$Id: TODO,v 1.5 1999/12/08 23:41:41 nneul Exp $ Things to do: ============= *) Protocol dispatchers, allowing run-time setting of protocol "chaining" (i.e., UDP port X calls dissector Y) *) Loadable modules, closely related to the previous item. *) Work on packet capturing in wiretap *) I just discovered that sshd sets the SSH_CLIENT variable to source IP, sort port, and destination port. That coupled with a destination IP would give us enough information to carry out remote protocol capturing, tcpdump over ssh: ssh remotehost tcpdump -s 2000 -w - filter, where "filter" filters out our own ssh packets (using the infromation from $SSH_CLIENT). Any takers? *) Of course, packet defragmentating. IP, TCP, UDP, need to be reassembled and re-analyzed. *) I'd like to someday re-write the display filter routines to have a more powerful syntax. *) More on-line help, and neato things with the protocol tree and right-clicks. *) A GtkClist replacement, with dynamic columns. *) A GUI capture/display filter creator. *) Run-time configuration of tunnelling protocols -- display tunnelled protocol as data or as a full-fledged protocol (which subtree do we put it under?) *) Run-time configuration of data shown in capture statistics window. *) A GtkWidget for authors in the About box. We've got a lot of authors! *) Finish moving GTK-dependent code into gtk/ subdirectory. *) Display filters: support FT_STRING filters *) Display filters: add regexes to strings and byte ranges *) Krb dissector - standard krb4 - from tcpdump (nneul) *) Krb5 dissector - from scratch, need to use ASN.1 code (nneul) *) IRC dissector *) Make lines in GTK Tree (proto_tree GUI) user-selectable