path: root/src
diff options
authorAndreas Eversberg <jolly@eversberg.eu>2017-01-08 12:10:56 +0100
committerAndreas Eversberg <jolly@eversberg.eu>2017-01-08 17:04:13 +0100
commitbce4276bd65f913cd1f48cbff4556456ce5c872f (patch)
tree00c37938eb1968008f283923535cdd59b40bed4c /src
parentc626730e52ac4189a0eee76298f2fdc922c7e355 (diff)
SDR: Minor fixes
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 19 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/src/common/sdr.c b/src/common/sdr.c
index 93e591d..60ac610 100644
--- a/src/common/sdr.c
+++ b/src/common/sdr.c
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ void *sdr_open(const char __attribute__((__unused__)) *audiodev, double *tx_freq
/* range of TX */
range = tx_high_frequency - tx_low_frequency;
if (range)
- PDEBUG(DSDR, DEBUG_INFO, "Range between all TX Frequencies: %.6f MHz\n", range / 1e6);
+ PDEBUG(DSDR, DEBUG_DEBUG, "Range between all TX Frequencies: %.6f MHz\n", range / 1e6);
if (range * 2 > sdr->samplerate) {
// why that? actually i don't know. i just want to be safe....
PDEBUG(DSDR, DEBUG_NOTICE, "The sample rate must be at least twice the range between frequencies.\n");
@@ -156,29 +156,28 @@ void *sdr_open(const char __attribute__((__unused__)) *audiodev, double *tx_freq
goto error;
tx_center_frequency = (tx_high_frequency + tx_low_frequency) / 2.0;
- PDEBUG(DSDR, DEBUG_INFO, "Using TX center frequency: %.6f MHz\n", tx_center_frequency / 1e6);
/* range of RX */
range = rx_high_frequency - rx_low_frequency;
if (range)
- PDEBUG(DSDR, DEBUG_INFO, "Range between all RX Frequencies: %.6f MHz\n", range / 1e6);
+ PDEBUG(DSDR, DEBUG_DEBUG, "Range between all RX Frequencies: %.6f MHz\n", range / 1e6);
if (range * 2.0 > sdr->samplerate) {
// why that? actually i don't know. i just want to be safe....
PDEBUG(DSDR, DEBUG_NOTICE, "The sample rate must be at least twice the range between frequencies. Please increment samplerate!\n");
goto error;
rx_center_frequency = (rx_high_frequency + rx_low_frequency) / 2.0;
- PDEBUG(DSDR, DEBUG_INFO, "Using RX center frequency: %.6f MHz\n", rx_center_frequency / 1e6);
+ PDEBUG(DSDR, DEBUG_INFO, "Using center frequency: TX %.6f MHz, RX %.6f\n", tx_center_frequency / 1e6, rx_center_frequency / 1e6);
/* set offsets to center frequency */
for (c = 0; c < channels; c++) {
double rx_offset;
sdr->chan[c].offset = sdr->chan[c].tx_frequency - tx_center_frequency;
rx_offset = sdr->chan[c].rx_frequency - rx_center_frequency;
sdr->chan[c].rx_rot = 2 * M_PI * -rx_offset / sdr->samplerate;
- PDEBUG(DSDR, DEBUG_INFO, "Frequency #%d: TX offset: %.6f MHz, RX offset: %.6f MHz\n", c, sdr->chan[c].offset / 1e6, rx_offset / 1e6);
+ PDEBUG(DSDR, DEBUG_DEBUG, "Frequency #%d: TX offset: %.6f MHz, RX offset: %.6f MHz\n", c, sdr->chan[c].offset / 1e6, rx_offset / 1e6);
if (sdr->paging_channel) {
sdr->chan[sdr->paging_channel].offset = sdr->chan[sdr->paging_channel].tx_frequency - tx_center_frequency;
- PDEBUG(DSDR, DEBUG_INFO, "Paging Frequency: TX offset: %.6f MHz\n", sdr->chan[sdr->paging_channel].offset / 1e6);
+ PDEBUG(DSDR, DEBUG_DEBUG, "Paging Frequency: TX offset: %.6f MHz\n", sdr->chan[sdr->paging_channel].offset / 1e6);
PDEBUG(DSDR, DEBUG_INFO, "Using gain: TX %.1f dB, RX %.1f dB\n", sdr_tx_gain, sdr_rx_gain);
@@ -302,7 +301,7 @@ int sdr_read(void *inst, int16_t **samples, int num, int channels)
filter_lowpass_process(&sdr->chan[c].rx_lp[1], Q, count, 1);
last_phase = sdr->chan[c].rx_last_phase;
for (s = 0; s < count; s++) {
- phase = atan2(I[s], Q[s]);
+ phase = atan2(Q[s], I[s]);
dev = (phase - last_phase) / 2 / M_PI;
last_phase = phase;
if (dev < -0.49)
diff --git a/src/common/uhd.c b/src/common/uhd.c
index a5a600a..cef9e00 100644
--- a/src/common/uhd.c
+++ b/src/common/uhd.c
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ static time_t rx_time_secs = 0;
static double rx_time_fract_sec = 0.0;
static time_t tx_time_secs = 0;
static double tx_time_fract_sec = 0.0;
+static int rx_gap = 0; /* if we missed samples, we fill our rx data with zeroes */
int uhd_open(const char *device_args, double tx_frequency, double rx_frequency, double rate, double rx_gain, double tx_gain)
@@ -316,6 +317,16 @@ int uhd_receive(float *buff, int max)
time_t last_secs = rx_time_secs;
double last_fract_sec = rx_time_fract_sec;
+ /* fill gap this time */
+ if (rx_gap) {
+ count = rx_gap;
+ if ((int)count > max)
+ count = max;
+ rx_gap -= count;
+ memset(buff, 0, count * sizeof(*buff) * 2);
+ return count;
+ }
if (max < (int)rx_samps_per_buff) {
PDEBUG(DUHD, DEBUG_ERROR, "SDR rx buffer too small, please fix!\n");
return 0;
@@ -343,9 +354,8 @@ int uhd_receive(float *buff, int max)
PDEBUG(DUHD, DEBUG_ERROR, "Received rate (%.0f) does not match defined rate (%.0f), use diffrent sample rate that UHD device can handle!\n", (double)count / got, samplerate);
return -EPERM;
- int gap = diff * (double)samplerate;
- PDEBUG(DUHD, DEBUG_ERROR, "Detected a gap of %.6f secods (%d samples), \n", diff, gap);
-#warning fill gap
+ rx_gap = diff * (double)samplerate + 0.5;
+ PDEBUG(DUHD, DEBUG_ERROR, "Lost rx frame(s): A gap of %.6f secods (%d samples), \n", diff, rx_gap);
check_rate = 0;