path: root/epan/dfilter
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2024-02-25Fix lots of spellingsMartin Mathieson1-2/+2
2024-02-23dfilter: Add functions to override field baseJohn Thacker1-0/+94
Add field expression functions to convert unsigned integer and char fields to hex or decimal. (BASE_OCT is handled somewhat different currently now, presumably because it can't be used in filters, so leave that commented until it is handled as a display representation.) Currently string() always converts unsigned integers to their decimal representation so it is the same as dec(), but possibly in the future string() might use the native base. These can be used in columns thanks to the fix for #15990 Fix #5308
2024-02-21dfilter: Handle 64-bit extended value stringsJohn Thacker2-4/+16
Allow matching against 64-bit extended value strings the same way as other value strings. The IAX2 sample capture on the Wiki is a good test of this. Previously the matches operator would never match, and comparison operators we not allowed. Before: $ ./run/dftest -s 'iax2.voice.codec == "GSM compression"' Filter: iax2.voice.codec == "GSM compression" Error: "GSM compression" cannot be found among the possible values for iax2.voice.codec. iax2.voice.codec == "GSM compression" ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After: $ ./run/dftest -s 'iax2.voice.codec == "GSM compression"' Filter: iax2.voice.codec == "GSM compression" Syntax tree: 0 TEST_ANY_EQ: 1 FIELD(iax2.voice.codec <FT_UINT64>) 1 FVALUE(2 <FT_UINT64>) Instructions: 0000 READ_TREE iax2.voice.codec -> R0 0001 IF_FALSE_GOTO 3 0002 ANY_EQ R0 == 2 0003 RETURN
2024-02-20Clang-Tidy: Fixup some suppressionsGerald Combs5-8/+10
Use directory-level suppressions where needed.
2024-02-19Add initial Clang-Tidy configuration files and a CI checkGerald Combs4-0/+6
Add an initial Clang-Tidy configuration file which checks for recursion and various clang analyzer issues. Run Clang-Tidy in the "Clang + Code Checks" merge request job. Add NOLINT suppressions where needed in wsutil, epan, and lemon.
2024-02-18dfilter: Don't allow "matches" operator with FT_FRAMENUMJohn Thacker1-1/+1
The matches operator implicitly converts non-stringlike fields that have value strings to their value string value. (This is not the same as the string representation of the number, which applying the string function first would do, but it usually less useful and worse performance than using numeric comparisons.) However, FT_FRAMENUM fields have a hfinfo->strings but it is not strings used for conversion, it is an overload with the special ft_framenum_type_t, so don't convert. This prevents a segmentation fault if expressions with expressions like 'gtp.response_in ~ "test"'
2024-02-18Some spellingsMartin Mathieson1-1/+1
2024-02-12dfilter: Add a flag to return field values for the tree rootJohn Thacker2-1/+26
In many grammatical contexts fields are only tested for existence instead of loading the values into a register, because that's all that is needed to determine if a filter passes or not. Add a dfilter option to load the field values from the tree and return them when a field (including field at a certain protocol layer) is the root of the filter syntax tree. This is useful for columns, especially for parsing columns defined with the layer operator, but it can't completely replace the current custom column handling because we don't yet return exactly which hfinfo was present, if more than one has the same abbreviation, and it's possible for fields with the same abbreviation to have different strings, and hence different "resolved" values. $ ./run/dftest -s "@ip.proto#1" Filter: @ip.proto#1 Syntax tree: 0 FIELD(@ip.proto#[1:1] <FT_BYTES>) Instructions: 0000 CHECK_EXISTS_R ip.proto#[1:1] 0001 RETURN $ ./run/dftest -s "@ip.proto#1" --return-vals Filter: @ip.proto#1 Syntax tree: 0 FIELD(@ip.proto#[1:1] <FT_BYTES>) Instructions: 0000 READ_TREE_R @ip.proto#[1:1] -> R0 0001 NO_OP 0002 RETURN R0 Related to #18588
2024-02-10dfilter: Return the register containing fvaluesJohn Thacker5-11/+45
When generating DVFM code, tell the return function what register has the final set of fvalues for filters that are functions, arithmetic, or slices (that is, that compare one or more fvalues to see if they are all zero.) Make sure that these functions return an empty ptr array, unlike tests that return a null ptr array. For fields, we could return the fvalues, but currently we don't bother loading the fvalues into registers since display filters that just have a field test existence, so the generated code would have to change. It's also a little more complicated because there can be multiple fields that have different types (sometimes not commensurable, which is an error noted by some of the checks.) The logic in custom columns handles the field cases currently.
