path: root/data/mnet/GP10/Host/cdcUtils/clkInterface
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Diffstat (limited to 'data/mnet/GP10/Host/cdcUtils/clkInterface')
2 files changed, 1273 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/mnet/GP10/Host/cdcUtils/clkInterface/Makefile b/data/mnet/GP10/Host/cdcUtils/clkInterface/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d35c870
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/mnet/GP10/Host/cdcUtils/clkInterface/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# (c) Copyright Cisco 2000
+# All Rights Reserved
+# TOP_OF_VOB must be defined before including
+TOP_OF_VOB = ..\..\..
+# These Must be Properly Defined
+THIS_APP_DIR = cdcUtils
+THIS_DIRECTORY = clkInterface
+MY_OUTPUT = $(OBJDIR)\clkInterface.out
+# Name(s) of Common VOB directories to include
+include $(TOP_OF_VOB)\
+all: makeCommonObjs $(MY_OUTPUT)
+# Adds the .o file(s) list needed from the Common VOB
+ifneq ($(COMMON_BLD_DIR),)
+ @for %f in ($(COMMON_BLD_DIR)) do \
+ make -C $(COMMON_VOB_APP_DIR)\%f \
+# If Common VOB directories to include get the .o files from bin
+ifneq ($(COMMON_BLD_DIR),)
+ $(LD) -r -o $@.tmp $() $(MODULE_OBJS) $(wildcard ./bin/*.o)
+ $(LD) -r -o $@.tmp $() $(MODULE_OBJS)
+ $(NM) $@.tmp | munch > _ctdt.c
+ $(CC) -traditional $(CC_ARCH_SPEC) -c _ctdt.c
+ $(LD) -r -o $@ _ctdt.o $@.tmp
+ $(RM)$(subst /,$(DIRCHAR), _ctdt.c _ctdt.o $@.tmp)
+ @for %f in ($(notdir $(MODULE_OBJS))) do \
+ $(RM) ..\bin\%f
+ $(RM) $(MY_OUTPUT)
+ifneq ($(COMMON_BLD_DIR),)
+ $(RM) bin\*.o
+ $(RM) bin\*.out
diff --git a/data/mnet/GP10/Host/cdcUtils/clkInterface/clkInterface.c b/data/mnet/GP10/Host/cdcUtils/clkInterface/clkInterface.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb21d8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/mnet/GP10/Host/cdcUtils/clkInterface/clkInterface.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1221 @@
+ (c) Copyright Cisco 2000
+ All Rights Reserved
+clkInterface - Clock Interface
+This file consists a set of functions to interface with the Clock Module.
+Before any of the functions can be used the interface needs to be initialized with
+function clkInit().
+All the clock interface functions make use of the function clkCmd() to send a
+command to the clock module. clKCmd() sends the given command to the clock module
+and reads the response after 320 ms. This function can also be used to send
+a command to the clock module from the console.
+A function clkNumGet is used by other funcion that need to send a command and read
+a numerical value from the response.
+All the commands to the clock module are ASCII coded. Each command has an ASCII
+coded response. The clock module asssumes that the commands are being sent from
+a console and sends a prompt at the end of all responses. The command charaters are
+not echoed by the clock module. Each command is terminated with a
+'carraige return' character.
+#include <vxWorks.h>
+#include <ioLib.h>
+#include <semLib.h>
+#include "cdc_bsp/nvRam.h"
+#define MAX_CMD_LEN 30
+#define MAX_RSP_LEN 30
+#define SERIAL_NUM_LEN 15
+#define EEPROM_SIZE_REV1_8 15
+/*---------- Globals ----------*/
+char clkSerialNum[SERIAL_NUM_LEN + 1] = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
+char clkSoftVersion[4] = "x.x";
+int clkVerifyEepromOn = 1;
+/*-------- File Locals --------*/
+static SEM_ID clkSem;
+static int clkFd;
+static int clkVerStage;
+LOCAL STATUS clkSoftVersionGet();
+clkInterfaceInit - Interface Initialize
+Inititlaizes the clock module interface..
+/* This routine opens the serial port for the clock module */
+static STATUS clkInterfaceInit() /* RETURN: OK or ERROR */
+ STATUS retStat = ERROR;
+ /* create a semaphore for mutual exclusion */
+ if (clkSem != NULL)
+ {
+ clkFd = open("/tyCo/1", O_RDWR, 0); /* open the serial port */
+ if (clkFd != ERROR)
+ {
+ /* The response to first command to clock card is discoverd to be just a prompt.
+ Issue a dummy command so that the first real command is not the first command */
+ write(clkFd, "\r", 1); /* send a carraige return */
+ taskDelay(2); /* wait for the response */
+ ioctl(clkFd, FIORFLUSH, 0); /* clear the 'read' buffer */
+ retStat = OK;
+ }
+ }
+ return retStat;
+clkInit - Initialize
+Inititlaizes the clock module interface and reads and saves the clock module
+serial number.
+This function should be called once before any commands can be
+sent to the clock module.
