diff options
authorPau Espin Pedrol <pespin@sysmocom.de>2018-03-30 03:03:13 +0200
committerPau Espin Pedrol <pespin@sysmocom.de>2018-04-23 15:58:38 +0200
commit7e45a980918ffd55c15e01884da5d362257b95c6 (patch)
parent92b991c24e4fd04734f9025e365635fe0438abee (diff)
Initial commitHEADmaster
24 files changed, 1945 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6fc2df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 4e12c56..98232d4 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,3 +1,59 @@
+This repository contains a set of scripts to build and use abi-* tools to
+generate a report in html format containing changes of ABI/API over different
+versions of osmocom projects.
+There's several big different steps in the procedure for each project that we
+want to track:
+1- Generate profile .json file. This file contains some meta-data about the
+project, as well as a list of versions. The script generate_profile.sh can be
+used to generate this profile file from a given git repository. Profile files
+are stored in profile/ directory of this repository.
+2- Build libraries for a set of versions of a target project (and previously its
+required dependencies to be able to compile it properly) and store (prepare) the
+output (.so files, headers) in a filesystem structure which abi-* tools can
+handle. This output is stored in input/ directory of this repository. This step
+is handled by "run_all_project_versions.sh prepare" script.
+3- Run abi-* tools to generate the reports. This step is handled by
+"run_all_project_versions.sh report" script. It will create all generated
+metadata in build/, and final report output is available in deploy/.
+As building the whole matrix of elements take an enormous time (project(+deps) *
+project_versions), the idea is to keep in git the
+build/$project/abi-dump/$non_master/ subdirs to be used as a cache so we don't
+need to do the "prepare" step everytime, only for master.
+Some details about abi-* tools:
+"abi-tracker -t abidump" calls abi-dump and puts the output in build/abi-dump/$project/$version/$lib_hash/{2files here}.
+"abi-tracker -t report" uses the files in build/abi-dump/ together with the profile json file to generate a web report.
+"abi-tracker -t index generates a general index file containing a list with links to each project report.
+* Generate profile for libosmo-abis:
+./generate_profile libosmo-abis /path/to/existing/git/repo/libosmo-abis.git >profile/libosmo-abis.json
+* Build whole list of known versions for project libosmo-abis into input/:
+./run_all_project_versions.sh prepare libosmo-abis all
+* Build last of known version + master for project libosmo-abis into input/:
+./run_all_project_versions.sh prepare libosmo-abis latest
+* Build master for master rev of project libosmo-abis into input/:
+./run_all_project_versions.sh prepare libosmo-abis master
+* Build specific known version 0.4.0 for project libosmo-abis into input/:
+./run_all_project_versions.sh prepare libosmo-abis 0.4.0
+* Generate report for whole list of known versions for project libosmo-abis into input/:
+./run_all_project_versions.sh report libosmo-abis all
+* Generate report for known version + master for project libosmo-abis into input/:
+./run_all_project_versions.sh report libosmo-abis latest
+* Generate report for master rev of project libosmo-abis into input/:
+./run_all_project_versions.sh report libosmo-abis master
+* Generate report for 0.4.0 for project libosmo-abis into input/:
+./run_all_project_versions.sh report libosmo-abis 0.4.0
diff --git a/build_osmocom_libs.sh b/build_osmocom_libs.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8ce46c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build_osmocom_libs.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# TODO: have a per project deps variable which lists which projects need to be
+# built. then have a function to build each dep.
+. ./libs_track.sh.inc
+if ! [ -x "$(command -v osmo-build-dep.sh)" ]; then
+ echo "Error: We need to have scripts/osmo-deps.sh from http://git.osmocom.org/osmo-ci/ in PATH !"
