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19 files changed, 3283 insertions, 570 deletions
diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d159169d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
+Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2407e2f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+This is an implementation of Packet Control Unit (PCU) according to TS 04.60
+The PCU is part of BSS, so it connects directly to SGSN.
+== Current limitations ==
+ * No PFC support
+ * No fixed allocation support
+ * No extended dynamic allocation support
+ * No unacknowledged mode operation
+ * No PCCCH/PBCCH support
+ * Only single slot assignment on uplink direction
+ * No half-duplex class support
+ * No two-phase access support
+ * No handover support
+ * No measurement support
+ * No polling for control ack on assignment
+ * No TA loop
+ * No power loop
+ * No CS loop
+ * No EGPRS
diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
index 67b5b12b..e52a597b 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/Makefile.am
@@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ libgprs_la_SOURCES = \
gprs_rlcmac_sched.cpp \
gsm_timer.cpp \
bitvector.cpp \
- pcu_l1_if.cpp
+ pcu_l1_if.cpp \
+ pcu_vty.c
libgprs_la_SOURCES += \
@@ -44,8 +45,10 @@ libgprs_la_SOURCES += \
noinst_PROGRAMS = \
- RLCMACTest \
- pcu
+bin_PROGRAMS = \
+ osmo-pcu
noinst_HEADERS = \
gprs_debug.h \
@@ -56,7 +59,8 @@ noinst_HEADERS = \
pcuif_proto.h \
pcu_l1_if.h \
gsm_timer.h \
- bitvector.h
+ bitvector.h \
+ pcu_vty.h
@@ -64,8 +68,8 @@ RLCMACTest_LDADD = \
-pcu_SOURCES = pcu_main.cpp
-pcu_LDADD = \
+osmo_pcu_SOURCES = pcu_main.cpp
+osmo_pcu_LDADD = \
libgprs.la \
diff --git a/src/gprs_bssgp_pcu.cpp b/src/gprs_bssgp_pcu.cpp
index 8e81304f..44fb7006 100644
--- a/src/gprs_bssgp_pcu.cpp
+++ b/src/gprs_bssgp_pcu.cpp
@@ -25,15 +25,21 @@ struct sgsn_instance *sgsn;
void *tall_bsc_ctx;
struct bssgp_bvc_ctx *bctx = NULL;
struct gprs_nsvc *nsvc = NULL;
+static int bvc_sig_reset = 0, bvc_reset = 0, bvc_unblocked = 0;
extern uint16_t spoof_mcc, spoof_mnc;
+struct osmo_timer_list bvc_timer;
+static void bvc_timeout(void *_priv);
int gprs_bssgp_pcu_rx_dl_ud(struct msgb *msg, struct tlv_parsed *tp)
struct bssgp_ud_hdr *budh;
- int tfi;
+ int8_t tfi; /* must be signed */
uint32_t tlli;
int i, j;
- uint8_t trx, ts;
uint8_t *data;
uint16_t len;
struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf;
@@ -78,6 +84,54 @@ int gprs_bssgp_pcu_rx_dl_ud(struct msgb *msg, struct tlv_parsed *tp)
imsi[j] = '\0';
+ /* parse ms radio access capability */
+ uint8_t ms_class = 0;
+ {
+ bitvec *block;
+ uint8_t cap_len = TLVP_LEN(tp, BSSGP_IE_MS_RADIO_ACCESS_CAP);
+ uint8_t *cap = (uint8_t *) TLVP_VAL(tp, BSSGP_IE_MS_RADIO_ACCESS_CAP);
+ unsigned rp = 0;
+ block = bitvec_alloc(cap_len);
+ bitvec_unpack(block, cap);
+ bitvec_read_field(block, rp, 4); // Access Technology Type
+ bitvec_read_field(block, rp, 7); // Length of Access Capabilities
+ bitvec_read_field(block, rp, 3); // RF Power Capability
+ if (bitvec_read_field(block, rp, 1)) // A5 Bits Present
+ bitvec_read_field(block, rp, 7); // A5 Bits
+ bitvec_read_field(block, rp, 1); // ES IND
+ bitvec_read_field(block, rp, 1); // PS
+ bitvec_read_field(block, rp, 1); // VGCS
+ bitvec_read_field(block, rp, 1); // VBS
+ if (bitvec_read_field(block, rp, 1)) { // Multislot Cap Present
+ if (bitvec_read_field(block, rp, 1)) // HSCSD Present
+ bitvec_read_field(block, rp, 5); // Class
+ if (bitvec_read_field(block, rp, 1)) { // GPRS Present
+ ms_class = bitvec_read_field(block, rp, 5); // Class
+ bitvec_read_field(block, rp, 1); // Ext.
+ }
+ if (bitvec_read_field(block, rp, 1)) // SMS Present
+ bitvec_read_field(block, rp, 4); // SMS Value
+ bitvec_read_field(block, rp, 4); // SMS Value
+ }
+ }
+ /* get lifetime */
+ uint16_t delay_csec = 0xffff;
+ {
+ uint8_t lt_len = TLVP_LEN(tp, BSSGP_IE_PDU_LIFETIME);
+ uint16_t *lt = (uint16_t *) TLVP_VAL(tp, BSSGP_IE_PDU_LIFETIME);
+ if (lt_len == 2)
+ delay_csec = ntohs(*lt);
+ else
+ LOGP(DBSSGP, LOGL_NOTICE, "BSSGP invalid length of "
+ } else
+ LOGP(DBSSGP, LOGL_NOTICE, "BSSGP missing mandatory "
LOGP(DBSSGP, LOGL_INFO, "LLC [SGSN -> PCU] = TLLI: 0x%08x IMSI: %s len: %d\n", tlli, imsi, len);
/* check for existing TBF */
@@ -90,29 +144,83 @@ int gprs_bssgp_pcu_rx_dl_ud(struct msgb *msg, struct tlv_parsed *tp)
tbf->llc_length = len;
memset(&tbf->dir.dl, 0, sizeof(tbf->dir.dl)); /* reset
rlc states */
- gprs_rlcmac_trigger_downlink_assignment(tbf, 1, NULL);
+ tbf->state_flags &= GPRS_RLCMAC_FLAG_TO_MASK; /* keep
+ to flags */
+ tbf->state_flags &= ~(1 << GPRS_RLCMAC_FLAG_CCCH);
+ if (!tbf->ms_class && ms_class)
+ tbf->ms_class = ms_class;
+ tbf_update(tbf);
+ gprs_rlcmac_trigger_downlink_assignment(tbf, tbf, NULL);
} else {
- /* the TBF exists, so we must write it in the queue */
- struct msgb *llc_msg = msgb_alloc(len, "llc_pdu_queue");
+ /* the TBF exists, so we must write it in the queue
+ * we prepend lifetime in front of PDU */
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
+ struct timeval *tv;
+ struct msgb *llc_msg = msgb_alloc(len + sizeof(*tv),
+ "llc_pdu_queue");
if (!llc_msg)
return -ENOMEM;
+ tv = (struct timeval *)msgb_put(llc_msg, sizeof(*tv));
+ if (bts->force_llc_lifetime)
+ delay_csec = bts->force_llc_lifetime;
+ /* keep timestap at 0 for infinite delay */
+ if (delay_csec != 0xffff) {
+ /* calculate timestamp of timeout */
+ gettimeofday(tv, NULL);
+ tv->tv_usec += (delay_csec % 100) * 10000;
+ tv->tv_sec += delay_csec / 100;
+ if (tv->tv_usec > 999999) {
+ tv->tv_usec -= 1000000;
+ tv->tv_sec++;
+ }
+ }
memcpy(msgb_put(llc_msg, len), data, len);
msgb_enqueue(&tbf->llc_queue, llc_msg);
+ /* set ms class for updating TBF */
+ if (!tbf->ms_class && ms_class)
+ tbf->ms_class = ms_class;
} else {
- // Create new TBF
- tfi = tfi_alloc(&trx, &ts);
+ uint8_t trx, ts, use_trx, first_ts, ta, ss;
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *old_tbf;
+ /* check for uplink data, so we copy our informations */
+ tbf = tbf_by_tlli(tlli, GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF);
+ if (tbf && tbf->dir.ul.contention_resolution_done
+ && !tbf->dir.ul.final_ack_sent) {
+ use_trx = tbf->trx;
+ first_ts = tbf->first_ts;
+ ta = tbf->ta;
+ ss = 0;
+ old_tbf = tbf;
+ } else {
+ use_trx = -1;
+ first_ts = -1;
+ ta = 0; /* FIXME: initial TA */
+ ss = 1; /* PCH assignment only allows one timeslot */
+ old_tbf = NULL;
+ }
+ // Create new TBF (any TRX)
+ tfi = tfi_alloc(GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_TBF, &trx, &ts, use_trx, first_ts);
if (tfi < 0) {
/* FIXME: send reject */
return -EBUSY;
- tbf = tbf_alloc(tfi, trx, ts);
- tbf->direction = GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_TBF;
+ /* set number of downlink slots according to multislot class */
+ tbf = tbf_alloc(tbf, GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_TBF, tfi, trx, ts, ms_class,
+ ss);
+ if (!tbf) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "No PDCH ressource\n");
+ /* FIXME: send reject */
+ return -EBUSY;
+ }
tbf->tlli = tlli;
tbf->tlli_valid = 1;
+ tbf->ta = ta;
- LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "TBF: [DOWNLINK] START TFI: %u TLLI: 0x%08x \n", tbf->tfi, tbf->tlli);
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "TBF: [DOWNLINK] START TFI: %d TLLI: 0x%08x \n", tbf->tfi, tbf->tlli);
/* new TBF, so put first frame */
memcpy(tbf->llc_frame, data, len);
@@ -122,7 +230,7 @@ int gprs_bssgp_pcu_rx_dl_ud(struct msgb *msg, struct tlv_parsed *tp)
* we don't use old_downlink, so the possible uplink is used
* to trigger downlink assignment. if there is no uplink,
* AGCH is used. */
- gprs_rlcmac_trigger_downlink_assignment(tbf, 0, imsi);
+ gprs_rlcmac_trigger_downlink_assignment(tbf, old_tbf, imsi);
return 0;
@@ -135,6 +243,9 @@ int gprs_bssgp_pcu_rx_ptp(struct msgb *msg, struct tlv_parsed *tp, struct bssgp_
uint8_t pdu_type = bgph->pdu_type;
unsigned rc = 0;
+ if (!bctx)
+ return -EINVAL;
/* If traffic is received on a BVC that is marked as blocked, the
* received PDU shall not be accepted and a STATUS PDU (Cause value:
* BVC Blocked) shall be sent to the peer entity on the signalling BVC */
@@ -192,6 +303,11 @@ int gprs_bssgp_pcu_rx_sign(struct msgb *msg, struct tlv_parsed *tp, struct bssgp
+ if (!bvc_sig_reset)
+ bvc_sig_reset = 1;
+ else
+ bvc_reset = 1;
+ bvc_timeout(NULL);
@@ -213,6 +329,8 @@ int gprs_bssgp_pcu_rx_sign(struct msgb *msg, struct tlv_parsed *tp, struct bssgp
+ bvc_unblocked = 1;
+ bvc_timeout(NULL);
@@ -259,7 +377,9 @@ int gprs_bssgp_pcu_rcvmsg(struct msgb *msg)
/* look-up or create the BTS context for this BVC */
bctx = btsctx_by_bvci_nsei(ns_bvci, msgb_nsei(msg));
- if (!bctx && pdu_type != BSSGP_PDUT_BVC_RESET_ACK)
+ if (!bctx
+ && pdu_type != BSSGP_PDUT_BVC_RESET_ACK
+ && pdu_type != BSSGP_PDUT_BVC_UNBLOCK_ACK)
"type %u for unknown BVCI\n", msgb_nsei(msg), ns_bvci,
@@ -335,14 +455,22 @@ static int nsvc_signal_cb(unsigned int subsys, unsigned int signal,
if (!nsvc_unblocked) {
nsvc_unblocked = 1;
- LOGP(DPCU, LOGL_NOTICE, "NS-VC is unblocked.\n");
- bssgp_tx_bvc_reset(bctx, bctx->bvci,
+ LOGP(DPCU, LOGL_NOTICE, "NS-VC %d is unblocked.\n",
+ nsvc->nsvci);
+ bvc_sig_reset = 0;
+ bvc_reset = 0;
+ bvc_unblocked = 0;
+ bvc_timeout(NULL);
case S_NS_BLOCK:
if (nsvc_unblocked) {
nsvc_unblocked = 0;
+ if (osmo_timer_pending(&bvc_timer))
+ osmo_timer_del(&bvc_timer);
+ bvc_sig_reset = 0;
+ bvc_reset = 0;
+ bvc_unblocked = 0;
LOGP(DPCU, LOGL_NOTICE, "NS-VC is blocked.\n");
@@ -351,12 +479,63 @@ static int nsvc_signal_cb(unsigned int subsys, unsigned int signal,
return 0;
+int gprs_bssgp_tx_fc_bvc(void)
+ if (!bctx) {
+ LOGP(DBSSGP, LOGL_ERROR, "No bctx\n");
+ return -EIO;
+ }
+ /* FIXME: use real values */
+ return bssgp_tx_fc_bvc(bctx, 1, 6553500, 819100, 50000, 50000,
+// return bssgp_tx_fc_bvc(bctx, 1, 84000, 25000, 48000, 45000,
+// NULL, NULL);
+static void bvc_timeout(void *_priv)
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
+ if (!bvc_sig_reset) {
+ LOGP(DBSSGP, LOGL_INFO, "Sending reset on BVCI 0\n");
+ bssgp_tx_bvc_reset(bctx, 0, BSSGP_CAUSE_OML_INTERV);
+ osmo_timer_schedule(&bvc_timer, 1, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!bvc_reset) {
+ LOGP(DBSSGP, LOGL_INFO, "Sending reset on BVCI %d\n",
+ bctx->bvci);
+ bssgp_tx_bvc_reset(bctx, bctx->bvci, BSSGP_CAUSE_OML_INTERV);
+ osmo_timer_schedule(&bvc_timer, 1, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!bvc_unblocked) {
+ LOGP(DBSSGP, LOGL_INFO, "Sending unblock on BVCI %d\n",
+ bctx->bvci);
+ bssgp_tx_bvc_unblock(bctx);
+ osmo_timer_schedule(&bvc_timer, 1, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ LOGP(DBSSGP, LOGL_DEBUG, "Sending flow control info on BVCI %d\n",
+ bctx->bvci);
+ gprs_bssgp_tx_fc_bvc();
+ osmo_timer_schedule(&bvc_timer, bts->fc_interval, 0);
/* create BSSGP/NS layer instances */
int gprs_bssgp_create(uint32_t sgsn_ip, uint16_t sgsn_port, uint16_t nsei,
uint16_t nsvci, uint16_t bvci, uint16_t mcc, uint16_t mnc, uint16_t lac,
uint16_t rac, uint16_t cell_id)
struct sockaddr_in dest;
+ int rc;
+ mcc = ((mcc & 0xf00) >> 8) * 100 + ((mcc & 0x0f0) >> 4) * 10 + (mcc & 0x00f);
+ mnc = ((mnc & 0xf00) >> 8) * 100 + ((mnc & 0x0f0) >> 4) * 10 + (mnc & 0x00f);
+ cell_id = ntohs(cell_id);
if (bctx)
return 0; /* if already created, must return 0: no error */
@@ -366,7 +545,13 @@ int gprs_bssgp_create(uint32_t sgsn_ip, uint16_t sgsn_port, uint16_t nsei,
LOGP(DBSSGP, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to create NS instance\n");
return -EINVAL;
- gprs_ns_nsip_listen(bssgp_nsi);
+ rc = gprs_ns_nsip_listen(bssgp_nsi);
+ if (rc < 0) {
+ LOGP(DBSSGP, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to create socket\n");
+ gprs_ns_destroy(bssgp_nsi);
+ bssgp_nsi = NULL;
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
dest.sin_family = AF_INET;
dest.sin_port = htons(sgsn_port);
@@ -398,6 +583,9 @@ int gprs_bssgp_create(uint32_t sgsn_ip, uint16_t sgsn_port, uint16_t nsei,
// bssgp_tx_bvc_reset(bctx, bctx->bvci, BSSGP_CAUSE_PROTO_ERR_UNSPEC);
+ bvc_timer.cb = bvc_timeout;
return 0;
@@ -406,6 +594,9 @@ void gprs_bssgp_destroy(void)
if (!bssgp_nsi)
+ if (osmo_timer_pending(&bvc_timer))
+ osmo_timer_del(&bvc_timer);
osmo_signal_unregister_handler(SS_L_NS, nsvc_signal_cb, NULL);
nsvc = NULL;
diff --git a/src/gprs_bssgp_pcu.h b/src/gprs_bssgp_pcu.h
index 7d5f3767..2d661886 100644
--- a/src/gprs_bssgp_pcu.h
+++ b/src/gprs_bssgp_pcu.h
@@ -29,17 +29,14 @@ extern "C" {
#include <osmocom/core/application.h>
#include <osmocom/gprs/gprs_ns.h>
#include <osmocom/gprs/gprs_bssgp.h>
+#include <osmocom/gprs/gprs_bssgp_bss.h>
#include <osmocom/gprs/gprs_msgb.h>
-int bssgp_tx_bvc_reset(struct bssgp_bvc_ctx *bctx, uint16_t bvci, uint8_t cause);
-int bssgp_tx_ul_ud(struct bssgp_bvc_ctx *bctx, uint32_t tlli, const uint8_t *qos_profile, struct msgb *llc_pdu);
struct bssgp_bvc_ctx *btsctx_alloc(uint16_t bvci, uint16_t nsei);
#include <gprs_debug.h>
-#define QOS_PROFILE 0
+#define QOS_PROFILE 4
#define BSSGP_HDR_LEN 53
#define NS_HDR_LEN 4
#define IE_LLC_PDU 14
diff --git a/src/gprs_debug.cpp b/src/gprs_debug.cpp
index bc19b77e..2b9b690b 100644
--- a/src/gprs_debug.cpp
+++ b/src/gprs_debug.cpp
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ static const struct log_info_cat default_categories[] = {
{"DRLCMACDL", "\033[1;33m", "GPRS RLC/MAC layer Data (RLCMAC)", LOGL_INFO, 1},
{"DRLCMACUL", "\033[1;36m", "GPRS RLC/MAC layer Data (RLCMAC)", LOGL_INFO, 1},
{"DRLCMACSCHED", "\033[0;36m", "GPRS RLC/MAC layer Data (RLCMAC)", LOGL_INFO, 1},
+ {"DRLCMACBW", "\033[1;31m", "GPRS RLC/MAC layer (RLCMAC)", LOGL_INFO, 1},
{"DBSSGP", "\033[1;34m", "GPRS BSS Gateway Protocol (BSSGP)", LOGL_INFO , 1},
{"DPCU", "\033[1;35m", "GPRS Packet Control Unit (PCU)", LOGL_NOTICE, 1},
diff --git a/src/gprs_debug.h b/src/gprs_debug.h
index b5b42767..1a5f01a0 100644
--- a/src/gprs_debug.h
+++ b/src/gprs_debug.h
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ enum {
diff --git a/src/gprs_rlcmac.cpp b/src/gprs_rlcmac.cpp
index 73531cff..b38722d7 100644
--- a/src/gprs_rlcmac.cpp
+++ b/src/gprs_rlcmac.cpp
@@ -22,18 +22,96 @@
#include <pcu_l1_if.h>
#include <gprs_rlcmac.h>
-void *rlcmac_tall_ctx;
+/* 3GPP TS 05.02 Annex B.1 */
-/* FIXME: spread resources on multiple TRX */
-int tfi_alloc(uint8_t *_trx, uint8_t *_ts)
+#define MS_NA 255 /* N/A */
+#define MS_A 254 /* 1 with hopping, 0 without */
+#define MS_B 253 /* 1 with hopping, 0 without (change Rx to Tx)*/
+#define MS_C 252 /* 1 with hopping, 0 without (change Tx to Rx)*/
+struct gprs_ms_multislot_class {
+ uint8_t rx, tx, sum; /* Maximum Number of Slots: RX, Tx, Sum Rx+Tx */
+ uint8_t ta, tb, ra, rb; /* Minimum Number of Slots */
+ uint8_t type; /* Type of Mobile */
+struct gprs_ms_multislot_class gprs_ms_multislot_class[32] = {
+/* M-S Class Rx Tx Sum Tta Ttb Tra Trb Type */
+/* N/A */ { MS_NA,MS_NA, MS_NA, MS_NA, MS_NA, MS_NA, MS_NA, MS_NA },
+/* 1 */ { 1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 1 },
+/* 2 */ { 2, 1, 3, 3, 2, 3, 1, 1 },
+/* 3 */ { 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 3, 1, 1 },
+/* 4 */ { 3, 1, 4, 3, 1, 3, 1, 1 },
+/* 5 */ { 2, 2, 4, 3, 1, 3, 1, 1 },
+/* 6 */ { 3, 2, 4, 3, 1, 3, 1, 1 },
+/* 7 */ { 3, 3, 4, 3, 1, 3, 1, 1 },
+/* 8 */ { 4, 1, 5, 3, 1, 2, 1, 1 },
+/* 9 */ { 3, 2, 5, 3, 1, 2, 1, 1 },
+/* 10 */ { 4, 2, 5, 3, 1, 2, 1, 1 },
+/* 11 */ { 4, 3, 5, 3, 1, 2, 1, 1 },
+/* 12 */ { 4, 4, 5, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1 },
+/* 13 */ { 3, 3, MS_NA, MS_NA, MS_A, 3, MS_A, 2 },
+/* 14 */ { 4, 4, MS_NA, MS_NA, MS_A, 3, MS_A, 2 },
+/* 15 */ { 5, 5, MS_NA, MS_NA, MS_A, 3, MS_A, 2 },
+/* 16 */ { 6, 6, MS_NA, MS_NA, MS_A, 2, MS_A, 2 },
+/* 17 */ { 7, 7, MS_NA, MS_NA, MS_A, 1, 0, 2 },
+/* 18 */ { 8, 8, MS_NA, MS_NA, 0, 0, 0, 2 },
+/* 19 */ { 6, 2, MS_NA, 3, MS_B, 2, MS_C, 1 },
+/* 20 */ { 6, 3, MS_NA, 3, MS_B, 2, MS_C, 1 },
+/* 21 */ { 6, 4, MS_NA, 3, MS_B, 2, MS_C, 1 },
+/* 22 */ { 6, 4, MS_NA, 2, MS_B, 2, MS_C, 1 },
+/* 23 */ { 6, 6, MS_NA, 2, MS_B, 2, MS_C, 1 },
+/* 24 */ { 8, 2, MS_NA, 3, MS_B, 2, MS_C, 1 },
+/* 25 */ { 8, 3, MS_NA, 3, MS_B, 2, MS_C, 1 },
+/* 26 */ { 8, 4, MS_NA, 3, MS_B, 2, MS_C, 1 },
+/* 27 */ { 8, 4, MS_NA, 2, MS_B, 2, MS_C, 1 },
+/* 28 */ { 8, 6, MS_NA, 2, MS_B, 2, MS_C, 1 },
+/* 29 */ { 8, 8, MS_NA, 2, MS_B, 2, MS_C, 1 },
+/* N/A */ { MS_NA,MS_NA, MS_NA, MS_NA, MS_NA, MS_NA, MS_NA, MS_NA },
+/* N/A */ { MS_NA,MS_NA, MS_NA, MS_NA, MS_NA, MS_NA, MS_NA, MS_NA },
+struct gprs_rlcmac_cs gprs_rlcmac_cs[] = {
+/* frame length data block max payload */
+ { 0, 0, 0 },
+ { 23, 23, 20 }, /* CS-1 */
+ { 34, 33, 30 }, /* CS-2 */
+ { 40, 39, 36 }, /* CS-3 */
+ { 54, 53, 50 }, /* CS-4 */
+llist_head *gprs_rlcmac_tbfs_lists[] = {
+ &gprs_rlcmac_ul_tbfs,
+ &gprs_rlcmac_dl_tbfs,
+extern void *tall_pcu_ctx;
+/* FIXME: spread ressources over multiple TRX. Also add option to use same
+ * TRX in case of existing TBF for TLLI in the other direction. */
+/* search for free TFI and return TFI, TRX and first TS */
+int tfi_alloc(enum gprs_rlcmac_tbf_direction dir, uint8_t *_trx, uint8_t *_ts,
+ int8_t use_trx, int8_t first_ts)
struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
struct gprs_rlcmac_pdch *pdch;
- uint8_t trx, ts, tfi;
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf **tbfp;
+ uint8_t trx_from, trx_to, trx, ts, tfi;
+ if (use_trx >= 0 && use_trx < 8)
+ trx_from = trx_to = use_trx;
+ else {
+ trx_from = 0;
+ trx_to = 7;
+ }
+ if (first_ts < 0 || first_ts >= 8)
+ first_ts = 0;
- for (trx = 0; trx < 8; trx++) {
- for (ts = 0; ts < 8; ts++) {
+ /* on TRX find first enabled TS */
+ for (trx = trx_from; trx <= trx_to; trx++) {
+ for (ts = first_ts; ts < 8; ts++) {
pdch = &bts->trx[trx].pdch[ts];
if (!pdch->enable)
@@ -42,16 +120,20 @@ int tfi_alloc(uint8_t *_trx, uint8_t *_ts)
if (ts < 8)
- if (trx == 8) {
+ if (trx > trx_to) {
return -EINVAL;
LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "Searching for first unallocated TFI: "
- "TRX=%d TS=%d\n", trx, ts);
+ "TRX=%d first TS=%d\n", trx, ts);
+ if (dir == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF)
+ tbfp = bts->trx[trx].ul_tbf;
+ else
+ tbfp = bts->trx[trx].dl_tbf;
for (tfi = 0; tfi < 32; tfi++) {
- if (!pdch->tbf[tfi])
+ if (!tbfp[tfi])
@@ -66,131 +148,664 @@ int tfi_alloc(uint8_t *_trx, uint8_t *_ts)
return -1;
-int find_free_usf(uint8_t trx, uint8_t ts)
+static inline int8_t find_free_usf(struct gprs_rlcmac_pdch *pdch, uint8_t ts)
- struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
- struct gprs_rlcmac_pdch *pdch;
struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf;
uint8_t usf_map = 0;
uint8_t tfi, usf;
- if (trx >= 8 || ts >= 8)
- return -EINVAL;
- pdch = &bts->trx[trx].pdch[ts];
/* make map of used USF */
for (tfi = 0; tfi < 32; tfi++) {
- tbf = pdch->tbf[tfi];
+ tbf = pdch->ul_tbf[tfi];
if (!tbf)
- if (tbf->direction != GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF)
- continue;
- usf_map |= (1 << tbf->dir.ul.usf);
+ usf_map |= (1 << tbf->dir.ul.usf[ts]);
/* look for USF, don't use USF=7 */
for (usf = 0; usf < 7; usf++) {
- if (!(usf_map & (1 << usf))) {
- LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, " Found USF=%d.\n", usf);
+ if (!(usf_map & (1 << usf)))
return usf;
- }
- LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "No USF available.\n");
return -1;
/* lookup TBF Entity (by TFI) */
-#warning FIXME: use pdch instance by trx and ts, because tfi is local
-struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf_by_tfi(uint8_t tfi, int direction)
+struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf_by_tfi(uint8_t tfi, uint8_t trx,
+ enum gprs_rlcmac_tbf_direction dir)
struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf;
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
- llist_for_each_entry(tbf, &gprs_rlcmac_tbfs, list) {
- if (tbf->state != GPRS_RLCMAC_RELEASING
- && tbf->tfi == tfi
- && tbf->direction == direction)
+ if (tfi >= 32 || trx >= 8)
+ return NULL;
+ if (dir == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF)
+ tbf = bts->trx[trx].ul_tbf[tfi];
+ else
+ tbf = bts->trx[trx].dl_tbf[tfi];
+ if (!tbf)
+ return NULL;
+ if (tbf->state != GPRS_RLCMAC_RELEASING)
return tbf;
- }
return NULL;
/* search for active downlink or uplink tbf */
-struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf_by_tlli(uint32_t tlli, int direction)
+struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf_by_tlli(uint32_t tlli,
+ enum gprs_rlcmac_tbf_direction dir)
struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf;
- llist_for_each_entry(tbf, &gprs_rlcmac_tbfs, list) {
- if (tbf->state != GPRS_RLCMAC_RELEASING
- && tbf->tlli == tlli
- && tbf->direction == direction)
- return tbf;
+ if (dir == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF) {
+ llist_for_each_entry(tbf, &gprs_rlcmac_ul_tbfs, list) {
+ if (tbf->state != GPRS_RLCMAC_RELEASING
+ && tbf->tlli == tlli && tbf->tlli_valid)
+ return tbf;
+ }
+ } else {
+ llist_for_each_entry(tbf, &gprs_rlcmac_dl_tbfs, list) {
+ if (tbf->state != GPRS_RLCMAC_RELEASING
+ && tbf->tlli == tlli)
+ return tbf;
+ }
return NULL;
-#warning FIXME: use pdch instance by trx and ts, because polling is local
-struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf_by_poll_fn(uint32_t fn)
+struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf_by_poll_fn(uint32_t fn, uint8_t trx, uint8_t ts)
struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf;
- llist_for_each_entry(tbf, &gprs_rlcmac_tbfs, list) {
+ /* only one TBF can poll on specific TS/FN, because scheduler can only
+ * schedule one downlink control block (with polling) at a FN per TS */
+ llist_for_each_entry(tbf, &gprs_rlcmac_ul_tbfs, list) {
+ if (tbf->state != GPRS_RLCMAC_RELEASING
+ && tbf->poll_state == GPRS_RLCMAC_POLL_SCHED
+ && tbf->poll_fn == fn && tbf->trx == trx
+ && tbf->control_ts == ts)
+ return tbf;
+ }
+ llist_for_each_entry(tbf, &gprs_rlcmac_dl_tbfs, list) {
if (tbf->state != GPRS_RLCMAC_RELEASING
&& tbf->poll_state == GPRS_RLCMAC_POLL_SCHED
- && tbf->poll_fn == fn)
+ && tbf->poll_fn == fn && tbf->trx == trx
+ && tbf->control_ts == ts)
return tbf;
return NULL;
-struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf_alloc(uint8_t tfi, uint8_t trx, uint8_t ts)
+struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf_alloc(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *old_tbf,
+ enum gprs_rlcmac_tbf_direction dir, uint8_t tfi, uint8_t trx,
+ uint8_t first_ts, uint8_t ms_class, uint8_t single_slot)
struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
- struct gprs_rlcmac_pdch *pdch;
struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf;
+ int rc;
LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "********** TBF starts here **********\n");
- LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_INFO, "Allocating TBF with TFI=%d.\n", tfi);
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_INFO, "Allocating %s TBF: TFI=%d TRX=%d "
+ "MS_CLASS=%d\n", (dir == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF) ? "UL" : "DL",
