/* Radiocom 2000 main * * (C) 2017 by Andreas Eversberg * All Rights Reserved * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../libsample/sample.h" #include "../libmobile/main_mobile.h" #include "../common/debug.h" #include "r2000.h" #include "dsp.h" #include "frame.h" #include "tones.h" #include "image.h" /* settings */ static int band = 1; static int num_chan_type = 0; static int relais = 32; static int deport = 0; static int agi = 7; static int sm_power = 0; static int taxe = 0; static int crins = 0, destruction = 0; /* neven set CRINS to 3 and destruction to other than 0 here! */ static int nconv = 0; static int recall = 0; enum r2000_chan_type chan_type[MAX_SENDER] = { CHAN_TYPE_CC_TC }; void print_help(const char *arg0) { main_mobile_print_help(arg0, "-R [option] "); /* - - */ printf(" -B --band | list\n"); printf(" -B --bande | list\n"); printf(" Give frequency band, use 'list' to get a list. (default = '%d')\n", band); printf(" -T --channel-type | list\n"); printf(" Give channel type, use 'list' to get a list. (default = '%s')\n", chan_type_short_name(chan_type[0])); printf(" -R --relais \n"); printf(" Give relais number (base station ID) 1..511. (default = '%d')\n", relais); printf(" Be sure to set the station mobile to the same relais number!\n"); printf(" --deport 0..7\n"); printf(" Supervisory information to tell about sub-stations.\n"); printf(" The functionality is unknown. (default = '%d')\n", deport); printf(" -I --agi 0..7 | list\n"); printf(" Supervisory information to tell which phone is allowed to register\n"); printf(" Use 'list' to get a list of possible valued.\n"); printf(" (default = '%d' = %s)\n", agi, param_agi(agi)); #if 0 printf(" -A --aga 0..3 | list\n"); printf(" Supervisory information to tell which phone is allowed to call\n"); printf(" Use 'list' to get a list of possible valued.\n"); printf(" (default = '%d' = %s)\n", aga, param_aga(aga)); #endif printf(" -P --sm-power \n"); printf(" Give power level of the station mobile 0..1. (default = '%d')\n", sm_power); printf(" 0 = low (about 1 Watts) 1 = high (up to 10 Watts)\n"); printf(" --taxe 0..1\n"); printf(" Supervisory information to tell about rate information.\n"); printf(" The functionality is unknown. (default = '%d')\n", taxe); printf(" -C --crins 0..7 | list [--destruction YES]\n"); printf(" Result that will be returned when the phone registers.\n"); printf(" NEVER USE '3', IT WILL DESTROY YOUR PHONE, but shows a warning first!\n"); printf(" Use 'list' to get a list of possible valued.\n"); printf(" (default = '%d' = %s)\n", crins, param_crins(crins)); printf(" -N --nconv 0..7\n"); printf(" Supervisory digit, sent during conversation. (default = '%d')\n", nconv); printf(" It is used to detect lost signal. When using multiple traffic\n"); printf(" channels, this value is incremented per channel.\n"); printf(" -S --recall\n"); printf(" Suspend outgoing call after dialing and recall when called party has\n"); printf(" answered.\n"); printf("\nstation-id: Give 1 digit of station mobile type + 3 digits of home relais ID\n"); printf(" + 5 digits of mobile ID.\n"); printf(" (e.g. 103200819 = type 1, relais ID 32, mobile ID 819)\n"); main_mobile_print_hotkeys(); } #define OPT_BANDE 256 #define OPT_DEPORT 257 #define OPT_TAXE 258 #define OPT_DESTRUCTION 259 static int handle_options(int argc, char **argv) { int skip_args = 0; static struct option long_options_special[] = { {"band", 1, 0, 'B'}, {"bande", 1, 0, OPT_BANDE}, {"channel-type", 1, 0, 'T'}, {"relais", 1, 0, 'R'}, {"deport", 1, 0, OPT_DEPORT}, {"agi", 1, 0, 'I'}, {"sm-power", 1, 0, 'P'}, {"taxe", 1, 0, OPT_TAXE}, {"crins", 1, 0, 'C'}, {"destruction", 