path: root/contrib/soap.py
diff options
authorNeels Hofmeyr <neels@hofmeyr.de>2017-07-04 23:08:44 +0200
committerNeels Hofmeyr <neels@hofmeyr.de>2017-08-27 17:40:52 +0200
commited3157ce46cde0f3973a5ee0a0a53909f361ae7c (patch)
tree072f9b723003554bead716390f6ed8bf7351d103 /contrib/soap.py
parent2758330b6ab37ff30afca8306080f0e82ef5a732 (diff)
move openbsc/* to repos root
This is the first step in creating this repository from the legacy openbsc.git. Like all other Osmocom repositories, keep the autoconf and automake files in the repository root. openbsc.git has been the sole exception, which ends now. Change-Id: I9c6f2a448d9cb1cc088cf1cf6918b69d7e69b4e7
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/soap.py')
1 files changed, 188 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/soap.py b/contrib/soap.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4d0a023f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/soap.py
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+# -*- mode: python-mode; py-indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+__version__ = "v0.7" # bump this on every non-trivial change
+from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
+from twisted_ipa import CTRL, IPAFactory, __version__ as twisted_ipa_version
+from ipa import Ctrl
+from treq import post, collect
+from suds.client import Client
+from functools import partial
+from distutils.version import StrictVersion as V # FIXME: use NormalizedVersion from PEP-386 when available
+import argparse, datetime, signal, sys, os, logging, logging.handlers
+# we don't support older versions of TwistedIPA module
+assert V(twisted_ipa_version) > V('0.4')
+# keys from OpenBSC openbsc/src/libbsc/bsc_rf_ctrl.c, values SOAP-specific
+oper = { 'inoperational' : 0, 'operational' : 1 }
+admin = { 'locked' : 0, 'unlocked' : 1 }
+policy = { 'off' : 0, 'on' : 1, 'grace' : 2, 'unknown' : 3 }
+# keys from OpenBSC openbsc/src/libbsc/bsc_vty.c
+fix = { 'invalid' : 0, 'fix2d' : 1, 'fix3d' : 1 } # SOAP server treats it as boolean but expects int
+def handle_reply(p, f, log, r):
+ """
+ Reply handler: takes function p to process raw SOAP server reply r, function f to run for each command and verbosity flag v
+ """
+ repl = p(r) # result is expected to have both commands[] array and error string (could be None)
+ bsc_id = repl.commands[0].split()[0].split('.')[3] # we expect 1st command to have net.0.bsc.666.bts.2.trx.1 location prefix format
+ log.info("Received SOAP response for BSC %s with %d commands, error status: %s" % (bsc_id, len(repl.commands), repl.error))
+ log.debug("BSC %s commands: %s" % (bsc_id, repl.commands))
+ for t in repl.commands: # Process OpenBscCommands format from .wsdl
+ (_, m) = Ctrl().cmd(*t.split())
+ f(m)
+class Trap(CTRL):
+ """
+ TRAP handler (agnostic to factory's client object)
+ """
+ def ctrl_TRAP(self, data, op_id, v):
+ """
+ Parse CTRL TRAP and dispatch to appropriate handler after normalization
+ """
+ (l, r) = v.split()
+ loc = l.split('.')
+ t_type = loc[-1]
+ p = partial(lambda a, i: a[i] if len(a) > i else None, loc) # parse helper
+ method = getattr(self, 'handle_' + t_type.replace('-', ''), lambda: "Unhandled %s trap" % t_type)
+ method(p(1), p(3), p(5), p(7), r) # we expect net.0.bsc.666.bts.2.trx.1 format for trap prefix
+ def ctrl_SET_REPLY(self, data, _, v):
+ """
+ Debug log for replies to our commands
+ """
+ self.factory.log.debug('SET REPLY %s' % v)
+ def ctrl_ERROR(self, data, op_id, v):
+ """
+ We want to know if smth went wrong
+ """
+ self.factory.log.debug('CTRL ERROR [%s] %s' % (op_id, v))
+ def connectionMade(self):
+ """
+ Logging wrapper, calling super() is necessary not to break reconnection logic
+ """
+ self.factory.log.info("Connected to CTRL@%s:%d" % (self.factory.host, self.factory.port))
+ super(CTRL, self).connectionMade()
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def handle_locationstate(self, net, bsc, bts, trx, data):
+ """
+ Handle location-state TRAP: parse trap content, build SOAP context and use treq's routines to post it while setting up async handlers
+ """
+ (ts, fx, lat, lon, height, opr, adm, pol, mcc, mnc) = data.split(',')
+ tstamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(ts)).isoformat()
+ self.factory.log.debug('location-state@%s.%s.%s.%s (%s) [%s/%s] => %s' % (net, bsc, bts, trx, tstamp, mcc, mnc, data))
+ ctx = self.factory.client.registerSiteLocation(bsc, float(lon), float(lat), fix.get(fx, 0), tstamp, oper.get(opr, 2), admin.get(adm, 2), policy.get(pol, 3))
