#!/bin/sh # Download the latest junit xml results from the jenkins.osmocom.org workspaces. # Usage: # - have a clean git clone of osmo-ttcn3-hacks # - have internet access to jenkins.osmocom.org # - ./update_expected_results_from_jenkins.sh # - git diff, make sure that you understand and approve of each and every change # - git commit -a -m "update expected results" not_found="" if [ -n "$(git status | grep 'modified:')" ]; then echo "Your git clone contains modifications! This is not recommended." echo "Hit enter to continue anyway." read enter_to_continue fi for target in */expected-results.xml; do project="$(basename "$(dirname "$target")")" # shims for naming exceptions ws_path="ttcn3-${project}-test/ws/logs/${project}-tester" if [ "x$project" = "xggsn_tests" ]; then project="ggsn" elif [ "x$project" = "xsysinfo" ]; then ws_path="ttcn3-nitb-sysinfo/ws/logs/ttcn3-nitb-sysinfo" fi # find out the junit-NN.xml name dir_url="https://jenkins.osmocom.org/jenkins/job/$ws_path/" junit_file="$(wget -q -O - "$dir_url" | grep 'junit-xml-[0-9]*\.log' | tail -n 1 | sed 's/.*\(junit-xml-[0-9]*\.log\).*/\1/')" # update target_new="$target.new" if ! wget -O "$target_new" "${dir_url}$junit_file"; then not_found="$not_found $project" rm -f "$target_new" else mv "$target_new" "$target" fi done ./mask_expected_results.sh echo " MAKE SURE THE RESULTING CHANGES ARE SANE BEFORE COMMITTING! " if [ -n "$not_found" ]; then echo "Could not update: $not_found" fi