_port(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr _U_, guint32 port, port_type ptype, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny) { g_string_append_printf(rtxt, "iptables -A %s -p %s --destination-port %u -j %s", NF_INPUT, RT_TCP_UDP, port, NF_DROP); } static void sf_pf_port(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr _U_, guint32 port, port_type ptype, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny) { g_string_append_printf(rtxt, "%s %s quick on $ext_if proto %s from any to any port %u", PF_DENY, PF_IN, RT_TCP_UDP, port); } #define NETSH_DENY (deny ? "DISABLE" : "ENABLE") static void sf_netsh_port(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr _U_, guint32 port, port_type ptype, gboolean inbound _U_, gboolean deny) { g_string_append_printf(rtxt, "add portopening %s %u Wireshark %s", RT_TCP_UDP, port, NETSH_DENY); } /* IPv4 + port */ static void sf_ios_ext_ipv4_port(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port _U_, port_type ptype _U_, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny) { if (inbound) g_string_append_printf(rtxt, "access-list NUMBER %s %s host %s any eq %u", IOS_DENY, RT_TCP_UDP, addr, port); else g_string_append_printf(rtxt, "access-list NUMBER %s %s any host %s eq %u", IOS_DENY, RT_TCP_UDP, addr, port); } static void sf_ipfilter_ipv4_port(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port, port_type ptype, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny) { if (inbound) g_string_append_printf(rtxt, "%s %s on le0 proto %s from %s to any port = %u", IPFILTER_DENY, IPFILTER_IN, RT_TCP_UDP, addr, port); else g_string_append_printf(rtxt, "%s %s on le0 proto %s from any to %s port = %u", IPFILTER_DENY, IPFILTER_IN, RT_TCP_UDP, addr, port); } static void sf_ipfw_ipv4_port(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port, port_type ptype, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny) { g_string_append_printf(rtxt, "add %s %s from %s to any %u %s", IPFW_DENY, RT_TCP_UDP, addr, port, IPFW_IN); } static void sf_pf_ipv4_port(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port, port_type ptype, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny) { g_string_append_printf(rtxt, "%s %s quick on $ext_if proto %s from %s to any port %u", PF_DENY, PF_IN, RT_TCP_UDP, addr, port); } static void sf_netfilter_ipv4_port(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port, port_type ptype, gboolean inbound, gboolean deny) { g_string_append_printf(rtxt, "iptables -A %s -p %s -d %s/32 --destination-port %u -j %s", NF_INPUT, RT_TCP_UDP, addr, port, NF_DROP); } static void sf_netsh_ipv4_port(GString *rtxt, gchar *addr, guint32 port, port_type ptype, gboolean inbound _U_, gboolean deny) { g_string_append_printf(rtxt, "add portopening %s %u Wireshark %s %s", RT_TCP_UDP, port, NETSH_DENY, addr); } /* The destroy call back has the responsibility of * unlinking the temporary file * and freeing the filter_out_filter */ static void firewall_destroy_cb(GtkWidget *w, gpointer data _U_) { rule_info_t *rule_info; rule_info = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(w), WS_RULE_INFO_KEY); #if 0 forget_rule_info(rule_info); #endif g_free(rule_info); } static void firewall_copy_cmd_cb(GtkWidget *w _U_, gpointer data) { rule_info_t *rule_info = data; GtkTextIter start, end; GtkTextBuffer *buf; buf = gtk_text_view_get_buffer(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(rule_info->text)); gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter(buf, &start); gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter(buf, &end); gtk_text_buffer_select_range(buf, &start, &end); gtk_text_buffer_copy_clipboard(buf, gtk_clipboard_get(GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD)); } /* * Keep a static pointer to the current "Save SSL Follow Stream As" window, if * any, so that if somebody tries to do "Save" * while there's already a "Save SSL Follow Stream" window up, we just pop * up the existing one, rather than creating a new one. */ static void firewall_save_as_cmd_cb(GtkWidget *w _U_, gpointer data) { GtkWidget *new_win; rule_info_t *rule_info = data; #if 0 /* XXX: GtkFileChooserDialog/gtk_dialog_run currently being used is effectively modal so this is not req'd */ if (rule_info->firewall_save_as_w != NULL) { /* There's already a dialog box; reactivate it. */ reactivate_window(rule_info->firewall_save_as_w); return; } #endif new_win = file_selection_new("Wireshark: Save Firewall ACL Rule", FILE_SELECTION_SAVE); rule_info->firewall_save_as_w = new_win; #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,8,0) gtk_file_chooser_set_do_overwrite_confirmation(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(new_win), TRUE); #endif /* Tuck away the rule_info object into the window */ g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(new_win), WS_RULE_INFO_KEY, rule_info); g_signal_connect(new_win, "destroy", G_CALLBACK(firewall_save_as_destroy_cb), rule_info); #if 0 if (gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(new_win)) == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT) { firewall_save_as_ok_cb(new_win, new_win); } else { window_destroy(new_win); } #else /* "Run" the GtkFileChooserDialog. */ /* Upon exit: If "Accept" run the OK callback. */ /* If the OK callback returns with a FALSE status, re-run the dialog.*/ /* If not accept (ie: cancel) destroy the window. */ /* XXX: If the OK callback pops up an alert box (eg: for an error) it *must* */ /* return with a TRUE status so that the dialog window will be destroyed. */ /* Trying to re-run the dialog after popping up an alert box will not work */ /* since the user will not be able to dismiss the alert box. */ /* The (somewhat unfriendly) effect: the user must re-invoke the */ /* GtkFileChooserDialog whenever the OK callback pops up an alert box. */ /* */ /* ToDo: use GtkFileChooserWidget in a dialog window instead of */ /* GtkFileChooserDialog. */ while (gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(new_win)) == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT) { if (firewall_save_as_ok_cb(NULL, new_win)) { break; /* we're done */ } } window_destroy(new_win); #endif } static gboolean firewall_save_as_ok_cb(GtkWidget * w _U_, gpointer fs) { gchar *to_name, *rule; rule_info_t *rule_info; FILE *fh; gchar *dirname; GtkTextIter start, end; GtkTextBuffer *buf; to_name = gtk_file_chooser_get_filename(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(fs)); /* Perhaps the user specified a directory instead of a file. Check whether they did. */ if (test_for_directory(to_name) == EISDIR) { /* It's a directory - set the file selection box to display that directory, and leave the selection box displayed. */ set_last_open_dir(to_name); g_free(to_name); file_selection_set_current_folder(fs, get_last_open_dir()); gtk_file_chooser_set_current_name(fs, ""); return FALSE; /* run the dialog again */ } rule_info = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(fs), WS_RULE_INFO_KEY); fh = ws_fopen(to_name, "w"); if (fh == NULL) { open_failure_alert_box(to_name, errno, TRUE); g_free(to_name); return TRUE; } buf = gtk_text_view_get_buffer(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(rule_info->text)); gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter(buf, &start); gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter(buf, &end); rule = gtk_text_buffer_get_text(buf, &start, &end, FALSE); fputs(rule, fh); fclose(fh); #if 0 /* handled by caller (for now) */ gtk_widget_hide(GTK_WIDGET(fs)); window_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(fs)); #endif /* Save the directory name for future file dialogs. */ dirname = get_dirname(to_name); /* Overwrites to_name */ set_last_open_dir(dirname); g_free(to_name); return TRUE; } static void firewall_save_as_destroy_cb(GtkWidget * win _U_, gpointer data) { rule_info_t *rule_info = data; /* Note that we no longer have a dialog box. */ rule_info->firewall_save_as_w = NULL; }