path: root/packaging/rpm/SPECS/wireshark.spec.in
diff options
authorDario Lombardo <lomato@gmail.com>2018-04-24 12:34:37 +0200
committerGerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>2018-04-24 15:03:40 +0000
commit180a9975a1d2e14c5270372cfddaf7b982803017 (patch)
tree29505f83ab1692e339a3db8e703c717c52d3dd9d /packaging/rpm/SPECS/wireshark.spec.in
parent2132b8314d509e93d2a900d069f5e9ffa6e32fd7 (diff)
RPM: remove packaging/rpm/SPECS/wireshark.spec.in.
Not used anymore. Change-Id: I22dd0ad073059064630f7a7683b82724e2bfa452 Reviewed-on: https://code.wireshark.org/review/27117 Reviewed-by: Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
Diffstat (limited to 'packaging/rpm/SPECS/wireshark.spec.in')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 631 deletions
diff --git a/packaging/rpm/SPECS/wireshark.spec.in b/packaging/rpm/SPECS/wireshark.spec.in
deleted file mode 100644
index ade0c320c4..0000000000
--- a/packaging/rpm/SPECS/wireshark.spec.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,631 +0,0 @@
-# Note that this is NOT a relocatable package
-# @configure_input@
-# configure options: @CONFIG_ARGS@
-%bcond_with qt
-%bcond_without qt5
-%bcond_without gtk2
-%bcond_with gtk3
-%bcond_with lua
-# Set these to 1 if you want to ensure your package includes support for them:
-%global with_lz4_and_snappy 1
-%global with_c_ares 1
-%global with_portaudio 0
-%global with_spandsp 0
-%global with_bcg729 0
-%global with_libxml2 1
-%global with_nghttp2 1
-%global with_extcap 1
-# Set at most one of these two:
-# Note that setcap requires rpmbuild 4.7.0 or later.
-%global setuid_dumpcap 0
-%global setcap_dumpcap 1
-# Set to 1 if you want a group called 'wireshark' which users must be a member
-# of in order to run dumpcap. Only used if setuid_dumpcap or setcap_dumpcap
-# are set.
-%global use_wireshark_group 1
-%global package_version @VERSION@
-Summary: Wireshark is the world's foremost protocol analyzer
-Name: wireshark
-Version: @RPM_VERSION@
-Release: 1
-License: GPLv2+
-Group: Applications/Internet
-Source: https://www.wireshark.org/download/src/%{name}-%{package_version}.tar.xz
-# Or this URL for automated builds:
-#Source: https://www.wireshark.org/download/automated/src/%{name}-%{package_version}.tar.xz
-URL: https://www.wireshark.org/
-Packager: Gerald Combs <gerald[AT]wireshark.org>
-# Some distributions create a wireshark-devel package; get rid of it
-Obsoletes: wireshark-devel
-BuildRoot: /tmp/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
-BuildRequires: libtool
-BuildRequires: gcc
-BuildRequires: python
-BuildRequires: perl
-BuildRequires: glib2-devel >= @GLIB_MIN_VERSION@
-Requires: glib2 >= @GLIB_MIN_VERSION@
-BuildRequires: libpcap-devel
-Requires: libpcap
-BuildRequires: zlib-devel
-Requires: zlib
-%if %{with_lz4_and_snappy}
-%if 0%{?suse_version}
-BuildRequires: liblz4-devel
-BuildRequires: snappy-devel
-Requires: libsnappy1
-Requires: liblz4-1
-BuildRequires: lz4-devel
-BuildRequires: snappy-devel
-Requires: snappy
-Requires: lz4
-%if %{with_c_ares}
-%if 0%{?suse_version}
-# SuSE uses these package names (yes 2!):
-BuildRequires: libcares-devel
-Requires: libcares2
-# ... while Red Hat uses this one:
-# (What other RPM-based distros do will have to be determined...)
-BuildRequires: c-ares-devel
-Requires: c-ares
-%if %{with lua}
-BuildRequires: lua-devel < 5.3
-Requires: lua < 5.3
-%if %{with_nghttp2}
-BuildRequires: libnghttp2-devel
-Requires: libnghttp2
-# Uncomment these if you want to be sure you get them...