+ exit 2
+set -ex
+build_dep_and_stop() {
+ local project="$1"
+ local version="$2"
+ local configure_opt="$3"
+ echo " =============================== $project $version (for $final_project)===================="
+ osmo-build-dep.sh $project "$version" "$configure_opt"
+ if [ "x$final_project" = "x$project" ]; then exit 0; fi
+export deps inst
+mkdir "$deps" || true
+export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$inst/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH"
+export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$inst/lib"
+export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -g -Og"
+export CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -g -Og"
+echo " =============================== libosmocore ============================="
+build_dep_and_stop libosmocore "$VERSION_libosmocore" "--disable-doxygen"
+echo " =============================== libosmo-abis ============================"
+build_dep_and_stop libosmo-abis "$VERSION_libosmo_abis" "--disable-doxygen"
+echo " =============================== libosmo-netif ==========================="
+build_dep_and_stop libosmo-netif "$VERSION_libosmo_netif" "--disable-doxygen"
+echo " =============================== libosmo-sccp ============================"
+build_dep_and_stop libosmo-sccp "$VERSION_libosmo_sccp" ""
+echo " =============================== libsmpp34 ==============================="
+build_dep_and_stop libsmpp34 "$VERSION_libsmpp34" ""
+echo " =============================== osmo-mgw ================================"
+build_dep_and_stop osmo-mgw "$VERSION_osmo_mgw" ""
+echo " =============================== libasn1c ==============================="
+build_dep_and_stop libasn1c "$VERSION_libasn1c" ""
+echo " =============================== osmo-iuh ==============================="
+build_dep_and_stop osmo-iuh "$VERSION_osmo_iuh" ""
+echo " =============================== osmo-ggsn ==============================="
+build_dep_and_stop osmo-ggsn "$VERSION_osmo_ggsn" ""
diff --git a/generate_profile.sh b/generate_profile.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1e30e50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generate_profile.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+set -e
+get_version_date() {
+ ref=$1
+ git -C "$repo" show -s --format=%cd --date=iso "$ref^{commit}" | awk '{print $1}'
+if [ "$#" != "2" ]; then
+ echo "example: generate_profile.sh libosmocore /tmp/libosmocore.git"
+ exit 1
+echo -n "
+ \"Name\": \"$project\",
+ \"Title\": \"$project\",
+ \"SourceUrl\": \"https://git.osmocom.org/$project/\",
+ \"Git\": \"git://git.osmocom.org/$project\",
+ \"Maintainer\": \"Pau Espin Pedrol\",
+ \"MaintainerUrl\": \"http://pespin.espeweb.net/~pespin/tmp/osmocom/\",
+ \"Versions\": [
+ {
+ \"Number\": \"master\",
+ \"Installed\": \"../input/$project/master\",
+ \"Date\": \"$(get_version_date origin/master)\",
+ \"HeadersDiff\": \"Off\",
+ \"PkgDiff\": \"Off\",
+ \"ABIView\": \"Off\",
+ \"ABIDiff\": \"Off\"
+ }"
+for myv in $(./print_releases.sh $repo desc); do
+ echo -n ", {
+ \"Number\": \"$myv\",
+ \"Installed\": \"../input/$project/$myv\",
+ \"Date\": \"$(get_version_date $myv)\",
+ \"HeadersDiff\": \"Off\",
+ \"PkgDiff\": \"Off\",
+ \"ABIView\": \"Off\",
+ \"ABIDiff\": \"Off\"
+ }"
+echo "
+ ]
diff --git a/generate_reports.sh b/generate_reports.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c6e4591
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generate_reports.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+set -e
+. ./libs_track.sh.inc
+#rm -rf deps
+#rm -rf "$deploy"
+if [ "$action" != "prepare" ] && [ "$action" != "report" ]; then
+ echo "Non supported action"
+ exit 1
+generate_input_ext() {
+ project="$1"
+ version="$2"
+ project_underscore="$(echo $project | sed "s/-/_/g")"
+ input="$base/input/$project/$version" # this is the format used in profile files
+ mkdir -p "$input"
+ #abi-tracker expects to find files, not symlinks:
+ libs_var="LIBRARIES_${project_underscore}"
+ libs="${!libs_var}"
+ for f in $libs; do
+ orig="$(readlink -f $inst/lib/$f.so)"
+ cp -v $orig "$input/$(basename $orig)"
+ done
+ #abi-tracker looks for headers under Installed. Again, it doesn't support symlinks.
