path: root/doc/extcap_example.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/extcap_example.py')
1 files changed, 249 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/extcap_example.py b/doc/extcap_example.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..02524bc9e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/extcap_example.py
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+#!/usr/bin/env python
+This is a generic example, which produces pcap packages every n seconds, and
+is configurable via extcap options.
+To use this script on Windows, please generate an extcap_example.bat inside
+the extcap folder, with the following content:
+@echo off
+<Path to python interpreter> <Path to script file> $*
+Windows is not able to execute Python scripts directly, which also goes for all
+other script-based formates beside VBScript
+import os
+import sys
+import signal
+import re
+import argparse
+import time
+import struct
+import binascii
+from threading import Thread
+doExit = False
+globalinterface = 0
+def signalHandler(signal, frame):
+ global doExit
+ doExit = True
+"""@brief Extcap configuration
+This method prints the extcap configuration, which will be picked up by the
+interface in Wireshark to present a interface specific configuration for
+this extcap plugin
+def extcap_config(interface):
+ args = []
+ values = []
+ args.append ( (0, '--delay', 'Time delay', 'Time delay between packages', 'integer', '{range=1,15}') )
+ args.append ( (1, '--message', 'Message', 'Package message content', 'string', '') )
+ args.append ( (2, '--verify', 'Verify', 'Verify package content', 'boolflag', '') )
+ args.append ( (3, '--remote', 'Remote Channel', 'Remote Channel Selector', 'selector', ''))
+ values.append ( (3, "if1", "Remote1", "true" ) )
+ values.append ( (3, "if2", "Remote2", "false" ) )
+ for arg in args:
+ print ("arg {number=%d}{call=%s}{display=%s}{tooltip=%s}{type=%s}%s" % arg)
+ for value in values:
+ print ("value {arg=%d}{value=%s}{display=%s}{default=%s}" % value)
+def extcap_interfaces():
+ print ("interface {value=example1}{display=Example interface usage for extcap}")
+def extcap_dlts(interface):
+ if ( interface == 'example1' ):
+ print ("dlt {number=147}{name=USER0}{display=Demo Implementation for Extcap}")
+Extcap capture routine
+ This routine simulates a capture by any kind of user defined device. The parameters
+ are user specified and must be handled by the extcap.
+ The data captured inside this routine is fake, so change this routine to present
+ your own input data, or call your own capture program via Popen for example. See
+ for more details.
+def unsigned(n):
+ return int(n) & 0xFFFFFFFF
+def append_bytes(ba, blist):
+ for c in range(0, len(blist)):
+ ba.append(blist[c])
+ return ba
+def pcap_fake_header():
+ header = bytearray()
+ header = append_bytes(header, struct.pack('<L', int ('a1b2c3d4', 16) ))
+ header = append_bytes(header, struct.pack('<H', unsigned(2)) ) # Pcap Major Version
+ header = append_bytes(header, struct.pack('<H', unsigned(4)) ) # Pcap Minor Version
+ header = append_bytes(header, struct.pack('<I', int(0))) # Timezone
+ header = append_bytes(header, struct.pack('<I', int(0))) # Accurancy of timestamps
+ header = append_bytes(header, struct.pack('<L', int ('0000ffff', 16) )) # Max Length of capture frame
+ header = append_bytes(header, struct.pack('<L', unsigned(1))) # Ethernet
+ return header
+# Calculates and returns the IP checksum based on the given IP Header
+def ip_checksum(iph):
+ #split into bytes
+ words = splitN(''.join(iph.split()),4)
+ csum = 0;
+ for word in words:
+ csum += int(word, base=16)
+ csum += (csum >> 16)
+ csum = csum & 0xFFFF ^ 0xFFFF
+ return csum
+def pcap_fake_package ( message ):
+ pcap = bytearray()
+ #length = 14 bytes [ eth ] + 20 bytes [ ip ] + messagelength
+ caplength = len(message) + 14 + 20
+ timestamp = int(time.time())
+ pcap = append_bytes(pcap, struct.pack('<L', unsigned(timestamp) ) ) # timestamp seconds
+ pcap = append_bytes(pcap, struct.pack('<L', 0x00 ) ) # timestamp nanoseconds
+ pcap = append_bytes(pcap, struct.pack('<L', unsigned(caplength) ) ) # length captured
+ pcap = append_bytes(pcap, struct.pack('<L', unsigned(caplength) ) ) # length in frame
+# ETH
+ pcap = append_bytes(pcap, struct.pack('h', 0 )) # source mac
+ pcap = append_bytes(pcap, struct.pack('h', 0 )) # source mac
