diff options
authorOliver Smith <osmith@sysmocom.de>2023-08-17 11:19:13 +0200
committerOliver Smith <osmith@sysmocom.de>2023-08-17 14:01:32 +0200
commit8920d737305edf88c8f6c9db744cd004414294a6 (patch)
parentb65409baa9c3e2b2cfd19c168ed10f19e9ff2ec5 (diff)
jobs/osmocom-release-tarballs: modernize
Rewrite the osmocom-release-manuals script (previous version is in docker-playground Ic35a28a386170b85d32aab8f2bd33e48e6d45392): * Instead of using a separate docker container for this, that also lists all dependencies for all packages (as needed to pass ./configure), use debian-bookworm-build and install missing packages at time of generating the tarballs with "apt-get build-dep". Missing dependencies are typically other Osmocom libraries. * This allows removing the debian 11 based release-tarball-build-dist container. As the script doesn't depend on a separate docker container anymore, move it to osmo-ci.git. * Make it similar to scripts/manuals/publish-manuals-for-tags.sh, so it is easier to maintain both. Related: OS#6057 Change-Id: I9f8b671b9780da500637a64fc4dbc72b450f9d11
4 files changed, 351 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 3fcbe85..517a620 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -13,4 +13,5 @@ _release_tarballs/
diff --git a/contrib/known_hosts b/contrib/known_hosts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de29e93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/known_hosts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+[ftp.osmocom.org]:48 ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDDgQ9HntlpWNmh953a2Gc8NysKE4orOatVT1wQkyzhARnfYUerRuwyNr1GqMyBKdSI9amYVBXJIOUFcpV81niA7zQRUs66bpIMkE9/rHxBd81SkorEPOIS84W4vm3SZtuNqa+fADcqe88Hcb0ZdTzjKILuwi19gzrQyME2knHY71EOETe9Yow5RD2hTIpB5ecNxI0LUKDq+Ii8HfBvndPBIr0BWYDugckQ3Bocf+yn/tn2/GZieFEyFpBGF/MnLbAAfUKIdeyFRX7ufaiWWz5yKAfEhtziqdAGZaXNaLG6gkpy3EixOAy6ZXuTAk3b3Y0FUmDjhOHllbPmTOcKMry9
+[ftp.osmocom.org]:48 ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBPdWn1kEousXuKsZ+qJEZTt/NSeASxCrUfNDW3LWtH+d8Ust7ZuKp/vuyG+5pe5pwpPOgFu7TjN+0lVjYJVXH54=
+[ftp.osmocom.org]:48 ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIK8iivY70EiR5NiGChV39gRLjNpC8lvu1ZdHtdMw2zuX
diff --git a/jobs/osmocom-release-tarballs.yml b/jobs/osmocom-release-tarballs.yml
index 2e6bb04..557898a 100644
--- a/jobs/osmocom-release-tarballs.yml
+++ b/jobs/osmocom-release-tarballs.yml
@@ -19,19 +19,18 @@
num-to-keep: 30
- string:
description: |
- docker-playground.git branch where the Dockerfile gets pulled from
+ osmo-ci.git branch with scripts/tarballs/publish-tarballs-for-tags.sh
default: 'master'
- shell: |
- cd release-tarball-build-dist
- ./jenkins.sh
+ PUBLISH=1 scripts/tarballs/publish-tarballs-for-tags.sh
- git:
- url: https://gerrit.osmocom.org/docker-playground
+ url: https://gerrit.osmocom.org/osmo-ci
git-config-name: 'Jenkins Builder'
git-config-email: 'jenkins@osmocom.org'
wipe-workspace: true
diff --git a/scripts/tarballs/publish-tarballs-for-tags.sh b/scripts/tarballs/publish-tarballs-for-tags.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..052e445
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/tarballs/publish-tarballs-for-tags.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+. "$(dirname "$0")/../common.sh"
+OSMO_CI_DIR="$(realpath $(dirname "$0")/../..)"
