-- Module CMIP-1 (X.711:10/1997) CMIP-1 {joint-iso-itu-t ms(9) cmip(1) modules(0) protocol(3)} DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS ERROR, OPERATION FROM Remote-Operations-Information-Objects {joint-iso-itu-t remote-operations(4) informationObjects(5) version1(0)} ROS{}, InvokeId, noInvokeId FROM Remote-Operations-Generic-ROS-PDUs {joint-iso-itu-t remote-operations(4) generic-ROS-PDUs(6) version1(0)}; CMIP-Operations OPERATION ::= {m-Action | m-Action-Confirmed | m-CancelGet | m-Create | m-Delete | m-EventReport | m-EventReport-Confirmed | m-Get | m-Linked-Reply | m-Set | m-Set-Confirmed} CMIP-Confirmed-Operations OPERATION ::= {m-Action-Confirmed | m-CancelGet | m-Create | m-Delete | m-EventReport-Confirmed | m-Get | m-Set-Confirmed} -- CMISE error definitions accessDenied ERROR ::= {PRIORITY {0} CODE local:2 } classInstanceConflict ERROR ::= { PARAMETER BaseManagedObjectId PRIORITY {1} CODE local:19 } complexityLimitation ERROR ::= { PARAMETER ComplexityLimitation OPTIONAL TRUE PRIORITY {1} CODE local:20 } duplicateManagedObjectInstance ERROR ::= { PARAMETER ObjectInstance PRIORITY {1} CODE local:11 } getListError ERROR ::= { PARAMETER GetListError PRIORITY {1} CODE local:7 } invalidArgumentValue ERROR ::= { PARAMETER InvalidArgumentValue PRIORITY {1} CODE local:15 } invalidAttributeValue ERROR ::= { PARAMETER Attribute PRIORITY {1} CODE local:6 } invalidFilter ERROR ::= { PARAMETER CMISFilter PRIORITY {1} CODE local:4 } invalidObjectInstance ERROR ::= { PARAMETER ObjectInstance PRIORITY {1} CODE local:17 } invalidScope ERROR ::= {PARAMETER Scope PRIORITY {1} CODE local:16 } missingAttributeValue ERROR ::= { PARAMETER SET OF AttributeId PRIORITY {1} CODE local:18 } mistypedOperation ERROR ::= {PRIORITY {1} CODE local:21 } noSuchAction ERROR ::= { PARAMETER NoSuchAction PRIORITY {1} CODE local:9 } noSuchArgument ERROR ::= { PARAMETER NoSuchArgument PRIORITY {1} CODE local:14 } noSuchAttribute ERROR ::= { PARAMETER AttributeId PRIORITY {1} CODE local:5 } noSuchEventType ERROR ::= { PARAMETER NoSuchEventType PRIORITY {1} CODE local:13 } noSuchInvokeId ERROR ::= { PARAMETER InvokeIDType PRIORITY {1} CODE local:22 } noSuchObjectClass ERROR ::= { PARAMETER ObjectClass PRIORITY {1} CODE local:0 } noSuchObjectInstance ERROR ::= { PARAMETER ObjectInstance PRIORITY {1} CODE local:1 } noSuchReferenceObject ERROR ::= { PARAMETER ObjectInstance PRIORITY {1} CODE local:12 } operationCancelled ERROR ::= {PRIORITY {1} CODE local:23 } processingFailure ERROR ::= { PARAMETER ProcessingFailure OPTIONAL TRUE PRIORITY {1} CODE local:10 } setListError ERROR ::= { PARAMETER SetListError PRIORITY {1} CODE local:8 } syncNotSupported ERROR ::= { PARAMETER CMISSync PRIORITY {1} CODE local:3 } -- CMISE operations -- Action operation (M-ACTION) m-Action OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT ActionArgument RETURN RESULT FALSE ALWAYS RESPONDS FALSE CODE local:6 } m-Action-Confirmed OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT ActionArgument RESULT ActionResult OPTIONAL TRUE -- this result is conditional; -- for conditions see of ITU-T Rec. X.710 ERRORS {accessDenied | classInstanceConflict | complexityLimitation | invalidScope | invalidArgumentValue | invalidFilter | noSuchAction | noSuchArgument | noSuchObjectClass | noSuchObjectInstance | processingFailure | syncNotSupported} LINKED {m-Linked-Reply} CODE local:7 } -- Cancel get operation (M-CANCEL-GET) m-CancelGet OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT InvokeIDType RETURN RESULT TRUE ERRORS {mistypedOperation | noSuchInvokeId | processingFailure} CODE local:10 } -- Create operation (M-CREATE) m-Create OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT CreateArgument RESULT CreateResult OPTIONAL TRUE -- this result is conditional; -- for conditions see of ITU-T