/* capture.c * Routines for packet capture windows * * $Id: capture.c,v 1.67 1999/09/11 06:23:22 guy Exp $ * * Ethereal - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_STAT_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_NET_IF_H #include #endif #include #include #ifdef NEED_SNPRINTF_H # ifdef HAVE_STDARG_H # include # else # include # endif # include "snprintf.h" #endif #include "gtk/main.h" #include "packet.h" #include "file.h" #include "gtk/menu.h" #include "capture.h" #include "util.h" #include "prefs.h" #include "globals.h" static void capture_stop_cb(GtkWidget *, gpointer); static void capture_pcap_cb(u_char *, const struct pcap_pkthdr *, const u_char *); static float pct(gint, gint); typedef struct _loop_data { gint go; gint max; gint linktype; gint sync_packets; packet_counts counts; wtap_dumper *pdh; } loop_data; void capture(void) { GtkWidget *cap_w, *main_vb, *count_lb, *tcp_lb, *udp_lb, *icmp_lb, *ospf_lb, *gre_lb, *netbios_lb, *other_lb, *stop_bt; pcap_t *pch; gchar err_str[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE], label_str[32]; loop_data ld; bpf_u_int32 netnum, netmask; time_t upd_time, cur_time; int err, inpkts; char *errmsg; char errmsg_errno[1024+1]; ld.go = TRUE; ld.counts.total = 0; ld.max = cf.count; ld.linktype = WTAP_ENCAP_UNKNOWN; ld.sync_packets = 0; ld.counts.tcp = 0; ld.counts.udp = 0; ld.counts.icmp = 0; ld.counts.ospf = 0; ld.counts.gre = 0; ld.counts.netbios = 0; ld.counts.other = 0; ld.pdh = NULL; close_cap_file(&cf, info_bar, file_ctx); pch = pcap_open_live(cf.iface, cf.snap, 1, 250, err_str); if (pch) { ld.linktype = wtap_pcap_encap_to_wtap_encap(pcap_datalink(pch)); if (ld.linktype == WTAP_ENCAP_UNKNOWN) { errmsg = "The network you're capturing from is of a type" " that Ethereal doesn't support."; goto fail; } ld.pdh = wtap_dump_fdopen(cf.save_file_fd, WTAP_FILE_PCAP, ld.linktype, pcap_snapshot(pch), &err); if (ld.pdh == NULL) { /* We have an error */ switch (err) { case WTAP_ERR_CANT_OPEN: errmsg = "The file to which the capture would be saved" " couldn't be created for some unknown reason."; break; case WTAP_ERR_SHORT_WRITE: errmsg = "A full header couldn't be written to the file" " to which the capture would be saved."; break; default: if (err < 0) { sprintf(errmsg_errno, "The file to which the capture would be" " saved (\"%%s\") could not be opened: Error %d.", err); } else { sprintf(errmsg_errno, "The file to which the capture would be" " saved (\"%%s\") could not be opened: %s.", strerror(err)); } errmsg = errmsg_errno; break; } fail: snprintf(err_str, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, errmsg, cf.save_file); simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_WARN, NULL, err_str); pcap_close(pch); return; } if (cf.cfilter) { if (pcap_lookupnet (cf.iface, &netnum, &netmask, err_str) < 0) { simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_WARN, NULL, "Can't use filter: Couldn't obtain netmask info (%s).", err_str); wtap_dump_close(ld.pdh, NULL); unlink(cf.save_file); /* silently ignore error */ pcap_close(pch); return; } else if (pcap_compile(pch, &cf.fcode, cf.cfilter, 1, netmask) < 0) { simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_WARN, NULL, "Unable to parse filter string (%s).", pcap_geterr(pch)); wtap_dump_close(ld.pdh, NULL); unlink(cf.save_file); /* silently ignore error */ pcap_close(pch); return; } else if (pcap_setfilter(pch, &cf.fcode) < 0) { simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_WARN, NULL, "Can't install filter (%s).", pcap_geterr(pch)); wtap_dump_close(ld.pdh, NULL); unlink(cf.save_file); /* silently ignore error */ pcap_close(pch); return; } } if (sync_mode) { /* Sync out the capture file, so the header makes it to the file