# compile and upload osmocom with coverity tools - project: name: osmocom-coverity jobs: - osmocom-coverity - job: name: 'osmocom-coverity' project-type: freestyle defaults: global description: 'Generated by job-builder' display-name: 'Coverity-Upload (jenkins-job-builder)' node: coverity builders: - shell: | cd $HOME/osmo-ci/coverity export PATH=$PATH:/opt/coverity/current/bin ./jenkins.sh publishers: - email: recipients: openbsc@lists.osmocom.org holger@freyther.de notify-every-unstable-build: true properties: - build-discarder: days-to-keep: 30 num-to-keep: 30 scm: - git: url: git://git.osmocom.org/osmo-ci git-config-name: 'Jenkins Builder' git-config-email: 'jenkins@osmocom.org' branches: - 'origin/master' triggers: - timed: "@daily" publishers: - email: notify-every-unstable-build: true recipients: 'jenkins-notifications@lists.osmocom.org' # vim: expandtab tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2