+ cp -rL $(readlink -f "$inst/include") "$input/include"
+generate_abi_dump_ext() {
+ project="$1"
+ version="$2"
+ echo "Generating report for $project $version ($profiles/$project.json)"
+ mkdir -p "$build" "$deploy"
+ pushd "$build"
+ abi-tracker -rebuild -t abidump -deploy "$deploy" -v "$version" "$profiles/$project.json"
+ abi-tracker -rebuild -t abireport -deploy "$deploy" -v "$version" "$profiles/$project.json"
+ abi-tracker -rebuild -global-index -t date -deploy "$deploy" -v "$version" "$profiles/$project.json"
+ cp "$build/index.html" "$deploy/index.html"
+ popd
+generate_input() {
+ project="$1"
+ project_underscore="$(echo $project | sed "s/-/_/g")"
+ version_var="VERSION_${project_underscore}"
+ version="${!version_var}"
+ generate_input_ext "$project" "$version"
+generate_abi_dump() {
+ project="$1"
+ project_underscore="$(echo $project | sed "s/-/_/g")"
+ version_var="VERSION_${project_underscore}"
+ version="${!version_var}"
+ generate_abi_dump_ext "$project" "$version"
+if [ "$action" == "prepare" ]; then
+ ./build_osmocom_libs.sh $project
+ generate_input $project
+elif [ "$action" == "report" ]; then
+ generate_abi_dump $project
diff --git a/libs_track.sh.inc b/libs_track.sh.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7003f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs_track.sh.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ libosmocore
+ libosmoctrl
+ libosmogb
+ libosmogsm
+ libosmosim
+ libosmocodec
+ libosmovty
+ "
+LIBRARIES_libosmo_abis="libosmoabis libosmotrau"
diff --git a/print_releases.sh b/print_releases.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6fe3613
--- /dev/null
+++ b/print_releases.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+cd $1
+if [ "$order" != "desc" ] && [ "$order" != "asc" ]; then
+ echo "order must be 'asc' or 'desc'"
+ exit 1
+if [ "$order" = "desc" ]; then
+ desc_flag="-"
+VERS="$(git tag -l --sort=${desc_flag}v:refname | grep "^[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*$")"
+echo $VERS
diff --git a/profiles/libasn1c.json b/profiles/libasn1c.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75dbc34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/profiles/libasn1c.json
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ "Name": "libasn1c",
+ "Title": "libasn1c",
+ "SourceUrl": "https://git.osmocom.org/libasn1c/",
+ "Git": "git://git.osmocom.org/libasn1c",
+ "Maintainer": "Pau Espin Pedrol",
+ "MaintainerUrl": "http://pespin.espeweb.net/~pespin/tmp/osmocom/",
+ "Versions": [
+ {
+ "Number": "master",
+ "Installed": "../input/libasn1c/master",
+ "Date": "2018-03-05",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.9.28",
+ "Installed": "../input/libasn1c/0.9.28",
+ "Date": "2017-10-27",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/profiles/libosmo-abis.json b/profiles/libosmo-abis.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..628ecae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/profiles/libosmo-abis.json
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ "Name": "libosmo-abis",
+ "Title": "libosmo-abis",
+ "SourceUrl": "https://git.osmocom.org/libosmo-abis/",
+ "Git": "git://git.osmocom.org/libosmo-abis",
+ "Maintainer": "Pau Espin Pedrol",
+ "MaintainerUrl": "http://pespin.espeweb.net/~pespin/tmp/osmocom/",
+ "Versions": [
+ {
+ "Number": "master",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmo-abis/master",
+ "Date": "2018-04-17",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.4.0",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmo-abis/0.4.0",
+ "Date": "2017-08-25",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.3.2",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmo-abis/0.3.2",
+ "Date": "2015-11-03",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.3.0",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmo-abis/0.3.0",
+ "Date": "2014-09-08",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/profiles/libosmo-netif.json b/profiles/libosmo-netif.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fe674d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/profiles/libosmo-netif.json
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+ "Name": "libosmo-netif",
+ "Title": "libosmo-netif",
+ "SourceUrl": "https://git.osmocom.org/libosmo-netif/",
+ "Git": "git://git.osmocom.org/libosmo-netif",
+ "Maintainer": "Pau Espin Pedrol",
+ "MaintainerUrl": "http://pespin.espeweb.net/~pespin/tmp/osmocom/",
+ "Versions": [
+ {
+ "Number": "master",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmo-netif/master",
+ "Date": "2018-04-17",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.1.1",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmo-netif/0.1.1",
+ "Date": "2017-10-28",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.1.0",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmo-netif/0.1.0",
+ "Date": "2017-10-27",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.0.8",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmo-netif/0.0.8",
+ "Date": "2017-10-17",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.0.6",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmo-netif/0.0.6",
+ "Date": "2015-11-03",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.0.5",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmo-netif/0.0.5",
+ "Date": "2015-08-23",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.0.4",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmo-netif/0.0.4",
+ "Date": "2014-09-08",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.0.3",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmo-netif/0.0.3",
+ "Date": "2014-05-22",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.0.2",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmo-netif/0.0.2",
