/* Temperature control for NuRAN Litecell 1.5 BTS management daemon */ /* Copyright (C) 2015 by Yves Godin * * Based on sysmoBTS: * sysmobts_mgr_temp.c * (C) 2014 by Holger Hans Peter Freyther * * All Rights Reserved * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include "misc/lc15bts_mgr.h" #include "misc/lc15bts_misc.h" #include "misc/lc15bts_temp.h" #include "misc/lc15bts_power.h" #include #include #include static struct lc15bts_mgr_instance *s_mgr; static struct osmo_timer_list temp_ctrl_timer; static const struct value_string state_names[] = { { STATE_NORMAL, "NORMAL" }, { STATE_WARNING_HYST, "WARNING (HYST)" }, { STATE_WARNING, "WARNING" }, { STATE_CRITICAL, "CRITICAL" }, { 0, NULL } }; const char *lc15bts_mgr_temp_get_state(enum lc15bts_temp_state state) { return get_value_string(state_names, state); } static int next_state(enum lc15bts_temp_state current_state, int critical, int warning) { int next_state = -1; switch (current_state) { case STATE_NORMAL: if (critical) next_state = STATE_CRITICAL; else if (warning) next_state = STATE_WARNING; break; case STATE_WARNING_HYST: if (critical) next_state = STATE_CRITICAL; else if (warning) next_state = STATE_WARNING; else next_state = STATE_NORMAL; break; case STATE_WARNING: if (critical) next_state = STATE_CRITICAL; else if (!warning) next_state = STATE_WARNING_HYST; break; case STATE_CRITICAL: if (!critical && !warning) next_state = STATE_WARNING; break; }; return next_state; } static void handle_normal_actions(int actions) { /* switch on the PA */ if (actions & TEMP_ACT_NORM_PA0_ON) { if (lc15bts_power_set(LC15BTS_POWER_PA0, 1) != 0) { LOGP(DTEMP, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to switch on the PA #0\n"); } else { LOGP(DTEMP, LOGL_NOTICE, "Switched on the PA #0 as normal action.\n"); } } if (actions & TEMP_ACT_NORM_PA1_ON) { if (lc15bts_power_set(LC15BTS_POWER_PA1, 1) != 0) { LOGP(DTEMP, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to switch on the PA #1\n"); } else { LOGP(DTEMP, LOGL_NOTICE, "Switched on the PA #1 as normal action.\n"); } } if (actions & TEMP_ACT_NORM_BTS_SRV_ON) { LOGP(DTEMP, LOGL_NOTICE, "Going to switch on the BTS service\n"); /* * TODO: use/create something like nspawn that serializes * and used SIGCHLD/waitpid to pick up the dead processes * without invoking shell. */ system("/bin/systemctl start lc15bts.service"); } } static void handle_actions(int actions) { /* switch off the PA */ if (actions & TEMP_ACT_PA1_OFF) { if (lc15bts_power_set(LC15BTS_POWER_PA1, 0) != 0) { LOGP(DTEMP, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to switch off the PA #1. Stop BTS?\n"); } else { LOGP(DTEMP, LOGL_NOTICE, "Switched off the PA #1 due temperature.\n"); } } if (actions & TEMP_ACT_PA0_OFF) { if (lc15bts_power_set(LC15BTS_POWER_PA0, 0) != 0) { LOGP(DTEMP, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to switch off the PA #0. Stop BTS?\n"); } else { LOGP(DTEMP, LOGL_NOTICE, "Switched off the PA #0 due temperature.