-#BuildRequires: krb5-devel
-#BuildRequires: libsmi-devel
-#BuildRequires: pcre-devel
-#BuildRequires: libselinux
-#BuildRequires: gnutls-devel
-#BuildRequires: libcap-devel
-%if %{use_wireshark_group}
-%if 0%{?suse_version}
-# SuSE's groupadd is in this package:
-Requires(pre): pwdutils
-# ... while Red Hat's is in this one:
-Requires(pre): shadow-utils
-%if %{setcap_dumpcap}
-# Actually we require rpmbuild (the program) >= 4.7.0 but the package name
-# where we can find it varies. So we check the 'rpm' version because either
-# rpmbuild is in that package (e.g., in older distros) or it's in the
-# 'rpm-build' package which generally requires a matching version of 'rpm'.
-# All of this is to save users the trouble of getting through an full compile
-# only to have rpmbuild barf because it doesn't understand capabilities.
-BuildRequires: rpm >= 4.7.0
-# NOTE: the below description has been copied to wireshark.appdata.xml (in the
-# top-level directory).
-Wireshark allows you to examine protocol data stored in files or as it is
-captured from wired or wireless (WiFi or Bluetooth) networks, USB devices,
-and many other sources. It supports dozens of protocol capture file formats
-and understands more than a thousand protocols.
-It has many powerful features including a rich display filter language
-and the ability to reassemble multiple protocol packets in order to, for
-example, view a complete TCP stream, save the contents of a file which was
-transferred over HTTP or CIFS, or play back an RTP audio stream.
-This package contains command-line utilities, plugins, and documentation for
-Wireshark. A Qt and a GTK+ graphical user interface are packaged separately.
-%if %{with qt} || %{with qt5}
-%package qt
-Summary: Wireshark's Qt-based GUI
-Group: Applications/Internet
-%if %{with qt5}
-%if 0%{?suse_version}
-Requires: libQt5Core5
-Requires: libQt5Gui5
-Requires: libQt5Widgets5
-Requires: libQt5PrintSupport5
-Requires: libQt5Multimedia5
-BuildRequires: libQt5Core-devel
-BuildRequires: libQt5Gui-devel
-BuildRequires: libQt5Widgets-devel
-BuildRequires: libQt5PrintSupport-devel
-BuildRequires: libqt5-qtmultimedia-devel
-Requires: qt5-qtbase
-Requires: qt5-qtbase-gui
-Requires: qt5-qtmultimedia
-BuildRequires: qt5-qtbase-devel
-BuildRequires: qt5-qtmultimedia-devel
-%if %{with qt}
-%if 0%{?suse_version}
-Requires: libqt4 >= @QT_MIN_VERSION@
-BuildRequires: libqt4-devel >= @QT_MIN_VERSION@
-Requires: qt >= @QT_MIN_VERSION@
-BuildRequires: qt-devel >= @QT_MIN_VERSION@
-Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
-Requires: xdg-utils
-Requires: hicolor-icon-theme
-BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
-Requires(post): desktop-file-utils
-Requires(post): /usr/sbin/update-alternatives
-Requires(postun): /usr/sbin/update-alternatives
-BuildRequires: gcc-c++
-%if 0%{?suse_version}
-# Need this for SuSE's suse_update_desktop_file macro
-BuildRequires: update-desktop-files
-%description qt
-This package contains the Qt Wireshark GUI and desktop integration files.
-%if %{with gtk2} || %{with gtk3}
-%package gtk
-Summary: Wireshark's GTK+-based GUI
-Group: Applications/Internet
-# This package used to be called wireshark-gnome. Tell the system about
-# the rename. The Provides line is optional to help people find the new
-# package.
-Provides: wireshark-gnome
-Obsoletes: wireshark-gnome
-%if %{with gtk3}
-Requires: gtk3 >= @GTK3_MIN_VERSION@
-BuildRequires: gtk3-devel >= @GTK3_MIN_VERSION@
-%if %{with gtk2}
-Requires: gtk2 >= @GTK2_MIN_VERSION@
-BuildRequires: gtk2-devel >= @GTK2_MIN_VERSION@
-Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
-Requires: xdg-utils
-Requires: hicolor-icon-theme
-BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
-Requires(post): desktop-file-utils
-Requires(post): /usr/sbin/update-alternatives
-Requires(postun): /usr/sbin/update-alternatives
-%if 0%{?suse_version}
-# Need this for SuSE's suse_update_desktop_file macro
-BuildRequires: update-desktop-files
-%if %{with_portaudio}
-BuildRequires: portaudio-devel
-Requires: portaudio
-%if %{with_spandsp}
-BuildRequires: spandsp-devel
-Requires: spandsp
-%if %{with_bcg729}
-BuildRequires: bcg729-devel
-Requires: bcg729
-%if %{with_libxml2}
-BuildRequires: libxml2-devel
-Requires: libxml2
-# Uncomment these if you want to be sure you get them...
