path: root/epan/packet.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'epan/packet.h')
1 files changed, 371 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/epan/packet.h b/epan/packet.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..19623772dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/epan/packet.h
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+/* packet.h
+ * Definitions for packet disassembly structures and routines
+ *
+ * $Id: packet.h,v 1.1 2000/09/27 05:18:06 gram Exp $
+ *
+ * Ethereal - Network traffic analyzer
+ * By Gerald Combs <gerald@zing.org>
+ * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __PACKET_H__
+#define __PACKET_H__
+#include "wiretap/wtap.h"
+#include "proto.h"
+#include "tvbuff.h"
+#include "pint.h"
+#define hi_nibble(b) (((b) & 0xf0) >> 4)
+#define lo_nibble(b) ((b) & 0x0f)
+/* Useful when you have an array whose size you can tell at compile-time */
+#define array_length(x) (sizeof x / sizeof x[0])
+/* Useful when highlighting regions inside a dissect_*() function. With this
+ * macro, you can highlight from an arbitrary offset to the end of the
+ * packet (which may come before the end of the frame).
+ * See old_dissect_data() for an example.
+ */
+#define END_OF_FRAME (pi.captured_len - offset)
+/* Check whether the "len" bytes of data starting at "offset" is
+ * entirely inside the captured data for this packet. */
+#define BYTES_ARE_IN_FRAME(offset, len) ((offset) + (len) <= pi.captured_len)
+/* Check whether there's any data at all starting at "offset". */
+#define IS_DATA_IN_FRAME(offset) ((offset) < pi.captured_len)
+/* To pass one of two strings, singular or plural */
+#define plurality(d,s,p) ((d) == 1 ? (s) : (p))
+typedef struct _column_info {
+ gint num_cols; /* Number of columns */
+ gint *col_fmt; /* Format of column */
+ gboolean **fmt_matx; /* Specifies which formats apply to a column */
+ gint *col_width; /* Column widths to use during a "-S" capture */
+ gchar **col_title; /* Column titles */
+ gchar **col_data; /* Column data */
+ gboolean writable; /* Are we stil writing to the columns? */
+} column_info;
+#define COL_MAX_LEN 256
+#define COL_MAX_INFO_LEN 4096
+typedef struct _packet_counts {
+ gint sctp;
+ gint tcp;
+ gint udp;
+ gint icmp;
+ gint ospf;
+ gint gre;
+ gint netbios;
+ gint ipx;
+ gint vines;
+ gint other;
+ gint total;
+} packet_counts;
+/* Types of character encodings */
+typedef enum {
+ CHAR_ASCII = 0, /* ASCII */
+} char_enc;
+/* XXX - some of this stuff is used only while a packet is being dissected;
+ should we keep around a separate data structure for that, to save
+ memory? */
+typedef struct _frame_data {
+ struct _frame_data *next; /* Next element in list */
+ struct _frame_data *prev; /* Previous element in list */
+ GSList *pfd; /* Per frame proto data */
+ guint32 num; /* Frame number */
+ guint32 pkt_len; /* Packet length */
+ guint32 cap_len; /* Amount actually captured */
+ gint32 rel_secs; /* Relative seconds (yes, it can be negative) */
+ gint32 rel_usecs; /* Relative microseconds (yes, it can be negative) */
+ guint32 abs_secs; /* Absolute seconds */
+ guint32 abs_usecs; /* Absolute microseconds */
+ gint32 del_secs; /* Delta seconds (yes, it can be negative) */
+ gint32 del_usecs; /* Delta microseconds (yes, it can be negative) */
+ long file_off; /* File offset */
+ column_info *cinfo; /* Column formatting information */
+ int lnk_t; /* Per-packet encapsulation/data-link type */
+ struct {
+ unsigned int passed_dfilter : 1; /* 1 = display, 0 = no display */
+ unsigned int encoding : 2; /* Character encoding (ASCII, EBCDIC...) */
+ unsigned int visited : 1; /* Has this packet been visited yet? 1=Yes,0=No*/
+ unsigned int marked : 1; /* 1 = marked by user, 0 = normal */
+ } flags;
+} frame_data;
+/* Types of addresses Ethereal knows about. */
+typedef enum {
+ AT_NONE, /* no link-layer address */
+ AT_ETHER, /* MAC (Ethernet, 802.x, FDDI) address */
+ AT_IPv4, /* IPv4 */
+ AT_IPv6, /* IPv6 */
+ AT_IPX, /* IPX */
+ AT_SNA, /* SNA */
+ AT_ATALK, /* Appletalk DDP */
+ AT_VINES /* Banyan Vines */
+} address_type;
+typedef struct _address {
+ address_type type; /* type of address */
+ int len; /* length of address, in bytes */
+ const guint8 *data; /* bytes that constitute address */
+} address;
+#define SET_ADDRESS(addr, addr_type, addr_len, addr_data) { \
+ (addr)->type = (addr_type); \
+ (addr)->len = (addr_len); \
+ (addr)->data = (addr_data); \
+ }
+/* Types of port numbers Ethereal knows about. */
+typedef enum {
+ PT_NONE, /* no port number */
+ PT_SCTP, /* SCTP */
+ PT_TCP, /* TCP */
+ PT_UDP, /* UDP */
+ PT_NCP /* NCP connection */
+} port_type;
+#define P2P_DIR_UNKNOWN -1
+#define P2P_DIR_SENT 0
+#define P2P_DIR_RECV 1
+typedef struct _packet_info {
+ const char *current_proto; /* name of protocol currently being dissected */
+ frame_data *fd;
+ tvbuff_t *compat_top_tvb; /* only needed while converting Ethereal to use tvbuffs */
+ union wtap_pseudo_header *pseudo_header;