+/* This routine opens the serial port for the clock module */
+STATUS clkInit() /* RETURN: OK or ERROR */
+ STATUS retStat = ERROR;
+ clkVerStage = NUM_VERSION_STAGES - 1; /* assume latest */
+ if (clkInterfaceInit() == OK) /* intitlize the interface */
+ {
+ if (clkSoftVersionGet() == OK) /* read the software version number */
+ {
+ if ((clkSoftVersion[0] >= '0') && (clkSoftVersion[0] <= '9'))
+ { /* valid number */
+ if (clkSoftVersion[0] >= '2')
+ clkVerStage = 1; /* version >= 2.x */
+ else
+ clkVerStage = 0;
+ if (clkVerifyEepromOn) clkValidateEeprom();
+ if (clkSerialNumGet() == OK) /* read the serial number */
+ retStat = OK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return retStat;
+clkSerialNumReturn - Serial Number Return
+Returns the Serial Number of the clock module.
+char* clkSerialNumReturn()
+ return clkSerialNum;
+clkSerialNumPrint - Serial Number Print
+Prints the Serial Number of the clock module.
+ printf("Clock Module Serial Number: %s\n", clkSerialNum);
+clkSoftVersionReturn - Software Version Return
+Returns the Software Version of the clock module.
+char* clkSoftVersionReturn()
+ return clkSoftVersion;
+clkSoftVersionPrint - Software Version Print
+Prints the Software Version of the clock module.
+ printf("Clock Module Software Version: %s\n", clkSoftVersion);
+clkCmd - Command
+This function sends a command to the clock module and returns the response.
+It provides interface to clock module for other functions. It can also be
+used for sending a command to the clock module from console.
+This function is used by all other functions to send a command to the clock
+module. Normally this function should not called directly. Instead one of
+the specicfic functions that make use of this function should be called.
+If the pointer to response is 0, it is assumed that the command was issued
+from the console the response is printed on the standard output.
+This functions waits for 320 check if a response is available. Error is
+returnrd if there is no response.
+All the responses from clock module are begin with cr-lf characters and the response ends
+with a cr-lf chracters and a prompt character.
+STATUS clkCmd( /* RETURN: OK / ERROR */
+ const char* cmd, /* IN : command */
+ char* rsp /* OUT: response */
+ )
+ STATUS retStat = ERROR;
+ UINT cmdLen;
+ UCHAR rspBuff[MAX_RSP_LEN + 1]; /* + 1 for lf/cr */
+ UINT nBytesUnread;
+ UINT i;
+/* retStat = semTake(clkSem, WAIT_FOREVER); /* Block the resourse */
+ if ((semTake(clkSem, WAIT_FOREVER)) != ERROR)
+ {
+ cmdLen = strlen(cmd);
+ ioctl(clkFd, FIORFLUSH, 0); /* clear read buffer */
+ write(clkFd, (char*) cmd, cmdLen); /* send the command */
+ write(clkFd, "\r", 1); /* end with carriage return */
+ taskDelay(10); /* wait for response */
+ ioctl(clkFd, FIONREAD, (int)&nBytesUnread); /* check if anything in the read buffer */
+ if (nBytesUnread > 0)
+ { /* Something to read */
+ read(clkFd, rspBuff, 2); /* read CR-LF */
+ read(clkFd, rspBuff, MAX_RSP_LEN); /* read the ascii string */
+ /* loop to find the end of the response */
+ for (i = 0; i < MAX_RSP_LEN; i++)
+ {
+ if ((rspBuff[i] == 0x0A) || (rspBuff[i] == 0x0D)) /* CR/LF ? */
+ {
+ rspBuff[i] = NULL; /* change to null */
+ if (rsp != 0)
+ { /* valid rsp pointer */
+ memcpy(rsp, rspBuff, i);
+ rsp[i] = NULL; /* null terminate */
+ }
+ else
+ { /* command must be from console */
+ printf("CLK Response: %s\n", rspBuff);
+ }
+ retStat = OK;
+ break;
+ }
+ } /* for (i */
+ } /* if (nBytes */
+ } /* if (retStat */
+ semGive(clkSem); /* release the resource */
+ return retStat;
+clkNumGet - Number Get
+Sends a command to clock module and reads the response.
+This fuctions is used by other functions requiring to send a command to
+the clock module and reading an unsigned numerical value back.
+Returns the number or -1 for error.
+The response consists of a series of chracters followed by the ascii coded digits.
+The rspExpected does not include the digits. Number of digits can vary. The maximum
+number of digits is numDigits.