+ "Date": "2013-05-22",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.0.1",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmo-netif/0.0.1",
+ "Date": "2012-02-23",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/profiles/libosmo-sccp.json b/profiles/libosmo-sccp.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9fab5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/profiles/libosmo-sccp.json
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+ "Name": "libosmo-sccp",
+ "Title": "libosmo-sccp",
+ "SourceUrl": "https://git.osmocom.org/libosmo-sccp/",
+ "Git": "git://git.osmocom.org/libosmo-sccp",
+ "Maintainer": "Pau Espin Pedrol",
+ "MaintainerUrl": "http://pespin.espeweb.net/~pespin/tmp/osmocom/",
+ "Versions": [
+ {
+ "Number": "master",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmo-sccp/master",
+ "Date": "2018-04-17",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.8.1",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmo-sccp/0.8.1",
+ "Date": "2017-10-28",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.8.0",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmo-sccp/0.8.0",
+ "Date": "2017-10-27",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.7.0",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmo-sccp/0.7.0",
+ "Date": "2015-08-01",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.0.6",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmo-sccp/0.0.6",
+ "Date": "2011-06-04",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.0.5",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmo-sccp/0.0.5",
+ "Date": "2011-03-23",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.0.4",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmo-sccp/0.0.4",
+ "Date": "2011-02-25",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.0.3",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmo-sccp/0.0.3",
+ "Date": "2010-08-25",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.0.2",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmo-sccp/0.0.2",
+ "Date": "2010-08-03",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.0.1",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmo-sccp/0.0.1",
+ "Date": "2010-07-30",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/profiles/libosmocore.json b/profiles/libosmocore.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbf52a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/profiles/libosmocore.json
@@ -0,0 +1,590 @@
+ "Name": "libosmocore",
+ "Title": "libosmocore",
+ "SourceUrl": "https://git.osmocom.org/libosmocore/",
+ "Git": "git://git.osmocom.org/libosmocore",
+ "Maintainer": "Pau Espin Pedrol",
+ "MaintainerUrl": "http://pespin.espeweb.net/~pespin/tmp/osmocom/",
+ "Versions": [
+ {
+ "Number": "master",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmocore/master",
+ "Date": "2018-04-19",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.10.2",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmocore/0.10.2",
+ "Date": "2017-11-02",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.10.1",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmocore/0.10.1",
+ "Date": "2017-10-29",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.10.0",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmocore/0.10.0",
+ "Date": "2017-10-27",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.9.6",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmocore/0.9.6",
+ "Date": "2016-12-11",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.9.5",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmocore/0.9.5",
+ "Date": "2016-12-11",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.9.4",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmocore/0.9.4",
+ "Date": "2016-05-06",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.9.3",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmocore/0.9.3",
+ "Date": "2015-11-09",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.9.0",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmocore/0.9.0",
+ "Date": "2015-11-03",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.8.3",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmocore/0.8.3",
+ "Date": "2015-08-23",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.8.2",
+ "Installed": "../input/libosmocore/0.8.2",
+ "Date": "2015-08-01",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
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index 0000000..339a7a1
--- /dev/null
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+ "Name": "osmo-ggsn",
+ "Title": "osmo-ggsn",
+ "SourceUrl": "https://git.osmocom.org/osmo-ggsn/",
+ "Git": "git://git.osmocom.org/osmo-ggsn",
+ "Maintainer": "Pau Espin Pedrol",
+ "MaintainerUrl": "http://pespin.espeweb.net/~pespin/tmp/osmocom/",
+ "Versions": [
+ {
+ "Number": "master",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-ggsn/master",
+ "Date": "2018-04-17",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "1.1.0",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-ggsn/1.1.0",
+ "Date": "2017-10-28",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "1.0.0",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-ggsn/1.0.0",
+ "Date": "2017-09-06",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }
+ ]
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--- /dev/null
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+ "Name": "osmo-hlr",
+ "Title": "osmo-hlr",
+ "SourceUrl": "https://git.osmocom.org/osmo-hlr/",
+ "Git": "git://git.osmocom.org/osmo-hlr",
+ "Maintainer": "Pau Espin Pedrol",
+ "MaintainerUrl": "http://pespin.espeweb.net/~pespin/tmp/osmocom/",
+ "Versions": [
+ {
+ "Number": "master",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-hlr/master",