+ tfi, trx, ms_class);
- if (trx >= 8 || ts >= 8 || tfi >= 32)
+ if (trx >= 8 || first_ts >= 8 || tfi >= 32)
return NULL;
- pdch = &bts->trx[trx].pdch[ts];
- tbf = talloc_zero(rlcmac_tall_ctx, struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf);
+ tbf = talloc_zero(tall_pcu_ctx, struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf);
if (!tbf)
return NULL;
+ tbf->direction = dir;
tbf->tfi = tfi;
tbf->trx = trx;
- tbf->ts = ts;
tbf->arfcn = bts->trx[trx].arfcn;
- tbf->tsc = bts->trx[trx].pdch[ts].tsc;
- tbf->pdch = pdch;
+ tbf->first_ts = first_ts;
+ tbf->ms_class = ms_class;
tbf->ws = 64;
tbf->sns = 128;
+ /* select algorithm A in case we don't have multislot class info */
+ if (single_slot || ms_class == 0)
+ rc = alloc_algorithm_a(old_tbf, tbf,
+ bts->alloc_algorithm_curst);
+ else
+ rc = bts->alloc_algorithm(old_tbf, tbf,
+ bts->alloc_algorithm_curst);
+ /* if no ressource */
+ if (rc < 0) {
+ talloc_free(tbf);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* assign control ts */
+ tbf->control_ts = 0xff;
+ rc = tbf_assign_control_ts(tbf);
+ /* if no ressource */
+ if (rc < 0) {
+ talloc_free(tbf);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* set timestamp */
+ gettimeofday(&tbf->bw_tv, NULL);
- llist_add(&tbf->list, &gprs_rlcmac_tbfs);
- pdch->tbf[tfi] = tbf;
+ if (dir == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF)
+ llist_add(&tbf->list, &gprs_rlcmac_ul_tbfs);
+ else
+ llist_add(&tbf->list, &gprs_rlcmac_dl_tbfs);
return tbf;
-void tbf_free(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf)
+/* Slot Allocation: Algorithm A
+ *
+ * Assign single slot for uplink and downlink
+ */
+int alloc_algorithm_a(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *old_tbf,
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf, uint32_t cust)
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_pdch *pdch;
+ uint8_t ts = tbf->first_ts;
+ int8_t usf; /* must be signed */
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "Slot Allocation (Algorithm A) for class "
+ "%d\n", tbf->ms_class);
+ pdch = &bts->trx[tbf->trx].pdch[ts];
+ if (!pdch->enable) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_ERROR, "TS=%d not enabled.", ts);
+ return -EIO;
+ }
+ tbf->tsc = pdch->tsc;
+ if (tbf->direction == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF) {
+ /* if USF available */
+ usf = find_free_usf(pdch, ts);
+ if (usf >= 0) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "- Assign uplink "
+ "TS=%d USF=%d\n", ts, usf);
+ bts->trx[tbf->trx].ul_tbf[tbf->tfi] = tbf;
+ pdch->ul_tbf[tbf->tfi] = tbf;
+ tbf->pdch[ts] = pdch;
+ } else {
+ "allocating TS=%d, no USF available\n", ts);
+ return -EBUSY;
+ }
+ } else {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "- Assign downlink TS=%d\n", ts);
+ bts->trx[tbf->trx].dl_tbf[tbf->tfi] = tbf;
+ pdch->dl_tbf[tbf->tfi] = tbf;
+ tbf->pdch[ts] = pdch;
+ }
+ /* the only one TS is the common TS */
+ tbf->first_common_ts = ts;
+ return 0;
+/* Slot Allocation: Algorithm B
+ *
+ * Assign as many downlink slots as possible.
+ * Assign one uplink slot. (With free USF)
+ *
+ */
+int alloc_algorithm_b(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *old_tbf,
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf, uint32_t cust)
struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
struct gprs_rlcmac_pdch *pdch;
+ struct gprs_ms_multislot_class *ms_class;
+ uint8_t Rx, Tx, Sum; /* Maximum Number of Slots: RX, Tx, Sum Rx+Tx */
+ uint8_t Tta, Ttb, Tra, Trb, Tt, Tr; /* Minimum Number of Slots */
+ uint8_t Type; /* Type of Mobile */
+ uint8_t rx_win_min, rx_win_max;
+ uint8_t tx_win_min, tx_win_max, tx_range;
+ uint8_t rx_window = 0, tx_window = 0;
+ const char *digit[10] = { "0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9" };
+ int8_t usf[8] = { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 }; /* must be signed */
+ int8_t tsc = -1; /* must be signed */
+ uint8_t i, ts;
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "Slot Allocation (Algorithm B) for class "
+ "%d\n", tbf->ms_class);
+ if (tbf->ms_class >= 32) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_ERROR, "Multislot class %d out of range.\n",
+ tbf->ms_class);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ ms_class = &gprs_ms_multislot_class[tbf->ms_class];
+ if (ms_class->tx == MS_NA) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "Multislot class %d not "
+ "applicable.\n", tbf->ms_class);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ Rx = ms_class->rx;
+ Tx = ms_class->tx;
+ Sum = ms_class->sum;
+ Tta = ms_class->ta;
+ Ttb = ms_class->tb;
+ Tra = ms_class->ra;
+ Trb = ms_class->rb;
+ Type = ms_class->type;
+ /* Tta and Ttb may depend on hopping or frequency change */
+ if (Ttb == MS_A) {
+ if (/* FIXME: hopping*/ 0)
+ Ttb = 1;
+ else
+ Ttb = 0;
+ }
+ if (Trb == MS_A) {
+ if (/* FIXME: hopping*/ 0)
+ Ttb = 1;
+ else
+ Ttb = 0;
+ }
+ if (Ttb == MS_B) {
+ /* FIXME: or frequency change */
+ if (/* FIXME: hopping*/ 0)
+ Ttb = 1;
+ else
+ Ttb = 0;
+ }
+ if (Trb == MS_C) {
+ /* FIXME: or frequency change */
+ if (/* FIXME: hopping*/ 0)
+ Ttb = 1;
+ else
+ Ttb = 0;
+ }
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "- Rx=%d Tx=%d Sum Rx+Tx=%s Tta=%s Ttb=%d "
+ " Tra=%d Trb=%d Type=%d\n", Rx, Tx,
+ (Sum == MS_NA) ? "N/A" : digit[Sum],
+ (Tta == MS_NA) ? "N/A" : digit[Tta], Ttb, Tra, Trb, Type);
+ /* select the values for time contraints */
+ if (/* FIXME: monitoring */0) {
+ /* applicable to type 1 and type 2 */
+ Tt = Ttb;
+ Tr = Tra;
+ } else {
+ /* applicable to type 1 and type 2 */
+ Tt = Ttb;
+ Tr = Trb;
+ }
+ /* select a window of Rx slots if available
+ * The maximum allowed slots depend on RX or the window of available
+ * slots.
+ * This must be done for uplink TBF also, because it is the basis
+ * for calculating control slot and uplink slot(s). */
+ rx_win_min = rx_win_max = tbf->first_ts;
+ for (ts = tbf->first_ts, i = 0; ts < 8; ts++) {
+ pdch = &bts->trx[tbf->trx].pdch[ts];
+ /* check if enabled */
+ if (!pdch->enable) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "- Skipping TS %d, because "
+ "not enabled\n", ts);
+ /* increase window for Type 1 */
+ if (Type == 1)
+ i++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* check if TSC changes */
+ if (tsc < 0)
+ tbf->tsc = tsc = pdch->tsc;
+ else if (tsc != pdch->tsc) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_ERROR, "Skipping TS %d of TRX=%d, "
+ "because it has different TSC than lower TS "
+ "of TRX. In order to allow multislot, all "
+ "slots must be configured with the same "
+ "TSC!\n", ts, tbf->trx);
+ /* increase window for Type 1 */
+ if (Type == 1)
+ i++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ rx_window |= (1 << ts);
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "- Selected DL TS %d\n", ts);
+ /* range of window (required for Type 1) */
+ rx_win_max = ts;
+ if (++i == Rx) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "- Done, because slots / "
+ "window reached maximum alowed Rx size\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "- Selected slots for RX: "
+ "(TS=0)\"%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c\"(TS=7)\n",
+ ((rx_window & 0x01)) ? 'D' : '.',
+ ((rx_window & 0x02)) ? 'D' : '.',
+ ((rx_window & 0x04)) ? 'D' : '.',
+ ((rx_window & 0x08)) ? 'D' : '.',
+ ((rx_window & 0x10)) ? 'D' : '.',
+ ((rx_window & 0x20)) ? 'D' : '.',
+ ((rx_window & 0x40)) ? 'D' : '.',
+ ((rx_window & 0x80)) ? 'D' : '.');
+ /* reduce window, if existing uplink slots collide RX window */
+ if (Type == 1 && old_tbf && old_tbf->direction == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF) {
+ uint8_t collide = 0, ul_usage = 0;
+ int j;
+ /* calculate mask of colliding slots */
+ for (ts = old_tbf->first_ts; ts < 8; ts++) {
+ if (old_tbf->pdch[ts]) {
+ ul_usage |= (1 << ts);
+ /* mark bits from TS-t .. TS+r */
+ for (j = ts - Tt; j != ((ts + Tr + 1) & 7);
+ j = (j + 1) & 7)
+ collide |= (1 << j);
+ }
+ }
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "- Not allowed slots due to existing "
+ "UL allocation: (TS=0)\"%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c\"(TS=7) "
+ " D=downlink x=not usable\n",
+ ((ul_usage & 0x01)) ? 'D' : ((collide & 0x01))?'x':'.',
+ ((ul_usage & 0x02)) ? 'D' : ((collide & 0x02))?'x':'.',
+ ((ul_usage & 0x04)) ? 'D' : ((collide & 0x04))?'x':'.',
+ ((ul_usage & 0x08)) ? 'D' : ((collide & 0x08))?'x':'.',
+ ((ul_usage & 0x10)) ? 'D' : ((collide & 0x10))?'x':'.',
+ ((ul_usage & 0x20)) ? 'D' : ((collide & 0x20))?'x':'.',
+ ((ul_usage & 0x40)) ? 'D' : ((collide & 0x40))?'x':'.',
+ ((ul_usage & 0x80)) ? 'D' : ((collide & 0x80))?'x':'.');
+ /* apply massk to reduce tx_window (shifted by 3 slots) */
+ rx_window &= ~(collide << 3);
+ rx_window &= ~(collide >> 5);
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "- Remaining slots for RX: "
+ "(TS=0)\"%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c\"(TS=7)\n",
+ ((rx_window & 0x01)) ? 'D' : '.',
+ ((rx_window & 0x02)) ? 'D' : '.',
+ ((rx_window & 0x04)) ? 'D' : '.',
+ ((rx_window & 0x08)) ? 'D' : '.',
+ ((rx_window & 0x10)) ? 'D' : '.',
+ ((rx_window & 0x20)) ? 'D' : '.',
+ ((rx_window & 0x40)) ? 'D' : '.',
+ ((rx_window & 0x80)) ? 'D' : '.');
+ if (!rx_window) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "No suitable downlink slots "
+ "available with current uplink assignment\n");
+ return -EBUSY;
+ }
+ /* calculate new min/max */
+ for (ts = rx_win_min; ts <= rx_win_max; ts++) {
+ if ((rx_window & (1 << ts)))
+ break;
+ rx_win_min = ts + 1;
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "- TS has been deleted, so "
+ "raising start of DL window to %d\n",
+ rx_win_min);
+ }
+ for (ts = rx_win_max; ts >= rx_win_min; ts--) {
+ if ((rx_window & (1 << ts)))
+ break;
+ rx_win_max = ts - 1;
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "- TS has been deleted, so "
+ "lowering end of DL window to %d\n",
+ rx_win_max);
+ }
+ }
+ /* reduce window, to allow at least one uplink TX slot
+ * this is only required for Type 1 */
+ if (Type == 1 && rx_win_max - rx_win_min + 1 + Tt + 1 + Tr > 8) {
+ rx_win_max = rx_win_min + 7 - Tr - 1 - Tr;
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "- Reduce RX window due to time "
+ "contraints to %d slots\n",
+ rx_win_max - rx_win_min + 1);
+ }
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "- RX-Window is: %d..%d\n", rx_win_min,
+ rx_win_max);
+ /* calculate TX window */
+ if (Type == 1) {
+ /* calculate TX window (shifted by 3 timeslots)
+ * it uses the space between tx_win_max and tx_win_min */
+ tx_win_min = (rx_win_max - 2 + Tt) & 7;
+ tx_win_max = (rx_win_min + 4 - Tr) & 7;
+ /* calculate the TX window size (might be larger than Tx) */
+ tx_range = (tx_win_max - tx_win_min + 1) & 7;
+ } else {
+ /* TX and RX simultaniously */
+ tx_win_min = rx_win_min;
+ tx_win_max = 7;
+ /* TX window size (might be larger than Tx) */
+ tx_range = tx_win_max - tx_win_min + 1;
+ }
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "- TX-Window is: %d..%d\n", tx_win_min,
+ tx_win_max);
+ /* select a window of Tx slots if available
+ * The maximum allowed slots depend on TX or the window of available
+ * slots. */
+ if (tbf->direction == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF) {
+ for (ts = tx_win_min, i = 0; i < tx_range; ts = (ts + 1) & 7) {
+ pdch = &bts->trx[tbf->trx].pdch[ts];
+ /* check if enabled */
+ if (!pdch->enable) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "- Skipping TS %d, "
+ "because not enabled\n", ts);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* check if TSC changes */
+ if (tsc < 0)
+ tbf->tsc = tsc = pdch->tsc;
+ else if (tsc != pdch->tsc) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_ERROR, "Skipping TS %d of "
+ "TRX=%d, because it has different TSC "
+ "than lower TS of TRX. In order to "
+ "allow multislot, all slots must be "
+ "configured with the same TSC!\n",
+ ts, tbf->trx);
+ /* increase window for Type 1 */
+ if (Type == 1)
+ i++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* check for free usf */
+ usf[ts] = find_free_usf(pdch, ts);
+ if (usf[ts] < 0) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "- Skipping TS %d, "
+ "because no USF available\n", ts);
+ /* increase window for Type 1 */
+ if (Type == 1)
+ i++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ tx_window |= (1 << ts);
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "- Selected UL TS %d\n", ts);
+ if (!(cust & 1)) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "- Done, because "
+ "1 slot assigned\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ if (++i == Tx) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "- Done, because "
+ "slots / window reached maximum alowed "
+ "Tx size\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "- Selected TX window: "
+ "(TS=0)\"%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c\"(TS=7)\n",
+ ((tx_window & 0x01)) ? 'U' : '.',
+ ((tx_window & 0x02)) ? 'U' : '.',
+ ((tx_window & 0x04)) ? 'U' : '.',
+ ((tx_window & 0x08)) ? 'U' : '.',
+ ((tx_window & 0x10)) ? 'U' : '.',
+ ((tx_window & 0x20)) ? 'U' : '.',
+ ((tx_window & 0x40)) ? 'U' : '.',
+ ((tx_window & 0x80)) ? 'U' : '.');
+ if (!tx_window) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "No suitable uplink slots "
+ "available\n");
+ return -EBUSY;
+ }
+ }
+ if (tbf->direction == GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_TBF) {
+ uint8_t slotcount = 0;
+ /* assign downlink */
+ if (rx_window == 0) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "No downlink slots "
+ "available\n");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ for (ts = 0; ts < 8; ts++) {
+ if ((rx_window & (1 << ts))) {
+ "%d\n", ts);
+ pdch = &bts->trx[tbf->trx].pdch[ts];
+ bts->trx[tbf->trx].dl_tbf[tbf->tfi] = tbf;
+ pdch->dl_tbf[tbf->tfi] = tbf;
+ tbf->pdch[ts] = pdch;
+ slotcount++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (slotcount)
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_INFO, "Using Multislot with %d "
+ "slots DL\n", slotcount);
+ } else {
+ /* assign uplink */
+ if (tx_window == 0) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "No uplink slots "
+ "available\n");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ for (ts = 0; ts < 8; ts++) {
+ if ((tx_window & (1 << ts))) {
+ "%d\n", ts);
+ pdch = &bts->trx[tbf->trx].pdch[ts];
+ bts->trx[tbf->trx].ul_tbf[tbf->tfi] = tbf;
+ pdch->ul_tbf[tbf->tfi] = tbf;
+ tbf->pdch[ts] = pdch;
+ tbf->dir.ul.usf[ts] = usf[ts];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* the timeslot of the TX window start is always
+ * available in RX window */
+ tbf->first_common_ts = tx_win_min;
+ return 0;
+static void tbf_unlink_pdch(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf)
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_pdch *pdch;
+ int ts;
+ if (tbf->direction == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF) {
+ bts->trx[tbf->trx].ul_tbf[tbf->tfi] = NULL;
+ for (ts = 0; ts < 8; ts++) {
+ pdch = tbf->pdch[ts];
+ if (pdch)
+ pdch->ul_tbf[tbf->tfi] = NULL;
+ tbf->pdch[ts] = NULL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ bts->trx[tbf->trx].dl_tbf[tbf->tfi] = NULL;
+ for (ts = 0; ts < 8; ts++) {
+ pdch = tbf->pdch[ts];
+ if (pdch)
+ pdch->dl_tbf[tbf->tfi] = NULL;
+ tbf->pdch[ts] = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+void tbf_free(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf)
struct msgb *msg;
- LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_INFO, "Free TBF=%d with TLLI=0x%08x.\n", tbf->tfi,
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_INFO, "Free %s TBF=%d with TLLI=0x%08x.\n",
+ (tbf->direction == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF) ? "UL" : "DL", tbf->tfi,
+ if (tbf->ul_ass_state != GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_ASS_NONE)
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_ERROR, "Software error: Pending uplink "
+ "assignment. This may not happen, because the "
+ "assignment message never gets transmitted. Please "
+ "be shure not to free in this state. PLEASE FIX!\n");
+ if (tbf->dl_ass_state != GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_ASS_NONE)
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_ERROR, "Software error: Pending downlink "
+ "assignment. This may not happen, because the "
+ "assignment message never gets transmitted. Please "
+ "be shure not to free in this state. PLEASE FIX!\n");
while ((msg = msgb_dequeue(&tbf->llc_queue)))
- pdch = &bts->trx[tbf->trx].pdch[tbf->ts];
- pdch->tbf[tbf->tfi] = NULL;
+ tbf_unlink_pdch(tbf);
LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "********** TBF ends here **********\n");
+int tbf_update(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf)
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *ul_tbf = NULL;
+ int rc;
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "********** TBF update **********\n");
+ if (tbf->direction != GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_TBF)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if (!tbf->ms_class) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "- Cannot update, no class\n");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ ul_tbf = tbf_by_tlli(tbf->tlli, GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF);
+ tbf_unlink_pdch(tbf);
+ rc = bts->alloc_algorithm(ul_tbf, tbf, bts->alloc_algorithm_curst);
+ /* if no ressource */
+ if (rc < 0) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_ERROR, "No ressource after update???\n");
+ return -rc;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int tbf_assign_control_ts(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf)
+ if (tbf->control_ts == 0xff)
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "- Setting Control TS %d\n",
+ tbf->first_common_ts);
+ else if (tbf->control_ts != tbf->first_common_ts)
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "- Changing Control TS %d\n",
+ tbf->first_common_ts);
+ tbf->control_ts = tbf->first_common_ts;
+ return 0;
const char *tbf_state_name[] = {
@@ -203,8 +818,9 @@ const char *tbf_state_name[] = {
void tbf_new_state(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf,
enum gprs_rlcmac_tbf_state state)
- LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "TBF=%d changes state from %s to %s\n",
- tbf->tfi, tbf_state_name[tbf->state], tbf_state_name[state]);
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "%s TBF=%d changes state from %s to %s\n",
+ (tbf->direction == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF) ? "UL" : "DL", tbf->tfi,
+ tbf_state_name[tbf->state], tbf_state_name[state]);
tbf->state = state;
@@ -212,11 +828,14 @@ void tbf_timer_start(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf, unsigned int T,
unsigned int seconds, unsigned int microseconds)
if (!osmo_timer_pending(&tbf->timer))
- LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "Starting TBF=%d timer %u.\n",
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "Starting %s TBF=%d timer %u.\n",
+ (tbf->direction == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF) ? "UL" : "DL",
tbf->tfi, T);
- LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "Restarting TBF=%d timer %u while "
- "old timer %u pending \n", tbf->tfi, T, tbf->T);
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "Restarting %s TBF=%d timer %u "
+ "while old timer %u pending \n",
+ (tbf->direction == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF) ? "UL" : "DL",
+ tbf->tfi, T, tbf->T);
tbf->T = T;
tbf->num_T_exp = 0;
@@ -231,12 +850,74 @@ void tbf_timer_start(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf, unsigned int T,
void tbf_timer_stop(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf)
if (osmo_timer_pending(&tbf->timer)) {
- LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "Stopping TBF=%d timer %u.\n",
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "Stopping %s TBF=%d timer %u.\n",
+ (tbf->direction == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF) ? "UL" : "DL",
tbf->tfi, tbf->T);
+/* starting time for assigning single slot
+ * This offset must be a multiple of 13. */
+int sba_alloc(uint8_t *_trx, uint8_t *_ts, uint32_t *_fn, uint8_t ta)
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_pdch *pdch;
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_sba *sba;
+ uint8_t trx, ts;
+ uint32_t fn;
+ sba = talloc_zero(tall_pcu_ctx, struct gprs_rlcmac_sba);
+ if (!sba)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ for (trx = 0; trx < 8; trx++) {
+ for (ts = 0; ts < 8; ts++) {
+ pdch = &bts->trx[trx].pdch[ts];
+ if (!pdch->enable)
+ continue;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ts < 8)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (trx == 8) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "No PDCH available.\n");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ fn = (pdch->last_rts_fn + AGCH_START_OFFSET) % 2715648;
+ sba->trx = trx;
+ sba->ts = ts;
+ sba->fn = fn;
+ sba->ta = ta;
+ llist_add(&sba->list, &gprs_rlcmac_sbas);
+ *_trx = trx;
+ *_ts = ts;
+ *_fn = fn;
+ return 0;
+struct gprs_rlcmac_sba *sba_find(uint8_t trx, uint8_t ts, uint32_t fn)
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_sba *sba;
+ llist_for_each_entry(sba, &gprs_rlcmac_sbas, list) {
+ if (sba->trx == trx && sba->ts == ts && sba->fn == fn)
+ return sba;
+ }
+ return NULL;
#if 0
static void tbf_gsm_timer_cb(void *_tbf)
@@ -286,7 +967,8 @@ void gprs_rlcmac_enqueue_block(bitvec *block, int len)
/* received RLC/MAC block from L1 */
-int gprs_rlcmac_rcv_block(uint8_t *data, uint8_t len, uint32_t fn)
+int gprs_rlcmac_rcv_block(uint8_t trx, uint8_t ts, uint8_t *data, uint8_t len,
+ uint32_t fn)
unsigned payload = data[0] >> 6;
bitvec *block;
@@ -294,14 +976,15 @@ int gprs_rlcmac_rcv_block(uint8_t *data, uint8_t len, uint32_t fn)
switch (payload) {
- rc = gprs_rlcmac_rcv_data_block_acknowledged(data, len);
+ rc = gprs_rlcmac_rcv_data_block_acknowledged(trx, ts, data,
+ len);
block = bitvec_alloc(len);
if (!block)
return -ENOMEM;
bitvec_unpack(block, data);
- rc = gprs_rlcmac_rcv_control_block(block, fn);
+ rc = gprs_rlcmac_rcv_control_block(block, trx, ts, fn);
@@ -314,11 +997,181 @@ int gprs_rlcmac_rcv_block(uint8_t *data, uint8_t len, uint32_t fn)
return rc;
+/* add paging to paging queue(s) */
+int gprs_rlcmac_add_paging(uint8_t chan_needed, uint8_t *identity_lv)
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
+ uint8_t l, trx, ts, any_tbf = 0;
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf;
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_paging *pag;
+ uint8_t slot_mask[8];
+ int8_t first_ts; /* must be signed */
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_INFO, "Add RR paging: chan-needed=%d MI=%s\n",
+ chan_needed, osmo_hexdump(identity_lv + 1, identity_lv[0]));
+ /* collect slots to page
+ * Mark slots for every TBF, but only mark one of it.