system, and signal our parent so that they'll open the capture file and update its windows to indicate that we have a live capture in progress. */ fflush(wtap_dump_file(ld.pdh)); kill(getppid(), SIGUSR2); } cap_w = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL); gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(cap_w), "Ethereal: Capture / Playback"); /* Container for capture display widgets */ main_vb = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 1); gtk_container_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(main_vb), 5); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(cap_w), main_vb); gtk_widget_show(main_vb); count_lb = gtk_label_new("Count: 0"); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(main_vb), count_lb, FALSE, FALSE, 3); gtk_widget_show(count_lb); tcp_lb = gtk_label_new("TCP: 0 (0.0%)"); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(main_vb), tcp_lb, FALSE, FALSE, 3); gtk_widget_show(tcp_lb); udp_lb = gtk_label_new("UDP: 0 (0.0%)"); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(main_vb), udp_lb, FALSE, FALSE, 3); gtk_widget_show(udp_lb); icmp_lb = gtk_label_new("ICMP: 0 (0.0%)"); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(main_vb), icmp_lb, FALSE, FALSE, 3); gtk_widget_show(icmp_lb); ospf_lb = gtk_label_new("OSPF: 0 (0.0%)"); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(main_vb), ospf_lb, FALSE, FALSE, 3); gtk_widget_show(ospf_lb); gre_lb = gtk_label_new("GRE: 0 (0.0%)"); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(main_vb), gre_lb, FALSE, FALSE, 3); gtk_widget_show(gre_lb); netbios_lb = gtk_label_new("NetBIOS: 0 (0.0%)"); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(main_vb), netbios_lb, FALSE, FALSE, 3); gtk_widget_show(netbios_lb); other_lb = gtk_label_new("Other: 0 (0.0%)"); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(main_vb), other_lb, FALSE, FALSE, 3); gtk_widget_show(other_lb); stop_bt = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Stop"); gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(stop_bt), "clicked", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(capture_stop_cb), (gpointer) &ld); gtk_box_pack_end(GTK_BOX(main_vb), stop_bt, FALSE, FALSE, 3); GTK_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS(stop_bt, GTK_CAN_DEFAULT); gtk_widget_grab_default(stop_bt); GTK_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS(stop_bt, GTK_CAN_DEFAULT); gtk_widget_grab_default(stop_bt); gtk_widget_show(stop_bt); gtk_widget_show(cap_w); gtk_grab_add(cap_w); upd_time = time(NULL); while (ld.go) { while (gtk_events_pending()) gtk_main_iteration(); inpkts = pcap_dispatch(pch, 1, capture_pcap_cb, (u_char *) &ld); if (inpkts > 0) ld.sync_packets += inpkts; /* Only update once a second so as not to overload slow displays */ cur_time = time(NULL); if (cur_time > upd_time) { upd_time = cur_time; sprintf(label_str, "Count: %d", ld.counts.total); gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(count_lb), label_str); sprintf(label_str, "TCP: %d (%.1f%%)", ld.counts.tcp, pct(ld.counts.tcp, ld.counts.total)); gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(tcp_lb), label_str); sprintf(label_str, "UDP: %d (%.1f%%)", ld.counts.udp, pct(ld.counts.udp, ld.counts.total)); gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(udp_lb), label_str); sprintf(label_str, "ICMP: %d (%.1f%%)", ld.counts.icmp, pct(ld.counts.icmp, ld.counts.total)); gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(icmp_lb), label_str); sprintf(label_str, "OSPF: %d (%.1f%%)", ld.counts.ospf, pct(ld.counts.ospf, ld.counts.total)); gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(ospf_lb), label_str); sprintf(label_str, "GRE: %d (%.1f%%)", ld.counts.gre, pct(ld.counts.gre, ld.counts.total)); gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(gre_lb), label_str); sprintf(label_str, "NetBIOS: %d (%.1f%%)", ld.counts.netbios, pct(ld.counts.netbios, ld.counts.total)); gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(netbios_lb), label_str); sprintf(label_str, "Other: %d (%.1f%%)", ld.counts.other, pct(ld.counts.other, ld.counts.total)); gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(other_lb), label_str); /* do sync here, too */ fflush(wtap_dump_file(ld.pdh)); if (sync_mode && ld.sync_packets) { char tmp[20]; sprintf(tmp, "%d*", ld.sync_packets); write(1, tmp, strlen(tmp)); ld.sync_packets = 0; } } } if (ld.pdh) { if (!wtap_dump_close(ld.pdh, &err)) { switch (err) { case WTAP_ERR_CANT_CLOSE: errmsg = "The file to which the capture was being saved" " couldn't be closed for some unknown reason."; break; case WTAP_ERR_SHORT_WRITE: errmsg = "Not all the data could be written to the file" " to which the capture was being saved."; break; default: if (err < 0) { sprintf(errmsg_errno, "The file to which the capture was being" " saved (\"%%s\") could not be closed: Error %d.", err); } else { sprintf(errmsg_errno, "The file to which the capture was being" " saved (\"%%s\") could not be closed: %s.", strerror(err)); } errmsg = errmsg_errno; break; } snprintf(err_str, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, errmsg, cf.save_file); simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_WARN, NULL, err_str); } } pcap_close(pch); gtk_grab_remove(GTK_WIDGET(cap_w)); gtk_widget_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(cap_w)); } else { while (gtk_events_pending()) gtk_main_iteration(); simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_WARN, NULL, "The capture session could not be initiated (%s).\n" "Please check to make sure you have sufficient permissions, and that\n" "you have the proper interface specified.", err_str); } if( quit_after_cap ){ /* DON'T unlink the save file. Presumably someone wants it. */ gtk_exit(0); } if (pch) { /* "pch" is non-NULL only if we successfully started a capture. If we haven't, there's no capture file to load. */ if ((err = open_cap_file(cf.save_file, &cf)) == 0) { /* Set the read filter to NULL. */ cf.rfcode = NULL; err = read_cap_file(&cf); set_menu_sensitivity("/File/Save", TRUE); set_menu_sensitivity("/File/Save As...", FALSE); } } } static float pct(gint num, gint denom) { if (denom) { return (float) num * 100.0 / (float) denom; } else { return 0.0; } } static void capture_stop_cb(GtkWidget *w, gpointer data) { loop_data *ld = (loop_data *) data; ld->go = FALSE; } static void capture_pcap_cb(u_char *user, const struct pcap_pkthdr *phdr, const u_char *pd) { struct wtap_pkthdr whdr; loop_data *ld = (loop_data *) user; int err; if ((++ld->counts.total >= ld->max) && (ld->max > 0)) { ld->go = FALSE; } if (ld->pdh) { whdr.ts = phdr->ts; whdr.caplen = phdr->caplen; whdr.len = phdr->len; whdr.pkt_encap = ld->linktype; /* XXX - do something if this fails */ wtap_dump(ld->pdh, &whdr, pd, &err); } switch (ld->linktype) { case WTAP_ENCAP_ETHERNET: capture_eth(pd, phdr->caplen, &ld->counts); break; case WTAP_ENCAP_FDDI: case WTAP_ENCAP_FDDI_BITSWAPPED: capture_fddi(pd, phdr->caplen, &ld->counts); break; case WTAP_ENCAP_TR: capture_tr(pd, phdr->caplen, &ld->counts); break; case WTAP_ENCAP_NULL: capture_null(pd, phdr->caplen, &ld->counts); break; case WTAP_ENCAP_PPP: capture_ppp(pd, phdr->caplen, &ld->counts); break; case WTAP_ENCAP_RAW_IP: capture_raw(pd, phdr->caplen, &ld->counts); break; /* XXX - FreeBSD may append 4-byte ATM pseudo-header to DLT_ATM_RFC1483, with LLC header following; we should implement it at some point. */ } } #endif /* HAVE_LIBPCAP */