module NS_Emulation { import from NS_Types all; import from BSSGP_Types all; import from Osmocom_Gb_Types all; import from NS_CodecPort all; import from NS_CodecPort_CtrlFunct all; import from IPL4asp_Types all; type record NsUnitdataRequest { BssgpBvci bvci, Nsei nsei, octetstring sdu optional, PDU_BSSGP bssgp optional } template NsUnitdataRequest t_NsUdReq(template Nsei nsei, template BssgpBvci bvci, template octetstring sdu, template PDU_BSSGP bssgp) := { bvci := bvci, nsei := nsei, sdu := sdu, bssgp := bssgp } type record NsUnitdataIndication { BssgpBvci bvci, Nsei nsei, octetstring sdu optional, PDU_BSSGP bssgp optional } template NsUnitdataIndication t_NsUdInd(Nsei nsei, BssgpBvci bvci, octetstring sdu) := { bvci := bvci, nsei := nsei, sdu := sdu, bssgp := dec_PDU_BSSGP(sdu) } type record NsStatusIndication { Nsei nsei, Nsvci nsvci, NseState old_state, NseState new_state } template NsStatusIndication t_NsStsInd(Nsei nsei, Nsvci nsvci, NseState old_state, NseState state) := { nsei := nsei, nsvci := nsvci, old_state := old_state, new_state := state } type enumerated NseState { NSE_S_DEAD_BLOCKED, NSE_S_WAIT_RESET, NSE_S_ALIVE_BLOCKED, NSE_S_ALIVE_UNBLOCKED } /* port from our (internal) point of view */ type port NS_SP_PT message { in NsUnitdataRequest; out NsUnitdataIndication, NsStatusIndication, ASP_Event; } with { extension "internal" }; /* port from the user point of view */ type port NS_PT message { in ASP_Event, NsStatusIndication, NsUnitdataIndication; out NsUnitdataRequest; } with { extension "internal" }; function NSStart(NSConfiguration init_config) runs on NS_CT { config := init_config; f_init(); f_ScanEvents(); } private function f_init() runs on NS_CT { var Result res; /* Connect the UDP socket */ res := f_IPL4_connect(NSCP, config.remote_ip, config.remote_udp_port, config.local_ip, config.local_udp_port, 0, { udp := {}}); if (not ispresent(res.connId)) { setverdict(fail, "Could not connect NS UDP socket, check your configuration"); mtc.stop; } g_conn_id := res.connId; f_change_state(NSE_S_DEAD_BLOCKED); /* Send the first NS-ALIVE to test the connection */ f_sendReset(); } type component NS_CT { /* UDP port towards the bottom (IUT) */ port NS_CODEC_PT NSCP; /* NS-User SAP towards the user */ port NS_SP_PT NS_SP; var NSConfiguration config; var NseState g_state := NSE_S_DEAD_BLOCKED; var ConnectionId g_conn_id := -1; timer Tns_alive := 3.0; timer Tns_test := 10.0; timer Tns_block := 10.0; } type record NSConfiguration { PortNumber local_udp_port, charstring local_ip, PortNumber remote_udp_port, charstring remote_ip, Nsvci nsvci, Nsvci nsei } private function f_change_state(NseState new_state) runs on NS_CT { var NseState old_state := g_state; g_state := new_state; log("NS State Transition: ", old_state, " -> ", new_state); NS_SP.send(t_NsStsInd(config.nsei, config.nsvci, old_state, new_state)); } private function f_sendReset() runs on NS_CT { NSCP.send(t_NS_Send(g_conn_id, t_NS_RESET(NS_CAUSE_OM_INTERVENTION, config.nsvci, config.nsei))); g_state := NSE_S_WAIT_RESET; } private function f_sendAlive() runs on NS_CT { NSCP.send(t_NS_Send(g_conn_id, t_NS_ALIVE)); Tns_alive.start; } private function f_sendUnblock() runs on NS_CT { NSCP.send(t_NS_Send(g_conn_id, t_NS_UNBLOCK)); Tns_block.start; } private function f_sendBlock(NsCause cause) runs on NS_CT { NSCP.send(t_NS_Send(g_conn_id, t_NS_BLOCK(cause, config.nsvci))); Tns_block.start; } altstep as_allstate() runs on NS_CT { var NS_RecvFrom rf; var ASP_Event evt; /* transition to DEAD if t_alive times out */ [Tns_alive.running] Tns_alive.timeout { log("Tns-alive expired: changing to DEAD_BLOCKED + starting Tns-test"); f_change_state(NSE_S_DEAD_BLOCKED); Tns_test.start; } [Tns_test.running] Tns_test.timeout { log("Tns-test