path: root/packet-ip.c
diff options
authorGuy Harris <guy@alum.mit.edu>1998-10-13 05:40:04 +0000
committerGuy Harris <guy@alum.mit.edu>1998-10-13 05:40:04 +0000
commit7f2da15d6bb2b3828db092a5f22f4f958524edda (patch)
tree3522662c00d7d654a4a42fb99259b796381f42c1 /packet-ip.c
parentd6907f93bc1c043972d4880b90b8a4d5a5df44df (diff)
Add a routine to dissect IP or TCP options (and, from a look at RFC
1883, it should, perhaps with some additions, be able to handle IPv6 options as well). Make the IPv4 and TCP dissectors use it. Fix a typo in the IP dissector ("Unknon" for "Unknown"). Show the IP and TCP header lengths as byte counts rather than 4-byte-word counts. Show the protocol field value of an IP header as a name if it's a protocol we know about. List the acknowledgment and urgent pointer values in a TCP header only if the corresponding flag is set. Make the ETT_ values members of an enum, so that the compiler automatically assigns them sequential integer values (at least if said compiler conforms to the ANSI C standard). svn path=/trunk/; revision=45
Diffstat (limited to 'packet-ip.c')
1 files changed, 380 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/packet-ip.c b/packet-ip.c
index c3a73e6395..011d469b7e 100644
--- a/packet-ip.c
+++ b/packet-ip.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/* packet-ip.c
* Routines for IP and miscellaneous IP protocol packet disassembly
- * $Id: packet-ip.c,v 1.6 1998/10/10 18:23:42 gerald Exp $
+ * $Id: packet-ip.c,v 1.7 1998/10/13 05:40:03 guy Exp $
* Ethereal - Network traffic analyzer
* By Gerald Combs <gerald@zing.org>
@@ -47,11 +47,364 @@
extern packet_info pi;
+static void
+dissect_ipopt_security(GtkWidget *opt_tree, const char *name,
+ const u_char *opd, int offset, guint optlen)
+ GtkWidget *field_tree = NULL, *tf;
+ guint val;
+ gchar *secl_str;
+ static value_string secl_vals[] = {
+ {IPSEC_UNCLASSIFIED, "Unclassified"},
+ {IPSEC_CONFIDENTIAL, "Confidential"},
+ {IPSEC_RESTRICTED, "Restricted" },
+ {IPSEC_SECRET, "Secret" },
+ {IPSEC_TOPSECRET, "Top secret" },
+ {IPSEC_RESERVED1, "Reserved" },
+ {IPSEC_RESERVED2, "Reserved" },
+ {IPSEC_RESERVED3, "Reserved" },
+ {IPSEC_RESERVED4, "Reserved" },
+ {IPSEC_RESERVED5, "Reserved" },
+ {IPSEC_RESERVED6, "Reserved" },
+ {IPSEC_RESERVED7, "Reserved" },
+ {IPSEC_RESERVED8, "Reserved" } };
+#define N_SECL_VALS (sizeof secl_vals / sizeof secl_vals[0])
+ tf = add_item_to_tree(opt_tree, offset, optlen, "%s:", name);
+ field_tree = gtk_tree_new();
+ add_subtree(tf, field_tree, ETT_IP_OPTION_SEC);
+ offset += 2;
+ val = pntohs(opd);
+ if ((secl_str = match_strval(val, secl_vals, N_SECL_VALS)))
+ add_item_to_tree(field_tree, offset, 2,
+ "Security: %s", secl_str);
+ else
+ add_item_to_tree(field_tree, offset, 2,
+ "Security: Unknown (0x%x)", val);
+ offset += 2;
+ opd += 2;
+ val = pntohs(opd);
+ add_item_to_tree(field_tree, offset, 2,
+ "Compartments: %d", val);
+ offset += 2;
+ opd += 2;
+ add_item_to_tree(field_tree, offset, 2,
+ "Handling restrictions: %c%c", opd[0], opd[1]);
+ offset += 2;
+ opd += 2;
+ add_item_to_tree(field_tree, offset, 3,
+ "Transmission control code: %c%c%c", opd[0], opd[1], opd[2]);
+static void
+dissect_ipopt_route(GtkWidget *opt_tree, const char *name,
+ const u_char *opd, int offset, guint optlen)
+ GtkWidget *field_tree = NULL, *tf;
+ int ptr;
