path: root/contrib/rtp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/rtp')
5 files changed, 674 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/rtp/gen_rtp_header.erl b/contrib/rtp/gen_rtp_header.erl
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..47839c1ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/rtp/gen_rtp_header.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env escript
+%% -*- erlang -*-
+%%! -smp disable
+% -mode(compile).
+-define(VERSION, "0.1").
+ {
+ version = 2,
+ padding = 0,
+ marker = 0,
+ payload_type = 0,
+ seqno = 0,
+ timestamp = 0,
+ ssrc = 0,
+ csrcs = [],
+ extension = <<>>,
+ payload = <<>>,
+ realtime
+ }).
+main(Args) ->
+ DefaultOpts = [{format, state},
+ {ssrc, 16#11223344},
+ {rate, 8000},
+ {pt, 98}],
+ {PosArgs, Opts} = getopts_checked(Args, DefaultOpts),
+ log(debug, fun (Dev) ->
+ io:format(Dev, "Initial options:~n", []),
+ dump_opts(Dev, Opts),
+ io:format(Dev, "~s: ~p~n", ["Args", PosArgs])
+ end, [], Opts),
+ main(PosArgs, Opts).
+main([First | RemArgs], Opts) ->
+ try
+ F = list_to_integer(First),
+ Format = proplists:get_value(format, Opts, state),
+ PayloadData = proplists:get_value(payload, Opts, undef),
+ InFile = proplists:get_value(file, Opts, undef),
+ Payload = case {PayloadData, InFile} of
+ {undef, undef} ->
+ % use default value
+ #rtp_packet{}#rtp_packet.payload;
+ {P, undef} -> P;
+ {_, File} ->
+ log(info, "Loading file '~s'~n", [File], Opts),
+ {ok, InDev} = file:open(File, [read]),
+ DS = [ Pl#rtp_packet.payload || {_T, Pl} <- read_packets(InDev, Opts)],
+ file:close(InDev),
+ log(debug, "File '~s' closed, ~w packets read.~n", [File, length(DS)], Opts),
+ DS
+ end,
+ Dev = standard_io,
+ write_packet_pre(Dev, Format),
+ do_groups(Dev, Payload, F, RemArgs, Opts),
+ write_packet_post(Dev, Format),
+ 0
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ log(debug, "~p~n", [hd(erlang:get_stacktrace())], Opts),
+ usage(),
+ halt(1)
+ end
+ ;
+main(_, _Opts) ->
+ usage(),
+ halt(1).
+%%% group (count + offset) handling %%%
+do_groups(_Dev, _Pl, _F, [], _Opts) ->
+ ok;
+do_groups(Dev, Pl, F, [L], Opts) ->
+ do_groups(Dev, Pl, F, [L, 0], Opts);
+do_groups(Dev, Pl, First, [L, O | Args], Opts) ->
+ Ssrc = proplists:get_value(ssrc, Opts, #rtp_packet.ssrc),
+ PT = proplists:get_value(pt, Opts, #rtp_packet.payload_type),
+ Len = list_to_num(L),
+ Offs = list_to_num(O),
+ log(info, "Starting group: Ssrc=~.16B, PT=~B, First=~B, Len=~B, Offs=~B~n",
+ [Ssrc, PT, First, Len, Offs], Opts),
+ Pkg = #rtp_packet{ssrc = Ssrc, payload_type = PT},
+ Pl2 = write_packets(Dev, Pl, Pkg, First, Len, Offs, Opts),
+ {Args2, Opts2} = getopts_checked(Args, Opts),
+ log(debug, fun (Io) ->
+ io:format(Io, "Changed options:~n", []),
+ dump_opts(Io, Opts2 -- Opts)
+ end, [], Opts),
+ do_groups(Dev, Pl2, First+Len, Args2, Opts2).
+%%% error handling helpers %%%
+getopts_checked(Args, Opts) ->
+ try
+ getopts(Args, Opts)
+ catch
+ C:R ->
+ log(error, "~s~n",
+ [explain_error(C, R, erlang:get_stacktrace(), Opts)], Opts),
+ usage(),
+ halt(1)
+ end.
+explain_error(error, badarg, [{erlang,list_to_integer,[S,B]} | _ ], _Opts) ->
+ io_lib:format("Invalid number '~s' (base ~B)", [S, B]);
+explain_error(error, badarg, [{erlang,list_to_integer,[S]} | _ ], _Opts) ->
+ io_lib:format("Invalid decimal number '~s'", [S]);
+explain_error(C, R, [Hd | _ ], _Opts) ->
+ io_lib:format("~p, ~p:~p", [Hd, C, R]);
+explain_error(_, _, [], _Opts) ->
+ "".