+ * Mark only the first slot found.
+ * Don't mark, if TBF uses a different slot that is already marked. */
+ memset(slot_mask, 0, sizeof(slot_mask));
+ for (l = 0; gprs_rlcmac_tbfs_lists[l]; l++) {
+ llist_for_each_entry(tbf, gprs_rlcmac_tbfs_lists[l], list) {
+ first_ts = -1;
+ for (ts = 0; ts < 8; ts++) {
+ if (tbf->pdch[ts]) {
+ /* remember the first slot found */
+ if (first_ts < 0)
+ first_ts = ts;
+ /* break, if we already marked a slot */
+ if ((slot_mask[tbf->trx] & (1 << ts)))
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* mark first slot found, if none is marked already */
+ if (ts == 8 && first_ts >= 0) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "- %s TBF=%d uses "
+ "TRX=%d TS=%d, so we mark\n",
+ (tbf->direction == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF)
+ ? "UL" : "DL",
+ tbf->tfi, tbf->trx, first_ts);
+ slot_mask[tbf->trx] |= (1 << first_ts);
+ } else
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "- %s TBF=%d uses "
+ "already marked TRX=%d TS=%d\n",
+ (tbf->direction == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF)
+ ? "UL" : "DL",
+ tbf->tfi, tbf->trx, ts);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Now we have a list of marked slots. Every TBF uses at least one
+ * of these slots. */
+ /* schedule paging to all marked slots */
+ for (trx = 0; trx < 8; trx++) {
+ if (slot_mask[trx] == 0)
+ continue;
+ any_tbf = 1;
+ for (ts = 0; ts < 8; ts++) {
+ if ((slot_mask[trx] & (1 << ts))) {
+ /* schedule */
+ pag = talloc_zero(tall_pcu_ctx,
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_paging);
+ if (!pag)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ pag->chan_needed = chan_needed;
+ memcpy(pag->identity_lv, identity_lv,
+ identity_lv[0] + 1);
+ llist_add(&pag->list,
+ &bts->trx[trx].pdch[ts].paging_list);
+ "TRX=%d TS=%d\n", trx, ts);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!any_tbf)
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_INFO, "No paging, because no TBF\n");
+ return 0;
+struct gprs_rlcmac_paging *gprs_rlcmac_dequeue_paging(
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_pdch *pdch)
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_paging *pag;
+ if (llist_empty(&pdch->paging_list))
+ return NULL;
+ pag = llist_entry(pdch->paging_list.next,
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_paging, list);
+ llist_del(&pag->list);
+ return pag;
+struct msgb *gprs_rlcmac_send_packet_paging_request(
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_pdch *pdch)
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_paging *pag;
+ struct msgb *msg;
+ unsigned wp = 0, len;
+ /* no paging, no message */
+ pag = gprs_rlcmac_dequeue_paging(pdch);
+ if (!pag)
+ return NULL;
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "Scheduling paging\n");
+ /* alloc message */
+ msg = msgb_alloc(23, "pag ctrl block");
+ if (!msg)
+ return NULL;
+ bitvec *pag_vec = bitvec_alloc(23);
+ if (!pag_vec) {
+ msgb_free(msg);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ wp = write_packet_paging_request(pag_vec);
+ /* loop until message is full */
+ while (pag) {
+ /* try to add paging */
+ if ((pag->identity_lv[1] & 0x07) == 4) {
+ /* TMSI */
+ ntohl(*((uint32_t *)(pag->identity_lv + 1))));
+ len = 1 + 1 + 1 + 32 + 2 + 1;
+ if (pag->identity_lv[0] != 5) {
+ "MI != 5 octets!\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* MI */
+ osmo_hexdump(pag->identity_lv + 1,
+ pag->identity_lv[0]));
+ len = 1 + 1 + 1 + 4 + (pag->identity_lv[0]<<3) + 2 + 1;
+ if (pag->identity_lv[0] > 8) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_ERROR, "Paging with "
+ "MI > 8 octets!\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (wp + len > 184) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "- Does not fit, so schedule "
+ "next time\n");
+ /* put back paging record, because does not fit */
+ llist_add_tail(&pag->list, &pdch->paging_list);
+ break;
+ }
+ write_repeated_page_info(pag_vec, wp, pag->identity_lv[0],
+ pag->identity_lv + 1, pag->chan_needed);
+ pag = gprs_rlcmac_dequeue_paging(pdch);
+ }
+ bitvec_pack(pag_vec, msgb_put(msg, 23));
+ RlcMacDownlink_t * mac_control_block = (RlcMacDownlink_t *)talloc_zero(tall_pcu_ctx, RlcMacDownlink_t);
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "+++++++++++++++++++++++++ TX : Packet Paging Request +++++++++++++++++++++++++\n");
+ decode_gsm_rlcmac_downlink(pag_vec, mac_control_block);
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "------------------------- TX : Packet Paging Request -------------------------\n");
+ bitvec_free(pag_vec);
+ talloc_free(mac_control_block);
+ return msg;
// GSM 04.08 9.1.18 Immediate assignment
int write_immediate_assignment(bitvec * dest, uint8_t downlink, uint8_t ra,
- uint32_t fn, uint8_t ta, uint16_t arfcn, uint8_t ts, uint8_t tsc,
+ uint32_t ref_fn, uint8_t ta, uint16_t arfcn, uint8_t ts, uint8_t tsc,
uint8_t tfi, uint8_t usf, uint32_t tlli,
- uint8_t polling, uint32_t poll_fn)
+ uint8_t polling, uint32_t fn, uint8_t single_block, uint8_t alpha,
+ uint8_t gamma)
unsigned wp = 0;
uint8_t plen;
@@ -344,9 +1197,9 @@ int write_immediate_assignment(bitvec * dest, uint8_t downlink, uint8_t ra,
// Request Reference
bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,ra,8); // RA
- bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,(fn / (26 * 51)) % 32,5); // T1'
- bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,fn % 51,6); // T3
- bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,fn % 26,5); // T2
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,(ref_fn / (26 * 51)) % 32,5); // T1'
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,ref_fn % 51,6); // T3
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,ref_fn % 26,5); // T2
// Timing Advance
bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x0,2); // spare
@@ -372,17 +1225,22 @@ int write_immediate_assignment(bitvec * dest, uint8_t downlink, uint8_t ra,
bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x1,1); // switch TFI : on
bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,tfi,5); // TFI
bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x0,1); // RLC acknowledged mode
- bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x0,1); // ALPHA = not present
- bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x0,5); // GAMMA power control parameter
+ if (alpha) {
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x1,1); // ALPHA = present
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,alpha,4); // ALPHA
+ } else {
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x0,1); // ALPHA = not present
+ }
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,gamma,5); // GAMMA power control parameter
bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,polling,1); // Polling Bit
bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,!polling,1); // TA_VALID ???
bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x1,1); // switch TIMING_ADVANCE_INDEX = on
bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x0,4); // TIMING_ADVANCE_INDEX
if (polling) {
bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x1,1); // TBF Starting TIME present
- bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,(poll_fn / (26 * 51)) % 32,5); // T1'
- bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,poll_fn % 51,6); // T3
- bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,poll_fn % 26,5); // T2
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,(fn / (26 * 51)) % 32,5); // T1'
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,fn % 51,6); // T3
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,fn % 26,5); // T2
} else {
bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x0,1); // TBF Starting TIME present
@@ -396,20 +1254,38 @@ int write_immediate_assignment(bitvec * dest, uint8_t downlink, uint8_t ra,
// GMS 04.08
bitvec_write_field(dest, wp, 3, 2); // "HH"
bitvec_write_field(dest, wp, 0, 2); // "0" Packet Uplink Assignment
- bitvec_write_field(dest, wp, 1, 1); // Block Allocation : Not Single Block Allocation
- bitvec_write_field(dest, wp, tfi, 5); // TFI_ASSIGNMENT Temporary Flow Identity
- bitvec_write_field(dest, wp, 0, 1); // POLLING
- bitvec_write_field(dest, wp, 0, 1); // ALLOCATION_TYPE: dynamic
- bitvec_write_field(dest, wp, usf, 3); // USF
- bitvec_write_field(dest, wp, 0, 1); // USF_GRANULARITY
- bitvec_write_field(dest, wp, 0 , 1); // "0" power control: Not Present
- bitvec_write_field(dest, wp, bts->initial_cs-1, 2); // CHANNEL_CODING_COMMAND
- bitvec_write_field(dest, wp, 1, 1); // TLLI_BLOCK_CHANNEL_CODING
- bitvec_write_field(dest, wp, 1 , 1); // "1" Alpha : Present
- bitvec_write_field(dest, wp, 0, 4); // Alpha
- bitvec_write_field(dest, wp, 0, 5); // Gamma
- bitvec_write_field(dest, wp, 0, 1); // TIMING_ADVANCE_INDEX_FLAG
- bitvec_write_field(dest, wp, 0, 1); // TBF_STARTING_TIME_FLAG
+ if (single_block) {
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp, 0, 1); // Block Allocation : Single Block Allocation
+ if (alpha) {
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x1,1); // ALPHA = present
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,alpha,4); // ALPHA = present
+ } else
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x0,1); // ALPHA = not present
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,gamma,5); // GAMMA power control parameter
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp, 0, 1); // TIMING_ADVANCE_INDEX_FLAG
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp, 1, 1); // TBF_STARTING_TIME_FLAG
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,(fn / (26 * 51)) % 32,5); // T1'
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,fn % 51,6); // T3
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,fn % 26,5); // T2
+ } else {
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp, 1, 1); // Block Allocation : Not Single Block Allocation
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp, tfi, 5); // TFI_ASSIGNMENT Temporary Flow Identity
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp, 0, 1); // POLLING
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp, 0, 1); // ALLOCATION_TYPE: dynamic
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp, usf, 3); // USF
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp, 0, 1); // USF_GRANULARITY
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp, 0, 1); // "0" power control: Not Present
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp, bts->initial_cs_ul-1, 2); // CHANNEL_CODING_COMMAND
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp, 1, 1); // TLLI_BLOCK_CHANNEL_CODING
+ if (alpha) {
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x1,1); // ALPHA = present
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,alpha,4); // ALPHA
+ } else
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x0,1); // ALPHA = not present
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,gamma,5); // GAMMA power control parameter
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp, 0, 1); // TIMING_ADVANCE_INDEX_FLAG
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp, 0, 1); // TBF_STARTING_TIME_FLAG
+ }
return plen;
@@ -417,14 +1293,14 @@ int write_immediate_assignment(bitvec * dest, uint8_t downlink, uint8_t ra,
/* generate uplink assignment */
void write_packet_uplink_assignment(bitvec * dest, uint8_t old_tfi,
- uint8_t old_downlink, uint32_t tlli, uint8_t use_tlli, uint8_t new_tfi,
- uint8_t usf, uint16_t arfcn, uint8_t tn, uint8_t ta, uint8_t tsc,
- uint8_t poll)
+ uint8_t old_downlink, uint32_t tlli, uint8_t use_tlli,
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf, uint8_t poll, uint8_t alpha,
+ uint8_t gamma)
// TODO We should use our implementation of encode RLC/MAC Control messages.
struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
unsigned wp = 0;
- int i;
+ uint8_t ts;
bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x1,2); // Payload Type
bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x0,2); // Uplink block with TDMA framenumber (N+13)
@@ -445,18 +1321,18 @@ void write_packet_uplink_assignment(bitvec * dest, uint8_t old_tfi,
bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x0,1); // Message escape
- bitvec_write_field(dest, wp, bts->initial_cs-1, 2); // CHANNEL_CODING_COMMAND
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,bts->initial_cs_ul-1, 2); // CHANNEL_CODING_COMMAND
bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x1,1); // TLLI_BLOCK_CHANNEL_CODING
bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x1,1); // switch TIMING_ADVANCE_VALUE = on
- bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,ta,6); // TIMING_ADVANCE_VALUE
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,tbf->ta,6); // TIMING_ADVANCE_VALUE
bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x0,1); // switch TIMING_ADVANCE_INDEX = off
#if 1
bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x1,1); // Frequency Parameters information elements = present
- bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,tsc,3); // Training Sequence Code (TSC)
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,tbf->tsc,3); // Training Sequence Code (TSC)
bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x0,2); // ARFCN = present
- bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,arfcn,10); // ARFCN
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,tbf->arfcn,10); // ARFCN
bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x0,1); // Frequency Parameters = off
@@ -468,16 +1344,22 @@ void write_packet_uplink_assignment(bitvec * dest, uint8_t old_tfi,
bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x0,1); // USF_GRANULARITY
bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x1,1); // switch TFI : on
- bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,new_tfi,5);// TFI
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,tbf->tfi,5);// TFI
bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x0,1); //
bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x0,1); // TBF Starting Time = off
- bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x0,1); // Timeslot Allocation
+ if (alpha || gamma) {
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x1,1); // Timeslot Allocation with Power Control
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,alpha,4); // ALPHA
+ } else
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x0,1); // Timeslot Allocation
- for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
- if (tn == i) {
+ for (ts = 0; ts < 8; ts++) {
+ if (tbf->pdch[ts]) {
bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x1,1); // USF_TN(i): on
- bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,usf,3); // USF_TN(i)
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,tbf->dir.ul.usf[ts],3); // USF_TN(i)
+ if (alpha || gamma)
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,gamma,5); // GAMMA power control parameter
} else
bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x0,1); // USF_TN(i): off
@@ -487,12 +1369,12 @@ void write_packet_uplink_assignment(bitvec * dest, uint8_t old_tfi,
/* generate downlink assignment */
void write_packet_downlink_assignment(RlcMacDownlink_t * block, uint8_t old_tfi,
- uint8_t old_downlink, uint8_t new_tfi, uint16_t arfcn,
- uint8_t tn, uint8_t ta, uint8_t tsc, uint8_t poll)
+ uint8_t old_downlink, struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf, uint8_t poll,
+ uint8_t alpha, uint8_t gamma)
// Packet downlink assignment TS 44.060 11.2.7
- int i;
+ uint8_t tn;
block->PAYLOAD_TYPE = 0x1; // RLC/MAC control block that does not include the optional octets of the RLC/MAC control header
block->RRBP = 0x0; // N+13
@@ -511,35 +1393,39 @@ void write_packet_downlink_assignment(RlcMacDownlink_t * block, uint8_t old_tfi,
block->u.Packet_Downlink_Assignment.MAC_MODE = 0x0; // Dynamic Allocation
block->u.Packet_Downlink_Assignment.RLC_MODE = 0x0; // RLC acknowledged mode
block->u.Packet_Downlink_Assignment.CONTROL_ACK = old_downlink; // NW establishes no new DL TBF for the MS with running timer T3192
- block->u.Packet_Downlink_Assignment.TIMESLOT_ALLOCATION = 0x80 >> tn; // timeslot(s)
+ block->u.Packet_Downlink_Assignment.TIMESLOT_ALLOCATION = 0; // timeslot(s)
+ for (tn = 0; tn < 8; tn++) {
+ if (tbf->pdch[tn])
+ block->u.Packet_Downlink_Assignment.TIMESLOT_ALLOCATION |= 0x80 >> tn; // timeslot(s)
+ }
block->u.Packet_Downlink_Assignment.Packet_Timing_Advance.Exist_TIMING_ADVANCE_VALUE = 0x1; // TIMING_ADVANCE_VALUE = on
- block->u.Packet_Downlink_Assignment.Packet_Timing_Advance.TIMING_ADVANCE_VALUE = ta; // TIMING_ADVANCE_VALUE
+ block->u.Packet_Downlink_Assignment.Packet_Timing_Advance.TIMING_ADVANCE_VALUE = tbf->ta; // TIMING_ADVANCE_VALUE
block->u.Packet_Downlink_Assignment.Packet_Timing_Advance.Exist_IndexAndtimeSlot = 0x0; // TIMING_ADVANCE_INDEX = off
block->u.Packet_Downlink_Assignment.Exist_P0_and_BTS_PWR_CTRL_MODE = 0x0; // POWER CONTROL = off
block->u.Packet_Downlink_Assignment.Exist_Frequency_Parameters = 0x1; // Frequency Parameters = on
- block->u.Packet_Downlink_Assignment.Frequency_Parameters.TSC = tsc; // Training Sequence Code (TSC)
+ block->u.Packet_Downlink_Assignment.Frequency_Parameters.TSC = tbf->tsc; // Training Sequence Code (TSC)
block->u.Packet_Downlink_Assignment.Frequency_Parameters.UnionType = 0x0; // ARFCN = on
- block->u.Packet_Downlink_Assignment.Frequency_Parameters.u.ARFCN = arfcn; // ARFCN
+ block->u.Packet_Downlink_Assignment.Frequency_Parameters.u.ARFCN = tbf->arfcn; // ARFCN
block->u.Packet_Downlink_Assignment.Exist_DOWNLINK_TFI_ASSIGNMENT = 0x1; // DOWNLINK TFI ASSIGNMENT = on
- block->u.Packet_Downlink_Assignment.DOWNLINK_TFI_ASSIGNMENT = new_tfi; // TFI
+ block->u.Packet_Downlink_Assignment.DOWNLINK_TFI_ASSIGNMENT = tbf->tfi; // TFI
block->u.Packet_Downlink_Assignment.Exist_Power_Control_Parameters = 0x1; // Power Control Parameters = on
- block->u.Packet_Downlink_Assignment.Power_Control_Parameters.ALPHA = 0x0; // ALPHA
+ block->u.Packet_Downlink_Assignment.Power_Control_Parameters.ALPHA = alpha; // ALPHA
- for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ for (tn = 0; tn < 8; tn++)
- if (tn == i)
+ if (tbf->pdch[tn])
- block->u.Packet_Downlink_Assignment.Power_Control_Parameters.Slot[i].Exist = 0x1; // Slot[i] = on
- block->u.Packet_Downlink_Assignment.Power_Control_Parameters.Slot[i].GAMMA_TN = 0x0; // GAMMA_TN
+ block->u.Packet_Downlink_Assignment.Power_Control_Parameters.Slot[tn].Exist = 0x1; // Slot[i] = on
+ block->u.Packet_Downlink_Assignment.Power_Control_Parameters.Slot[tn].GAMMA_TN = gamma; // GAMMA_TN
- block->u.Packet_Downlink_Assignment.Power_Control_Parameters.Slot[i].Exist = 0x0; // Slot[i] = off
+ block->u.Packet_Downlink_Assignment.Power_Control_Parameters.Slot[tn].Exist = 0x0; // Slot[i] = off
@@ -556,6 +1442,7 @@ void write_packet_uplink_ack(RlcMacDownlink_t * block, struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *t
char show_v_n[65];
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
uint8_t rbb = 0;
uint16_t i, bbn;
uint16_t mod_sns_half = (tbf->sns >> 1) - 1;
@@ -574,7 +1461,7 @@ void write_packet_uplink_ack(RlcMacDownlink_t * block, struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *t
block->u.Packet_Uplink_Ack_Nack.UPLINK_TFI = tbf->tfi; // Uplink TFI
block->u.Packet_Uplink_Ack_Nack.UnionType = 0x0; // PU_AckNack_GPRS = on
- block->u.Packet_Uplink_Ack_Nack.u.PU_AckNack_GPRS_Struct.CHANNEL_CODING_COMMAND = 0x0; // CS1
+ block->u.Packet_Uplink_Ack_Nack.u.PU_AckNack_GPRS_Struct.CHANNEL_CODING_COMMAND = bts->initial_cs_ul - 1; // CS1
block->u.Packet_Uplink_Ack_Nack.u.PU_AckNack_GPRS_Struct.Ack_Nack_Description.FINAL_ACK_INDICATION = final; // FINAL ACK INDICATION
block->u.Packet_Uplink_Ack_Nack.u.PU_AckNack_GPRS_Struct.Ack_Nack_Description.STARTING_SEQUENCE_NUMBER = tbf->dir.ul.v_r; // STARTING_SEQUENCE_NUMBER
@@ -609,22 +1496,68 @@ void write_packet_uplink_ack(RlcMacDownlink_t * block, struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *t
block->u.Packet_Uplink_Ack_Nack.u.PU_AckNack_GPRS_Struct.Common_Uplink_Ack_Nack_Data.Exist_Power_Control_Parameters = 0x0;
+unsigned write_packet_paging_request(bitvec * dest)
+ unsigned wp = 0;
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x1,2); // Payload Type
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x0,3); // No polling
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x0,3); // Uplink state flag
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x22,6); // MESSAGE TYPE
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x0,2); // Page Mode
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x0,1); // No PERSISTENCE_LEVEL
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x0,1); // No NLN
+ return wp;
+unsigned write_repeated_page_info(bitvec * dest, unsigned& wp, uint8_t len,
+ uint8_t *identity, uint8_t chan_needed)
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x1,1); // Repeated Page info exists
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x1,1); // RR connection paging
+ if ((identity[0] & 0x07) == 4) {
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x0,1); // TMSI
+ identity++;
+ len--;
+ } else {
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x0,1); // MI
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,len,4); // MI len
+ }
+ while (len) {
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,*identity++,8); // MI data
+ len--;
+ }
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,chan_needed,2); // CHANNEL_NEEDED
+ bitvec_write_field(dest, wp,0x0,1); // No eMLPP_PRIORITY
+ return wp;
/* Send Uplink unit-data to SGSN. */
int gprs_rlcmac_tx_ul_ud(gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf)
- const uint8_t qos_profile = QOS_PROFILE;
+ uint8_t qos_profile[3];
struct msgb *llc_pdu;
unsigned msg_len = NS_HDR_LEN + BSSGP_HDR_LEN + tbf->llc_index;
- LOGP(DBSSGP, LOGL_INFO, "LLC [PCU -> SGSN] TFI: %u TLLI: 0x%08x %s\n", tbf->tfi, tbf->tlli, osmo_hexdump(tbf->llc_frame, tbf->llc_index));
+ LOGP(DBSSGP, LOGL_INFO, "LLC [PCU -> SGSN] TFI: %u TLLI: 0x%08x len=%d\n", tbf->tfi, tbf->tlli, tbf->llc_index);
if (!bctx) {
return -EIO;
llc_pdu = msgb_alloc_headroom(msg_len, msg_len,"llc_pdu");
- msgb_tvlv_push(llc_pdu, BSSGP_IE_LLC_PDU, sizeof(uint8_t)*tbf->llc_index, tbf->llc_frame);
- bssgp_tx_ul_ud(bctx, tbf->tlli, &qos_profile, llc_pdu);
+ uint8_t *buf = msgb_push(llc_pdu, TL16V_GROSS_LEN(sizeof(uint8_t)*tbf->llc_index));
+ tl16v_put(buf, BSSGP_IE_LLC_PDU, sizeof(uint8_t)*tbf->llc_index, tbf->llc_frame);
+ qos_profile[0] = QOS_PROFILE >> 16;
+ qos_profile[1] = QOS_PROFILE >> 8;
+ qos_profile[2] = QOS_PROFILE;
+ bssgp_tx_ul_ud(bctx, tbf->tlli, qos_profile, llc_pdu);
return 0;
diff --git a/src/gprs_rlcmac.h b/src/gprs_rlcmac.h
index dc4c648b..1900d89b 100644
--- a/src/gprs_rlcmac.h
+++ b/src/gprs_rlcmac.h
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
+#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <bitvector.h>
#include <gsm_rlcmac.h>
#include <gsm_timer.h>
@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ extern "C" {
#include <osmocom/core/linuxlist.h>
#include <osmocom/core/timer.h>
/* This special feature will delay assignment of downlink TBF by one second,
* in case there is already a TBF.