+ int optoffset = 0;
+ struct in_addr addr;
+ tf = add_item_to_tree(opt_tree, offset, optlen, "%s (%d bytes)", name,
+ optlen);
+ field_tree = gtk_tree_new();
+ add_subtree(tf, field_tree, ETT_IP_OPTION_ROUTE);
+ optoffset += 2; /* skip past type and length */
+ optlen -= 2; /* subtract size of type and length */
+ ptr = *opd;
+ add_item_to_tree(field_tree, offset + optoffset, 1,
+ "Pointer: %d%s", ptr,
+ ((ptr < 4) ? " (points before first address)" :
+ ((ptr & 3) ? " (points to middle of address)" : "")));
+ optoffset++;
+ opd++;
+ optlen--;
+ ptr--; /* ptr is 1-origin */
+ while (optlen > 0) {
+ if (optlen < 4) {
+ add_item_to_tree(field_tree, offset, optlen,
+ "(suboption would go past end of option)");
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Avoids alignment problems on many architectures. */
+ memcpy((char *)&addr, (char *)opd, sizeof(addr));
+ add_item_to_tree(field_tree, offset + optoffset, 4,
+ "%s%s",
+ ((addr.s_addr == 0) ? "-" : (char *)get_hostname(addr.s_addr)),
+ ((optoffset == ptr) ? " <- (current)" : ""));
+ optoffset += 4;
+ opd += 4;
+ optlen -= 4;
+ }
+static void
+dissect_ipopt_sid(GtkWidget *opt_tree, const char *name, const u_char *opd,
+ int offset, guint optlen)
+ add_item_to_tree(opt_tree, offset, optlen,
+ "%s: %d", name, pntohs(opd));
+ return;
+static void
+dissect_ipopt_timestamp(GtkWidget *opt_tree, const char *name, const u_char *opd,
+ int offset, guint optlen)
+ GtkWidget *field_tree = NULL, *tf;
+ int ptr;
+ int optoffset = 0;
+ int flg;
+ gchar *flg_str;
+ static value_string flag_vals[] = {
+ {IPOPT_TS_TSONLY, "Time stamps only" },
+ {IPOPT_TS_TSANDADDR, "Time stamp and address" },
+ {IPOPT_TS_PRESPEC, "Time stamps for prespecified addresses"} };
+#define N_FLAG_VALS (sizeof flag_vals / sizeof flag_vals[0])
+ struct in_addr addr;
+ guint ts;
+ tf = add_item_to_tree(opt_tree, offset, optlen, "%s:", name);
+ field_tree = gtk_tree_new();
+ add_subtree(tf, field_tree, ETT_IP_OPTION_TIMESTAMP);
+ optoffset += 2; /* skip past type and length */
+ optlen -= 2; /* subtract size of type and length */
+ ptr = *opd;
+ add_item_to_tree(field_tree, offset + optoffset, 1,
+ "Pointer: %d%s", ptr,
+ ((ptr < 5) ? " (points before first address)" :
+ (((ptr - 1) & 3) ? " (points to middle of address)" : "")));
+ optoffset++;
+ opd++;
+ optlen--;
+ ptr--; /* ptr is 1-origin */
+ flg = *opd;
+ add_item_to_tree(field_tree, offset + optoffset, 1,
+ "Overflow: %d", flg >> 4);
+ flg &= 0xF;
+ if ((flg_str = match_strval(flg, flag_vals, N_FLAG_VALS)))
+ add_item_to_tree(field_tree, offset + optoffset, 1,
+ "Flag: %s", flg_str);
+ else
+ add_item_to_tree(field_tree, offset + optoffset, 1,
+ "Flag: Unknown (0x%x)", flg);
+ optoffset++;
+ opd++;
+ optlen--;
+ while (optlen > 0) {
+ if (flg == IPOPT_TS_TSANDADDR) {
+ if (optlen < 4) {
+ add_item_to_tree(field_tree, offset + optoffset, optlen,
+ "(suboption would go past end of option)");
+ break;
+ }
+ /* XXX - check whether it goes past end of packet */
+ ts = pntohl(opd);
+ opd += 4;
+ optlen -= 4;
+ if (optlen < 4) {
+ add_item_to_tree(field_tree, offset + optoffset, optlen,
+ "(suboption would go past end of option)");
+ break;
+ }
+ /* XXX - check whether it goes past end of packet */
+ memcpy((char *)&addr, (char *)opd, sizeof(addr));
+ opd += 4;
+ optlen -= 4;
+ add_item_to_tree(field_tree, offset, 8,