\n"); } } if (actions & TEMP_ACT_BTS_SRV_OFF) { LOGP(DTEMP, LOGL_NOTICE, "Going to switch off the BTS service\n"); /* * TODO: use/create something like nspawn that serializes * and used SIGCHLD/waitpid to pick up the dead processes * without invoking shell. */ system("/bin/systemctl stop lc15bts.service"); } } /** * Go back to normal! Depending on the configuration execute the normal * actions that could (start to) undo everything we did in the other * states. What is still missing is the power increase/decrease depending * on the state. E.g. starting from WARNING_HYST we might want to slowly * ramp up the output power again. */ static void execute_normal_act(struct lc15bts_mgr_instance *manager) { LOGP(DTEMP, LOGL_NOTICE, "System is back to normal temperature.\n"); handle_normal_actions(manager->temp.action_norm); } static void execute_warning_act(struct lc15bts_mgr_instance *manager) { LOGP(DTEMP, LOGL_NOTICE, "System has reached temperature warning.\n"); handle_actions(manager->temp.action_warn); } static void execute_critical_act(struct lc15bts_mgr_instance *manager) { LOGP(DTEMP, LOGL_NOTICE, "System has reached critical warning.\n"); handle_actions(manager->temp.action_crit); } static void lc15bts_mgr_temp_handle(struct lc15bts_mgr_instance *manager, int critical, int warning) { int new_state = next_state(manager->temp.state, critical, warning); /* Nothing changed */ if (new_state < 0) return; LOGP(DTEMP, LOGL_NOTICE, "Moving from state %s to %s.\n", get_value_string(state_names, manager->temp.state), get_value_string(state_names, new_state)); manager->temp.state = new_state; switch (manager->temp.state) { case STATE_NORMAL: execute_normal_act(manager); break; case STATE_WARNING_HYST: /* do nothing? Maybe start to increase transmit power? */ break; case STATE_WARNING: execute_warning_act(manager); break; case STATE_CRITICAL: execute_critical_act(manager); break; }; } static void temp_ctrl_check() { int rc; int warn_thresh_passed = 0; int crit_thresh_passed = 0; LOGP(DTEMP, LOGL_DEBUG, "Going to check the temperature.\n"); /* Read the current supply temperature */ rc = lc15bts_temp_get(LC15BTS_TEMP_SUPPLY); if (rc < 0) { LOGP(DTEMP, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to read the supply temperature. rc=%d\n", rc); warn_thresh_passed = crit_thresh_passed = 1; } else { int temp = rc / 1000; if (temp > s_mgr->temp.supply_limit.thresh_warn) warn_thresh_passed = 1; if (temp > s_mgr->temp.supply_limit.thresh_crit) crit_thresh_passed = 1; LOGP(DTEMP, LOGL_DEBUG, "Supply temperature is: %d\n", temp); } /* Read the current SoC temperature */ rc = lc15bts_temp_get(LC15BTS_TEMP_SOC); if (rc < 0) { LOGP(DTEMP, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to read the SoC temperature. rc=%d\n", rc); warn_thresh_passed = crit_thresh_passed = 1; } else { int temp = rc / 1000; if (temp > s_mgr->temp.soc_limit.thresh_warn) warn_thresh_passed = 1; if (temp > s_mgr->temp.soc_limit.thresh_crit) crit_thresh_passed = 1; LOGP(DTEMP, LOGL_DEBUG, "SoC temperature is: %d\n", temp); } /* Read the current fpga temperature */ rc = lc15bts_temp_get(LC15BTS_TEMP_FPGA); if (rc < 0) { LOGP(DTEMP, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to read the fpga temperature. rc=%d\n", rc); warn_thresh_passed = crit_thresh_passed = 1; } else { int temp = rc / 1000; if (temp > s_mgr->temp.fpga_limit.thresh_warn) warn_thresh_passed = 1; if (temp > s_mgr->temp.fpga_limit.thresh_crit) crit_thresh_passed = 1; LOGP(DTEMP, LOGL_DEBUG, "FPGA temperature is: %d\n", temp); } /* Read the current RF log detector temperature */ rc = lc15bts_temp_get(LC15BTS_TEMP_LOGRF); if (rc < 0) { LOGP(DTEMP, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to read the RF log detector temperature. rc=%d\n", rc); warn_thresh_passed = crit_thresh_passed = 1; } else { int temp = rc / 1000; if (temp > s_mgr->temp.logrf_limit.thresh_warn) warn_thresh_passed = 1; if (temp > s_mgr->temp.logrf_limit.thresh_crit) crit_thresh_passed = 1; LOGP(DTEMP, LOGL_DEBUG, "RF log detector temperature is: %d\n", temp); } /* Read the current OCXO temperature */ rc = lc15bts_temp_get(LC15BTS_TEMP_OCXO); if (rc < 0) { LOGP(DTEMP, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to read the OCXO temperature. rc=%d\n", rc); warn_thresh_passed = crit_thresh_passed = 1; } else { int temp = rc / 1000; if (temp > s_mgr->temp.ocxo_limit.thresh_warn) warn_thresh_passed = 1; if (temp > s_mgr->temp.ocxo_limit.thresh_crit) crit_thresh_passed = 1; LOGP(DTEMP, LOGL_DEBUG, "OCXO temperature is: %d\n", temp); } /* Read the current TX #1 temperature */ rc = lc15bts_temp_get(LC15BTS_TEMP_TX0); if (rc < 0) { LOGP(DTEMP, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to read the TX #0 temperature. rc=%d\n", rc); warn_thresh_passed = crit_thresh_passed = 1; } else { int temp = rc / 1000; if (temp > s_mgr->temp.tx0_limit.thresh_warn) warn_thresh_passed = 1; if (temp > s_mgr->temp.tx0_limit.thresh_crit) crit_thresh_passed = 1; LOGP(DTEMP, LOGL_DEBUG, "TX #0 temperature is: %d\n", temp); } /* Read the current TX #2 temperature */ rc = lc15bts_temp_get(LC15BTS_TEMP_TX1); if (rc < 0) { LOGP(DTEMP, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to read the TX #1 temperature. rc=%d\n", rc); warn_thresh_passed = crit_thresh_passed = 1; } else { int temp = rc / 1000; if (temp > s_mgr->temp.tx1_limit.thresh_warn) warn_thresh_passed = 1; if (temp > s_mgr->temp.tx1_limit.thresh_crit) crit_thresh_passed = 1; LOGP(DTEMP, LOGL_DEBUG, "TX #1 temperature is: %d\n", temp); } /* Read the current PA #1 temperature */ rc = lc15bts_temp_get(LC15BTS_TEMP_PA0); if (rc < 0) { LOGP(DTEMP, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to read the PA #0 temperature. rc=%d\n", rc); warn_thresh_passed = crit_thresh_passed = 1; } else { int temp = rc / 1000; if (temp > s_mgr->temp.pa0_limit.thresh_warn) warn_thresh_passed = 1; if (temp > s_mgr->temp.pa0_limit.thresh_crit) crit_thresh_passed = 1; LOGP(DTEMP, LOGL_DEBUG, "PA #0 temperature is: %d\n", temp); } /* Read the current PA #2 temperature */ rc = lc15bts_temp_get(LC15BTS_TEMP_PA1); if (rc < 0) { LOGP(DTEMP, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to read the PA #1 temperature. rc=%d\n", rc); warn_thresh_passed = crit_thresh_passed = 1; } else { int temp = rc / 1000; if (temp > s_mgr->temp.pa1_limit.thresh_warn) warn_thresh_passed = 1; if (temp > s_mgr->temp.pa1_limit.thresh_crit) crit_thresh_passed = 1; LOGP(DTEMP, LOGL_DEBUG, "PA #1 temperature is: %d\n", temp); } lc15bts_mgr_temp_handle(s_mgr, crit_thresh_passed, warn_thresh_passed); } static void temp_ctrl_check_cb(void *unused) { temp_ctrl_check(); /* Check every two minutes? XXX make it configurable! */ osmo_timer_schedule(&temp_ctrl_timer, 2 * 60, 0); } int lc15bts_mgr_temp_init(struct lc15bts_mgr_instance *mgr) { s_mgr = mgr; temp_ctrl_timer.cb = temp_ctrl_check_cb; temp_ctrl_check_cb(NULL); return 0; }