@@ -46,21 +48,28 @@ struct gprs_rlcmac_pdch {
uint8_t tsc; /* TSC of this slot */
uint8_t next_ul_tfi; /* next uplink TBF/TFI to schedule (0..31) */
uint8_t next_dl_tfi; /* next downlink TBF/TFI to schedule (0..31) */
- struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf[32]; /* array of TBF pointers, by TFI */
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *ul_tbf[32]; /* array of UL TBF, by UL TFI */
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *dl_tbf[32]; /* array of DL TBF, by DL TFI */
+ struct llist_head paging_list; /* list of paging messages */
uint32_t last_rts_fn; /* store last frame number of RTS */
struct gprs_rlcmac_trx {
uint16_t arfcn;
struct gprs_rlcmac_pdch pdch[8];
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *ul_tbf[32]; /* array of UL TBF, by UL TFI */
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *dl_tbf[32]; /* array of DL TBF, by DL TFI */
struct gprs_rlcmac_bts {
+ uint8_t fc_interval;
uint8_t cs1;
uint8_t cs2;
uint8_t cs3;
uint8_t cs4;
- uint8_t initial_cs;
+ uint8_t initial_cs_dl, initial_cs_ul;
+ uint8_t force_cs; /* 0=use from BTS 1=use from VTY */
+ uint16_t force_llc_lifetime; /* overrides lifetime from SGSN */
uint8_t t3142;
uint8_t t3169;
uint8_t t3191;
@@ -70,10 +79,16 @@ struct gprs_rlcmac_bts {
uint8_t n3103;
uint8_t n3105;
struct gprs_rlcmac_trx trx[8];
+ int (*alloc_algorithm)(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *old_tbf,
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf, uint32_t cust);
+ uint32_t alloc_algorithm_curst; /* options to customize algorithm */
+ uint8_t force_two_phase;
+ uint8_t alpha, gamma;
extern struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *gprs_rlcmac_bts;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
* TBF instance
@@ -83,8 +98,8 @@ extern struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *gprs_rlcmac_bts;
#define RLC_MAX_WS 64 /* max window size */
#define RLC_MAX_LEN 54 /* CS-4 including spare bits */
-#define Tassign_agch 0,500000/* wait for assignment, before transmitting DL */
-#define Tassign_pacch 0,100000/* wait for assignment, before transmitting DL */
+#define Tassign_agch 0,200000 /* waiting after IMM.ASS confirm */
+#define Tassign_pacch 2,0 /* timeout for pacch assigment */
enum gprs_rlcmac_tbf_state {
GPRS_RLCMAC_NULL = 0, /* new created TBF */
@@ -123,27 +138,45 @@ enum gprs_rlcmac_tbf_direction {
+#define GPRS_RLCMAC_FLAG_CCCH 0 /* assignment on CCCH */
+#define GPRS_RLCMAC_FLAG_PACCH 1 /* assignment on PACCH */
+#define GPRS_RLCMAC_FLAG_UL_DATA 2 /* uplink data received */
+#define GPRS_RLCMAC_FLAG_DL_ACK 3 /* downlink acknowledge received */
+#define GPRS_RLCMAC_FLAG_TO_MASK 0xf0 /* timeout bits */
struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf {
struct llist_head list;
enum gprs_rlcmac_tbf_state state;
+ uint32_t state_flags;
enum gprs_rlcmac_tbf_direction direction;
uint8_t tfi;
uint32_t tlli;
uint8_t tlli_valid;
- uint8_t trx, ts, tsc;
- struct gprs_rlcmac_pdch *pdch;
- uint16_t arfcn, ta;
+ uint8_t trx;
+ uint16_t arfcn;
+ uint8_t tsc;
+ uint8_t first_ts; /* first TS used by TBF */
+ uint8_t first_common_ts; /* first TS that the phone can send and
+ reveive simultaniously */
+ uint8_t control_ts; /* timeslot control messages and polling */
+ uint8_t ms_class;
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_pdch *pdch[8]; /* list of PDCHs allocated to TBF */
+ uint16_t ta;
uint8_t llc_frame[LLC_MAX_LEN]; /* current DL or UL frame */
uint16_t llc_index; /* current write/read position of frame */
uint16_t llc_length; /* len of current DL LLC_frame, 0 == no frame */
- llist_head llc_queue; /* queued LLC DL data */
+ struct llist_head llc_queue; /* queued LLC DL data */
enum gprs_rlcmac_tbf_dl_ass_state dl_ass_state;
enum gprs_rlcmac_tbf_ul_ass_state ul_ass_state;
enum gprs_rlcmac_tbf_ul_ack_state ul_ack_state;
enum gprs_rlcmac_tbf_poll_state poll_state;
- uint32_t poll_fn;
+ uint32_t poll_fn; /* frame number to poll */
uint16_t ws; /* window size */
uint16_t sns; /* sequence number space */
@@ -160,7 +193,8 @@ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf {
uint16_t v_a; /* ack state */
char v_b[RLC_MAX_SNS/2]; /* acknowledge state array */
int32_t tx_counter; /* count all transmitted blocks */
- uint8_t n3105; /* N3105 counter */
+ char imsi[16]; /* store IMSI for PCH retransmission */
+ uint8_t wait_confirm; /* wait for CCCH IMM.ASS cnf */
} dl;
struct {
uint16_t bsn; /* block sequence number */
@@ -169,12 +203,16 @@ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf {
char v_n[RLC_MAX_SNS/2]; /* receive state array */
int32_t rx_counter; /* count all received blocks */
uint8_t n3103; /* N3103 counter */
- uint8_t usf; /* USF */
+ uint8_t usf[8]; /* list USFs per PDCH (timeslot) */
+ uint8_t contention_resolution_done; /* set after done */
+ uint8_t final_ack_sent; /* set if we sent final ack */
} ul;
} dir;
uint8_t rlc_block[RLC_MAX_SNS/2][RLC_MAX_LEN]; /* block history */
uint8_t rlc_block_len[RLC_MAX_SNS/2]; /* block len of history */
+ uint8_t n3105; /* N3105 counter */
struct osmo_timer_list timer;
unsigned int T; /* Txxxx number */
unsigned int num_T_exp; /* number of consecutive T expirations */
@@ -182,24 +220,73 @@ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf {
struct osmo_gsm_timer_list gsm_timer;
unsigned int fT; /* fTxxxx number */
unsigned int num_fT_exp; /* number of consecutive fT expirations */
+ struct timeval bw_tv; /* timestamp for bandwidth calculation */
+ uint32_t bw_octets; /* number of octets transmitted since bw_tv */
+ uint8_t cs; /* current coding scheme */
+extern struct llist_head gprs_rlcmac_ul_tbfs; /* list of uplink TBFs */
+extern struct llist_head gprs_rlcmac_dl_tbfs; /* list of downlink TBFs */
+extern struct llist_head gprs_rlcmac_sbas; /* list of single block allocs */
+ * paging entry
+ */
+struct gprs_rlcmac_paging {
+ struct llist_head list;
+ uint8_t chan_needed;
+ uint8_t identity_lv[9];
+ * single block allocation entry
+ */
+struct gprs_rlcmac_sba {
+ struct llist_head list;
+ uint8_t trx;
+ uint8_t ts;
+ uint32_t fn;
+ uint8_t ta;
+ * coding scheme info
+ */
+struct gprs_rlcmac_cs {
+ uint8_t block_length;
+ uint8_t block_data;
+ uint8_t block_payload;
-extern struct llist_head gprs_rlcmac_tbfs;
+extern struct gprs_rlcmac_cs gprs_rlcmac_cs[];
+int sba_alloc(uint8_t *_trx, uint8_t *_ts, uint32_t *_fn, uint8_t ta);
-int tfi_alloc(uint8_t *_trx, uint8_t *_ts);
+struct gprs_rlcmac_sba *sba_find(uint8_t trx, uint8_t ts, uint32_t fn);
-struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf_alloc(uint8_t tfi, uint8_t trx, uint8_t ts);
+int tfi_alloc(enum gprs_rlcmac_tbf_direction dir, uint8_t *_trx, uint8_t *_ts,
+ int8_t use_trx, int8_t first_ts);
-struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf_by_tfi(uint8_t tfi, int direction);
+struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf_alloc(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *old_tbf,
+ enum gprs_rlcmac_tbf_direction dir, uint8_t tfi, uint8_t trx,
+ uint8_t first_ts, uint8_t ms_class, uint8_t single_slot);
-struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf_by_tlli(uint32_t tlli, int direction);
+struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf_by_tfi(uint8_t tfi, uint8_t trx,
+ enum gprs_rlcmac_tbf_direction dir);
-struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf_by_poll_fn(uint32_t fn);
+struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf_by_tlli(uint32_t tlli,
+ enum gprs_rlcmac_tbf_direction dir);
-int find_free_usf(uint8_t trx, uint8_t ts);
+struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf_by_poll_fn(uint32_t fn, uint8_t trx, uint8_t ts);
void tbf_free(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf);
+int tbf_update(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf);
+int tbf_assign_control_ts(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf);
void tbf_new_state(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf,
enum gprs_rlcmac_tbf_state state);
@@ -216,21 +303,24 @@ enum gprs_rlcmac_block_type {
-int gprs_rlcmac_rcv_block(uint8_t *data, uint8_t len, uint32_t fn);
+int gprs_rlcmac_rcv_block(uint8_t trx, uint8_t ts, uint8_t *data, uint8_t len,
+ uint32_t fn);
int write_immediate_assignment(bitvec * dest, uint8_t downlink, uint8_t ra,
- uint32_t fn, uint8_t ta, uint16_t arfcn, uint8_t ts, uint8_t tsc,
+ uint32_t ref_fn, uint8_t ta, uint16_t arfcn, uint8_t ts, uint8_t tsc,
uint8_t tfi, uint8_t usf, uint32_t tlli, uint8_t polling,
- uint32_t poll_fn);
+ uint32_t fn, uint8_t single_block, uint8_t alpha, uint8_t gamma);
void write_packet_uplink_assignment(bitvec * dest, uint8_t old_tfi,
- uint8_t old_downlink, uint32_t tlli, uint8_t use_tlli, uint8_t new_tfi,
- uint8_t usf, uint16_t arfcn, uint8_t tn, uint8_t ta, uint8_t tsc,
- uint8_t poll);
+ uint8_t old_downlink, uint32_t tlli, uint8_t use_tlli,
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf, uint8_t poll, uint8_t alpha,
+ uint8_t gamma);
void write_packet_downlink_assignment(RlcMacDownlink_t * block, uint8_t old_tfi,
- uint8_t old_downlink, uint8_t new_tfi, uint16_t arfcn,
- uint8_t tn, uint8_t ta, uint8_t tsc, uint8_t poll);
+ uint8_t old_downlink, struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf, uint8_t poll,
+ uint8_t alpha, uint8_t gamma);
void write_packet_uplink_ack(RlcMacDownlink_t * block, struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf,
uint8_t final);
@@ -243,7 +333,8 @@ int gprs_rlcmac_poll_timeout(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf);
int gprs_rlcmac_rcv_rach(uint8_t ra, uint32_t Fn, int16_t qta);
-int gprs_rlcmac_rcv_control_block(bitvec *rlc_block, uint32_t fn);
+int gprs_rlcmac_rcv_control_block(bitvec *rlc_block, uint8_t trx, uint8_t ts,
+ uint32_t fn);
struct msgb *gprs_rlcmac_send_packet_uplink_assignment(
struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf, uint32_t fn);
@@ -251,16 +342,22 @@ struct msgb *gprs_rlcmac_send_packet_uplink_assignment(
struct msgb *gprs_rlcmac_send_packet_downlink_assignment(
struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf, uint32_t fn);
-void gprs_rlcmac_trigger_downlink_assignment(gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf,
- uint8_t old_downlink, char *imsi);
+void gprs_rlcmac_trigger_downlink_assignment(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf,
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *old_tbf, char *imsi);
int gprs_rlcmac_downlink_ack(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf, uint8_t final,
uint8_t ssn, uint8_t *rbb);
-int gprs_rlcmac_rcv_data_block_acknowledged(uint8_t *data, uint8_t len);
+unsigned write_packet_paging_request(bitvec * dest);
+unsigned write_repeated_page_info(bitvec * dest, unsigned& wp, uint8_t len,
+ uint8_t *identity, uint8_t chan_needed);
+int gprs_rlcmac_rcv_data_block_acknowledged(uint8_t trx, uint8_t ts,
+ uint8_t *data, uint8_t len);
struct msgb *gprs_rlcmac_send_data_block_acknowledged(
- struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf, uint32_t fn);
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf, uint32_t fn, uint8_t ts);
struct msgb *gprs_rlcmac_send_uplink_ack(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf,
uint32_t fn);
@@ -268,4 +365,25 @@ struct msgb *gprs_rlcmac_send_uplink_ack(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf,
int gprs_rlcmac_rcv_rts_block(uint8_t trx, uint8_t ts, uint16_t arfcn,
uint32_t fn, uint8_t block_nr);
+int gprs_rlcmac_imm_ass_cnf(uint8_t *data, uint32_t fn);
+int gprs_rlcmac_add_paging(uint8_t chan_needed, uint8_t *identity_lv);
+struct gprs_rlcmac_paging *gprs_rlcmac_dequeue_paging(
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_pdch *pdch);
+struct msgb *gprs_rlcmac_send_packet_paging_request(
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_pdch *pdch);
+extern "C" {
+int alloc_algorithm_a(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *old_tbf,
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf, uint32_t cust);
+int alloc_algorithm_b(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *old_tbf,
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf, uint32_t cust);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // GPRS_RLCMAC_H
diff --git a/src/gprs_rlcmac_data.cpp b/src/gprs_rlcmac_data.cpp
index 12ac1ae6..edc324b0 100644
--- a/src/gprs_rlcmac_data.cpp
+++ b/src/gprs_rlcmac_data.cpp
@@ -22,11 +22,22 @@
#include <gprs_rlcmac.h>
#include <pcu_l1_if.h>
-/* After receiving these framess, we send ack/nack. */
-#define ACK_AFTER_FRAMES 20
+extern void *tall_pcu_ctx;
-/* If acknowledgement to uplink/downlin assignmentshould be polled */
+extern "C" {
+int bssgp_tx_llc_discarded(struct bssgp_bvc_ctx *bctx, uint32_t tlli,
+ uint8_t num_frames, uint32_t num_octets);
+/* After receiving these frames, we send ack/nack. */
+/* After sending these frames, we poll for ack/nack. */
+/* If acknowledgement to uplink/downlink assignmentshould be polled */
extern "C" {
/* TS 04.60 10.2.2 */
@@ -62,22 +73,49 @@ struct rlc_li_field {
} __attribute__ ((packed));
+static void gprs_rlcmac_downlink_assignment(gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf, uint8_t poll,
+ char *imsi);
+static int gprs_rlcmac_diag(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf)
+ if ((tbf->state_flags & (1 << GPRS_RLCMAC_FLAG_CCCH)))
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "- Assignment was on CCCH\n");
+ if ((tbf->state_flags & (1 << GPRS_RLCMAC_FLAG_PACCH)))
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "- Assignment was on PACCH\n");
+ if ((tbf->state_flags & (1 << GPRS_RLCMAC_FLAG_UL_DATA)))
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "- Uplink data was received\n");
+ else if (tbf->direction == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF)
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "- No uplink data received yet\n");
+ if ((tbf->state_flags & (1 << GPRS_RLCMAC_FLAG_DL_ACK)))
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "- Downlink ACK was received\n");
+ else if (tbf->direction == GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_TBF)
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "- No downlink ACK received yet\n");
+ return 0;
int gprs_rlcmac_poll_timeout(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf)
- LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "Poll timeout for TBF=%d\n", tbf->tfi);
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "Poll timeout for %s TBF=%d\n",
+ (tbf->direction == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF) ? "UL" : "DL", tbf->tfi);
tbf->poll_state = GPRS_RLCMAC_POLL_NONE;
if (tbf->ul_ack_state == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_ACK_WAIT_ACK) {
- LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "- Timeout for polling PACKET "
+ if (!(tbf->state_flags & (1 << GPRS_RLCMAC_FLAG_TO_UL_ACK))) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "- Timeout for polling "
+ gprs_rlcmac_diag(tbf);
+ tbf->state_flags |= (1 << GPRS_RLCMAC_FLAG_TO_UL_ACK);
+ }
tbf->ul_ack_state = GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_ACK_NONE;
if (tbf->state == GPRS_RLCMAC_FINISHED) {
struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
if (tbf->dir.ul.n3103 == bts->n3103) {
- LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "- N3103 exceeded\n");
+ "- N3103 exceeded\n");
tbf_new_state(tbf, GPRS_RLCMAC_RELEASING);
tbf_timer_start(tbf, 3169, bts->t3169, 0);
return 0;
@@ -87,46 +125,140 @@ int gprs_rlcmac_poll_timeout(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf)
} else
if (tbf->ul_ass_state == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_ASS_WAIT_ACK) {
- LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "- Timeout for polling PACKET "
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
+ if (!(tbf->state_flags & (1 << GPRS_RLCMAC_FLAG_TO_UL_ASS))) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "- Timeout for polling "
+ gprs_rlcmac_diag(tbf);
+ tbf->state_flags |= (1 << GPRS_RLCMAC_FLAG_TO_UL_ASS);
+ }
tbf->ul_ass_state = GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_ASS_NONE;
+ tbf->n3105++;
+ if (tbf->n3105 == bts->n3105) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "- N3105 exceeded\n");
+ tbf_new_state(tbf, GPRS_RLCMAC_RELEASING);
+ tbf_timer_start(tbf, 3195, bts->t3195, 0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* reschedule UL assignment */
+ tbf->ul_ass_state = GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_ASS_SEND_ASS;
} else
if (tbf->dl_ass_state == GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_ASS_WAIT_ACK) {
- LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "- Timeout for polling PACKET "
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
+ if (!(tbf->state_flags & (1 << GPRS_RLCMAC_FLAG_TO_DL_ASS))) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "- Timeout for polling "
+ gprs_rlcmac_diag(tbf);
+ tbf->state_flags |= (1 << GPRS_RLCMAC_FLAG_TO_DL_ASS);
+ }
tbf->dl_ass_state = GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_ASS_NONE;
- /* in case out downlink assigment failed: */
- if (tbf->state == GPRS_RLCMAC_ASSIGN) {
- LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "- Assignment failed\n");
- tbf_free(tbf);
+ tbf->n3105++;
+ if (tbf->n3105 == bts->n3105) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "- N3105 exceeded\n");
+ tbf_new_state(tbf, GPRS_RLCMAC_RELEASING);
+ tbf_timer_start(tbf, 3195, bts->t3195, 0);
+ return 0;
+ /* reschedule DL assignment */
+ tbf->dl_ass_state = GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_ASS_SEND_ASS;
} else
- if (tbf->direction == GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_TBF)
- {
+ if (tbf->direction == GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_TBF) {
struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
- LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "- Timeout for polling PACKET "
- " DOWNLINK ACK.\n");
- tbf->dir.dl.n3105++;
- if (tbf->dir.dl.n3105 == bts->n3105) {
- LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "- N3105 exceeded\n");
+ if (!(tbf->state_flags & (1 << GPRS_RLCMAC_FLAG_TO_DL_ACK))) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "- Timeout for polling "
+ gprs_rlcmac_diag(tbf);
+ tbf->state_flags |= (1 << GPRS_RLCMAC_FLAG_TO_DL_ACK);
+ }
+ tbf->n3105++;
+ if (tbf->n3105 == bts->n3105) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "- N3105 exceeded\n");
tbf_new_state(tbf, GPRS_RLCMAC_RELEASING);
tbf_timer_start(tbf, 3195, bts->t3195, 0);
return 0;
+ /* resend IMM.ASS on CCCH on timeout */
+ if ((tbf->state_flags & (1 << GPRS_RLCMAC_FLAG_CCCH))
+ && !(tbf->state_flags & (1 << GPRS_RLCMAC_FLAG_DL_ACK))) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "Re-send dowlink assignment "
+ "for TBF=%d on PCH (IMSI=%s)\n", tbf->tfi,
+ tbf->dir.dl.imsi);
+ /* send immediate assignment */
+ gprs_rlcmac_downlink_assignment(tbf, 0, tbf->dir.dl.imsi);
+ tbf->dir.dl.wait_confirm = 1;
+ }
+ } else
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_ERROR, "- Poll Timeout, but no event!\n");
+ return 0;
+static uint8_t get_ms_class_by_capability(MS_Radio_Access_capability_t *cap)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < cap->Count_MS_RA_capability_value; i++) {
+ if (!cap->MS_RA_capability_value[i].u.Content.Exist_Multislot_capability)
+ continue;
+ if (!cap->MS_RA_capability_value[i].u.Content.Multislot_capability.Exist_GPRS_multislot_class)
+ continue;
+ return cap->MS_RA_capability_value[i].u.Content.Multislot_capability.GPRS_multislot_class;
