/* * (C) 2014 by Sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH * (C) 2014 by On-Waves * All Rights Reserved * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include #include #include #include "bscconfig.h" #include "g711common.h" #include #ifdef HAVE_BCG729 #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include enum audio_format { AF_INVALID, AF_S16, AF_L16, AF_GSM, AF_G729, AF_PCMA }; struct mgcp_process_rtp_state { /* decoding */ enum audio_format src_fmt; union { gsm gsm_handle; #ifdef HAVE_BCG729 bcg729DecoderChannelContextStruct *g729_dec; #endif } src; size_t src_frame_size; size_t src_samples_per_frame; /* processing */ /* encoding */ enum audio_format dst_fmt; union { gsm gsm_handle; #ifdef HAVE_BCG729 bcg729EncoderChannelContextStruct *g729_enc; #endif } dst; size_t dst_frame_size; size_t dst_samples_per_frame; }; int mgcp_transcoding_get_frame_size(void *state_, int nsamples, int dst) { struct mgcp_process_rtp_state *state = state_; if (dst) return (nsamples >= 0 ? nsamples / state->dst_samples_per_frame : 1) * state->dst_frame_size; else return (nsamples >= 0 ? nsamples / state->src_samples_per_frame : 1) * state->src_frame_size; } static enum audio_format get_audio_format(const struct mgcp_rtp_end *rtp_end) { if (rtp_end->subtype_name) { if (!strcmp("GSM", rtp_end->subtype_name)) return AF_GSM; if (!strcmp("PCMA", rtp_end->subtype_name)) return AF_PCMA; #ifdef HAVE_BCG729 if (!strcmp("G729", rtp_end->subtype_name)) return AF_G729; #endif if (!strcmp("L16", rtp_end->subtype_name)) return AF_L16; } switch (rtp_end->payload_type) { case 3 /* GSM */: return AF_GSM; case 8 /* PCMA */: return AF_PCMA; #ifdef HAVE_BCG729 case 18 /* G.729 */: return AF_G729; #endif case 11 /* L16 */: return AF_L16; default: return AF_INVALID; } } static void l16_encode(short *sample, unsigned char *buf, size_t n) { for (; n > 0; --n, ++sample, buf += 2) { buf[0] = sample[0] >> 8; buf[1] = sample[0] & 0xff; } } static void l16_decode(unsigned char *buf, short *sample, size_t n) { for (; n > 0; --n, ++sample, buf += 2) sample[0] = ((short)buf[0] << 8) | buf[1]; } static void alaw_encode(short *sample, unsigned char *buf, size_t n) { for (; n > 0; --n) *(buf++) = s16_to_alaw(*(sample++)); } static void alaw_decode(unsigned char *buf, short *sample, size_t n) { for (; n > 0; --n) *(sample++) = alaw_to_s16(*(buf++)); } static int processing_state_destructor(struct mgcp_process_rtp_state *state) { switch (state->src_fmt) { case AF_GSM: if (state->dst.gsm_handle) gsm_destroy(state->src.gsm_handle); break; #ifdef HAVE_BCG729 case AF_G729: if (state->src.g729_dec) closeBcg729DecoderChannel(state->src.g729_dec); break; #endif default: break; } switch (state->dst_fmt) { case AF_GSM: if (state->dst.gsm_handle) gsm_destroy(state->dst.gsm_handle); break; #ifdef HAVE_BCG729 case AF_G729: if (state->dst.g729_enc) closeBcg729EncoderChannel(state->dst.g729_enc); break; #endif default: break; } return 0; } int mgcp_transcoding_setup(struct mgcp_endpoint *endp, struct mgcp_rtp_end *dst_end, struct mgcp_rtp_end *src_end) { struct mgcp_process_rtp_state *state; enum audio_format src_fmt, dst_fmt; /* cleanup first */ if (dst_end->rtp_process_data) { talloc_free(dst_end->rtp_process_data); dst_end->rtp_process_data = NULL; } if (!src_end) return 0; src_fmt = get_audio_format(src_end); dst_fmt = get_audio_format(dst_end); LOGP(DMGCP, LOGL_ERROR, "Checking transcoding: %s (%d) -> %s (%d)\n", src_end->subtype_name, src_end->payload_type, dst_end->subtype_name, dst_end->payload_type); if (src_fmt == AF_INVALID || dst_fmt == AF_INVALID) { if (!src_end->subtype_name || !dst_end->subtype_name) /* Not enough info, do nothing */ return 0; if (strcmp(src_end->subtype_name, dst_end->subtype_name) == 0) /* Nothing to do */ return 0; LOGP(DMGCP, LOGL_ERROR, "Cannot transcode: %s codec not supported (%s -> %s).\n", src_fmt != AF_INVALID ? "destination" : "source", src_end->audio_name, dst_end->audio_name); return -EINVAL; } if (src_end->rate && dst_end->rate && src_end->rate != dst_end->rate) { LOGP(DMGCP, LOGL_ERROR, "Cannot transcode: rate conversion (%d -> %d) not supported.\n", src_end->rate, dst_end->rate); return -EINVAL; } state = talloc_zero(endp->tcfg->cfg, struct mgcp_process_rtp_state); talloc_set_destructor(state, processing_state_destructor); dst_end->rtp_process_data = state; state->src_fmt = src_fmt; switch (state->src_fmt) { case AF_L16: case AF_S16: state->src_frame_size = 80 * sizeof(short); state->src_samples_per_frame = 80; break; case AF_GSM: state->src_frame_size = sizeof(gsm_frame); state->src_samples_per_frame = 160; state->src.gsm_handle = gsm_create(); if (!state->src.gsm_handle) { LOGP(DMGCP, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to initialize GSM decoder.\n"); return -EINVAL; } break; #ifdef HAVE_BCG729 case AF_G729: state->src_frame_size = 10; state->src_samples_per_frame = 80; state->src.g729_dec = initBcg729DecoderChannel(); if (!state->src.g729_dec) { LOGP(DMGCP, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to initialize G.729 decoder.\n"); return -EINVAL; } break; #endif case AF_PCMA: state->src_frame_size = 80; state->src_samples_per_frame = 80; break; default: break; } state->dst_fmt = dst_fmt; switch (state->dst_fmt) { case AF_L16: case AF_S16: state->dst_frame_size = 80*sizeof(short); state->dst_samples_per_frame = 80; break; case AF_GSM: state->dst_frame_size = sizeof(gsm_frame); state->dst_samples_per_frame = 160; state->dst.gsm_handle = gsm_create(); if (!state->dst.gsm_handle) { LOGP(DMGCP, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to initialize GSM encoder.\n"); return -EINVAL; } break; #ifdef HAVE_BCG729 case AF_G729: state->dst_frame_size = 10; state->dst_samples_per_frame = 80; state->dst.g729_enc = initBcg729EncoderChannel(); if (!state->dst.g729_enc) { LOGP(DMGCP, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to initialize G.729 decoder.\n"); return -EINVAL; } break; #endif case AF_PCMA: state->dst_frame_size = 80; state->dst_samples_per_frame = 80; break; default: break; } LOGP(DMGCP, LOGL_INFO, "Initialized RTP processing on: 0x%x " "conv: %d (%d, %d, %s) -> %d (%d, %d, %s)\n", ENDPOINT_NUMBER(endp), src_fmt, src_end->payload_type, src_end->rate, src_end->fmtp_extra, dst_fmt, dst_end->payload_type, dst_end->rate, dst_end->fmtp_extra); return 0; } void mgcp_transcoding_net_downlink_format(struct mgcp_endpoint *endp, int *payload_type, const char**audio_name, const char**fmtp_extra) { struct mgcp_process_rtp_state *state = endp->net_end.rtp_process_data; if (!state || endp->net_end.payload_type < 0) { *payload_type = endp->bts_end.payload_type; *audio_name = endp->bts_end.audio_name; *fmtp_extra = endp->bts_end.fmtp_extra; return; } *payload_type = endp->net_end.payload_type; *fmtp_extra = endp->net_end.fmtp_extra; *audio_name = endp->net_end.audio_name; } int mgcp_transcoding_process_rtp(struct mgcp_endpoint *endp, struct mgcp_rtp_end *dst_end, char *data, int *len, int buf_size) { struct mgcp_process_rtp_state *state = dst_end->rtp_process_data; size_t rtp_hdr_size = 12; char *payload_data = data + rtp_hdr_size; int payload_len = *len - rtp_hdr_size; size_t sample_cnt = 0; size_t sample_idx; int16_t samples[10*160]; uint8_t *src = (uint8_t *)payload_data; uint8_t *dst = (uint8_t *)payload_data; size_t nbytes = payload_len; size_t frame_remainder; if (!state) return 0; if (state->src_fmt == state->dst_fmt) return 0; /* TODO: check payload type (-> G.711 comfort noise) */ /* Decode src into samples */ while (nbytes >= state->src_frame_size) { if (sample_cnt + state->src_samples_per_frame > ARRAY_SIZE(samples)) { LOGP(DMGCP, LOGL_ERROR, "Sample buffer too small: %d > %d.\n", sample_cnt + state->src_samples_per_frame, ARRAY_SIZE(samples)); return -ENOSPC; } switch (state->src_fmt) { case AF_GSM: if (gsm_decode(state->src.gsm_handle, (gsm_byte *)src, samples + sample_cnt) < 0) { LOGP(DMGCP, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to decode GSM.\n"); return -EINVAL; } break; #ifdef HAVE_BCG729 case AF_G729: bcg729Decoder(state->src.g729_dec, src, 0, samples + sample_cnt); break; #endif case AF_PCMA: alaw_decode(src, samples + sample_cnt, state->src_samples_per_frame); break; case AF_S16: memmove(samples + sample_cnt, src, state->src_frame_size); break; case AF_L16: l16_decode(src, samples + sample_cnt, state->src_samples_per_frame); break; default: break; } src += state->src_frame_size; nbytes -= state->src_frame_size; sample_cnt += state->src_samples_per_frame; } /* Add silence if necessary */ frame_remainder = sample_cnt % state->dst_samples_per_frame; if (frame_remainder) { size_t silence = state->dst_samples_per_frame - frame_remainder; if (sample_cnt + silence > ARRAY_SIZE(samples)) { LOGP(DMGCP, LOGL_ERROR, "Sample buffer too small for silence: %d > %d.\n", sample_cnt + silence, ARRAY_SIZE(samples)); return -ENOSPC; } while (silence > 0) { samples[sample_cnt] = 0; sample_cnt += 1; silence -= 1; } } /* Encode samples into dst */ sample_idx = 0; nbytes = 0; while (sample_idx + state->dst_samples_per_frame <= sample_cnt) { if (nbytes + state->dst_frame_size > buf_size) { LOGP(DMGCP, LOGL_ERROR, "Encoding (RTP) buffer too small: %d > %d.\n", nbytes + state->dst_frame_size, buf_size); return -ENOSPC; } switch (state->dst_fmt) { case AF_GSM: gsm_encode(state->dst.gsm_handle, samples + sample_idx, dst); break; #ifdef HAVE_BCG729 case AF_G729: bcg729Encoder(state->dst.g729_enc, samples + sample_idx, dst); break; #endif case AF_PCMA: alaw_encode(samples + sample_idx, dst, state->src_samples_per_frame); break; case AF_S16: memmove(dst, samples + sample_idx, state->dst_frame_size); break; case AF_L16: l16_encode(samples + sample_idx, dst, state->src_samples_per_frame); break; default: break; } dst += state->dst_frame_size; nbytes += state->dst_frame_size; sample_idx += state->dst_samples_per_frame; } *len = rtp_hdr_size + nbytes; /* Patch payload type */ data[1] = (data[1] & 0x80) | (dst_end->payload_type & 0x7f); return 0; }