+ "Address = %s, time stamp = %u",
+ ((addr.s_addr == 0) ? "-" : (char *)get_hostname(addr.s_addr)),
+ ts);
+ optoffset += 8;
+ } else {
+ if (optlen < 4) {
+ add_item_to_tree(field_tree, offset + optoffset, optlen,
+ "(suboption would go past end of option)");
+ break;
+ }
+ /* XXX - check whether it goes past end of packet */
+ ts = pntohl(opd);
+ opd += 4;
+ optlen -= 4;
+ add_item_to_tree(field_tree, offset + optoffset, 4,
+ "Time stamp = %u", ts);
+ optoffset += 4;
+ }
+ }
+static ip_tcp_opt ipopts[] = {
+ {
+ "EOL",
+ 0,
+ },
+ {
+ "NOP",
+ 0,
+ },
+ {
+ "Security",
+ dissect_ipopt_security
+ },
+ {
+ "Strict source route",
+ dissect_ipopt_route
+ },
+ {
+ "Loose source route",
+ dissect_ipopt_route
+ },
+ {
+ "Record route",
+ dissect_ipopt_route
+ },
+ {
+ "Stream identifier",
+ dissect_ipopt_sid
+ },
+ {
+ "Time stamp",
+ dissect_ipopt_timestamp
+ }
+#define N_IP_OPTS (sizeof ipopts / sizeof ipopts[0])
+/* Dissect the IP or TCP options in a packet. */
+dissect_ip_tcp_options(GtkWidget *opt_tree, const u_char *opd, int offset,
+ guint length, ip_tcp_opt *opttab, int nopts, int eol)
+ u_char opt;
+ ip_tcp_opt *optp;
+ guint len;
+ while (length > 0) {
+ opt = *opd++;
+ for (optp = &opttab[0]; optp < &opttab[nopts]; optp++) {
+ if (optp->optcode == opt)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (optp == &opttab[nopts]) {
+ add_item_to_tree(opt_tree, offset, 1, "Unknown");
+ /* We don't know how long this option is, so we don't know how much
+ of it to skip, so we just bail. */
+ return;
+ }
+ --length; /* account for type byte */
+ if (optp->len_type != NO_LENGTH) {
+ /* Option has a length. Is it in the packet? */
+ if (length == 0) {
+ /* Bogus - packet must at least include option code byte and
+ length byte! */
+ add_item_to_tree(opt_tree, offset, 1,
+ "%s (length byte past end of header)", optp->name);
+ return;
+ }
+ len = *opd++; /* total including type, len */
+ --length; /* account for length byte */
+ if (len < 2) {
+ /* Bogus - option length is too short to include option code and
+ option length. */
+ add_item_to_tree(opt_tree, offset, 2,
+ "%s (with too-short option length = %u bytes)", optp->name, 2);
+ return;
+ } else if (len - 2 > length) {
+ /* Bogus - option goes past the end of the header. */
+ add_item_to_tree(opt_tree, offset, length,
+ "%s (option goes past end of header)", optp->name);
+ return;
+ } else if (optp->len_type == FIXED_LENGTH && len != optp->optlen) {
+ /* Bogus - option length isn't what it's supposed to be for this
+ option. */
+ add_item_to_tree(opt_tree, offset, len,
+ "%s (with option length = %u bytes; should be %u)", optp->name,
+ len, optp->optlen);
+ return;
+ } else if (optp->len_type == VARIABLE_LENGTH && len < optp->optlen) {
+ /* Bogus - option length is less than what it's supposed to be for
+ this option. */
+ add_item_to_tree(opt_tree, offset, len,
+ "%s (with option length = %u bytes; should be >= %u)", optp->name,
+ len, optp->optlen);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ if (optp->dissect != NULL) {
+ /* Option has a dissector. */
+ (*optp->dissect)(opt_tree, optp->name, opd, offset, len);
+ } else {
+ /* Option has no data, hence no dissector. */
+ add_item_to_tree(opt_tree, offset, len, "%s", optp->name);
+ }
+ len -= 2; /* subtract size of type and length */
