===== NS protocol test START --- Create via RESET (round 0) --- PROCESSING RESET from 0x01020304:1111 02 00 81 01 01 82 10 01 04 82 10 00 ==> got signal NS_RESET, NS-VC 0x1001/ MESSAGE to BSS, msg length 9 03 01 82 10 01 04 82 10 00 MESSAGE to BSS, msg length 1 0a result (RESET) = 9 Current NS-VCIs: VCI 0x1001, NSEI 0x1000, peer 0x01020304:1111, blocked --- Delete nsvc object (round 0)--- Current NS-VCIs: --- Create via RESET (round 1) --- PROCESSING RESET from 0x01020304:1111 02 00 81 01 01 82 10 01 04 82 10 00 ==> got signal NS_RESET, NS-VC 0x1001/ MESSAGE to BSS, msg length 9 03 01 82 10 01 04 82 10 00 MESSAGE to BSS, msg length 1 0a result (RESET) = 9 Current NS-VCIs: VCI 0x1001, NSEI 0x1000, peer 0x01020304:1111, blocked --- Delete nsvc object (round 1)--- Current NS-VCIs: --- Create via RESET (round 2) --- PROCESSING RESET from 0x01020304:1111 02 00 81 01 01 82 10 01 04 82 10 00 ==> got signal NS_RESET, NS-VC 0x1001/ MESSAGE to BSS, msg length 9 03 01 82 10 01 04 82 10 00 MESSAGE to BSS, msg length 1 0a result (RESET) = 9 Current NS-VCIs: VCI 0x1001, NSEI 0x1000, peer 0x01020304:1111, blocked --- Delete nsvc object (round 2)--- Current NS-VCIs: --- Create via RESET (round 3) --- PROCESSING RESET from 0x01020304:1111 02 00 81 01 01 82 10 01 04 82 10 00 ==> got signal NS_RESET, NS-VC 0x1001/ MESSAGE to BSS, msg length 9 03 01 82 10 01 04 82 10 00 MESSAGE to BSS, msg length 1 0a result (RESET) = 9 Current NS-VCIs: VCI 0x1001, NSEI 0x1000, peer 0x01020304:1111, blocked --- Delete nsvc object (round 3)--- Current NS-VCIs: --- Process timers --- --- Setup, send BSSGP RESET --- Setup NS-VC: remote 0x01020304:1111, NSVCI 0x1122(4386), NSEI 0x1122(4386) PROCESSING RESET from 0x01020304:1111 02 00 81 01 01 82 11 22 04 82 11 22 ==> got signal NS_RESET, NS-VC 0x1122/ MESSAGE to BSS, msg length 9 03 01 82 11 22 04 82 11 22 MESSAGE to BSS, msg length 1 0a result (RESET) = 9 PROCESSING ALIVE from 0x01020304:1111 0a MESSAGE to BSS, msg length 1 0b result (ALIVE) = 1 PROCESSING UNBLOCK from 0x01020304:1111 06 ==> got signal NS_UNBLOCK, NS-VC 0x1122/ MESSAGE to BSS, msg length 1 07 result (UNBLOCK) = 1 PROCESSING ALIVE_ACK from 0x01020304:1111 0b result (ALIVE_ACK) = 0 Current NS-VCIs: VCI 0x1122, NSEI 0x1122, peer 0x01020304:1111 PROCESSING BSSGP RESET from 0x01020304:1111 00 00 00 00 22 04 82 4a 2e 07 81 08 08 88 10 20 30 40 50 60 10 00 CALLBACK, event 0, msg length 18, bvci 0x0000 22 04 82 4a 2e 07 81 08 08 88 10 20 30 40 50 60 10 00 result (BSSGP RESET) = 0 --- Peer port changes, RESET, message remains unchanged --- PROCESSING RESET from 0x01020304:2222 02 00 81 01 01 82 11 22 04 82 11 22 ==> got signal NS_RESET, NS-VC 0x1122/ MESSAGE to BSS, msg length 9 03 01 82 11 22 04 82 11 22 MESSAGE to BSS, msg length 1 0a result (RESET) = 9 Current NS-VCIs: VCI 0x1122, NSEI 0x1122, peer 0x01020304:2222, blocked --- Peer port changes, RESET, VCI changes --- PROCESSING RESET from 0x01020304:3333 02 00 81 01 01 82 33 44 04 82 11 22 ==> got signal NS_RESET, NS-VC 0x3344/ MESSAGE to BSS, msg length 9 03 01 82 33 44 04 82 11 22 MESSAGE to BSS, msg length 1 0a result (RESET) = 9 Current NS-VCIs: VCI 0x3344, NSEI 0x1122, peer 0x01020304:3333, blocked VCI 0x1122, NSEI 0x1122, peer 0x01020304:2222, blocked --- Peer port changes, RESET, NSEI changes --- PROCESSING RESET from 0x01020304:4444 02 00 81 01 01 82 11 22 04 