+STATUS clkNumGet( /* RETURN : number or -1 for ERROR */
+ const char* cmd, /* IN: commnad */
+ const char* rspExpected, /* IN: expected response */
+ int numDigits, /* IN: maximum number of digits at the end */
+ int* num /* OUT: returned value, valid if STATUS=OK */
+ )
+ char rsp[MAX_RSP_LEN + 1]; /* + 1 for null */
+ int i;
+ int errorFound; /* boolean: error found in response */
+ const char* pRsp;
+ int rspExpectedLen;
+ if ((clkCmd(cmd, rsp)) == OK)
+ { /* command successful */
+ rspExpectedLen = strlen(rspExpected);
+ if (memcmp(rsp, rspExpected, rspExpectedLen) == 0)
+ { /* response is expected response */
+ /* search for end of command and compute number */
+ /* read characters from 'left' */
+ for (i = 0, *num = 0, errorFound = FALSE, pRsp = &rsp[rspExpectedLen];
+ (i < numDigits) && (*pRsp != 0) && (errorFound == FALSE);
+ i++, pRsp++ )
+ {
+ if ((*pRsp >= '0') && (*pRsp <= '9'))
+ {
+ *num = *num * 10 + (*pRsp - '0'); /* convert from ASCII */
+ }
+ else
+ errorFound = TRUE; /* invalid character */
+ }
+ if ((i == 0) || (*pRsp != 0)) /* No digits or response too long */
+ errorFound = TRUE;
+ if (errorFound == FALSE)
+ return OK; /* return offset */
+ }
+ }
+ return ERROR; /* return ERROR */
+clkOffsetSet - Offset Set
+Sends a command to clock module to set the given offset.
+Return OK or ERROR.
+The command sent to the clock module is $PTELS,OFFSET,xxx / $PTELS,OFFS,xxx
+The expected response is $PTELA,OFFSET,xxx / $PTELA,OFFS,xxx
+STATUS clkOffsetSet( /* RETURN: OK / ERROR */
+ UINT offset /* IN: offset */
+ )
+ const char* cmdSet[] = {"$PTELS,OFFSET,","$PTELS,OFFS,"};
+ const char* rspExpectedSet[] = {"$PTELA,OFFSET,","$PTELA,OFFS,"};
+ char cmd[MAX_CMD_LEN + 1]; /* + 1 for null */
+ char rspExpected[MAX_RSP_LEN + 1]; /* + 1 for null */
+ char rsp[MAX_RSP_LEN + 1]; /* + 1 for null */
+ if (offset <= 127)
+ {
+ /* select command and append the offset in ASCII */
+ sprintf(cmd, "%s%d", cmdSet[clkVerStage], offset);
+ sprintf(rspExpected, "%s%d", rspExpectedSet[clkVerStage], offset);
+ if ((clkCmd(cmd, rsp)) == OK) /* send the command */
+ {
+ if ((strcmp(rsp, rspExpected)) == 0) /* Is the response expected response? */
+ return OK;
+ }
+ }
+ return ERROR;
+clkOffsetGet - Offset Get
+Sends a command to clock module to read the offset.
+Returns the offset or -1 for error.
+The command sent to the clock module is $PTELQ,OFFSET / $PTELQ,OFFS
+The expected response is $PTELR,OFFSET,xxx / $PTELR,OFFS,xxx
+int clkOffsetGet() /* RETURN: offset or -1 for error */
+ const char* cmdSet[] = {"$PTELQ,OFFSET","$PTELQ,OFFS"};
+ const char* rspExpectedSet[] = {"$PTELR,OFFSET,","$PTELR,OFFS,"};
+ int num;
+ if (clkNumGet(cmdSet[clkVerStage], rspExpectedSet[clkVerStage], 3, &num) != OK)
+ {
+ num = -1;
+ }
+ return (num);
+clkOscillatorSet - Oscillator Type Set
+Sends a command to clock module to set the given Oscillator Type.
+Return OK or ERROR.
+The command sent to the clock module is $PTELS,OSC,xxx
+The expected response is $PTELA,OSC,xxx
+STATUS clkOscillatorSet( /* RETURN: OK / ERROR */
+ UINT type /* IN: offset */
+ )
+ char cmd[MAX_CMD_LEN + 1]; /* + 1 for null */
+ char rspExpected[MAX_RSP_LEN + 1]; /* + 1 for null */
+ char rsp[MAX_RSP_LEN + 1]; /* + 1 for null */
+ if (type <= 127)
+ {
+ /* select command and append the offset in ASCII */
+ sprintf(cmd, "$PTELS,OSC,%d", type);
+ sprintf(rspExpected, "$PTELA,OSC,%d", type);
+ if ((clkCmd(cmd, rsp)) == OK) /* send the command */
+ {
+ if ((strcmp(rsp, rspExpected)) == 0) /* Is the response expected response? */
+ return OK;
+ }
+ }
+ return ERROR;
+clkBoardRevSet - Board Revision Set
+Sends a command to clock module to set the given Board Revision.
+Return OK or ERROR.
+The command sent to the clock module is $PTELS,BOARD,xxx / $PTELS,BRD,xxx
+The expected response is $PTELA,BOARD,xxx / $PTELA,BRD,xxx
+STATUS clkBoardRevSet( /* RETURN: OK / ERROR */
+ UINT rev /* IN: offset */
+ )
+ const char* cmdSet[] = {"$PTELS,BOARD,","$PTELS,BRD,"};
+ const char* rspExpectedSet[] = {"$PTELA,BOARD,","$PTELA,BRD,"};
+ char cmd[MAX_CMD_LEN + 1]; /* + 1 for null */
+ char rspExpected[MAX_RSP_LEN + 1]; /* + 1 for null */
+ char rsp[MAX_RSP_LEN + 1]; /* + 1 for null */
+ /* select command and append the offset in ASCII */
+ sprintf(cmd, "%s%d", cmdSet[clkVerStage], rev);
+ sprintf(rspExpected, "%s%d", rspExpectedSet[clkVerStage], rev);
+ if ((clkCmd(cmd, rsp)) == OK) /* send the command */
+ {
+ if ((strcmp(rsp, rspExpected)) == 0) /* Is the response expected response? */
+ return OK;
+ }
+ return ERROR;
+clkChecksumSet - Checksum Set
+Sends a command to clock module to set the given checksum value.