+ int len;
+ int captured_len;
+ address dl_src; /* link-layer source address */
+ address dl_dst; /* link-layer destination address */
+ address net_src; /* network-layer source address */
+ address net_dst; /* network-layer destination address */
+ address src; /* source address (net if present, DL otherwise )*/
+ address dst; /* destination address (net if present, DL otherwise )*/
+ guint32 ipproto;
+ port_type ptype; /* type of the following two port numbers */
+ guint32 srcport; /* source port */
+ guint32 destport; /* destination port */
+ guint32 match_port;
+ int iplen;
+ int iphdrlen;
+ int p2p_dir;
+} packet_info;
+extern packet_info pi;
+/* Struct for the match_strval function */
+typedef struct _value_string {
+ guint32 value;
+ gchar *strptr;
+} value_string;
+/* Struct for boolean enumerations */
+typedef struct true_false_string {
+ char *true_string;
+ char *false_string;
+} true_false_string;
+/* Hash table for matching port numbers and dissectors */
+typedef GHashTable* dissector_table_t;
+/* types for sub-dissector lookup */
+typedef void (*old_dissector_t)(const u_char *, int, frame_data *, proto_tree *);
+typedef void (*dissector_t)(tvbuff_t *, packet_info *, proto_tree *);
+/* a protocol uses the function to register a sub-dissector table */
+dissector_table_t register_dissector_table(const char *name);
+/* Add a sub-dissector to a dissector table. Called by the protocol routine */
+/* that wants to register a sub-dissector. */
+void old_dissector_add(const char *abbrev, guint32 pattern, old_dissector_t dissector);
+void dissector_add(const char *abbrev, guint32 pattern, dissector_t dissector);
+/* Add a sub-dissector to a dissector table. Called by the protocol routine */
+/* that wants to de-register a sub-dissector. */
+void old_dissector_delete(const char *name, guint32 pattern, old_dissector_t dissector);
+void dissector_delete(const char *name, guint32 pattern, dissector_t dissector);
+/* Look for a given port in a given dissector table and, if found, call
+ the dissector with the arguments supplied, and return TRUE, otherwise
+ return FALSE. */
+gboolean old_dissector_try_port(dissector_table_t sub_dissectors, guint32 port,
+ const u_char *pd, int offset, frame_data *fd, proto_tree *tree);
+gboolean dissector_try_port(dissector_table_t sub_dissectors, guint32 port,
+ tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree);
+/* List of "heuristic" dissectors (which get handed a packet, look at it,
+ and either recognize it as being for their protocol, dissect it, and
+ return TRUE, or don't recognize it and return FALSE) to be called
+ by another dissector. */
+typedef GSList *heur_dissector_list_t;
+/* Type of a heuristic dissector */
+typedef gboolean (*old_heur_dissector_t)(const u_char *, int, frame_data *,
+ proto_tree *);
+typedef gboolean (*heur_dissector_t)(tvbuff_t *, packet_info *,
+ proto_tree *);
+/* A protocol uses this function to register a heuristic dissector list */
+void register_heur_dissector_list(const char *name, heur_dissector_list_t *list);
+/* Add a sub-dissector to a heuristic dissector list. Called by the
+ protocol routine that wants to register a sub-dissector. */
+void old_heur_dissector_add(const char *name, old_heur_dissector_t dissector);
+void heur_dissector_add(const char *name, heur_dissector_t dissector);
+/* Try all the dissectors in a given heuristic dissector list until
+ we find one that recognizes the protocol, in which case we return
+ TRUE, or we run out of dissectors, in which case we return FALSE. */
+gboolean old_dissector_try_heuristic(heur_dissector_list_t sub_dissectors,
+ const u_char *pd, int offset, frame_data *fd, proto_tree *tree);
+gboolean dissector_try_heuristic(heur_dissector_list_t sub_dissectors,
+ tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree);
+/* Utility routines used by packet*.c */
+gchar* ether_to_str(const guint8 *);
+gchar* ether_to_str_punct(const guint8 *, char);
+gchar* ip_to_str(const guint8 *);
+struct e_in6_addr;
+gchar* ip6_to_str(struct e_in6_addr *);
+gchar* ipx_addr_to_str(guint32, const guint8 *);
+gchar* abs_time_to_str(struct timeval*);
+gchar* rel_time_to_str(struct timeval*);
+gchar* time_secs_to_str(guint32);
+gchar* bytes_to_str(const guint8 *, int);
+gchar* val_to_str(guint32, const value_string *, const char *);
+gchar* match_strval(guint32, const value_string*);
+char * decode_bitfield_value(char *buf, guint32 val, guint32 mask, int width);
+const char *decode_boolean_bitfield(guint32 val, guint32 mask, int width,
+ const char *truedesc, const char *falsedesc);
+const char *decode_enumerated_bitfield(guint32 val, guint32 mask, int width,
+ const value_string *tab, const char *fmt);
+const char *decode_numeric_bitfield(guint32 val, guint32 mask, int width,
+ const char *fmt);
+void col_set_writable(frame_data *fd, gboolean writable);
+gint check_col(frame_data *, gint);
+#if __GNUC__ == 2
+void col_add_fstr(frame_data *, gint, gchar *, ...)