+%%% usage and options %%%
+myname() ->
+ filename:basename(escript:script_name()).
+usage(Text) ->
+ io:format(standard_error, "~s: ~s~n", [myname(), Text]),
+ usage().
+usage() ->
+ io:format(standard_error,
+ "Usage: ~s [Options] Start Count1 Offs1 [[Options] Count2 Offs2 ...]~n",
+ [myname()]).
+show_version() ->
+ io:format(standard_io,
+ "~s ~s~n", [myname(), ?VERSION]).
+show_help() ->
+ io:format(standard_io,
+ "Usage: ~s [Options] Start Count1 Offs1 [[Options] Count2 Offs2 ...]~n~n" ++
+ "Options:~n" ++
+ " -h, --help this text~n" ++
+ " --version show version info~n" ++
+ " -i, --file=FILE reads payload from file (state format by default)~n" ++
+ " -f, --frame-size=N read payload as binary frames of size N instead~n" ++
+ " -p, --payload=HEX set constant payload~n" ++
+ " --verbose=N set verbosity~n" ++
+ " -v increase verbosity~n" ++
+ " --format=state use state format for output (default)~n" ++
+ " -C, --format=c use simple C lines for output~n" ++
+ " --format=carray use a C array for output~n" ++
+ " -s, --ssrc=SSRC set the SSRC~n" ++
+ " -t, --type=N set the payload type~n" ++
+ " -r, --rate=N set the RTP rate [8000]~n" ++
+ " -D, --duration=N set the packet duration in RTP time units [160]~n" ++
+ " -d, --delay=FLOAT add offset to playout timestamp~n" ++
+ "~n" ++
+ "Arguments:~n" ++
+ " Start initial packet (sequence) number~n" ++
+ " Count number of packets~n" ++
+ " Offs timestamp offset (in RTP units)~n" ++
+ "", [myname()]).
+getopts([ "--file=" ++ File | R], Opts) ->
+ getopts(R, [{file, File} | Opts]);
+getopts([ "-i" ++ T | R], Opts) ->
+ getopts_alias_arg("--file", T, R, Opts);
+getopts([ "--frame-size=" ++ N | R], Opts) ->
+ Size = list_to_integer(N),
+ getopts(R, [{frame_size, Size}, {in_format, bin} | Opts]);
+getopts([ "-f" ++ T | R], Opts) ->
+ getopts_alias_arg("--frame-size", T, R, Opts);
+getopts([ "--duration=" ++ N | R], Opts) ->
+ Duration = list_to_integer(N),
+ getopts(R, [{duration, Duration} | Opts]);
+getopts([ "-D" ++ T | R], Opts) ->
+ getopts_alias_arg("--duration", T, R, Opts);
+getopts([ "--rate=" ++ N | R], Opts) ->
+ Rate = list_to_integer(N),
+ getopts(R, [{rate, Rate} | Opts]);
+getopts([ "-r" ++ T | R], Opts) ->
+ getopts_alias_arg("--rate", T, R, Opts);
+getopts([ "--version" | _], _Opts) ->
+ show_version(),
+ halt(0);
+getopts([ "--help" | _], _Opts) ->
+ show_help(),
+ halt(0);
+getopts([ "-h" ++ T | R], Opts) ->
+ getopts_alias_no_arg("--help", T, R, Opts);
+getopts([ "--verbose=" ++ V | R], Opts) ->
+ Verbose = list_to_integer(V),
+ getopts(R, [{verbose, Verbose} | Opts]);
+getopts([ "-v" ++ T | R], Opts) ->
+ Verbose = proplists:get_value(verbose, Opts, 0),
+ getopts_short_no_arg(T, R, [ {verbose, Verbose+1} | Opts]);
+getopts([ "--format=state" | R], Opts) ->
+ getopts(R, [{format, state} | Opts]);
+getopts([ "--format=c" | R], Opts) ->
+ getopts(R, [{format, c} | Opts]);
+getopts([ "-C" ++ T | R], Opts) ->