Rec. X.710 ERRORS {accessDenied | classInstanceConflict | duplicateManagedObjectInstance | invalidAttributeValue | invalidObjectInstance | missingAttributeValue | noSuchAttribute | noSuchObjectClass | noSuchObjectInstance | noSuchReferenceObject | processingFailure} CODE local:8 } -- Delete operation (M-DELETE) m-Delete OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT DeleteArgument RESULT DeleteResult OPTIONAL TRUE -- this result is conditional; -- for conditions see of ITU-T Rec. X.710 ERRORS {accessDenied | classInstanceConflict | complexityLimitation | invalidFilter | invalidScope | noSuchObjectClass | noSuchObjectInstance | processingFailure | syncNotSupported} LINKED {m-Linked-Reply} CODE local:9 } -- Event Reporting operations (M-EVENT-REPORT) m-EventReport OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT EventReportArgument RETURN RESULT FALSE ALWAYS RESPONDS FALSE CODE local:0 } m-EventReport-Confirmed OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT EventReportArgument RESULT EventReportResult OPTIONAL TRUE ERRORS {invalidArgumentValue | noSuchArgument | noSuchEventType | noSuchObjectClass | noSuchObjectInstance | processingFailure} CODE local:1 } -- Get operation (M-GET) m-Get OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT GetArgument RESULT GetResult OPTIONAL TRUE -- this result is conditional; -- for conditions see of ITU-T Rec. X.710 ERRORS {accessDenied | classInstanceConflict | complexityLimitation | getListError | invalidFilter | invalidScope | noSuchObjectClass | noSuchObjectInstance | operationCancelled | processingFailure | syncNotSupported} LINKED {m-Linked-Reply} CODE local:3 } -- Linked operation to M-GET, M-SET (Confirmed), M-ACTION (Confirmed), and M-DELETE m-Linked-Reply OPERATION ::= {ARGUMENT LinkedReplyArgument CODE local:2 } -- Set operations (M-SET) m-Set OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT SetArgument RETURN RESULT FALSE ALWAYS RESPONDS FALSE CODE local:4 } m-Set-Confirmed OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT SetArgument RESULT SetResult OPTIONAL TRUE -- this result is conditional; -- for conditions see of ITU-T Rec. X.710 ERRORS {accessDenied | classInstanceConflict | complexityLimitation | invalidFilter | invalidScope | noSuchObjectClass | noSuchObjectInstance | processingFailure | setListError | syncNotSupported} LINKED {m-Linked-Reply} CODE local:5 } -- INFORMATION OBJECT definitions -- While it is possible to use the Information object class definitions defined below to specify -- Action types, Attribute types, Event Report types, and their associated ASN.1 type definitions, -- the alternative approach using GDMO templates, as defined in ITU-T Rec. 722 | ISO/IEC 10165-5, -- continues to be available for use with this Recommendation | International Standard. CMIP-ACTION ::= CLASS {&id ActionTypeId UNIQUE, &Value }WITH SYNTAX {TYPE &Value ID &id } CMIP-ATTRIBUTE ::= CLASS {&id AttributeId UNIQUE, &Value }WITH SYNTAX {TYPE &Value ID &id } CMIP-AVA ::= CLASS {&id OBJECT IDENTIFIER UNIQUE, &Value } CMIP-EVENT ::= CLASS {&id EventTypeId UNIQUE, &Value }WITH SYNTAX {TYPE &Value ID &id } CMIP-SPECIFICERROR ::= CLASS {&id OBJECT IDENTIFIER UNIQUE, &Value }WITH SYNTAX {TYPE &Value ID &id } -- Supporting type definitions AccessControl ::= EXTERNAL ActionArgument ::= SEQUENCE { COMPONENTS OF BaseManagedObjectId, accessControl [5] AccessControl OPTIONAL, synchronization [6] IMPLICIT CMISSync DEFAULT bestEffort, scope [7] Scope DEFAULT namedNumbers:baseObject, filter CMISFilter DEFAULT and:{}, actionInfo [12] IMPLICIT ActionInfo, ... } ActionError ::= SEQUENCE { managedObjectClass ObjectClass OPTIONAL, managedObjectInstance ObjectInstance OPTIONAL, currentTime [5] IMPLICIT GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL, actionErrorInfo [6] ActionErrorInfo, ... } ActionErrorInfo ::= SEQUENCE { errorStatus ENUMERATED {accessDenied(2), noSuchAction(9), noSuchArgument(14), invalidArgumentValue(15), ... }, errorInfo CHOICE {actionType CMIP-ACTION.