BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterREADME: minor, fix typosKevin Redon3 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2021-04-06README: minor, fix typosHEADmasterKevin Redon1-7/+6
2021-04-06merge with upstreamKevin Redon10-26/+26
2021-04-06add demonstration sim.xml fileKevin Redon2-1/+668
2021-04-06simos_server.rb: fix exception handlerKevin Redon1-1/+1
2021-04-06apdu.rb: fix duplicate file identifierKevin Redon1-1/+1
2021-04-06README: add note only SIM functions are supportedKevin Redon1-0/+1
2021-04-06minor, fix typo in commentKevin Redon1-1/+1
2021-04-06README: minor, fix typo and formattingKevin Redon1-20/+16
2015-05-17change default to unix socket for simple osmocom_sap usageKevin Redon3-5/+9
2013-12-18updated 'require' statement to ruby's 2.0 'require_relative'Kevin Redon10-21/+17