2024-02-06dfilter: Handle null arguments to min, maxJohn Thacker2-5/+9
min and max need to handle null arguments where the GPtrArray is null, generated when there have been other opcodes between the field loading and the function. (They are ignored, not treated as zero, so they don't change the minimum.) Prevents crashes with filters where a field does not exist in the tree: min(tcp.srcport * 10, tcp.dstport * 10) == 800 min(len(tcp.payload), len(udp.payload)) == 153 min(len(tcp.payload[2:]) + 2, len(udp.payload[2:]) + 2) == 153 where a register is loaded where it has not had its GPtrArray created: ./run/dftest 'min(len(tcp.payload), len(udp.payload))' Filter: min(len(tcp.payload), len(udp.payload)) Instructions: 0000 READ_TREE tcp.payload -> R1 0001 IF_FALSE_GOTO 3 0002 LENGTH R1 -> R2 0003 STACK_PUSH R2 0004 READ_TREE udp.payload -> R3 0005 IF_FALSE_GOTO 7 0006 LENGTH R3 -> R4 0007 STACK_PUSH R4 0008 CALL_FUNCTION min(R2, R4) -> R0 0009 STACK_POP [2] 0010 IF_FALSE_GOTO 12 0011 NOT_ALL_ZERO R0 0012 RETURN Related to fcb6bb576388e8a8ef4b657d794a80f008a99ff7 (Prior to that commit, this worked because a NULL pointer is a valid, empty GSList.)
2024-01-26dfilter: use strpbrk when checking if macro or field referenceJohn Thacker1-3/+6
When trying to check if syntax in a filter that starts with "${" is a macro or a field reference, use strpbrk to find the first of '#' (layer) or '}' (closing the macro or field reference expression.) Using strchr twice in a row causes incorrect behavior in a long filter that has a '#' located later past the '}', referring to a layer of a different field. Also test for ';' and ':' and return if the string has those before the other two characters. Those two characters are illegal in fields but indicate that it is a macro, as they separate macros from their arguments. Skip the other processing as unnecessary.
2024-01-24dfilter: Handle null arguments in macros betterJohn Thacker1-4/+19
If a null argument is given to a macro, print an error saying that is disallowed instead of substituting the null argument (i.e., an unquoted empty string) into the macro. The latter almost certainly still produces a grammatical error, but it will be something mysterious that depends on the macro definition like "==" was unexpected in this context instead of a useful error string. For macros that take strings as argument, substituting a null has never worked either, "" has always needed to be used. As a special case, accept a single empty argument as meaning "a macro with 0 arguments" instead of how it is currently treated, a "macro with 1 null argument", i.e. $mymacro() for the new function-like syntax and ${mymacro:} for the original syntax. See 7d87367e22119be4b67822ebe14671a3f56a7f61
2024-01-24dfilter: Allow semicolons to separate macro name from arg listJohn Thacker1-1/+12
Instead of requiring ${macro:arg1;...;argN}, allow the format ${macro;arg1;...;argN}. The semicolon isn't used anywhere else, it's simple to support, and already used in the macro syntax. It's easier to remember if all the separators in a macro are the same. The colon is allowed in literals, which is why it's not used between the arguments in the macro argument list, and allowing it after the name makes the grammar more complicated, including tokenizing when having pop-ups of potential field matches in the display filter line edit (#19499.) Update the documentation for this. Also edit the documentation for macro syntax in a few places where it implies that whitespace in macro arguments would be ignored; in fact, it's significant.
2024-01-23dfilter: Don't parse invalid characters in macro namesJohn Thacker1-4/+4
We haven't allowed anything other than alphanumerics or `_` in macro names since at least 2007 (commit 8e849698a32263ec7291fac437620ddd7cbdb8a8) so the better error message if a `-` is included is to say that it's an invalid character, not that a macro with that name doesn't exist. We can also stop parsing at that point, which is more efficient. That it was allowed at this point was a legacy of when field references were handled using the macro code instead of separate lexical elements, pre commit 260942e17041a79cb2ca27b6e016867da3c60735. (#17599) Just use the same macro for valid characters in a macro name in the two syntax forms. It's unlikely that we'll start allowing `.` in macro names, and if we do, we'd have to revisit the checking for the $macro(args,...) syntax as well.
2024-01-10dfilter: Be ready for unparsed syntax type in semantics checkJaap Keuter1-0/+20
2023-11-23dfilter: Fix diameter.3GPP-* filtersJoão Valverde1-5/+3
Manual revert of commit 0e82c6b4b8ed18ef1878446dd26d6345be2d2c2b. Fixes #19493.
2023-11-21dfilter: Fixup b72d65302eJoão Valverde1-2/+12
We should avoid matching .. (DOTDOT) anywhere. Revert that change. Keep the other HyphenBytes change.