+SSH_COMMAND="ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=$OSMO_CI_DIR/contrib/known_hosts -p 48"
+ libasn1c
+ libgtpnl
+ libosmo-abis
+ libosmo-netif
+ libosmo-pfcp
+ libosmo-sccp
+ libosmocore
+ libsmpp34
+ libusrp
+ osmo-bsc
+ osmo-bts
+ osmo-cbc
+ osmo-e1d
+ osmo-gbproxy
+ osmo-ggsn
+ osmo-gsm-manuals
+ osmo-hlr
+ osmo-hnbgw
+ osmo-hnodeb
+ osmo-iuh
+ osmo-mgw
+ osmo-msc
+ osmo-pcap
+ osmo-pcu
+ osmo-remsim
+ osmo-sgsn
+ osmo-sip-connector
+ osmo-smlc
+ osmo-sysmon
+ osmo-trx
+ osmo-uecups
+ osmocom-bb
+ simtrace2
+# Old release tags that are duplicates or where generating the tarball fails
+ libosmocore:0.5.0,
+ libosmocore:0.5.1,
+ libsmpp34:1.12,
+ osmo-bsc:1.0.1,
+ osmo-bsc:1.1.0,
+ osmo-bsc:1.1.1,
+ osmo-bsc:1.1.2,
+ osmo-bsc:1.2.0,
+ osmo-bsc:1.2.1,
+ osmo-bsc:1.2.2,
+ osmo-bts:0.2.0,
+ osmo-bts:0.3.0,
+ osmo-hlr:0.0.1,
+ osmo-mgw:1.0.1,
+ osmo-msc:1.0.1,
+ osmo-pcap:0.0.3,
+ osmo-pcu:0.1,
+ osmo-pcu:0.2,
+ osmo-sgsn:0.9.0,
+ osmo-sgsn:0.9.1,
+ osmo-sgsn:0.9.2,
+ osmo-sgsn:0.9.3,
+ osmo-sgsn:0.9.4,
+ osmo-sgsn:0.9.5,
+ osmo-sgsn:0.9.6,
+ osmo-sgsn:0.9.8,
+ osmo-sgsn:0.9.9,
+ osmo-sgsn:0.9.10,
+ osmo-sgsn:0.9.11,
+ osmo-sgsn:0.9.12,
+ osmo-sgsn:0.9.13,
+ osmo-sgsn:0.9.14,
+ osmo-sgsn:0.9.15,
+ osmo-sgsn:0.9.16,
+ osmo-sgsn:0.10.0,
+ osmo-sgsn:0.10.1,
+ osmo-sgsn:0.11.0,
+ osmo-sgsn:0.12.0,
+ osmo-sgsn:0.13.0,
+ osmo-sgsn:0.14.0,
+ osmo-sgsn:0.15.0,
+ osmo-sgsn:1.0.1,
+ osmo-sip-connector:0.0.1,
+ osmo-trx:0.2.0,
+ osmo-trx:0.3.0,
+ osmo-trx:1.3.0,
+mkdir -p \
+ "$TEMP" \
+ "$TEMP/src"
+check_ssh_auth_sock() {
+ if [ -z "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: SSH_AUTH_SOCK is not set"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+# $1: path on server, e.g. "/releases/osmo-bsc"
+get_server_ls() {
+ local dir="$1"
+ local out="$TEMP/ls$(echo "$dir" | tr / _)"
+ echo "$LOG_PREFIX Listing files on server: $dir"
+ if [ -e "$out" ]; then
+ echo "Skipped, file exists: $out"
+ return
+ fi
+ dir="$(echo "$dir" | sed "s.^/releases.$WEB_PATH.")"
+ $SSH_COMMAND releases@ftp.osmocom.org "ls -1 $dir" >"$out"
+# $1: repository
+get_git_tags() {
+ local repo="$1"
+ local out="$TEMP/git_tags_$repo"
+ echo "$LOG_PREFIX Getting git tags"
+ if [ -e "$out" ]; then
+ echo "Skipped, file exists: $out"
+ return
+ fi
+ osmo_git_last_tags "$repo" "all" >"$out"
+# $1: repository
+# $2: tag
+tarball_exists() {
+ local repo="$1"
+ local tag="$2"
+ grep -q "^$repo-$tag\.tar\." "$TEMP"/ls_releases_"$repo"
+# $1: repository
+# $2: tag
+is_tag_ignored() {
+ local repo="$1"
+ local tag="$2"
+ case "$TAGS_IGNORE" in
+ *"$repo:$tag,"*)
+ return 0
+ ;;
+ esac
+ return 1
+# $1: repository
+# $2: tag
+clone_repo() {
+ local repo="$1"
+ local tag="$2"
+ local gitdir="$TEMP/src/$repo"
+ if ! [ -d "$gitdir" ]; then
+ local url="$(osmo_git_clone_url "$repo")"
+ echo "$LOG_PREFIX Cloning $url"
+ git -C "$TEMP/src" clone "$url" "$repo"
+ fi
+ echo "$LOG_PREFIX Checkout $tag"
+ cd "$gitdir"
+ git reset --hard HEAD
+ git checkout "$tag"
+ git submodule update --init
+ git clean -dxf
+ # Fix depends on packages that don't exist anymore
+ if [ -e debian/control ]; then
+ sed -i 's/dh-systemd \(.*\),//g' debian/control
+ sed -i 's/python-minimal,//g' debian/control
+ fi
+# Get the desired tarball name, replace / with - in $1.
