path: root/utils/gmr1_process_recording.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/gmr1_process_recording.py')
1 files changed, 88 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/gmr1_process_recording.py b/utils/gmr1_process_recording.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f3ccfb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/gmr1_process_recording.py
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from collections import namedtuple
+import datetime
+import os
+import sys
+import re
+EXEC_GMR1_DEMOD = 'gmr1_rx_live'
+EXEC_GMR1_SPLIT = 'gmr1_rx_lband.py'
+CHAN_BW = 31.25e3
+Recording = namedtuple('Recording', 'center samplerate timestamp')
+def parse_filename(fn):
+ m = re.match('^.*-f([0-9\.e+-]*)-s([0-9\.e+-]*)-t([0-9]{14})\.cfile$', fn)
+ if not m:
+ return m
+ return Recording(
+ float(m.group(1)),
+ float(m.group(2)),
+ datetime.datetime.strptime(m.group(3), '%Y%m%d%H%M%S'),
+ )
+def arfcn_to_freq(arfcn):
+ return 1525e6 + 31.25e3 * arfcn
+def arfcn_fifo(arfcn):
+ return "/tmp/arfcn_%d.cfile" % arfcn
+def main(argv0, capture_fn):
+ # Parse filename
+ p = parse_filename(capture_fn)
+ # Derive upper and lower band
+ ll = p.center - p.samplerate / 2 + CHAN_BW
+ ul = p.center + p.samplerate / 2 - CHAN_BW
+ # List all visible arfcns
+ visible_arfcns = [x for x in range(0,1087) if ll <= arfcn_to_freq(x) <= ul]
+ # Create all FIFOs
+ #for arfcn in visible_arfcns:
+ # if os.path.exists(arfcn_fifo(arfcn)):
+ # print "Output FIFO already exists, aborting !"
+ # return -1
+ #for arfcn in visible_arfcns:
+ # os.mkfifo(arfcn_fifo(arfcn))
+ #
+ exec_split = [
+ '-s', '%f' % p.samplerate,
+ '-f', '%f' % p.center,
+ '--args', 'file=%s,freq=%f,rate=%f,throttle=false,repeat=false' % (capture_fn, p.center, p.samplerate),
+ ]
+ for arfcn in visible_arfcns:
+ exec_split.extend(['-a', '%d' % arfcn])
+ print ' '.join(exec_split)
+ #
+ exec_rx = [
+ ]
+ for arfcn in visible_arfcns:
+ exec_rx.append('%d:%s' % (arfcn, arfcn_fifo(arfcn)))
+ print ' '.join(exec_rx)
+ # Cleanup all FIFOs
+ #for arfcn in visible_arfcns:
+ # os.unlink(arfcn_fifo(arfcn))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main(*sys.argv)