-#BuildRequires: libmaxminddb-devel
-#Requires: libmaxminddb
-# Add this for more readable fonts on some distributions/versions
-#Requires: dejavu-sans-mono-fonts
-%description gtk
-This package contains the GTK+ Wireshark GUI and desktop integration files.
-%setup -q -n %{name}-%{package_version}
-# Don't specify the prefix here: configure is a macro which expands to set
-# the prefix and everything else too. If you need to change the prefix
-# set _prefix (note the underscore) either in this file or on rpmbuild's
-# command-line.
-%configure \
- --with-gnu-ld \
-%if %{with_c_ares}
- --with-c-ares \
-%if %{with lua}
- --with-lua \
-%if %{with_portaudio}
- --with-portaudio \
-%if %{with_spandsp}
- --with-spandsp \
-%if %{with_bcg729}
- --with-bcg729 \
-%if %{with_libxml2}
- --with-libxml2 \
- --without-libxml2 \
-%if %{with_extcap}
- --with-extcap \
- %else
- --with-extcap=no \
-%if %{with qt}
- --with-qt=5 \
-%if %{with qt5}
- --with-qt=5 \
- --without-qt \
-%if %{with gtk2}
- --with-gtk=2 \
-%if %{with gtk3}
- --with-gtk=3 \
- --without-gtk \
- --disable-warnings-as-errors
-# Remove rpath. It's prohibited in Fedora[1] and anyway we don't need it (and
-# sometimes it gets in the way).
-# [1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:Guidelines#Beware_of_Rpath
-sed -i 's|^hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=.*|hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=""|g' libtool
-sed -i 's|^runpath_var=LD_RUN_PATH|runpath_var=DIE_RPATH_DIE|g' libtool
-# Suggestion: put this in your ~/.rpmmacros (without the hash sign, of course):
-# %_smp_mflags -j %(grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo)
-make %{?_smp_mflags}
-# If we're being installed in an unusual prefix tell the loader where
-# to find our libraries.
-%if "%{_prefix}" != "/usr"
- %define install_ld_so_conf 1
- mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/ld.so.conf.d
- echo %{_libdir} > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/ld.so.conf.d/wireshark.conf
-%if %{with qt} || %{with qt5}
-# Change the program name for 'alternatives'
-mv %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/wireshark %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/wireshark-qt
-%if %{with qt} || %{with qt5} || %{with gtk2} || %{with gtk3}
-# Create the 'alternative' file
-touch %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/wireshark
-%if 0%{?suse_version}
-# SuSE's packaging conventions
-# (http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Packaging_Conventions_RPM_Macros#.25suse_update_desktop_file)
-# require this:
-%suse_update_desktop_file %{name}
-# Fedora's packaging guidelines (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:Guidelines)
-# require this (at least if desktop-file-install was not used to install it).
-desktop-file-validate %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/wireshark.desktop
-desktop-file-validate %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/wireshark-gtk.desktop
-%if %{use_wireshark_group}
-getent group wireshark >/dev/null || groupadd -r wireshark
-# If we have a pre-alternatives wireshark binary out there, get rid of it.
-# (With 'alternatives' %{_bindir}/wireshark should be a symlink.)
