-- Simple LUA script to print the size of BSSGP messages over their type... do local ip_bucket = {} local function init_listener() -- handle the port as NS over IP local udp_port_table = DissectorTable.get("udp.port") local gprs_ns_dis = Dissector.get("gprs_ns") udp_port_table:add(23000,gprs_ns_dis) -- bssgp filters local bssgp_pdu_get = Field.new("bssgp.pdu_type") local udp_length_get = Field.new("udp.length") local tap = Listener.new("ip", "udp.port == 23000") function tap.packet(pinfo,tvb,ip) local pdu = bssgp_pdu_get() local len = udp_length_get() -- only handle bssgp, but we also want the IP frame if not pdu then return end pdu = tostring(pdu) if tonumber(pdu) == 0 or tonumber(pdu) == 1 then return end local ip_src = tostring(ip.ip_src) local bssgp_histo = ip_bucket[ip_src] if not bssgp_histo then bssgp_histo = {} ip_bucket[ip_src] = bssgp_histo end local key = pdu local bucket = bssgp_histo[key] if not bucket then bucket = {} bssgp_histo[key] = bucket end table.insert(bucket, tostring(len)) print("IP: " .. ip_src .. " PDU: " .. pdu .. " Length: " .. tostring(len)) end function tap.draw() -- well... this will not be called... -- for ip,bssgp_histo in pairs(dumpers) do -- print("IP " .. ip) -- end end function tap.reset() -- well... this will not be called... end end init_listener() end