+Return OK or ERROR.
+The command sent to the clock module is $PTELS,CHECKSUM,xxx / $PTELS,CKSM,xxx
+The expected response is $PTELA,CHECKSUM,xxx / $PTELA,CKSM,xxx
+STATUS clkChecksumSet( /* RETURN: OK / ERROR */
+ UINT checksum /* IN: offset */
+ )
+ const char* cmdSet[] = {"$PTELS,CHECKSUM","$PTELS,CKSM"};
+ const char* rspExpectedSet[] = {"$PTELA,CHECKSUM,","$PTELA,CKSM,"};
+ char cmd[MAX_CMD_LEN + 1]; /* + 1 for null */
+ char rspExpected[MAX_RSP_LEN + 1]; /* + 1 for null */
+ char rsp[MAX_RSP_LEN + 1]; /* + 1 for null */
+ /* select command and append the offset in ASCII */
+ sprintf(cmd, "%s", cmdSet[clkVerStage]);
+ sprintf(rspExpected, "%s%d", rspExpectedSet[clkVerStage], checksum);
+ if ((clkCmd(cmd, rsp)) == OK) /* send the command */
+ {
+ if ((strcmp(rsp, rspExpected)) == 0) /* Is the response expected response? */
+ return OK;
+ }
+ return ERROR;
+clkOscillatorTransferFuncSet - Oscillator Transfer Function Set
+Sends a command to clock module to set the given Oscillator transfer function.
+Return OK or ERROR.
+The command sent to the clock module is $PTELS,POS,0 / $PTELS,NEG,1
+The expected response is $PTELA,POS,0 / $PTELA,NEG,1
+STATUS clkOscillatorTransferFuncSet( /* RETURN: OK / ERROR */
+ UINT val /* IN: value */
+ )
+ char cmd[MAX_CMD_LEN + 1]; /* + 1 for null */
+ char rspExpected[MAX_RSP_LEN + 1]; /* + 1 for null */
+ char rsp[MAX_RSP_LEN + 1]; /* + 1 for null */
+ if (val == 0)
+ {
+ /* select command and append the offset in ASCII */
+ sprintf(cmd, "$PTELS,POS");
+ sprintf(rspExpected, "$PTELA,POS,0");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* select command and append the offset in ASCII */
+ sprintf(cmd, "$PTELS,NEG");
+ sprintf(rspExpected, "$PTELA,NEG,1");
+ }
+ if ((clkCmd(cmd, rsp)) == OK) /* send the command */
+ {
+ if ((strcmp(rsp, rspExpected)) == 0) /* Is the response expected response? */
+ return OK;
+ }
+ return ERROR;
+clkClockSelectSet - Clock Select Set
+Sends a command to clock module to set the given Clock select value.
+Return OK or ERROR.
+The command sent to the clock module is $PTELS,E1 / $PTELS,T1
+The expected response is $PTELA,E1,1 / $PTELA,T1,0
+STATUS clkClockSelectSet( /* RETURN: OK / ERROR */
+ UINT val /* IN: value */
+ )
+ char cmd[MAX_CMD_LEN + 1]; /* + 1 for null */
+ char rspExpected[MAX_RSP_LEN + 1]; /* + 1 for null */
+ char rsp[MAX_RSP_LEN + 1]; /* + 1 for null */
+ if (val == 0)
+ {
+ /* select command and append the offset in ASCII */
+ sprintf(cmd, "$PTELS,T1");
+ sprintf(rspExpected, "$PTELA,T1,0");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* select command and append the offset in ASCII */
+ sprintf(cmd, "$PTELS,E1");
+ sprintf(rspExpected, "$PTELA,E1,1");
+ }
+ if ((clkCmd(cmd, rsp)) == OK) /* send the command */
+ {
+ if ((strcmp(rsp, rspExpected)) == 0) /* Is the response expected response? */
+ return OK;
+ }
+ return ERROR;
+clkSerialNumSet - Serial Number Set
+Sends a command to clock module to set the serial number
+Returns the offset OK or ERROR.
+/* No Longer Available */
+clkSerialNumGet - Serial Number Get
+Sends a command to clock module to read the offset.
+Returns the serial number or -1 for error.
