path: root/ansible/roles/gsm-tester/tasks
diff options
authorAlexander Couzens <lynxis@fe80.eu>2018-03-06 14:07:16 +0100
committerHarald Welte <laforge@gnumonks.org>2018-03-16 09:18:11 +0000
commit196402ac657f86a94b86a12b07dfeaf7d3a0a273 (patch)
tree01a6a176682f16c1f519cd0573747979860406e1 /ansible/roles/gsm-tester/tasks
parent07653276019511efe7e188a80c307225ac78230d (diff)
add ansible playbooks
Introduce playbooks to do: - setup-jenkins-slave - setup a usualy or special jenkins-slave - setup-gsm-tester - setup the gsm-tester Change-Id: I7007a4e6c38f73843390ec2b3b91133aff21e36a
Diffstat (limited to 'ansible/roles/gsm-tester/tasks')
1 files changed, 244 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ansible/roles/gsm-tester/tasks/main.yml b/ansible/roles/gsm-tester/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6de075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansible/roles/gsm-tester/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+# gsm tester would only need the libraries, not the dev packages.
+# But the name of the -dev packages are more stable over multiple release.
+- name: install osmocom runtime dependencies
+ apt:
+ name: "{{ item }}"
+ cache_valid_time: 3600
+ update_cache: yes
+ with_items:
+ - build-essential
+ - git
+ - automake
+ - libdbi-dev
+ - libdbd-sqlite3
+ - sqlite3
+ - libsctp-dev
+ - libortp-dev
+ - libpcap-dev
+ - libc-ares-dev
+ - libtool
+ - shtool
+ - pkg-config
+ - libtalloc-dev
+ - libpcsclite-dev
+ - libgnutls28-dev
+ - libmnl-dev
+ - libssl-dev
+ - libczmq-dev
+ - libsofia-sip-ua-glib-dev
+ - libsqlite3-dev
+ - libasound2-dev
+ - mdbus2
+- name: install ofono build dependencies
+ apt:
+ name: ofono
+ state: build-dep
+ cache_valid_time: 3600
+ update_cache: yes
+- name: install libqmi-glib a dependency of sysmocom ofono
+ apt:
+ name: libqmi-glib-dev
+ cache_valid_time: 3600
+ update_cache: yes
+- name: install uhub dependencies
+ apt:
+ name: "{{ item }}"
+ cache_valid_time: 3600
+ update_cache: yes
+ with_items:
+ - libusb-1.0-0-dev
+- name: setup uhubctl repository
+ git:
+ repo: "https://github.com/mvp/uhubctl.git"
+ dest: /root/uhubctl
+ version: master
+ clone: yes
+ update: no
+- name: build uhubctl
+ shell: |
+ make && \
+ make install
+ args:
+ chdir: /root/uhubctl
+ creates: /usr/sbin/uhubctl
+# TODO: move this into restart-modems.d directory
+- name: copy quad_modem_power_cycle.sh
+ template:
+ src: quad_modem_power_cycle.sh
+ dest: /usr/local/bin/quad_modem_power_cycle.sh
+ mode: 0755
+ tags:
+ - ofono
+- name: setup ofono repository
+ git:
+ repo: 'git://git.sysmocom.de/ofono'
+ dest: /root/ofono
+ version: osmo-gsm-tester
+ clone: yes
+ update: no
+ tags:
+ - ofono
+- name: build ofono
+ shell: |
+ ./bootstrap && \
+ CFLAGS="-g" ./configure --disable-bluez4 && \
+ CFLAGS="-g" make -j3 && \
+ make install && \
+ systemctl daemon-reload
+ args:
+ chdir: /root/ofono
+ creates: /usr/local/sbin/ofonod
+ tags:
+ - ofono
+- name: ensure ofono is started
+ service:
+ name: ofono
+ state: started
+ enabled: yes
+ tags:
+ - ofono
+- name: install gsm tester dependencies
+ apt:
+ name: "{{ item }}"