return 0;
+static struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *alloc_ul_tbf(int8_t use_trx, int8_t first_ts,
+ uint8_t ms_class, uint32_t tlli, uint8_t ta,
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *dl_tbf)
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
+ uint8_t trx, ts;
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf;
+ uint8_t tfi;
+ /* create new TBF, use sme TRX as DL TBF */
+ tfi = tfi_alloc(GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF, &trx, &ts, use_trx, first_ts);
+ if (tfi < 0) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "No PDCH ressource\n");
+ /* FIXME: send reject */
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* use multislot class of downlink TBF */
+ tbf = tbf_alloc(dl_tbf, GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF, tfi, trx, ts, ms_class, 0);
+ if (!tbf) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "No PDCH ressource\n");
+ /* FIXME: send reject */
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ tbf->tlli = tlli;
+ tbf->tlli_valid = 1; /* no contention resolution */
+ tbf->dir.ul.contention_resolution_done = 1;
+ tbf->ta = ta; /* use current TA */
+ tbf_new_state(tbf, GPRS_RLCMAC_ASSIGN);
+ tbf->state_flags |= (1 << GPRS_RLCMAC_FLAG_PACCH);
+ tbf_timer_start(tbf, 3169, bts->t3169, 0);
+ return tbf;
/* Received Uplink RLC control block. */
-int gprs_rlcmac_rcv_control_block(bitvec *rlc_block, uint32_t fn)
+int gprs_rlcmac_rcv_control_block(bitvec *rlc_block, uint8_t trx, uint8_t ts,
+ uint32_t fn)
- uint8_t tfi = 0;
+ int8_t tfi = 0; /* must be signed */
uint32_t tlli = 0;
struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf;
+ int rc;
- RlcMacUplink_t * ul_control_block = (RlcMacUplink_t *)malloc(sizeof(RlcMacUplink_t));
+ RlcMacUplink_t * ul_control_block = (RlcMacUplink_t *)talloc_zero(tall_pcu_ctx, RlcMacUplink_t);
LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "+++++++++++++++++++++++++ RX : Uplink Control Block +++++++++++++++++++++++++\n");
decode_gsm_rlcmac_uplink(rlc_block, ul_control_block);
@@ -134,10 +266,11 @@ int gprs_rlcmac_rcv_control_block(bitvec *rlc_block, uint32_t fn)
switch (ul_control_block->u.MESSAGE_TYPE) {
tlli = ul_control_block->u.Packet_Control_Acknowledgement.TLLI;
- tbf = tbf_by_poll_fn(fn);
+ tbf = tbf_by_poll_fn(fn, trx, ts);
if (!tbf) {
- "unknown FN=%u TLL=0x%08x\n", fn, tlli);
+ "unknown FN=%u TLL=0x%08x (TRX %d TS %d)\n",
+ fn, tlli, trx, ts);
tfi = tbf->tfi;
@@ -153,17 +286,64 @@ int gprs_rlcmac_rcv_control_block(bitvec *rlc_block, uint32_t fn)
if (tbf->ul_ack_state == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_ACK_WAIT_ACK) {
LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "TBF: [UPLINK] END TFI: %u TLLI: 0x%08x \n", tbf->tfi, tbf->tlli);
tbf->ul_ack_state = GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_ACK_NONE;
+ if ((tbf->state_flags &
+ tbf->state_flags &=
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "Recovered uplink "
+ "ack\n");
+ }
if (tbf->dl_ass_state == GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_ASS_WAIT_ACK) {
LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "TBF: [UPLINK] DOWNLINK ASSIGNED TFI: %u TLLI: 0x%08x \n", tbf->tfi, tbf->tlli);
+ /* reset N3105 */
+ tbf->n3105 = 0;
tbf->dl_ass_state = GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_ASS_NONE;
+ if (tbf->direction == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF)
+ tbf = tbf_by_tlli(tbf->tlli,
+ if (!tbf) {
+ "TBF is gone\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ tbf_new_state(tbf, GPRS_RLCMAC_FLOW);
+ /* stop pending assignment timer */
+ tbf_timer_stop(tbf);
+ if ((tbf->state_flags &
+ tbf->state_flags &=
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "Recovered downlink "
+ "assignment\n");
+ }
+ tbf_assign_control_ts(tbf);
if (tbf->ul_ass_state == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_ASS_WAIT_ACK) {
LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "TBF: [DOWNLINK] UPLINK ASSIGNED TFI: %u TLLI: 0x%08x \n", tbf->tfi, tbf->tlli);
+ /* reset N3105 */
+ tbf->n3105 = 0;
tbf->ul_ass_state = GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_ASS_NONE;
+ if (tbf->direction == GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_TBF)
+ tbf = tbf_by_tlli(tbf->tlli,
+ if (!tbf) {
+ "TBF is gone\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ tbf_new_state(tbf, GPRS_RLCMAC_FLOW);
+ if ((tbf->state_flags &
+ tbf->state_flags &=
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "Recovered uplink "
+ "assignment\n");
+ }
+ tbf_assign_control_ts(tbf);
@@ -171,54 +351,39 @@ int gprs_rlcmac_rcv_control_block(bitvec *rlc_block, uint32_t fn)
tfi = ul_control_block->u.Packet_Downlink_Ack_Nack.DOWNLINK_TFI;
- tbf = tbf_by_poll_fn(fn);
+ tbf = tbf_by_poll_fn(fn, trx, ts);
if (!tbf) {
- "unknown FN=%u TBF=%d\n", fn, tfi);
+ "unknown FN=%u TBF=%d (TRX %d TS %d)\n",
+ fn, tfi, trx, ts);
+ tbf->state_flags |= (1 << GPRS_RLCMAC_FLAG_DL_ACK);
+ if ((tbf->state_flags & (1 << GPRS_RLCMAC_FLAG_TO_DL_ACK))) {
+ tbf->state_flags &= ~(1 << GPRS_RLCMAC_FLAG_TO_DL_ACK);
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "Recovered downlink ack\n");
+ }
/* reset N3105 */
- tbf->dir.dl.n3105 = 0;
+ tbf->n3105 = 0;
/* stop timer T3191 */
tlli = tbf->tlli;
LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "RX: [PCU <- BTS] TFI: %u TLLI: 0x%08x Packet Downlink Ack/Nack\n", tbf->tfi, tbf->tlli);
tbf->poll_state = GPRS_RLCMAC_POLL_NONE;
- gprs_rlcmac_downlink_ack(tbf,
+ rc = gprs_rlcmac_downlink_ack(tbf,
+ if (rc == 1) {
+ tbf_free(tbf);
+ break;
+ }
/* check for channel request */
if (ul_control_block->u.Packet_Downlink_Ack_Nack.Exist_Channel_Request_Description) {
- uint8_t trx, ts, usf;
- struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *ul_tbf;
- struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "MS requests UL TBF in ack "
"message, so we provide one:\n");
- /* create new tbf */
- tfi = tfi_alloc(&trx, &ts);
- if (tfi < 0) {
- /* FIXME: send reject */
- break;
- }
- usf = find_free_usf(trx, ts);
- if (usf < 0) {
- LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "No PDCH resource for USF\n");
- /* FIXME: send reject */
- break;
- }
- ul_tbf = tbf_alloc(tfi, trx, ts);
- ul_tbf->tlli = tbf->tlli;
- ul_tbf->tlli_valid = 1; /* no content resolution */
- ul_tbf->ta = tbf->ta; /* use current TA */
- ul_tbf->direction = GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF;
- ul_tbf->dir.ul.usf = usf;
- tbf_new_state(ul_tbf, GPRS_RLCMAC_FLOW);
- tbf_timer_start(ul_tbf, 3169, bts->t3169, 0);
+ alloc_ul_tbf(tbf->trx, tbf->first_ts, tbf->ms_class, tbf->tlli, tbf->ta, tbf);
/* schedule uplink assignment */
tbf->ul_ass_state = GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_ASS_SEND_ASS;
@@ -227,22 +392,55 @@ uplink_request:
if (ul_control_block->u.Packet_Resource_Request.ID.UnionType) {
tlli = ul_control_block->u.Packet_Resource_Request.ID.u.TLLI;
tbf = tbf_by_tlli(tlli, GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF);
+ if (tbf) {
+ "TLLI=0x%08x while UL TBF=%d still "
+ "exists. Killing pending DL TBF\n",
+ tlli, tbf->tfi);
+ tbf_free(tbf);
+ tbf = NULL;
+ }
if (!tbf) {
- LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "PACKET RESSOURCE REQ unknown uplink TLLI=0x%08x\n", tlli);
+ uint8_t ms_class = 0;
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *dl_tbf;
+ if ((dl_tbf = tbf_by_tlli(tlli, GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_TBF))) {
+ "TLLI=0x%08x while DL TBF=%d still exists. "
+ "Killing pending DL TBF\n", tlli,
+ dl_tbf->tfi);
+ tbf_free(dl_tbf);
+ }
+ "in packet ressource request of single "
+ "block, so we provide one:\n");
+ if (ul_control_block->u.Packet_Resource_Request.Exist_MS_Radio_Access_capability)
+ ms_class = get_ms_class_by_capability(&ul_control_block->u.Packet_Resource_Request.MS_Radio_Access_capability);
+ if (!ms_class)
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "MS does not give us a class.\n");
+ tbf = alloc_ul_tbf(trx, ts, ms_class, tlli, 0, NULL);
+#warning FIXME TA!!!
+ if (!tbf)
+ break;
+ /* set control ts to current MS's TS, until assignment complete */
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "Change control TS to %d until assinment is complete.\n", ts);
+ tbf->control_ts = ts;
+ /* schedule uplink assignment */
+ tbf->ul_ass_state = GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_ASS_SEND_ASS;
tfi = tbf->tfi;
} else {
if (ul_control_block->u.Packet_Resource_Request.ID.u.Global_TFI.UnionType) {
tfi = ul_control_block->u.Packet_Resource_Request.ID.u.Global_TFI.u.DOWNLINK_TFI;
- tbf = tbf_by_tfi(tfi, GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_TBF);
+ tbf = tbf_by_tfi(tfi, trx, GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_TBF);
if (!tbf) {
} else {
tfi = ul_control_block->u.Packet_Resource_Request.ID.u.Global_TFI.u.UPLINK_TFI;
- tbf = tbf_by_tfi(tfi, GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF);
+ tbf = tbf_by_tfi(tfi, trx, GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF);
if (!tbf) {
@@ -250,16 +448,12 @@ uplink_request:
tlli = tbf->tlli;
- LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "RX: [PCU <- BTS] TFI: %u TLLI: 0x%08x Packet resource request\n", tbf->tfi, tbf->tlli);
-#warning FIXME
-puts("FIXME: UL request during UL request"); exit(0);
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_ERROR, "RX: [PCU <- BTS] %s TFI: %u TLLI: 0x%08x FIXME: Packet ressource request\n", (tbf->direction == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF) ? "UL" : "DL", tbf->tfi, tbf->tlli);
LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "RX: [PCU <- BTS] unknown control block received\n");
- free(ul_control_block);
+ talloc_free(ul_control_block);
return 1;
@@ -271,7 +465,8 @@ void tbf_timer_cb(void *_tbf)
struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf = (struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *)_tbf;
- LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "TBF=%d timer %u expired.\n", tbf->tfi,
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "%s TBF=%d timer %u expired.\n",
+ (tbf->direction == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF) ? "UL" : "DL", tbf->tfi,
@@ -279,22 +474,36 @@ void tbf_timer_cb(void *_tbf)
switch (tbf->T) {
case 1234:
- gprs_rlcmac_trigger_downlink_assignment(tbf, 0, debug_imsi);
+ gprs_rlcmac_trigger_downlink_assignment(tbf, NULL, debug_imsi);
case 0: /* assignment */
- /* change state to FLOW, so scheduler will start transmission */
- if (tbf->state == GPRS_RLCMAC_ASSIGN)
- tbf_new_state(tbf, GPRS_RLCMAC_FLOW);
- else
- LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_ERROR, "Error: TBF is not in assign "
- "state\n");
+ if ((tbf->state_flags & (1 << GPRS_RLCMAC_FLAG_PACCH))) {
+ if (tbf->state == GPRS_RLCMAC_ASSIGN) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "Releasing due to "
+ "PACCH assignment timeout.\n");
+ tbf_free(tbf);
+ } else
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_ERROR, "Error: TBF is not "
+ "in assign state\n");
+ }
+ if ((tbf->state_flags & (1 << GPRS_RLCMAC_FLAG_CCCH))) {
+ /* change state to FLOW, so scheduler will start transmission */
+ tbf->dir.dl.wait_confirm = 0;
+ if (tbf->state == GPRS_RLCMAC_ASSIGN) {
+ tbf_new_state(tbf, GPRS_RLCMAC_FLOW);
+ tbf_assign_control_ts(tbf);
+ } else
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "Continue flow after "
+ "IMM.ASS confirm\n");
+ }
case 3169:
case 3191:
case 3195:
LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "TBF T%d timeout during "
"transsmission\n", tbf->T);
+ gprs_rlcmac_diag(tbf);
/* fall through */
case 3193:
LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "TBF will be freed due to timeout\n");
@@ -495,8 +704,7 @@ static int gprs_rlcmac_assemble_llc(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf, uint8_t *data,
if (i != frames - 1) {
/* send frame to SGSN */
LOGP(DRLCMACUL, LOGL_INFO, "Complete UL frame for "
- "TBF=%d: %s\n", tbf->tfi,
- osmo_hexdump(tbf->llc_frame, tbf->llc_index));
+ "TBF=%d: len=%d\n", tbf->tfi, tbf->llc_index);
tbf->llc_index = 0; /* reset frame space */
/* also check if CV==0, because the frame may fill up the
@@ -507,8 +715,7 @@ static int gprs_rlcmac_assemble_llc(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf, uint8_t *data,
/* send frame to SGSN */
LOGP(DRLCMACUL, LOGL_INFO, "Complete UL frame for "
"TBF=%d that fits precisely in last block: "
- "%s\n", tbf->tfi,
- osmo_hexdump(tbf->llc_frame, tbf->llc_index));
+ "len=%d\n", tbf->tfi, tbf->llc_index);
tbf->llc_index = 0; /* reset frame space */
@@ -523,11 +730,18 @@ struct msgb *gprs_rlcmac_send_uplink_ack(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf,
int final = (tbf->state == GPRS_RLCMAC_FINISHED);
struct msgb *msg;
- if (final && tbf->poll_state != GPRS_RLCMAC_POLL_NONE) {
- LOGP(DRLCMACUL, LOGL_DEBUG, "Polling is already "
- "sheduled for TBF=%d, so we must wait for final uplink "
- "ack...\n", tbf->tfi);
+ if (final) {
+ if (tbf->poll_state != GPRS_RLCMAC_POLL_NONE) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMACUL, LOGL_DEBUG, "Polling is already "
+ "sheduled for TBF=%d, so we must wait for "
+ "final uplink ack...\n", tbf->tfi);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (sba_find(tbf->trx, tbf->control_ts, (fn + 13) % 2715648)) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMACUL, LOGL_DEBUG, "Polling is already "
+ "scheduled for single block allocation...\n");
return NULL;
+ }
msg = msgb_alloc(23, "rlcmac_ul_ack");
@@ -540,18 +754,23 @@ struct msgb *gprs_rlcmac_send_uplink_ack(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf,
- RlcMacDownlink_t * mac_control_block = (RlcMacDownlink_t *)malloc(sizeof(RlcMacDownlink_t));
+ RlcMacDownlink_t * mac_control_block = (RlcMacDownlink_t *)talloc_zero(tall_pcu_ctx, RlcMacDownlink_t);
write_packet_uplink_ack(mac_control_block, tbf, final);
encode_gsm_rlcmac_downlink(ack_vec, mac_control_block);
bitvec_pack(ack_vec, msgb_put(msg, 23));
- free(mac_control_block);
+ talloc_free(mac_control_block);
+ /* now we must set this flag, so we are allowed to assign downlink
+ * TBF on PACCH. it is only allowed when TLLI is aknowledged. */
+ tbf->dir.ul.contention_resolution_done = 1;
if (final) {
tbf->poll_state = GPRS_RLCMAC_POLL_SCHED;
tbf->poll_fn = (fn + 13) % 2715648;
/* waiting for final acknowledge */
tbf->ul_ack_state = GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_ACK_WAIT_ACK;
+ tbf->dir.ul.final_ack_sent = 1;
} else
tbf->ul_ack_state = GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_ACK_NONE;
@@ -562,7 +781,8 @@ struct msgb *gprs_rlcmac_send_uplink_ack(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf,
* The blocks are defragmented and forwarded as LLC frames, if complete.
-int gprs_rlcmac_rcv_data_block_acknowledged(uint8_t *data, uint8_t len)
+int gprs_rlcmac_rcv_data_block_acknowledged(uint8_t trx, uint8_t ts,
+ uint8_t *data, uint8_t len)
struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf;
@@ -592,24 +812,21 @@ int gprs_rlcmac_rcv_data_block_acknowledged(uint8_t *data, uint8_t len)
/* find TBF inst from given TFI */
- tbf = tbf_by_tfi(rh->tfi, GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF);
+ tbf = tbf_by_tfi(rh->tfi, trx, GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF);
if (!tbf) {
return 0;
- if (tbf->direction != GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF) {
- "tbf\n", rh->tfi);
- return 0;
- }
+ tbf->state_flags |= (1 << GPRS_RLCMAC_FLAG_UL_DATA);
LOGP(DRLCMACUL, LOGL_DEBUG, "UL DATA TBF=%d received (V(Q)=%d .. "
"V(R)=%d)\n", rh->tfi, tbf->dir.ul.v_q, tbf->dir.ul.v_r);
/* get TLLI */
if (!tbf->tlli_valid) {
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *dl_tbf;
/* no TLLI yet */
if (!rh->ti) {
@@ -625,6 +842,13 @@ int gprs_rlcmac_rcv_data_block_acknowledged(uint8_t *data, uint8_t len)
tbf->tlli_valid = 1;
LOGP(DRLCMACUL, LOGL_INFO, "Decoded premier TLLI=0x%08x of "
"UL DATA TBF=%d.\n", tbf->tlli, rh->tfi);
+ if ((dl_tbf = tbf_by_tlli(tbf->tlli, GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_TBF))) {
+ "TLLI=0x%08x while DL TBF=%d still exists. "
+ "Killing pending DL TBF\n", tbf->tlli,
+ dl_tbf->tfi);
+ tbf_free(dl_tbf);
+ }
/* already have TLLI, but we stille get another one */
} else if (rh->ti) {
uint32_t tlli;
@@ -718,9 +942,9 @@ int gprs_rlcmac_rcv_data_block_acknowledged(uint8_t *data, uint8_t len)
/* If TLLI is included or if we received half of the window, we send
* an ack/nack */
if (rh->si || rh->ti || tbf->state == GPRS_RLCMAC_FINISHED
- || (tbf->dir.ul.rx_counter % ACK_AFTER_FRAMES) == 0) {
+ || (tbf->dir.ul.rx_counter % SEND_ACK_AFTER_FRAMES) == 0) {
if (rh->si) {
- LOGP(DRLCMACUL, LOGL_DEBUG, "- Scheduling Ack/Nack, "
+ LOGP(DRLCMACUL, LOGL_NOTICE, "- Scheduling Ack/Nack, "
"because MS is stalled.\n");
if (rh->ti) {
@@ -731,10 +955,10 @@ int gprs_rlcmac_rcv_data_block_acknowledged(uint8_t *data, uint8_t len)
LOGP(DRLCMACUL, LOGL_DEBUG, "- Scheduling Ack/Nack, "
"because last block has CV==0.\n");
- if ((tbf->dir.ul.rx_counter % ACK_AFTER_FRAMES) == 0) {
+ if ((tbf->dir.ul.rx_counter % SEND_ACK_AFTER_FRAMES) == 0) {
LOGP(DRLCMACUL, LOGL_DEBUG, "- Scheduling Ack/Nack, "
"because %d frames received.\n",
if (tbf->ul_ack_state == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_ACK_NONE) {
/* trigger sending at next RTS */
@@ -752,15 +976,23 @@ int gprs_rlcmac_rcv_data_block_acknowledged(uint8_t *data, uint8_t len)
struct msgb *gprs_rlcmac_send_packet_uplink_assignment(
struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf, uint32_t fn)
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
struct msgb *msg;
struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *new_tbf;
if (tbf->poll_state != GPRS_RLCMAC_POLL_NONE) {
LOGP(DRLCMACUL, LOGL_DEBUG, "Polling is already "
"sheduled for TBF=%d, so we must wait for uplink "
"assignment...\n", tbf->tfi);
return NULL;
+ if (sba_find(tbf->trx, tbf->control_ts, (fn + 13) % 2715648)) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMACUL, LOGL_DEBUG, "Polling is already scheduled for "
+ "single block allocation...\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
/* on down TBF we get the uplink TBF to be assigned. */
if (tbf->direction == GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_TBF)
@@ -788,24 +1020,26 @@ struct msgb *gprs_rlcmac_send_packet_uplink_assignment(
write_packet_uplink_assignment(ass_vec, tbf->tfi,
- (tbf->direction == GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_TBF), 0, 0, new_tbf->tfi,
- new_tbf->dir.ul.usf, new_tbf->arfcn, new_tbf->ts, new_tbf->ta,
- new_tbf->tsc, POLLING_ASSIGNMENT);
+ (tbf->direction == GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_TBF), tbf->tlli,
+ tbf->tlli_valid, new_tbf, POLLING_ASSIGNMENT_UL, bts->alpha,
+ bts->gamma);
bitvec_pack(ass_vec, msgb_put(msg, 23));
- RlcMacDownlink_t * mac_control_block = (RlcMacDownlink_t *)malloc(sizeof(RlcMacDownlink_t));
+ RlcMacDownlink_t * mac_control_block = (RlcMacDownlink_t *)talloc_zero(tall_pcu_ctx, RlcMacDownlink_t);
LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "+++++++++++++++++++++++++ TX : Packet Uplink Assignment +++++++++++++++++++++++++\n");
decode_gsm_rlcmac_downlink(ass_vec, mac_control_block);
LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "------------------------- TX : Packet Uplink Assignment -------------------------\n");
+ talloc_free(mac_control_block);
- FIXME process does not work, also the acknowledgement is not checked.
