-- Module IN-SCF-SRF-datatypes (Q.1248.3:07/2001) IN-SCF-SRF-datatypes {itu-t recommendation q 1248 modules(1) in-scf-srf-datatypes(10) version1(0)} DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS tc-Messages, common-classes, common-datatypes, ssf-scf-classes, scf-srf-classes, ssf-scf-datatypes, ros-InformationObjects FROM IN-object-identifiers {itu-t recommendation q 1248 modules(1) in-object-identifiers(0) version1(0)} EXTENSION, SupportedExtensions, COMMON-BOUNDS FROM IN-common-classes common-classes Integer4 FROM IN-common-datatypes common-datatypes Code FROM Remote-Operations-Information-Objects ros-InformationObjects Digits{}, DisplayInformation{}, SDSSinformation{} FROM IN-SSF-SCF-datatypes ssf-scf-datatypes SCF-SSF-BOUNDS FROM IN-SSF-SCF-Classes ssf-scf-classes SCF-SRF-BOUNDS FROM IN-SCF-SRF-Classes scf-srf-classes; -- The following three definitions are local short-hand notation for convenience. B1 ::= COMMON-BOUNDS -- defined in Q.1248.1 (Part 1 of Recommendation Q.1248) B2 ::= SCF-SSF-BOUNDS -- defined in Q.1248.2 (Part 2 of Recommendation Q.1248) B3 ::= SCF-SRF-BOUNDS -- defined in this Recommendation (Q.1248.3) CollectedDigits ::= SEQUENCE { minimumNbOfDigits [0] INTEGER(1..127) DEFAULT 1, maximumNbOfDigits [1] INTEGER(1..127), endOfReplyDigit [2] OCTET STRING(SIZE (1..2)) OPTIONAL, cancelDigit [3] OCTET STRING(SIZE (1..2)) OPTIONAL, startDigit [4] OCTET STRING(SIZE (1..2)) OPTIONAL, firstDigitTimeOut [5] INTEGER(1..127) OPTIONAL, interDigitTimeOut [6] INTEGER(1..127) OPTIONAL, errorTreatment [7] ErrorTreatment DEFAULT reportErrorToScf, interruptableAnnInd [8] BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, voiceInformation [9] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, voiceBack [10] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, detectModem [11] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, ... } -- The use of voiceBack is network operator specific. -- The endOfReplyDigit, cancelDigit, and startDigit parameters have been designated as OCTET STRING, -- and are to be encoded as BCD, one digit per octet only, contained -- in the four least significant bits of each OCTET. The usage is service dependent. CollectedInfo ::= CHOICE { collectedDigits [0] CollectedDigits, iA5Information [1] BOOLEAN, detectModem [2] BOOLEAN } ElementaryMessageID ::= Integer4 ErrorTreatment ::= ENUMERATED {reportErrorToScf(0), help(1), repeatPrompt(2)} -- reportErrorToScf means returning the "ImproperCallerResponse" error in the event of an error -- condition during collection of user info. GapOnResource ::= Code InbandInfo{B2:b2, B3:b3} ::= SEQUENCE { messageID [0] MessageID{b2, b3}, numberOfRepetitions [1] INTEGER(1..127) OPTIONAL, duration [2] INTEGER(0..32767) OPTIONAL, interval [3] INTEGER(0..32767) OPTIONAL, preferredLanguage [4] Language OPTIONAL, ... } -- Interval is the time in seconds between each repeated announcement. Duration is the total -- amount of time in seconds, including repetitions and intervals. -- The end of announcement is either the end of duration or numberOfRepetitions, whatever comes first. -- duration with value 0 indicates infinite duration InformationToRecord{B3:b3} ::= SEQUENCE { messageID [0] ElementaryMessageID OPTIONAL, messageDeletionTimeOut [1] INTEGER(1..3600) OPTIONAL, --Time units = hours timeToRecord [3] INTEGER(0..b3.&maxRecordingTime) OPTIONAL, --Time units = seconds controlDigits [4] SEQUENCE {endOfRecordingDigit [0] OCTET STRING(SIZE (1..2)) OPTIONAL, cancelDigit [1] OCTET STRING(SIZE (1..2)) OPTIONAL, replayDigit [2] OCTET STRING(SIZE (1..2)) OPTIONAL, restartRecordingDigit [3] OCTET STRING(SIZE (1..2)) OPTIONAL, restartAllowed [4] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, replayAllowed [5] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, ...}, ... } InformationToSend{B2:b2, B3:b3} ::= CHOICE { inbandInfo [0] InbandInfo{b2, b3}, tone [1] Tone, displayInformation [2] DisplayInformation{b2}, sDSSinformation [3] SDSSinformation{b2} } Language ::= PrintableString(SIZE (3)) -- ISO 639 codes only; MailBoxID{B3:b3} ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (b3.&minMailBoxIDLength..b3.&maxMailBoxIDLength)) Media ::= ENUMERATED {voiceMail(0), faxGroup3(1), faxGroup4(2)} MessageID{B2:b2, B3:b3} ::= CHOICE { elementaryMessageID [0] Integer4, text [1] SEQUENCE {messageContent [0] IA5String (SIZE (b3.&minMessageContentLength.. b3.&maxMessageContentLength)), attributes [1] OCTET STRING (SIZE (b3.&minAttributesLength.. b3.&maxAttributesLength)) OPTIONAL, ...}, elementaryMessageIDs [29] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..b3.&numOfMessageIDs) OF Integer4, variableMessage [30] SEQUENCE {elementaryMessageID [0] Integer4, variableParts [1] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..b3.&maxVariableParts) OF VariablePart{b2}, ...} } -- OPTIONAL denotes network operator specific use. ReceivedStatus ::= ENUMERATED { messageComplete(0), messageInterrupted(1), messageTimeOut(2)} RecordedMessageID ::= Integer4 SRFGapCriteria{B2:b2} ::= CHOICE { iPAddressValue [1] Digits{b2}, gapOnResource [2] GapOnResource, iPAddressAndresource [3] SEQUENCE {iPAddressValue [1] Digits{b2}, gapOnResource [2] GapOnResource, ...} } Tone ::= SEQUENCE { toneID [0] Integer4, duration [1] Integer4 OPTIONAL, ... } -- The duration specifies the length of the tone in seconds, value 0 indicates infinite duration. VariablePart{B2:b2} ::= CHOICE { integer [0] Integer4, number [1] Digits{b2}, -- Generic digits time [2] OCTET STRING(SIZE (2)), -- HH:MM, BCD coded date [3] OCTET STRING(SIZE (3)), -- YYMMDD, BCD coded price [4] OCTET STRING(SIZE (4)) } -- Indicates the variable part of the message. -- BCD coded variable parts are encoded as described in the examples below. -- For example, time = 12:15 would be encoded as: -- Bits HGFE DCBA -- leading octet 2 1 -- 5 1 -- date = 1993 September 30th would be encoded as: -- Bits HGFE DCBA -- leading octet 3 9 -- 9 0 -- 0 3 -- For a system operating when or after this Recommendation is released, the 2-digit value -- representing a Year shall be interpreted as follows: -- - If the two-digits value is 00 through 49 inclusive, it shall be interpreted as representing -- year 2000 through 2049. -- - If the two-digits value is 50 through 99 inclusive, it shall be interpreted as representing -- year 1950 through 1999. END -- Generated by Asnp, the ASN.1 pretty-printer of France Telecom R&D