+ pcap = append_bytes(pcap, struct.pack('h', 0 )) # source mac
+ pcap = append_bytes(pcap, struct.pack('h', 0 )) # dest mac
+ pcap = append_bytes(pcap, struct.pack('h', 0 )) # dest mac
+ pcap = append_bytes(pcap, struct.pack('h', 0 )) # dest mac
+ pcap = append_bytes(pcap, struct.pack('<h', unsigned(8) )) # protocol (ip)
+# IP
+ pcap = append_bytes(pcap, struct.pack('b', int ( '45', 16) )) # IP version
+ pcap = append_bytes(pcap, struct.pack('b', int ( '0', 16) )) #
+ pcap = append_bytes(pcap, struct.pack('>H', unsigned(len(message)+20) )) # length of data + payload
+ pcap = append_bytes(pcap, struct.pack('<H', int ( '0', 16) )) # Identification
+ pcap = append_bytes(pcap, struct.pack('b', int ( '40', 16) )) # Don't fragment
+ pcap = append_bytes(pcap, struct.pack('b', int ( '0', 16) )) # Fragment Offset
+ pcap = append_bytes(pcap, struct.pack('b', int ( '40', 16) ))
+ pcap = append_bytes(pcap, struct.pack('B', 0xFE )) # Protocol (2 = unspecified)
+ pcap = append_bytes(pcap, struct.pack('<H', int ( '0000', 16) )) # Checksum
+ pcap = append_bytes(pcap, struct.pack('>L', int ( '7F000001', 16) )) # Source IP
+ pcap = append_bytes(pcap, struct.pack('>L', int ( '7F000001', 16) )) # Dest IP
+ pcap = append_bytes(pcap, message)
+ return pcap
+def extcap_capture(interface, fifo, delay, verify, message, remote):
+ global doExit
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signalHandler)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM , signalHandler)
+ tdelay = delay if delay != 0 else 5
+ try:
+ os.stat(fifo)
+ except OSError:
+ doExit = True
+ print ( "Fifo does not exist, exiting!" )
+ fh = open(fifo, 'w+b', 0 )
+ fh.write (pcap_fake_header())
+ while doExit == False:
+ out = str( "%s|%04X%s|%s" % ( remote.strip(), len(message), message, verify ) )
+ try:
+ fh.write (pcap_fake_package(out))
+ time.sleep(tdelay)
+ except IOError:
+ doExit = True
+ fh.close()
+def usage():
+ print ( "Usage: %s <--extcap-interfaces | --extcap-dlts | --extcap-interface | --extcap-config | --capture | --fifo>" % sys.argv[0] )
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ interface = ""
+ # Capture options
+ delay = 0
+ message = ""
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ prog="Extcap Example",
+ description="Extcap example program for python"
+ )
+ # Extcap Arguments
+ parser.add_argument("--capture", help="Start the capture routine", action="store_true" )
+ parser.add_argument("--extcap-interfaces", help="Provide a list of interfaces to capture from", action="store_true")
+ parser.add_argument("--extcap-interface", help="Provide the interface to capture from")
+ parser.add_argument("--extcap-dlts", help="Provide a list of dlts for the given interface", action="store_true")
+ parser.add_argument("--extcap-config", help="Provide a list of configurations for the given interface", action="store_true")
+ parser.add_argument("--fifo", help="Use together with capture to provide the fifo to dump data to")
+ # Interface Arguments
+ parser.add_argument("--verify", help="Demonstrates a verification bool flag", action="store_true" )
+ parser.add_argument("--delay", help="Demonstrates an integer variable", type=int, default=0, choices=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] )
+ parser.add_argument("--remote", help="Demonstrates a selector choice", default="if1", choices=["if1", "if2"] )
+ parser.add_argument("--message", help="Demonstrates string variable", nargs='?', default="" )
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if ( len(sys.argv) <= 1 ):
+ parser.exit("No arguments given!")
+ if ( args.extcap_interfaces == False and args.extcap_interface == None ):
+ parser.exit("An interface must be provided or the selection must be displayed")
+ if ( args.extcap_interfaces == True or args.extcap_interface == None ):
+ extcap_interfaces()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ m = re.match ( 'example(\d+)', args.extcap_interface )
+ if not m:
+ interface = m.group(1)
+ message = args.message
+ if ( args.message == None or len(args.message) == 0 ):
+ message = "Extcap Test"
+ if args.extcap_config:
+ extcap_config(interface)
+ elif args.extcap_dlts:
+ extcap_dlts(interface)
+ elif args.capture:
+ if args.fifo is None:
+ sys.exit(ERROR_FIFO)
+ extcap_capture(interface, args.fifo, args.delay, args.verify, message, args.remote)
+ else:
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(ERROR_USAGE)