+ cache_valid_time: 3600
+ update_cache: yes
+ with_items:
+ - dbus
+ - tcpdump
+ - sqlite3
+ - python3
+ - python3-yaml
+ - python3-mako
+ - python3-gi
+ - ofono
+ - patchelf
+ - sudo
+ - libcap2-bin
+ - python3-pip
+- name: install gsm tester pip dependencies
+ pip:
+ name: "{{ item }}"
+ executable: pip3
+ editable: no
+ with_items:
+ - "git+https://github.com/podshumok/python-smpplib.git@master#egg=smpplib"
+ - pydbus
+ tags: [pip]
+- name: create group osmo-gsm-tester
+ group:
+ name: osmo-gsm-tester
+- name: add jenkins to osmo-gsm-tester and systemd-journal
+ user:
+ name: jenkins
+ groups: "{{ item }}"
+ append: yes
+ shell: /bin/bash
+ with_items:
+ - systemd-journal
+ - osmo-gsm-tester
+- name: setup state directory
+ file:
+ path: /var/tmp/osmo-gsm-tester/state
+ state: directory
+ group: osmo-gsm-tester
+ mode: g+rwxs
+- name: install acl
+ apt:
+ name: acl
+# Ensure the group always has access to all files
+- name: add acl to state directory
+ acl:
+ path: /var/tmp/osmo-gsm-tester/state
+ state: present
+ etype: group
+ entity: osmo-gsm-tester
+ default: yes
+ permissions: rwx
+- name: create trials directory
+ file:
+ path: /var/tmp/osmo-gsm-tester/trials
+ state: directory
+ group: osmo-gsm-tester
+ mode: g+rwxs
+- name: allow osmo-gsm-tester to access ofono
+ copy:
+ src: dbus_osmo-gsm-tester.conf
+ dest: /etc/dbus-1/system.d/osmo-gsm-tester.conf
+- name: ensure tcpdump can be called by osmo-gsm-tester
+ file:
+ path: /usr/sbin/tcpdump
+ group: osmo-gsm-tester
+ mode: 750
+- name: create a symlink for tcpdump
+ file:
+ src: /usr/sbin/tcpdump
+ dest: /usr/local/bin/tcpdump
+ state: link
+- name: add correct capabilities to tcpdump
+ capabilities:
+ path: /usr/sbin/tcpdump
+ capability: cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin=eip
+ state: present
+- name: allow core files for the group osmo-gsm-tester
+ copy:
+ content: "@osmo-gsm-tester - core unlimited"
+ dest: /etc/security/limits.d/osmo-gsm-tester_allowcore.conf
+- name: allow rt priority for the group osmo-gsm-tester
+ copy:
+ content: "@osmo-gsm-tester - rtprio 99"
+ dest: /etc/security/limits.d/osmo-gsm-tester_rtprio.conf
+- name: create a wrapper script to add CAP_NET_RAW
+ copy:
+ src: osmo-gsm-tester_setcap_net_raw.sh
+ dest: /usr/local/bin/osmo-gsm-tester_setcap_net_raw.sh
+ mode: 755
+- name: allow osmo-gsm-tester sudo osmo-gsm-tester_setcap_net_raw.sh
+ copy:
+ content: |
+ %osmo-gsm-tester ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/osmo-gsm-tester_setcap_net_raw.sh
+ dest: /etc/sudoers.d/osmo-gsm-tester_setcap_net_raw
+ mode: 0440
+- name: create a wrapper script to add CAP_NET_ADMIN
+ copy:
+ src: osmo-gsm-tester_setcap_net_admin.sh
+ dest: /usr/local/bin/osmo-gsm-tester_setcap_net_admin.sh
+ mode: 755
+- name: allow osmo-gsm-tester sudo osmo-gsm-tester_setcap_net_admin.sh
+ copy:
+ content: |
+ %osmo-gsm-tester ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/osmo-gsm-tester_setcap_net_admin.sh
+ dest: /etc/sudoers.d/osmo-gsm-tester_setcap_net_admin
+ mode: 0440
+- name: logrotate limit filesizes to 10M
+ copy:
+ content: "maxsize 10M"
+ dest: /etc/logrotate.d/maxsize