+for clkVerStage 0
+The command sent to the clock module is $PTELQ,SERIAL
+The expected response is $PTELR,SERIAL,xxx
+for other clkVerStage
+The commands sent to the clock module are $PTELQ,SA $PTELQ,SB $PTELQ,SC
+The expected responses are $PTELR,SA,xxx $PTELR,SB,xxx $PTELR,SC,xxx
+The most significant bits are SA and the least significant bits are SC
+STATUS clkSerialNumGet() /* RETURN: OK/ERROR */
+ STATUS retStat = ERROR;
+ char serialNum[SERIAL_NUM_LEN + 1];
+ int num;
+ if (clkVerStage == 0)
+ {
+ retStat = clkNumGet("$PTELQ,SERIAL", "$PTELR,SERIAL,", 5, &num);
+ if (retStat != ERROR)
+ {
+ sprintf(clkSerialNum, "%05d", num);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ retStat = clkNumGet("$PTELQ,SA", "$PTELR,SA,", 5, &num);
+ if (retStat != ERROR)
+ {
+ sprintf(serialNum, "%05d", num);
+ retStat = clkNumGet("$PTELQ,SB", "$PTELR,SB,", 5, &num);
+ if (retStat != ERROR)
+ {
+ sprintf(serialNum, "%s%05d", serialNum, num);
+ retStat = clkNumGet("$PTELQ,SC", "$PTELR,SC,", 5, &num);
+ if (retStat != ERROR)
+ {
+ sprintf(serialNum, "%s%05d", serialNum, num);
+ strcpy(clkSerialNum, serialNum);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return retStat;
+clkSerialNumSet - Serial Number Set
+Sends a command to clock module to write the offset.
+Returns the serial number or -1 for error.
+for clkVerStage 0
+The command sent to the clock module is $PTELQ,SERIAL
+The expected response is $PTELR,SERIAL,xxx
+for other clkVerStage
+The commands sent to the clock module are $PTELQ,SA $PTELQ,SB $PTELQ,SC
+The expected responses are $PTELR,SA,xxx $PTELR,SB,xxx $PTELR,SC,xxx
+The most significant bits are SA and the least significant bits are SC
+STATUS clkSerialNumSet(unsigned short serialA, unsigned short serialB,
+ unsigned short serialC) /* RETURN: OK/ERROR */
+ char cmd[MAX_CMD_LEN + 1]; /* + 1 for null */
+ char rspExpected[MAX_RSP_LEN + 1]; /* + 1 for null */
+ char rsp[MAX_RSP_LEN + 1]; /* + 1 for null */
+ if (clkVerStage == 0)
+ {
+ /* select command and append the offset in ASCII */
+ sprintf(cmd, "$PTELS,SERIAL,%d", serialA);
+ sprintf(rspExpected, "$PTELA,SERIAL,%d", serialA);
+ if ((clkCmd(cmd, rsp)) == OK) /* send the command */
+ {
+ if ((strcmp(rsp, rspExpected)) == 0) /* Is the response expected response? */
+ return OK;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* select command and append the offset in ASCII */
+ sprintf(cmd, "$PTELS,SA,%d", serialA);
+ sprintf(rspExpected, "$PTELA,SA,%d", serialA);
+ if ((clkCmd(cmd, rsp)) == OK) /* send the command */
+ {
+ if ((strcmp(rsp, rspExpected)) != 0) /* Is the response expected response? */
+ return ERROR;
+ }
+ sprintf(cmd, "$PTELS,SB,%d", serialB);
+ sprintf(rspExpected, "$PTELA,SB,%d", serialB);
+ if ((clkCmd(cmd, rsp)) == OK) /* send the command */
+ {
+ if ((strcmp(rsp, rspExpected)) != 0) /* Is the response expected response? */
+ return ERROR;
+ }
+ sprintf(cmd, "$PTELS,SC,%d", serialC);
+ sprintf(rspExpected, "$PTELA,SC,%d", serialC);
+ if ((clkCmd(cmd, rsp)) == OK) /* send the command */
+ {
+ if ((strcmp(rsp, rspExpected)) != 0) /* Is the response expected response? */
+ return ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ return OK;
+clkStatGet - Status Get
+Sends a command to clock module to read the status.
+Returns the status or -1 for error.
+The returned status is:
+ 0 - No Alarm conditions
+ 1 - Burst Alarm Active
+ 2 - Frame Alarm Active
+ 3 - Borth Burst and Fram Alarms active
+The command sent to the clock module is $PTELQ,INT
+The expected response is $PTELR,INT,x
+int clkStatGet() /* RETURN: status or -1 for error */
+ char cmd[] = "$PTELQ,INT";
+ char rspExpected[] = "$PTELR,INT,";
+ int num;
+ if (clkNumGet(cmd, rspExpected, 2, &num) != OK)
+ {
+ num = -1;
+ }
+ return (num); /* Max. 1 digit expected */
+clkNumDaysTuneReset - Number of Days Tune Reset
+Sends a command to clock module to reset the 'Number of Days since Tuning' count.
+Returns the status or -1 for error.
+The command sent to the clock module is $PTELS,TUNE
+The expected response is $PTELA,TUNE,0
+STATUS clkNumDaysTuneReset() /* RETURN: OK / ERROR */
+ char cmd[] = "$PTELS,TUNE";
+ char rspExpected[] = "$PTELA,TUNE,0";
+ char rsp[MAX_RSP_LEN + 1]; /* + 1 for null */
+ if ((clkCmd(cmd, rsp)) == OK) /* send the command */
+ {
+ if ((strcmp(rsp, rspExpected)) == 0) /* Is the response expected response? */
+ return OK;
+ }
+ return ERROR;
+clkNumDaysTuneGet - Number of Days Tune Get
+Sends a command to clock module to read the number of days since last tuneup.