&id({ActionSet}), actionArgument [0] NoSuchArgument, argumentValue [1] InvalidArgumentValue}, ... } ActionInfo ::= SEQUENCE { actionType CMIP-ACTION.&id({ActionSet}), actionInfoArg [4] CMIP-ACTION.&Value({ActionSet}{@.actionType}) OPTIONAL } ActionReply ::= SEQUENCE { actionType CMIP-ACTION.&id({ActionSet}), actionReplyInfo [4] CMIP-ACTION.&Value({ActionSet}{@.actionType}) } ActionResult ::= SEQUENCE { managedObjectClass ObjectClass OPTIONAL, managedObjectInstance ObjectInstance OPTIONAL, currentTime [5] IMPLICIT GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL, actionReply [6] IMPLICIT ActionReply OPTIONAL, ... } ActionSet CMIP-ACTION ::= {...} ActionTypeId ::= CHOICE { globalForm [2] IMPLICIT OBJECT IDENTIFIER, localForm [3] IMPLICIT INTEGER } -- This Recommendation | International Standard does not allocate any values for localForm. -- Where this alternative is used, the permissible values for the integers and their meanings shall be defined -- as part of the application context in which they are used Attribute ::= SEQUENCE { id CMIP-ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeSet}), value CMIP-ATTRIBUTE.&Value({AttributeSet}{@.id}) } AttributeError ::= SEQUENCE { errorStatus ENUMERATED {accessDenied(2), noSuchAttribute(5), invalidAttributeValue(6), invalidOperation(24), invalidOperator(25), ... }, modifyOperator [2] IMPLICIT ModifyOperator OPTIONAL, -- present for invalidOperator -- and invalidOperation attributeId CMIP-ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeSet}), attributeValue CMIP-ATTRIBUTE.&Value({AttributeSet}{@.attributeId}) OPTIONAL -- value is absent for setToDefault } AttributeId ::= CHOICE { globalForm [0] IMPLICIT OBJECT IDENTIFIER, localForm [1] IMPLICIT INTEGER } -- This Recommendation | International Standard does not allocate any values for localForm. -- Where this alternative is used, the permissible values for the integers and their meanings shall be defined -- as part of the application context in which they are used AttributeIdError ::= SEQUENCE { errorStatus ENUMERATED {accessDenied(2), noSuchAttribute(5), ... }, attributeId AttributeId, ... } AttributeSet CMIP-ATTRIBUTE ::= {...} AttributeValueAssertion ::= SEQUENCE { id CMIP-AVA.&id({AvaSet}), value CMIP-AVA.&Value({AvaSet}{@.id}) } AvaSet CMIP-AVA ::= {...} BaseManagedObjectId ::= SEQUENCE { baseManagedObjectClass ObjectClass, baseManagedObjectInstance ObjectInstance } CMISFilter ::= CHOICE { item [8] FilterItem, and [9] IMPLICIT SET OF CMISFilter, or [10] IMPLICIT SET OF CMISFilter, not [11] CMISFilter } CMISSync ::= ENUMERATED {bestEffort(0), atomic(1)} ComplexityLimitation ::= SET { scope [0] Scope OPTIONAL, filter [1] CMISFilter OPTIONAL, sync [2] CMISSync OPTIONAL, ... } CreateArgument ::= SEQUENCE { managedObjectClass ObjectClass, managedOrSuperiorObjectInstance CHOICE {managedObjectInstance ObjectInstance, superiorObjectInstance [8] ObjectInstance} OPTIONAL, accessControl [5] AccessControl OPTIONAL, referenceObjectInstance [6] ObjectInstance OPTIONAL, attributeList [7] IMPLICIT SET OF Attribute OPTIONAL, ... } CreateResult ::= SEQUENCE { managedObjectClass ObjectClass OPTIONAL, managedObjectInstance ObjectInstance OPTIONAL, -- shall be returned if omitted from CreateArgument currentTime [5] IMPLICIT GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL, attributeList [6] IMPLICIT SET OF Attribute OPTIONAL, ... } DeleteArgument ::= SEQUENCE { COMPONENTS OF BaseManagedObjectId, accessControl [5] AccessControl OPTIONAL, synchronization [6] IMPLICIT CMISSync DEFAULT bestEffort, scope [7] Scope DEFAULT namedNumbers:baseObject, filter CMISFilter DEFAULT and:{}, ... } DeleteError ::= SEQUENCE { managedObjectClass ObjectClass OPTIONAL, managedObjectInstance ObjectInstance OPTIONAL, currentTime [5] IMPLICIT GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL, deleteErrorInfo [6] ENUMERATED {accessDenied(2), ... }, ... } DeleteResult ::= SEQUENCE { managedObjectClass ObjectClass OPTIONAL, managedObjectInstance ObjectInstance OPTIONAL, currentTime [5] IMPLICIT GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL, ... } DistinguishedName ::= RDNSequence EventReply ::= SEQUENCE { eventType CMIP-EVENT.