+ __attribute__((format (printf, 3, 4)));
+void col_append_fstr(frame_data *, gint, gchar *, ...)
+ __attribute__((format (printf, 3, 4)));
+void col_add_fstr(frame_data *, gint, gchar *, ...);
+void col_append_fstr(frame_data *, gint, gchar *, ...);
+void col_add_str(frame_data *, gint, const gchar *);
+void col_append_str(frame_data *, gint, gchar *);
+void col_set_cls_time(frame_data *, int);
+void fill_in_columns(frame_data *);
+void p_add_proto_data(frame_data *, int, void *);
+void *p_get_proto_data(frame_data *, int);
+void blank_packetinfo(void);
+/* Do all one-time initialization. */
+void dissect_init(void);
+void dissect_cleanup(void);
+/* Allow protocols to register "init" routines, which are called before
+ we make a pass through a capture file and dissect all its packets
+ (e.g., when we read in a new capture file, or run a "filter packets"
+ or "colorize packets" pass over the current capture file). */
+void register_init_routine(void (*func)(void));
+/* Call all the registered "init" routines. */
+void init_all_protocols(void);
+void init_dissect_rpc(void);
+ * Routines should take four args: packet data *, offset, frame_data *,
+ * tree *
+ * They should never modify the packet data.
+ */
+void dissect_packet(union wtap_pseudo_header *, const u_char *, frame_data *,
+ proto_tree *);
+void old_dissect_data(const u_char *, int, frame_data *, proto_tree *);
+void dissect_data(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree);
+/* These functions are in ethertype.c */
+void capture_ethertype(guint16 etype, int offset,
+ const u_char *pd, packet_counts *ld);
+void ethertype(guint16 etype, tvbuff_t*, int offset_after_ethertype,
+ packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree,
+ proto_tree *fh_tree, int item_id);
+extern const value_string etype_vals[];
+/* ipproto.c */
+extern const char *ipprotostr(int proto);
+ * All of the possible columns in summary listing.
+ *
+ * NOTE: The SRC and DST entries MUST remain in this order, or else you
+ * need to fix the offset #defines before get_column_format!
+ */
+enum {
+ COL_NUMBER, /* Packet list item number */
+ COL_CLS_TIME, /* Command line-specified time (default relative) */
+ COL_REL_TIME, /* Relative time */
+ COL_ABS_TIME, /* Absolute time */
+ COL_DELTA_TIME, /* Delta time */
+ COL_DEF_SRC, /* Source address */
+ COL_RES_SRC, /* Resolved source */
+ COL_UNRES_SRC, /* Unresolved source */
+ COL_DEF_DL_SRC, /* Data link layer source address */
+ COL_RES_DL_SRC, /* Resolved DL source */
+ COL_UNRES_DL_SRC, /* Unresolved DL source */
+ COL_DEF_NET_SRC, /* Network layer source address */
+ COL_RES_NET_SRC, /* Resolved net source */
+ COL_UNRES_NET_SRC, /* Unresolved net source */
+ COL_DEF_DST, /* Destination address */
+ COL_RES_DST, /* Resolved dest */
+ COL_UNRES_DST, /* Unresolved dest */
+ COL_DEF_DL_DST, /* Data link layer dest address */
+ COL_RES_DL_DST, /* Resolved DL dest */
+ COL_UNRES_DL_DST, /* Unresolved DL dest */
+ COL_DEF_NET_DST, /* Network layer dest address */
+ COL_RES_NET_DST, /* Resolved net dest */
+ COL_UNRES_NET_DST, /* Unresolved net dest */
+ COL_DEF_SRC_PORT, /* Source port */
+ COL_RES_SRC_PORT, /* Resolved source port */
+ COL_UNRES_SRC_PORT, /* Unresolved source port */
+ COL_DEF_DST_PORT, /* Destination port */
+ COL_RES_DST_PORT, /* Resolved dest port */
+ COL_UNRES_DST_PORT, /* Unresolved dest port */
+ COL_PROTOCOL, /* Protocol */
+ COL_INFO, /* Description */
+ COL_PACKET_LENGTH, /* Packet length in bytes */
+ NUM_COL_FMTS /* Should always be last */
+#endif /* packet.h */