tbf->poll_state = GPRS_RLCMAC_POLL_SCHED;
tbf->poll_fn = (fn + 13) % 2715648;
tbf->ul_ass_state = GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_ASS_WAIT_ACK;
tbf->ul_ass_state = GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_ASS_NONE;
+ tbf_new_state(new_tbf, GPRS_RLCMAC_FLOW);
+ tbf_assign_control_ts(new_tbf);
return msg;
@@ -816,39 +1050,76 @@ int gprs_rlcmac_rcv_rach(uint8_t ra, uint32_t Fn, int16_t qta)
struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf;
uint8_t trx, ts;
- int tfi, usf; /* must be signed */
+ int8_t tfi; /* must be signed */
+ uint8_t sb = 0;
+ uint32_t sb_fn = 0;
+ int rc;
+ uint8_t plen;
LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "MS requests UL TBF on RACH, so we provide "
- // Create new TBF
- tfi = tfi_alloc(&trx, &ts);
- if (tfi < 0) {
- /* FIXME: send reject */
- return -EBUSY;
- }
- usf = find_free_usf(trx, ts);
- if (usf < 0) {
- LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "No PDCH resource for USF\n");
- /* FIXME: send reject */
- return -EBUSY;
+ if ((ra & 0xf8) == 0x70) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "MS requests single block "
+ "allocation\n");
+ sb = 1;
+ } else if (bts->force_two_phase) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "MS requests single phase access, "
+ "but we force two phase access\n");
+ sb = 1;
- tbf = tbf_alloc(tfi, trx, ts);
if (qta < 0)
qta = 0;
if (qta > 252)
qta = 252;
- tbf->ta = qta >> 2;
- tbf->direction = GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF;
- tbf->dir.ul.usf = usf;
- tbf_new_state(tbf, GPRS_RLCMAC_FLOW);
- tbf_timer_start(tbf, 3169, bts->t3169, 0);
- LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "RX: [PCU <- BTS] TFI: %u RACH qbit-ta=%d ra=%d, Fn=%d (%d,%d,%d)\n", tbf->tfi, qta, ra, Fn, (Fn / (26 * 51)) % 32, Fn % 51, Fn % 26);
- LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_INFO, "TX: START TFI: %u Immediate Assignment Uplink (AGCH)\n", tbf->tfi);
+ if (sb) {
+ rc = sba_alloc(&trx, &ts, &sb_fn, qta >> 2);
+ if (rc < 0)
+ return rc;
+ "ra=0x%02x, Fn=%d (%d,%d,%d)\n", qta, ra, Fn,
+ (Fn / (26 * 51)) % 32, Fn % 51, Fn % 26);
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_INFO, "TX: Immediate Assignment Uplink "
+ "(AGCH)\n");
+ } else {
+ // Create new TBF
+ tfi = tfi_alloc(GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF, &trx, &ts, -1, -1);
+ if (tfi < 0) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "No PDCH ressource\n");
+ /* FIXME: send reject */
+ return -EBUSY;
+ }
+ /* set class to 0, since we don't know the multislot class yet */
+ tbf = tbf_alloc(NULL, GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF, tfi, trx, ts, 0, 1);
+ if (!tbf) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "No PDCH ressource\n");
+ /* FIXME: send reject */
+ return -EBUSY;
+ }
+ tbf->ta = qta >> 2;
+ tbf_new_state(tbf, GPRS_RLCMAC_FLOW);
+ tbf->state_flags |= (1 << GPRS_RLCMAC_FLAG_CCCH);
+ tbf_timer_start(tbf, 3169, bts->t3169, 0);
+ tbf->tfi);
+ "qbit-ta=%d ra=0x%02x, Fn=%d (%d,%d,%d)\n", tbf->tfi,
+ qta, ra, Fn, (Fn / (26 * 51)) % 32, Fn % 51, Fn % 26);
+ "Assignment Uplink (AGCH)\n", tbf->tfi);
+ }
bitvec *immediate_assignment = bitvec_alloc(22) /* without plen */;
- bitvec_unhex(immediate_assignment, "2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b");
- int plen = write_immediate_assignment(immediate_assignment, 0, ra, Fn, tbf->ta, tbf->arfcn, tbf->ts, tbf->tsc, tbf->tfi, usf, 0, 0, 0);
+ bitvec_unhex(immediate_assignment,
+ "2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b");
+ if (sb)
+ plen = write_immediate_assignment(immediate_assignment, 0, ra,
+ Fn, qta >> 2, bts->trx[trx].arfcn, ts,
+ bts->trx[trx].pdch[ts].tsc, 0, 0, 0, 0, sb_fn, 1,
+ bts->alpha, bts->gamma);
+ else
+ plen = write_immediate_assignment(immediate_assignment, 0, ra,
+ Fn, tbf->ta, tbf->arfcn, tbf->first_ts, tbf->tsc,
+ tbf->tfi, tbf->dir.ul.usf[tbf->first_ts], 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ bts->alpha, bts->gamma);
pcu_l1if_tx_agch(immediate_assignment, plen);
@@ -860,12 +1131,72 @@ int gprs_rlcmac_rcv_rach(uint8_t ra, uint32_t Fn, int16_t qta)
* DL data block flow
+static struct msgb *llc_dequeue(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf)
+ struct msgb *msg;
+ struct timeval *tv, tv_now;
+ uint32_t octets = 0, frames = 0;
+ gettimeofday(&tv_now, NULL);
+ while ((msg = msgb_dequeue(&tbf->llc_queue))) {
+ tv = (struct timeval *)msg->data;
+ msgb_pull(msg, sizeof(*tv));
+ if (tv->tv_sec /* not infinite */
+ && (tv_now.tv_sec > tv->tv_sec /* and secs expired */
+ || (tv_now.tv_sec == tv->tv_sec /* .. or if secs equal .. */
+ && tv_now.tv_usec > tv->tv_usec))) { /* .. usecs expired */
+ "DL TBF=%d, because lifetime limit reached\n",
+ tbf->tfi);
+ frames++;
+ octets += msg->len;
+ msgb_free(msg);
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (frames) {
+ if (frames > 0xff)
+ frames = 0xff;
+ if (octets > 0xffffff)
+ octets = 0xffffff;
+ bssgp_tx_llc_discarded(bctx, tbf->tlli, frames, octets);
+ }
+ return msg;
+static int gprs_rlcmac_debug_bw(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf, uint16_t octets)
+ struct timeval now_tv, *bw_tv = &tbf->bw_tv;
+ uint32_t elapsed;
+ tbf->bw_octets += octets;
+ gettimeofday(&now_tv, NULL);
+ elapsed = ((now_tv.tv_sec - bw_tv->tv_sec) << 7)
+ + ((now_tv.tv_usec - bw_tv->tv_usec) << 7) / 1000000;
+ if (elapsed < 128)
+ return 0;
+ LOGP(DRLCMACBW, LOGL_DEBUG, "DL Bandwitdh of TLLI=0x%08x: %d KBits/s\n",
+ tbf->tlli, tbf->bw_octets / elapsed);
+ /* reset bandwidth values timestamp */
+ memcpy(bw_tv, &now_tv, sizeof(struct timeval));
+ tbf->bw_octets = 0;
+ return 0;
/* send DL data block
* The messages are fragmented and forwarded as data blocks.
struct msgb *gprs_rlcmac_send_data_block_acknowledged(
- struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf, uint32_t fn)
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf, uint32_t fn, uint8_t ts)
struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
struct rlc_dl_header *rh;
@@ -880,6 +1211,7 @@ struct msgb *gprs_rlcmac_send_data_block_acknowledged(
uint8_t *delimiter, *data, *e_pointer;
uint8_t len;
uint16_t space, chunk;
+ int first_fin_ack;
LOGP(DRLCMACDL, LOGL_DEBUG, "DL DATA TBF=%d downlink (V(A)==%d .. "
"V(S)==%d)\n", tbf->tfi, tbf->dir.dl.v_a, tbf->dir.dl.v_s);
@@ -910,7 +1242,7 @@ do_resend:
"because all blocks have been transmitted.\n",
- LOGP(DRLCMACDL, LOGL_DEBUG, "- Restarting at BSN %d, "
+ LOGP(DRLCMACDL, LOGL_NOTICE, "- Restarting at BSN %d, "
"because all window is stalled.\n",
/* If V(S) == V(A) and finished state, we would have received
@@ -920,9 +1252,8 @@ do_resend:
* indication from MS. This should never happen if MS works
* correctly. */
if (tbf->dir.dl.v_s == tbf->dir.dl.v_a) {
- LOGP(DRLCMACDL, LOGL_ERROR, "- MS acked all block "
- "(including final block), but did not include "
+ LOGP(DRLCMACDL, LOGL_ERROR, "- MS acked all block, "
+ "but we still transmitting!\n");
/* we just send final block again */
index = ((tbf->dir.dl.v_s - 1) & mod_sns_half);
goto tx_block;
@@ -957,23 +1288,13 @@ do_resend:
/* now we still have untransmitted LLC data, so we fill mac block */
index = tbf->dir.dl.v_s & mod_sns_half;
data = tbf->rlc_block[index];
- switch (bts->initial_cs) {
- case 2: /* CS-2 */
- block_length = 34;
- block_data = 33;
- break;
- case 3: /* CS-3 */
- block_length = 40;
- block_data = 39;
- break;
- case 4: /* CS-4 */
- block_length = 54;
- block_data = 53;
- break;
- default: /* CS-1 */
- block_length = 23;
- block_data = 23;
+ if (tbf->cs == 0) {
+ tbf->cs = bts->initial_cs_dl;
+ if (tbf->cs < 1 || tbf->cs > 4)
+ tbf->cs = 1;
+ block_length = gprs_rlcmac_cs[tbf->cs].block_length;
+ block_data = gprs_rlcmac_cs[tbf->cs].block_data;
memset(data, 0x2b, block_data); /* spare bits will be left 0 */
rh = (struct rlc_dl_header *)data;
rh->pt = 0; /* Data Block */
@@ -1013,8 +1334,8 @@ do_resend:
"header, and we are done\n", chunk, space);
LOGP(DRLCMACDL, LOGL_INFO, "Complete DL frame for "
"TBF=%d that fits precisely in last block: "
- "%s\n", tbf->tfi,
- osmo_hexdump(tbf->llc_frame, tbf->llc_length));
+ "len=%d\n", tbf->tfi, tbf->llc_length);
+ gprs_rlcmac_debug_bw(tbf, tbf->llc_length);
/* block is filled, so there is no extension */
*e_pointer |= 0x01;
/* fill space */
@@ -1072,13 +1393,13 @@ do_resend:
memcpy(data, tbf->llc_frame + tbf->llc_index, chunk);
data += chunk;
space -= chunk;
- LOGP(DRLCMACDL, LOGL_INFO, "Complete DL frame for TBF=%d: %s\n",
- tbf->tfi,
- osmo_hexdump(tbf->llc_frame, tbf->llc_length));
+ LOGP(DRLCMACDL, LOGL_INFO, "Complete DL frame for TBF=%d: "
+ "len=%d\n", tbf->tfi, tbf->llc_length);
+ gprs_rlcmac_debug_bw(tbf, tbf->llc_length);
/* reset LLC frame */
tbf->llc_index = tbf->llc_length = 0;
/* dequeue next LLC frame, if any */
- msg = msgb_dequeue(&tbf->llc_queue);
+ msg = llc_dequeue(tbf);
if (msg) {
LOGP(DRLCMACDL, LOGL_INFO, "- Dequeue next LLC for "
"TBF=%d (len=%d)\n", tbf->tfi, msg->len);
@@ -1097,6 +1418,8 @@ do_resend:
li->e = 1; /* we cannot extend */
rh->fbi = 1; /* we indicate final block */
+ first_fin_ack = 1;
+ /* + 1 indicates: first final ack */
tbf_new_state(tbf, GPRS_RLCMAC_FINISHED);
@@ -1121,28 +1444,37 @@ tx_block:
len = tbf->rlc_block_len[index];
rh = (struct rlc_dl_header *)data;
- /* Increment TX-counter */
- tbf->dir.dl.tx_counter++;
/* Clear Polling, if still set in history buffer */
rh->s_p = 0;
- /* poll after ACK_AFTER_FRAMES frames, or when final block is tx. */
- if (rh->fbi == 1 || (tbf->dir.dl.tx_counter % ACK_AFTER_FRAMES) == 0) {
- if (rh->fbi == 1) {
+ /* poll after POLL_ACK_AFTER_FRAMES frames, or when final block is tx.
+ */
+ if (tbf->dir.dl.tx_counter >= POLL_ACK_AFTER_FRAMES || first_fin_ack) {
+ if (first_fin_ack) {
LOGP(DRLCMACDL, LOGL_DEBUG, "- Scheduling Ack/Nack "
- "polling, because final block sent.\n");
- }
- if ((tbf->dir.dl.tx_counter % ACK_AFTER_FRAMES) == 0) {
+ "polling, because first final block sent.\n");
+ } else {
LOGP(DRLCMACDL, LOGL_DEBUG, "- Scheduling Ack/Nack "
"polling, because %d blocks sent.\n",
+ /* scheduling not possible, because: */
if (tbf->poll_state != GPRS_RLCMAC_POLL_NONE)
- LOGP(DRLCMACDL, LOGL_DEBUG, "Polling is already "
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "Polling is already "
"sheduled for TBF=%d, so we must wait for "
"requesting downlink ack\n", tbf->tfi);
+ else if (tbf->control_ts != ts)
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "Polling cannot be "
+ "sheduled in this TS %d, waiting for "
+ "TS %d\n", ts, tbf->control_ts);
+ else if (sba_find(tbf->trx, ts, (fn + 13) % 2715648))
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "Polling cannot be "
+ "sheduled, because single block alllocation "
+ "already exists\n");
else {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "Polling sheduled in this "
+ "TS %d\n", ts);
+ tbf->dir.dl.tx_counter = 0;
/* start timer whenever we send the final block */
if (rh->fbi == 1)
tbf_timer_start(tbf, 3191, bts->t3191, 0);
@@ -1154,7 +1486,13 @@ tx_block:
/* set polling in header */
rh->rrbp = 0; /* N+13 */
rh->s_p = 1; /* Polling */
+ /* Increment TX-counter */
+ tbf->dir.dl.tx_counter++;
+ } else {
+ /* Increment TX-counter */
+ tbf->dir.dl.tx_counter++;
/* return data block as message */
@@ -1189,8 +1527,8 @@ int gprs_rlcmac_downlink_ack(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf, uint8_t final,
show_rbb[64] = '\0';
LOGP(DRLCMACDL, LOGL_DEBUG, "- ack: (BSN=%d)\"%s\""
- "(BSN=%d) 1=ACK o=NACK\n", ssn - 64, show_rbb,
- ssn - 1);
+ "(BSN=%d) 1=ACK o=NACK\n", (ssn - 64) & mod_sns,
+ show_rbb, (ssn - 1) & mod_sns);
/* apply received array to receive state (SSN-64..SSN-1) */
/* calculate distance of ssn from V(S) */
@@ -1215,8 +1553,15 @@ int gprs_rlcmac_downlink_ack(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf, uint8_t final,
} else {
- LOGP(DRLCMACDL, LOGL_DEBUG, "- ack range is out of "
- "V(A)..V(S) range\n");
+ /* this might happpen, if the downlink assignment
+ * was not received by ms and the ack refers
+ * to previous TBF
+ * FIXME: we should implement polling for
+ * control ack!*/
+ LOGP(DRLCMACDL, LOGL_NOTICE, "- ack range is out of "
+ "V(A)..V(S) range (DL TBF=%d) Free TFB!\n",
+ tbf->tfi);
+ return 1; /* indicate to free TBF */
/* raise V(A), if possible */
@@ -1244,13 +1589,17 @@ int gprs_rlcmac_downlink_ack(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf, uint8_t final,
"X=Resend-Unacked\n", tbf->dir.dl.v_a, show_v_b,
(tbf->dir.dl.v_s - 1) & mod_sns);
- return 0;
- }
- LOGP(DRLCMACDL, LOGL_DEBUG, "- Final ACK received.\n");
+ if (tbf->state == GPRS_RLCMAC_FINISHED
+ && tbf->dir.dl.v_s == tbf->dir.dl.v_a) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMACDL, LOGL_NOTICE, "Received final block, "
+ "but without final ack inidcation\n");
+ } else
+ return 0;
+ } else
+ LOGP(DRLCMACDL, LOGL_DEBUG, "- Final ACK received.\n");
/* check for LLC PDU in the LLC Queue */
- msg = msgb_dequeue(&tbf->llc_queue);
+ msg = llc_dequeue(tbf);
if (!msg) {
struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
@@ -1259,7 +1608,7 @@ int gprs_rlcmac_downlink_ack(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf, uint8_t final,
/* start T3193 */
tbf_timer_start(tbf, 3193, bts->t3193_msec / 1000,
- bts->t3193_msec & 1000);
+ (bts->t3193_msec % 1000) * 1000);
tbf_new_state(tbf, GPRS_RLCMAC_WAIT_RELEASE);
return 0;
@@ -1274,7 +1623,10 @@ int gprs_rlcmac_downlink_ack(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf, uint8_t final,
LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "Trigger dowlink assignment on PACCH, "
"because another LLC PDU has arrived in between\n");
memset(&tbf->dir.dl, 0, sizeof(tbf->dir.dl)); /* reset RLC states */
- gprs_rlcmac_trigger_downlink_assignment(tbf, 1, NULL);
+ tbf->state_flags &= GPRS_RLCMAC_FLAG_TO_MASK; /* keep TO flags */
+ tbf->state_flags &= ~(1 << GPRS_RLCMAC_FLAG_CCCH);
+ tbf_update(tbf);
+ gprs_rlcmac_trigger_downlink_assignment(tbf, tbf, NULL);
return 0;
@@ -1283,20 +1635,43 @@ int gprs_rlcmac_downlink_ack(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf, uint8_t final,
struct msgb *gprs_rlcmac_send_packet_downlink_assignment(
struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf, uint32_t fn)
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
struct msgb *msg;
struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *new_tbf;
+ int poll_ass_dl = POLLING_ASSIGNMENT_DL;
- if (tbf->poll_state != GPRS_RLCMAC_POLL_NONE) {
- LOGP(DRLCMACDL, LOGL_DEBUG, "Polling is already "
- "sheduled for TBF=%d, so we must wait for downlink "
- "assignment...\n", tbf->tfi);
+ if (poll_ass_dl && tbf->direction == GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_TBF
+ && tbf->control_ts != tbf->first_common_ts) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_NOTICE, "Cannot poll for downlink "
+ "assigment, because MS cannot reply.\n");
+ poll_ass_dl = 0;
+ }
+ if (poll_ass_dl) {
+ if (tbf->poll_state != GPRS_RLCMAC_POLL_NONE) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "Polling is already sheduled "
+ "for TBF=%d, so we must wait for downlink "
+ "assignment...\n", tbf->tfi);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (sba_find(tbf->trx, tbf->control_ts, (fn + 13) % 2715648)) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMACUL, LOGL_DEBUG, "Polling is already "
+ "scheduled for single block allocation...\n");
return NULL;
+ }
/* on uplink TBF we get the downlink TBF to be assigned. */
- if (tbf->direction == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF)
+ if (tbf->direction == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF) {
+ /* be sure to check first, if contention resolution is done,
+ * otherwise we cannot send the assignment yet */
+ if (!tbf->dir.ul.contention_resolution_done) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "Cannot assign DL TBF now, "
+ "because contention resolution is not "
+ "finished.\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
new_tbf = tbf_by_tlli(tbf->tlli, GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_TBF);
- else
+ } else
new_tbf = tbf;
if (!new_tbf) {
LOGP(DRLCMACDL, LOGL_ERROR, "We have a schedule for downlink "
@@ -1317,26 +1692,30 @@ struct msgb *gprs_rlcmac_send_packet_downlink_assignment(
LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_INFO, "TBF: START TFI: %u TLLI: 0x%08x Packet Downlink Assignment (PACCH)\n", new_tbf->tfi, new_tbf->tlli);
- RlcMacDownlink_t * mac_control_block = (RlcMacDownlink_t *)malloc(sizeof(RlcMacDownlink_t));
+ RlcMacDownlink_t * mac_control_block = (RlcMacDownlink_t *)talloc_zero(tall_pcu_ctx, RlcMacDownlink_t);
write_packet_downlink_assignment(mac_control_block, tbf->tfi,
- (tbf->direction == GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_TBF), new_tbf->tfi,
- new_tbf->arfcn, new_tbf->ts, new_tbf->ta, new_tbf->tsc,
+ (tbf->direction == GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_TBF), new_tbf,
+ poll_ass_dl, bts->alpha, bts->gamma);
LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "+++++++++++++++++++++++++ TX : Packet Downlink Assignment +++++++++++++++++++++++++\n");
encode_gsm_rlcmac_downlink(ass_vec, mac_control_block);
LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "------------------------- TX : Packet Downlink Assignment -------------------------\n");
bitvec_pack(ass_vec, msgb_put(msg, 23));
- free(mac_control_block);
+ talloc_free(mac_control_block);
- tbf->poll_state = GPRS_RLCMAC_POLL_SCHED;
- tbf->poll_fn = (fn + 13) % 2715648;
- tbf->dl_ass_state = GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_ASS_WAIT_ACK;
- tbf->dl_ass_state = GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_ASS_NONE;
+ if (poll_ass_dl) {
+ tbf->poll_state = GPRS_RLCMAC_POLL_SCHED;
+ tbf->poll_fn = (fn + 13) % 2715648;
+ tbf->dl_ass_state = GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_ASS_WAIT_ACK;
+ } else {
+ tbf->dl_ass_state = GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_ASS_NONE;
+ tbf_new_state(new_tbf, GPRS_RLCMAC_FLOW);
+ tbf_assign_control_ts(new_tbf);
+ /* stop pending assignment timer */
+ tbf_timer_stop(new_tbf);
+ }
return msg;
@@ -1344,22 +1723,26 @@ struct msgb *gprs_rlcmac_send_packet_downlink_assignment(
static void gprs_rlcmac_downlink_assignment(gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf, uint8_t poll,
char *imsi)
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
+ int plen;
LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_INFO, "TX: START TFI: %u TLLI: 0x%08x Immediate Assignment Downlink (PCH)\n", tbf->tfi, tbf->tlli);
bitvec *immediate_assignment = bitvec_alloc(22); /* without plen */
bitvec_unhex(immediate_assignment, "2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b");
/* use request reference that has maximum distance to current time,
* so the assignment will not conflict with possible RACH requests. */
- int plen = write_immediate_assignment(immediate_assignment, 1, 125, (tbf->pdch->last_rts_fn + 21216) % 2715648, tbf->ta, tbf->arfcn, tbf->ts, tbf->tsc, tbf->tfi, 0, tbf->tlli, poll, tbf->poll_fn);
+ plen = write_immediate_assignment(immediate_assignment, 1, 125,
+ (tbf->pdch[tbf->first_ts]->last_rts_fn + 21216) % 2715648, tbf->ta,
+ tbf->arfcn, tbf->first_ts, tbf->tsc, tbf->tfi, 0, tbf->tlli, poll,
+ tbf->poll_fn, 0, bts->alpha, bts->gamma);
pcu_l1if_tx_pch(immediate_assignment, plen, imsi);
/* depending on the current TBF, we assign on PACCH or AGCH */
-void gprs_rlcmac_trigger_downlink_assignment(gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf,
- uint8_t old_downlink, char *imsi)
+void gprs_rlcmac_trigger_downlink_assignment(struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf,
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *old_tbf, char *imsi)
- gprs_rlcmac_tbf *old_tbf;
strncpy(debug_imsi, imsi);
@@ -1369,10 +1752,6 @@ void gprs_rlcmac_trigger_downlink_assignment(gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf,
/* check for downlink tbf: */
- if (old_downlink)
- old_tbf = tbf_by_tlli(tbf->tlli, GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_TBF);
- else
- old_tbf = tbf_by_tlli(tbf->tlli, GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF);
if (old_tbf) {
LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_ERROR, "We must wait for current TBF to be "
@@ -1381,14 +1760,15 @@ void gprs_rlcmac_trigger_downlink_assignment(gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf,
tbf_timer_start(tbf, 1234, 1,0);
LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "Send dowlink assignment on "
- "PACCH, because %slink TBF=%d exists for TLLI=0x%08x\n",
- (tbf->direction == GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_TBF) ? "down" : "up",
- old_tbf->tfi, old_tbf->tlli);
+ "PACCH, because %s TBF=%d exists for TLLI=0x%08x\n",
+ (old_tbf->direction == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF)
+ ? "UL" : "DL", old_tbf->tfi, old_tbf->tlli);
old_tbf->dl_ass_state = GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_ASS_SEND_ASS;
/* use TA from old TBF */
tbf->ta = old_tbf->ta;
/* change state */
tbf_new_state(tbf, GPRS_RLCMAC_ASSIGN);
+ tbf->state_flags |= (1 << GPRS_RLCMAC_FLAG_PACCH);
/* start timer */
tbf_timer_start(tbf, 0, Tassign_pacch);
@@ -1398,12 +1778,53 @@ void gprs_rlcmac_trigger_downlink_assignment(gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf,
- /* send immediate assignment */
- gprs_rlcmac_downlink_assignment(tbf, 0, imsi);
/* change state */
tbf_new_state(tbf, GPRS_RLCMAC_ASSIGN);
- /* start timer */
+ tbf->state_flags |= (1 << GPRS_RLCMAC_FLAG_CCCH);
+ strncpy(tbf->dir.dl.imsi, imsi, sizeof(tbf->dir.dl.imsi));
+ /* send immediate assignment */
+ gprs_rlcmac_downlink_assignment(tbf, 0, imsi);
+ tbf->dir.dl.wait_confirm = 1;
+ }
+int gprs_rlcmac_imm_ass_cnf(uint8_t *data, uint32_t fn)
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf;
+ uint8_t plen;
+ uint32_t tlli;
+ /* move to IA Rest Octets */
+ plen = data[0] >> 2;
+ data += 1 + plen;
+ if ((*data & 0xf0) != 0xd0) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_ERROR, "Got IMM.ASS confirm, but rest "
+ "octets do not start with bit sequence 'HH01' "
