// autogenerated by show asciidoc counters These counters and their description based on OsmoSGSN UNKNOWN (OsmoSGSN). // generating tables for rate_ctr_group // rate_ctr_group table BSSGP Peer Statistics .bssgp:bss_ctx - BSSGP Peer Statistics [options="header"] |=== | Name | Reference | Description | packets:in | <> | Packets at BSSGP Level ( In) | packets:out | <> | Packets at BSSGP Level (Out) | bytes:in | <> | Bytes at BSSGP Level ( In) | bytes:out | <> | Bytes at BSSGP Level (Out) | blocked | <> | BVC Blocking count | discarded | <> | BVC LLC Discarded count | status | <> | BVC Status count |=== // rate_ctr_group table BSSGP Peer Statistics .bssgp:bss_ctx - BSSGP Peer Statistics [options="header"] |=== | Name | Reference | Description | packets:in | <> | Packets at BSSGP Level ( In) | packets:out | <> | Packets at BSSGP Level (Out) | bytes:in | <> | Bytes at BSSGP Level ( In) | bytes:out | <> | Bytes at BSSGP Level (Out) | blocked | <> | BVC Blocking count | discarded | <> | BVC LLC Discarded count | status | <> | BVC Status count |=== // rate_ctr_group table NSVC Peer Statistics .ns:nsvc - NSVC Peer Statistics [options="header"] |=== | Name | Reference | Description | packets:in | <> | Packets at NS Level ( In) | packets:out | <> | Packets at NS Level (Out) | bytes:in | <> | Bytes at NS Level ( In) | bytes:out | <> | Bytes at NS Level (Out) | blocked | <> | NS-VC Block count | dead | <> | NS-VC gone dead count | replaced | <> | NS-VC replaced other count | nsei-chg | <> | NS-VC changed NSEI count | inv-nsvci | <> | NS-VCI was invalid count | inv-nsei | <> | NSEI was invalid count | lost:alive | <> | ALIVE ACK missing count | lost:reset | <> | RESET ACK missing count |=== // rate_ctr_group table SGSN Overall Statistics .sgsn - SGSN Overall Statistics [options="header"] |=== | Name | Reference | Description | llc:dl_bytes | <> | Count sent LLC bytes before giving it to the bssgp layer | llc:ul_bytes | <> | Count sucessful received LLC bytes (encrypt & fcs correct) | llc:dl_packets | <> | Count sucessful sent LLC packets before giving it to the bssgp layer | llc:ul_packets | <> | Count sucessful received LLC packets (encrypt & fcs correct) | gprs:attach_requested | <> | Received attach requests | gprs:attach_accepted | <> | Sent attach accepts | gprs:attach_rejected | <> | Sent attach rejects | gprs:detach_requested | <> | Received detach requests | gprs:detach_acked | <> | Sent detach acks | gprs:routing_area_requested | <> | Received routing area requests | gprs:routing_area_requested | <> | Sent routing area acks | gprs:routing_area_requested | <> | Sent routing area rejects | pdp:activate_requested | <> | Received activate requests | pdp:activate_rejected | <> | Sent activate rejects | pdp:activate_accepted | <> | Sent activate accepts | pdp:request_activated | <> | unused | pdp:request_activate_rejected | <> | unused | pdp:modify_requested | <> | unused | pdp:modify_accepted | <> | unused | pdp:dl_deactivate_requested | <> | Sent deactivate requests | pdp:dl_deactivate_accepted | <> | Sent deactivate accepted | pdp:ul_deactivate_requested | <> | Received deactivate requests | pdp:ul_deactivate_accepted | <> | Received deactivate accepts |=== // rate_ctr_group table NSVC Peer Statistics .ns:nsvc - NSVC Peer Statistics [options="header"] |=== | Name | Reference | Description | packets:in | <> | Packets at NS Level ( In) | packets:out | <> | Packets at NS Level (Out) | bytes:in | <> | Bytes at NS Level ( In) | bytes:out | <> | Bytes at NS Level (Out) | blocked | <> | NS-VC Block count | dead | <> | NS-VC gone dead count | replaced | <> | NS-VC replaced other count | nsei-chg | <> | NS-VC changed NSEI count | inv-nsvci | <> | NS-VCI was invalid count | inv-nsei | <> | NSEI was invalid count | lost:alive | <> | ALIVE ACK missing count | lost:reset | <> | RESET ACK missing count |=== // generating tables for osmo_stat_items NSVC Peer Statistics // osmo_stat_item_group table NSVC Peer Statistics .ns.nsvc - NSVC Peer Statistics [options="header"] |=== | Name | Reference | Description | Unit | alive.delay | <> | ALIVE response time | ms |=== NSVC Peer Statistics // osmo_stat_item_group table NSVC Peer Statistics .ns.nsvc - NSVC Peer Statistics [options="header"] |=== | Name | Reference | Description | Unit | alive.delay | <> | ALIVE response time | ms |=== // generating tables for osmo_counters // ungrouped osmo_counters .ungrouped osmo counters [options="header"] |=== | Name | Reference | Description |===