+ getopts_alias_no_arg("--format=c", T, R, Opts);
+getopts([ "--format=carray" | R], Opts) ->
+ getopts(R, [{format, carray} | Opts]);
+getopts([ "--payload=" ++ Hex | R], Opts) ->
+ getopts(R, [{payload, hex_to_bin(Hex)} | Opts]);
+getopts([ "--ssrc=" ++ Num | R], Opts) ->
+ getopts(R, [{ssrc, list_to_num(Num)} | Opts]);
+getopts([ "-s" ++ T | R], Opts) ->
+ getopts_alias_arg("--ssrc", T, R, Opts);
+getopts([ "--type=" ++ Num | R], Opts) ->
+ getopts(R, [{pt, list_to_num(Num)} | Opts]);
+getopts([ "-t" ++ T | R], Opts) ->
+ getopts_alias_arg("--type", T, R, Opts);
+getopts([ "--delay=" ++ Num | R], Opts) ->
+ getopts(R, [{delay, list_to_float(Num)} | Opts]);
+getopts([ "-d" ++ T | R], Opts) ->
+ getopts_alias_arg("--delay", T, R, Opts);
+% parsing helpers
+getopts([ "--" | R], Opts) ->
+ {R, normalize_opts(Opts)};
+getopts([ O = "--" ++ _ | _], _Opts) ->
+ usage("Invalid option: " ++ O),
+ halt(1);
+getopts([ [ $-, C | _] | _], _Opts) when C < $0; C > $9 ->
+ usage("Invalid option: -" ++ [C]),
+ halt(1);
+getopts(R, Opts) ->
+ {R, normalize_opts(Opts)}.
+getopts_short_no_arg([], R, Opts) -> getopts(R, Opts);
+getopts_short_no_arg(T, R, Opts) -> getopts([ "-" ++ T | R], Opts).
+getopts_alias_no_arg(A, [], R, Opts) -> getopts([A | R], Opts);
+getopts_alias_no_arg(A, T, R, Opts) -> getopts([A, "-" ++ T | R], Opts).
+getopts_alias_arg(A, [], [T | R], Opts) -> getopts([A ++ "=" ++ T | R], Opts);
+getopts_alias_arg(A, T, R, Opts) -> getopts([A ++ "=" ++ T | R], Opts).
+normalize_opts(Opts) ->
+ [ proplists:lookup(E, Opts) || E <- proplists:get_keys(Opts) ].
+%%% conversions %%%
+bin_to_hex(Bin) -> [hd(integer_to_list(N,16)) || <<N:4>> <= Bin].
+hex_to_bin(Hex) -> << <<(list_to_integer([Nib],16)):4>> || Nib <- Hex>>.
+list_to_num("-" ++ Str) -> -list_to_num(Str);
+list_to_num("0x" ++ Str) -> list_to_integer(Str, 16);
+list_to_num("0b" ++ Str) -> list_to_integer(Str, 2);
+list_to_num(Str = [ $0 | _ ]) -> list_to_integer(Str, 8);
+list_to_num(Str) -> list_to_integer(Str, 10).
+%%% dumping data %%%
+dump_opts(Dev, Opts) ->
+ dump_opts2(Dev, Opts, proplists:get_keys(Opts)).
+dump_opts2(Dev, Opts, [OptName | R]) ->
+ io:format(Dev, " ~-10s: ~p~n",
+ [OptName, proplists:get_value(OptName, Opts)]),
+ dump_opts2(Dev, Opts, R);
+dump_opts2(_Dev, _Opts, []) -> ok.
+%%% logging %%%
+log(L, Fmt, Args, Opts) when is_list(Opts) ->
+ log(L, Fmt, Args, proplists:get_value(verbose, Opts, 0), Opts).
+log(debug, Fmt, Args, V, Opts) when V > 2 -> log2("DEBUG", Fmt, Args, Opts);
+log(info, Fmt, Args, V, Opts) when V > 1 -> log2("INFO", Fmt, Args, Opts);
+log(notice, Fmt, Args, V, Opts) when V > 0 -> log2("NOTICE", Fmt, Args, Opts);
+log(warn, Fmt, Args, _V, Opts) -> log2("WARNING", Fmt, Args, Opts);
+log(error, Fmt, Args, _V, Opts) -> log2("ERROR", Fmt, Args, Opts);
+log(Lvl, Fmt, Args, V, Opts) when V >= Lvl -> log2("", Fmt, Args, Opts);
+log(_, _, _, _i, _) -> ok.