+Returns the no. of days or -1 for error.
+The command sent to the clock module is $PTELQ,TUNE
+The expected response is $PTELR,TUNE,xxxx
+int clkNumDaysTuneGet() /* RETURN: number of days or -1 for error */
+ char cmd[] = "$PTELQ,TUNE";
+ char rspExpected[] = "$PTELR,TUNE,";
+ int num;
+ if (clkNumGet(cmd, rspExpected, 4, &num) != OK)
+ {
+ num = -1;
+ }
+ return (num); /* Max. 4 digits expected */
+clkNumDaysRunReset - Number of Days Run Reset
+Sends a command to clock module to reset the 'Number of Days since Running' count.
+Returns the status or -1 for error.
+The command sent to the clock module is $PTELS,RUN
+The expected response is $PTELA,RUN,0
+STATUS clkNumDaysRunReset() /* RETURN: OK / ERROR */
+ char cmd[] = "$PTELS,RUN";
+ char rspExpected[] = "$PTELA,RUN,0";
+ char rsp[MAX_RSP_LEN + 1]; /* + 1 for null */
+ if ((clkCmd(cmd, rsp)) == OK) /* send the command */
+ {
+ if ((strcmp(rsp, rspExpected)) == 0) /* Is the response expected response? */
+ return OK;
+ }
+ return ERROR;
+clkNumDaysRunGet - Number of Days Run Get
+Sends a command to clock module to read the number of days since it is running.
+Returns the no. of days or -1 for error.
+The command sent to the clock module is $PTELQ,RUN
+The expected response is $PTELR,RUN,xxxx
+int clkNumDaysRunGet() /* RETURN: number of days or -1 for error */
+ char cmd[] = "$PTELQ,RUN";
+ char rspExpected[] = "$PTELR,RUN,";
+ int num;
+ if (clkNumGet(cmd, rspExpected, 4, &num) != OK)
+ {
+ num = -1;
+ }
+ return (num); /* Max. 4 digits expected */
+clkSoftVersionGet - Software Version Get
+Sends a command to clock module to get the software version.
+Saves the software version in the file local variable clkSoftVersion.
+The command sent to the clock module is $PTELQ,SOFT / $PTELQ,SFT
+The expected response is $PTELR,SOFT,x.x / $PTELR,SFT,x.x
+LOCAL STATUS clkSoftVersionGet()
+ const char* cmdSet[] = {"$PTELQ,SOFT","$PTELQ,SFT"};
+ const char* rspExpected[] = {"$PTELR,SOFT,","$PTELR,SFT,"};
+ char rsp[MAX_RSP_LEN + 1]; /* + 1 for null */
+ int verFound; /* TRUE/ FALSE */
+ int clkStat; /* OK / ERROR */
+ int i;
+ int rspExpectedLen;
+ for (verFound = FALSE, clkStat = OK, i = 0;
+ (verFound == FALSE) && (clkStat == OK) && (i < NUM_VERSION_STAGES);
+ i++)
+ {
+ clkStat = clkCmd(cmdSet[i], rsp);
+ if (clkStat == OK)
+ {
+ if (memcmp(rsp, rspExpected[i], strlen(rspExpected[i])) == 0)
+ {
+ verFound = TRUE;
+ rspExpectedLen = strlen(rspExpected[i]);
+ clkSoftVersion[0] = rsp[0 + rspExpectedLen];
+ clkSoftVersion[1] = rsp[1 + rspExpectedLen];
+ clkSoftVersion[2] = rsp[2 + rspExpectedLen];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return verFound ? OK : ERROR;
+clkSetEepromValue - Set a location in EEPROM.
+STATUS clkSetEepromValue(int location, unsigned char val)
+ const char* cmdSet[] = {"$PTELS,EEPROM,","$PTELS,EEPRM,"};
+ const char* rspExpectedSet[] = {"$PTELA,EEPROM,","$PTELA,EEPRM,"};
+ char cmd[MAX_CMD_LEN + 1]; /* + 1 for null */
+ char rspExpected[MAX_RSP_LEN + 1]; /* + 1 for null */
+ char rsp[MAX_RSP_LEN + 1]; /* + 1 for null */
+ /* select command and append the offset in ASCII */
+ sprintf(cmd, "%s%d,%d", cmdSet[clkVerStage], location, val);
+ sprintf(rspExpected, "%s%d", rspExpectedSet[clkVerStage], val);
+ if ((clkCmd(cmd, rsp)) == OK) /* send the command */
+ {
+ if ((strcmp(rsp, rspExpected)) == 0) /* Is the response expected response? */
+ return OK;
+ }
+ return ERROR;
+clkSetDateOfLastTuning - Set the last clock tuning date.