1, 0, OPT_DESTRUCTION}, {"nconv", 1, 0, 'N'}, {"recall", 1, 0, 'S'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; main_mobile_set_options("B:T:R:I:P:C:N:S", long_options_special); while (1) { int option_index = 0, c, rc; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, optstring, long_options, &option_index); if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case 'B': case OPT_BANDE: if (!strcmp(optarg, "list")) { r2000_band_list(); exit(0); } band = atoi(optarg); skip_args += 2; break; case 'T': if (!strcmp(optarg, "list")) { r2000_channel_list(); exit(0); } rc = r2000_channel_by_short_name(optarg); if (rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error, channel type '%s' unknown. Please use '-t list' to get a list. I suggest to use the default.\n", optarg); exit(0); } OPT_ARRAY(num_chan_type, chan_type, rc) skip_args += 2; break; case 'R': relais = atoi(optarg); if (relais > 511) relais = 511; if (relais < 1) relais = 1; skip_args += 2; break; case OPT_DEPORT: deport = atoi(optarg); if (deport > 7) deport = 7; if (deport < 0) deport = 0; skip_args += 2; break; case 'I': if (!strcmp(optarg, "list")) { int i; printf("\nList of possible AGI (inscription permission) codes:\n\n"); printf("Value\tDescription\n"); printf("------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) printf("%d\t%s\n", i, param_agi(i)); exit(0); } agi = atoi(optarg); if (agi < 0 || agi > 7) { fprintf(stderr, "Error, given inscription permission (AGI) %d is invalid, use 'list' to get a list of values!\n", agi); exit(0); } skip_args += 2; break; case 'P': sm_power = atoi(optarg); if (sm_power > 1) sm_power = 1; if (sm_power < 0) sm_power = 0; skip_args += 2; break; case OPT_TAXE: taxe = atoi(optarg); if (taxe > 1) taxe = 1; if (taxe < 0) taxe = 0; skip_args += 2; break; #if 0 case 'A': if (!strcmp(optarg, "list")) { int i; printf("\nList of possible AGA (call permission) codes:\n\n"); printf("Value\tDescription\n"); printf("------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) printf("%d\t%s\n", i, param_aga(i)); exit(0); } aga = atoi(optarg); if (aga < 0 || aga > 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Error, given call permission (AGA) %d is invalid, use 'list' to get a list of values!\n", aga); exit(0); } skip_args += 2; break; #endif case 'C': if (!strcmp(optarg, "list")) { int i; printf("\nList of possible CRINS (inscription response) codes:\n\n"); printf("Value\tDescription\n"); printf("------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) printf("%d\t%s\n", i, param_crins(i)); exit(0); } crins = atoi(optarg); if (crins < 0 || crins > 7) { fprintf(stderr, "Error, given inscription response (CRINS) %d is invalid, use 'list' to get a list of values!\n", crins); exit(0); } skip_args += 2; break; case OPT_DESTRUCTION: if (!strcmp(optarg, "YES")) { destruction = 2342; } skip_args += 2; break; case 'N': nconv = atoi(optarg); if (nconv > 7) nconv = 7; if (nconv < 0) nconv = 0; skip_args += 2; break; case 'S': recall = 1; skip_args += 1; break; default: main_mobile_opt_switch(c, argv[0], &skip_args); } } free(long_options); return skip_args; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int rc; int skip_args; const char *station_id = ""; int mandatory = 0; int i; /* init tones */ init_radiocom_tones(); main_mobile_init(); skip_args = handle_options(argc, argv); argc -= skip_args; argv += skip_args; if (argc > 1) { station_id = argv[1]; if (strlen(station_id) != 9) { printf("Given station ID '%s' does not have 9 digits\n", station_id); return 0; } } if (!num_kanal) { printf("No channel (\"Kanal\") is specified, I suggest channel 160 (-k 160).