path: root/tests/neighbor_ident.vty
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/neighbor_ident.vty')
1 files changed, 62 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/tests/neighbor_ident.vty b/tests/neighbor_ident.vty
index 4aeb6cc7c..53f50a1dd 100644
--- a/tests/neighbor_ident.vty
+++ b/tests/neighbor_ident.vty
@@ -162,8 +162,11 @@ OsmoBSC(config-net-bts)# no neighbor?
neighbor Remove local or remote-BSS neighbor cell
OsmoBSC(config-net-bts)# no neighbor ?
- bts Neighbor cell by local BTS number
- arfcn ARFCN of neighbor cell
+ bts Neighbor cell by local BTS number
+ arfcn ARFCN of neighbor cell
+ lac Neighbor cell by LAC
+ lac-ci Neighbor cell by LAC and CI
+ cgi Neighbor cell by cgi
OsmoBSC(config-net-bts)# no neighbor bts ?
<0-255> BTS number
@@ -195,10 +198,31 @@ OsmoBSC(config-net-bts)# show running-config
OsmoBSC(config-net-bts)# neighbor bts 1
% BTS 0 now has local neighbor BTS 1 with LAC 21 CI 31 and ARFCN 41 BSIC 11
+OsmoBSC(config-net-bts)# no neighbor bts 1
+% Removed from BTS 0 local neighbor BTS 1
+OsmoBSC(config-net-bts)# neighbor lac 21
+% BTS 0 now has local neighbor BTS 1 with LAC 21 CI 31 and ARFCN 41 BSIC 11
+OsmoBSC(config-net-bts)# no neighbor lac 21
+% Removed from BTS 0 local neighbor BTS 1
+OsmoBSC(config-net-bts)# neighbor lac-ci 21 31
+% BTS 0 now has local neighbor BTS 1 with LAC 21 CI 31 and ARFCN 41 BSIC 11
+OsmoBSC(config-net-bts)# no neighbor lac-ci 21 31
+% Removed from BTS 0 local neighbor BTS 1
+OsmoBSC(config-net-bts)# neighbor cgi 901 70 21 31
+% BTS 0 now has local neighbor BTS 1 with LAC 21 CI 31 and ARFCN 41 BSIC 11
+OsmoBSC(config-net-bts)# no neighbor cgi 901 70 21 31
+% No matching neighbor
+OsmoBSC(config-net-bts)# neighbor bts 1
+% BTS 0 already had local neighbor BTS 1 with LAC 21 CI 31 and ARFCN 41 BSIC 11
OsmoBSC(config-net-bts)# neighbor lac 22
% BTS 0 now has local neighbor BTS 2 with LAC 22 CI 65535 and ARFCN 42 BSIC 12
OsmoBSC(config-net-bts)# no neighbor bts 2
+% Removed from BTS 0 local neighbor BTS 2
OsmoBSC(config-net-bts)# neighbor cgi 901 70 22 65535
% BTS 0 now has local neighbor BTS 2 with LAC 22 CI 65535 and ARFCN 42 BSIC 12
@@ -260,6 +284,40 @@ OsmoBSC(config-net-bts)# do show bts 0 neighbor arfcn 423 bsic 1
OsmoBSC(config-net-bts)# do show bts 0 neighbor arfcn 423 bsic 23
% neighbor lac-ci 789 10 arfcn 423 bsic 23
+OsmoBSC(config-net-bts)# do show bts 0 neighbor all
+% neighbor bts 1
+% neighbor bts 2
+% neighbor cgi 023 42 423 5 arfcn 23 bsic 42
+% neighbor cgi 023 042 423 6 arfcn 23 bsic 42
+% neighbor cgi 023 042 234 56 arfcn 23 bsic 42
+% neighbor lac 456 arfcn 123 bsic 45
+% neighbor lac-ci 789 10 arfcn 423 bsic any
+% neighbor lac-ci 789 10 arfcn 423 bsic 63
+% neighbor lac-ci 789 10 arfcn 423 bsic 1
+OsmoBSC(config-net-bts)# do show bts 0 neighbor cgi 23 42 423 5
+% neighbor cgi 023 42 423 5 arfcn 23 bsic 42
+OsmoBSC(config-net-bts)# do show bts 0 neighbor lac 456
+% neighbor lac 456 arfcn 123 bsic 45
+OsmoBSC(config-net-bts)# do show bts 0 neighbor lac-ci 789 10
+% neighbor lac-ci 789 10 arfcn 423 bsic any
+% neighbor lac-ci 789 10 arfcn 423 bsic 63
+% neighbor lac-ci 789 10 arfcn 423 bsic 1
+OsmoBSC(config-net-bts)# do show bts 0 neighbor lac 789
+% neighbor lac-ci 789 10 arfcn 423 bsic any
+% neighbor lac-ci 789 10 arfcn 423 bsic 63
+% neighbor lac-ci 789 10 arfcn 423 bsic 1
+OsmoBSC(config-net-bts)# do show bts 0 neighbor lac 423
+% neighbor cgi 023 42 423 5 arfcn 23 bsic 42
+% neighbor cgi 023 042 423 6 arfcn 23 bsic 42
+OsmoBSC(config-net-bts)# do show bts 0 neighbor lac-ci 423 6
+% neighbor cgi 023 042 423 6 arfcn 23 bsic 42
OsmoBSC(config-net-bts)# no neighbor arfcn 99 bsic 7
% Cannot remove, no such neighbor: BTS 0 to ARFCN 99 BSIC 7
@@ -312,7 +370,7 @@ OsmoBSC(config-net-bts)# show running-config
... !neighbor
OsmoBSC(config-net-bts)# no neighbor arfcn 41 bsic any
-% Removed local neighbor bts 0 to bts 1
+% Removed from BTS 0 local neighbor BTS 1
OsmoBSC(config-net-bts)# show running-config
... !neighbor
@@ -328,7 +386,7 @@ OsmoBSC(config-net-bts)# show running-config
... !neighbor
OsmoBSC(config-net-bts)# no neighbor arfcn 42 bsic 12
-% Removed local neighbor bts 0 to bts 2
+% Removed from BTS 0 local neighbor BTS 2
OsmoBSC(config-net-bts)# show running-config
... !neighbor