+ d = post(self.factory.location, ctx.envelope)
+ d.addCallback(collect, partial(handle_reply, ctx.process_reply, self.transport.write, self.factory.log)) # treq's collect helper is handy to get all reply content at once using closure on ctx
+ d.addErrback(lambda e, bsc: self.factory.log.critical("HTTP POST error %s while trying to register BSC %s" % (e, bsc)), bsc) # handle HTTP errors
+ # Ensure that we run only limited number of requests in parallel:
+ yield self.factory.semaphore.acquire()
+ yield d # we end up here only if semaphore is available which means it's ok to fire the request without exceeding the limit
+ self.factory.semaphore.release()
+ def handle_notificationrejectionv1(self, net, bsc, bts, trx, data):
+ """
+ Handle notification-rejection-v1 TRAP: just an example to show how more message types can be handled
+ """
+ self.factory.log.debug('notification-rejection-v1@bsc-id %s => %s' % (bsc, data))
+class TrapFactory(IPAFactory):
+ """
+ Store SOAP client object so TRAP handler can use it for requests
+ """
+ location = None
+ log = None
+ semaphore = None
+ client = None
+ host = None
+ port = None
+ def __init__(self, host, port, proto, semaphore, log, wsdl=None, location=None):
+ self.host = host # for logging only,
+ self.port = port # seems to be no way to get it from ReconnectingClientFactory
+ self.log = log
+ self.semaphore = semaphore
+ soap = Client(wsdl, location=location, nosend=True) # make async SOAP client
+ self.location = location.encode() if location else soap.wsdl.services[0].ports[0].location # necessary for dispatching HTTP POST via treq
+ self.client = soap.service
+ level = self.log.getEffectiveLevel()
+ self.log.setLevel(logging.WARNING) # we do not need excessive debug from lower levels
+ super(TrapFactory, self).__init__(proto, self.log)
+ self.log.setLevel(level)
+ self.log.debug("Using IPA %s, SUDS client: %s" % (Ctrl.version, soap))
+def reloader(path, script, log, dbg1, dbg2, signum, _):
+ """
+ Signal handler: we have to use execl() because twisted's reactor is not restartable due to some bug in twisted implementation
+ """
+ log.info("Received Signal %d - restarting..." % signum)
+ if signum == signal.SIGUSR1 and dbg1 not in sys.argv and dbg2 not in sys.argv:
+ sys.argv.append(dbg1) # enforce debug
+ if signum == signal.SIGUSR2 and (dbg1 in sys.argv or dbg2 in sys.argv): # disable debug
+ if dbg1 in sys.argv:
+ sys.argv.remove(dbg1)
+ if dbg2 in sys.argv:
+ sys.argv.remove(dbg2)
+ os.execl(path, script, *sys.argv[1:])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Proxy between given SOAP service and Osmocom CTRL protocol.')
+ p.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version=("%(prog)s " + __version__))
+ p.add_argument('-p', '--port', type=int, default=4250, help="Port to use for CTRL interface, defaults to 4250")
+ p.add_argument('-c', '--ctrl', default='localhost', help="Adress to use for CTRL interface, defaults to localhost")
+ p.add_argument('-w', '--wsdl', required=True, help="WSDL URL for SOAP")
+ p.add_argument('-n', '--num', type=int, default=5, help="Max number of concurrent HTTP requests to SOAP server")
+ p.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help="Enable debug log")
+ p.add_argument('-o', '--output', action='store_true', help="Log to STDOUT in addition to SYSLOG")
+ p.add_argument('-l', '--location', help="Override location found in WSDL file (don't use unless you know what you're doing)")
+ args = p.parse_args()
+ log = logging.getLogger('CTRL2SOAP')
+ if args.debug:
+ log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ else:
+ log.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+ log.addHandler(logging.handlers.SysLogHandler('/dev/log'))
+ if args.output:
+ log.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout))
+ reboot = partial(reloader, os.path.abspath(__file__), os.path.basename(__file__), log, '-d', '--debug') # keep in sync with add_argument() call above
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, reboot)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, reboot)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, reboot) # restart and enabled debug output
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, reboot) # restart and disable debug output
+ log.info("SOAP proxy %s starting with PID %d ..." % (__version__, os.getpid()))
+ reactor.connectTCP(args.ctrl, args.port, TrapFactory(args.ctrl, args.port, Trap, defer.DeferredSemaphore(args.num), log, args.wsdl, args.location))
+ reactor.run()