+ "Date": "2018-04-17",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.1.0",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-hlr/0.1.0",
+ "Date": "2017-10-28",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.0.1",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-hlr/0.0.1",
+ "Date": "2016-11-11",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }
+ ]
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index 0000000..bb6e6d8
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ "Name": "osmo-iuh",
+ "Title": "osmo-iuh",
+ "SourceUrl": "https://git.osmocom.org/osmo-iuh/",
+ "Git": "git://git.osmocom.org/osmo-iuh",
+ "Maintainer": "Pau Espin Pedrol",
+ "MaintainerUrl": "http://pespin.espeweb.net/~pespin/tmp/osmocom/",
+ "Versions": [
+ {
+ "Number": "master",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-iuh/master",
+ "Date": "2018-03-21",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.2.0",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-iuh/0.2.0",
+ "Date": "2017-10-27",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.1.0",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-iuh/0.1.0",
+ "Date": "2017-08-13",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }
+ ]
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--- /dev/null
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+ "Name": "osmo-mgw",
+ "Title": "osmo-mgw",
+ "SourceUrl": "https://git.osmocom.org/osmo-mgw/",
+ "Git": "git://git.osmocom.org/osmo-mgw",
+ "Maintainer": "Pau Espin Pedrol",
+ "MaintainerUrl": "http://pespin.espeweb.net/~pespin/tmp/osmocom/",
+ "Versions": [
+ {
+ "Number": "master",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-mgw/master",
+ "Date": "2018-04-17",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "1.2.0",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-mgw/1.2.0",
+ "Date": "2017-11-10",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "1.1.0",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-mgw/1.1.0",
+ "Date": "2017-10-28",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "1.0.2",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-mgw/1.0.2",
+ "Date": "2017-09-14",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "1.0.1",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-mgw/1.0.1",
+ "Date": "2017-06-22",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }
+ ]
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--- /dev/null
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+ "Title": "osmo-msc",
+ "SourceUrl": "https://git.osmocom.org/osmo-msc/",
+ "Git": "git://git.osmocom.org/osmo-msc",
+ "Maintainer": "Pau Espin Pedrol",
+ "MaintainerUrl": "http://pespin.espeweb.net/~pespin/tmp/osmocom/",
+ "Versions": [
+ {
+ "Number": "master",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-msc/master",
+ "Date": "2018-04-17",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "1.1.2",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-msc/1.1.2",
+ "Date": "2017-10-29",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "1.1.1",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-msc/1.1.1",
+ "Date": "2017-10-28",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "1.1.0",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-msc/1.1.0",
+ "Date": "2017-10-28",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "1.0.1",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-msc/1.0.1",
+ "Date": "2017-06-22",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }
+ ]
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--- /dev/null
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+ "Name": "osmo-pcu",
+ "Title": "osmo-pcu",
+ "SourceUrl": "https://git.osmocom.org/osmo-pcu/",
+ "Git": "git://git.osmocom.org/osmo-pcu",
+ "Maintainer": "Pau Espin Pedrol",
+ "MaintainerUrl": "http://pespin.espeweb.net/~pespin/tmp/osmocom/",
+ "Versions": [
+ {
+ "Number": "master",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-pcu/master",
+ "Date": "2018-04-12",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.4.0",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-pcu/0.4.0",
+ "Date": "2017-10-29",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.2.0",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-pcu/0.2.0",
+ "Date": "2013-03-17",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.2",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-pcu/0.2",
+ "Date": "2013-03-17",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.1.0",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-pcu/0.1.0",
+ "Date": "2013-01-17",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.1",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-pcu/0.1",
+ "Date": "2013-01-17",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }
+ ]
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index 0000000..eacd844
--- /dev/null
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+ "Title": "osmo-sgsn",
+ "SourceUrl": "https://git.osmocom.org/osmo-sgsn/",
+ "Git": "git://git.osmocom.org/osmo-sgsn",
+ "Maintainer": "Pau Espin Pedrol",
+ "MaintainerUrl": "http://pespin.espeweb.net/~pespin/tmp/osmocom/",
+ "Versions": [
+ {
+ "Number": "master",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-sgsn/master",
+ "Date": "2018-04-16",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "1.2.0",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-sgsn/1.2.0",
+ "Date": "2017-10-28",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "1.1.0",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-sgsn/1.1.0",
+ "Date": "2017-08-30",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "1.0.1",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-sgsn/1.0.1",