2023-11-20dfilter: Fix subtraction with NN-MMJoão Valverde1-14/+2
Make sure NN-MM is parsed as subtraction. Avoid the use of hyphen with bytes unless preceded with a colon (the prefix for literals). Before: Filter: tcp.port == 64-63 Error: "64-63" cannot be converted to Unsigned integer (16 bits). tcp.port == 64-63 ^~~~~ After: Filter: tcp.port == 64-63 Instructions: 0000 READ_TREE tcp.port -> R0 0001 IF_FALSE_GOTO 3 0002 ANY_EQ R0 == 1 0003 RETURN
2023-11-13More fixes when converting display macro configurationJoão Valverde3-13/+26
2023-11-09dfilter: Add back unparsed syntax typeJoão Valverde11-112/+156
Unparsed tokens are tokens that can either be fields or literal values like byte arrays or something weirder. Some cases are troublesome, like two letter tokens being a protocol name or a byte (fc is Fiber Channel or 0xFC), or hypothetically aa.bb.cc being a byte array { 0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc} or the "bb.cc" field of the "aa" protocol. Etc. This semantic difference obviously matters when parsing an expression and providing helpful error messages to users. I have now made several attempts at resolving unparsed tokens into field/not field at the lexical level and still provide good error messages and there are always limitations and weird corner cases. Assigning a semantic type to such ambiguous tokens requires more context. Originally this was implemented by checking for registered field values in the scanner but that is one of the possible solutions that does not produce good results in practice IMO. Accept that we will never fully fix this without backward incompatible grammar changes and commit to resolving unparsed types during the semantic check phase and maybe having a convoluted lemon grammar with lots of ugly UNPARSED special cases.
2023-11-09dfilter: Fix an error messageJoão Valverde1-2/+3
2023-11-08dfilter: Add a function-like macro syntaxJoão Valverde1-5/+58
Add an alternative macro notation as $mymacro(a,b,c,d). For me this notation is more natural, I have difficulty remembering how to use macros with ${mymacro:a;b;c} and it makes the filter expression harder to understand. For convenience and to simplify the code we also allow curly braces to open/close macro argument lists and the semicolon as an argument separator for the new syntax. This added flexibility may be reevaluated and dropped later if it turns out to be undesirable for some reason.
2023-11-08dfilter: Add macro checkJoão Valverde1-0/+28
2023-11-08dftest: Add option to dump macrosJoão Valverde2-0/+45
2023-11-08dfilter: Replace macro UAT config file and update GUIJoão Valverde5-160/+273
Remove the UAT macro usage. The UAT API is nifty for dissectors but clunky for everything else. This allows using a hash table to store macros, that is the natural data structure for the use case (and faster). It also allows using the existing filter GUI dialog, adapted for display filter macros. The difference isn't huge but it's better and less limited than the more generic UAT dialog, with room for improvement. Changing the UAT dialog for filter specific use cases is difficult. The config file is renamed to "dmacros" and uses the same format as "dfilter", that is more amenable and forgiving for hand-editing than the UAT storage format. There is some logic to convert the "dfilter_macros" UAT config file to a "dmacros" filter config file, for backward-compatibility. The conversion is only done if there is no existing "dmacros" file in the profile folder.
2023-11-07dfilter: Remove an assertionJoão Valverde1-1/+0
Avoid running the name check twice.
2023-11-07dfilter: Reformat switch code styleJoão Valverde1-25/+28
2023-11-07epan: Initialize static proto values to 0Stig Bjørlykke1-3/+3
Update epan to not initialize static proto values to -1.
2023-11-05dfilter: Check function name for validityJoão Valverde1-0/+22
2023-11-05dfilter: Fix scanner for protocol names starting with digitJoão Valverde1-2/+4
Fixes #19466.
2023-11-02dfilter: Elide branch jumps to next instructionJoão Valverde3-14/+49
If a branch instruction does not branch, i.e it jumps to the next instruction, replace it with a no-op for a slight performance optimization and decluttering of the bytecode.
2023-11-02dfilter: Fix crash with nested function callsJoão Valverde1-4/+8
When the jumps_ptr is NULL a nested function call results in a NULL pointer dereference. We could add a NULL check but removing the jump in commit e85f8d4cf19 was a mitake, because the jump is not always a no-op, so add it back. Fixes e85f8d4cf193721cd95daa15363054cd4d12a0f3.
2023-11-02Revert "sttype-op(dfilter): fix Dead initialization"João Valverde1-4/+1
This reverts commit acdee884307a2df8add5124fa651aaa056ffaf7d. The use of a default switch statement prevents useful compiler diagnostics, unlike the Clang Analyzer warning it purports to fix.