-if [ -f %{_bindir}/wireshark ]
- rm -f %{_bindir}/wireshark
-%post -p /sbin/ldconfig
-%postun -p /sbin/ldconfig
-%if %{with qt} || %{with qt5}
-%post qt
-update-desktop-database %{_datadir}/applications &> /dev/null || :
-update-mime-database %{_datadir}/mime &> /dev/null || :
-touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
-/usr/sbin/update-alternatives --install %{_bindir}/wireshark \
- %{name} %{_bindir}/wireshark-qt 50
-%postun qt
-update-desktop-database %{_datadir}/applications &> /dev/null ||:
-update-mime-database %{_datadir}/mime &> /dev/null || :
-if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then
- /usr/sbin/update-alternatives --remove %{name} %{_bindir}/wireshark-qt
-%if %{with gtk2} || %{with gtk3}
-%post gtk
-update-desktop-database %{_datadir}/applications &> /dev/null ||:
-update-mime-database %{_datadir}/mime &> /dev/null || :
-touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
-gtk-update-icon-cache -t %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
-/usr/sbin/update-alternatives --install %{_bindir}/wireshark \
- %{name} %{_bindir}/wireshark-gtk 10
-%postun gtk
-update-desktop-database %{_datadir}/applications &> /dev/null ||:
-update-mime-database %{_datadir}/mime &> /dev/null || :
-if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then
- touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
- gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
- /usr/sbin/update-alternatives --remove %{name} %{_bindir}/wireshark-gtk
-# Include the User Guide:
-%docdir %{_datadir}/doc/wireshark/guides/
-# Don't pick up any of the wireshark (GUI) binaries here
-%exclude %{_bindir}/wireshark*
-# This generates a warning because dumpcap is listed twice. That's
-# probably preferable to listing each program (and keeping the list up to
-# date)...
-%if %{use_wireshark_group} && %{setuid_dumpcap}
-# Setuid but only executable by members of the 'wireshark' group
-%attr(4750, root, wireshark) %{_bindir}/dumpcap
-%if %{use_wireshark_group} && %{setcap_dumpcap}
-# Setcap but only executable by members of the 'wireshark' group
-%attr(0750, root, wireshark) %caps(cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin=ep) %{_bindir}/dumpcap
-%if %{setuid_dumpcap}
-# Setuid and executable by all
-%attr(4755, root, root) %{_bindir}/dumpcap
-%if %{setcap_dumpcap}
-# Setcap and executable by all
-%attr(0755, root, root) %caps(cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin=ep) %{_bindir}/dumpcap
-# Executable by all but with no special permissions
-%attr(0755, root, root) %{_bindir}/dumpcap
-%exclude %{_libdir}/%{name}/plugins/@VERSION_RELEASE@/*.la
-%exclude %{_libdir}/*.la
-# Don't pick up the wireshark (GUI) man page
-%exclude %{_mandir}/man1/wireshark.*
-# Our RPMs use 'alternatives' to choose the Wireshark so it doesn't make sense
-# to have 2 desktop entries: one for 'wireshark' (Qt or Gtk GUI, depending on
-# configuration) and one for 'wireshark-gtk' (the Gtk GUI).
-%exclude %{_datadir}/applications/wireshark-gtk.desktop
-%if 0%{?install_ld_so_conf}
-%if %{with qt} || %{with qt5}
-%files qt
-%ghost %{_bindir}/wireshark
-%if %{with gtk2} || %{with gtk3}
-%files gtk
-%ghost %{_bindir}/wireshark
-* Sat Dec 2 2017 Jeff Morriss
-- Include the User Guide (now installed by default by autotools).
-* Wed Jul 26 2017 Pascal Quantin
-- Added bcg729 (as an option, defaulting to not required).
-* Tue Apr 4 2017 Ahmad Fatoum
-- Added libxml2 (as an option, defaulting to required).
-* Tue Dec 20 2016 Anders Broman
-- Add with extcap (as an option, defaulting to yes).
-* Mon Dec 5 2016 Jeff Morriss
-- Add spandsp (as an option, defaulting to not required).
-* Tue Oct 18 2016 Benoit Canet
-- Add LZ4 and snappy compression support.
-* Mon Aug 29 2016 Jeff Morriss
-- Add libnghttp2 (as an option, defaulting to required).
-* Wed Aug 17 2016 Jeff Morriss
-- wireshark.pc is now installed with Wireshark, include it in the RPM.
-* Mon May 9 2016 Jeff Morriss
-- Make autoconf, automake, flex, and bison optional: most users (who aren't
- patching Wireshark) don't need them to build an RPM.
-* Tue Nov 10 2015 Jeff Morriss
-- Rename the gnome package to gtk: Wireshark uses Gtk+ but isn't part of GNOME.
-* Mon Sep 14 2015 Jeff Morriss
-- Follow ./configure's decision on whether to configure Lua or not rather than
- forcing it to be enabled (and thus failing on some distros which don't ship
- a compatible version of Lua any more).
-* Sat Sep 12 2015 Jeffrey Smith
-- Begin support for Qt5
-* Thu Jan 22 2015 Jeff Morriss
-- Add appdata file.