+ "Date": "2017-06-22",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.15.0",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-sgsn/0.15.0",
+ "Date": "2015-10-12",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.14.0",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-sgsn/0.14.0",
+ "Date": "2015-02-10",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.13.0",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-sgsn/0.13.0",
+ "Date": "2013-03-13",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.12.0",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-sgsn/0.12.0",
+ "Date": "2012-06-17",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.11.0",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-sgsn/0.11.0",
+ "Date": "2012-05-18",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.10.1",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-sgsn/0.10.1",
+ "Date": "2012-01-11",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.10.0",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-sgsn/0.10.0",
+ "Date": "2011-10-10",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.9.16",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-sgsn/0.9.16",
+ "Date": "2011-08-20",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.9.15",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-sgsn/0.9.15",
+ "Date": "2011-08-19",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.9.14",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-sgsn/0.9.14",
+ "Date": "2011-06-29",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.9.13",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-sgsn/0.9.13",
+ "Date": "2011-03-05",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.9.12",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-sgsn/0.9.12",
+ "Date": "2011-02-28",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.9.11",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-sgsn/0.9.11",
+ "Date": "2010-11-02",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.9.10",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-sgsn/0.9.10",
+ "Date": "2010-10-28",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.9.9",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-sgsn/0.9.9",
+ "Date": "2010-10-27",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.9.8",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-sgsn/0.9.8",
+ "Date": "2010-09-20",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.9.6",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-sgsn/0.9.6",
+ "Date": "2010-09-15",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.9.5",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-sgsn/0.9.5",
+ "Date": "2010-09-01",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.9.4",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-sgsn/0.9.4",
+ "Date": "2010-08-06",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.9.3",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-sgsn/0.9.3",
+ "Date": "2010-08-05",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.9.2",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-sgsn/0.9.2",
+ "Date": "2010-08-05",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.9.1",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-sgsn/0.9.1",
+ "Date": "2010-08-03",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.9.0",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-sgsn/0.9.0",
+ "Date": "2010-03-22",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/profiles/osmo-trx.json b/profiles/osmo-trx.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48d2375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/profiles/osmo-trx.json
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ "Name": "osmo-trx",
+ "Title": "osmo-trx",
+ "SourceUrl": "https://git.osmocom.org/osmo-trx/",
+ "Git": "git://git.osmocom.org/osmo-trx",
+ "Maintainer": "Pau Espin Pedrol",
+ "MaintainerUrl": "http://pespin.espeweb.net/~pespin/tmp/osmocom/",
+ "Versions": [
+ {
+ "Number": "master",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-trx/master",
+ "Date": "2018-04-16",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.3.0",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-trx/0.3.0",
+ "Date": "2018-03-05",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }, {
+ "Number": "0.2.0",
+ "Installed": "../input/osmo-trx/0.2.0",
+ "Date": "2017-10-28",
+ "HeadersDiff": "Off",
+ "PkgDiff": "Off",
+ "ABIView": "Off",
+ "ABIDiff": "Off"
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/run_all_project_versions.sh b/run_all_project_versions.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cd7691c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/run_all_project_versions.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+projects_defaults="libosmocore libosmo-abis libosmo-netif libosmo-sccp libasn1c libsmpp34 osmo-iuh osmo-ggsn osmo-mgw"
+if [ "x$PROJECTS" = "x" ]; then PROJECTS="$projects_defaults"; fi
+run_repo() {
+ local action=$1
+ local project=$2
+ local project_underscore="$(echo $project | sed "s/-/_/g")"
+ local versions=$3
+ local vs="$3"
+ if [ "$versions" = "latest" ]; then
+ vs="$(./print_releases.sh $REPO_PREFIX/$project asc | awk '{print $NF}')"
+ elif [ "$versions" = "all" ]; then
+ vs="$(./print_releases.sh $REPO_PREFIX/$project asc)"
+ fi
+ # Prepare all project versions
+ for v in $vs; do
+ version_var="VERSION_${project_underscore}"
+ export $version_var=$v
+ echo "$action version $v for $project"
+ ./generate_reports.sh $project $action
+ done
+for p in $PROJECTS; do
+ if [ "$action" = "prepare" ] || [ "$action" = "all" ]; then
+ run_repo prepare $p $versions
+ fi
+ if [ "$action" = "report" ] || [ "$action" = "all" ]; then
+ run_repo report $p $versions
+ fi