+log2(Type, Fmt, Args, _Opts) when is_list(Fmt) ->
+ io:format(standard_error, "~s: " ++ Fmt, [Type | Args]);
+log2("", Fmt, Args, _Opts) when is_list(Fmt) ->
+ io:format(standard_error, Fmt, Args);
+log2(_Type, Fun, _Args, _Opts) when is_function(Fun, 1) ->
+ Fun(standard_error).
+%%% RTP packets %%%
+make_rtp_packet(P = #rtp_packet{version = 2}) ->
+ << (P#rtp_packet.version):2,
+ 0:1, % P
+ 0:1, % X
+ 0:4, % CC
+ (P#rtp_packet.marker):1,
+ (P#rtp_packet.payload_type):7,
+ (P#rtp_packet.seqno):16,
+ (P#rtp_packet.timestamp):32,
+ (P#rtp_packet.ssrc):32,
+ (P#rtp_packet.payload)/bytes
+ >>.
+ << 2:2, % Version 2
+ 0:1, % P (not supported yet)
+ 0:1, % X (not supported yet)
+ 0:4, % CC (not supported yet)
+ M:1,
+ PT:7,
+ SeqNo: 16,
+ TS:32,
+ Ssrc:32,
+ Payload/bytes >>) ->
+ #rtp_packet{
+ version = 0,
+ marker = M,
+ payload_type = PT,
+ seqno = SeqNo,
+ timestamp = TS,
+ ssrc = Ssrc,
+ payload = Payload}.
+%%% payload generation %%%
+next_payload(F) when is_function(F) ->
+ {F(), F};
+next_payload({F, D}) when is_function(F) ->
+ {P, D2} = F(D),
+ {P, {F, D2}};
+next_payload([P | R]) ->
+ {P, R};
+next_payload([]) ->
+ undef;
+next_payload(Bin = <<_/bytes>>) ->
+ {Bin, Bin}.
+%%% real writing work %%%
+write_packets(_Dev, DS, _P, _F, 0, _O, _Opts) ->
+ DS;
+write_packets(Dev, DataSource, P = #rtp_packet{}, F, L, O, Opts) ->
+ Format = proplists:get_value(format, Opts, state),
+ Ptime = proplists:get_value(duration, Opts, 160),
+ Delay = proplists:get_value(delay, Opts, 0),
+ Rate = proplists:get_value(rate, Opts, 8000),
+ case next_payload(DataSource) of
+ {Payload, DataSource2} ->
+ write_packet(Dev, Ptime * F / Rate + Delay,
+ P#rtp_packet{seqno = F, timestamp = F*Ptime+O,
+ payload = Payload},
+ Format),
+ write_packets(Dev, DataSource2, P, F+1, L-1, O, Opts);
+ Other -> Other
+ end.
+write_packet(Dev, Time, P = #rtp_packet{}, Format) ->
+ Bin = make_rtp_packet(P),
+ write_packet_line(Dev, Time, P, Bin, Format).
+write_packet_pre(Dev, carray) ->
+ io:format(Dev,
+ "struct {float t; int len; char *data;} packets[] = {~n", []);
+write_packet_pre(_Dev, _) -> ok.
+write_packet_post(Dev, carray) ->
+ io:format(Dev, "};~n", []);
+write_packet_post(_Dev, _) -> ok.
+write_packet_line(Dev, Time, _P, Bin, state) ->
+ io:format(Dev, "~f ~s~n", [Time, bin_to_hex(Bin)]);
+write_packet_line(Dev, Time, #rtp_packet{seqno = N, timestamp = TS}, Bin, c) ->
+ ByteList = [ [ $0, $x | integer_to_list(Byte, 16) ] || <<Byte:8>> <= Bin ],
+ ByteStr = string:join(ByteList, ", "),
+ io:format(Dev, "/* time=~f, SeqNo=~B, TS=~B */ {~s}~n", [Time, N, TS, ByteStr]);
+write_packet_line(Dev, Time, #rtp_packet{seqno = N, timestamp = TS}, Bin, carray) ->
+ io:format(Dev, " /* RTP: SeqNo=~B, TS=~B */~n", [N, TS]),
+ io:format(Dev, " {~f, ~B, \"", [Time, size(Bin)]),
+ [ io:format(Dev, "\\x~2.16.0B", [Byte]) || <<Byte:8>> <= Bin ],
+ io:format(Dev, "\"},~n", []).
+%%% real reading work %%%
+read_packets(Dev, Opts) ->
+ Format = proplists:get_value(in_format, Opts, state),
+ read_packets(Dev, Opts, Format).