-* Tue Jan 20 2015 Jeff Morriss
-- Make the license tag more specific: Wireshark is GPLv2+.
-* Mon Jan 12 2015 Jeff Morriss
-- Modernize the (base package) %description.
-* Wed Dec 3 2014 Jeff Morriss
-- Don't run gtk-update-icon-cache when uninstalling the Qt package. But do run
- it when installing the gnome package.
-- Tell the loader where to find our libraries if we're being installed
- someplace other than /usr .
-- Attempt to get RPMs working with a prefix other than /usr (now that the
- (free)desktop files are no longer always installed /usr). Desktop
- integration doesn't work for prefixes other than "/usr" or "/usr/local".
-* Fri Aug 29 2014 Gerald Combs
-- The Qt UI is now the default. Update logic and prioritization to
- reflect this.
-* Mon Aug 4 2014 Jeff Morriss
-- Fix RPM builds with a prefix other than /usr: The location of
- update-alternatives does not depend on Wireshark's installation prefix:
- it's always in /usr/sbin/.
-* Fri Aug 1 2014 Jeff Morriss
-- Remove the old wireshark binary during RPM upgrades: this is needed because
- we now declare wireshark to be %ghost so it doesn't get overwritten during an
- upgrade (but in older RPMs it was the real program).
-* Tue Jul 1 2014 Jeff Morriss
-- Get rid of rpath when we're building RPMs: Fedora prohibits it, we don't
- need it, and it gets in the way some times.
-* Tue Nov 26 2013 Jeff Morriss
-- Overhaul options handling to pull in the UI choice from ./configure.
-- Make it possible to not build the GNOME package.
-* Tue Nov 12 2013 Jeff Morriss
-- Add a qt package using 'alternatives' to allow the administrator to choose
- which one they actually use.
-* Fri Sep 20 2013 Jeff Morriss
-- If we're not using gtk3 add --with-gtk2 (since Wireshark now defaults to gtk3)
-* Thu Mar 28 2013 Jeff Morriss
-- Simplify check for rpmbuild's version.
-* Fri Mar 8 2013 Jeff Morriss
-- Put all icons in hicolor
-- Use SuSE's desktop-update macro.
-- Actually update MIME database when Wireshark's prefix is not /usr .
-* Thu Mar 7 2013 Jeff Morriss
-- List more build dependencies.
-- Update to work on SuSE too: some of their package names are different.
-* Wed Mar 6 2013 Gerald Combs
-- Enable c-ares by default
-* Thu Feb 7 2013 Jeff Morriss
-- Overhaul to make this file more useful/up to date. Many changes are based
- on Fedora's .spec file. Changes include:
- - Create a separate wireshark-gnome package (like Red Hat).
- - Control some things with variables set at the top of the file.
- - Allow the user to configure how dumpcap is installed.
- - Allow the user to choose some options including GTK2 or GTK3.
- - Greatly expand the BuildRequires entries; get the minimum versions of some
- things from 'configure'.
- - Install freedesktop files for better (free)desktop integration.
-* Thu Aug 10 2006 Joerg Mayer
-- Starting with X.org 7.x X11R6 is being phased out. Install wireshark
- and manpage into the standard path.
-* Mon Aug 01 2005 Gerald Combs
-- Add a desktop file and icon for future use
-- Take over the role of packager
-- Update descriptions and source locations
-* Thu Oct 28 2004 Joerg Mayer
-- Add openssl requirement (heimdal and net-snmp are still automatic)
-* Tue Jul 20 2004 Joerg Mayer
-- Redo install and files section to actually work with normal builds
-* Sat Feb 07 2004 Joerg Mayer
-- in case there are shared libs: include them
-* Tue Aug 24 1999 Gilbert Ramirez
-- changed to ethereal.spec.in so that 'configure' can update
- the version automatically
-* Tue Aug 03 1999 Gilbert Ramirez <gram@xiexie.org>
-- updated to 0.7.0 and changed gtk+ requirement
-* Sun Jan 03 1999 Gerald Combs <gerald@zing.org>
-- updated to 0.5.1
-* Fri Nov 20 1998 FastJack <fastjack@i-s-o.net>
-- updated to 0.5.0
-* Sun Nov 15 1998 FastJack <fastjack@i-s-o.net>
-- created .spec file