&id({EventSet}), eventReplyInfo [8] CMIP-EVENT.&Value({EventSet}{@.eventType}) OPTIONAL } EventReportArgument ::= SEQUENCE { managedObjectClass ObjectClass, managedObjectInstance ObjectInstance, eventTime [5] IMPLICIT GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL, eventType CMIP-EVENT.&id({EventSet}), eventInfo [8] CMIP-EVENT.&Value({EventSet}{@.eventType}) OPTIONAL, ... } EventReportResult ::= SEQUENCE { managedObjectClass ObjectClass OPTIONAL, managedObjectInstance ObjectInstance OPTIONAL, currentTime [5] IMPLICIT GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL, eventReply EventReply OPTIONAL, ... } EventSet CMIP-EVENT ::= {...} EventTypeId ::= CHOICE { globalForm [6] IMPLICIT OBJECT IDENTIFIER, localForm [7] IMPLICIT INTEGER } -- This Recommendation | International Standard does not allocate any values for localForm. -- Where this alternative is used, the permissible values for the integers and their meanings shall be defined -- as part of the application context in which they are used FilterItem ::= CHOICE { equality [0] IMPLICIT Attribute, substrings [1] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF CHOICE {initialString [0] IMPLICIT Attribute, anyString [1] IMPLICIT Attribute, finalString [2] IMPLICIT Attribute}, greaterOrEqual [2] IMPLICIT Attribute, -- asserted value ? attribute value lessOrEqual [3] IMPLICIT Attribute, -- asserted value <= attribute value present [4] AttributeId, subsetOf [5] IMPLICIT Attribute, -- asserted value is a subset of attribute value supersetOf [6] IMPLICIT Attribute, -- asserted value is a superset of attribute value nonNullSetIntersection [7] IMPLICIT Attribute } GetArgument ::= SEQUENCE { COMPONENTS OF BaseManagedObjectId, accessControl [5] AccessControl OPTIONAL, synchronization [6] IMPLICIT CMISSync DEFAULT bestEffort, scope [7] Scope DEFAULT namedNumbers:baseObject, filter CMISFilter DEFAULT and:{}, attributeIdList [12] IMPLICIT SET OF AttributeId OPTIONAL, ... } GetInfoStatus ::= CHOICE { attributeIdError [0] IMPLICIT AttributeIdError, attribute [1] IMPLICIT Attribute } GetListError ::= SEQUENCE { managedObjectClass ObjectClass OPTIONAL, managedObjectInstance ObjectInstance OPTIONAL, currentTime [5] IMPLICIT GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL, getInfoList [6] IMPLICIT SET OF GetInfoStatus, ... } GetResult ::= SEQUENCE { managedObjectClass ObjectClass OPTIONAL, managedObjectInstance ObjectInstance OPTIONAL, currentTime [5] IMPLICIT GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL, attributeList [6] IMPLICIT SET OF Attribute OPTIONAL, ... } InvalidArgumentValue ::= CHOICE { actionValue [0] IMPLICIT ActionInfo, eventValue [1] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE {eventType CMIP-EVENT.&id({EventSet}), eventInfo [8] CMIP-EVENT.&Value({EventSet}{@.eventType}) OPTIONAL} } InvokeIDType ::= InvokeId--(ALL EXCEPT absent:NULL) LinkedReplyArgument ::= CHOICE { getResult [0] IMPLICIT GetResult, getListError [1] IMPLICIT GetListError, setResult [2] IMPLICIT SetResult, setListError [3] IMPLICIT SetListError, actionResult [4] IMPLICIT ActionResult, processingFailure [5] IMPLICIT ProcessingFailure, deleteResult [6] IMPLICIT DeleteResult, actionError [7] IMPLICIT ActionError, deleteError [8] IMPLICIT DeleteError } ModifyOperator ::= INTEGER { replace(0), addValues(1), removeValues(2), setToDefault(3)} NoSuchAction ::= SEQUENCE { managedObjectClass ObjectClass, actionType CMIP-ACTION.