2023-11-01dfilter: Print function argument types for constantsJoão Valverde1-5/+16
Print the function argument type if it is not a register. Use square brackets with DFVM_STACK_POP to make clear the argument is a count intrinsic to the instruction, not a numeric field value. Example: Filter: min(2, _ws.ftypes.int32, 1000) Instructions: 0000 STACK_PUSH 2 <FT_INT32> 0001 READ_TREE _ws.ftypes.int32 <FT_INT32> -> R1 0002 STACK_PUSH R1 0003 STACK_PUSH 1000 <FT_INT32> 0004 CALL_FUNCTION min(2 <FT_INT32>, R1, 1000 <FT_INT32>) <***> -> R0 0005 STACK_POP [3] 0006 IF_FALSE_GOTO 8 0007 NOT_ALL_ZERO R0 0008 RETURN
2023-11-01sttype-op(dfilter): fix Dead initializationAlexis La Goutte1-1/+4
2023-10-31epan: Fix display filter macro post updateJohn Thacker1-12/+14
The UAT update_cb can *only* be used to validate an entry in ways that cannot be determined by checking the UAT fields individually. The update_cb is called on the copy of the record that is placed in the UAT's user_data, not on the records that are in raw_data. When the UAT is saved, the records in user_data are destroyed, and valid records (as determined by running update_cb before) from raw_data are newly copied into user_data. This *doesn't* cause the update_cb to be run again, since the records were validated before. For this reason, the update_cb should probably take a const void* not a void*. This meant that Display Filter Macros were not parsed into their parts and argument positions when the UAT was subsequently saved, only on first load. The only callback that is guaranteed to run whenever the data has changed is the post_update_cb. Assign one, and call the former macro_update (renamed and with slightly different signature; note that it always returned true and never had an error before) on all the macros then. The comment about macros_init() adding a separate post_update_cb has not been valid ever since GTK+ Wireshark went away, as QT Wireshark never added that. The post_update_cb placed by the GTK+ macros_init was designed to avoid a crash that is now avoided in Qt Wireshark by registering the UAT with the UAT_AFFECTS_FIELDS flag (see a3806fc69b9ee53ac6e4a52f679e) Fix #11946
2023-10-31dfilter: Fix slices with byte referencesJoão Valverde1-20/+44
Before: Filter: frame[:2] == $@frame[:2] Error: Range is not supported for entity @frame <FT_BYTES> frame[:2] == $@frame[:2] ^~~~~~~ After: Filter: frame[:2] == $@frame[:2] Instructions: 0000 READ_TREE frame -> R0 0001 IF_FALSE_GOTO 7 0002 SLICE R0[0:2] -> R1 0003 READ_REFERENCE ${@frame} -> R2 0004 IF_FALSE_GOTO 7 0005 SLICE R2[0:2] -> R3 0006 ANY_EQ R1 == R3 0007 RETURN
2023-10-31dfilter: Allow writing references without curly bracesJoão Valverde1-4/+24
Allow references without braces, for a less cluttered syntax: Filter: frame.number > $frame.number Instructions: 0000 READ_TREE frame.number -> R0 0001 IF_FALSE_GOTO 5 0002 READ_REFERENCE ${frame.number} -> R1 0003 IF_FALSE_GOTO 5 0004 ANY_GT R0 > R1 0005 RETURN The original syntax of ${reference} came from macros but the braces don't add much. In any case they are still allowed.
2023-10-28dfilter: Refactor initialization and registration of functionsJoão Valverde2-35/+20
2023-10-28Qt: Include functions in display filter completionsJoão Valverde3-2/+40
2023-10-27dfilter: Install plugin headersJoão Valverde1-3/+4
Install headers required to build display filter plugins. Refactoring and optimizing system headers is an ongoing effort.
2023-10-26dfilter: Add display filter pluginsJoão Valverde6-10/+154
Allow writing display filter plugins in C. Plugins can register one or more display filter functions. This should lower the barrier for implementing and sharing new display feature extensions. An example plugin will be provided in a follow-up commit. TODO: Put some work into refactoring display filter headers. Right now some plugin-related APIs are implemented in dfilter-int.h, which we'd rather not install to the system.
2023-10-26dfilter: Add WS_DLL_PUBLIC to more functionsJoão Valverde3-1/+34
For the benefit of plugins.
2023-10-24dfilter: Refactor function semantic checkJoão Valverde2-96/+107
2023-10-24dfilter: Minor cleanupJoão Valverde1-5/+8
2023-10-24dfilter: Allow testing for nonzero function resultJoão Valverde2-10/+17
Allow functions to be tested for "existence". This is in fact not an existence test but a truthiness test for the function return value.
2023-10-24dfilter: Fixup e2a3acefe9João Valverde1-1/+1
2023-10-24dfilter: Use a constant to declare function return typeJoão Valverde4-44/+32
Simplify the interface to declare the function. This also makes it easier to infer the function return type from a compiled filter. Print the function return type when dumping the compiled filter or <***> if the type is unknown from the function name.
2023-10-23dfilter: Add "bitand" as an alternative operator keywordJoão Valverde1-0/+1
It's more compact than "bitwise_and" and inspired by C.
2023-10-23dfilter: Fix failed assertion with time arithmeticJoão Valverde1-1/+2