+ "(Packet Downlink Assignment)\n");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ /* get TLLI from downlink assignment */
+ tlli = (*data++) << 28;
+ tlli |= (*data++) << 20;
+ tlli |= (*data++) << 12;
+ tlli |= (*data++) << 4;
+ tlli |= (*data++) >> 4;
+ tbf = tbf_by_tlli(tlli, GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_TBF);
+ if (!tbf) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_ERROR, "Got IMM.ASS confirm, but TLLI=%08x "
+ "does not exit\n", tlli);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ LOGP(DRLCMAC, LOGL_DEBUG, "Got IMM.ASS confirm for TLLI=%08x\n", tlli);
+ if (tbf->dir.dl.wait_confirm) {
tbf_timer_start(tbf, 0, Tassign_agch);
- }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/gprs_rlcmac_sched.cpp b/src/gprs_rlcmac_sched.cpp
index 7f90c2a4..f588c47d 100644
--- a/src/gprs_rlcmac_sched.cpp
+++ b/src/gprs_rlcmac_sched.cpp
@@ -21,8 +21,189 @@
#include <gprs_rlcmac.h>
#include <pcu_l1_if.h>
-extern struct llist_head block_queue;
+uint32_t sched_poll(uint8_t trx, uint8_t ts, uint32_t fn, uint8_t block_nr,
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf **poll_tbf,
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf **ul_ass_tbf,
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf **dl_ass_tbf,
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf **ul_ack_tbf)
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf;
+ uint32_t poll_fn;
+ /* check special TBF for events */
+ poll_fn = fn + 4;
+ if ((block_nr % 3) == 2)
+ poll_fn ++;
+ poll_fn = poll_fn % 2715648;
+ llist_for_each_entry(tbf, &gprs_rlcmac_ul_tbfs, list) {
+ /* this trx, this ts */
+ if (tbf->trx != trx || tbf->control_ts != ts)
+ continue;
+ /* polling for next uplink block */
+ if (tbf->poll_state == GPRS_RLCMAC_POLL_SCHED
+ && tbf->poll_fn == poll_fn)
+ *poll_tbf = tbf;
+ if (tbf->ul_ack_state == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_ACK_SEND_ACK)
+ *ul_ack_tbf = tbf;
+ if (tbf->dl_ass_state == GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_ASS_SEND_ASS)
+ *dl_ass_tbf = tbf;
+ if (tbf->ul_ass_state == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_ASS_SEND_ASS)
+ *ul_ass_tbf = tbf;
+ }
+ llist_for_each_entry(tbf, &gprs_rlcmac_dl_tbfs, list) {
+ /* this trx, this ts */
+ if (tbf->trx != trx || tbf->control_ts != ts)
+ continue;
+ /* polling for next uplink block */
+ if (tbf->poll_state == GPRS_RLCMAC_POLL_SCHED
+ && tbf->poll_fn == poll_fn)
+ *poll_tbf = tbf;
+ if (tbf->dl_ass_state == GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_ASS_SEND_ASS)
+ *dl_ass_tbf = tbf;
+ if (tbf->ul_ass_state == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_ASS_SEND_ASS)
+ *ul_ass_tbf = tbf;
+ }
+ return poll_fn;
+uint32_t sched_sba(uint8_t trx, uint8_t ts, uint32_t fn, uint8_t block_nr)
+ uint32_t sba_fn;
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_sba *sba;
+ /* check special TBF for events */
+ sba_fn = fn + 4;
+ if ((block_nr % 3) == 2)
+ sba_fn ++;
+ sba_fn = sba_fn % 2715648;
+ sba = sba_find(trx, ts, sba_fn);
+ if (sba) {
+ llist_del(&sba->list);
+ talloc_free(sba);
+ return sba_fn;
+ }
+ return 0xffffffff;
+uint8_t sched_select_uplink(uint8_t trx, uint8_t ts, uint32_t fn,
+ uint8_t block_nr, struct gprs_rlcmac_pdch *pdch)
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf;
+ uint8_t usf = 0x07;
+ uint8_t i, tfi;
+ /* select uplink ressource */
+ for (i = 0, tfi = pdch->next_ul_tfi; i < 32;
+ i++, tfi = (tfi + 1) & 31) {
+ tbf = pdch->ul_tbf[tfi];
+ /* no TBF for this tfi, go next */
+ if (!tbf)
+ continue;
+ /* no UL ressources needed, go next */
+ /* we don't need to give ressources in FINISHED state,
+ * because we have received all blocks and only poll
+ * for packet control ack. */
+ if (tbf->state != GPRS_RLCMAC_FLOW)
+ continue;
+ /* use this USF */
+ usf = tbf->dir.ul.usf[ts];
+ "TS=%d FN=%d block_nr=%d scheduling USF=%d for "
+ "required uplink ressource of UL TBF=%d\n", trx, ts, fn,
+ block_nr, usf, tfi);
+ /* next TBF to handle ressource is the next one */
+ pdch->next_ul_tfi = (tfi + 1) & 31;
+ break;
+ }
+ return usf;
+struct msgb *sched_select_ctrl_msg(uint8_t trx, uint8_t ts, uint32_t fn,
+ uint8_t block_nr, struct gprs_rlcmac_pdch *pdch,
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *ul_ass_tbf,
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *dl_ass_tbf,
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *ul_ack_tbf)
+ struct msgb *msg = NULL;
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf = NULL;
+ /* schedule PACKET UPLINK ASSIGNMENT (1st priority) */
+ if (ul_ass_tbf) {
+ tbf = ul_ass_tbf;
+ msg = gprs_rlcmac_send_packet_uplink_assignment(tbf, fn);
+ }
+ /* schedule PACKET DOWNLINK ASSIGNMENT (2nd priotiry) */
+ if (!msg && dl_ass_tbf) {
+ tbf = dl_ass_tbf;
+ msg = gprs_rlcmac_send_packet_downlink_assignment(tbf, fn);
+ }
+ /* schedule PACKET UPLINK ACK (3rd priority) */
+ if (!msg && ul_ack_tbf) {
+ tbf = ul_ack_tbf;
+ msg = gprs_rlcmac_send_uplink_ack(tbf, fn);
+ }
+ /* any message */
+ if (msg) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMACSCHED, LOGL_DEBUG, "Scheduling control "
+ "message at RTS for %s TBF=%d (TRX=%d, TS=%d)\n",
+ (tbf->direction == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF)
+ ? "UL" : "DL", tbf->tfi, trx, ts);
+ return msg;
+ }
+ /* schedule PACKET PAGING REQUEST */
+ if (!llist_empty(&pdch->paging_list))
+ msg = gprs_rlcmac_send_packet_paging_request(pdch);
+ if (msg) {
+ LOGP(DRLCMACSCHED, LOGL_DEBUG, "Scheduling paging request "
+ "message at RTS for (TRX=%d, TS=%d)\n", trx, ts);
+ return msg;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+struct msgb *sched_select_downlink(uint8_t trx, uint8_t ts, uint32_t fn,
+ uint8_t block_nr, struct gprs_rlcmac_pdch *pdch)
+ struct msgb *msg = NULL;
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf = NULL;
+ uint8_t i, tfi;
+ /* select downlink ressource */
+ for (i = 0, tfi = pdch->next_dl_tfi; i < 32;
+ i++, tfi = (tfi + 1) & 31) {
+ tbf = pdch->dl_tbf[tfi];
+ /* no TBF for this tfi, go next */
+ if (!tbf)
+ continue;
+ /* no DL TBF, go next */
+ if (tbf->direction != GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_TBF)
+ continue;
+ /* no DL ressources needed, go next */
+ if (tbf->state != GPRS_RLCMAC_FLOW
+ && tbf->state != GPRS_RLCMAC_FINISHED)
+ continue;
+ /* waiting for CCCH IMM.ASS confirm */
+ if (tbf->dir.dl.wait_confirm)
+ continue;
+ LOGP(DRLCMACSCHED, LOGL_DEBUG, "Scheduling data message at "
+ "RTS for DL TBF=%d (TRX=%d, TS=%d)\n", tfi, trx, ts);
+ /* next TBF to handle ressource is the next one */
+ pdch->next_dl_tfi = (tfi + 1) & 31;
+ /* generate DL data block */
+ msg = gprs_rlcmac_send_data_block_acknowledged(tbf, fn,
+ ts);
+ break;
+ }
+ return msg;
static uint8_t rlcmac_dl_idle[23] = {
0x47, /* control without optional header octets, no polling, USF=111 */
0x94, /* dummy downlink control message, paging mode 00 */
@@ -31,16 +212,28 @@ static uint8_t rlcmac_dl_idle[23] = {
0x2b, 0x2b, 0x2b, 0x2b, 0x2b, 0x2b, 0x2b, 0x2b, 0x2b, 0x2b
+struct msgb *sched_dummy(void)
+ struct msgb *msg;
+ msg = msgb_alloc(23, "rlcmac_dl_idle");
+ if (!msg)
+ return NULL;
+ memcpy(msgb_put(msg, 23), rlcmac_dl_idle, 23);
+ return msg;
int gprs_rlcmac_rcv_rts_block(uint8_t trx, uint8_t ts, uint16_t arfcn,
uint32_t fn, uint8_t block_nr)
struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
struct gprs_rlcmac_pdch *pdch;
- struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf;
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *poll_tbf = NULL, *dl_ass_tbf = NULL,
+ *ul_ass_tbf = NULL, *ul_ack_tbf = NULL;
uint8_t usf = 0x7;
struct msgb *msg = NULL;
- uint32_t poll_fn;
- uint8_t i, tfi;
+ uint32_t poll_fn, sba_fn;
if (trx >= 8 || ts >= 8)
return -EINVAL;
@@ -55,128 +248,47 @@ int gprs_rlcmac_rcv_rts_block(uint8_t trx, uint8_t ts, uint16_t arfcn,
/* store last frame number of RTS */
pdch->last_rts_fn = fn;
- /* check uplink resource for polling */
- poll_fn = fn + 4;
- if ((block_nr % 3) == 2)
- poll_fn ++;
- poll_fn = poll_fn % 2715648;
- for (tfi = 0; tfi < 32; tfi++) {
- tbf = pdch->tbf[tfi];
- /* no TBF for this tfi, go next */
- if (!tbf)
- continue;
- /* no polling */
- if (tbf->poll_state != GPRS_RLCMAC_POLL_SCHED)
- continue;
- /* polling for next uplink block */
- if (tbf->poll_fn == poll_fn)
- break;
- }
- /* found uplink where a block is polled */
- if (tfi < 32) {
+ poll_fn = sched_poll(trx, ts, fn, block_nr, &poll_tbf, &ul_ass_tbf,
+ &dl_ass_tbf, &ul_ack_tbf);
+ /* check uplink ressource for polling */
+ if (poll_tbf)
"TS=%d FN=%d block_nr=%d scheduling free USF for "
- "polling at FN=%d of TFI=%d\n", trx, ts, fn, block_nr,
- poll_fn, tfi);
+ "polling at FN=%d of %s TFI=%d\n", trx, ts, fn,
+ block_nr, poll_fn,
+ (poll_tbf->direction == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF)
+ ? "UL" : "DL", poll_tbf->tfi);
/* use free USF */
- /* else, we search for uplink resource */
- } else {
- /* select uplink resource */
- for (i = 0, tfi = pdch->next_ul_tfi; i < 32;
- i++, tfi = (tfi + 1) & 31) {
- tbf = pdch->tbf[tfi];
- /* no TBF for this tfi, go next */
- if (!tbf)
- continue;
- /* no UL TBF, go next */
- if (tbf->direction != GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_TBF)
- continue;
- /* no UL resources needed, go next */
- /* we don't need to give resources in FINISHED state,
- * because we have received all blocks and only poll
- * for packet control ack. */
- if (tbf->state != GPRS_RLCMAC_FLOW)
- continue;
- /* use this USF */
- usf = tbf->dir.ul.usf;
- "TRX=%d TS=%d FN=%d block_nr=%d scheduling "
- "USF=%d for required uplink resource of "
- "TBF=%d\n", trx, ts, fn, block_nr, usf, tfi);
- /* next TBF to handle resource is the next one */
- pdch->next_ul_tfi = (tfi + 1) & 31;
- break;
- }
- }
+ /* else. check for sba */
+ else if ((sba_fn = sched_sba(trx, ts, fn, block_nr) != 0xffffffff))
+ "TS=%d FN=%d block_nr=%d scheduling free USF for "
+ "single block allocation at FN=%d\n", trx, ts, fn,
+ block_nr, sba_fn);
+ /* use free USF */
+ /* else, we search for uplink ressource */
+ else
+ usf = sched_select_uplink(trx, ts, fn, block_nr, pdch);
/* Prio 1: select control message */
- for (tfi = 0; tfi < 32; tfi++) {
- tbf = pdch->tbf[tfi];
- /* no TBF for this tfi, go next */
- if (!tbf)
- continue;
- if (tbf->dl_ass_state == GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_ASS_SEND_ASS)
- msg = gprs_rlcmac_send_packet_downlink_assignment(tbf,
- fn);
- else
- if (tbf->ul_ass_state == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_ASS_SEND_ASS)
- msg = gprs_rlcmac_send_packet_uplink_assignment(tbf,
- fn);
- else
- /* schedule PACKET UPLINK ACK */
- if (tbf->ul_ack_state == GPRS_RLCMAC_UL_ACK_SEND_ACK)
- msg = gprs_rlcmac_send_uplink_ack(tbf, fn);
- if (msg) {
- LOGP(DRLCMACSCHED, LOGL_DEBUG, "Scheduling control "
- "message at RTS for TBF=%d\n", tfi);
- break;
- }
- }
+ msg = sched_select_ctrl_msg(trx, ts, fn, block_nr, pdch, ul_ass_tbf,
+ dl_ass_tbf, ul_ack_tbf);
/* Prio 2: select data message for downlink */
- if (!msg) {
- /* select downlink resource */
- for (i = 0, tfi = pdch->next_dl_tfi; i < 32;
- i++, tfi = (tfi + 1) & 31) {
- tbf = pdch->tbf[tfi];
- /* no TBF for this tfi, go next */
- if (!tbf)
- continue;
- /* no DL TBF, go next */
- if (tbf->direction != GPRS_RLCMAC_DL_TBF)
- continue;
- /* no DL resources needed, go next */
- if (tbf->state != GPRS_RLCMAC_FLOW
- && tbf->state != GPRS_RLCMAC_FINISHED)
- continue;
- "message at RTS for TBF=%d\n", tfi);
- /* next TBF to handle resource is the next one */
- pdch->next_dl_tfi = (tfi + 1) & 31;
- /* generate DL data block */
- msg = gprs_rlcmac_send_data_block_acknowledged(tbf, fn);
- break;
- }
- }
+ if (!msg)
+ msg = sched_select_downlink(trx, ts, fn, block_nr, pdch);
/* Prio 3: send dummy contol message */
- if (!msg) {
- msg = msgb_alloc(23, "rlcmac_dl_idle");
- if (!msg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- memcpy(msgb_put(msg, 23), rlcmac_dl_idle, 23);
- }
+ if (!msg)
+ msg = sched_dummy();
+ if (!msg)
+ return -ENOMEM;
/* msg is now available */
/* set USF */
msg->data[0] = (msg->data[0] & 0xf8) | usf;
-// printf("len=%d, date=%s\n", msg->len, osmo_hexdump(msg->data, msg->len));
/* send PDTCH/PACCH to L1 */
pcu_l1if_tx_pdtch(msg, trx, ts, arfcn, fn, block_nr);
diff --git a/src/openbts_sock.cpp b/src/openbts_sock.cpp
index cbf7adcc..1f1e9044 100644
--- a/src/openbts_sock.cpp
+++ b/src/openbts_sock.cpp
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ extern "C" {
#include <pcuif_proto.h>
+extern void *tall_pcu_ctx;
struct femtol1_hdl {
struct gsm_time gsm_time;
uint32_t hLayer1; /* handle to the L1 instance in the DSP */
@@ -142,7 +144,7 @@ int pcu_l1if_open()
int rc;
/* allocate new femtol1_handle */
- fl1h = talloc_zero(NULL, struct femtol1_hdl);
+ fl1h = talloc_zero(tall_pcu_ctx, struct femtol1_hdl);
l1fh->fl1h = fl1h;
diff --git a/src/pcu_l1_if.cpp b/src/pcu_l1_if.cpp
index fd8b3c34..14981820 100644
--- a/src/pcu_l1_if.cpp
+++ b/src/pcu_l1_if.cpp
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ extern "C" {
#include <gprs_bssgp_pcu.h>
#include <pcuif_proto.h>
+extern void *tall_pcu_ctx;
// Variable for storage current FN.
int frame_number;
@@ -180,8 +182,8 @@ static int pcu_rx_data_ind(struct gsm_pcu_if_data *data_ind)
switch (data_ind->sapi) {
- rc = gprs_rlcmac_rcv_block(data_ind->data, data_ind->len,
- data_ind->fn);
+ rc = gprs_rlcmac_rcv_block(data_ind->trx_nr, data_ind->ts_nr,
+ data_ind->data, data_ind->len, data_ind->fn);
LOGP(DL1IF, LOGL_ERROR, "Received PCU data indication with "
@@ -192,6 +194,26 @@ static int pcu_rx_data_ind(struct gsm_pcu_if_data *data_ind)
return rc;
+static int pcu_rx_data_cnf(struct gsm_pcu_if_data *data_cnf)
+ int rc = 0;
+ LOGP(DL1IF, LOGL_DEBUG, "Data confirm received: sapi=%d fn=%d\n",
+ data_cnf->sapi, data_cnf->fn);
+ switch (data_cnf->sapi) {
+ rc = gprs_rlcmac_imm_ass_cnf(data_cnf->data, data_cnf->fn);
+ break;
+ default:
+ LOGP(DL1IF, LOGL_ERROR, "Received PCU data confirm with "
+ "unsupported sapi %d\n", data_cnf->sapi);
+ rc = -EINVAL;
+ }
+ return rc;
static int pcu_rx_rts_req(struct gsm_pcu_if_rts_req *rts_req)
int rc = 0;
@@ -245,14 +267,51 @@ static int pcu_rx_rach_ind(struct gsm_pcu_if_rach_ind *rach_ind)
return rc;
+int flush_pdch(struct gprs_rlcmac_pdch *pdch, uint8_t trx, uint8_t ts)
+ uint8_t tfi;
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf;
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_paging *pag;
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_sba *sba, *sba2;
+ /* kick all TBF on slot */
+ for (tfi = 0; tfi < 32; tfi++) {
+ tbf = pdch->ul_tbf[tfi];
+ if (tbf)
+ tbf_free(tbf);
+ tbf = pdch->dl_tbf[tfi];
+ if (tbf)
+ tbf_free(tbf);
+ }
+ /* flush all pending paging messages */
+ while ((pag = gprs_rlcmac_dequeue_paging(pdch)))
+ talloc_free(pag);
+ llist_for_each_entry_safe(sba, sba2, &gprs_rlcmac_sbas, list) {
+ if (sba->trx == trx && sba->ts == ts) {
+ llist_del(&sba->list);
+ talloc_free(sba);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
static int pcu_rx_info_ind(struct gsm_pcu_if_info_ind *info_ind)
struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_pdch *pdch;
int rc = 0;
- int trx, ts, tfi;
- struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf;
+ int trx, ts;
int i;
+ if (info_ind->version != PCU_IF_VERSION) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "PCU interface version number of BTS (%d) is "
+ "different (%d).\nPlease re-compile!\n",
+ info_ind->version, PCU_IF_VERSION);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
LOGP(DL1IF, LOGL_DEBUG, "Info indication received:\n");
if (!(info_ind->flags & PCU_IF_FLAG_ACTIVE)) {
@@ -262,22 +321,20 @@ bssgp_failed:
for (trx = 0; trx < 8; trx++) {
bts->trx[trx].arfcn = info_ind->trx[trx].arfcn;
for (ts = 0; ts < 8; ts++) {
- for (tfi = 0; tfi < 32; tfi++) {
- tbf = bts->trx[trx].pdch[ts].tbf[tfi];
- if (tbf)
- tbf_free(tbf);
- }
+ if (bts->trx[trx].pdch[ts].enable)
+ flush_pdch(&bts->trx[trx].pdch[ts],
+ trx, ts);
return 0;
LOGP(DL1IF, LOGL_INFO, "BTS available\n");
- LOGP(DL1IF, LOGL_DEBUG, " mcc=%d\n", info_ind->mcc);
- LOGP(DL1IF, LOGL_DEBUG, " mnc=%d\n", info_ind->mnc);
+ LOGP(DL1IF, LOGL_DEBUG, " mcc=%x\n", info_ind->mcc);
+ LOGP(DL1IF, LOGL_DEBUG, " mnc=%x\n", info_ind->mnc);
LOGP(DL1IF, LOGL_DEBUG, " lac=%d\n", info_ind->lac);
LOGP(DL1IF, LOGL_DEBUG, " rac=%d\n", info_ind->rac);
- LOGP(DL1IF, LOGL_DEBUG, " cell_id=%d\n", info_ind->cell_id);
+ LOGP(DL1IF, LOGL_DEBUG, " cell_id=%d\n", ntohs(info_ind->cell_id));
LOGP(DL1IF, LOGL_DEBUG, " nsei=%d\n", info_ind->nsei);
LOGP(DL1IF, LOGL_DEBUG, " nse_timer=%d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",
info_ind->nse_timer[0], info_ind->nse_timer[1],
@@ -346,32 +403,33 @@ bssgp_failed:
bts->n3103 = info_ind->n3103;
bts->n3105 = info_ind->n3105;
- if (info_ind->initial_cs < 1 || info_ind->initial_cs > 4)
- bts->initial_cs = 1;
- else
- bts->initial_cs = info_ind->initial_cs;
+ if (!bts->force_cs) {
+ if (info_ind->initial_cs < 1 || info_ind->initial_cs > 4)
+ bts->initial_cs_dl = 1;
+ else
+ bts->initial_cs_dl = info_ind->initial_cs;
+ bts->initial_cs_ul = bts->initial_cs_dl;
+ }
for (trx = 0; trx < 8; trx++) {
bts->trx[trx].arfcn = info_ind->trx[trx].arfcn;
for (ts = 0; ts < 8; ts++) {
+ pdch = &bts->trx[trx].pdch[ts];
if ((info_ind->trx[trx].pdch_mask & (1 << ts))) {
/* FIXME: activate dynamically at RLCMAC */
- if (!bts->trx[trx].pdch[ts].enable)
+ if (!pdch->enable) {
pcu_tx_act_req(trx, ts, 1);
- bts->trx[trx].pdch[ts].enable = 1;
- bts->trx[trx].pdch[ts].tsc =
- info_ind->trx[trx].tsc[ts];
+ INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&pdch->paging_list);
+ pdch->enable = 1;
+ }
+ pdch->tsc = info_ind->trx[trx].tsc[ts];
LOGP(DL1IF, LOGL_INFO, "PDCH: trx=%d ts=%d\n",
trx, ts);
} else {
- if (bts->trx[trx].pdch[ts].enable)
+ if (pdch->enable) {
pcu_tx_act_req(trx, ts, 0);
- bts->trx[trx].pdch[ts].enable = 0;
- /* kick all tbf FIXME: multislot */
- for (tfi = 0; tfi < 32; tfi++) {
- tbf = bts->trx[trx].pdch[ts].tbf[tfi];
- if (tbf)
- tbf_free(tbf);
+ pdch->enable = 0;
+ flush_pdch(pdch, trx, ts);
@@ -382,8 +440,6 @@ bssgp_failed:
static int pcu_rx_time_ind(struct gsm_pcu_if_time_ind *time_ind)
- struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
- int trx, ts, tfi;
struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf;
uint32_t elapsed;
uint8_t fn13 = time_ind->fn % 13;
@@ -398,25 +454,33 @@ static int pcu_rx_time_ind(struct gsm_pcu_if_time_ind *time_ind)
/* check for poll timeout */
- for (trx = 0; trx < 8; trx++) {
- for (ts = 0; ts < 8; ts++) {
- for (tfi = 0; tfi < 32; tfi++) {
- tbf = bts->trx[trx].pdch[ts].tbf[tfi];
- if (!tbf)
- continue;
- if (tbf->poll_state != GPRS_RLCMAC_POLL_SCHED)
- continue;
- elapsed = (frame_number - tbf->poll_fn)
- % 2715648;
- if (elapsed >= 20 && elapsed < 200)
- gprs_rlcmac_poll_timeout(tbf);
- }
+ llist_for_each_entry(tbf, &gprs_rlcmac_ul_tbfs, list) {
+ if (tbf->poll_state == GPRS_RLCMAC_POLL_SCHED) {
+ elapsed = (frame_number - tbf->poll_fn) % 2715648;
+ if (elapsed >= 20 && elapsed < 200)
+ gprs_rlcmac_poll_timeout(tbf);
+ }
+ }
+ llist_for_each_entry(tbf, &gprs_rlcmac_dl_tbfs, list) {
+ if (tbf->poll_state == GPRS_RLCMAC_POLL_SCHED) {
+ elapsed = (frame_number - tbf->poll_fn) % 2715648;
+ if (elapsed >= 20 && elapsed < 200)
+ gprs_rlcmac_poll_timeout(tbf);
return 0;
+static int pcu_rx_pag_req(struct gsm_pcu_if_pag_req *pag_req)
+ LOGP(DL1IF, LOGL_DEBUG, "Paging request received: chan_needed=%d "
+ "length=%d\n", pag_req->chan_needed, pag_req->identity_lv[0]);
+ return gprs_rlcmac_add_paging(pag_req->chan_needed,
+ pag_req->identity_lv);
int pcu_rx(uint8_t msg_type, struct gsm_pcu_if *pcu_prim)
int rc = 0;
@@ -425,6 +489,9 @@ int pcu_rx(uint8_t msg_type, struct gsm_pcu_if *pcu_prim)
rc = pcu_rx_data_ind(&pcu_prim->u.data_ind);
+ rc = pcu_rx_data_cnf(&pcu_prim->u.data_cnf);
+ break;
rc = pcu_rx_rts_req(&pcu_prim->u.rts_req);
@@ -437,6 +504,9 @@ int pcu_rx(uint8_t msg_type, struct gsm_pcu_if *pcu_prim)
rc = pcu_rx_time_ind(&pcu_prim->u.time_ind);
+ rc = pcu_rx_pag_req(&pcu_prim->u.pag_req);
+ break;
LOGP(DL1IF, LOGL_ERROR, "Received unknwon PCU msg type %d\n",
diff --git a/src/pcu_main.cpp b/src/pcu_main.cpp
index 6c30c1e4..ee6f70c4 100644
--- a/src/pcu_main.cpp
+++ b/src/pcu_main.cpp
@@ -25,15 +25,28 @@
#include <gprs_debug.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <getopt.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+extern "C" {
+#include "pcu_vty.h"
+#include <osmocom/vty/telnet_interface.h>
+#include <osmocom/vty/logging.h>
struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *gprs_rlcmac_bts;
extern struct gprs_nsvc *nsvc;
uint16_t spoof_mcc = 0, spoof_mnc = 0;
+static int config_given = 0;
+static const char *config_file = "osmo-pcu.cfg";
+extern struct vty_app_info pcu_vty_info;
+void *tall_pcu_ctx;
+static int quit = 0;
static void print_help()
printf( "Some useful options:\n"
" -h --help this text\n"
+ " -c --config-file Specify the filename of the config "
+ "file\n"
" -m --mcc MCC use given MCC instead of value "
"provided by BTS\n"
" -n --mnc MNC use given MNC instead of value "
@@ -48,12 +61,13 @@ static void handle_options(int argc, char **argv)
int option_idx = 0, c;
static const struct option long_options[] = {
{ "help", 0, 0, 'h' },
+ { "config-file", 1, 0, 'c' },
{ "mcc", 1, 0, 'm' },
{ "mnc", 1, 0, 'n' },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }
- c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hm:n:",
+ c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hc:m:n:",
long_options, &option_idx);
if (c == -1)
@@ -63,6 +77,10 @@ static void handle_options(int argc, char **argv)
+ case 'c':
+ config_file = strdup(optarg);
+ config_given = 1;
+ break;
case 'm':
spoof_mcc = atoi(optarg);
@@ -77,16 +95,54 @@ static void handle_options(int argc, char **argv)
+void sighandler(int sigset)
+ if (sigset == SIGHUP || sigset == SIGPIPE)
+ return;
+ fprintf(stderr, "Signal %d received.\n", sigset);
+ switch (sigset) {
+ case SIGINT:
+ /* If another signal is received afterwards, the program
+ * is terminated without finishing shutdown process.