&id({ActionSet}), ... } NoSuchArgument ::= CHOICE { actionId [0] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE {managedObjectClass ObjectClass OPTIONAL, actionType CMIP-ACTION.&id({ActionSet}) }, eventId [1] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE {managedObjectClass ObjectClass OPTIONAL, eventType CMIP-EVENT.&id({EventSet}) } } NoSuchEventType ::= SEQUENCE { managedObjectClass ObjectClass, eventType CMIP-EVENT.&id({EventSet}), ... } ObjectClass ::= CHOICE { globalForm [0] IMPLICIT OBJECT IDENTIFIER, localForm [1] IMPLICIT INTEGER } -- This Recommendation | International Standard does not allocate any values for localForm. -- Where this alternative is used, the permissible values for the integers and their meanings shall be defined -- as part of the application context in which they are used ObjectInstance ::= CHOICE { distinguishedName [2] IMPLICIT DistinguishedName, nonSpecificForm [3] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING, localDistinguishedName [4] IMPLICIT RDNSequence } -- localDistinguishedName is that portion of the distinguished name that is necessary to unambiguously identify the -- managed object within the context of communication between the open systems ProcessingFailure ::= SEQUENCE { managedObjectClass ObjectClass, managedObjectInstance ObjectInstance OPTIONAL, specificErrorInfo [5] SpecificErrorInfo, ... } RDNSequence ::= SEQUENCE OF RelativeDistinguishedName RelativeDistinguishedName ::= SET OF AttributeValueAssertion Scope ::= CHOICE { namedNumbers INTEGER {baseObject(0), firstLevelOnly(1), wholeSubtree(2)}, individualLevels [1] IMPLICIT INTEGER, -- POSITIVE integer indicates the level to be selected baseToNthLevel [2] IMPLICIT INTEGER } -- POSITIVE integer N indicates that the range of levels -- (0 - N) is to be selected -- with individualLevels and baseToNthLevel, a value of 0 has the same semantics as baseObject -- with individualLevels, a value of 1 has the same semantics as firstLevelOnly SetArgument ::= SEQUENCE { COMPONENTS OF BaseManagedObjectId, accessControl [5] AccessControl OPTIONAL, synchronization [6] IMPLICIT CMISSync DEFAULT bestEffort, scope [7] Scope DEFAULT namedNumbers:baseObject, filter CMISFilter DEFAULT and:{}, modificationList [12] IMPLICIT SET OF SEQUENCE {modifyOperator [2] IMPLICIT ModifyOperator DEFAULT replace, attributeId CMIP-ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeSet}), attributeValue CMIP-ATTRIBUTE.&Value ({AttributeSet}{@.attributeId}) OPTIONAL }, -- value is absent for setToDefault ... } SetInfoStatus ::= CHOICE { attributeError [0] IMPLICIT AttributeError, attribute [1] IMPLICIT Attribute } SetListError ::= SEQUENCE { managedObjectClass ObjectClass OPTIONAL, managedObjectInstance ObjectInstance OPTIONAL, currentTime [5] IMPLICIT GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL, setInfoList [6] IMPLICIT SET OF SetInfoStatus, ... } SetResult ::= SEQUENCE { managedObjectClass ObjectClass OPTIONAL, managedObjectInstance ObjectInstance OPTIONAL, currentTime [5] IMPLICIT GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL, attributeList [6] IMPLICIT SET OF Attribute OPTIONAL, ... } SpecificErrorInfo ::= SEQUENCE { errorId CMIP-SPECIFICERROR.&id({SpecificErrorSet}), errorInfo CMIP-SPECIFICERROR.&Value({SpecificErrorSet}{@.errorId}) } SpecificErrorSet CMIP-SPECIFICERROR ::= {...} -- the following type specifies the constraints to be applied when using ROSE to support CMIP ROSEapdus ::= ROS{{InvokeIDType}, {CMIP-Operations}, {CMIP-Confirmed-Operations}} END -- End of CMIP syntax definitions -- Generated by Asnp, the ASN.1 pretty-printer of France Telecom R&D