/* snort-config.h * * Copyright 2016, Martin Mathieson * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #ifndef SNORT_CONFIG_H #define SNORT_CONFIG_H #include "ws_attributes.h" /* #define SNORT_CONFIG_DEBUG */ #ifdef SNORT_CONFIG_DEBUG #define snort_debug_printf printf #else #define snort_debug_printf(...) #endif /************************************************************************/ /* Rule related data types */ typedef enum content_type_t { Content, UriContent, Pcre } content_type_t; /* Content (within an alert/rule) */ typedef struct content_t { /* Details as parsed from rule */ content_type_t content_type; char *str; gboolean negation; /* i.e. pattern must not appear */ gboolean nocase; /* when set, do case insensitive match */ gboolean offset_set; /* Where to start looking within packet. -65535 -> 65535 */ gint offset; guint depth; /* How far to look into packet. Can't be 0 */ gboolean distance_set; gint distance; /* Same as offset but relative to last match. -65535 -> 65535 */ guint within; /* Most bytes from end of previous match. Max 65535 */ gboolean fastpattern; /* Is most distinctive content in rule */ gboolean rawbytes; /* Match should be done against raw bytes (which we do anyway) */ /* http preprocessor modifiers */ gboolean http_method; gboolean http_client_body; gboolean http_cookie; gboolean http_user_agent; /* Pattern converted into bytes for matching against packet. Used for regular patterns and PCREs alike. */ guchar *translated_str; gboolean translated; guint translated_length; gboolean pcre_case_insensitive; gboolean pcre_dot_includes_newline; gboolean pcre_raw; gboolean pcre_multiline; } content_t; /* This is to keep track of a variable referenced by a rule */ typedef struct used_variable_t { char *name; char *value; } used_variable_t; /* The collection of variables referenced by a rule */ typedef struct relevant_vars_t { gboolean relevant_vars_set; #define MAX_RULE_PORT_VARS 6 guint num_port_vars; used_variable_t port_vars[MAX_RULE_PORT_VARS]; #define MAX_RULE_IP_VARS 6 guint num_ip_vars; used_variable_t ip_vars[MAX_RULE_IP_VARS]; } relevant_vars_t; /* This is purely the information parsed from the config */ typedef struct Rule_t { char *rule_string; /* The whole rule as read from the rule file */ char *file; /* Name of the rule file */ guint line_number; /* Line number of rule within rule file */ char *msg; /* Description of the rule */ char *classtype; guint32 sid, rev; char *protocol; /* content strings to match on */ unsigned int number_contents; #define MAX_CONTENT_ENTRIES 30 content_t contents[MAX_CONTENT_ENTRIES]; /* Keep this pointer so can update attributes as parse modifier options */ content_t *last_added_content; /* References describing the rule */ unsigned int number_references; #define MAX_REFERENCE_ENTRIES 20 char *references[MAX_REFERENCE_ENTRIES]; relevant_vars_t relevant_vars; /* Statistics */ guint matches_seen; } Rule_t; /* Whole global snort config as learned by parsing config files */ typedef struct SnortConfig_t { /* Variables (var, ipvar, portvar) */ GHashTable *vars; GHashTable *ipvars; GHashTable *portvars; char *rule_path; gboolean rule_path_is_absolute; /* (sid -> Rule_t*) table */ GHashTable *rules; /* Reference (web .link) prefixes */ GHashTable *references_prefixes; /* Statistics (that may be reset) */ guint stat_rules_files; guint stat_rules; guint stat_alerts_detected; } SnortConfig_t; /*************************************************************************************/ /* API functions */ void create_config(SnortConfig_t **snort_config, const char *snort_config_file); void delete_config(SnortConfig_t **snort_config); /* Look up rule by SID */ Rule_t *get_rule(SnortConfig_t *snort_config, guint32 sid); void rule_set_alert(SnortConfig_t *snort_config, Rule_t *rule, guint *global_match_number, guint *rule_match_number); /* IP and port vars */ void rule_set_relevant_vars(SnortConfig_t *snort_config, Rule_t *rule); /* Substitute prefix (from reference.config) into reference string */ char *expand_reference(SnortConfig_t *snort_config, char *reference); /* Rule stats */ void get_global_rule_stats(SnortConfig_t *snort_config, unsigned int sid, unsigned int *number_rules_files, unsigned int *number_rules, unsigned int *alerts_detected, unsigned int *this_rule_alerts_detected); void reset_global_rule_stats(SnortConfig_t *snort_config); /* Expanding a content field string to the expected binary bytes */ guint content_convert_to_binary(content_t *content); gboolean content_convert_pcre_for_regex(content_t *content); #endif /* * Editor modelines - http://www.wireshark.org/tools/modelines.html * * Local variables: * c-basic-offset: 4 * tab-width: 8 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: * * vi: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab: * :indentSize=4:tabSize=8:noTabs=true: */