+STATUS clkSetDateOfLastTuning(unsigned char month, unsigned char day, unsigned short year)
+ if (month > 12) return ERROR;
+ if (day > 31) return ERROR;
+ if (clkVerStage == 0)
+ {
+ if (clkSetEepromValue(11, month) != OK) return ERROR;
+ if (clkSetEepromValue(12, day) != OK) return ERROR;
+ if (clkSetEepromValue(13, (unsigned char)(year>>8)) != OK) return ERROR;
+ if (clkSetEepromValue(14, (unsigned char) year) != OK) return ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (clkSetEepromValue(16, month) != OK) return ERROR;
+ if (clkSetEepromValue(17, day) != OK) return ERROR;
+ if (clkSetEepromValue(18, (unsigned char)(year>>8)) != OK) return ERROR;
+ if (clkSetEepromValue(19, (unsigned char) year) != OK) return ERROR;
+ }
+ return OK;
+clkGetDateOfLastTuning - Get the last clock tuning date.
+STATUS clkGetDateOfLastTuning(unsigned char *month, unsigned char *day, unsigned short *year)
+ char cmd[MAX_CMD_LEN + 1];
+ char rsp[MAX_CMD_LEN + 1];
+ int num;
+ const char* cmdSet[] = {"$PTELQ,EEPROM,","$PTELQ,EEPRM,"};
+ const char* rspSet[] = {"$PTELR,EEPROM,","$PTELR,EEPRM,"};
+ if (clkVerStage == 0)
+ sprintf(cmd, "%s%d", cmdSet[clkVerStage], 11);
+ else
+ sprintf(cmd, "%s%d", cmdSet[clkVerStage], 16);
+ sprintf(rsp, "%s", rspSet[clkVerStage]);
+ if (clkNumGet(cmd, rsp, 3, &num) != OK) return ERROR;
+ *month = (unsigned char)num;
+ if (clkVerStage == 0)
+ sprintf(cmd, "%s%d", cmdSet[clkVerStage], 12);
+ else
+ sprintf(cmd, "%s%d", cmdSet[clkVerStage], 17);
+ sprintf(rsp, "%s", rspSet[clkVerStage]);
+ if (clkNumGet(cmd, rsp, 3, &num) != OK) return ERROR;
+ *day = (unsigned char)num;
+ if (clkVerStage == 0)
+ sprintf(cmd, "%s%d", cmdSet[clkVerStage], 13);
+ else
+ sprintf(cmd, "%s%d", cmdSet[clkVerStage], 18);
+ sprintf(rsp, "%s", rspSet[clkVerStage]);
+ if (clkNumGet(cmd, rsp, 3, &num) != OK) return ERROR;
+ *year = (unsigned short)(num<<8);
+ if (clkVerStage == 0)
+ sprintf(cmd, "%s%d", cmdSet[clkVerStage], 14);
+ else
+ sprintf(cmd, "%s%d", cmdSet[clkVerStage], 19);
+ sprintf(rsp, "%s", rspSet[clkVerStage]);
+ if (clkNumGet(cmd, rsp, 3, &num) != OK) return ERROR;
+ *year |= (unsigned short)(num);
+ if (*month > 12) return ERROR;
+ if (*day > 31) return ERROR;
+ return OK;
+clkShowDateOfLastTuning - Print the last clock tuning date.
+STATUS clkShowDateOfLastTuning()
+ unsigned char month;
+ unsigned char day;
+ unsigned short year;
+ if (clkGetDateOfLastTuning(&month, &day, &year) == OK)
+ {
+ printf("Clock Last Tuned on %d/%d/%d.\n", month, day, year);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("Unable to retrieve a valid clock tuning data!\n");
+ }
+clkReadAllEeprom - Read in all the clocks EEPROM values.
+STATUS clkReadAllEeprom(unsigned char *buf)
+ STATUS status;
+ char cmd[MAX_CMD_LEN + 1];
+ char rsp[MAX_CMD_LEN + 1];
+ int numBytes, i, num;
+ const char* cmdSet[] = {"$PTELQ,EEPROM,","$PTELQ,EEPRM,"};
+ const char* rspSet[] = {"$PTELR,EEPROM,","$PTELR,EEPRM,"};
+ status = OK;
+ if (clkVerStage == 0)
+ numBytes = EEPROM_SIZE_REV1_8;
+ else
+ numBytes = EEPROM_SIZE_REVC;
+ for (i = 0; i < numBytes; i++)
+ {
+ sprintf(cmd, "%s%d", cmdSet[clkVerStage], i);
+ sprintf(rsp, "%s", rspSet[clkVerStage]);
+ if ((status = clkNumGet(cmd, rsp, 3, &num)) != OK)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ buf[i] = (unsigned char)num;
+ }
+ }
+ return (status);
+clkSaveEepromToNvRam - Copy Clock EEPROM to NV Ram
+Reads the clock cards EEPROM values and stores them in the NV Ram on CDC.
+STATUS clkSaveEepromToNvRam() /* RETURN: OK / ERROR */
+ STATUS status;
+ unsigned char buf[EEPROM_SIZE_REVC];
+ /* Read EEPROM from clock card */
+ status = clkReadAllEeprom(buf);
+ /* Write EEPROM data to NV Ram */
+ if (status == OK)
+ status = sysClockBoardEepromSet((char *)buf);
+ return status;
+clkRestoreEepromFromNvRam - Copy Clock EEPROM saved in NV Ram to clock card
+Compares the NV Ram saved values against the clock card's EEPROM values.
+If there is a mismatch then the values are copied from NV Ram to EEPROM.