+read_packets(Dev, Opts, Format) ->
+ case read_packet(Dev, Opts, Format) of
+ eof -> [];
+ Tuple -> [Tuple | read_packets(Dev, Opts, Format)]
+ end.
+read_packet(Dev, Opts, bin) ->
+ Size = proplists:get_value(frame_size, Opts),
+ case file:read(Dev, Size) of
+ {ok, Data} -> {0, #rtp_packet{payload = iolist_to_binary(Data)}};
+ eof -> eof
+ end;
+read_packet(Dev, _Opts, Format) ->
+ case read_packet_line(Dev, Format) of
+ {Time, Bin} -> {Time, parse_rtp_packet(Bin)};
+ eof -> eof
+ end.
+read_packet_line(Dev, state) ->
+ case io:fread(Dev, "", "~f ~s") of
+ {ok, [Time, Hex]} -> {Time, hex_to_bin(Hex)};
+ eof -> eof
+ end.
diff --git a/contrib/rtp/rtp_replay.st b/contrib/rtp/rtp_replay.st
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e26d07388
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/rtp/rtp_replay.st
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Simple UDP replay from the state files
+PackageLoader fileInPackage: #Sockets.
+FileStream fileIn: 'rtp_replay_shared.st'.
+Eval [
+ | replay file host dport |
+ file := Smalltalk arguments at: 1 ifAbsent: [ 'rtpstream.state' ].
+ host := Smalltalk arguments at: 2 ifAbsent: [ '' ].
+ dport := (Smalltalk arguments at: 3 ifAbsent: [ '4000' ]) asInteger.
+ sport := (Smalltalk arguments at: 4 ifAbsent: [ '0' ]) asInteger.
+ replay := RTPReplay on: file fromPort: sport.
+ Transcript nextPutAll: 'Going to stream now'; nl.
+ replay streamAudio: host port: dport.
diff --git a/contrib/rtp/rtp_replay_shared.st b/contrib/rtp/rtp_replay_shared.st
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7b68c0f5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/rtp/rtp_replay_shared.st
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+Simple UDP replay from the state files
+PackageLoader fileInPackage: #Sockets.
+Object subclass: SDPUtils [
+ "Look into using PetitParser."
+ SDPUtils class >> findPort: aSDP [
+ aSDP linesDo: [:line |
+ (line startsWith: 'm=audio ') ifTrue: [
+ | stream |
+ stream := line readStream
+ skip: 'm=audio ' size;
+ yourself.
+ ^ Number readFrom: stream.
+ ]
+ ].
+ ^ self error: 'Not found'.
+ ]
+ SDPUtils class >> findHost: aSDP [
+ aSDP linesDo: [:line |
+ (line startsWith: 'c=IN IP4 ') ifTrue: [
+ | stream |
+ ^ stream := line readStream
+ skip: 'c=IN IP4 ' size;
+ upToEnd.
+ ]
+ ].
+ ^ self error: 'Not found'.
+ ]
+Object subclass: RTPReplay [
+ | filename socket |
+ RTPReplay class >> on: aFile [
+ ^ self new
+ initialize;
+ file: aFile; yourself
+ ]
+ RTPReplay class >> on: aFile fromPort: aPort [
+ ^ self new
+ initialize: aPort;
+ file: aFile; yourself
+ ]
+ initialize [
+ self initialize: 0.
+ ]
+ initialize: aPort [
+ socket := Sockets.DatagramSocket local: '' port: aPort.
+ ]
+ file: aFile [
+ filename := aFile
+ ]
+ localPort [
+ ^ socket port
+ ]
+ streamAudio: aHost port: aPort [
+ | file last_time last_image udp_send dest |
+ last_time := nil.
+ last_image := nil.
+ file := FileStream open: filename mode: #read.
+ "Send the payload"
+ dest := Sockets.SocketAddress byName: aHost.
+ udp_send := [:payload | | datagram |
+ datagram := Sockets.Datagram data: payload contents address: dest port: aPort.
+ socket nextPut: datagram
+ ].
+ [file atEnd] whileFalse: [
+ | lineStream time data now_image |
+ lineStream := file nextLine readStream.
+ "Read the time, skip the blank, parse the data"
+ time := Number readFrom: lineStream.
+ lineStream skip: 1.
+ data := WriteStream on: (ByteArray new: 30).
+ [lineStream atEnd] whileFalse: [
+ | hex |
+ hex := lineStream next: 2.