expired: sending NS-ALIVE"); f_sendAlive(); } /* Stop t_alive when receiving ALIVE-ACK */ [] NSCP.receive(t_NS_RecvFrom(t_NS_ALIVE_ACK)) { log("NS-ALIVE-ACK received: stopping Tns-alive; starting Tns-test"); Tns_alive.stop; Tns_test.start; } /* respond to NS-ALIVE with NS-ALIVE-ACK */ [] NSCP.receive(t_NS_RecvFrom(t_NS_ALIVE)) { NSCP.send(t_NS_Send(g_conn_id, t_NS_ALIVE_ACK)); } /* Respond to BLOCK for wrong NSVCI */ [] NSCP.receive(t_NS_RecvFrom(t_NS_BLOCK(?, ?))) -> value rf { log("Rx NS-BLOCK for unknown NSVCI"); /* FIXME */ } /* Respond to RESET with correct NSEI/NSVCI */ [] NSCP.receive(t_NS_RecvFrom(t_NS_RESET(?, config.nsvci, config.nsei))) -> value rf { f_change_state(NSE_S_ALIVE_BLOCKED); NSCP.send(t_NS_Send(g_conn_id, t_NS_RESET_ACK(config.nsvci, config.nsei))); } /* Respond to RESET with wrong NSEI/NSVCI */ [] NSCP.receive(t_NS_RecvFrom(t_NS_RESET(?, ?, ?))) -> value rf { log("Rx NS-RESET for unknown NSEI/NSVCI"); /* FIXME */ } /* default case of handling unknown PDUs */ [] NSCP.receive(t_NS_RecvFrom(?)) -> value rf { log("Rx Unexpected NS PDU ", rf.msg," in state ", g_state); NSCP.send(t_NS_Send(g_conn_id, ts_NS_STATUS(NS_CAUSE_PDU_NOT_COMPATIBLE_WITH_PROTOCOL_STATE, rf.msg))); } /* Forwarding of ASP_Evet to user */ [] NSCP.receive(ASP_Event:?) -> value evt { NS_SP.send(evt); } } private function f_ScanEvents() runs on NS_CT { var NsUnitdataRequest ud_req; var NS_RecvFrom rf; var default d; d := activate(as_allstate()); while (true) { if (g_state == NSE_S_DEAD_BLOCKED) { alt { [false] any timer.timeout {} } } else if (g_state == NSE_S_WAIT_RESET) { alt { [] NSCP.receive(t_NS_RecvFrom(t_NS_RESET_ACK(config.nsvci, config.nsei))) -> value rf { f_change_state(NSE_S_ALIVE_BLOCKED); f_sendAlive(); f_sendUnblock(); } } } else if (g_state == NSE_S_ALIVE_BLOCKED) { alt { /* bogus block, just respond with ACK */ [] NSCP.receive(t_NS_RecvFrom(t_NS_BLOCK(?, config.nsvci))) -> value rf { NSCP.send(t_NS_Send(g_conn_id, t_NS_BLOCK_ACK(config.nsvci))); } /* Respond to UNBLOCK with UNBLOCK-ACK + change state */ [] NSCP.receive(t_NS_RecvFrom(t_NS_UNBLOCK)) -> value rf { NSCP.send(t_NS_Send(g_conn_id, t_NS_UNBLOCK_ACK)); Tns_block.stop; f_change_state(NSE_S_ALIVE_UNBLOCKED); } [] NSCP.receive(t_NS_RecvFrom(t_NS_UNBLOCK_ACK)) -> value rf { Tns_block.stop; f_change_state(NSE_S_ALIVE_UNBLOCKED); } [] Tns_block.timeout { /* repeat unblock transmission */ f_sendUnblock(); } } } else if (g_state == NSE_S_ALIVE_UNBLOCKED) { alt { /* bogus unblock, just respond with ACK */ [] NSCP.receive(t_NS_RecvFrom(t_NS_UNBLOCK)) -> value rf { NSCP.send(t_NS_Send(g_conn_id, t_NS_UNBLOCK_ACK)); } /* Respond to BLOCK with BLOCK-ACK + change state */ [] NSCP.receive(t_NS_RecvFrom(t_NS_BLOCK(?, config.nsvci))) -> value rf { NSCP.send(t_NS_Send(g_conn_id, t_NS_BLOCK_ACK(config.nsvci))); Tns_block.stop; f_change_state(NSE_S_ALIVE_BLOCKED); } [] NSCP.receive(t_NS_RecvFrom(t_NS_BLOCK_ACK(config.nsvci))) -> value rf { Tns_block.stop; } /* NS-UNITDATA PDU from network to NS-UNITDATA.ind to user */ [] NSCP.receive(t_NS_RecvFrom(t_NS_UNITDATA(?, ?, ?))) -> value rf { NS_SP.send(t_NsUdInd(config.nsei, oct2int(rf.msg.pDU_NS_Unitdata.bVCI), rf.msg.pDU_NS_Unitdata.nS_SDU)); } /* NS-UNITDATA.req from user to NS-UNITDATA PDU on network */ [] NS_SP.receive(t_NsUdReq(config.nsei, ?, ?, omit)) -> value ud_req { /* using raw octetstring PDU */ NSCP.send(t_NS_Send(g_conn_id, t_NS_UNITDATA(t_SduCtrlB, ud_req.bvci, ud_req.sdu))); } [] NS_SP.receive(t_NsUdReq(config.nsei, ?, omit, ?)) -> value ud_req { /* using decoded BSSGP PDU that we need to encode first */ var octetstring enc := enc_PDU_BSSGP(ud_req.bssgp); NSCP.send(t_NS_Send(g_conn_id, t_NS_UNITDATA(t_SduCtrlB, ud_req.bvci, enc))); } } } } /* while */ //deactivate(d); } }