+STATUS clkRestoreEepromFromNvRam() /* RETURN: OK / ERROR */
+ unsigned char nvRamEeprom[EEPROM_SIZE_REVC];
+ unsigned char clockBoardEeprom[EEPROM_SIZE_REVC];
+ STATUS status;
+ int i, j, numBytes;
+ unsigned short serialA, serialB, serialC;
+ /* Read NV Ram copy of EEPROM */
+ status = sysClockBoardEepromGet((char *)nvRamEeprom);
+ /* Read EEPROM from clock card */
+ if (status == OK)
+ {
+ status = clkReadAllEeprom(clockBoardEeprom);
+ if (status == OK)
+ {
+ if (clkVerStage == 0)
+ numBytes = EEPROM_SIZE_REV1_8;
+ else
+ numBytes = EEPROM_SIZE_REVC;
+ for (i=0; i < numBytes; i++)
+ {
+ /* skip all the Num Days values.... */
+ if (clkVerStage == 0)
+ if (i == 6 || i == 7 || i == 8 || i == 9) continue;
+ else
+ if (i == 4 || i == 5 || i == 6 || i == 7) continue;
+ if (nvRamEeprom[i] != clockBoardEeprom[i])
+ {
+ printf("Clock Board EEPROM does not match NV Ram!\n"
+ "Clock Board EEPROM will be updated to match NV Ram!\n");
+ /* Write EEPROM from NV Ram */
+ /* Set Digital Pot value */
+ if (clkOffsetSet(nvRamEeprom[0]) != OK)
+ printf("Clock Board Update: Unable to restore Digital Pot value!\n");
+ /* Set Oscillator transfer function */
+ if (clkOscillatorTransferFuncSet(nvRamEeprom[1]) != OK)
+ printf("Clock Board Update: Unable to restore Oscillator Transfer function value!\n");
+ /* Set Clock Select value */
+ if (clkClockSelectSet(nvRamEeprom[2]) != OK)
+ printf("Clock Board Update: Unable to restore Clock Select value!\n");
+ /* Set Board Revision */
+ if (clkBoardRevSet(nvRamEeprom[3]) != OK)
+ printf("Clock Board Update: Unable to restore Board Revision!\n");
+ if (clkVerStage == 0)
+ {
+ /* Set Serial Number */
+ serialA = nvRamEeprom[4] | (nvRamEeprom[5] << 8);
+ if (clkSerialNumSet(serialA,0,0) != OK)
+ printf("Clock Board Update: Unable to restore Serial Number!\n");
+ /* Restore any remaining bytes in EEPROM */
+ for (j=11; j < EEPROM_SIZE_REV1_8; j++)
+ {
+ if (clkSetEepromValue(j, nvRamEeprom[j]) != OK)
+ printf("Clock Board Update: Unable to restore EEPROM loc %d to %d!\n",
+ j, nvRamEeprom[j]);
+ }
+ /* Set Checksum */
+ if (clkChecksumSet(nvRamEeprom[10]) != OK)
+ printf("Clock Board Update: Checksum does not match stored value!\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Set Oscillator Type */
+ if (clkOscillatorSet(nvRamEeprom[9]) != OK)
+ printf("Clock Board Update: Unable to restore Oscillator Type!\n");
+ /* Set Serial Number */
+ serialA = nvRamEeprom[10] | (nvRamEeprom[11] << 8);
+ serialB = nvRamEeprom[12] | (nvRamEeprom[13] << 8);
+ serialC = nvRamEeprom[14] | (nvRamEeprom[15] << 8);
+ if (clkSerialNumSet(serialA,serialB,serialC) != OK)
+ printf("Clock Board Update: Unable to restore Serial Number!\n");
+ /* Restore any remaining bytes in EEPROM */
+ for (j=16; j < EEPROM_SIZE_REVC; j++)
+ {
+ if (clkSetEepromValue(j, nvRamEeprom[j]) != OK)
+ printf("Clock Board Update: Unable to restore EEPROM loc %d to %d!\n",
+ j, nvRamEeprom[j]);
+ }
+ /* Set Checksum */
+ if (clkChecksumSet(nvRamEeprom[8]) != OK)
+ printf("Clock Board Update: Checksum does not match stored value!\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return status;
+clkValidateEeprom - Make sure the EEPROM is correct
+STATUS clkValidateEeprom() /* RETURN: OK / ERROR */
+ STATUS status = OK;
+ /* If NV Ram has a saved EEPROM copy then use it to verify the EEPROM */
+ printf("Validating Clock Board EEPROM\n");
+ if (sysIsClockBoardEepromSet())
+ {
+ if ((status = clkRestoreEepromFromNvRam()) != OK)
+ {
+ printf("WARNING - Unable to restore Clock Board EEPROM!\n");
+ }
+ }
+ /* Otherwise assume the clock board EEPROM is good and save it to Nv Ram */
+ else
+ {
+ printf("Saving Clock Board EEPROM into NV Ram!\n");
+ if ((status = clkSaveEepromToNvRam()) != OK)
+ {
+ printf("WARNING - Unable to save Clock Board EEPROM!\n");
+ }
+ }
+ return (status);