+# $1: project path (osmo-bsc, osmo-msc, simtrace/host, etc.)
+# $2: tag
+get_tarball_name() {
+ local project_path="$1"
+ local tag="$2"
+ echo "$(echo "$project_path" | tr / -)-$tag.tar.bz2"
+# $1: repository
+# $2: project path (osmo-bsc, osmo-msc, simtrace/host, etc.)
+# $3: tag
+build_tarball() {
+ local repo="$1"
+ local project_path="$2"
+ local tag="$3"
+ local tarball_name="$(get_tarball_name "$project_path" "$tag")"
+ local uid_user="$(id -u)"
+ echo "$LOG_PREFIX Building release tarball: $tarball_name"
+ if ! docker run \
+ --rm \
+ -e "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive" \
+ -v "$OSMO_CI_DIR/scripts/tarballs:/tarballs" \
+ -v "$TEMP/src:/src" \
+ sh -ex -c "
+ cd /src/$repo
+ if [ -e debian/control ]; then
+ apt-get update
+ apt-get -y build-dep .
+ fi
+ cd /src/$project_path
+ if [ -e configure.ac ]; then
+ su build -c \"autoreconf -fi\"
+ case \"$repo\" in
+ osmo-trx)
+ su build -c \"autoreconf -fi osmocom-bb/src/host/trxcon\"
+ su build -c \"./configure --with-mstrx\"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ su build -c \"./configure\"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ su build -c \"make dist-bzip2\"
+ else
+ su build -c \"git archive -o $tarball_name $tag\"
+ fi
+ "; then
+ echo "$LOG_PREFIX Building tarball failed!"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ cd "$TEMP/src/$project_path"
+ # Adjust the tarball name, e.g. for simtrace2-host-*.tar.bz2
+ if ! [ -e "$tarball_name" ]; then
+ echo
+ mv -v *.tar.bz2 "$tarball_name"
+ echo
+ fi
+# $1: repository
+# $2: tarball path within the repository dir
+publish_tarball() {
+ local repo="$1"
+ local tarball="$2"
+ local tarball_path="$TEMP/src/$repo/$tarball"
+ local tarball_path_remote="releases@ftp.osmocom.org:$WEB_PATH/$repo/$(basename "$tarball")"
+ echo "$LOG_PREFIX Publishing $tarball"
+ if [ ! -e "$tarball_path" ]; then
+ echo "$LOG_PREFIX ERROR: tarball not found: $tarball_path"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ "$PUBLISH" != 1 ]; then
+ echo "$LOG_PREFIX Skipping, PUBLISH != 1"
+ return
+ fi
+ rsync -vz -e "$SSH_COMMAND" "$tarball_path" $tarball_path_remote
+# $1: repository
+# $2: tag
+build_publish_tarballs() {
+ local repo="$1"
+ local tag="$2"
+ local tarballs="$repo-$tag.tar.bz2"
+ build_tarball "$repo" "$repo" "$tag"
+ case "$repo" in
+ simtrace2)
+ if [ -e "$TEMP"/src/simtrace2/host/configure.ac ]; then
+ build_tarball "simtrace2" "simtrace2/host" "$tag"
+ tarballs="$tarballs host/simtrace2-host-$tag.tar.bz2"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ for tarball in $tarballs; do
+ publish_tarball "$repo" "$tarball"
+ done
+get_server_ls "/releases"
+for repo in $OSMO_RELEASE_REPOS; do
+ LOG_PREFIX=":: ($repo)"
+ if grep -q "^$repo$" "$TEMP/ls_releases"; then
+ get_server_ls "/releases/$repo"
+ else
+ echo "$LOG_PREFIX No release directory on server"
+ touch "$TEMP/ls_releases_$repo"
+ fi
+ get_git_tags "$repo"
+ echo "$LOG_PREFIX Building missing tarballs"
+ for tag in $(cat "$TEMP"/git_tags_"$repo"); do
+ LOG_PREFIX=":: ($repo, $tag)"
+ if tarball_exists "$repo" "$tag"; then
+ echo "$LOG_PREFIX Skipping, tarball exists"
+ continue
+ elif is_tag_ignored "$repo" "$tag"; then
+ echo "$LOG_PREFIX Skipping, tag is ignored"
+ continue
+ fi
+ clone_repo "$repo" "$tag"
+ build_publish_tarballs "$repo" "$tag"
+ done