+ offset += 2 + len;
+ }
+ opd += len;
+ length -= len;
+ } else {
+ add_item_to_tree(opt_tree, offset, 1, "%s", optp->name);
+ offset += 1;
+ }
+ if (opt == eol)
+ break;
+ }
dissect_ip(const u_char *pd, int offset, frame_data *fd, GtkTree *tree) {
e_ip iph;
- GtkWidget *ip_tree, *ti;
+ GtkWidget *ip_tree, *ti, *field_tree, *tf;
gchar tos_str[32];
+ guint hlen, optlen;
+ gchar *proto_str;
+ static value_string proto_vals[] = { {IP_PROTO_ICMP, "ICMP"},
+#define N_PROTO_VALS (sizeof proto_vals / sizeof proto_vals[0])
/* To do: check for runts, errs, etc. */
/* Avoids alignment problems on many architectures. */
@@ -60,6 +413,8 @@ dissect_ip(const u_char *pd, int offset, frame_data *fd, GtkTree *tree) {
iph.ip_id = ntohs(iph.ip_id);
iph.ip_off = ntohs(iph.ip_off);
iph.ip_sum = ntohs(iph.ip_sum);
+ hlen = iph.ip_hl * 4; /* IP header length, in bytes */
if (fd->win_info[COL_NUM]) {
switch (iph.ip_p) {
@@ -97,17 +452,16 @@ dissect_ip(const u_char *pd, int offset, frame_data *fd, GtkTree *tree) {
strcpy(tos_str, "Minimize cost");
- strcpy(tos_str, "Unknon. Malformed?");
+ strcpy(tos_str, "Unknown. Malformed?");
if (tree) {
- ti = add_item_to_tree(GTK_WIDGET(tree), offset, (iph.ip_hl * 4),
- "Internet Protocol");
+ ti = add_item_to_tree(GTK_WIDGET(tree), offset, hlen, "Internet Protocol");
ip_tree = gtk_tree_new();
add_subtree(ti, ip_tree, ETT_IP);
add_item_to_tree(ip_tree, offset, 1, "Version: %d", iph.ip_v);
- add_item_to_tree(ip_tree, offset, 1, "Header length: %d", iph.ip_hl);
+ add_item_to_tree(ip_tree, offset, 1, "Header length: %d bytes", hlen);
add_item_to_tree(ip_tree, offset + 1, 1, "Type of service: 0x%02x (%s)",
iph.ip_tos, tos_str);
add_item_to_tree(ip_tree, offset + 2, 2, "Total length: %d", iph.ip_len);
@@ -115,17 +469,33 @@ dissect_ip(const u_char *pd, int offset, frame_data *fd, GtkTree *tree) {
/* To do: add flags */
add_item_to_tree(ip_tree, offset + 6, 2, "Fragment offset: %d",
- iph.ip_off & 0x1fff);
+ iph.ip_off & IP_OFFSET);
add_item_to_tree(ip_tree, offset + 8, 1, "Time to live: %d",
- add_item_to_tree(ip_tree, offset + 9, 1, "Protocol: 0x%02x",
- iph.ip_p);
+ if ((proto_str = match_strval(iph.ip_p, proto_vals, N_PROTO_VALS)))
+ add_item_to_tree(ip_tree, offset + 9, 1, "Protocol: %s", proto_str);
+ else
+ add_item_to_tree(ip_tree, offset + 9, 1, "Protocol: Unknown (%x)",
+ iph.ip_p);
add_item_to_tree(ip_tree, offset + 10, 2, "Header checksum: 0x%04x",
add_item_to_tree(ip_tree, offset + 12, 4, "Source address: %s",
add_item_to_tree(ip_tree, offset + 16, 4, "Destination address: %s",
+ /* Decode IP options, if any. */
+ if (hlen > sizeof (e_ip)) {
+ /* There's more than just the fixed-length header. Decode the
+ options. */
+ optlen = hlen - sizeof (e_ip); /* length of options, in bytes */
+ tf = add_item_to_tree(ip_tree, offset + 20, optlen,
+ "Options: (%d bytes)", optlen);
+ field_tree = gtk_tree_new();
+ add_subtree(tf, field_tree, ETT_IP_OPTIONS);
+ dissect_ip_tcp_options(field_tree, &pd[offset + 20], offset + 20, optlen,
+ ipopts, N_IP_OPTS, IPOPT_END);
+ }
pi.srcip = ip_to_str( (guint8 *) &iph.ip_src);
@@ -135,7 +505,7 @@ dissect_ip(const u_char *pd, int offset, frame_data *fd, GtkTree *tree) {
pi.iphdrlen = iph.ip_hl;
pi.ip_src = iph.ip_src;
- offset += iph.ip_hl * 4;
+ offset += hlen;
switch (iph.ip_p) {
dissect_icmp(pd, offset, fd, tree);