+ */
+ signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL);
+ signal(SIGHUP, SIG_DFL);
+ signal(SIGTERM, SIG_DFL);
+ signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL);
+ signal(SIGABRT, SIG_DFL);
+ signal(SIGUSR1, SIG_DFL);
+ signal(SIGUSR2, SIG_DFL);
+ quit = 1;
+ break;
+ case SIGABRT:
+ /* in case of abort, we want to obtain a talloc report
+ * and then return to the caller, who will abort the process
+ */
+ case SIGUSR1:
+ case SIGUSR2:
+ talloc_report_full(tall_pcu_ctx, stderr);
+ break;
+ }
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts;
int rc;
- bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts = talloc_zero(NULL, struct gprs_rlcmac_bts);
+ tall_pcu_ctx = talloc_named_const(NULL, 1, "Osmo-PCU context");
+ if (!tall_pcu_ctx)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts = talloc_zero(tall_pcu_ctx,
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_bts);
if (!gprs_rlcmac_bts)
return -ENOMEM;
- gprs_rlcmac_bts->initial_cs = 1;
- bts->initial_cs = 1;
+ bts->fc_interval = 1;
+ bts->initial_cs_dl = bts->initial_cs_ul = 1;
bts->cs1 = 1;
bts->t3142 = 20;
bts->t3169 = 5;
@@ -96,22 +152,55 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
bts->n3101 = 10;
bts->n3103 = 4;
bts->n3105 = 8;
+ bts->alpha = 10; /* a = 1.0 */
+ msgb_set_talloc_ctx(tall_pcu_ctx);
+ vty_init(&pcu_vty_info);
+ pcu_vty_init(&gprs_log_info);
handle_options(argc, argv);
if ((!!spoof_mcc) + (!!spoof_mnc) == 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "--mcc and --mnc must be specified "
+ rc = vty_read_config_file(config_file, NULL);
+ if (rc < 0 && config_given) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse the config file: '%s'\n",
+ config_file);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (rc < 0)
+ fprintf(stderr, "No config file: '%s' Using default config.\n",
+ config_file);
+ rc = telnet_init(tall_pcu_ctx, NULL, 4240);
+ if (rc < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error initializing telnet\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (!bts->alloc_algorithm)
+ bts->alloc_algorithm = alloc_algorithm_b;
rc = pcu_l1if_open();
if (rc < 0)
return rc;
- while (1)
- {
+ signal(SIGINT, sighandler);
+ signal(SIGHUP, sighandler);
+ signal(SIGTERM, sighandler);
+ signal(SIGPIPE, sighandler);
+ signal(SIGABRT, sighandler);
+ signal(SIGUSR1, sighandler);
+ signal(SIGUSR2, sighandler);
+ while (!quit) {
@@ -119,8 +208,14 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ telnet_exit();
+ talloc_report_full(tall_pcu_ctx, stderr);
+ talloc_free(tall_pcu_ctx);
return 0;
diff --git a/src/pcu_vty.c b/src/pcu_vty.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c55a9ee6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pcu_vty.c
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+/* OsmoBTS VTY interface */
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <osmocom/vty/logging.h>
+#include <osmocom/core/linuxlist.h>
+#include "pcu_vty.h"
+#include "gprs_rlcmac.h"
+enum node_type pcu_vty_go_parent(struct vty *vty)
+ switch (vty->node) {
+#if 0
+ case TRX_NODE:
+ vty->node = PCU_NODE;
+ {
+ struct gsm_bts_trx *trx = vty->index;
+ vty->index = trx->bts;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ vty->node = CONFIG_NODE;
+ }
+ return (enum node_type) vty->node;
+int pcu_vty_is_config_node(struct vty *vty, int node)
+ switch (node) {
+ case PCU_NODE:
+ return 1;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+static struct cmd_node pcu_node = {
+ (enum node_type) PCU_NODE,
+ "%s(pcu)#",
+ 1,
+gDEFUN(ournode_exit, ournode_exit_cmd, "exit",
+ "Exit current node, go down to provious node")
+ switch (vty->node) {
+#if 0
+ case TRXV_NODE:
+ vty->node = PCU_NODE;
+ {
+ struct gsm_bts_trx *trx = vty->index;
+ vty->index = trx->bts;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return CMD_SUCCESS;
+gDEFUN(ournode_end, ournode_end_cmd, "end",
+ "End current mode and change to enable mode")
+ switch (vty->node) {
+ default:
+ vty_config_unlock(vty);
+ vty->node = ENABLE_NODE;
+ vty->index = NULL;
+ vty->index_sub = NULL;
+ break;
+ }
+ return CMD_SUCCESS;
+static int config_write_pcu(struct vty *vty)
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
+ vty_out(vty, "pcu%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
+ vty_out(vty, " flow-control-interval %d%s", bts->fc_interval,
+ if (bts->force_cs)
+ if (bts->initial_cs_ul == bts->initial_cs_dl)
+ vty_out(vty, " cs %d%s", bts->initial_cs_dl,
+ else
+ vty_out(vty, " cs %d %d%s", bts->initial_cs_dl,
+ bts->initial_cs_ul, VTY_NEWLINE);
+ if (bts->force_llc_lifetime == 0xffff)
+ vty_out(vty, " queue lifetime infinite%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
+ else if (bts->force_llc_lifetime)
+ vty_out(vty, " queue lifetime %d%s", bts->force_llc_lifetime,
+ if (bts->alloc_algorithm == alloc_algorithm_a)
+ vty_out(vty, " alloc-algorithm a%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
+ if (bts->alloc_algorithm == alloc_algorithm_b)
+ vty_out(vty, " alloc-algorithm b%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
+ if (bts->force_two_phase)
+ vty_out(vty, " two-phase-access%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
+ vty_out(vty, " alpha %d%s", bts->alpha, VTY_NEWLINE);
+ vty_out(vty, " gamma %d%s", bts->gamma * 2, VTY_NEWLINE);
+/* per-BTS configuration */
+ cfg_pcu_cmd,
+ "pcu",
+ "BTS specific configure")
+ vty->node = PCU_NODE;
+ return CMD_SUCCESS;
+ cfg_pcu_fc_interval_cmd,
+ "flow-control-interval <1-10>",
+ "Interval between sending subsequent Flow Control PDUs\n"
+ "Interval time in seconds\n")
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
+ bts->fc_interval = atoi(argv[0]);
+ return CMD_SUCCESS;
+ cfg_pcu_cs_cmd,
+ "cs <1-4> [<1-4>]",
+ "Set the Coding Scheme to be used, (overrides BTS config)\n"
+ "Initial CS used\nAlternative uplink CS")
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
+ uint8_t cs = atoi(argv[0]);
+ bts->force_cs = 1;
+ bts->initial_cs_dl = cs;
+ if (argc > 1)
+ bts->initial_cs_ul = atoi(argv[1]);
+ else
+ bts->initial_cs_ul = cs;
+ return CMD_SUCCESS;
+ cfg_pcu_no_cs_cmd,
+ "no cs",
+ NO_STR "Don't force given Coding Scheme, (use BTS config)\n")
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
+ bts->force_cs = 0;
+ return CMD_SUCCESS;
+#define QUEUE_STR "Packet queue options\n"
+#define LIFETIME_STR "Set lifetime limit of LLC frame in centi-seconds " \
+ "(overrides the value given by SGSN)\n"
+ cfg_pcu_queue_lifetime_cmd,
+ "queue lifetime <1-65534>",
+ QUEUE_STR LIFETIME_STR "Lifetime in centi-seconds")
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
+ uint8_t csec = atoi(argv[0]);
+ bts->force_llc_lifetime = csec;
+ return CMD_SUCCESS;
+ cfg_pcu_queue_lifetime_inf_cmd,
+ "queue lifetime infinite",
+ QUEUE_STR LIFETIME_STR "Infinite lifetime")
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
+ bts->force_llc_lifetime = 0xffff;
+ return CMD_SUCCESS;
+ cfg_pcu_no_queue_lifetime_cmd,
+ "no queue lifetime",
+ NO_STR QUEUE_STR "Disable lifetime limit of LLC frame (use value given "
+ "by SGSN)\n")
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
+ bts->force_llc_lifetime = 0;
+ return CMD_SUCCESS;
+ cfg_pcu_alloc_cmd,
+ "alloc-algorithm (a|b)",
+ "Select slot allocation algorithm to use when assigning timeslots on "
+ "PACCH\nSingle slot is assigned only\nMultiple slots are assigned for "
+ "semi-duplex operation")
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
+ switch (argv[0][0]) {
+ case 'a':
+ bts->alloc_algorithm = alloc_algorithm_a;
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ bts->alloc_algorithm = alloc_algorithm_b;
+ break;
+ }
+ return CMD_SUCCESS;
+ cfg_pcu_two_phase_cmd,
+ "two-phase-access",
+ "Force two phase access when MS requests single phase access\n")
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
+ bts->force_two_phase = 1;
+ return CMD_SUCCESS;
+ cfg_pcu_no_two_phase_cmd,
+ "no two-phase-access",
+ NO_STR "Only use two phase access when requested my MS\n")
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
+ bts->force_two_phase = 0;
+ return CMD_SUCCESS;
+ cfg_pcu_alpha_cmd,
+ "alpha <0-10>",
+ "Alpha parameter for MS power control in units of 0.1 (see TS 05.08) "
+ "NOTE: Be sure to set Alpha value at System information 13 too.\n"
+ "Alpha in units of 0.1\n")
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
+ bts->alpha = atoi(argv[0]);
+ return CMD_SUCCESS;
+ cfg_pcu_gamma_cmd,
+ "gamma <0-62>",
+ "Gamma parameter for MS power control in units of dB (see TS 05.08)\n"
+ "Gamma in even unit of dBs\n")
+ struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
+ bts->gamma = atoi(argv[0]) / 2;
+ return CMD_SUCCESS;
+static const char pcu_copyright[] =
+ "Copyright (C) 2012 by ...\r\n"
+ "License GNU GPL version 2 or later\r\n"
+ "This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.\r\n"
+ "There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\r\n";
+struct vty_app_info pcu_vty_info = {
+ .name = "Osmo-PCU",
+ .version = PACKAGE_VERSION,
+ .copyright = pcu_copyright,
+ .go_parent_cb = pcu_vty_go_parent,
+ .is_config_node = pcu_vty_is_config_node,
+int pcu_vty_init(const struct log_info *cat)
+// install_element_ve(&show_pcu_cmd);
+ logging_vty_add_cmds(cat);
+ install_node(&pcu_node, config_write_pcu);
+ install_element(CONFIG_NODE, &cfg_pcu_cmd);
+ install_default(PCU_NODE);
+ install_element(PCU_NODE, &cfg_pcu_no_two_phase_cmd);
+ install_element(PCU_NODE, &cfg_pcu_cs_cmd);
+ install_element(PCU_NODE, &cfg_pcu_no_cs_cmd);
+ install_element(PCU_NODE, &cfg_pcu_queue_lifetime_cmd);
+ install_element(PCU_NODE, &cfg_pcu_queue_lifetime_inf_cmd);
+ install_element(PCU_NODE, &cfg_pcu_no_queue_lifetime_cmd);
+ install_element(PCU_NODE, &cfg_pcu_alloc_cmd);
+ install_element(PCU_NODE, &cfg_pcu_two_phase_cmd);
+ install_element(PCU_NODE, &cfg_pcu_fc_interval_cmd);
+ install_element(PCU_NODE, &cfg_pcu_alpha_cmd);
+ install_element(PCU_NODE, &cfg_pcu_gamma_cmd);
+ install_element(PCU_NODE, &ournode_end_cmd);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/pcu_vty.h b/src/pcu_vty.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..390d75cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pcu_vty.h
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#ifndef _PCU_VTY_H
+#define _PCU_VTY_H
+#include <osmocom/vty/command.h>
+#include <osmocom/vty/vty.h>
+enum pcu_vty_node {
+extern struct cmd_element ournode_exit_cmd;
+extern struct cmd_element ournode_end_cmd;
+enum node_type pcu_vty_go_parent(struct vty *vty);
+int pcu_vty_is_config_node(struct vty *vty, int node);
+int pcu_vty_init(const struct log_info *cat);
+extern struct vty_app_info pcu_vty_info;
+#endif /* _PCU_VTY_H */
diff --git a/src/pcuif_proto.h b/src/pcuif_proto.h
index 3609f79d..c27bb7dc 100644
--- a/src/pcuif_proto.h
+++ b/src/pcuif_proto.h
@@ -1,19 +1,23 @@
#ifndef _PCUIF_PROTO_H
#define _PCUIF_PROTO_H
+#define PCU_IF_VERSION 0x04
/* msg_type */
#define PCU_IF_MSG_DATA_REQ 0x00 /* send data to given channel */
+#define PCU_IF_MSG_DATA_CNF 0x01 /* confirm (e.g. transmission on PCH) */
#define PCU_IF_MSG_DATA_IND 0x02 /* receive data from given channel */
-#define PCU_IF_MSG_RTS_REQ 0x10 /* ready to send data to given chan. */
-#define PCU_IF_MSG_RACH_IND 0x22 /* receive rach */
+#define PCU_IF_MSG_RTS_REQ 0x10 /* ready to send request */
+#define PCU_IF_MSG_RACH_IND 0x22 /* receive RACH */
#define PCU_IF_MSG_INFO_IND 0x32 /* retrieve BTS info */
#define PCU_IF_MSG_ACT_REQ 0x40 /* activate/deactivate PDCH */
-#define PCU_IF_MSG_TIME_IND 0x52 /* gsm time indication */
+#define PCU_IF_MSG_TIME_IND 0x52 /* GSM time indication */
+#define PCU_IF_MSG_PAG_REQ 0x60 /* paging request */
/* sapi */
#define PCU_IF_SAPI_RACH 0x01 /* channel request on CCCH */
-#define PCU_IF_SAPI_AGCH 0x02 /* assignment on CCCH */
-#define PCU_IF_SAPI_PCH 0x03 /* paging request on CCCH */
+#define PCU_IF_SAPI_AGCH 0x02 /* assignment on AGCH */
+#define PCU_IF_SAPI_PCH 0x03 /* paging/assignment on PCH */
#define PCU_IF_SAPI_BCCH 0x04 /* SI on BCCH */
#define PCU_IF_SAPI_PDTCH 0x05 /* packet data/control/ccch block */
#define PCU_IF_SAPI_PRACH 0x06 /* packet random access channel */
@@ -70,11 +74,14 @@ struct gsm_pcu_if_info_trx {
uint8_t pdch_mask; /* PDCH channels per TS */
uint8_t spare;
uint8_t tsc[8]; /* TSC per channel */
+ uint32_t hlayer1;
} __attribute__ ((packed));
struct gsm_pcu_if_info_ind {
+ uint32_t version;
uint32_t flags;
struct gsm_pcu_if_info_trx trx[8]; /* TRX infos per BTS */
+ uint8_t bsic;
/* RAI */
uint16_t mcc, mnc, lac, rac;
/* NSE */
@@ -117,6 +124,12 @@ struct gsm_pcu_if_time_ind {
uint32_t fn;
} __attribute__ ((packed));
+struct gsm_pcu_if_pag_req {
+ uint8_t sapi;
+ uint8_t chan_needed;
+ uint8_t identity_lv[9];
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
struct gsm_pcu_if {
/* context based information */
uint8_t msg_type; /* message type */
@@ -125,12 +138,14 @@ struct gsm_pcu_if {
union {
struct gsm_pcu_if_data data_req;
+ struct gsm_pcu_if_data data_cnf;
struct gsm_pcu_if_data data_ind;
struct gsm_pcu_if_rts_req rts_req;
struct gsm_pcu_if_rach_ind rach_ind;
struct gsm_pcu_if_info_ind info_ind;
struct gsm_pcu_if_act_req act_req;
struct gsm_pcu_if_time_ind time_ind;
+ struct gsm_pcu_if_pag_req pag_req;
} u;
} __attribute__ ((packed));
diff --git a/src/sysmo_sock.cpp b/src/sysmo_sock.cpp
index 8d83ca20..c4565952 100644
--- a/src/sysmo_sock.cpp
+++ b/src/sysmo_sock.cpp
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ extern "C" {
#include <gprs_bssgp_pcu.h>
#include <pcuif_proto.h>
+extern void *tall_pcu_ctx;
* SYSMO-PCU socket functions
@@ -72,14 +73,15 @@ int pcu_sock_send(struct msgb *msg)
return 0;
-static void pcu_sock_close(struct pcu_sock_state *state)
+static void pcu_sock_close(struct pcu_sock_state *state, int lost)
struct osmo_fd *bfd = &state->conn_bfd;
struct gprs_rlcmac_bts *bts = gprs_rlcmac_bts;
struct gprs_rlcmac_tbf *tbf;
uint8_t trx, ts, tfi;
- LOGP(DL1IF, LOGL_NOTICE, "PCU socket has LOST connection\n");
+ LOGP(DL1IF, LOGL_NOTICE, "PCU socket has %s connection\n",
+ (lost) ? "LOST" : "closed");
bfd->fd = -1;
@@ -93,20 +95,24 @@ static void pcu_sock_close(struct pcu_sock_state *state)
/* disable all slots, kick all TBFs */
for (trx = 0; trx < 8; trx++) {
- for (ts = 0; ts < 8; ts++) {
+ for (ts = 0; ts < 8; ts++)
bts->trx[trx].pdch[ts].enable = 0;
- for (tfi = 0; tfi < 32; tfi++) {
- tbf = bts->trx[trx].pdch[ts].tbf[tfi];
- if (tbf)
- tbf_free(tbf);
- }
+ for (tfi = 0; tfi < 32; tfi++) {
+ tbf = bts->trx[trx].ul_tbf[tfi];
+ if (tbf)
+ tbf_free(tbf);
+ tbf = bts->trx[trx].dl_tbf[tfi];
+ if (tbf)
+ tbf_free(tbf);
- state->timer.cb = pcu_sock_timeout;
- osmo_timer_schedule(&state->timer, 5, 0);
+ if (lost) {
+ state->timer.cb = pcu_sock_timeout;
+ osmo_timer_schedule(&state->timer, 5, 0);
+ }
static int pcu_sock_read(struct osmo_fd *bfd)
@@ -142,7 +148,7 @@ static int pcu_sock_read(struct osmo_fd *bfd)
- pcu_sock_close(state);
+ pcu_sock_close(state, 1);
return -1;
@@ -189,7 +195,7 @@ dontsend:
return 0;
- pcu_sock_close(state);
+ pcu_sock_close(state, 1);
return -1;
@@ -219,7 +225,7 @@ int pcu_l1if_open(void)
state = pcu_sock_state;
if (!state) {
- state = talloc_zero(NULL, struct pcu_sock_state);
+ state = talloc_zero(tall_pcu_ctx, struct pcu_sock_state);
if (!state)
return -ENOMEM;
@@ -253,6 +259,7 @@ int pcu_l1if_open(void)
if (rc != 0) {
LOGP(DL1IF, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to Connect the PCU-SYSMO "
"socket, delaying... '%s'\n", local.sun_path);
+ pcu_sock_state = state;
bfd->fd = -1;
state->timer.cb = pcu_sock_timeout;
@@ -292,7 +299,7 @@ void pcu_l1if_close(void)
bfd = &state->conn_bfd;
if (bfd->fd > 0)
- pcu_sock_close(state);
+ pcu_sock_close(state, 0);
pcu_sock_state = NULL;
diff --git a/src/tbf.txt b/src/tbf.txt
index 82bf05ac..025e56cf 100644
--- a/src/tbf.txt
+++ b/src/tbf.txt
@@ -94,11 +94,27 @@ Handling of LLC Frame of downlink TBF and LLC Queue of downlink TBF:
If a new LLC PDU is attached to LLC Frame during WAIT RELEASE state, the
state is changed to FLOW (downlink flow is assigned to MS).
Handling of LLC Frame on uplink TBF:
Received uplink blocks are appended to LLC Frame of TBF. If the PDU is
complete, it is forwarded to the upper layer.
+Control TS:
+ On uplink or downlink assignment, it is required to have one timeslot that
+ can be used to receive and transmit. This timeslot is used at uplink TBF
+ to acknowledge and to assign other TBF. This timeslot is used at downlink
+ TBF to poll acknowledgement and to assign other TBF.
+ The first common TS (first_common_ts) is calculated when channels are
+ allocated. After creation of TBF or after assignment to different TS layout,
+ the first common TS is used for control TS.
+ The first common TS (and so control TS) must not need to be allocated to
+ MS as uplink TBF. (E.g. in case of non-available USF for this slot)
In order to poll uplink control block from MS, a special poll state and
frame number is stored at TBF. The scheduler reads that value and will not
@@ -109,3 +125,37 @@ Polling:
- The received frame is bad (BFI).
- The GSM indicates that the block should have been already received.
+ Because polling requires uplink response from MS, the polling must be
+ performed at control TS.
+Data structures of TBFs and PDCHs:
+ There is a global structure for BTS.
+ The BTS structure has 8 TRX structures.
+ Each TRX structure has 8 PDCH structures, one for each timeslot.
+ There are two linked lists of TBF instances:
+ - uplink TBFs
+ - downlink TBFs
+ Each TBF instance also has:
+ - a direction
+ - a TFI of range 0..31
+ - an array of 8 PDCH structures, one for each assigned timeslot
+ - in case of uplink TBF: an array of 8 USFs, one for each assigned timeslot
+ Each PDCH structure also has:
+ - an array of 32 uplink TBFs that are assigned to this PDCH
+ - an array of 32 downlink TBFs that are assigned to this PDCH
+ On creation of a new TBF, it links to all assigned PDCHs.
+ Each PDCH links to that TBF. The TBF is added to the list of TBFs.
+ In case of uplink TBF: The allocated USFs are stored for each timeslot.
+ On release of a TBF, the link to this PDCH is removed from all assigned
+ PDCHs. The TBF is removed from the list of TBFs. The TBF is destroyed.