82 33 44 ==> got signal NS_RESET, NS-VC 0x1122/ MESSAGE to BSS, msg length 9 03 01 82 11 22 04 82 33 44 MESSAGE to BSS, msg length 1 0a result (RESET) = 9 Current NS-VCIs: VCI 0x3344, NSEI 0x1122, peer 0x01020304:3333, blocked VCI 0x1122, NSEI 0x3344, peer 0x01020304:4444, blocked NS-VC changed NSEI : 1 --- Peer port 3333, RESET, VCI is changed back --- PROCESSING RESET from 0x01020304:3333 02 00 81 01 01 82 11 22 04 82 11 22 ==> got signal NS_REPLACED: 0x1122/ -> 0x3344/ ==> got signal NS_RESET, NS-VC 0x1122/ MESSAGE to BSS, msg length 9 03 01 82 11 22 04 82 11 22 MESSAGE to BSS, msg length 1 0a result (RESET) = 9 Current NS-VCIs: VCI 0x3344, NSEI 0x1122, peer 0x00000000:0, blocked VCI 0x1122, NSEI 0x1122, peer 0x01020304:3333, blocked NS-VC replaced other count: 1 NS-VC changed NSEI : 2 --- Peer port 4444, RESET, NSEI is changed back --- PROCESSING RESET from 0x01020304:4444 02 00 81 01 01 82 11 22 04 82 11 22 ==> got signal NS_RESET, NS-VC 0x1122/ MESSAGE to BSS, msg length 9 03 01 82 11 22 04 82 11 22 MESSAGE to BSS, msg length 1 0a result (RESET) = 9 Current NS-VCIs: VCI 0x3344, NSEI 0x1122, peer 0x00000000:0, blocked VCI 0x1122, NSEI 0x1122, peer 0x01020304:4444, blocked NS-VC replaced other count: 1 NS-VC changed NSEI : 2 Current NS-VCIs: --- Send message to SGSN --- SENDING BSSGP RESET to NSEI 0x0100, BVCI 0x0000 NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 18 22 04 82 4a 2e 07 81 08 08 88 10 20 30 40 50 60 10 00 result (BSSGP RESET) = -22 --- Setup dead connection to SGSN --- MESSAGE to SGSN, msg length 12 02 00 81 01 01 82 01 01 04 82 01 00 Current NS-VCIs: VCI 0x0101, NSEI 0x0100, peer 0x05060708:32000, blocked, dead --- Send message to SGSN --- SENDING BSSGP RESET to NSEI 0x0100, BVCI 0x0000 NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 18 22 04 82 4a 2e 07 81 08 08 88 10 20 30 40 50 60 10 00 result (BSSGP RESET) = -16 --- Make connection to SGSN alive --- PROCESSING RESET_ACK from 0x05060708:32000 03 01 82 01 01 04 82 01 00 MESSAGE to SGSN, msg length 1 0a result (RESET_ACK) = 1 PROCESSING ALIVE_ACK from 0x05060708:32000 0b MESSAGE to SGSN, msg length 1 06 result (ALIVE_ACK) = 1 Current NS-VCIs: VCI 0x0101, NSEI 0x0100, peer 0x05060708:32000, blocked NS-VC Block count : 1 --- Send message to SGSN --- SENDING BSSGP RESET to NSEI 0x0100, BVCI 0x0000 NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 18 22 04 82 4a 2e 07 81 08 08 88 10 20 30 40 50 60 10 00 result (BSSGP RESET) = -16 --- Unblock connection to SGSN --- PROCESSING UNBLOCK_ACK from 0x05060708:32000 07 ==> got signal NS_UNBLOCK, NS-VC 0x0101/ result (UNBLOCK_ACK) = 0 PROCESSING ALIVE from 0x05060708:32000 0a MESSAGE to SGSN, msg length 1 0b result (ALIVE) = 1 Current NS-VCIs: VCI 0x0101, NSEI 0x0100, peer 0x05060708:32000 NS-VC Block count : 1 --- Send message to SGSN --- SENDING BSSGP RESET to NSEI 0x0100, BVCI 0x0000 NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0000, msg length 18 22 04 82 4a 2e 07 81 08 08 88 10 20 30 40 50 60 10 00 MESSAGE to SGSN, msg length 22 00 00 00 00 22 04 82 4a 2e 07 81 08 08 88 10 20 30 40 50 60 10 00 result (BSSGP RESET) = 22 --- Send empty message with BVCI to SGSN --- SENDING [empty] to NSEI 0x0100, BVCI 0x0102 NS UNITDATA MESSAGE to SGSN, BVCI 0x0102, msg length 0 MESSAGE to SGSN, msg length 4 00 00 01 02 result ([empty]) = 4 ===== NS protocol test END