+ data nextPut: (Number readFrom: hex readStream radix: 16).
+ ].
+ last_time isNil
+ ifTrue: [
+ "First time, send it right now"
+ last_time := time.
+ last_image := Time millisecondClockValue.
+ udp_send value: data.
+ ]
+ ifFalse: [
+ | wait_image new_image_time |
+ "How long to wait?"
+ wait_image := last_image + ((time - last_time) * 1000).
+ [ wait_image > Time millisecondClockValue ]
+ whileTrue: [Processor yield].
+ udp_send value: data.
+ last_time := time.
+ last_image := wait_image.
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
diff --git a/contrib/rtp/rtp_replay_sip.st b/contrib/rtp/rtp_replay_sip.st
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5f844df1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/rtp/rtp_replay_sip.st
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+Create a SIP connection and then stream...
+ fileInPackage: #OsmoSIP.
+"Load for the replay code"
+FileStream fileIn: 'rtp_replay_shared.st'.
+Osmo.SIPCall subclass: StreamCall [
+ | sem stream |
+ createCall: aSDP [
+ | sdp |
+ stream := RTPReplay on: 'rtp_ssrc6976010.240.240.1_to_10.240.240.50.state'.
+ sdp := aSDP % {stream localPort}.
+ ^ super createCall: sdp.
+ ]
+ sem: aSemaphore [
+ sem := aSemaphore
+ ]
+ sessionNew [
+ | host port |
+ Transcript nextPutAll: 'The call has started'; nl.
+ Transcript nextPutAll: sdp_result; nl.
+ host := SDPUtils findHost: sdp_result.
+ port := SDPUtils findPort: sdp_result.
+ [
+ stream streamAudio: host port: port.
+ Transcript nextPutAll: 'Streaming has finished.'; nl.
+ ] fork.
+ ]
+ sessionFailed [
+ sem signal
+ ]
+ sessionEnd [
+ sem signal
+ ]
+Eval [
+ | transport agent call sem sdp_fr sdp_amr |
+ sdp_fr := (WriteStream on: String new)
+ nextPutAll: 'v=0'; cr; nl;
+ nextPutAll: 'o=twinkle 1739517580 1043400482 IN IP4'; cr; nl;
+ nextPutAll: 's=-'; cr; nl;
+ nextPutAll: 'c=IN IP4'; cr; nl;
+ nextPutAll: 't=0 0'; cr; nl;
+ nextPutAll: 'm=audio %1 RTP/AVP 0 101'; cr; nl;
+ nextPutAll: 'a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000'; cr; nl;
+ nextPutAll: 'a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000'; cr; nl;
+ nextPutAll: 'a=fmtp:101 0-15'; cr; nl;
+ nextPutAll: 'a=ptime:20'; cr; nl;
+ contents.
+ sem := Semaphore new.
+ transport := Osmo.SIPUdpTransport
+ startOn: '' port: 5066.
+ agent := Osmo.SIPUserAgent createOn: transport.
+ transport start.
+ call := (StreamCall
+ fromUser: 'sip:1000@sip.zecke.osmocom.org'
+ host: ''
+ port: 5060
+ to: 'sip:123456@'
+ on: agent)
+ sem: sem; yourself.
+ call createCall: sdp_fr.
+ "Wait for the stream to have ended"
+ sem wait.
+ (Delay forSeconds: 4) wait.
diff --git a/contrib/rtp/timestamp_rtp.lua b/contrib/rtp/timestamp_rtp.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c18a06bed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/rtp/timestamp_rtp.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+print("Ni hao")
+ local tap = Listener.new("ip", "rtp")
+ local rtp_ssrc = Field.new("rtp.ssrc")
+ local frame_time = Field.new("frame.time_relative")
+ local rtp = Field.new("rtp")
+ function tap.packet(pinfo, tvb, ip)
+ local ip_src, ip_dst = tostring(ip.ip_src), tostring(ip.ip_dst)
+ local rtp_data = rtp()
+ local filename = "rtp_ssrc" .. rtp_ssrc() "_src_" .. ip_src .. "_to_" .. ip_dst .. ".state"
+ local f = io.open(filename, "a")
+ f:write(tostring(frame_time()) .. " ")
+ f:write(tostring(rtp_data.value))
+ f:write("\n")
+ f:close()
+ end
+ function tap.draw()
+ print("DRAW")
+ end
+ function tap.reset()
+ print("RESET")
+ end