\n\n"); mandatory = 1; } if (use_sdr) { /* set audiodev */ for (i = 0; i < num_kanal; i++) audiodev[i] = "sdr"; num_audiodev = num_kanal; /* set channel types for more than 1 channel */ if (num_kanal > 1 && num_chan_type == 0) { chan_type[0] = CHAN_TYPE_CC; for (i = 1; i < num_kanal; i++) chan_type[i] = CHAN_TYPE_TC; num_chan_type = num_kanal; } } if (num_kanal == 1 && num_audiodev == 0) num_audiodev = 1; /* use default */ if (num_kanal != num_audiodev) { fprintf(stderr, "You need to specify as many sound devices as you have channels.\n"); exit(0); } if (num_kanal == 1 && num_chan_type == 0) num_chan_type = 1; /* use default */ if (num_kanal != num_chan_type) { fprintf(stderr, "You need to specify as many channel types as you have channels.\n"); exit(0); } if (mandatory) { print_help(argv[-skip_args]); return 0; } /* check for destruction of the phone (crins 3 will brick it) */ if (crins == 3) { fprintf(stderr, "\n*******************************************************************************\n"); fprintf(stderr, "You selected inscription response '3'!\n\n"); fprintf(stderr, "This feature was used by the operators to destroy a stolen/modified phone.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "This will brick/destroy/kill/make ALL PHONES USELESS, if registering!\n"); fprintf(stderr, "PHONE WILL LOCK AND/OR SUBSCRIBER DATA WILL BE ERASED!!! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?\n"); fprintf(stderr, "I had to hack the firmware of my phone to unbrick it. Can you do that too?\n"); if (!destruction) fprintf(stderr, "If you can unlock your phone later, then use '--destruction YES' to confirm.\n"); else fprintf(stderr, "\n **** PRESS CTRL+c TO ABORT THIS FEATURE, NOW! **** Press enter to continue.\n\n"); fprintf(stderr, "*******************************************************************************\n\n"); if (!destruction) exit(0); else getchar(); } if (!loopback && crins != 3) print_image(); /* init functions */ dsp_init(); /* SDR always requires emphasis */ if (use_sdr) { do_pre_emphasis = 1; do_de_emphasis = 1; } if (!do_pre_emphasis || !do_de_emphasis) { fprintf(stderr, "*******************************************************************************\n"); fprintf(stderr, "I strongly suggest to let me do pre- and de-emphasis (options -p -d)!\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Use a transmitter/receiver without emphasis and let me do that!\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Because 50 baud supervisory signalling arround 150 Hz will not be tranmitted by\n"); fprintf(stderr, "regular radio, use direct input to the PLL of your transmitter (or use SDR).\n"); fprintf(stderr, "*******************************************************************************\n"); } /* create transceiver instance */ for (i = 0; i < num_kanal; i++) { rc = r2000_create(band, kanal[i], chan_type[i], audiodev[i], use_sdr, samplerate, rx_gain, do_pre_emphasis, do_de_emphasis, write_rx_wave, write_tx_wave, read_rx_wave, read_tx_wave, relais, deport, agi, sm_power, taxe, crins, destruction, nconv, recall, loopback); if (rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create transceiver instance. Quitting!\n"); goto fail; } printf("base station on channel %d ready, please tune transmitter to %.4f MHz and receiver to %.4f MHz. (%.3f MHz offset)\n", kanal[i], r2000_channel2freq(band, kanal[i], 0) / 1e6, r2000_channel2freq(band, kanal[i], 1) / 1e6, r2000_channel2freq(band, kanal[i], 2) / 1e6); nconv = (nconv + 1) & 7; } r2000_check_channels(); main_mobile(&quit, latency, interval, NULL, station_id, 9); fail: /* destroy transceiver instance */ while (sender_head) r2000_destroy(sender_head); return 0; }